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Hawk - Chapter 15

"Tommy and Elizabeth enjoy all of the sights of their tropical paradise"

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Author's Notes

"This is Chapter 15 of a nineteen part series. In the last chapter, Tommy and Elizabeth flew to a tropical paradise to enjoy their honeymoon."

They walked hand in hand down the secluded beach carrying their shoes in their hands.

“This place is just glorious,” Elizabeth said, shaking her head as the breeze blew through her hair. “Why doesn’t everyone want to live here? The beach is beautiful. The sound of the waves is soothing.”

“And my bride is beautiful in the moonlight,” he said as he squeezed her hand. “She’s also beautiful when she’s standing naked in the rain.”

“Then I should also be beautiful naked in the moonlight,” she suggested.

“Without a doubt,” he laughed. “When we get back to our bungalow, we’ll test out your theory on our private deck.”

Betts stopped, handed Tommy her shoes, and pulled her sundress off. “No need to wait that long,” she announced. “I’m naked now, and I’m covered with moonlight. What’s your opinion?”

“I may need to study it for a while,” he said dryly.

“How long?”

“Oh, I’m not sure. Maybe an hour.”

Moving close to him, Elizabeth put her hand against his crotch. “The hardness of your member tells me that the question has been answered.”

“You can’t blame a fella for trying,” he laughed.

Elizabeth began to unbuckle his belt. “I’m suddenly stuck with the thought that it would be a total loss for us to go home and say that we hadn’t fucked on the beach. Right now, I’m naked and horny. This thing in your pants feels like a piece of steel. I think if you were to lie down on the sand, I could ride you to heaven.”

“You aren’t worried about someone else walking the beach and seeing us?”

“Not in the least,” she said as she stroked his cock. “Let’s go, big boy, give mama what she wants.”

“This isn’t the way a submissive wife behaves,” Tommy said as he lay down on the beach, his staff pointing at the moon.

“Perhaps not,” Betts said as she stood over him. “Maybe when we get back, you’ll need to spank me to remind me to know my place.”

“I just might,” he said as she took him into her depths. “But first, I’ll let you be in charge for a while.”


The next morning, Elizabeth was stretched out on one of their lounge chairs sunbathing naked. Tommy stood in the doorway, admiring her beautiful body.

“Are you watching me?” she asked, sensing his presence more than seeing him.

“I am,” he answered.

“I think I need to go home with a tan. Don’t you?”

“You’ll need to show people that you were on an island paradise. A tan is a good way to prove it.”

“You want to join me?”

“I’m going to book us a boat ride this afternoon,” he replied. “Here,” Tommy said as he tossed something to her.

“You want me to put on clothes?”

“Not really clothes… just the bikini bottoms. I like the idea of you being tanned, but you sexy ass still soft and white.”

Elizabeth stood and pulled on the bottom of her suit. “Is this what you want?”

“Turn around,” he told her and studied how the tan line would look. “Yep, that’s perfect.”

As she stretched out again, Betts asked, “What kind of boat ride are we going to take?”

“The resort has some guys with small sailboats. They can take two passengers, and I thought it would be fun to sail around for a while and see what kind of creatures live in these clear waters.”

“That does sound like fun,” she replied as she pulled on her sunglasses. “But we’ll have to have clothes on.”

“Somehow, I doubt the sailor would object if you wanted to sail naked.”

Betts just smiled, feeling proud that her husband enjoyed her naked.


That afternoon they found their boat waiting for them in a small marina. Elizabeth was wearing a tiny yellow bikini with a light white jacket for cover in case there was too much sun. Tommy wore black swim trunks that fit loosely along with an unbuttoned short-sleeved shirt. The captain welcomed them on board, pushed away from the dock and paddled toward the vast blue sea.

As they moved away from the resort, Elizabeth looked ahead, wondering exactly where the boat would take them. They seemed to be floating on clouds as the wind caught in the boat’s sail, pushing them faster. The only sound was the wind flapping the fabric and the bubbles in the small wake the craft left behind.

After maybe fifteen carefree minutes, their guide began pointing down while holding his finger to his lips as an indication they should be quiet.

Betts looked over the side of the boat. The water was so clear she could see the bottom and guessed the depth at twenty-five feet. As they quietly watched a multitude of fish swam beneath them, appearing to be in thirty different colors, sizes, and shapes. As they watched a green sea turtle swiftly maneuvered around some rocks and disappeared.

The boat captain began to point and speak softly, “Angelfish… Clownfish… Butterflyfish.”

They spotted a large grouper swimming up behind a school of small fish. The beast just opened his mouth, flashed his tail, and swallowed about thirty of the little creatures.

Their guide said, “Sometimes in these waters, we find black-tipped reef sharks. If we sit here long enough, some will come in to feed on the smaller fish.” He pointed in a different direction. “There are some Southern Stingrays. If you’d like, I can take you to an area where you can feed some of them.”

“Honestly?” Elizabeth squealed. “We can do that?”

“Of course, yes,” the captain smiled, showing his dazzling white teeth.

“Isn’t this just amazing, Tommy?” Betts said as she put her hand on his arm. “It’s just so incredibly beautiful and peaceful.”

“Peaceful until a shark shows up,” her husband said.

The captain turned the boat, once again letting the wind catch his single sail. “Watch out there,” the man said and pointed.

They had only been watching for a few seconds when a dolphin jumped out of the water. The first one was quickly followed by five more to Elizabeth’s pure delight. As she watched them, they seemed to be coming toward their boat.

“Don’t worry, miss,” the captain announced. “Dolphins are very friendly and like tourists. They’ll probably come swim alongside us.”

Sure enough, within the next two minutes, they saw six dolphins swimming alongside their small boat. Elizabeth put her hand in the water. Almost at once, one of the dolphins swam under her hand and touched it with his nose. “Tommy, I just don’t believe this.”

For the next ten minutes, the dolphins swam beside them, appearing to take turns on which one could get closest to the boat.

Tommy saw the water change color as they sailed out of the blue water and into more shallow water with a sandy bottom. The captain quickly dropped his anchor in water that was maybe chest deep. He pulled the cover off of a box and pointed inside. “Take some of this and get out of the boat. When you hold it underwater, the stingrays will come to your hand and eat.”

“Is it safe?” Betts asked Tommy.

“It must be,” he said, slipping over the side. “The water feels great. Come on, sugar. Let’s see if you like ocean water as much as rain.”

With Tommy’s help, she got into the water that came up just below her breasts. “Oh, yes,” she laughed. “It does feel wonderful.” Then turning back to the captain, she asked, “How do we find the rays?”

“They find you,” he said with a grin. A few seconds later, he stood and pointed. Looking in the direction he was pointing, they saw gray objects coming toward them. “Hold your hands out,” the captain barked. “They come right to you.”

Seconds later, two rays gently moved up to their outstretched hands to eat the food the captain had given them.

“Don’t make noise, miss,” the captain told Elizabeth. “You’ll frighten them away.”

After several minutes, the two rays turned to silently swim away.

Elizabeth jumped on her husband, throwing her arms around his neck. “That was so great! I had no idea you could do that.”

Once they were back in the boat, they were shown a few more picturesque sites before being taken back to their starting location.

Tommy suggested that they stop at the bar by the resort pool. “I have a mighty thirst,” he told her.

“I thought maybe you’d want to take me back to our little cabin,” she whispered. “We haven’t had sex in over four hours.”

“That long?” he asked in mock surprise. “Have we been married so long that the new has worn off?”

“I kinda doubt it,” Elizabeth laughed. “Did you enjoy having sex on the beach as much as I did last night?”

“I enjoyed watching you,” Tommy replied. “You are incredibly sexy to watch when you get wound up.”

“You wind me up every time you touch me.”

Putting his hand behind her, Tommy squeezed her ass cheek. “Then I’ll start the touching right now.”

When they reached the large pool, their jackets and hats were dropped on a chair before they dove into the water and swam to the bar. The barstools were under water, leaving them partially submerged. Because storm clouds were beginning to form, there weren’t many people around the pool. After their drinks arrived, the bartender went to the opposite end of the bar to wait on a couple seated there.

Tommy put his free hand on Elizabeth’s leg, slowly moving it up past her knee to mid-thigh. “What are you planning on wearing tonight?” he asked.

“What are you planning on doing right now?” she countered.

“I asked a question, and want an answer,” he said as his fingers touched the crotch of her bikini.

She looked into his eyes, trying to focus on his face and not his hand. “I packed a skirt and top that would be nice,” she managed to say.

His fingers began to move between her legs. Elizabeth started to close her legs to stop him, but hesitated when he said one word, “Submissive.”

When she relaxed, Tommy whispered, “Scoot to the edge of the seat and open your legs for me.”

Betts quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching before she did as told.

“Wider,” he whispered.

Elizabeth blushed and opened her legs for her husband.

Putting his hand over her sex, Tommy leaned in. “Tell me what is mine.”

“All of me,” she answered.

“Tell me each part that is mine.”

“My pussy is yours.”


“My ass is yours.”

“That’s right,” he said in a soft low voice. “Those parts are mine, and I want to see them.”

Elizabeth’s eyes got wide. “Right here?”

“Yes, right here and right now. Take the bottoms off and give them to me.”

She gave some thought to refusing, but her libido took control and overruled her conscious mind. Elizabeth slipped off the stool, removed the bottoms to her bikini, and handed it to her husband before she moved back onto the seat. “Do you want me to take the top off too?”

“I would like that very much,” he told her, “But not right now. At this moment, I can see you through this crystal clear water, and I’m willing to bet that you are getting excited and wet.”

Elizabeth sipped her drink and looked to see that the bartender was still at the other end. “What do you want me to do now?” she asked.

“I’ll give you a choice,” he said in a deep sexy voice. “I can finger you until you cum or you can do it yourself and let me watch. Which would you prefer?”

“I’d prefer that you did it, but it would draw too much attention.”

“So then, you’ll do it yourself,” he said, making a statement.

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Elizabeth dropped her hand into the water and moved it between her legs. Spreading her legs wide enough for Tommy to see, she began to run a finger in a circle around her clit.

“Does that feel good?”

“It does,” she whispered. “It would feel better if it was your tongue, but it does feel good.”

He watched as she pressed a finger inside her sex and began to move it back and forth.

“You like that, don’t you?” he told her. “You like how it feels, and you like me watching.” He watched her shudder and knew his wife was being taken by the eroticism of the moment. “How many times have you masturbated thinking about me watching you?”

“Hundreds,” she gasped. “Oh, fuck. I’m so close.”

Tommy slipped off of his seat and stood close enough to Betts that his knee touched the inside of her thigh. “Hold my cock while you cum,” he demanded.

She shoved her hand inside his trunks, grabbing his hot, stiff cock while she whimpered. Her eyes flashed open wide, and her body shook. After a minute, she closed her eyes and rested her head against his bare chest. “That was so good,” she said with a sigh.

“Then I assume you’ll be ready for me when we get back to the bungalow?” he asked sweetly.

“I’m ready right now,” Betts said as she looked up at her husband. “But I guess they have a policy against people having sex on the bar.”

“At least not during the daylight hours when there might be kids around,” Tommy laughed.

“These people are all French. They should all be about love.”

Looking up, Tommy said, “I think we need to be going. It looks like it gonna rain any minute now, and I think you’ll want to be naked when it starts.”

“What a lovely thought,” Betts said as she kissed her husband’s chest.

Tommy picked her up off the stool and tossed her into the water. “Let’s get going,” he shouted to her. “Swim, or I’ll take you right here.” He watched as she began swimming toward the spot where they left their clothes, her bare bottom hidden just below the surface. Tommy swam after her hoping his erection would be gone by the time he had to get out of the water.

When they reached the edge of the pool, Elizabeth reached out her hand. “Give me the bottoms of my bikini.”

“Not a chance,” he said grinning. “You can just wear the jacket to cover your beautiful ass,” he said as he handed her the jacket she had brought for the boat ride.

She put the jacket on, carefully moving out of the water as she tried not to expose anything.

“Now take off the top of the bikini and give it to me,” he demanded.

Standing close to him so that she could open the jacket and not let anyone see her naked, Elizabeth untied the top and handed it to Tommy. When she started to button the covering, he stopped her.

“No, leave it unbuttoned,” he said in a sexy, raspy voice. “Leave it open. Let anyone we pass see what’s mine, and die with envy. You are the most perfect woman on the face of the earth. Don’t hide it.”

Elizabeth looked up at her husband with a look of both embarrassment and pride. The desire was swelling in her again. He knew all of the buttons to push. Betts took his hand and turned to walk back to their bungalow. As they walked, they passed only a few people, but all of them, men and women, looked at her naked beauty.

Just as they stepped inside their cabin, the rain began. A torrent of water fell from the heavens, rattling on their roof, and sounding like a drum beat.

Tommy pulled the jacket off of Betts and dragged her onto their private deck, the rain beating on their heads and shoulders. Elizabeth leaned over to pull off Tommy’s trunks and laughed when his stiff cock sprang free. She took it in her hand and stroked it, her hand gliding effortlessly as it was already covered in rainwater. “May I have some of this?” she said, looking up at him.

Tommy grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. He pulled her back against him so that his stiff cock pushed against her back. Tommy put his hands on her breast as he moved her to the edge of the patio facing the water. He dropped one hand between her legs and began to move his fingers around her clit. “Does that feel good?”

“Yes, baby, you know it does.”

“Tell me what else you want,” he said softly in her ear.

“I want your cock. You know, I do. I want it right here and now.”

“I think you want someone to come by in a boat and watch us.”

“I don’t care,” she said as she began to feel her inner tension mounting. “Please, baby.”

“Tell me where you want it,” he growled as his fingers continued to massage her nub.

“Everywhere,” she pleaded. “Please Tommy. I want you in my pussy, and in my ass. I love to have you in my mouth and between my tits. I just need you, baby, please.”

“Bend over and show me what’s mine,” he commanded.

Elizabeth bent over, put her hands on the patio railing, and spread her legs. She looked forward, but the rain was coming down so hard she could hardly see thirty feet beyond.

Tommy stepped up behind her, found her hot pussy and pressed himself into her in one smooth move.”

“Yes!” Betts screamed, and she pressed herself back against his body. “Oh, fuck, yes!”

While his body seemed to want to pound her hard, Tommy deliberately slowed his pace to a steady rhythm. He was enjoying the view of his beautiful wife’s fantastic body. Raindrops were splashing on her back, and her perfect ass was jiggling with his every thrust. His cock felt like it was in a velvet oven, sliding easily through her tunnel. Tommy just didn’t want it to end.

He noticed water pooling around her puckered opening. Putting his thumb into the pool, he pushed his thumb into the first knuckle. When she groaned loudly, he pressed it in all the way. “You like that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Damnit. You know I do,” Betts thundered. “Oh, Tommy. I’m going to cum. Please, baby, don’t stop! Oh, please.”

He felt her legs begin to shake as she stood up on her toes. He felt her pussy grasp his cock like it was a fist. Her entire body trembled before she cried out. “Fuck!” she screamed into the rain filled air around them.

Tommy kept moving at the same pace but feeling like he was holding her up. He knew her legs would be weak after such an intense orgasm. It was almost a full minute before Elizabeth’s head came up.

“Oh, sweet mother,” she groaned. “I’m cumming again, Tommy. Cum with me this time!”

Tommy was ready, but waited as long as he could. When Betts cried out again, he buried himself in her and released copious quantities of his seed into her, refusing to stop moving until his body rebelled. He continued to hold her, keeping his member inside her as long as possible.

When he finally did withdraw, Elizabeth turned around to wrap her arms around his middle. “We’ve just discovered something new,” she said with a smile.

“What’s that, Betts?”

“I appear to be multi-orgasmic. I’ve never had orgasms so close together before. That was amazing.”

“So then would you say that sex is the most fun you can have without laughing?” he asked as he hugged her.

“Easily,” she said as she pressed her face against his chest. “I think it’s a good thing that God created the orgasm.”

“Explain your concept,” he laughed.

“Because, if there weren’t a climax, we would just fuck until one of us dropped dead.”

Tommy kissed her forehead. “You make a good point, love. Are you cold? You’re pretty wet, and it’s still raining.”

“The rain feels wonderful,” she cooed. “You feel wonderful, and I don’t want this to ever end.”

“We still have lots of time left and more adventures ahead of us. I think you are starting to relax now and not think about work. Our remaining time here will be even better.”

“I have to admit,” Elizabeth confessed. “The first three days here, I was still thinking about things going on in the office. But now I’m just thinking about this paradise around us the joy of being with you. Thank you, baby, for this long and beautiful experience.”

Tommy picked up his wife and carried her into their large bathroom. He set her down gently and began drying her with one of the extra-large towels. “When I get you dry, we are going to take a nap. We have dinner reservations for this evening, and I expect there will be more fun ahead.”

Elizabeth knew that if she were a cat, she would be purring as her handsome husband toweled her dry. It was comforting and sexually arousing at the same time. She knew this experience would happen a thousand times again with her husband. The thought gave her a warm and happy feeling.

Once he had her hair dried sufficiently well, he turned her around, slapped her butt, and said, “Turn back the covers and get in bed. I’ll be with you shortly.”

“Don’t you want me to dry you off?” she said with a grin.

“While it would be very nice, I know that once you got a certain part of me, you want to examine it carefully and eventually have it end up in your mouth,” he said as he turned her once again and slapped her ass a little harder. “Now be a good girl, and do as I’ve said.”

Betts took three steps before she stopped. “I’ll be your good girl, Daddy.”

“Move!” he shouted as he smiled at her.

She jumped and ran to the bed.

Tommy began drying his own body as he smiled, saying to himself, “How did I ever get so lucky?”


Tommy woke his bride after they had slept for several hours. Looking at the clock, he knew they only had about an hour before their dinner reservations. He rolled her over, kissed her, and swatted her butt. “Go do what you need to do to get ready for dinner. Remember the rules. No lingerie.”

“I remember,” she said in a soft voice as she slipped off the bed. “I have something to wear that you haven’t seen yet, but I know you’ll like it.”

“If you’re in it, I’ll like it,” he said as he watched her walk around the bed and into the bathroom. He thought about joining her in the large shower but knew that if he did, they would never make dinner. His desire for his wife seemed to be unlimited. The more sex they had, the more he wanted. Rather than joining her, Tommy decided to go to their bar and prepare a couple of drinks to get their evening started.

When he walked into the bathroom, Betts was getting out of the shower. “I brought you a drink,” he said as he handed her the glass.

“Trying to soften me up and then have your way with me?” she laughed before sipping the drink.

“You’ve found me out,” he laughed as he stepped into the shower still holding his drink.

Once Tommy was dressed, he called Elizabeth. “Time to go, babe.”

Betts stepped out of the bedroom, wearing an outfit that instantly made him hard. She was wearing a soft pink flowing skirt with what he assumed you would call a peasant blouse. The fabric had the print of white flowers that were almost not visible. There were about six inches of bare midriff between the top and the skirt. Elizabeth looked like she had just stepped off the pages of a swanky men’s magazine. It was clearly evident that she was braless. She was breathtaking.

“The best supermodel in the world would want to commit suicide if she was standing next to you, Betts. You are simply perfection.”

“Thank you, love,” she said as she slowly turned in a circle.

“I just have one more thing I want you to wear,” he said, walking past her back into the bedroom. When he came back, he handed her the pink toy he had given her at the Los Angeles airport. She watched him drop the remote control into his pocket.

Elizabeth gave her husband a wicked grin. “The perfect complement to my outfit. I believe this will be a dinner date to remember.” She put her foot up on a chair, lifted her skirt, and smoothly inserted the pink toy. Standing up, she said, “Wanna give it a test?”

With the remote in his hand, Tommy turned on the power. He watched as her eyes closed, and she smiled.

“Ah, yes,” she whispered. “Perfect.”

Tommy took her by the hand and led her out their doorway. “Tonight we’ll see the couples dance. I think you might find it very arousing.”

“I’ll just bet you’re right,” she answered, squeezing his hand.



Written by JefferyB
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