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Camping - Part 1 - The Clearing

"A romantic night under the stars."

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Author's Notes

"Please enjoy this resubmission of one of my stories. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Part one of a two-part series."

The Mitsubishi Outlander crawled to a slow halt in the Gumtree Forest, in sight of a natural clearing large enough to make camp before the rapidly approaching night enveloped the land in its inky darkness.  The couple had bickered about trivial matters on their long journey, as couples do, long before the car decided to give up the ghost in a spectacular cloud of steam issuing from under the hood and through the grille.

“That’s just great. At least there is a decent place to camp until tomorrow, love,” he said, having surveyed the immediate surroundings in which their car had chosen to die.

“I love the smell of eucalyptus; at least the car has excellent taste in location.” She climbed out of the car and reached for the sky in an effort to stretch out her cramped muscles after such a long car ride.

The sun was low on the horizon, casting myriad shades of red and orange on the wispy clouds overhead, giving the illusion that the sky was on fire.  In reply to this heavenly vista, the waters of the nearby lake reflected all the glory above, making for quite the natural spectacle.

“Can we pitch the tent by the water?” she asked, having taken in the vista before her.

“Sure, as long as you don’t mind risking being taken by a hungry crocogator in the dead of night!”  He made a snapping motion with his arms, reinforcing that he was kidding around.  He had a wry grin when he said it, knowing full well that the waters harboured no man-eating predators, well, not those of a reptilian nature, at least. She chuckled joyously, making sure he heard her, to let him know she appreciated the joke.

The couple were middle-aged and enjoyed the simple things in life, such as good coffee for Him and hot chocolate for Her. However, the one significant binding commonality for the couple was music, any music.  From the earliest beats of the rock’n’roll movement in the nineteen fifties – all the way to the thumping beats of modern pop in the mid-twenty-first century.  As long as there was a good beat they could both shake their asses to, everything was right with the world.

They were born in the same year, and their star signs made them, more or less, almost destined for each other.  The woman has a calm and level head, analytical mind, and sharp intellect.  The man has an ancestry of red-headed Scotsmen, headstrong and fiercely protective of those he held dearest to him. Typically, tending to think with their fists first and their head second, yet, in a perfect juxtaposition, they are deeply sensitive to the feelings of those around them.

They made short work of making camp.  He arranged the tent.  She gathered firewood, stones, and some water from the lake to boil.  He dug a fire pit with the tent pitched, set the rocks around the circumference, and placed the wood into the hole.  Casting a critical eye over the wood available, he selected five sturdy pieces to fashion a makeshift ‘A’ frame to hang a pot and kettle.  With the camping gear, they carried a simple metal grill for cooking food and a frying pan for the obligatory campfire bacon and eggs.

With the kitchen area set, the man stands back and surveys his camp. Then, satisfied, he uses water to boil a kettle and fetches two well-worn metal cups to hold drinks.   It’s not the perfect blend of coffee he usually drinks, but the instant coffee will do in a pinch.  The powdered hot chocolate drink is similarly not ideal, but it will do for now.

With drinks prepared, he sat and watched the last of the sunset, having called to his lover to join him.  As she joined him, he raised an arm to allow her to duck under and snuggle in close.  By this time, the sun had dipped below the trees, and its red glow could be comfortably observed between the trees' trunks on the lake's distant shore.  By this time, the sky was now blood red and looking ominous.

“Thank you for the choccy, honey,” she said before blowing gently across the top of the steaming liquid inside the metal cup.

“You’re welcome, love,” was his simple reply.

They watched nature going about its business in companionable silence.  Neither felt that words were necessary for this communion with Mother Earth.  Absentmindedly, his hand smoothed her hair behind her ear—an unconscious habit formed from years of familiarity with his lover’s likes.  Almost imperceptibly, a small sigh started on her breath.

The clouds from earlier had cleared, and with no local source of light pollution other than the modest campfire that burned and cracked quietly beside them, the majestic vista of the Milky Way came into view. The Geminid meteors were piercing the veil of night, leaving visible trails of their fiery demise in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

“Make a wish, honey,”  he whispered to her, having seen a particularly long-tailed meteor meet its spectacular end.

“I already have,” she said, snuggling into his chest a little more to fend off the encroaching cool of the night.

Her response was whispered, barely audible. They turned to look at each other simultaneously, and whether it was by design or a happy accident, their lips met gently and tenderly.  They paused for a heartbeat as electric thrills coursed through their bodies, their mouths parting slightly, savouring the taste of the kiss.

With more urgency, he pressed forward, re-engaging with her waiting mouth. Lips parted, and their tongues re-discovered each other, forming a delicious ballet of titillation and anticipation. Heads moved side to side as the oral ballet continued, and a nearby orchestra of cicadas provided the musical score. The smell of eucalyptus was heavy in the air as heightened senses began to be overwhelmed.

Tenderly, he continued kissing her as his hand wandered to her side to enable him to hold her more comfortably.  On his way, he brushed against her still-firm breast.  She sighed into his mouth, surrendering more and more to the pleasure coursing through her body. Finally, she placed a hand on his chest.  It was not quite as firm as it once was, but it was not bad for a forty-something man with a dad-bod, as the kids call it. On reflection, she decided it was not the worst chest to caress now.

The tempo from the cicada orchestra has not altered, but the kissing had become more urgent as tongues moved deeper into the territory of the opposing mouth.  His hand that once supported her back is now re-tasked and massaged the firm, round breast beneath her shirt.  The feel of a nipple attempting to reach through the fabric to his hand is tangible as if the sensitive nub is as desperate for his touch on her bare skin as he is to touch her.

With one deft movement, she grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his slightly doughy body, revealing his few tattoos from his military service and a lush forest of chest hair.  His nipples were as puffy as hers; as she dragged a manicured fingernail over one of the sensitive glands, a fresh jolt of electricity shot through his body, and delicious sensations began pooling in his scrotum and pit of his stomach.

She lifted herself to sit upright and rolled over him to straddle him cow-girl style.  Still half-sat, she never broke the kiss, which is beginning to fuel their desire for each other.  She finally pushed him back so he was prone on the uncovered ground.  Then, crossing her arms in front of her, she lightly gripped the fabric of her thin summer jumper, raised her arms in one fluid motion, and discarded the unwanted vestment.

He looked up, appreciating the shelf bra containing her generous, round bust.  Dark areolas were visible through the lace cups of the brassiere, as were her nipples trying to get free.  Like him, the chiselled and petite waistline are distant memories, but she’s held up well against the ravages of time and is worthy of being called a MILF by his co-workers.

He reached up and unfastened the clasp at the front of her bra, allowing her breasts to be free, as nature intended.  She shucked off the unwelcome hosiery and tossed it in the general direction of the rest of their discarded wardrobe.  Unconsciously, her hips have been rocking subtly on his, and his erection is now becoming evident.  Suppressing a giggle, she reached between her legs and unclipped the belt fasteners on his cargo shorts.

He wriggled on the ground, attempting to lower his clothing and free his member from their confines.  She helped a little by raising herself off his body, just enough to take his shorts down to his knees by reaching behind her.  Comfortable once again, he raised his hands to envelop her heavenly breasts.  Her erect nipples firmly pushed back against his hands as he massaged her ample bosom, much to his delight.

Her short summer skirt was not causing similar issues, and with a minor adjustment, the thong she was wearing was easily pushed to one side.  She could feel his member between her labia as she gently rocked her hips back and forth, smearing it with her sweet nectar.  She allowed her head to fall back and issued a low moan as the sensations built in her.  Her lustrous hair billowed out behind her like a majestic mane.

He returned his hands to her hips as if signalling that he was ready for the next phase of their lovemaking.  She looked down at him and smiled warmly. She sensed his question but was not quite yet prepared to answer him.  She was getting too much reward from the bulbous head of his penis rubbing dutifully against her clitoris. 

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He groaned; the feelings from the stimulation of his member were flooding him with the longing to take her right there, but he had subconsciously submitted to her control by allowing her to mount him, letting her have dominion over proceedings. Then, partly in frustration but mainly because of a building urgency deep within him, he groans again, with increased volume.

Subtly at first, she felt the beginnings of her first orgasm of the evening.  A slight tremor began in her toes as if thousands of ants were crawling over the skin.  The pressure built rapidly, and a wave of pleasure crested, then broke, washing over her body in a crescendo of moans and shaking thighs.  Her hips had ceased moving until the orgasm took control and made her muscles contract involuntarily.  Her fingers dug into her lover’s pectoral muscles as she rode the embers of her orgasm.

Sated, temporarily, she opened her eyes and gazed lovingly at him.  He returned the gaze with equal parts love and desire.  She guessed that her actions had aroused him sufficiently and gave a cheeky wink and a grin as she shuffled down his legs. She was bent at her waist as she moved to allow better alignment of her mouth to his penis.

One thing she loved to do was perform fellatio.  Everything about it was enticing and exciting.  From the feeling of trust offered by her lover in allowing his most sensitive parts into her mouth to the taste and texture of his ejaculate as it slid down her hungry throat.  She took the base of his member in one hand and brushed her hair aside with the other.  She knew he liked to watch her full lips wrap around his glans with tenderness and care.  She took more and more of his length into her mouth and throat.  Not once did she break eye contact with her lover.

Slowly, with her tongue pressed firmly against the flat underside of his member, she started to raise her head, popping the glans out at the top of the stroke and swirling her tongue about the sensitive flesh, then repeating the pattern.  Occasionally, she would take a moment to catch her breath and would rub him up and down slowly, with her fingers almost making it around his girth.

Before long, he began to feel his climax start to reach its peak and began to rock his hips and whispered words of encouragement and motivation to her.  Finally, with the sensations becoming more demanding and electric bolts shooting everywhere in his body, he could no longer contain himself.  His hips began to buck wildly, and his legs began to move of their own volition.  His lover continued to watch him as the orgasm crested, and he released several pulses of thick, creamy ejaculate into her waiting mouth.  He was always amazed that she didn’t spill a drop, and she maintained contact to get every last drop of cum from him.

Now equally sated, she lay on him, allowing herself to be surrounded by his strong arms.  His chest hairs tickled her nose, and she gave a delicate sneeze before returning to his chest and planting butterfly kisses over his pecs and nipples.  He was warm, and he was safe.  It was her favourite place to be, next to the picturesque setting their SUV chose to die in.

“How do you feel?” she asked him, always keen to hear his articulation of his feelings after an orgasm.

“Amazing, honey!  I love it when you do that.” He whispered to her.

“Me too.” She said, climbing back up his body to lie under the night sky.

They lay under the stars, lovers entwined in post-coital bliss, listening to the loud sound of cicadas still playing their happy chorus. Twenty minutes later, he raised his head and looked at her—a question formed in his eyes.

“I want to make love to you.”  He whispered.

“As do I with you, my darling,” she said, looking him directly in the eye.

With one fluid motion, he rolled them over so he was now dominant.  He bent her legs at the knees to allow her feet to meet her butt and allow him access to her most precious and sensitive area.  He kissed her deeply and passionately and felt himself becoming erect once again. Then, he began to work his way down her body, lavishing her skin, breasts, and abdomen with kisses as tender as the touch of a butterfly.

Reaching her mons, he discovered that she was freshly waxed, to his delight.  Delicately kissing down to her pubis, he parted her outer labia with both hands and blew gently on her most sensitive spot, delighting in seeing her clitoris become erect in the dancing light from the fire.  Gently, he stroked and licked her vulva, her labia, and her pubis before gently touching the clitoris with the pointed tip of his tongue.  His hands on her hips allow better purchase for his oral talents. 

He turned a free hand palm up to enhance the sensations he was giving. Then, he gently inserted his middle finger into her vagina, just far enough to quickly find her G-spot with his finger, and applied a small circular rubbing motion that went in the opposite direction of his tongue.

Feeling decadent with the sensations rippling through her body, she gave herself entirely over to pleasure.  One of her wayward hands found gainful employment holding the back of his head, pushing him harder towards her waiting sex; the other occupied itself with one of her impressive breasts. She was kneading and massaging the delightful orb with increasing intensity, in time with the sensations being meted out by his tongue on her clitoris.

He ran his hands over her supple thighs, the pale skin reflecting the orange flames of the fire.  He knew that the backs of her thighs were deliciously sensitive, so he casually ran the edge of one fingernail lazily about the soft flesh, adding to the maelstrom of sensations beginning to course through her body, increasingly urgent now, in their demands for the sweet release of sexual gratification.

Her hands went to his head as if trying to merge his tongue with her hyper-stimulated clitoris forcefully—her muscles contracted and spasmed when coupled with the ministrations from his excellent tongue.  Riding the crest of her climax, he didn’t break contact with his tongue or finger until he was satisfied that the intense wave of pleasure had passed over his lover and was ebbing back out in readiness for another to crash over her now quivering flesh, eventually.

Satisfied that she was again calm, he lifted his head and body to crawl up the short distance from her sex—planting kisses along the way up her abdomen and between her breasts to her neck and collarbones.  Eventually, he found her waiting mouth, and their tongues began their slow, ritual dance once again as a passionate kiss ensued.

Growing fully erect once more, and with the confidence of a lover's familiarity with his muse, he required no guidance as his phallus found the entrance to her most secret place.  She sighed contentedly as she felt him push past her labia, his glans stretching the warm, velvety flesh of her sex.  There is no resistance or roughness as he commits to his promised love-making.

Impassioned noises began to fill the clearing as they once more explored their love for one another through love-making.  Kisses were placed on the sensitive areas each has discovered during their coupling: secret little places that no one speaks about,  an ear lobe or at the neck junction where it meets the collar bone, and myriad spots of delicious sensitivity enhance the feelings for both. The broiling climax that each of our protagonists was brewing received the vital ingredients to complete the magical spell of orgasm.

His breathing changed, and his movements took on a more emotional and rapid dynamic as her hands scratched down his back in that unique way that only a lover’s hands could achieve.  The sensations of the delicious pain in his shoulders drove him forward to his release. All other considerations become secondary.  Primal instinct took control; biological imperatives that must be realised as his thrusting became more insistent.

Knowing that he has fulfilled his primary objective of providing an extraordinary sexual experience for his lover already, he felt no guilt about driving hard for his gain at this point. Instead, small electric sensations built in his core, increasing in intensity and frequency until he could no longer delay the inevitable. Finally, his seed is released into her womb with a rush of pleasure bordering on pain.

Breathing heavily, skin slick with sweat from his efforts in climbing this mountain of ecstasy, he opened his eyes to look at his lover, noticing a wayward tear rolling down her cheek.  He raised a hand to trap the moisture and gave her a look that asked, ‘Are you all right?’

Without speaking, she nodded happily and drews her lover down for a sensual kiss.  Tongues danced in the embrace; firelight warming and illuminating their still-coupled bodies in its comforting glow.

“That was beautiful, thank you.” She was so in love with this man.

“No, Thank you! I love you, angel!”  He touched the tip of her nose with his finger.

The words, once spoken, could not be recalled.  He had no intention of doing so.  Hurting this divine creature who had just surrendered herself to his mind, body, and spirit would be a crime against nature of the most insidious nature.  He had no intention of being the man to hurt this woman, his woman.

They embraced each other tightly, savouring the fire's glow and the scenery's majesty. They continued to make love all night and enjoyed watching their first sunrise since their early days together, the first of many more.

Written by Phoenix1973
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