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The Party - (Madison's POV)

"Madison and Nicholas spend all night teasing each other until they're both hot and angry!"

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Author's Notes

"Hope you enjoy! I'll be releasing Leslie's POV soon, so watch out for that."

I was finishing applying a dark pink lipstick when I looked up to see Nick watching me. His gaze sent shivers down my spine; those ice blue eyes always seemed to be looking through me. I had finished my makeup for the evening. I wore eyeshadow for the first time in months, but I wanted my dark brown eyes to pop. I was happy I finished before I noticed him; he’s pretty distracting.

Nicholas was the most beautiful man I’d seen. He was tall, standing at six three. Very muscley from his days of playing lacrosse. Dark hair and blue eyes made all the women swoon. His confident and forward nature also made him alluring.

He wore a gray suit, no tie, and his white shirt had four buttons undone. A smirk formed on his lips, and he sauntered over to me. He rested his hands on the back of my chair and leaned down.

“You look delicious,” he whispered into my ear, grazing my lobe with his teeth.

“How long have you been watching me?” I asked, watching him through the mirror.

“I’m always watching you, my dear.”

His eyes became very passionate, and he softly kissed my neck down my shoulder. I felt a warmth grow in between my legs. I stood up quickly and walked to our closet. I had to get away from that stare, or we’d be late for our dinner party.

“Should I wear black?” I called over my shoulder.

“Yes,” he growled out.

The tone of his voice told me that he was mad about my changing of the subject. I grinned, proud of myself. I don’t often successfully deny him.

I pulled out a long black velvet dress with a high neck and open-back. A string of pearls ran between my shoulder blades and made a “T” cross to each side under my arms. I laughed in my head, thanking the string for stopping any side boob action from happening.

I removed my casual wear and glanced out the closet door. Nick was gone. I quickly slipped into just the dress and a silver pair of heels. I had my long brown hair tied into a simple bun at the base of my neck but let a few pieces fall around my face. My body was far from perfect, but it was attractive. I was tall and curvy with toned arms and shoulders from college sports as well. The dress hung perfectly off my breasts and hips and complimented my collarbones well.

The party was for business, and I wanted to look my best. Nick had yet to take me out with his partners, so it felt like my debut. He was looking to find more people looking to invest with his company as well. Connections and appearances were a big deal. I grabbed a simple silver clutch and headed into the bedroom; there was no sign of Nick, so I headed for the kitchen.

“Yes, we are just about to leave now. Your sure he’ll be attending tonight? Alright. Thank you, Aaron,” he hung up his phone.

The clicking of my heels must’ve alerted him to my approach as he turned around. The expression on his face was of nothing but desire as he looked me up and down many times as I walked up to him. He took my hand and lifted it into the air, moving me through a slow spin.

“Very well, Madison. You’ve decided to put on a show tonight,” he spoke.

“Have you decided to put on a tie?” I laughed at him walking to the sink for a glass of water.

“Ahh, yes, I thought I forgot something. I’ll grab one, and then we should head out. Will you be cold?”

“Yes, could you grab a shawl for me, please?”

He nodded and headed back to the bedroom. When he returned, it was not just a shawl in his hands but the white designer faux fur shawl he’d gotten me, and I hadn’t ever planned to wear. I opened my mouth to protest, but he interrupted me.

“I insist, my dear,” he said, placing it around my shoulders and taking my arm.

I guessed I could leave it in the car.

When we pulled up to the suburban mansion, I was stunned. I didn’t realize it would be this fancy. The valet man came to the car as we neared the front entrance; Nick was out of the driver seat and around the vehicle quicker, though. He opened the door and took my hand.

“Bring your shawl,” he snapped in a low voice.


I stepped out of the vehicle and noticed how everyone was dressed in black tie as well. I guess the shawl was fitting; I rolled my eyes internally. We walked up the stone steps, and I began to hear the jazz band playing inside. Everything seemed very lavish.

“What have you gotten me into?” I whispered to Nick.

“Come on, you’re great!” Nick exclaimed, pulling me inside the front doors.

Nick took my shawl and gave it to the coat check as we walked inside. I immediately heard a girl giggling. I glanced over to see two girls. The one who was laughing stopped when I looked their way. She had short curly red hair, green eyes and was wearing a shimmery dark green dress. The dress was strapless and held up by her perfect breasts. A chunky diamond necklace drew immediate attention to her chest.

Not like she needed it.

It wasn’t her that my focus zoned in on but the other girl. Her face was of pure hatred as she glared at me. I took her stare as a challenge, so I glared back. She had long brown hair that was curled and pushed into a side part. They had the same green eyes, and I decided they must be sisters. She would be beautiful if she weren’t throwing daggers at me. I smiled and looked away.

“Nicholas,” a gray-haired man called, walking over to us, “So happy you made it!”

“I couldn’t miss the event of the season, Charles.” Nick smiled back.

A handsome young man followed Charles over to us. He looked bored but smiled big at me. He looked from my arm wrapped around Nick’s back to me. Then stepped forward and reached a hand out to me.

“Hello, Miss,” he said.

His voice was deep but friendly. I went to shake his hand, but he twisted my wrist and lifted my fingers to his mouth, where he kissed them softly.

“Oh! Hello,” I replied, surprised.

“I’m Daniel; it’s very nice to meet you.”

“Madison, I’m also happy to meet you as well.”

Nick cleared his throat, drawing the attention back to him.

“Charles, this is Madison, my girlfriend,” Nick said with lots of emphasis on the fact that I was his.

“Nice to meet you, Madison,” Charles replied. “This is my nephew, Daniel.”

Nick nodded towards him but didn’t take his hand as he had with Charles. I looked up at him. His eyes were cold, and he was pissed off. Get over it, I thought to myself.

“Leslie,” Charles said, waving towards the entrance. “Nick, I’ll find you later.”

The two men then walked off, but not before Daniel smiled at me again. Nick began to guide me off to a corner of the room. And then into a hallway where waiters were moving around. Eventually, we arrived in an empty corridor.

“Nick, where are we going?” I said, trying to sound innocent.

“What the hell was that?” he said, too calmly turning on me.

He began walking closer to me, and I stepped back. He pushed me against the wall.

“I don’t know what you mean,” my voice was breathless.

Heat began to grow between my thighs again.

Damn this man and his control over my body.

He gave me a look like, “are you serious.” He moved down close to me, his face inches from mine, his eyes staring into my soul.

“I’m sure he was trying to be polite. Don’t be so territorial.”

Nick’s lips crashed into mine, and he plunged his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my hands around his neck, tugging at his hair. His mouth moved down my jawline and across my neck. His smell washed over me, a clean woodsy scent that drove me wild. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning out as his hands ran over my body. I tried to push him away, but he was much stronger than me. He moved one of his hands around to my ass, lifting me up and against him. The other hand slipped my breast from my dress. He pinched at my nipple, causing me to gasp.

“This dress is excellent,” he growled before sucking it into his mouth, causing me to cry out.

Fuck, I’m turned on.

The fact that anyone could walk in was only adding to my excitement. I could feel the pool between my legs. I was just about to give into him when I thought I heard a voice. I looked around. No one was there, but it was risky.

“Nick, we need to go. We can’t-” I started to say, but he kissed me again.

Someone’s voice echoed down the hall, and Nick finally straightened up. He quickly smoothed my dress and adjusted himself. The footsteps grew closer, clicking of two pairs of heels. I went to settle my hair and gain some composure.

“Did you see what she was wearing, Janice?” an older woman’s voice laughed.

“I wouldn’t be caught dead in that shade of purple,” a different voice said as they came into view.

Nick quickly grabbed my hand and made it appear as if we were walking back to the party. Two little ladies no taller than five feet walked towards us.

“Look what we have here!” said one of them.

Judging by her voice, it was Janice.

“Good evening, ladies,” Nick said casually.

“Heading back to the party?” the other one exclaimed.

“Yes, we are. We were looking for--” I started to say.

“I was young once too! The bathroom is on the south side,” Janice cut me off with a big smile.

“Janice, Harry, and I liked the second-floor balcony on occasion also.”

“Oh yes, or the pool room was a favorite of mine.”

They both kept walking and laughing. I could feel my face burning up; luckily, my tan skin never went red. I was happy the two women were friendly, otherwise the situation could’ve been a lot more embarrassing.

“Let’s get back,” Nick chuckled.

“I cannot believe them,” I said, still shocked by the exchange. “You need to control yourself in public settings, mister.”

“I was in control of myself,” he smirked.

“You’re so cocky.”

“I’ll have what’s mine wherever I want to. And you’re the one who chose that dress.”

I rolled my eyes as we walked into the main room again. I knew Nick would like this dress; I guess I liked to tease him. 

People were starting to settle into their seats for dinner. Nick put his hand on my back to guide me. As we arrived at our table, I recognized two faces. One smiled up at me with warm brown eyes, Daniel. The other cast the same glare as when I walked through the door.

“Madison,” Daniel stood up and smiled at me. He then glanced at Nick, “And Nicholas, this is Leslie. Her father is partnered with my uncle,” he gestured towards the brunette, who rolled her eyes.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Leslie,” Nick said, his face calm.

Her face, on the other hand, completely changed. It brightened a little, and a devilish look flashed in her eyes. She smiled up at Nick, revealing perfect white teeth. I thought I could smell spearmint in the air. What game was she going to play?

Nick moved my chair and helped me to sit down. He sat down between Daniel and me. Leslie got up and switched the placement cards, and settled next to Nick.

“I’m sure they won’t mind,” she laughed and placed a hand on Nick’s shoulder.

Daniel visibly became rigid at the scene. His gaze darkened on Leslie’s hand. 

Yeah, I’m pissed, too, buddy. Do something about it, then. 

Nick moved to shrug her hand off of him.

Another couple appeared and Nick stood to greet them. A Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, I didn’t know. Nick introduced us and I shook their hands, but I was still caught up on this chick getting cozy next to my guy.

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“So, what do you do for work, Madison?” Daniel asked me, snapping me out of my trance.

“I’m an education and chemistry major,” I responded, “But I work in reception right now.”

“Do you plan to become a teacher?”

“Yes, high school for now. I graduate in the spring, and I’m lining up a position.”

“Very interesting. Chemistry huh,” Daniel seemed to be in deep thought but smiled. “I didn’t pay much attention to that class. My teacher was…distracting.”

“I think you were particularly fond of Ms. Sweets, weren’t you?” Nick chimed in, leaving his conversation with Mr. Roberts.

“She was indeed very sweet,” Daniel laughed.

So, they went to high school together. Nick didn’t even act as if he knew him.

A few more people arrived at the table, and we again stood and introduced ourselves. It became more and more apparent how this event was about contacts. Leslie continued to ramble things off to Nick and touch him lightly. She would glance at me and then at Daniel each time. She was making sure we both were watching. I could feel myself getting angrier each time. Daniel and Nick mostly conversed with the other gentlemen at the table, though. I would answer a few questions here and there, but I was happy when the waiters came out with salad plates.

“Are you having fun?” Nick whispered to me during the main course.

“Yes and no,” I responded honestly, taking a bite of grilled chicken.

He looked at me, his face too calm for me to see what gears were moving.

When dessert was served, I had about had it with the whole evening. Conversation between the men picked back up. I glanced at Leslie, who appeared to be just as bored as me. Good, I thought. As I went to wipe my hands on my napkin, I accidentally touched Nick’s leg. I realized it was very close to mine.


I shifted in my seat, so our bodies were very close. Then slowly began to run my nails up and down his thigh. I made sure that from the table up, I looked utterly interested in the conversation amongst the table. But under the tablecloth, I got bolder and bolder by the second. Nick may have appeared unfazed to everyone else, but I saw the lust as he looked over at me. I smiled and laughed at whatever joke everyone else found amusing. I went right for target and ran my hand over his crotch, feeling the bulge that was growing. He coughed into his hand and tried to adjust himself in his seat casually. Slowly, I began to massage his manhood. I still hadn’t calmed down from our moment early, and I’m sure I was soaked now. The waiters returned for the dishes; I quickly pulled my hand back to my lap.

Charles walked over to our table and motioned to Nick.

“Nicholas, come meet Todd Massey,” Charles said. “Leslie, you as well.”

“We’ll be right there, Charlie,” Leslie said with that brilliant smile. “Oh, Nick, escort me?”

Nick then looked over at me and smiled, a smile from the devil, I swear. He stood and held out his arm.

“Of course,” he said to her with a warm smile.

Leslie then looked at me and winked.

What. The. Hell. Leslie really winked at me as she took my man’s arm. And what was that smile from Nick?  He had barely paid attention to her all evening, and now they are walking off laughing with each other. I could feel the straight-line form on my face as I glared at their backs.

This Massey was only one table away, so I had a perfect view of the whole conversation. Leslie never removed her arm from Nick’s, and she would frequently touch his chest or shoulder. Nick kept glancing at me and smirking. What the fuck? Am I just thrown to the wind now? What’s going on?

I was practically giving him a hand job five minutes ago, and now he’s letting this other chick hang all over him.

“I thought you were his girlfriend,” stated Daniel.

I hadn’t noticed that Daniel had also been watching them.

“You know, I thought so too,” I said back, disappointment in my voice.

No, honey. You are not this type of bitch. Grow a pair.

“It’s whatever, though,” I said to Daniel, smiling.

“Oh yeah?”

I looked around, and much of our table had dispersed. I moved over and sat next to Daniel, very close. When I looked up at Nick, his face was blank except for a twitch in the corner of his left eye.

“Yeah, I’m quite bored with this party, actually.”

“They do get tiresome after a while.”

“I can imagine. Where’s the bar in here,” I asked, glancing around. “Bingo.”

I spotted it near the front entrance, still in sight of my boyfriend.

“Need an…escort,” Daniel said, rising to his feet.

“Thank you, Hun,” I said, loud enough I was sure Nick heard.

We made our way to the bar and sat down facing the room. I adjusted myself, so my whole body was towards Daniel.

“Hennessey,” he asked as the waiter approached us.

“With sprite.”

“A classic, of course,” Daniel laughed.

His laugh was loud and boastful; people tended to turn and look for the sound. Nick did the same.

Daniel was a charming man with brown hair and eyes. The ladies must be all over him. I looked around, and sure enough, there seemed to be a group of young women giggling and pointing towards us.

“I see you’re the catch of the evening,” I said, sipping my drink.

“I could say that about you,” he adverted the conversation. “When Charles introduced us earlier, I was dumbfounded.”

“What?! No way, there’s plenty of women here much prettier than me.”

“Where? Name one,” he said dramatically, looking around.

“Well, Leslie is gorgeous, and I think I saw her sister too.”

“Oh yeah, I suppose. Leslie is difficult to deal with, though, and Kate,” he chuckled and shook his head. “Kate has great tits, but her head is an empty shell.”

I burst into laughter and doubled over, grabbing his shoulder for support.

“I’m serious,” he laughed.

“At least she’s got great tits!” I barely got out through my laughing.

I calmed down and took a drink. It went down warm and smooth, which helped me relax. I guess this night wasn't going terribly.

“Look at this gaggle of girls staring at you,” I pointed over my shoulder.

“Are you sure they aren’t staring at you?” he eyed them.

I took another drink, then turned around and waved at them. Everyone in the group looked away quickly and acted as if nothing happened.


“I think your man is headed our way.”

I looked up; Nick was on the move. Leslie was glaring at his back from where they previously stood. Daniel brushed a piece of hair from my cheek.

“How about we get out of here?” Daniel said a little loud.

I was shocked. Wow, buddy, we’ve only just met.

“And go where?” Nick said as he stood right behind Daniel.

Daniel winked at me, and I got his joke. We were all playing a game tonight, I guess. I took the last drink in my cup and smiled up at Nick.

“Hello, dear.”

“Was your conversation with Massey good? Do you remember any of it?” I asked angrily.

He moved around the table to my side and whispered in my ear, “Get your ass outside now.”

His voice was calm, a scary calm.

“Excuse me, Daniel. It was a pleasure to have your company this evening.”

“Oh, honey, I found it pleasurable too,” Daniel said, getting up and smirking at Nick.

I began to walk towards the exit, not quick enough for Nick, though. He pushed me forward with his hand on my back. We wandered out to the roundabout driveway, and somehow Nick knew where our car was.

“What the hell, Madison,” he gritted through his teeth when we reached it.

“Come on. I wasn’t going to leave with him. Daniel was trying to rile you up,” I said, rolling my eyes, “You’re dramatic.”

“Whatever. I know, Daniel.”

“Yeah, you could’ve mentioned you guys went to school together. But you blew him off.”

“I didn’t want him getting the idea you were in any way available. Don’t think I missed that eye roll.”

“Ha! Well, that didn’t work, now did it,” I regretted the words as soon as he turned to face me.

His eyes went dark, and he started around the car towards me.

“I was kidding, Nick. Do you want to talk about Leslie? Cause she was giving you way more attention than Daniel was to me.”

“Oh, come on. Leslie is a joke. I could tell you were jealous.”

“Yeah, I could tell you were, too,” I smirked at him.

It finally set in that we had been toying with each other all night. I closed the small distance between us and stood up on my toes.

“Do you think any other girl could touch you like I can?” I whispered, kissing his neck.

I could feel him growing against my belly. And I reached down to rub him.

“Let’s go home, baby.”

“No, get in the back seat,” he said, much to my surprise.

I opened the door to the backseat and began to climb in. With my ass facing Nick, he pulled up my dress. The cold air hit my skin, and I remembered I hadn’t put any underwear on.

“Fuck,” he whispered, “No panties tonight, huh? Did you plan to tease me all evening?”

He slid his finger between my folds, and I let out a whimper. He pushed me onto my knees in the backseat and began to eat me out. His tongue went straight for my clit. I arched my back and pressed against him, giving him better access.

“Baby, you’re soaking wet,” he panted against me.

His hot breath against my sensitive skin drove me wild. He began to move his tongue simultaneously back and forth from my clit and my entrance. I could feel the wave building. He flicked my clit quickly, breaking the pattern suddenly.

“Mmmm, don’t stop,” I moaned.

His tongue moved fast over my clit, and the wave grew faster and faster.

Oh, just a little more, baby, please don’t stop. Keep going, keep going.

And then it hit me. I cried out, and my chest dropped against the seat, and I shook. Nick kept licking, and the orgasm rolled through my body; when I tried to pull away, he grabbed my thighs and held me against him. This movement alone, feeling his hands holding me, sent me into another orgasm. I moaned out how he had the perfect mouth. And he grunted back without stopping. I began to relax again, and he stood up.

“Did you like that baby,” his voice full of desire. “You’re mine. No one else is going to make you cum like that.”

He immediately thrust all 7 inches of himself inside me. The orgasm rolled through my body, causing me to push back against his hard thrusts. He stretched me open, and it almost hurt; the good kind of hurt.

“Did you cum again? You’re such a good girl.”

God, this was exciting.

I could feel him getting stiffer as he thrust into me. I arched my back so he would hit that sweet spot. Ugh, he hadn’t felt this big in weeks; I must’ve turned him on this evening.

“Nick, my god, you feel so good.”

“That’s right, baby. I’m your god,” he groaned.

Nick moved his thumb to my asshole and started to massage it slowly, adding pressure to it. His other hand reached around and started rubbing my clit.

Oh my god. This is delicious.

His fingers moved in rhythm with his thrusts. He slowly pushed his thumb into my ass, and I moaned out.

I’m going to cum again.

My body was vibrating, and I could feel myself tighten around his cock.

“Oh fuck, grab me, baby,” his voice was deep and husky.

The orgasm hit me like a truck, and I called out his name. He went rigid behind me and groaned out as his cum filled my pussy.

“That’s my girl,” Nick said breathlessly.

Once my body calmed down, I stood up and adjusted my dress. My legs felt like jelly, and Nick reached over to stabilize me.

“You’re amazing,” I gazed up at him.

“Come on, let’s go back to the party now.” He smiled.

Written by ifonlyyouknewme
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