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Summer’s Heat Part 4: Passion Ignited

"Derek finds himself lost in the scorching allure of Summer, questioning how far he's willing to go for love and lust"

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Summer and I had been coming down from the high of our encounter on Sunday, trying our best to act normal during the workweek. But who were we kidding? Like an orgasm-filled fog, the memory of the night lingered, impossible to ignore.

Just like a couple of teenagers with a secret, we resorted to playful teasing and flirtation. Summer, always bold, would tease with glimpses of her body and fleeting touches.

But as the week wore on, my desire for Summer only seemed to grow, and I wasn’t sure how much I could take. But hey, what’s life without some excitement, right? And as far as I was concerned, the constant throbbing in my pants was worth all the risk and the thrill.

As I waited for the end of the week, I counted the minutes, desperate to escape the confines of the office. Even jerking off every night didn’t release the pressure built up from flirting with Summer. Little did I know she had other plans in mind. On Friday afternoon, with a mischievous look, she leaned over and delivered her invitation.

“D, come over to my place tomorrow,” she said. “The weather’s going to be perfect, and my complex has an amazing pool. We could spend the day swimming and soaking up the sun.”

I couldn’t help but think about spending the day with her and, hopefully, the night as a surge of excitement washed over me.

“Sounds like a plan,” I said, trying to play it cool despite the throbbing in my groin. “I’ll bring the sunscreen.”

Summer grinned, a playful twinkle in her eye. “Can’t wait.”

And with that, she walked away. As I watched her ass swaying back and forth, I anticipated what the next day would bring.

I arrived at Summer’s apartment right on time; the anticipation bubbling inside me. I dressed in my swim trunks, ready for a day of fun in the sun, but I brought a small bag with a change of clothes, just in case things took an unexpected turn.

When the door swung open, my breath caught in my throat. Summer’s sun-kissed skin glowed in the light. She wore denim shorts that showcased her toned thighs and a tight tee that accentuated every curve of her body. The fabric of her shirt highlighted her plump breasts. I couldn’t tear my eyes from her as I took in every detail of her stunning figure.

“Hey, D,” she greeted me with a smirk. “Come on in.”

I followed her inside, trying my best to keep my cool despite the growing ache in my groin. The apartment was inviting, with sunlight streaming in through the windows and the faint scent of coconut lingering in the air.

“So, what do you think?” Summer asked, gesturing around the space with a playful smile.

“It’s nice,” I said, taking in the minimalist decor that adorned the walls. “You have a similar taste to mine.”

Summer flashed me a knowing grin. “That’s why I like your apartment so much. It reminds me of mine.”

“Sorry I’m not ready yet,” she continued. “It’s been a busy morning. It’ll only take a minute to change into my bikini.”

As she spoke, her phone dinged with a notification. She glanced at it and smiled. “Oh, it’s a message from one of my girlfriends.”

“This may take a minute,” she said and, pointing towards a cooler by the door, she instructed me, “Could you grab that and the towels for us? Then head to the pool and grab us some lounge chairs. I’ll be there in a few.”

“Sure thing, I’ll get us all set up,” I said with a grin, “But don’t take too long, or I’ll drink all the beer.”

Summer laughed, a playful glint in her eyes as she headed towards her bedroom. “You better save some for me, or there will be consequences.”

And with that, she disappeared behind the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a heart pounding with anticipation.

As I made my way to the pool, cooler and towels in hand, I couldn’t help but notice the surrounding scene. Everyone lounging by the pool seemed to be around the same age as Summer, and they all seemed in impeccable shape. It felt as if I had discovered a secluded club reserved for the youthful, attractive, and fit.

As I set up the lounge chairs, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place among them. Sure, I kept myself in decent shape, but compared to the bronzed bodies and chiseled abs surrounding me, I couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious.

But I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. Summer had invited me here for a reason, and I wasn’t about to let a little insecurity ruin the day.

I reclined in the lounge chair, soaking in the sun’s warmth as I waited for Summer to join me. After about ten minutes, I caught sight of her strolling across the pool deck, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away.

She moved with effortless grace, each step accentuating the curves of her body. My breath caught in my throat as I took in her beauty. Summer rocked a dark blue bikini that perfectly suited her. It hugged her curves in all the right places.

Her presence, the sway of her hips, the bounce of her breasts with every movement mesmerized me. Despite the poolside crowd’s attention on her, she focused her eyes on me; her smile shining beneath fashionable sunglasses.

“You picked a nice spot,” she remarked.

Despite an available seat nearby, she gestured for me to move over a bit, sliding into the space beside me. As she settled in, I could feel the warmth radiating from her skin, and the scent of her shampoo wafted over me. She reached into her bag and handed me the bottle of suntan lotion.

“I need your help putting this on,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Don’t put it on too heavy, but make sure you cover all of me,” Summer instructed, her voice carrying a playful tone as she turned to face away from me, presenting her back.

With a confident grin, I replied, “Don’t worry, I’m an expert.”

As I applied the lotion, hands gliding over her skin, I couldn’t ignore the sensation of her warmth against my fingertips. It sent a surge of arousal coursing through me, my length beginning to throb with anticipation again.

“Your hands feel good,” Summer murmured, accompanied by a soft, sexy groan.

I swallowed hard, trying to suppress the rising desire within me. I couldn’t afford to become aroused at the pool—it would be humiliating.

“I told you I was an expert,” my voice tinged with a hint of playful confidence, though inwardly, I struggled to maintain control.

As I finished applying lotion to her back, she stood up, allowing me access to her ass and the back of her legs. With her shapely cheeks at eye level, I couldn’t help but feel the primal instinct to bite down and leave a mark on her smooth skin. I swallowed hard, fighting against the urge.

“Don’t forget the rest of me,” Summer chimed in, the sunlight casting a halo around her thigh gap.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I replied, my hands moving to apply lotion to her buttocks.

Gaining some confidence, I allowed my hands to slide under her bikini bottom, eliciting a playful glance over her shoulder.

“Do you think I need lotion on the parts that are covered?” she asked, a playful lilt in her voice.

I met her gaze with a wicked grin. “You can never be too safe,” I retorted.

She chimed in, “I suppose that’s true,” with a mischievous tone, as she continued, “After all, I told you to make sure I was completely covered.”

I finished covering the back of Summer’s legs, and she turned to face me, taking the bottle from my hands.

“My turn,” she said with a smile.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she applied lotion to the rest of her body. With intention, her hands moved, massaging the sunscreen onto her chest, across her cleavage, and over her flat stomach. Summer handed the bottle back to me, her eyes twinkling.

“Can you finish for me?” she asked.

I took the bottle, my fingers brushing against hers, and resumed putting the lotion on her legs. As I worked, all I could think about was how she made my length throb with desire. When I finished, my hands hesitated as they left her silky skin.

She grabbed a couple of beers from the cooler and handed me one as she settled into the chair next to mine. We chatted away about nothing important, the conversation light and easy. The sun beat down on us, the heat mingling with the buzz of our interaction.

After a while, Summer suggested, “How about we cool off in the pool?”

“Let’s do it,” I agreed, eager for the refreshing water.

We jumped in, the coolness a welcome relief, and floated around for a couple of minutes, enjoying the refreshing sensation. I made my way to the edge and put my arms on the deck to stretch out. A moment later, Summer swam up to me, pressing her body against my side, and tilted her head back to rest on my arm.

She looked up at me with a playful smile. “Having fun yet?”

My mind raced with the possibilities of where this day might lead. She turned more towards me, and I felt her breasts press against my chest and her leg slide between mine. She smirked, fully aware of my growing bulge.

“If I give you a kiss, will you jump out and grab some beers?” she asked, her voice dripping with playful mischief.

“Depends on the kiss,” I replied, matching her teasing tone.

She leaned in and kissed me on the lips, then suddenly shoved her tongue into my mouth, making my head spin. When she pulled away, she whispered, “That kind.”

“Yup, that will do it,” I said, and with a wink, I jumped out to grab the beers.

I came back and handed one to Summer before sitting on the edge with my feet dangling in the water. She moved between my knees, taking a sip. I couldn’t help but notice how the condensation from the bottle combined with the pool water on her lips made them glisten.

When she noticed me staring, she smiled, her eyes shining with mischief. She took another sip, then motioned me to lean forward, pressing her wet lips against mine in a teasing kiss. The cool touch of the beer mixed with the warmth of her mouth sent shivers down my spine.

“You know,” she purred, “we could always make this more interesting.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And how do you propose we do that?”

Summer moved out from between my legs and pulled herself out of the pool, settling next to me. Leaning close, she whispered in my ear, her breath hot against my skin, “I need you to make me come like you did the other day. I want you to eat my pussy again. Unless,” she added, “you prefer the taste of beer on your lips instead of me.”

With a playful grin, I responded, “I think I’ll take the taste of you over beer any day.”

“That’s an excellent answer,” Summer replied with a sly smile. “Let’s grab the stuff and head back inside. You look hungry.”

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As we both stood up, I grabbed our belongings, following her as we made our way to her apartment. My gaze devoured her figure, tracing every curve. I watched the mesmerizing sway of her hips and the subtle bounce of her ass, feeling a familiar bulge in my swim trunks that I concealed with the towels.

Summer swung the door open, and we rushed inside. I dropped all the stuff in my hands as she pulled me towards her, our lips crashing together in a passionate kiss, tongues intertwining in a naughty dance.

“Untie my bikini,” she commanded, her voice low and husky. “Get me naked.”

I untied her top, freeing her breasts and revealing her stiff nipples. My eyes lit up as I leaned in, capturing one of them between my lips. Summer responded, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in closer as I suckled and nibbled on her sensitive tips. A soft moan escaped her lips, fueling my desire. Moving to her other nipple, I repeated the tantalizing motions, eliciting another passionate moan.

“Take my bottoms off,” she ordered, her voice husky with desire.

I obeyed without hesitation, untying them. I kissed my way down her stomach, relishing the taste of sweat and coconut on her skin. Kneeling in front of her, I kissed the patch of dark hair sitting on top of her pussy and looked up at her, eager to fulfill her desires.

“I love how hungry you look,” Summer said with a sultry smile. “You better eat something.”

She hoisted her leg onto a nearby chair, parting her thighs to reveal the glistening pink folds of her aroused sex. With no hesitation, I dove in, savoring the sweet taste of Summer as my tongue flicked and danced over her lips. Her hands tangled in my hair, urging me on as I delved deeper, finding all the right spots that made her moan with pleasure.

I circled her clit, sucking and teasing it. My fingers joined in the action, slipping inside her slick heat with ease as I continued to swirl over her sensitive bundle of nerves. Her wetness tasted delicious, tangy, and sweet. My tongue explored every fold, working its magic on her throbbing nub.

“D,” she groaned, as her hands grabbed the back of the chair, “you’re so fucking good at this.”

I smirked against her pussy lips and sucked on her clit harder. I squeezed one of her firm ass cheeks, kneading it, as I plunged my fingers into her tight sex, curling them, searching for that sweet spot.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned as she pulled her mound off my face. “I can’t stand much longer. Take me to bed.”

I jumped up, and Summer grabbed my hand as we ran toward the bedroom. I felt like a teenager sneaking away from her parents, my heart pounding and my cock throbbing in sync. She climbed into bed, pulling me with her, and got on top of me. She kissed me, her tongue exploring my mouth.

“I love the way I taste on your lips,” she murmured. Then she looked into my eyes, “You need to continue where you left off.”

She slid up my body until her knees were on either side of my head. I looked up at her glistening mound, desperate to taste her again. Slowly, she lowered herself onto my lips, and I feasted on her once more. As her wetness coated me, I lapped up every drop. Her hips rocked as she moaned.

“Aaah … D,” she hissed, her voice filled with bliss.

I could feel her pussy walls clenching around my tongue as I teased her sensitive folds. My fingers toyed with her clit, stroking it while my tongue danced inside of her. She tasted so fucking good. I couldn’t get enough. I glanced up and caught her lips curving into a wicked grin. The intensity in her gaze seemed to deepen, her dark brown eyes swirling with desire and dominance as she reached down to grab my hair, her fingers tangling in the strands with a firm grip.

Summer began grinding on my face faster, her hips moving with a rhythmic urgency. I rubbed her bud quicker, lapping deeper inside her. Her moans grew louder, echoing through the room. I felt her grip on my hair tighten, her body shuddering with each flick of my tongue and stroke of my fingers. I could feel her nearing the edge, her movements becoming more frantic and her breaths more ragged. She tensed above me; her gyrating turning into desperate, erratic thrusts. Her thighs trembled against my cheeks.

“Oh fuck, D, don’t stop!” she cried out, her voice a mix of command and plea.

Her hips rocked forward, trying to bury my mouth deeper. Then I felt a rush of warmth as she started to orgasm. Her juices drenched my tongue, lips, and face. She smothered me as I inhaled, my nostrils flaring as the scent of her pussy enveloped me.

“Fuck yes,” she moaned, her pussy quivering as I kept up my relentless pace, giving her everything she needed.

Finally, Summer’s spasms slowed, her grip on my hair loosening. She released a shaky breath, her body trembling as she grabbed the headboard for support. She lifted herself off my face, leaving me with the taste of her on my lips.

Through ragged breaths, Summer murmured, “You really are an expert at that.”

I grinned, replying, “You just bring it out in me.”

She slid down my body; her wet sex trailing along my skin. She straddled my hips, her weight pressing down on me, and our lips met in a fierce kiss, our tongues dancing together. She wiggled her hips, and I couldn’t help but moan as she rocked against my erection.

With a playful glint in her eye, she murmured, “It seems like you have something else for me.”

“I’ve had that for you all day,” I admitted.

Summer smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief. “Well, it must be uncomfortable being so confined,” she teased, her fingers tracing my abs as she worked her way further down. “I should set it free.”

Her lips followed her hand, leaving a trail of kisses down my body, each touch sending shivers through me.

“I certainly won’t stop you,” I teased.

Summer’s eyes sparkled with amusement as her kisses continued their descent. She reached the waistband of my swim trunks, and with a playful smile, she lowered them a little. Revealing just a glimpse of my erection, her tongue traced along my pubic hair. With a mischievous grin, she tugged at some with her teeth, causing me to jump.

“A little payback,” she smirked, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Summer pulled my swim trunks all the way off, and my cock slapped against my stomach as it gained freedom. On her knees, she started tracing the outline of the veins on my length, reaching the head and spreading the leaking juice. I groaned under her touch as she wrapped her fingers around it.

“You have a beautiful dick,” she said as she stroked me.

She continued for a few minutes; her gaze locked with mine, before leaning down to kiss the tip. She looked up, her lips glistening with pre-cum, and smiled as she crawled up my body. Straddling me again, she pressed my cock between my stomach and her pussy. Her thick folds draped around my length. My heart raced as I finally felt her pussy against my shaft. I reached up and pulled her down into a kiss. Summer started moving back and forth, continuing to stroke me with her sex.

As we kissed and moaned into each other’s mouths, I reached down, grabbing Summer’s ass and pulled her tighter against me. She kept rocking her hips, getting a little higher each time. When her lips slid over the head of my cock, I shivered under her. Summer pulled away from the kiss, placing her hands on my chest as she sat up. Her hips never stopped moving, her breasts swaying with the rhythm, nipples incredibly hard. A sheen of sweat formed on her body from the exertion.

I broke eye contact with her to look between us. Watching the head of my cock poke in and out between her glistening folds put me on edge. The familiar tingle in my testicles started radiating through my body, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out. I looked back into her eyes, seeing the pure lust glowing in them.

“Summer,” I groaned, my voice strained, “I’m so close.”

Her eyes widened. “You better not come before me,” she cursed, her voice filled with urgency. “I want us to come together.”

She pressed harder onto me, sliding back and forth with increasing speed. I could feel her warm juices leaking from her, covering my shaft, balls, and running down my ass crack. The sensation was intoxicating, and I relished every moment.

I heard her groan, “Oh God,” and felt her surrender, her orgasm consuming her.

Her sex drenched me with even more of her juice, intensifying the pleasure. I felt heat spreading across my body as I tensed, my hips rose involuntarily, and with a loud grunt, I exploded. The head of my cock popped out from between her lips, and a thick rope of cum landed on my belly.

As Summer continued grinding back and forth, I could feel her thighs shake, her ass quiver in my hands. Her skin flushed as she continued to come. Our combined juices spread across us, our bodies convulsed together in the moment’s intensity. As our orgasms subsided, she collapsed onto me. Our skin was slick with sweat, and our breathing was heavy.

I whispered, “That felt incredible. You are amazing.”

Summer looked at me and gave me a kiss, her lips soft and warm against mine.

“You’re pretty amazing yourself,” she said. “You really know how to make me come.”

Summer rolled off me, her laughter filling the room as she glanced down at our bodies.

“And you have a talent for making a mess,” she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Summer sighed, her fingers tracing patterns on my chest. “I wish we could have a couple more beers,” she murmured, “but I have to get ready.”

My smile faded. “Ready? Ready for what?” I asked, a hint of worry in my voice.

Summer rolled out of bed, standing up with a stretch. “It’s girls’ night,” she said, heading towards the bathroom. “I need to shower and get ready.”

I watched her, my mind still foggy with the remnants of our intense encounter. She glanced down at her body, smeared with our juices, and a playful smile curled on her lips.

“Clearly, I’m going to need some extra time in the shower,” she teased.

She grabbed a towel hanging next to the bathroom door and tossed it to me. “You can use this to clean up,” she said with a wink, “unless you want to stay like that. Which I think is hot.”

I felt deflated as she walked into the bathroom, the sound of running water filling the room. Just as I started to process the shift, she stuck her head back through the door.

“I’ll see you Monday, D,” she said. “Make sure you latch the door when you head out,” she said.

And then she disappeared back into the bathroom, leaving me with the towel and the lingering scent of her on my body. I wiped myself off and got dressed, the sound of Summer in the shower echoing in my ears.

As I listened to the water running, I couldn’t help but wonder what I was doing. Was I okay with just sex? A week ago I would have been, but something was changing. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I was willing to put up with, but did I want to stop having incredible orgasms with the most beautiful woman I had ever met? With that thought lingering in my mind, I grabbed my bag and left, hearing the click of the door ensuring Summer was safe inside.

Written by DadBod1133
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