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Costa Rica Part 2

"On an island getaway, Jack and Jill find that the deepest pleasures come from trust, love, and mutual passion."

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Bathed in the warm, tropical air, Jack and Jill stumbled towards their private suite, intoxicated with desire after a night of dancing and playful banter. The aroma of hibiscus blooms and ocean spray surrounded them, accompanied by the gentle rhythm of waves crashing against the shore in the distance.

Jill’s sundress hugged her curves seductively, the material gliding over her skin with each sway of her hips. Jack couldn’t look away, his gaze fixated on her. When the door clicked shut, enclosing them in a secluded haven, Jill faced him with an impish grin, mischief dancing in her eyes.

“Sit out on the balcony. I’ll bring us a drink,” she suggested, her voice a soft purr.

Jack’s face lit up with a smile as he nodded in agreement. As he pushed the doors open, the soothing sound of ocean waves greeted him, along with the distant melody of island music. He sank into a comfortable chair and leaned back, allowing the gentle warmth of the breeze to caress his skin.

A few moments passed before Jill appeared, balancing two drinks in her hands. She handed one to Jack and then snuggled into his lap, her body molding against his like a puzzle piece. They clinked glasses; the sound echoing through the night. As she settled in, she began planting kisses on his lips and neck, each gentle kiss igniting a spark within him.

“So many guys are getting lucky tonight because of you,” she murmured between kisses, her lips trailing along his jawline.

Jack raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? How so?”

“Every girl in that club couldn’t keep their eyes off you. Watching you dance, move, smile... they were completely captivated. There wasn’t a dry pair of panties in the place,” she said.

Jack chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound. “I’m glad I could help the young bucks out, but the only wet panties I care about are yours, baby.”

Jill giggled softly, her breath warm against his skin.

“You always say the sweetest things,” she murmured. “These panties haven’t been dry since the day we met,” she confessed breathlessly, capturing his mouth in a deep, lingering kiss.

Their tongues intertwined in a sensual dance, sending bolts of longing through their bodies. Jill set her drink down with a muted clink, her fingers already working at the buttons of Jack’s shirt. One by one, she playfully freed them until his muscular torso was fully exposed to the warm night air. She paused, her eyes drinking in the sight of him, the way the moonlight highlighted the planes of his chest and the ripple of his abs.

Her hands slid over his skin, the warmth of his body contrasting with the cool evening breeze. Jack shuddered at her touch, eager for more with each gentle stroke. Jill moved closer, her mouth leaving a trail of soft kisses along his neck and down to his chest, leaving a fiery path in their wake.

“You’re gorgeous,” she whispered against his skin, her voice filled with awe and want. Her fingers continued their exploration, tracing the lines of his muscles, reveling in the feel of him beneath her hands.

Jack grasped her hips, pulling her closer, their bodies fitting together perfectly. “You drive me crazy,” he murmured, his voice rough with longing.

Jill smiled. “Good,” she replied, her tone playful. “You now understand the effect you have on me.”

She climbed out of his lap, playfully wiggling her body out of his grasp. Jack’s hands reached out, a protest on his lips.

“Where are you going?” he asked, his voice a mix of amusement and longing.

Jill laughed, “it’s easier to take off this dress standing up,” she explained, twirling gracefully. The bottom of her sundress billowed out, revealing glimpses of her sexy thighs and the curve of her butt cheeks. She paused mid-twirl, a wicked glint in her eye. “Unless you want me to keep it on?”

Jack leaned back in the chair, his eyes devouring the view of her. “That’s a tough decision,” he admitted, his gaze lingering on the way the fabric clung to her curves. “I love how you look in that dress, but I certainly wouldn’t mind you out of it.”

A slow, seductive smile crept onto Jill’s lips. “Relax, I know what’s best for you,” she assured with a hint of sensuality.

She slid the straps of the sundress off her shoulders; the fabric descending gradually. It pooled at her feet, leaving her standing in nothing but lacy panties that hugged her voluptuous figure in all the right places. Jack’s breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of her.

The moonlight highlighted the soft curves of her body, the delicate lace contrasting with the smooth expanse of her skin. He could see the faint sheen of perspiration from the tropical heat, adding a seductive glimmer to her form. No matter how many times he had seen her like this, almost naked, it still made his heart pound.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire.

Jill stepped towards him, her movements deliberate, each step accentuating the sway of her hips. “I know,” she teased. “And I’m all yours.”

Jack smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Now, who says the sweetest things?” he said, waving her closer.

She moved with a slow grace, the humid night air thick with the scent of salt and tropical blooms. She leaned over, letting her full, plump breasts hang tantalizingly in front of Jack as she captured his mouth in a searing kiss. Jack’s hands rose to cup her breasts, his fingers brushing against her silky skin as his thumbs circled her thick, hard nipples. She moaned into his mouth, the sound a soft, vibrating note of pleasure that sent a thrill through him.

Breaking the kiss, Jill smoothly sank to her knees, her gaze never leaving Jack’s. “Stand up,” she commanded, her voice low and sultry.

He obeyed, rising from the chair, his groin now at eye level. The outline of his semi-hard cock was visible through the thin material of his linen pants, the sight making her smile widen with anticipation. The moonlight cast a silver glow over them, highlighting the taut lines of Jack’s body and the eager, lustful expression on Jill’s face. Her hands reached out to trace his shaft through the fabric, her touch light and teasing. She leaned in, pressing soft, lingering kisses against his abdomen, her breath tickling his skin.

“I’ve been waiting for this all night,” she whispered, her voice a sultry promise that sent shivers down his spine.

With every gentle touch of her fingers and every tender kiss, his excitement grew. The noises of the evening—the steady pounding of waves, the distant beat of island music, and the rustling of palm leaves—became a low murmur as their intense connection took over.

Jill unbuttoned Jack’s pants, her hands brushing against his taut stomach. She took her time, savoring the slow reveal as she slid her hands into the waistband and guided the fabric down his muscular thighs. The linen whispered against his skin as she helped him step out of them, her eyes locked on to the thick cock that sprang free. She sensually bit her lip, the sight of him sending a pulse of heat through her body. The scent of his musky aroma filled her senses, mingling with the tropical air.

A smile crept onto Jack’s face as he watched her fingers glide through his trimmed pubic and down the hard muscles of his thighs. Her touch was light, almost reverent, and he groaned as her hand slid between his legs to caress his balls.

Jill gazed up at him, her eyes dark with desire. “It was love at first sight, you know,” she said, her voice a delicate brush against his skin.

Jack couldn’t resist a teasing quip. “Are you talking to me or to...?” He shifted his hips, making his cock bounce enticingly.

Jill laughed, a low, throaty sound as she brought her hand down in a playful slap against his dick. “You better be nice to the person who has your balls in her hand,” she warned, giving his nuts a squeeze for emphasis.

His eyes widened, a mixture of pleasure and surprise crossing his features. “Yes, ma’am,” he managed, his voice rough with arousal.

Jill’s eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. “To answer your question, you,” she purred, “but this certainly was the cherry on top.” Leaning in, she pressed a soft, lingering kiss to the head of his cock before pushing him into the chair.

He settled back, spreading his legs wide, the cool night air a welcome contrast to the heat building inside him. The sensation of the breeze on his inner thighs and sac sent a shiver through him, adding to the electric anticipation.

Jill’s lips pressed softly against the sensitive skin of his upper thighs, her gentle kisses dancing along his skin as she trailed upwards, deliberately avoiding his aching member. Each kiss was a tantalizing tease, her warm breath caressing his flesh. She followed the path of his pubic hair, taking in his scent with every kiss.

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His eyes never left her, the sight of her lips and the sensation of her mouth driving him wild. When she finally reached the base of his shaft, her lips met his flesh with a reverent softness. She kissed her way up his length, her tongue darting out occasionally to tease him. His cock grew to full hardness under her kisses, straining towards her with an almost desperate need.

At the tip, a glistening drop of pre-cum awaited her. Jill paused, her eyes meeting Jack’s as she tenderly swiped it away, enjoying the taste of him.

He couldn’t stop staring at Jill. She was breathtakingly gorgeous, her skin glowing in the moonlight, her hair cascading around her face like a fiery waterfall. Desire filled her dark eyes, and every movement she made took his breath away.

She let Jack’s cock slap against his abdomen, the sound a sharp contrast to the soft murmurs of the night. Jill lowered her head and licked his shaved sac, her tongue warm and wet against the sensitive skin. His heart raced, a low groan escaping his lips as she continued her ministrations.

She kissed his bag before taking both of his balls into her mouth at once. Jack moaned louder, the sound mingling with the distant crash of the waves. He could feel the warmth of her lips, the gentle suction sending tingles of pleasure through him. A bit of pre-cum pooled on his stomach, glistening in the moonlight.

Jill’s fingers curled around his shaft, and she stroked him leisurely. He squirmed under her touch, his body alight with sensation. He loved the way Jill was taking care of him, her every movement filled with a deliberate sensuality that drove him wild.

Finally, she released his balls with a soft pop and looked up at him with a playful wink. She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, sucking just the tip while her hand continued to stroke him. Jack’s head fell back, his eyes closing for a moment as a shudder of pleasure ran through him. The feel of her mouth, the sight of her kneeling before him, the sounds of her gentle slurping—everything combined to create a perfect symphony.

Her tongue swirled around the sensitive tip, tasting the salty hint of his pre-cum. She moved her head, taking more of him into her mouth with each descent. Her hand kept on stroking the bottom of his shaft, her fingers firm but tender, gliding smoothly up and down.

Jack groaned, his hands clenching the arms of the chair. He watched Jill, her eyes closed in concentration, her cheeks hollowing with the effort. Every nerve in his body seemed on fire, the sensation of her mouth and hand a perfect, torturous combination. His own ragged breathing punctuated the sound of her sucking.

She released him with a wet squelch, a trail of saliva connecting her lips to the tip of his shaft. Jill kissed down his length, her tongue flicking out to taste his skin. She reached his sac, softly drawing one of his balls into her mouth again, her hand continuing to stroke him.

“God, Jill,” he gasped, his voice hoarse with desire. “You have no idea how good that feels.”

She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she moved to his other ball, giving it the same loving attention, her hand never stopping its relentless stroking.

Jack’s hips bucked, his body begging for release. He could feel the pleasure building, coiling in his abdomen, but Jill was in control. She knew precisely how to bring him to the edge without pushing him over.

She released his balls and kissed her way up his stomach, her lips soft and warm against his skin. Jill kissed his hips and his thighs, her tongue darting out to taste the salty sheen of sweat that coated his body. He trembled with the effort of holding back.

Jill’s mouth found his cock again, taking him deep into her throat with a moan of pleasure. The vibrations of her voice sent shockwaves through him, his hands moving to tangle in her hair. He held her gently, his hips swaying in time with her ministrations, the sensations nearly overwhelming.

“Jill,” he groaned, his voice strained. “I can’t... I can’t hold on much longer.”

She pulled back, her lips red and swollen, a wicked grin on her face. “Not yet,” she whispered, her hand stroking him slowly.

Jill took him into her mouth again, her movements slow. She licked his shaft, her tongue tracing the veins, tasting every inch. She sucked on the head, her fingers jerking him in perfect rhythm, her other hand playing with his balls.

Jack’s entire body was on edge, each nerve ending screaming for release. But Jill kept him there, on the precipice, her mouth and hands working together. The sounds of the night faded away, leaving only the wet, erotic sounds of her lips on him, the soft rustle of the palm leaves, and the distant call of a night bird.

She planted a kiss on his stomach again, her tongue flicking out to caress his skin. She kissed her way down to his thighs, her hands still stroking him, bringing him back from the edge just enough to keep him wanting.

“Please, Jill,” Jack begged, his voice a desperate whisper. “Let me come.”

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and lust. “Soon, baby,” she promised, her lips brushing against his hip. “I want you to come so hard, you see stars.”

Jack groaned, his body trembling, his cock aching with need. Her mouth found him again, taking him deep, her hands stroking, squeezing, bringing him right to the brink. He was lost in the sensations, the pleasure almost unbearable, the anticipation building with every touch, every kiss, every stroke.

Jill’s fingers tightened around his shaft, her pace steady but relentless. Her tongue flicked over the head, savoring the taste of his oozing pre-cum, before she took him deep again. The heat and wetness enveloped him, sending shivers of pleasure through his entire body.

Jack’s breaths came in ragged gasps, his hands clutching the chair’s arms with white-knuckled intensity. He couldn’t take his eyes off Jill, her auburn hair cascading over his thighs, her eyes locked onto his with a mix of mischief and devotion. The sight of her, combined with the sensations she was creating, was almost overwhelming.

Jill’s hand moved to cup his balls, rolling them delicately as she bobbed her head, her tongue swirling around his length. Jack groaned deeply, his hips lifting off the chair in response to the pleasure that was building to an unbearable peak. The tropical night air, filled with the scent of salt and hibiscus, mingled with the musk of their arousal, heightening the intensity of the moment.

“Jill,” he gasped, his voice strained. “I’m so close.”

Jill’s response was to hum around his cock, the vibrations adding another layer of sensation. She increased her pace, her hand pumping his shaft in perfect rhythm with her mouth. Her eyes never left his, communicating a silent message of love and lust.

When Jack finally came, it was with a roar of pleasure that echoed into the night. His entire body tensed, and he felt the rush of his orgasm surging through him.

Jill moaned around him as she felt his warm, thick cum fill her mouth. She swallowed eagerly, loving the taste, loving the way he filled her completely.

Jack’s vision blurred, the world narrowing down to the exquisite sensations she was creating. She embraced each pulse of his release, milking him for every drop. He felt like he was being consumed by pleasure, his heart pounding in his chest as the waves of his orgasm washed over him.

Jill caught every single drop, her tongue and lips diligently working to clean him. When his climax subsided, she released him with a final, loving kiss to the tip of his cock. Saliva and cum glistened on her lips, a testament to their passion.

She kissed her way up his body, leaving a wet trail on his skin. When she reached his nipples, she nipped at them, making him gasp and squirm beneath her touch. He could feel his heart still racing, his body tingling with the aftershocks of his powerful release.

Jill settled into his lap, her breasts pressing against his chest as she kissed him passionately. Jack tasted himself on her lips, mingled with her unique sweetness, and it only heightened his desire. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as they shared a moment of tender intimacy.

“I love you, Jill,” he whispered, his voice filled with reverence and passion. “I love you so damn much.”

Jill smiled, her eyes shining with love and satisfaction. “I love you too, Jack,” she replied softly. “More than anything in this world.”

Their foreheads touched, and they stayed like that for a moment, savoring the connection between them. In the warm tropical night, surrounded by the sounds and scents of paradise, they were utterly content.

Written by DadBod1133
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