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The Secret Island

"Mike is getting some R&R when he becomes stranded on what he thinks is a deserted island."

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Competition Entry: Back to Nature


The ferry slowly went past the castle to my right and the National museum to my left. It was a quiet Saturday morning; the water was like a mirror and the buildings reflected into it. I shaded my eyes and looked at the castle again. A big brown grey building where the King of Sweden and his family lived and worked. Below it, the traffic flowed with cars and buses making their way to their destinations.

Mine was the town of Sandhamn in the archipelago of Stockholm. It was the last major town before reaching the smaller islands which made up the archipelago between Sweden and Finland. From the sky it looked like you could hop from one island to next the next all the way to Finland. At Sandhamn I would be met by the owner of the company I was working for as a consultant. I had been invited for a long weekend as a thank you for finishing the project on time. I was looking forward to some R&R after a couple of months with 14-hour days.

There was a cafeteria on board where I ordered a coffee and a Kanelbulle, the Swedish cinnamon bun that I had become hooked on. This one was a bit stale, but it went down fine with the coffee. Most of the other passengers sat on the deck outside in the sun enjoining the sights and the weather. I decided to stretch out inside and soon went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the horn and looked out the window. Sandhamn was ahead of us and there was a sports marina with hundreds of speedboats, smaller yachts and sailing boats. The Swede’s really loved their boating. I grabbed my backpack and joined the line to get off the ferry as it docked quietly.

Magnus waived to me and his towering body was easy to spot in the crowed of people meeting and greeting friends coming off the ferry.

“Hey, how was the trip,” he asked after shaking my hand.

“Fine, took a nap and before I knew it, here I am.”

He led the way town to the marina, and we boarded a speedboat about 30 feet long. The engines came to life with a roar and Magnus slowly reversed out. He then took us out of the marina, into the sea where he pushed the throttle forward and the boat took off. I stumbled and fell back into one of the seats and he laughed.

“No sea legs, eh?”

I got up and sat down on the stool next to where he stood. Little islands flew past as he expertly drove the boat further out into the archipelago. It was hard to talk above the roar of the engines, so I just stood there enjoying the wind on my face and the reflection of the sun on the water.

Magnus was a self-made millionaire. He had worked hard after University and had made his money in the financial world. I had installed a new security system through the company I worked for in LA and that’s how we met. He was married to Lena and had a teenage daughter, Marie whom I had met a few times when they visited Magnus at his office. Both were the typical Swede, tall, blonde and blue eyed. Marie had just graduated high school and in the fall, she would go to business school in London. Lena worked with ONGs and was also into art. Both were lovely persons and Marie was a hot little thing with a body to die for. Not that I would ever fuck her, but she made a nice entry to my spank bank.

After about thirty minutes Magnus pulled down on the throttle and the boat settled in the water. He turned and we entered a deep cove where I made out a wooden dock and above it a large house. It was the typical Swedish style, wood painted red with white corners and around the window frames. A flag was hoisted but hung limp in the air. I helped him dock and when the boat was secure, we went up the trail towards the house. From the top I looked out over the water and noted dots between the many islands, small boats making their ways to and from houses, or people fishing.

“Welcome,” I heard Lena say and I turned around.

Usually when I met her, she was dressed for success in designer pants or skirts, her hair and makeup perfect. Today, she wore baggy shorts and a plain white T-shirt. It made no difference; she was a stunning woman. Behind her I saw Marie coming down the stairs from the house dressed in very short shorts and a blue halter top with a Mickey Mouse print on it. Her boobs bounced seductively as she made her way towards us.

“Hi, Mike.”

I felt the swell of her breasts as she leaned into and gave me a peck on the cheek. “C’mon, I’ll show you to your room,” she said and took my hand.

“See you for coffee on the terrace,” said Magnus to my back as I followed Marie towards the house.

The house was of a two-floor design with a living room, kitchen and guest bathroom on the bottom and four bedrooms on the second floor with their own baths. My room was the last to the right when we came up the stairs. It was light and the view was stunning. Below I could see the boat and the water with the sun reflecting on it.

“My mom and dad’s room is down the hall and I am in the room next door. I hope you like it,” said Marie.

“I love it; it’s so beautiful out here.” I put my bag on the bed.

“Yeah, I know, but you come back in January and see if you feel the same.”

“How do you even get here? The sea must be frozen?”

“That, my friend, is not easy, but can be done. Change into something more comfortable and I’ll see you downstairs.”

Walking away from me I could have sworn there was a bit of extra swing in those round hips and I sighed, wondering how it would feel to kiss her ass cheeks. She had some kind of boyfriend back in the city, Magnus had mentioned him at some point, so I figured she wasn’t a virgin. I had fucked my share of them in my 42 years on the planet but I wasn’t a fan. I preferred women with some experience. I wanted to get right to it not having to spend time convincing a woman to have sex with me. Once the clothes were off, I dove headfirst into that hot pussy and expected to be left alone, not having hands trying to push me away, telling me to wait and be gentle. No, fuck that.

Magnus, Lena and Marie were seated around a glass table on the terrace. A thermos and a couple of plates with Kanelbulle and cookies were laid out. Something I had quickly learned when I arrived in Sweden was their affection for coffee. Everywhere you went, there was coffee. They even had their own word for drinking it. “Fika,” they called it. If a person used that word, off you went for the black brew and a chat, quite nice actually.

“Mike, do you fish?” asked Magnus after serving me a cup.

“Not really, I did some fishing with my grandfather back in the day, but I haven’t in years. Why?”

“Marie, you wouldn’t think so by looking at her, loves to fish and I thought she could take you out this morning, if you want too, of course?”

Marie was all smiles and white teeth and she nodded her head. “Please say yes, my parents hate it and it gets boring out there by myself.”

The thought of spending a few hours with the hot teenager sounded great; maybe I could convince her to go skinny dipping, the dark side of me thought.

“Sure, I’d love to. Are we going by boat?”

Marie laughed. “No, we are using kayaks made for fishing. Are you good as you are?”

I looked down at my shorts, T-shirt and flip flops. “Yeah, I guess so.”

She jumped up, “Let’s go!”

Down by the dock two kayaks were tied to a structure and I leaned the fishing rod Marie had given me against it. She undid some cord and then together we lowered the two kayaks. They had comfortable looking seats, rod holders, a small cooler where we put our water bottles and some cookies to keep the energy up. The kayaks floated high on the water and were easy to get into.

“So, what you do is, you just pedal like if it was a bicycle,” Marie instructed me when I was sitting comfortably. I looked around. “There is no paddle?”

“No need to, it’s much easier to use your legs and it makes the kayak go faster.”

I followed her out of the cove and as she turned left, I noticed how easy the little boat moved in the water. I didn’t need to strain myself and still, it moved along at a brisk pace. The water wasn’t as calm as before but I wasn’t worried. We went for about twenty minutes and then stopped just off a tiny island.

Marie turned to me. “Cast in the direction of the island, around here the pike grows quite large. We might even get some perch.”

I did as instructed and on my third cast something hit the spinner and the rod bent. “Oh fuck, I got something!”

“Reel it in slowly, it must be a pike.”

The fish on the end fought hard but after a while it came close to the kayak, tired of fighting me. It was a pike.

"good eating, keep it,” Marie said and cast her own line.

We fished for an hour before Marie said we should change spots. I had caught a small perch and she, another good-sized pike. The wind had increased as we set off. She kept us close to the islands so the wind wouldn’t be coming at us, but still. I was out of shape and my legs began to feel like rubber. Marie didn’t seem to be tired and went along like nothing was happening. Suddenly there was a cracking sound and my feet began to move widely. There drag from the water was gone and the kayak didn’t move.

“Marie, I think my kayak is broken.”

“Lift up the propeller and show me.”

When I did a large piece of plastic came off. “Oh shit, that’s bad. You won’t make it back and I can’t tow you in the wind. Try to make it to the island over there and I will go and get my dad’s boat.”

I tried to figure out the distance to the island she had pointed at and it was a good mile or so away. Beyond it there was nothing close, just open water.

“Oh, okay, but hurry up, I don’t want to spend the night on this thing.”

“Just relax, this isn’t the open sea, you will be fine.”

She turned and left me alone on the water. I watched her until she was just a speck and by then I had already drifted a bit off course and without a paddle I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it to the island. I decided to lie down and use my arms as paddles. That was hard work and I soon became too tired to move them. I was way off course with the island half a mile to my left. Now I was getting worried. If I missed the island, then there was no way Marie or Magnus could figure out where I was. I had a large bottle of water, a Pike, a Perch and cookies to eat. But the fish had to be sushi since I didn’t have a lighter or matches to make a fire.

The current brought me past the island which slowly disappeared behind me and there was no sign of Marie or Magnus. I drank some water and then lay down in the kayak. The sun was quite warm, and I had to save my energy.

I woke up by the kayak hitting something in the water. I sat up and to my surprise I was stuck on a small rock sticking out the water. I checked my watch. It had been almost four hours since Marie had left me. Not far from where I was stuck was a small island with some trees and smooth rock sides which gently curved into the sea. I calculated the distance as best I could and figured it wasn’t more than a couple of hundred yards. I had my life west to help me float. I got out of the kayak and the cold water made me gasp. I managed to get the thing off the rock and then using my legs I pushed it towards the island. It took a while and by the time I reached the rocks I was so tired I didn’t think I would have lasted much. I managed to get out of the water and drag the kayak up and tie it to a tree. Then I drank more water and ate some of the cookies before exploring the island.

It took me 15 minutes to cross to the other side where I found a beach. The soft sand felt good under my feet and I sat down for a rest. I couldn’t see any boats on the water so I figured this wasn’t a well-traveled part of the archipelago. I decided it was better to stay on the side where I had landed since that was facing the way Marie or Magnus would arrive from. Using the cords from the kayak I made a simple hut in case it began to rain which I didn’t think it would, but you never knew.

The sun stayed in the sky until almost eleven at night when it dropped out of sight, but it never became dark as in black, just a dark grey. The wind had stopped and there was a silence around me, only the lapping of the water against the rocks. It was an eerie feeling being alone, but I wasn’t going to break down. The next day I would be found and back at Magnus place.

I woken by the rain, or at least I thought it was rain but when I opened my eyes, I made out two figures looming over me, water dripping from their hair. I sat up so fast my head against the shelter.

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“Who are you?” I asked the figures who had stepped out. It was still dark outside, so I couldn’t make out their faces but something told me they were women. As my eyes cleared from sleep and they moved a little I could make out that they were in their mid-twenties.

“You are on our island, so you explain,” said one of them.

The first shock had worn off and I felt a bit better. “As far as I know, these island don’t belong to anyone, they are public.”

The figure to the left tilted her head. “Not for us, we own this and all the others.”

What the fuck, what was the chance of me running into two idiots, I thought.

“Look, I’m not going to argue with you, but please, could you use your boat and get me back to my friends?”

They looked at each other and then I heard one of them giggle. “We don’t use a boat.”

“Right, so how did you get here, and what are you doing here anyway?”

“We swam and we use this place to suntan.”

“It’s dark outside.”

“For now, but soon the sun will rise.”

They turned and disappeared. I lay back down and sighed. What kind of crazies was I dealing with? I didn’t think they were violent, maybe they were just high on something. Swimming, yeah right.

A couple of hours later the sun did rise and I came out and bathed in its warmth. The night hadn’t been cold, but since I only wore my shorts and a T shirt, it had been a little uncomfortable. I decided to go and look if the two women were still around.

When I reached the beach I saw them, and what a sight they were. Naked they lay on the sand, next to each other. I hid behind a tree and watched them. The one closest to me was a redhead, but instead of that freckled skin they usually have, hers was alabaster white. I guess she didn’t tan often or well. The other was a blonde and what surprised me the most was that both had a bush between their legs. It wasn’t common to see young women who didn’t shave, if not all, at least most of their pubic hair. They both rolled onto their stomachs, like synchronist swimmers. They asses were perfectly round and pert. I saw no towels, no sunscreen, not even a bag. This was become very strange. I decided to approach them.

“Ladies, I’m coming out, so if you want to cover yourselves, I suggest you do it now.”

They lifted their heads but didn’t do anything else so I walked down to them and sat down a few feet from their heads.

“Well, since we will be spending time together here, I thought introductions would be good. My name is Mike, and I’m from LA, in the United States.”

The redhead spoke. “I’m Usu, and this is Kali, we are from here.”

Strange names, I thought, not the typical Swedish. “Nice to meet you, I’m waiting for my friends to pick me up, my kayak broke down yesterday.”

They both giggled. “That might take a while, like forever,” said Kali.

I frowned. “What do you mean?”

“This is a protected island,” said Usu and then did the strangest thing. She turned on her side and then pulled Kali close to her and right there in front of me the two girls began to make out. Kissing, fondling’s each other’s breasts and then Kali slid a hand between Usu’s legs which resulted in her lying down on her back with her legs pulled up and bent at the knee. Kali moved in and began to lick her friend’s pussy. I looked away and wasn’t sure what to do. One thing I knew, my cock was rock hard at the live lesbian show in front of me.

I slowly began to get up to give them their privacy. I realized they must come to the island to be away from friends and family and just enjoy each other.

“Hey, where are you going,” said Usu from between her friend’s legs. Her face wet from pussy juice and her green eyes sparkled in the light.

“I..I.. thought I’d leave you alone.”

“No, no, you stay. We will want to fuck you in a minute.”

“Say what?”

Kila tilted her head back in an almost impossible angle and her horny eyes locked into mine. “She said, stay.”

Her voice had lowered a pitch and I figured it was from Usu’s attention. I sat down again and watched them. After a moment they moved into a 69, with the blonde on top, her ass was towards me and I was so close I could touch her, which I did. Her pussy was wet and warm, and Kila’s tongue was playing with the clit. I caressed her ass cheeks and the skin felt strange to me, it had no pores at all, just smooth. My cock was still hard and I decided it was time to join the party.

“I hope you don’t mind, Usu?” I said and lined up my cock with Kila’s pussy. Without answering me she sucked my balls into her mouth and my cockhead went into the pink pussy. It was tight, tighter than any pussy I had ever fucked, including the virgins. I really had to push hard and while I did, Kila lifted her head from Usu’s pussy and looked at me over her shoulder.

“Tight, isn’t it? Keep pushing and it will take care of itself.”

What a weird thing to say, I thought. Usu’s lips around my balls took my mind of the words. She was a devil with her lounge. I felt something clamp around my cock, just below the head and it held me tight. Kila’s pussy came alive and it was moving back and forth first slowly and then gradually faster. It’s hard to explain but it felt like waves along my shaft, and I wasn’t moving at all.

“Oh fuck, fuck, that feels amazing, Kila.”

Her head was between Usu’s legs again and I could hear the wetness from her pussy. My balls was almost exploding and I tried to pull out, so not to come inside her, but it was pointless. It didn’t hurt but I couldn’t get out.

“Shit, I’m squirting, I hope to god you are on birth control,” I moaned while holding onto Kila’s hips.

At that moment, Kila lifted her head to the sky and a sound like nothing I had ever heard came from her lips. It wasn’t a howl like a wolf, but much higher pitch, almost like the whine from a saw biting into wood. She whipped her head around and for a moment I thought her eyes were yellow with a black slit for pupils, her lips came a part and sharp pointy teeth glinted in the sun before she turned back again and let me go. My cock slid out and before I knew it Usu had pulled me down on the sand, she straddled me and guided my cock inside her. Again, those waves caressed the shaft. Kila got up and came around and placed her pussy inches from my face. I pulled her down and began to lick her. She tasted of salt, most women are a bit salty but this was way saltier than anyone else I had licked.

Kila’s C cups bounced as she moved on top of me, it was different. Usu hadn’t moved at all, just her pussy. This girl was going nuts on my cock moving up and down at the same time making those waves. I grabbed her hips and she leaned down, letting me suck and nibble on her pink nipples.

“Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me!” She screamed and threw her head back, arching her back. Her body began to tremble and her pussy became even tighter. She whipped her head forward and stopped an inch from my face where her eyes turned yellow and her pupil to a black slit. Her lips rolled back and pointy little teeth showed.

“Fuck me, human come inside me,” she hissed.

I did, I shot the largest load in my life. My cock was like a firehose, just shooting globs of cum into this young strange woman’s pussy. When I was done she crawled down, kissing my chest and tummy. Our eyes met and hers were green again, soft lips smiled at me and white normal teeth glimmered before she took my cock in her mouth.

Usu went down next to her and together they sucked and licked my cock until I came again, and they shared every drop of cum that shot out. When I was empty they went down into the water, letting the small waves lap their bodies. Their chests heaved after the orgasms and they kissed gently in the surf.

I wasn’t sure what I had seen or experienced, maybe my mind was playing games with me. One thing was for sure, I had just had the best threesome in my life.

After a while they got up and approached me. Kila said, “We will help you back. Get your kayak in the water and we will meet you there.”

Alright, that was good news, I thought and made my way back to my camp, figuring they would get their belongings together and then come over. To my surprise they were already in the water below the rocks.

“How the fuck did you get here so fast,” I asked.

They just smiled and treaded water. I put my things in the kayak and pushed it into the water and then got in. Usu and Kila swam up to either side of it and put a hand on it.

Usu said, “You might want to hold on, we are quite fast swimmers.”

The seat rocked violently as the kayak shot forward and I almost fell off. It was speeding over the water, barley touching it, much faster than Magnus boat. I screamed like a baby and held on for dear life. The girls swam with their heads in the water and their hands on the kayak. I was too scared to try to figure out what was happening.

In no time I saw the cove and Magnus house come closer in front of me. The girls didn’t slow down until we were in the middle of the cove where we came to a abrupt stop which made me fly out of the kayak and into the water. I came up sputtering water and managed to cling onto the kayak.

“Hey, you said you were from LA? I have a cousin there, if you go down to any beach and stand in the surf, she will smell my scent on you, and it will never come off.” Said Kila.

“Uhuh.” was all I managed to say.

“Thanks, and safe travels,” said Usu and they both disappeared under the surface.

“Mike, Mike, is that really you? Oh my god, how did you get here? We went out and searched until dark,” Screamed Marie while running down the trail to the dock. I made my way there with the kayak in tow and she helped me up.

“I have had the strangest night and morning in my life. You won’t believe me. But first, does your dad have a chart of this area?”

“Sure, come with me.”

We got on the boat and Marie pulled out the charts until she found the right one. “Here we are and this is where I left you.”

I could see the island she had wanted me to go to, but beyond that there was nothing for quite a distance then a few smaller islands. I was sure I hadn’t drifted that far.

I stabbed the chart where I thought the island I was stranded on was. “There is nothing here.”

She looked at me, and then slowly and almost in a whisper said, “Did you see something or someone?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

She put a finger to my lips. “Not a word to my parents about this. I will come to your room at night.”


Magnus and Lena were glad to see me and after giving them some lame story about another boat finding me and bringing me back I went to take a shower. I spent the rest of the day thinking about what had happened and how it could have happened.

By the time I crawled in under the sheet, I was dead tired and it wasn’t from the night on the island. My entire body was exhausted from sex. I had almost fallen asleep when I felt someone get into my bed and under the sheets.

“Hi,” whispered Marie while her hand slid down to me cock.

“Hi, there. Do you think this is such a good idea, your parents are down the hall?”

She kissed her way down, taking my cock in her warm mouth. Licking and sucking on the head, and quietly moaning while doing it. I lay on my back, hands behind my head looking at the young woman giving me a blowjob. The moon shone through the window making the room quite light.

At one moment she looked up at me and our eyes met. Hers had a tint of yellow and her pupils were oval instead of a slit.

“What..?” I said but she stopped me by kissing my mouth. Her soft lips against mine and then I felt her shaved pussy grind against me cock and then slide in. She wasn’t even close to as tight as Usu and Kila had been, but then it happened. My cock was locked in place and those waves began to move along the shaft.

“Oh fuck, you?”

She leaned down and kissed me again, “Yes, my daddy was a naughty boy 18 years ago. He was stranded on that island and the mermaids came because that’s what they are. I was left here by the dock by my mother.”

She rode me faster now. My cock slid back and forth like in a normal pussy and she was grinding her hips against mine. “I’m a hybrid, I can’t live in the water and that’s why my mother gave me to my father. Lena knows about it, but we never ever talk about it.”

Then she came, the sound emitted from her mouth was similar to Kila’s and I shot my load into her as she dropped down onto my chest breathing heavily. “In ten months, a baby or two will be left on your doorstep, depending on how many of them you fucked, and you will have to take care of them, or their mothers will come for you.”

I looked out the window and thought to myself, I wonder if Californian mermaids are as hot as the Swedish?






Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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