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The Saturday before Halloween was the date for the company party. Since this was to be the first one, Andy and Jeff were hoping for a good turnout. Most of the workers on the project signed up for it, but no one knows for sure until the party starts.

The starting time was seven o’clock, by seven-thirty the place was almost filled. Andy dressed as King Neptune, and everyone bowed as he walked among them. There was a mobster, a devil, and an undertaker, just for starters. When they say Fred and Valerie, the jokes start to fly.

The music started and the food was stretched along two six-foot tables. And as usual, Andy had his bar fully stocked for his guests. Everyone was enjoying themselves. It was so good to see how well everyone got along. And of course, there was always a little mischief, even with Valerie. Every time she got the chance, she would trace around Jeff’s fig leaf. He tried not to “notice”, but she continued teasing.

Guys were coming up to Jeff and Valerie to introduce their wives and tell Jeff what a great party Andy put together. The local leaders came up and expressed their appreciation. Everything was going great.

Finally, the hippies made their way up to the bar. Valerie told her Mom how cool they looked. She told Valerie that they found their costumes at the local thrift shop. Ted had his arm around Liz as though she may wander off without him.

“Valerie,” her Mom said, “why don’t you two come out from behind the bar so we can see your costumes? Your fig leaves are perfect. Oh, Jeff. Valerie, I thought you told me his fig leaf was bigger than that!”

“MOTHER!” Valerie screamed. They all started laughing and Jeff covered it and acted as though he was embarrassed, which made it even funnier. Jeff refreshed their drinks, and the hippies went off to join the rest of the party. As they watched them walk away, Jeff was tracing a line from between Valerie’s legs and up between her butt cheeks.

“Do you know what will happen if you keep that up, Mister?”

“How many guesses do I get, or how many options do I get?”

“One of each. You tell me where and when,” Valerie cooed.

“You know you drive me crazy Valerie. Sometimes, I want to throw you on the bed and do you.”

Valerie gave Jeff a seductive look, “So force me I’ll help you.”

Luckily, or unluckily, Luke and his wife came up to the bar to have their drinks refreshed. They started to talk to Jeff and Valerie. Jeff was thankful because it gave him some time to let his fig leaf lose some of the swelling.

The evening was getting old when King Neptune made his second appearance. It was eleven-thirty when he shouted for everyone’s attention. He stood by the bar and tapped his pitch-fork staff on the floor. Everyone chuckled at the sight.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Andy began. “I think everyone has had a fun evening.” The crowd clapped and cheered.

“This may not be the time, but I need to talk a little business. All of you have done a magnificent job. We ARE ahead of schedule, which you know is good for all of us. Now the business part. Thanksgiving is going to be here in a heartbeat, so, you have a choice.

This year I am giving you an extra day off. It can be the Wednesday before or the Monday after. To compensate for this, if this project is finished ahead of schedule, and it looks like it sure will be, the bonus will include an extra ten percent for your hard work and your holiday.”

The place erupted in cheers and applause. Wives hugged their husbands and guys were shaking hands. Glasses and beer cans clinked together. Some of the wives were crying. The “king” had made his subjects very happy.

Valerie was jumping up and down while she hugged Jeff’s neck. This would be their first holiday season together. He looked at her with a wide smile on his face.

“Jeffery Thurman,” Valerie admonished, “You knew about this all along, didn’t you? Didn’t you? You stinker. Why didn’t you tell me? I’d spank you, but you would like it. You’re a stinker!”

“Ginger Snap, remember when Andy called me to the office when we got here? That’s when he told me. He asked if I thought it would work and if it would be a good idea. We discussed it, and he told me he would make up his mind. I didn’t know for sure Andy would do it, but I did have a funny feeling he was going to do it. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

After the celebration, everyone began to help straighten up the room. Two guys went outside for yard duty while others helped inside wiping up spills and putting food away. When everything was done, and the last three revelers left, Valerie and Jeff sat on some beer cases behind the bar. Jeff popped two of them and handed one to Valerie.

They tapped their beers together and took a sip. Jeff was happy everyone had a good time, but he was glad it was over. He felt so proud introducing Valerie to the wives, and she was so comfortable being with them. She was ready to go home as well.

“Jeff, I’ll get our clothes out the trunk while you lock up. I know you have to check the doors and set the alarm. I’ll have your clothes ready.”

“Thanks, Baby. I won’t be long.”

Valerie headed for the car and Jeff made the rounds to lock up the venue. He was walking to the car when he noticed the back door passenger side door was open. As he got closer, he noticed something on the door handle. It was Valerie’s blue panties. When he got up to the car, Valerie was lying in the back seat naked and smiling that seductive smile of hers.

“Ginger Snap! What are you up to?”

“Jeff, I have spent all evening looking at the bulge in my man’s costume and watching his hot ass cheeks walk through the crowd, stand and talk to people and all the time I can’t sit down and cross my legs, for fear of having a climax right in front of everyone.

Now, “Adam”, take that costume off. Bring that hard cock in here, and crawl on top of me. I’ve been wet more than half of the night watching you, so don’t stop to warm me up, I want my man inside of me now. Like I said, so force me I’ll help you!”

Valerie spread her legs as far as she could and reached out for Jeff. By this time, he had his costume thrown in the front seat and he was crawling on top of his girl in the back seat. As he lowered his body onto Valerie’s, his cock slid into her wanting pussy with ease.

“Take me, Jeff. I want to feel you inside of me, I want to feel your hot lips on my tits, sucking them, biting my nipples.”

Jeff readily took Valerie up on her demands. He started pumping his cock in and out of her hot wet pussy. He grabbed both of her tits and sucked them and nipped her hard nipples. Valerie had her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. He was her sexual captive.

Valerie felt his balls slapping against her. This started her moaning and sweating harder. She was panting and pushing Jeff’s mouth on each of her tits. Sometimes she would grab his head and shove her other tit in his mouth. Valerie was panting and moaning louder and louder. When her climax erupted, she started shoving her hips up to meet Jeff’s.

Jeff was pumping Valerie with long strong strokes. Every time he would reenter her demanding pussy, she would let out a low moan. When his cock would hit her cervix, Valerie would yelp out loud. The two sexual tornadoes were about to collide. Valerie pulled Jeff from her tit and was staring into his eyes. Jeff increased his tempo, and it was then their orgasms exploded on each other.

They were staring at each other, Jeff had a death grip on Valerie’s tits, and she had Jeff scissored between her legs. There was nothing else in the universe as the two orgasms flooded from their sex organs and became a mixture of pure lust. Jeff groaned and Valerie moaned as they two pushed their sex juices together. Their lust dripped from Valerie then cascaded down Jeff’s balls and created a puddle of lust on the seat.

Try as he might, Jeff couldn’t help but collapse on top of Valerie. He had just enough strength left to keep from crushing her. Valerie reached up and pulled Jeff to her. She loved the feeling of her man’s weight on her. She felt his warm breath on her neck. She fell deeper into him. Everything that Valerie ever wanted was in her arms and inside of her.

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Jeff got up on his elbows and looked at Valerie. “I could have crushed you, Baby.”

“No, no you can’t. Your body felt so good on top of me and in me. But you know we can’t stay here. It won’t be long before first light.”

“You’re right, but I will never forget what we had tonight. Ginger Snap, I want you forever.”

“Is that a proposal?”

“I left the ring in my other tux.”

“I don’t care. My answer is “YES, YES, YES.”

“Let’s go home, Ginger Snap.”

It was just before eleven the next morning that the two met at the kitchen table for coffee. Jeff in a pair of boxers and Valerie in one of Jeff’s long-sleeved shirts. The coffee was still going through the coffee maker as the two lovers held each other. It was a beautiful morning and a beautiful sight. Then Valerie turned on her phone for the first time.

“Oh, oh. We’re busted. Mom has left seven voice messages.”

Jeff looked at his phone. “You win, I only have five.”

“Jeff, what am I going to tell Mom?”

“Check the messages and see what she has said first. Then we can see what countries do not have extradition with America.”


Valerie listened to the messages. Each one said they had to talk about Thanksgiving. Jeff’s were about the same concerns. Valerie just looked at Jeff as she poured the coffee.

“Valerie, call your Mom. Ask her if she and Ted can meet us for lunch tomorrow and we can discuss Thanksgiving. Sound simple?”

“Not where Jeffery Thurman is concerned. What have you got up your sleeve? I know that smile.”

“Let’s have our breakfast, then we need to go out.”

They finished eating and got dressed. It was chilly so they bundled up against the chill. Jeff drove downtown and parked in front of the town jeweler. Valerie looked at him, her mouth was open, and her eyes were as big as a dinner plate.

“Jeff are you serious, I mean, last night was magnificent, and I will never forget it and you were wonderful. But I didn’t think you were serious.”

“Serious as a stroke Ginger Snap. I want you to pick out your engagement ring. I want you to be my wife, Valerie.”

When they walked into the store, a very cordial lady approached them.

“Good afternoon, welcome to Simpson’s. If I may be so bold, judging from the young lady’s shaking you are here to look at engagement rings. He surprised you, didn’t he?”

‘Yyyyes,” Valerie stuttered.

They looked at several rings. Valerie was beside herself. She finally found her ring. It was silver and simple. It had a small diamond but to Valerie, it was a stone from a crown. Fred asked how long it would take to be sized. The sales lady said they could have it done in about an hour or so. Jeffery paid the lady and said they would go for lunch and then return.

Valerie ordered a beer and a turkey sandwich. Jeff knew he would have to ask for a to-go box. He ordered ham on rye and a beer. He watched as Valerie rubbed her finger and looked up at Jeff. She was trying to realize this was not a dream.

After lunch, they walked back to the jeweler with the to-go box in tow. When they walked in the sales lady was all smiles. She sat them at the counter and cleaned the ring. She handed it to Jeff, and Valerie turned to face him. He took her hand and slid the ring on her finger. Valerie jumped out of the chair and into Jeff’s arms, sobbing with joy.

They walked to the car, and Valerie continued to make sure the ring was still there. When they got home her phone rang. Valerie looked at Jeff. She was still shaking.

“I’ll get it. Hello, this is Jeff. Valerie is in the girl’s room.”

“Jeff, it’s Liz. Is there any chance we can talk tonight? This Thanksgiving has me very concerned.”

Valerie was shaking her head “YES”. Jeff thought it would come off of her shoulders.

“Sure, what time? Six, perfect. We’ll meet you at the restaurant.”

Valerie went to freshen up. Jeff loved to see her so happy. When she finished, it was his turn. By then it was time to leave.

At six on the dot, Valerie and Jeff walked into the restaurant. There were quite a few customers, but they found Ted and Liz with no trouble.

When we went to the table, Ted stood up, but Valerie just stood in front of Liz, shaking. She stretched out her arm and put her hand in her mother’s hand. Liz looked at Valerie, then at Jeff. Liz stood up and hugged Valerie, both were crying.

It was a bit of a scene at the restaurant, but Ted announced our engagement. The customers cheered and clapped. Ted shook Jeff’s hand, and Liz gave Jeff a big hug. Jeff pulled a chair out for Valerie, and they all sat down.

After the initial shock, they ordered their drinks and the conversation about Thanksgiving began. Valerie’s brother was coming into town with his wife and two daughters. Ted’s two sons were bringing their wives and his three grandchildren, a boy, and two girls.

The major concern is every year Ted and Liz had their family over for dinner. Neither Ted nor Liz had the room in their apartments to accommodate both families. For the first Thanksgiving together, they wanted it to be special. Liz always made the turkey, and Ted’s eldest son’s wife always made theirs. The discussion continued with the largest concern still the lack of space.

Valerie looked at Jeff who was quiet during the entire proceedings. Jeff just smiled at Valerie.

“Jeffery, what other surprises have you been holding back? Come on, out with it.”

“How do you know he has been hiding something, Valerie?” Liz asked.

“Mother, he has this certain look when he is up to something. That look is screaming at me right now. Jeffery Thurman, come on, give it up. If you don’t you know what will happen.”

Liz looked at Valerie, “Keep the punishment between yourselves.”

“Okay,” Jeff finally broke his silence. “I have information, but first I must have Valerie’s sworn word that she won’t lock me in the closet for three days again.”

“JEFFERY THURMAN!” Valerie shouted. “I have never locked you in the closet for three days. It was only two. I think, maybe it was three.”

Liz spoke up, “Okay you two, do your fighting at home. Jeffery if you want to marry my Valerie, you better come clean. What do you know?”

“Holy crap,” Jeff said. “With a threat like that, I have to tell – Liz that was mean. Now I see where Val –“

“JEFFERY!” Valerie scolded.

“I talked to Andy, my boss. He said we are more than welcome to use the party room for our first Thanksgiving. He congratulated me for wanting to marry Valerie, and he sent his best wishes for you and Ted, Liz.”

“Valerie, my only daughter. I love you dearly, you know that. Lock him in the closet for four days without beer.”

“Liz! That’s cruel and unusual punishment,” Jeff protested.

“Don’t you agree Ted?” Liz was looking for backup.

“Ah, Liz. I have to work with this guy.” Ted said in his defense.

With that, Jeff ordered another round of drinks, and the conversation turned to what they were having for dinner. Having decided what they would have for tonight’s dinner, the conversation turned to Thanksgiving.

They had finished their last drink and were heading home. Liz thanked Jeff again for asking his boss for the party room. They said their goodbyes at the car and went their separate ways. When Jeff and Valerie got to their car Valerie turned to Jeff.

“You made me fall in love with you all over again today. I wonder what would have happened if we had tried to stay together years ago. Just a goofy thought.”

“I don’t know, Baby. Maybe we wouldn’t have realized the wonderful things we have together. I know one thing; I am sure glad we got divorced on the same day. Maybe that was the plan all along. I want you now and forever. Valerie, I want you to know, that I appreciate everything you do.”

Valerie looked up at Jeff. She was tearing up. She put her head on his chest and sobbed a little through her smile. “I love you so much, Jeffery Thurman. You’re my Magic Man.

Written by DepartedSoul
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