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Summer's Heat Part 3: Sensual Dessert

"Summer serves up a decadent dessert that will leave Derek hungry for more"

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The memory of the other night with Summer was imprinted in my mind, every detail replaying like a movie. I could still see her flawless body moving on my couch, fingers deep inside her as I watched, the lust in her eyes driving me wild.

As I lounged in the morning light of my apartment, thoughts of Summer consumed me. My hand unconsciously traced the outline of my half-erect penis through my shorts, reliving the way she had commanded me to pleasure myself while she watched, until I came all over her body at her request.

Even a full day later, I could still hear her moans and commands echoing in my head. The scent of our combined orgasms hung in the air.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed, jolting me from my daydream. I eagerly opened a message from Summer, feeling desire stirring again.

"Hey D, I'm craving some Italian food tonight and I can't resist the temptation. I'll pick some up and drop by your place arond 7. Hopefully, you’ll have some wine ready. Get ready to savor something delectable. See you later tonight."

My heart raced with excitement. Imagining her entering my apartment, her dark hair swaying playfully in sync with her hips as she walks, and that mischievous smile spreading across her face made my body tingle with desire.

Without hesitation, I responded, "That sounds perfect! I'll make sure to chill some wine for us." As I typed out my reply, anticipation surged through me like wildfire.

I toss my phone on the couch and take a deep breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline. It's like a switch has been flipped, and I'm hyper-focused on cleaning and organizing my entire apartment. But my mind is consumed with questions.

Is Summer just looking for dinner plans, or is there something more? Another night indulging in pleasure together?

Memories flood my mind - her seductive gaze and that mischievous smile. The anticipation is driving me crazy.

I glance at the clock, willing time to move faster, but it seems to be going at its own leisurely pace, taunting me with every tick of the second hand. Each minute feels like an eternity, teasing me with what's to come.

After cleaning up, I step into a steamy shower and let the hot water wash away the day's stress. The warmth soothes my muscles and clears my mind. As I lather up, I imagine Summer's hands following the same path later on.

Once out of the shower, I meticulously shave and apply aftershave, leaving behind a subtle masculine scent. I opt for well-fitted jeans and a crisp button-down shirt, completing the ensemble with sleek shoes.

Standing before the mirror, a surge of confidence washes over me. With one last adjustment, I head to the kitchen to make sure the wine is chilled, the table set, and to wait anxiously for Summer’s arrival.

As 7 approaches, my anticipation builds. Each passing minute feels like an eternity.

When the doorbell finally rings, I practically leap across the room, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

As I swing the door open, Summer stands before me in a vibrant sundress that hugs every curve of her body. The fabric clings to her ample cleavage, drawing my gaze to the gentle swell of her breasts.

My eyes travel down and take in how the dress accentuates her slim hips and hints at the toned legs peeking out from underneath. She looks breathtakingly beautiful.

Her beautiful brown eyes sparkle as she holds up a bag of takeout, a playful grin dancing on her lips.

"Hey there, handsome," Summer purrs.

I can feel the heat radiating off her body as she moves closer, her presence intoxicating in its intensity.

"Thanks for having me over," she says, her words laced with a hint of naughtiness.

She gives me a sultry smile, as she saunters past me into the apartment, her fingers grazing mine in a tantalizing caress.

My pulse quickens at her touch, a primal urge stirring deep within me.

"Hey, Summer," I reply, my voice faltering slightly as I grab the bag of takeout from her hands.

I can't tear my gaze away from her, mesmerized by the way she moves.

Every sway of her hips, every toss of her hair, sends a surge of electricity through me. As she walks, I can't help but follow, drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

As Summer glides toward the dining table, I drink in every inch of her.

As she turns around, she catches me staring, and a playful smile dances across her lips.

"I can tell by that expression that you like my dress," she says with a teasing tone, trailing her hand down the curves of her body.

I feel my cheeks flush as I meet her gaze. "You have no idea," I reply.

Summer spins back towards the table with a smile, the fabric of her dress swaying to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of skin underneath.

"I hope you're hungry," she purrs, glancing over her shoulder. "Because I brought plenty to eat."

"Oh, I'm definitely hungry," I reply, trying not to stumble over my words as I make my way to the counter.

I place the bag on the counter and turn to pull out a chair for Summer with practiced ease, despite the desire burning within me.

Summer's eyes roam appreciatively over my attire, and a slow smile spreads across her lips.

"I have to say, D," she begins, "you look incredibly sexy tonight. That shirt... those jeans..." She trails off, her gaze lingering on me. "They suit you very well."

"Thank you," I reply, a hint of confidence creeping into my voice as I meet her gaze. "That means a lot coming from you.”

With a newfound sense of assurance, I push the chair in for her.

As I step back, I meet her eyes once more. "Can I pour you some wine?" I ask.

"Absolutely, I would love some," Summer replies, her voice soft.

A small smile playing at the corners of my lips as I reach for the glass, pouring the wine with practiced ease. The rich aroma fills the air.

Handing the glass back to Summer, I hold it out for her, as she reaches out, her fingers brush against mine in a deliberate caress that sends a jolt of electricity coursing through me again.

For a moment, time seems to stand still as our hands touch, the contact sending a rush of heat through me.

"Thank you," she says with a sensual expression. "Oh, I didn't bring any dessert. But I'm sure we can come up with something," she adds with a mischievous grin.

Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and turn back to the counter. My hands are surprisingly steady as I unpack the containers of food, filling the air with the delicious scent of Italian cuisine.

Summer moves closer as I arrange the dishes on the table. We engage in conversation, our words flowing effortlessly as we share stories from our weekend.

Despite the desire between us, there is a sense of ease in our interaction.

As the meal progresses, the conversation takes on a sensual undertone, the air between us charged with anticipation.

Summer's voice is like honey as she speaks, each word dripping with a seductive allure.

"So, D," she begins, her eyes smoldering with mischief as she leans in closer, "have you been thinking about what we did the other night?"

My heart races at the memory, the images of our passionate encounter flashing through my mind like a series of forbidden fantasies.

I meet her gaze, a little confidence in my voice as I reply, "I haven’t stopped."

As she sips her wine, I can't help but notice the way her lips linger on the rim of the glass, her movements slow and deliberate. With each sip, her gaze remains fixed on mine.

"That's what I wanted to hear," she purrs, setting down her glass and leaning closer to me. “Because neither have I."

And as the conversation unfolds, she reaches out to touch me several times, her fingers grazing mine in a tantalizing caress that sends a shiver down my spine.

Summer leans in, her voice a sultry whisper. "I have a confession to make. I lied to you … I did bring dessert."

A slow smile spreads across my lips hoping I understand the implications of her words. "Well then," I reply, “What did you bring?”

Summer stands up from her chair, a sultry smile playing on her lips as she moves towards me. Every step she takes is seductive, almost hypnotizing.

As I turn to face her, my eyes are drawn to the curve of her breasts, rising and falling with each deep breath she takes.

With a predatory glint in her eyes, she straddles me, her body pressing against mine with an urgency that leaves me breathless.

I can feel the heat emanating from between her legs through the thin fabric of her panties, my cock twitches involuntarily. She is intoxicating in every way, her scent enveloping me and filling my mind with a primal need.

As Summer places her arms on my shoulders, her touch sends a jolt of electricity coursing through me. Her voice is a seductive whisper in my ear, each word dripping with desire.

"D," she murmurs, her warm breath tickling my skin, "since you seemed to enjoy how I tasted on my fingers the other night, I thought I’d give you a full serving for dessert."

Before I can even formulate a response, Summer's lips crash against mine. Our mouths move in a passionate dance, our tongues playfully exploring each other.

My hands instinctively wrap around her, pulling her closer to me. My fingers caress her soft curves, gently grasping at her ass as I bring her body tightly against mine.

The taste of her is intoxicating, a delicious blend of sweetness and spice that leaves me craving more.

We eventually pull away, a thin strand of saliva still connecting our lips like a tether of desire. We both breathe heavily, the air filled with the scent of arousal.

Summer's eyes lock with mine, a smoldering intensity burning in their depths. "Damn," she breathes, "you sure know how to kiss."

A surge of pride washes over me at her words, but before I can respond, she continues, her words sending a shiver down my spine.

"Now," she murmurs, her voice sultry, "I need you to do that to my pussy."

The thought alone quickens my pulse, makes my mouth water, and causes an ache in my cock. Her stare burns with hunger.

With a playful smirk, Summer breaks free from my grasp and teases me with a look at the bulge in my jeans.

"That will have to wait," she teases, oozing sensuality. "Because right now, your tongue has work to do."

My heart races as she takes my hand and leads me towards the couch.

Summer takes a seat, her eyes full of desire as she gazes up at me. The intensity in her stare weakens my knees.

Without any hesitation, she leans back against the cushions, crossing her legs. My eyes start at her toes and travel up her shapely calves to her toned thighs.

I trace the curves of her hips and waist before lingering on her breasts. Her lips are still moist from our kiss and I can't help but get lost in the depths of her dark brown eyes. She radiates sexuality.

"I need to see you naked again," Summer whispers with a sultry tone. "So why don't you strip for me?"

I comply with a smile, making each movement slow and deliberate as I remove my clothes one by one. First, my shoes, then my socks.

Next comes my shirt, sliding off my shoulders smoothly before falling onto the floor. I watch as Summer's gaze hungrily roams over my bare chest.

Unbuttoning my pants, I slowly slide them down my legs, feeling her eyes on me every step of the way until they fall to the ground. All that's left now are my boxers.

Standing in front of her, it's clear that I am aroused, my hard shaft creating a tent in the fabric of my boxers. A wet spot forming where the head presses against the material.

But Summer's frown brings a sense of worry as she reminds me of her power over me.

"If you're going to be naughty, you won't get your dessert," she scolds with authority.

She uncrosses and crosses her legs, giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her inner thighs. Desire courses through me at the sight.

"I said strip," she repeats firmly but with a hint of playfulness.

With a sense of urgency, I hook my thumbs into the waistband of my boxers and pull them down. Standing there completely naked, my cock is on full display.

As she stares at me, a smirk plays on her lips, and I can see the fire burning in her gaze.

"That's more like it," Summer purrs, rising to her feet with a sensual grace.

Electricity courses through me at her touch, trailing like fire as she traces a path from my jawline, down my neck, and across my chest.

My whole body shivers with anticipation as her eyes follow her finger's movements, filled with desire.

She lets out a low groan as she bites her lip, her voice thick with lust, "you have such a sexy body."

Her words send a surge of arousal coursing through me, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Help me take off this dress," she breathes, her voice dripping with sultriness.

Without any hesitation, she turns around and presents her back to me, lightly grazing her fingers over the zipper.

I swallow hard, the anticipation almost unbearable as I reach out to grasp the zipper. With slow, deliberate movements, I lower it, the fabric of her dress parting like a curtain to reveal the alluring curve of her spine. My hands glide over every curve until they rest on her hips.

As the dress falls to the floor, pooling around her feet, I can feel the heat radiating off her body, the air thick with the heady scent of arousal.

Summer presses back into me, her body urgent against mine. Desire surges through me as I feel my hard cock pressing against the top of her buttocks.

As she leans back against me and rests her head on my shoulder, a soft moan escapes her lips.

"That feels good," she murmurs, "It's so nice to be out of that dress."

"I bet it is," I manage to rasp out, in a breathless whisper, barely audible over the pounding of my heart.

As I speak, Summer presses herself even closer to me, causing my length to twitch in response. Suddenly, I feel a drop of liquid escape me, leaving a damp spot on her lower back and my stomach.

I can feel Summer's smile, a knowing grin.

"I can feel that," her voice a sultry whisper. My cock throbs in response.

Suddenly, she moves away, turning to face me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I'm glad you're so excited for your dessert," she says with a playful smirk as she settles back down, her legs crossed, her breasts bounce gently, drawing my gaze like a magnet.

I kneel down in front of Summer without hesitation, my heart racing as I draw closer. She looks down at me with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, her foot playfully tracing along my hip.

My hand rests on her thigh as I lean in.

With a seductive smile and parted lips, she meets me halfway for a fiery kiss. Each touch of her lips electrifies me.

The taste of her is like a sweet elixir that sets my senses ablaze.

Her hands tangle in my hair, gently scratching my scalp as our moans mingle together.

I crave more of her, more kisses, more touches, just more.

Reluctantly breaking our kiss, I see the desire burning in Summer's eyes.

I journey down her body, kissing and nipping at her neck, then slowly trailing down to her chest and between her breasts.

Capturing her hard nipple in my mouth, I suck and flick my tongue across it while remembering how roughly she treated it before. I scrape my teeth over it and gently bite down as she groans and arches her back.

Not wanting to neglect any part of her, I move onto the other nipple and repeat the same actions. Her groans become louder.

Summer pulls me away from her, breathing heavily and with a wild look in her eyes. She gently grabs a handful of my hair, not pulling but holding me close. Her breathy voice quivers, "Fuck, you're making me so wet.”

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I look up at her and smile before trailing kisses down her stomach. Every inch of skin I touch ignites under my lips.

Reaching her hips, I continue to kiss as I start spreading her knees apart, exposing more of her toned thighs.

She willingly falls back and lets her knees fall open, exposing her glistening pussy.

The heat and scent that surround me are irresistible, and I can't help but moan in anticipation.

Looking up at her again, I see the way she's biting her lip and watching me intently. It only heightens my arousal.

I kiss just above the pubic hairline before gently tugging on a few strands of hair with my teeth.

"Ouch," she gasps.

Immediately, concern fills me, thinking I may have hurt her.

But then she gives me a sly smile and says, "I didn’t say stop."

Feeling emboldened by her response, I grab a bit more hair and give a harder pull, making her jump, followed by a playful laugh. It's like music to my ears.

With slow, deliberate movements, I trail my finger along the outer curves of her mound. Starting just above her delicate bud, I glide down one side and back up the other, tracing the contours of her womanhood.

As I reach the top, I slide my finger gently between her lips, parting them just enough for my finger to slide from top to bottom. The wetness that greets me is evidence of her arousal, and my finger glistens with her juices.

I continue to explore her folds with my fingers, mesmerized by the beautiful shade of dark pink that greets me. Pulling back the hood reveals her engorged clit, already begging for attention.

As I gently run my finger across it, she moans softly in response. My other hand plays with the curls of her pubic hair as I slowly slide my finger into her.

She moans louder as I add a second finger, filling and stretching her even more, and I can feel her pussy quiver around me.

As I move my fingers in and out, I caress the walls of her warm pussy and twist them back and forth with each stroke, searching for that special spot that will make her toes curl. When I find it, she squirms under my touch and gasps with pleasure as I continue to rub it in little circles.

Her voice is a breathless command as she pleads, “Put your mouth on my pussy. I need you to taste me.”

I can feel the throb of excitement between my legs as I finally move my lips to her soaked center.

My tongue eagerly flicks out, tasting her thick juice as it slips under her hood. I revel in the tangy scent of her sex, breathing in deeply as I bury my face between her thighs, my nose tickled by the soft curls of her pubic hair.

My tongue swirls around her clit while my fingers continue their dance inside of her. She gasps and bucks her hips against my face, desperate for more.

With my free hand, I begin rubbing circles around her swollen clit as my tongue joins in on the action between her slick lips. I bask in the wetness on my fingers and the taste of her pussy on my tongue; it's like a sweet nectar that I can't get enough of.

Her hips involuntarily jolt backwards, attempting to escape the overwhelming sensations as I once again envelop her clit with my lips. But her hands tell a different story, pulling on my hair with a firm grip, urging me to take more of her into my mouth.

I happily comply, my lips wrapping around her clit once again. I use my teeth to graze over it before flicking my tongue across the sensitive bud.

Meanwhile, my fingers are thrusting in and out of her slick walls, hitting that perfect spot with each stroke.

She moans louder and tightens her grip on me. In this moment, satisfying her every desire is all that matters to me.

Summer's body tenses, her breath catches, and she starts to tremble. The heat between her legs intensifies as her legs shake.

Her back arches and I pick up the pace, sucking harder on her clit while my fingers plunge deeper into her. The slick walls of her pussy grip them like a vice as if they are starving for them.

I groan into her moist folds, loving every second of it.

Her body is dotted with goosebumps now, her skin glowing with pleasure. I feel the muscles of her thighs twitching and her toes curling with each thrust of my fingers.

Her musky scent fills my nostrils as the taste of her juice coats my tongue.

“Fuck” she gasps out, “Yes… Yes…”

Her grip on my hair becomes painful as her nails dig into my scalp, but I don't care. All I can focus on is bringing her as much pleasure as possible.

Her hips jerk forward and back, seeking friction against my face as she begs, "Please don't stop! Don't ever stop!" Her pleas blend with the moans and gasps that echo through the room.

Her orgasm crashes over her like a wave, shaking her slender frame and making her ass cheeks quiver. Her pussy pulsates on my face, tightening around my fingers like a fist. Every shudder of pleasure can be felt as she releases herself uncontrollably.

Feeling her vibrate and convulse underneath me, the pleasure of knowing I made her feel that good was overwhelming. My fingers continue to slide into her while my tongue works overtime, making sure to lap up every last drop of her juice.

Her body starts to relax slowly from the high, releasing its tension as she comes down from her climax. Her pants become softer, her hips no longer snapping up to meet my face as eagerly as before. She's still holding onto me though, not wanting to let go just yet.

Summer exhales deeply, her chest heaving with pleasure-filled breaths that caress my ears.

When she finally releases me, I pull back from between her gorgeous thighs, reluctantly tearing myself away from heaven.

Her eyes are heavy-lidded with pleasure as she looks down at me, a devilish grin spreading across her face.

"That was...fuck...amazing. You have no idea," Summer blurts out, her voice husky. "You're like a goddamn magician down there."

I can't help but grin at her words, a sense of pride swelling within me.

"Just doing my job," I reply with a playful wink, my fingers tracing lazy circles on her skin.

Her laughter fills the room, a sound that warms me to the core. "Well, you're damn good at it," she says with a satisfied sigh.

Summer pulls me towards her, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss once again. The taste of her still in my mouth.

We separate, and Summer's eyes are bright with mischief as she grins.

"God, I love tasting my pussy on you," her voice dripping with desire as she speaks.

“And I love tasting every inch of you,” I reply, licking the lingering taste from my lips.

Summer's eyes darken as she looks down and sees my throbbing erection. The sight ignites a fire within her.

My shaft pulses eagerly, in sync with the rhythm of my racing heart. A small pool of pre-cum glistens between my knees as evidence of my overwhelming arousal.

Summer bites her lip, a low growl escaping as she takes in the sight before her. "Looks like it's my turn to do some work," she purrs.

With a slow, seductive movement, she reaches down for my throbbing erection. My breath catches in my throat as her fingers wrap around my cock, her touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through me.

Biting my lip to hold back a moan, I can't help but arch into her touch.

Her hand begins a slow, tantalizing stroke up and down my length. Each inch she drags over the sensitive skin makes me shiver with desire.

“God, you are so hard,” she groans.

Her other hand wanders southward towards my balls, massaging them gently but firmly, testing their weight as if assessing how full they are.

Her lips find the tender skin of my neck and starts kissing and nipping at it.

She finds the sensitive underside of my shaft, teasing the throbbing ridge beneath the tip. Her finger glides effortlessly over the slickened skin, coated in pre-cum.

“Fuck…” I groan, unable to contain myself.

“Do you like that?” She asks with a raised brow, a wicked smirk on her face.

I nod eagerly, “God, yes.” My body arches towards her touch, urging her on even more.

She leans in to kiss me, her lips soft and inviting and then whispers against my ear, “I have something even better in mind.”

Her voice is sultry as she continues. “But first, I need you to stand up.”

With a playful smirk, I rise to my feet. As I stand tall, my cock stands at attention, the head throbbing with anticipation.

Summer's eyes darken with lust as she sees the clear glob of pre-cum hanging from the tip. She licks her lips hungrily as she gets on her knees.

Her hand glides down my body, fingers tracing over my skin until they reach my pulsing member.

She looks up at me with an intense gaze, her lips curved into a seductive smirk, a declaration of her control over me.

Her fingers wrap around my throbbing shaft. Her lips part, and I can feel the warmth of her breath against my sensitive skin.

Her tongue flicks out, swiping the bead of pre-cum, savoring the taste with a satisfying sigh.

I watch as she takes me into her warm mouth, with slow, teasing movements. Her tongue swirled around the head, taunting me, before sliding further down my length.

The sensation is electric, and I can’t help but groan in pleasure. The sight of her plump lips moving down my shaft is exhilarating.

I can hear soft moans escaping from her as she sucks on me, her hand moving in perfect timing with her lips, sliding up and down.

Her fingers trail down to fondle my balls while she deep throats me, adding an extra layer of stimulation to the already intense experience.

She works me with unwavering enthusiasm, sending waves of pleasure through every inch of my body.

Her dark hair tickles against my thighs as my hips thrust forward involuntarily.

I let out a primal moan as she starts to move faster, her tongue continuing to swirl around the sensitive ridge on the underside.

My knees tremble as I lean on her shoulders for support, feeling my control slip away. Summer brings me closer and closer to the edge, her skilled mouth sending waves of pleasure through me.

When she finally releases me, I am left panting. She gently squeezes the head and licks across it, savoring my leaking fluid.

"Not yet," she breathes with a wicked smile, "sit down."

I quickly obey and plop down on the couch, glad for the break and to relieve my shaky legs. My wet cock bounces up and down and settles on my stomach.

“You are so fucking sexy,” I blurt out as Summer positions herself between my legs.

“Are you just saying that because you want me to keep sucking your dick?” she says teasingly.

I can't help but chuckle at Summer's teasing comment.

"Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" She smirks up at me, as she leans down to bite my inner thigh.

I let out a yelp and laugh, but when she starts to lick and suck on my shaft again all thoughts of laughter vanish.

Her fingers grip my base as she begins to bob her head faster, taking more of me into her warm mouth each time. The sensation is indescribable; it's like being worshiped by the goddess of pleasure herself.

The sound of slurping and wet kisses fill the room around us as she works me over with her skilled lips and tongue.

She removes my pulsing cock from her mouth and runs her soft hand down its full length. Her dark eyes lock with mine as her tongue darts out to lick the tip.

The sensation sends shivers down my spine, and I can't help but moan. She continues to tease me, biting and kissing my head before finally taking me into her mouth.

The heat and wetness surrounding me is almost too much to handle, but she knows exactly what she's doing. Her tongue dances around my head, hitting all the right spots with each flick and swirl. I feel like I'm going to lose control any second now.

As she sucks harder, I can feel myself getting closer and closer. But just when I think I can't take it anymore, she slows down and changes her technique. Her lips smack softly against me as she moves up and down my shaft.

Her fingers glide over my balls in a feather-light caress that drives me wild. With each breathy moan that escapes from her lips, I know she's enjoying this just as much as I am.

Her eyes never leave mine as she expertly works me over, knowing exactly how to bring me to the edge without pushing me over too soon.

It's like she has a sixth sense for what I need – when to suck just right or when to flick her tongue just underneath the head – every move perfectly timed for maximum pleasure.

As I watch her sinfully gorgeous mouth engulfs my cock, I shiver and moan with delight. She's taking her time, teasing me expertly, her lips forming a tight seal, sliding slowly up and down my shaft.

Her hand is softly stroking my thighs, teasing my balls. It feels like heaven, making me gasp for breath while she continues to edge me with maddening skill.

Her warm breath fans across my cockhead before sinking into another deep thrust of her velvety mouth, taking more of me inside.

I feel myself getting closer to the brink, but she pulls back suddenly, letting out a soft moan around my member. She looks up at me with those big brown eyes, smiling seductively.

“I think it’s my turn to get dessert,” her voice deep and sultry.

She smiles and kisses my cock softly before taking me deep into her throat.

I can feel the pressure building inside me, my breaths coming in short gasps as I get closer to climaxing. She senses it too, her pace quickening as she takes me deeper into her mouth. Her hand grips tighter on my balls, rolling them gently between her fingers.

She pulls back for a moment, giving me a wicked smile before going back to work on my cock with renewed enthusiasm. Her lips slick and hot slide up and down my length playfully; every move teasing me mercilessly.

I can feel my control slipping away. It's like a volcano about to erupt inside of me.

But she doesn't let me cum just yet. Instead, she slows down and starts tracing circles around the tip of my cock with her tongue, making it almost impossible for me to hold back any longer.

“Please,” I beg breathlessly, desperate for release.

She grins and takes me deep into her throat once more, her head bobbing up and down at an almost torturous pace.

Suddenly, without warning, I cum hard in her mouth. The pleasure is overwhelming, consuming every inch of my being as waves of ecstasy wash over me.

She swallows every drop greedily, milking every last bit from me until I'm spent and panting heavily.

My heart is racing as I look down at her. She smirks at me knowingly before crawling up to kiss me passionately on the lips.

“That was amazing,” I gasp when we break apart for air.

“I know,” she replies with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Summer leans in for another quick kiss, her lips taste sweet and salty.

“That was the best dessert I ever had,” she says with a sexy smirk.

“I couldn’t agree more,” I reply, my heart still racing.

With a sensual motion she climbs off my lap and picks up her dress. The fabric hangs delicately against her curves as she slides it back on.

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow,” she says with a sultry smile and heads towards the door.

Her hips sway seductively and I can’t tear my eyes away from her.

Just before she leaves, Summer turns back towards me and gives a flirty wink.

Just like last time, she leaves craving even more of her, unable to resist her sensual charm.

Written by DadBod1133
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