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Whispering Angel

"What happened when I met up with my schoolgirl crush one summer."

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In the sixth form, I developed a bit of a schoolgirl crush on Emma Richmond, who was in the year above me. I didn’t exactly desire her sexually (I was quite busy enough giving hand and blow jobs to the boys in my class) but she was everything I was trying to be: tall and slim and popular, clever in class but a bit of a wild girl out of it. Everyone knew she used to go to the old storeroom to fuck her boyfriend, but somehow she never got caught. I did get to know her a bit better when we were in the school play together, but then she left and went off to university and I decided to cut down on the blow jobs a bit and concentrate on getting the grades I needed to do the same.

During the holidays, I saw her once or twice around town, but not close enough to speak to. Then suddenly, the summer after I’d finished my first year at University College London, we bumped into each other in the queue at the better of the two coffee shops in our little town.

“Hey, Annie, how are you?” she said with a big smile. “I haven’t seen you since the play. I heard you got into UCL – well done! Are you enjoying it?”

“It’s amazing,” I said. “Hard work, but lots of fun too.”

She looked gorgeous. She was wearing a pretty yellow-and-white sundress, cut low at the front, and was very obviously braless. I had to try very hard not to stare at her, and I really hoped she hadn’t noticed.

“We must catch up properly sometime,” she said, just as her turn came to order.

I don’t know how I plucked up the courage to say it, but I blurted out the words, “How about Saturday afternoon? Are you free? We could have a picnic. I know a lovely spot by the river.”

I actually didn’t think she’d say yes, but she seemed genuinely delighted by the suggestion.

“That’s a lovely idea. Tell you what, I’ll get the food and you bring the wine. Here’s my number, text me and tell me where to meet you.”

She grabbed my phone and tapped in her number, then took the two coffees she’d ordered.

“I have to go and meet my mum now,” she said, breezing out of the door. “See you on Saturday!”

Being responsible for getting the wine was a bit stressful. I didn’t really know much about wine at that time, but my mum had recently got into a French rosé wine with the rather un-French name of “Whispering Angel”, and we’d shared a bottle the week before. I thought it was lovely, so I hoped Emma would feel the same. I knew the town’s only specialist wine shop stocked it, so I went there straight away and bought a bottle before my mum had a chance to buy the lot. It was a bit expensive for a picnic wine, but I didn’t want Emma to think I was a total peasant, so I decided it was worth splashing out.

Saturday came around all too quickly. I’d persuaded my parents to lend me the family car for the afternoon, as it was a bit of a drive to my favourite picnic spot, and arranged to meet Emma by the old Clock Tower.

It was such a lovely warm day that I couldn’t bear to spoil it by wearing a bra, so I just put on a strappy top that allowed my breasts to swing free. As long as I was careful about bending over, I was still more or less decent. I put on a pair of very short denim shorts that showed off my legs. I told myself this was just for comfort, but I hoped Emma would like what she saw.

Judging by her reaction when we met, she approved of my choice. She was wearing a different sundress, red and white this time, and it was clear that she was as unsupported on top as I was. From the smooth way her dress hung around her hips, I had a feeling she wasn’t wearing any knickers either.

“I love your shorts, Annie,” she grinned. “That top’s nice too. And I’m glad you feel the same as me about bras. It’s definitely the best thing about having small tits – being comfortable without one.”

“I agree. And that’s a lovely dress.”

“Thank you,” she smiled, wriggling her top so her breasts bounced delightfully.

After a drive of a few miles up the road past the golf course, I turned right down a smaller lane. A mile or so further on was a lay-by where I knew I could safely leave the car, and from there I led the way on foot to my favourite picnic spot. It can’t have been more than a mile and a half, but even so, we were both quite hot and sticky by the time we got there. We followed a marked footpath along the edge of a field for a while, but then scrambled down a steep bank to a much less well-trodden path that led through a small copse, before emerging by another field.

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” asked Emma. “This doesn’t look like a proper footpath at all.”

“It isn’t,” I admitted, “I only found it by accident myself. But it’s not far now.”

I led the way around the edge of the field, which was full of golden wheat that was almost ready to harvest. Then the path took a sharp turn to the right and down a little slope, and suddenly emerged by the side of the river. We were on the inside of a wide meander, with a grassy sward leading down to a patch of shingle on the inside of the river-bend. We disturbed a pair of little wading birds, which took off in a flurry and flew twittering upstream to find a quieter spot.

“Oh wow,” said Emma, impressed. “This is amazing. I thought I’d walked all up the river, but I’ve never seen this bit before.”

“That’s because the main path goes higher up, the other side of that wood,” I said, pointing across the river, where a low but vertical cliff was surmounted by trees. Over the years, the river had gouged away quite a lot of the cliff, leaving a deep, dark, shady pool. On this hot sunny afternoon, the still water looked very inviting.

Emma thought so too. “That water looks lovely,” she said, as we laid out our picnic blanket on the grass. “I could just do with a refreshing dip after that hike.”

“It does,” I agreed. “I wish I’d thought to bring my swimming costume. I have swum here before, and it’s perfectly safe. It gets quite deep under the cliff, though the water’s a bit cold out of the sun.”

“Now I really fancy it,” said Emma with a pout. “I bet nobody else comes here either.”

“I’ve certainly never seen anybody,” I said.

“Right, I’m going in,” she said. And with one smooth movement, she pulled her sundress off over her head, leaving her fully naked and confirming my suspicions about her lack of knickers. “Come on, Annie, you strip off too. Last one in’s a sissy.”

I was momentarily stunned by the sight of Emma’s naked body, in particular, the dark neatly trimmed bush between her thighs. I’d recently had a full wax, and for a moment was embarrassed by what she might think when she saw my hairless pubic area. But there wasn’t anything I could do about that now.

Wearing just her sandals, Emma picked her way across the shingle to the river’s edge. Then she kicked them off and gingerly stepped into the shallow water.

“Hey, it’s not that cold at all,” she said. She turned to look at me, her dark hair dangling across her face, her small firm breasts swinging gently.

God, she was gorgeous. I wanted her so much. But I tried to banish all sexual thoughts from my mind, and quickly pulled off my top. Emma watched as I undid my shorts and tugged down my lacy little panties, revealing my hairless mound. Then I tiptoed gingerly down to the water and joined her in the shallows.

“It’s warm here, but just you wait ‘til you get over under the cliff,” I said. I waded out a bit further until I felt the riverbed start to slope sharply away beneath my feet. Then I took a deep breath and plunged forward into the water. The cold took my breath away for a second, but it wasn’t actually as bad as I’d expected. I heard a splash behind me, and Emma swam up.

“Oh, this is lovely,” she said. “It’s so refreshing. And I love skinny dipping, don’t you? I bet you’ve swum in the nude here before.”

“It’s true, I have,” I admitted, as we swam slowly towards the opposite bank. “The first time I came here by myself I wore my bikini, but once I was in the water I took it off, and it was much nicer.”

“I wish I’d known about this place before,” she said, floating on her back with her breasts and pubic mound poking up out of the water. “I’d have come here all the time. Thank you for showing me.”

I found myself staring at her nipples. The cold water had made them perk up like little acorns, and the dimples on her areolae were standing up as well. She caught me looking.

“They get so hard in the cold water,” she said. “At least, I think that’s what’s causing it.”

I must have blushed at this, because she smiled, then splashed me with water and swam away giggling.

We stayed in the river for a while, swimming and splashing. I tried not to stare too hard at Emma’s naked body, but I couldn’t help glancing at her beautiful bum and perfectly shaped breasts. I’m sure I caught her staring at me too. But I persuaded myself I was imagining it, and that she was just enjoying the water.

“I’m hungry,” announced Emma eventually, sploshing out of the river. “Let’s have something to eat while we dry off.”

She sat down on the blanket and began to unpack the picnic basket. She made no attempt to cover her nudity, so I didn’t either. It was so nice to feel the warm sun on my naked body.

Emma was delighted when she found the bottle of “Whispering Angel”.

“Oh wow, my favourite!” she said. “let’s have some now!”

I passed her the corkscrew.

“I’m afraid the glasses are only plastic,” I confessed.

“Never mind, it’s what’s inside that counts,” she said, pouring us each a large one. “Cheers, Annie! Thanks for inviting me.”

We “clunked” our plastic glasses and tucked into the picnic.

After a while, I realised Emma was peeping at my bare pubic mound.

“Sorry for staring, but you look nice down there,” she said when she realised I’d seen her. “Did you have it waxed?”

“Yes, just before I came back from uni. My boyfriend likes it like this. When I just shaved it, I used to leave a bit of hair on the mound, but you know what guys are like. They see porn stars on the net with all their hair off and assume that’s what normal women do too.”

“It does look lovely and smooth. I may get mine done. Do you mind if I touch it, just to see what it feels like?”

She said this with a shy little smile and reached out her hand.

My heart began to beat faster. This was it; she was going to touch me.

“Sure; of course,” I said, trying not to sound too eager.

Emma put her fingers on my plump, bare mound and stroked it gently.

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“Ooo, it does feel nice: so smooth and warm,” she said, pressing her fingers into the soft pliant flesh and kneading it gently.

I couldn’t help letting out a little gasp. Her fingers felt so good, and were so tantalisingly close to the hard bud of my clitoris, nestling under its little fold of skin. Instead of taking her hand away, she carried on massaging my mound, squeezing the flesh between her fingers and thumb.

I tried to think of something to say, to break the silence.

All I could think of was “I like your bush.” In fact, I couldn’t stop looking at it, thinking of what lay hidden beneath the nest of hairs. Was she as turned on as I was?

“Thank you.” She reached out, took my hand, squeezed it, then placed it in the dark nest of her pubic hairs. I ran my fingers through them, looping a knot of dark threads around my finger. I tugged gently, and she gasped with pleasure.

I think we both knew we’d passed the point when we could pretend we were just messing around. This was more than touching and feeling: it was foreplay. Emma looked into my eyes and licked her lips. I opened my mouth, and she leant over and kissed me. My lips tingled as hers rubbed against them, then our tongues were intertwined. Emma put her hand behind my head and held me against her, while I put my arms around her warm naked torso.

I could feel her firm little breasts pressed against mine, our nipples rubbing together. Then I was on my back, and Emma was on top of me, straddling me so our pubic mounds met. Her hairs tickled my bare skin, and I almost cried out as she pushed against my clitoris.

“Oh Annie, love, you don’t know how much I’ve wanted you,” she whispered in my ear, then nibbled gently at my earlobe.

“I want you too,” I gasped.

“Don’t move. I just want to kiss you all over.”

She began to kiss down my neck, then nuzzled and sucked at the sensitive skin of my nape. Her hand stroked over my flat tummy as she kissed down further towards the round swellings of my little breasts. My heart was beating so fast, as every kiss took her nearer to my little pink buds.

My dream was coming true. Any second now Emma, my schoolgirl crush, would be sucking on my nipples. I felt I was about to die with excited anticipation.

I could feel her breath on my right nipple. I knew she was teasing me, and I loved it. Then her tongue flicked over the little bud, and I let out a gasp of pleasure. Her mouth closed over it, and she began to suck, lick, and even nip at it with her teeth.

As Emma’s tongue danced around my nipple, I stroked my hands down her back, enjoying the feel of her smooth, warm skin. I wanted to hold her against me and never let her go.

She moved her mouth across to my other breast and began to lick around the left nipple too. Her rough tongue stimulated the dimpled flesh around my areola, and I felt the whole area begin to tingle with arousal.

“I love your nipples, Annie. They’re so perky.”

“I love it when you lick them.”

“I know how to make them taste even more delicious.”

She dipped her fingers into her wine glass and dabbed my nipples with “Whispering Angel”. The sun shone off the droplets of liquid, making my nips glisten like little rubies. I signed as Emma’s tongue slid over them, licking up the cool wine.

“Mm, you liked that, didn’t you?” Then she took her glass and carefully poured a stream of wine down between my breasts. I felt it run down my tummy and pool in my belly button. Emma followed it with her tongue, before putting her mouth over my navel and sucking up the liquid that had gathered there.

Then at last, just when I could bear it no longer, she dipped her finger in her glass again and drew a little wet line down from my belly button to the soft bulge of my pubic mound.

“Where does this little stream go?” she murmured. Her finger teasingly skirted round my clitoris and brushed across my labia, before slipping down between the twin folds.

“Oh Annie, you’re so wet down here,” she whispered. “So soft and wet and warm.”

And then Emma had her finger inside me: actually inside my vagina. I felt it circling around as if investigating every squishy moist inch of my internal walls. A second finger followed, tickling me gently, before curving up and pressing against my special soft spot.

I arched my back involuntarily as she stroked me softly.

“Mm, did you like that?” she whispered. “What about this?”

She slid her other hand off my breast and down across my tummy until it reached my pubic mound again. This time she went further, her fingers flicking over the shy bud of my clitoris. She began to rub it gently but rhythmically, in exactly the way I did myself when I was masturbating.

I whimpered with pleasure. “Oh, Emma, oh God yes, don’t stop, don’t stop!” I gasped in between moans and wriggles. I didn’t want this feeling to end, not ever, but I could feel myself approaching my orgasm. I couldn’t believe how quickly I’d reached this point; obviously, I’d been getting steadily more turned on all afternoon. My breathing was hard and fast now, and Emma matched it with her fingers.

“Come, my darling Annie, come,” she murmured in my ear as her fingers thrust in and out of my pussy, while her other hand strummed at my clit.

I think it was her voice uttering those words that tipped me over, and I spasmed as I came, in what seemed like wave after rolling wave of climactic ecstasy, jerking uncontrollably as each surging orgasm hit me. I almost lost consciousness, but just in time the tsunami subsided, and I lay panting for breath as Emma leant over and kissed me on the lips.

“Goodness, Annie, do you always come like that?” she said with a smile.

“Not usually,” I gasped, “but it’s ages since anyone’s fingered me as well as you did. But now it’s your turn.”

I rolled her over onto her back, and looked at her perfect breasts, moving slightly as she breathed. Her nipples were round and darker than mine, with large areolae. I lowered myself towards them and flicked my tongue across each one in turn. Then I sucked gently on her right nip, feeling it grow even harder in my mouth. I held it hard between my lips and nipped at it with my teeth, as she’d done with mine, making her moan with pleasure. I cupped her other breast in my hand and kneaded it tenderly.

I could have played with her breasts all afternoon, but there were other places to explore. I kissed down her tummy, licking the little cavity of her belly button on my way. Then my cheeks were being tickled by her pubic hair as my tongue burrowed down towards my goal. I paused to lick at her clitoris, and she grabbed the back of my head and held me there.

“Oh fuck yes, Annie, lick my clit,” she gasped. I flicked my tongue across it, but I needed to go further. As I breathed in, I could smell the sweet scent of her juices and feel their warmth as they dribbled out of her.

I pulled my head back and gazed at her gorgeous pussy. The folds of her prominent labia were glistening with juices, and I reached in, using my fingers to spread them apart, revealing the pink moist innermost flesh surrounding her dark hole. I slid my fingers further in, easing her opening wider so I could look right up into her most intimate place. The pink walls were pulsating gently as I slid my long tongue into her, licking the sweet juices from her vaginal walls.

She tasted delicious, and I could feel her juices smearing all around my mouth as I tongued her. All the time she was moaning and gasping, her bare legs wrapped around my back to hold me against her.

Then I had a naughty idea. I reached for the bottle of wine, which still had an inch or two of Whispering Angel in the bottom. I made Emma arch her pelvis up so her pussy was in front of me, then I spread her lips apart with one hand and poured some of the wine right into her vagina with the other.

She gasped as the cool liquid filled her.

“Oh shit, Annie, I can feel that all the way up!” She squeezed her vaginal muscles, making the wine well up and dribble down her thighs, so I quickly put my mouth against the entrance and lapped up as much of it as I could. I could taste the tang of her pussy juices mixed with the fruity wine.

Then I heard her voice, soft and urgent.

“Fuck me with the bottle, Annie. Stick it right in me.”

That was such a wicked idea. I took the bottle and teased her by pressing the narrow neck against the entrance to her vagina. Then I pushed it slowly in, watching as her pussy lips closed around the shaft. I began to fuck her with it; she was so wet that the bottle slid in and out easily with a delightful slurping noise.

“Oh God yes, push it in me,” she squealed. “Push it deeper, deeper!”

By this time, the whole of the neck was inside her, and I began to push a little further each time, just to see how much I could get in.

“Harder, Annie, harder,” exhorted Emma. “I want all of it.”

To my amazement, her vagina was stretching to accommodate almost the whole width of the bottle each time I pushed it in. Just when I thought she was going to swallow the whole thing, she grabbed my wrist.

“That’s it, it’s right in,” she panted. “Just keep it there. Let me play with it while you lick my clit.”

I watched as she wriggled the bottle around inside her, moaning and squirming. I bent down and began to tongue her clitoris as she’d asked, flicking the little bud backwards and forwards. Emma was rocking up and down on the bottle, pressing the neck against her g-spot, and I could tell from her accelerating breathing that she was nearly at her climax. I pushed my face right against her clit and tongued it faster and faster. Then Emma arched her pelvis up and cried out as her orgasm engulfed her.

As she lay there gasping and shaking, I crept up and kissed her lips. She hugged me tight.

“Oh Annie, that was amazing. I haven’t come like that for ages. Thank you.”

We lay on the grass for a while, kissing and caressing, before going back into the water to wash off all the sweat, wine and other liquids. Then we went back to the grass and relaxed, naked and shameless, while the sun dried us off.

“Where did you learn to lick pussy like that?” she asked. “Something tells me you’ve done it before.”

“I learnt from this girl at uni,” I confessed. “She got me into bed after a party one night and taught me a lot about how to make a woman happy. I still like men, but I do love licking a pussy from time to time.”

“I’m pretty much the same. When I saw you in the coffee shop, I thought how yummy you looked, and I did wonder if you might be interested. Then when you suggested the picnic, I went home and masturbated, thinking about what it would be like to have sex with you. And this afternoon when I saw the river, I just thought, let’s get naked and see what happens.”

“And look what did happen. Do you want to do it again sometime?”

“Mm, yes. You could come round to our house when my parents are out. Though this outdoor sex is my favourite.”

“It’s mine too. I know of another spot almost as nice as this.”

“It’s a deal. And you definitely need to bring another bottle of 'Whispering Angel', just in case.”

Written by naughtyannie
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