She hadn't seen another car for almost twenty minutes, so she thought no one would notice her speed a little. At least not until a county police car appeared right behind her with it’s lights flashing. Lacey cursed at herself and slowly pulled over to the side of the road. She got a nervous feeling in her chest, she’d been stopped before on other occasions, and was warned that if she got in trouble again, her license would be revoked. She couldn't afford to be stopped right now, not when her boyfriend was still hours away.
The police car was stopped right behind her, and the officer approached her window now. As he came into Lacey’s view, she was met with a pretty good-looking face, short brown hair, blue eyes, cleanly shaven, and she could tell he was fairly fit under his well-pressed uniform. He asked the usual questions.
“License, registration, and proof of insurance, please.” His voice was authoritative, but there was still a sense of youth in it.
“OK.” She replied, she took her license out of her purse and the other documents out of the glove compartment and handed them to him.
After the officer looked her information over, he turned to her, “Are you aware of how fast you were going?”
“Ummm...not really.” She feigned ignorance. It was stupid, but it was the only reaction she could come up with.
“The speed limit here is thirty-five, I clocked you at forty-two.”
Lacey was silent a moment, then replied, “I’m really sorry, officer.”
“Wait here a minute, please.” And he walked back to his car.
Is he going to run my information on his computer? she thought. If he did, she would likely be arrested right then. All she could do was wait with bated breath until he returned, she kept tapping the steering wheel with her thumbs, her heart picked up pace. The officer finally reappeared at her window.
“Would you step out of the car, please?” He spoke with a bit more authority this time.
Reluctantly, she opened her car door and stepped out onto the road. Lacey could feel the officer’s eyes moving down her body, from the white tank top that covered her C-cup breasts, down her slender body to her khaki skirt that barely covered her ass, and down her long legs. It was summer, so she preferred to dress lightly. The officer guided her to his car, and stopped next to the hood.
“Ma’am, you’ve been warned by the judge about your driving record. I’ll have to ask you to turn around, lean over, and place your hands on the hood.” His voice sounded a lot like her boyfriend’s, and this brought up memories of the role-playing they would have in the bedroom.
Her boyfriend would bend her over the bed, handcuff her, then have his way with her. This was brought on when she told him months ago that she always had this fantasy of getting fucked by a cop on the hood of his car. And since then, they had role-played that scenario many times in the bedroom. But this was a serious situation, no games. She turned around, bent over a bit, and held herself up with her hands on the hood.
“All the way down.” He placed his hand on her back and pushed her down until her whole upper body rested on the hood.
Though she hadn't meant to, the memories she just had in her mind caused her to react with a groaned moan, her nails pushed into the metal hood as if thinking they were her bed sheets, and bowed her back to make her ass more prominent, as if she submitted it to him.

She bit her lip as he took her other wrist and clasped the other cuff to it, and still couldn't help but lift her ass a bit when the officers hip seemed to press into her butt. She could feel a semi-hard shaft slid between her soft cheeks. He was turned on by her. When the officer felt the caress of her panties over his bulge, he reacted with a slight thrust of his hips into her. It was clear that she wanted this, and he was ready to give it to her.
“Are you going to give me your name, at least?” She asked him.
“Mark.” He replied, his hands ran up her legs to her perky ass.
Lacey felt his hips move away for a moment, and hoped that he wasn't backing out of this. When she heard a tell-tale zipper come undone, she became instantly wetter. Her breath began to pick up in anticipation, she felt something hot, hard, and round rub along the thin fabric that covered her pussy.
“So this is what you want?” Mark asked, his voice more erotic.
“Yes.” she replied in a hurried breath. She felt bad for cheating on her boyfriend, but this was a rare opportunity to live out her fantasy.
She felt his fingers pull her panties to the side, her sweet folds were ready. She couldn't look back to see how big his cock was, but as she felt him penetrate her, she could tell his was thick, and long. But at that moment, another car approached around the curve. Mark quickly pushed his hips into her butt and placed his hands on her cuffs. Lacey tried to muffle a large moan, as she felt him fill her completely, he must have been around seven or eight inches long. The car passed right by them. To the driver, they simply looked like she was being arrested, rather than getting fucked.
As the car disappeared from view, Mark thrusted his member into her. If another car was going to approach soon, they would have to make this fast. Mark held the hem of her skirt as he plowed into her tightened folds, Lacey moaned into the metal hood, her tits pressed into it. The officer pounded into her as he smacked her ass, and she loved it.
“Oh god, fuck me harder!” She cried out. She moaned almost uncontrollably as he granted her wish. He pulled the hem of her skirt, and pulled her into him each time he thrusted into her. He used his other hand to pull her shoulder up a bit, then reached into her shirt and groped her breast. She was overcome by so much pleasure as her fantasy had come true. It was then she noticed a small device with a lens and a blinking red light. A dash cam? Was it on?
Suddenly, the thought of having been recorded this whole ordeal turned her on to the point she felt her pussy get even more wet, she clenched around his dick, and started to orgasm. Mark quickly followed with his own orgasm, he pushed deep into her and released a large load of hot cum inside her. This pushed her past the point of pleasure, and straight into the most intense orgasm of her life. She got on her tippy-toes, her legs tightened, and she practically roared a moan that echoed off the hills and the trees all around them.
As they both relaxed, they cleaned up. Mark let Lacey go with a warning, considering her payment to him. As he drove off, and parted ways, Lacey sat in her car a few minutes longer, she felt his cum drip out of her, took it in her fingers and rubbed it into her clit, and brought herself to another orgasm as she replayed the events in her head. She knew that Mark would do the same when he watched the replay from his dash cam.
Almost makes me want to drive too fast!!
Nice work!