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The Beauties and Mysteries of the Grand Canyon

"Two friends adventure in the Grand Canyon"

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Competition Entry: Back to Nature


Diane and April had been besties since they were in grade school. They went through puberty together and masturbated together a few times but never more than that. After college, they moved away from each other. They made a promise to each other to scratch one thing off their travel bucket list each summer.

They had traveled to many places across the world, Europe, Jamaica, and many locations across the United States. Each year, they alternated who got to pick where they were going, this year was Diane’s turn she decided on a mule ride down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Diane was the more adventurous and athletic of the two of them. They planned on taking their two-night trip in August that was the only time available. That time of year was less desirable due to the monsoon season in Arizona, which could bring torrential rain, flash floods, and lightning.

They were able to secure lodging at Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for two nights.

They decided to stay at the South Rim Lodge the day before they were to descend into the bottom of the canyon. They pulled into the parking lot and walked out on an overlook at The Grand Canyon to look at it.

Their eyes could not believe what they were seeing. The massiveness and beauty of the canyon put them in sensory overload. Reds mixed oranges and brown hues with the background of the blue sky and white puffy clouds. The size of it was incomprehensible.

April looked at Diane and said, “Pictures and painting do not grasp this, it is unbelievable that it exists.”

Diane nodded at her in agreement.

They stood and gawked in amazement for over an hour.

They then decided to visit the gift shops and see what they might like to buy. Diane saw nothing and saw one of the natives there and talked with him awhile to find out more about the canyon, April continued shopping.

They both decided they should have an early dinner because their trip began early in the morning.
They shared a carafe of wine at dinner and decided to buy another to take to their room.

Diane is finally saying to April, “I know this may sound weird, and I’m not sure if it’s the wine talking, but I’ve always wanted to kiss you.”

April face turning red looked back at Diane and said, “Did I hear you, right? You want to kiss me?”

Diane replied, “That’s exactly what I said. Do you want to kiss me?”

April walked over to Diane and sat next to her on the bed. She looked in her eyes and leaned in started to kiss Diane, their tongues probing. They held this embrace for several minutes, with both feeling the dampness in their panties.

April finally stood up, and looking at Diane said, “I think we both want more than a kiss here.”

April began slowly removing her clothes, exposing her tanned body and perky thirty-four c breasts. Standing there totally naked walked over to Diane and pushing her freshly shaven pussy in Diane’s face.

Diane took her finger and began rubbing April slit feeling her wetness. Diane dropped to her knees, began licking April’s clit. April biting her lip and moaning, said, “Diane, please don’t stop.”

Diane stood up and pushed April back on the bed and told April, “I’m going to do this properly.”
Pulling April by her legs to the edge of the bed. Diane hastily stripped-down nude.

Diane burying her face into April’s thighs began sucking and licking. April’s moans became louder, running her clit with edges of her teeth, inserting two fingers into her pussy. Diane felt her thighs tighten and knew she was close April’s orgasm was intense soaking Diane’s face.

Diane moving up April’s body began to kiss her once more, letting April taste herself on Diane’s lips their tongues twisted into knots.

April moved Diane from the top and slid in between Diane’s thighs and told Diane, “I want to give to you what you just gave to me.”

April began fingering and licking her, feeling her soaking wet pussy, licking her folds as she slid her fingers in and out of her. Diane is screaming with ecstasy. Diane soon came bathing April with her juices.

The lovemaking lasted a few hours with Diane finally looking at the clock and saying to April, “Crap it’s ten pm, and we have to get up at five am.”

They were about to fall to sleep when suddenly the sky lit up with lightning, and it began to pour as they have never seen before. The lightning lit up the canyon walls with deep dark clouds over the canyon.

They went to their balcony, and the scent of the rain mixed with the pine trees’ mesquite trees and desert air smelled of fresh, clean air like no smell they had ever smelt before.

They watched for a while and then both went to bed, April kissing Diane good night and fell into a satisfied and deep sleep.

The next morning came too soon for both of them, but they were so excited about the adventure.

They went to the stables to check in and see if there’s anything they needed to do.

A young man greeted them and said, “Hello my name is Jack, you two must be Diane and April.
Diane said, “Yes, we are, how did you know that?”

He replied,” Everyone else has canceled due to the storm we had last night, and we are forecasting more for today. Are you two sure you want to go?”

They looked at each other, knowing they may not have this opportunity again.

April spoke up and said, “Yes, we are going you’ll keep us safe, won’t you?”

He smiled and nodded he then told them, “We will have one other person joining us it’s old Ben. He lives at the bottom of the canyon, and he will come with us.”

Ben showed up about ten minutes later, looked over at Jack, and asked, “Is this all that’s going?”
Jack said, “Yes this is it. Everybody else got scared off by the storm.”

Ben whispered in Jack’s ear, “I think I’ll ride caboose that way, I can check out those two cabooses all the way down.” Grinning at Jack.

Jack looked over at Diane, and April said, “Ready to go? Let’s try to get an early start I want to get to the bottom as soon as we can just in case those storms crop up again. It’s a lot safer down there than being on the trail.”

Jack led them to their mules and told them, “I am going to give you our two most experienced mules, they do this all the time their names are Ben and Jerry.”

Diane giggled said to Jack, “Does that mean we get ice cream?”

He just smiled and helped them onto their mules.

They climbed onto their mules, and off they went.

The first part of the ride was steep and narrow. It was hard for them to take in the beauty of the Grand Canyon, and they were both shaking like Quaking Aspen’s. They watched every step that their mules took with some loose pebbles and dirt falling off the side of the trail down hundreds of feet down the canyon.

Ben sensed their nervousness and saw that they weren’t looking at anything besides the steps of the mules, started pointing out different formations.

Jack started doing the same thing describing the geology of the Grand Canyon and how it is formed. He slowed down the mules and pointing out in the distance he said, “Look there, it is a California condor.”

Diane stuttered, “How big is that bird? It won’t eat me, will it?”

Ben thought to himself the condor won’t, but I would love to.

Jack replied, “Their wingspan in about ten feet and they weigh about twenty-five pounds, and no, they are harmless they eat things that are already dead.”

The two of them finally started looking at in the distance and being a little less shaken by the trip. They marveled at the vastness of the canyon, both unprepared for the steep decline and the narrowness of the trail.

After about two hours of riding, Jack said, “We have prepared lunch for you both, and we will stop in about fifteen minutes.”

Jack looking at the sky and seeing clouds starting to form into a storm. He didn’t want to burden them with this knowledge that the weather may take a turn for the worst. They seemed to just now began to get comfortable with the ride.

They enjoyed a chat as they were eating their sandwiches. Jack let them know that Ben is a member of the Havasupai tribe. He is one of the Elders and leaders of the tribe.

Ben told them, “The Hualapai are descendants of the Cerbat people and have been in the area since thirteen hundred A.D... His tribe had been there over eight hundred years living at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and they are the guardians of the canyon.”

He asked them, “Do either one of you know what Havasu means?”

Shaking their heads, no, and then Diane asked, “What does it mean, Ben?”

Ben said it means,” Blue-green water which you will see at Havasupai falls when we get to the bottom of the canyon. The watercolor will be like nothing you have ever seen before, and it’s crystal clear.”

Ben looked up at the sky, made eye contact with Jack, looking back at him shaking his head in acknowledgment of the worsening conditions of the sky.

They all finished up lunch and continued down the trail.

April and Diane getting used to the ride at this point started noticing all the beauty of a canyon. They descended into the canyon, and the colors changed to more red tones, so did the temperatures, they got warmer as they went down the trail.

Approaching the last clearing where it was big enough to dismount the mules, Jack stopped them.

He said, “Ladies, if you look up at the sky, it’s getting black. I’m afraid we are going to run into some weather rather quickly, go ahead and get your ponchos on and your wet weather gear. We have about another hour before we get to the bottom there will be safe.”

Diane looking over at Jack, asking, “We are going to be okay? Wha.t do we do if it starts raining like I did last night?”

Jack replied, “Don’t be worried. Ben and Jerry have done this many times in this type of weather. Just trust them.”

They were three-quarters of a mile from the bottom, and the skies opened. Some waterfalls could be seen all around them, falling to the bottom of the canyon. The trail turned into mud and slowed the mule’s advancement to a crawl.

Diane and April shaking again, wondering if they were going to make it.

Ben and Jerry came thru and delivered them to the bottom of the canyon.

At the bottom, scared, soaking wet and exhausted, April and Diane got off their mules and went running to the nearest cabin.

Jack yelling to then through the thunder and rain, “Stay right there, I’ll get your cabin warmed up with a fire.”

Ben took the mules to the corral and unsaddled them. True to his word within a few minutes, Jack had a blazing fire roaring in their cabin.

Jack looking out at them said, “This is your cabin make a run for it. I have a nice fire going for you.”

As they got into their cabin, they thanked Jack for all that he had done for them, getting them safely to the bottom and starting a fire they are very appreciative.

The sky turned blue, and the storm passed in about thirty minutes. They walked outside of their cabin and looked at their surroundings. Again they were taken back the beauty of the canyon and the sheer cliffs they were looking up at.

Ben coming out of the stables, said, “That was an interesting last part of that ride, but you never had anything to worry about. I had my eye on those asses all the way down. I am going to my home now. Nice to meet you two, maybe I will see you later.”

April thinking to herself, I wonder if he meant our asses?

Jack was making dinner and drinks for them and told them, “Don’t go too far from here. I will have some native maguey wine to serve you shortly.”

Diane said, “I don’t think we are walking too far. We are still sore and tired.”

They walked around and looked and saw the falls in the distance and could hear the roar the nearby stream.

Jack served them their wine and dinner as night began to fall.

He told them, “If you’re interested, Havasupai Falls is right over there.”
He pointed at the nearby waterfall.

He continued, “If you’re interested, I’ll take you over there tomorrow. You can see what Ben was telling you about the beautiful water and how clear it is.”

Diane said, “That sounds wonderful, and thank you so much for everything today.”

They went into their cabin, looked at each other April saying to Diane, “I don’t want to make too big a deal out of it, but my butt hurts I think I have saddle sores.”

Diane giggled “I know I have saddle sores.”

The two of them decided to make an early night of it and go to bed.

Diane woke up a few hours later and looked outside and saw a fire burning, and Ben was sitting by it with Jack. She could smell the scent of warm colitas in the air.

She woke up April and said, “Look at these two. They are out their smoking dope in the middle of the night.”

April looked at her, “You woke me up to tell me they are having a good time? Go back to bed. I am.”

Waking up the next morning still sore but very refreshed. They walked out and saw Jack cooking breakfast for them.

He looked at them and stated, “Good morning, April, good morning Diane. I’m making some eggs and bacon for you two how would you like your eggs?”

April answered, “I think scrambled would be good.”

Diane nodding in approval.

Jack said, “Scrambled it will be.”

Bringing each of them a cup of coffee and pointed, just come over here and sit down, and I’ll have your breakfast ready shortly.
So, he asked them, “How did you enjoy your ride yesterday? “

Diane told him, “To be perfectly honest, I think we were terrified part of the way down; otherwise, it was beautiful, and the scenery was spectacular.”

Jack then said, “You two are in for a treat today Ben is going to make you a special dinner tonight Indian tacos, beans and some corn is grown right here at the bottom. I have a short walking tour planned for you as well if you are up to it. I also would like to know if you two would like to go swimming at the bottom of Havasupai Falls?”

April spoke up, “This all sounds wonderful Jack, thank you, but we didn’t bring any swimming suits we didn’t know you could swim down here.”

He acknowledged them, “You could just wear your undergarments or go skinny-dipping. I promise there’s nobody else down here to look at you, and I won’t you have my word on it.”

They looked at each other and replied,” We might just take you up on that.”

They finished up breakfast, and they went on their walk as planned. They saw some fantastic sights the best was yet to come as they arrived at Havasupai Falls.

They could not believe the color of the water blue-green just has Ben had said, and it was crystal clear.

Diane looked over at April said, “I want to go swimming in there, and I don’t care about our swimsuits. What about you?”

April looked back at her and smiling and then yelled at Jack, “Jack we’re going swimming, you promise not to be looking?”

He shook his head yes and disappeared.

April took off her shoes and dipped her toes in the water. She told Diane, “This water is freezing, are you sure you want to go swimming in here?”

Diane already naked jumped in the water and looked back at April, laughing, “Yes I’m sure.”

April soon joined her. Two of them swimming next to each other and finally stopping and hugging each other and started kissing.

April told Diane, “I wanted you last night, but I don’t think either has had the strength that for it.”

They swam over to some nearby rocks laying in the sun, the mist from the falls cooled the rocks just enough for them to lay on. Their bodies warmed up on the rocks and sun.

Diane spread her legs, and April began licking her, burying her face in Diane’s pussy.

Diane put her hand over her mouth so the moans could not be heard by Jack. Leaning back on the rocks, she began to tremble in ecstasy.

The thought of being outside excited her and the thought of being caught. It wasn’t long before April brought her to orgasm her juices flowing down on the rocks and on April’s face.

Diane got up from the rock dizzied from experience. April laid down on the warm sandy beach, and Diane laid on top of her kissing her. Taking her tongue down April’s neck rubbing her nails down her sides. She then moved down to April’s nipple began lightly biting it as her other hand began probing April’s pussy.

Cupping her pussy with her hand, she inserted a finger into her, she was soaking wet. Moving down her body with her tongue stopping every few seconds tossing her belly button ring with her tongue, then taking the tip of her tongue and gently licking her clit.

April began squeezing her thighs together and rocking back and forth, cumming in an explosion.

Diane rolled off her, both looking face up at the sun and the walls of the Grand Canyon. The mist is spraying them every so often. They both enjoyed the exhilaration of the moments they just shared and the beauty of what their eyes were seeing.

Suddenly they both heard some bushes rustling in the distance.

Diane stood up and looked and then said, “I think it was Ben the pervert.”

April smiling at her and shrugging her shoulders, “I think it’s about time we found Jack we’ve been out here for quite a while.”

They both got dressed and walked down the trail to where Jack had left them earlier in the afternoon.

Diane calling out, “Jack where are you, Jack, we’re all done swimming.”

A few minutes later, Jack came walking up the trail and asked them, “Did you have a nice swim? “

April said to him, “It is the best I have ever had.”

Returning to their cabins, Ben was there cooking. He then told all of them, “Dinner’s going to be a little late. I was detained. I saw some amazing birds I’ve never seen here before, and I was watching them.”

Diane looked at April and rolled her eyes and whispered sarcastically to her, “Sure he was looking at birds.”

Jack told the two of them as they were sitting down for dinner, “You two are very fortunate Ben rarely cooks but I believe you’re going to like what he has to serve you here.”

Ben brought over the dinner, and as he had told them earlier, he served, Indian tacos and beans grown in the canyon and fresh corn grown right there as well. Their dessert was Indian fried bread with a sprinkling of honey and cinnamon on the top. He finished it up with fresh watermelon from his tribe.

The sun is beginning to fade in the sky, and at the bottom of the canyon, nightfall happens quickly. They both complimented Ben on the dinner, letting him know how much they appreciated it.

Jack said, “We do have to leave early in the morning again to get up to the top. However, the ride will be much easier as no rain is in the forecast, and it’s faster getting up that it is down, and we take a slightly different trail.”

Ben got up and went to his backpack and pulled out a bottle of tequila. He came back over and sat down with some shot glasses and said, “Anybody want a shot of tequila?”

April and Diane both raised their hand, saying, “I do.”

They all shared a few shots sitting by the bonfire Ben was telling them some stories about the tribe and the canyon. He told them there are a lot of unexplained mysteries in the canyon lands.

They were all getting lightheaded from the tequila and then Ben pulled out some peyote buttons. He looked over at the girls and said, “You ever had peyote?”

Jack stopped him right there, he barked at Ben,” That’s going to be way too much for them.”

Ben disagreed,” Well, let’s let them decide.”

April looking at them said, “I’ve heard of it. I’ve also heard it can be a lot of fun, but I’ve also heard that this is kind of a hallucinogenic.”

Jack told them, “That’s true.”

Ben let them know that it is used sometimes in their ceremonies at tribal gatherings.

Each one of them grabbed a small button and decided to try it. They all continue talking for a little while, and then April’s head started spinning.

She said, “I need to lay down here.”

Jack went and got her a sleeping bag and brought out one for Diane as well.

He told them both, “Please remember we have to leave early in the morning. I’m going to go to bed now.”

Diane and April’s heads started spinning as they laid in there sleeping bags watching the bonfire grow.

Suddenly out of the fire came an Indian chief with a full headdress of feathers. Both rubbed their eyes, not sure what they were seeing. He had the body of a Greek god, but his face was Ben.

Diane looked over at April and asked, “Are you seeing what I am seeing?”

In a powerful, haunting voice, the chief spoke, “I am Tochopa leader of the Havasupai and guardian of the Grand Canyon.”

The two of them sat bewildered and confused, not knowing what exactly to think.

He spoke again and told them,” I have been watching you two, and I think I know exactly what you two need.”

Through the smoke and fire, two beautiful maidens appeared. Not saying a word, they walked towards Diane and April.

They knelt in front of them, spreading Diane and April legs apart. They slid off April’s and Diane’s panties, simultaneously burying their faces into their pussies.

They both laid back and began moaning as the maidens licked their pussies. April and Diane began kissing each other as a maidens kept on.

The sensation of being licked while kissing your bestie left them both on a sexual high.

Tochopa smiling and looking through the fire and smoke watched as the two maidens brought April and Diane to repeated orgasms.

Diane woke up the next morning, curled up in her sleeping bag; the fire had diminished. She looked down her sleeping bag and saw that she was naked.

She peeked underneath April’s sleeping bag saw that she was naked as well.

She gently kissed April and said, ‘Wake up, lover.”

April rubbing her eyes, taking a couple of minutes to focus, looked over at Diane finally and asked, “What exactly happened last night?”

Diane shrugged her shoulders, “I was hoping you could tell me.”

April asked her, do you remember some beautiful women coming through the fire and um making love to us?”

She replied, “Yes I do, but that’s not possible, is it?”

April says, “I’m not sure I’m just going to chalk it up to the tequila and peyote.”

Diane replied, “I think you’re right.”

In the distance, they heard footsteps coming their way, so they hurriedly got dressed.

Jack came walking up, looked at the two of them and asked, “Did you two sleep out here last night?”

Diane said, “Yes we did.”

Jack looking at them raising his eyebrow told them,” I hope you got some rest we need to leave here in about an hour I’ll go make you to some breakfast.”

Diane said to April, “You know that just had to be a dream or like you said the peyote and the tequila last night.”

April agreed with her.

As they walked to their cabin to pack up, laying on a huge Boulder was the Indian headdress. There was a note attached that read Nizhónígo ch’aanidíínaał meaning (have a good journey).

( There are some pictures of the Grand Canyon on my page if you care to see them the first one is of Havasu falls)

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Written by AAnna
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