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A Night To Remember - Part 2

"Sasha and Matteo starts exploring each other."

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Author's Notes

"The intensity between Sasha and Matteo keeps building until they start on their release. <p> [ADVERT] </p>That first lick..."


Our eyes stay locked for what feels like an eternity. The look of hunger is now underscored with determination as he slowly starts to make his way towards me. My body responds in kind. With nipples now painfully erect, I stand away from the railing. The movement makes the satin caress my nipples, and a slow heat starts building in my pussy.

My eyes travel over his body, taking in his huge frame draped in what looks like a tailored tuxedo. Just imagining that body looming over me sends shivers down my spine. Not if, but when. There is no doubt in my mind that we cannot deny this attraction. The bulge in his pants does not go unnoticed.

As he comes to a standstill in front of me, I have to look up, exposing the curvature of my neck. In my mind's eye, I can see him bending down to plant a kiss as soft as a butterfly's landing just above my collarbone. A slow smile spreads on my face. Our eyes are still locked, and I just cannot look away. The world has receded to the edges, and it is only us that exist in this moment.

Out of the corner of my eye, as if in slow motion, I see him reach out and place his hand ever so lightly on my waist. My breath hitches as heat radiates through my body from his touch. If the slightest touch can have this effect, what will happen when I feel his naked body against mine?! Images are racing through my mind.

Throwing caution to the wind, I lean slightly forward and whisper, "I've noticed how you've been looking at me. What is it that attracts you?"

What?! Really? Out of all the things I could have said, that came out? But it doesn't matter; somehow, it feels like my soul recognizes this masked stranger, and all social rules are off the table.

A whirlpool of emotion is visible in his eyes as he says, "It's not just your beauty, although that's undeniable. It's the way you move; your movement captivates my senses. But above all, it's the mysterious aura you possess, the enigma that arouses my deepest desires."

I take a step closer and ask, "And what do you desire, my dear stranger? What fantasies lie dormant within your soul, waiting to be awakened?"

I hope for an honest answer and am pleasantly surprised when he leans closer and whispers in my ear,

"I crave the thrill of exploring new passions, the intoxicating feeling of indulging in forbidden desires. I yearn for a connection that transcends the ordinary, a night filled with exciting discoveries and shared pleasures."

Closing my eyes briefly, I let the thrill of the moment wash over me as I close the gap between us, lay my hand on the side of his face, and say, "Then, my dear stranger, let's delve into our desires, creating a world where inhibitions are shed, and passion reigns supreme. Tonight, we'll explore the boundaries of our imagination, weaving a tapestry of words and unspoken promises."

Pulling me against him, I can hear the wild gallop of his heart. But what excites me the most is feeling his rock-hard cock against me. This is indeed going to turn into a good night.

I break our connection, taking him by the hand, and wordlessly lead him to the guest bedroom I spied while exploring the penthouse earlier.


As I continue to approach her on the balcony, my heart pounds with a potent mixture of anticipation, desire, and nervousness. The allure of the unknown and the intense connection we've shared from afar fuels my determination to bridge the gap between us.

The magnetic pull between us grows stronger with every step, and I find myself more captivated by her presence. Her beauty, the way she carries herself with confidence and grace, bewitches me completely. The mask she wears only adds to the mystique, heightening the intrigue surrounding her. There's a strange familiarity in those piercing eyes.

As I reach her side, a surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, making me acutely aware of the electricity in the air. Our eyes meet, and in that unspoken exchange, a torrent of emotions swirls between us. It's as if the entire world fades away, leaving only the two of us standing in a timeless space.

A gentle smile graces her lips, inviting me closer. Without uttering a word, we communicate through the language of longing and desire. The pulsating music from the party now serves as a backdrop to the symphony of our shared connection. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation, hanging suspended in the night.

In a bold move, I reach out and place a hand delicately on her waist, feeling the warmth of her body through the fabric of her dress. The touch sends a shiver down my spine, and I notice her breath hitch ever so slightly. The intensity between us intensifies, becoming a palpable force that draws us nearer.

She leans in closer, her voice a velvety whisper, "I've noticed how you've been looking at me. What is it that attracts you?"

Her words hang in the air, stirring a cocktail of desire and anticipation within me. The honesty and directness of her question catch me off guard, but I'm compelled to respond. With a voice filled with a mix of longing and honesty, I reply, "It's not just your beauty, although that's undeniable. It's the way you move; your movement captivates my senses. But above all, it's the mysterious aura you possess, the enigma that arouses my deepest desires."

A playful smile plays upon her lips, as if she already knew the effect she had on me. She takes a step closer, her voice a sultry whisper, "And what do you desire, my dear stranger? What fantasies lie dormant within your soul, waiting to be awakened?"

Her words send a jolt of excitement through me, emboldening me to reveal my innermost desires. I lean in, matching her intensity, and confess,

"I crave the thrill of exploring new passions, the intoxicating feeling of indulging in forbidden desires. I yearn for a connection that transcends the ordinary, a night filled with exciting discoveries and shared pleasures."

Her eyes sparkle with a mix of intrigue and satisfaction. She leans even closer, her voice a seductive melody, "Then, my dear stranger, let's delve into our desires, creating a world where inhibitions are shed, and passion reigns supreme. Tonight, we'll explore the boundaries of our imagination, weaving a tapestry of words and unspoken promises."

Without warning, she pulls herself against me. I wonder if she can hear the beating of my heart above the noise from the party. I am, however, certain that she feels my rock-hard cock pressing against her. Then just as quickly as she closed the gap between us, she moves away, leading me by the hand out of the hall and into the hallway, stopping in front of the guest suite.

As she opens the door to the guest suite, a rush of anticipation surges through me. The dimly lit room emanates an air of intimacy, inviting us to explore the depths of our desires.

I follow her inside and the door closes behind us, shutting out the noise and distractions of the outside world. The room is adorned with luxurious furnishings, and a soft, sensual ambiance fills the air. The glow of the fire from the fireplace casts flickering shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere that feels both intimate and secret.

In the middle of the room is a massive four-poster bed, with strips of satin draped over the frame, creating an invitation to the pleasures that await.

I turn to lock the door and ensure that nothing will disturb us in this sanctum of lust and need. I turn back just in time to see the silky dress that so sumptuously caressed her body, slide off her back, and onto the floor. She remains still, her hands hanging by her side, her curves silhouetted in front of the 20ft floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the ocean.

I close the gap between us, in what feels like a single stride, and stand behind her, close enough to indulge in the essence that is her aura, but not touching her. Not yet. Looking down at her naked body, I feel the heat radiating off her. Her scent, not her perfume but HER scent, ensnares my every sense.

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Softly, I place both my hands on her shoulders, prompting her to turn her gaze from the ocean to meet mine. As our eyes meet, I see in hers the same need that is at that very moment causing havoc within my own soul. I am not going to release her from this wanton torment, not now, not yet.

My hands start their journey down her arms, feeling the softness of her skin. Although I am barely touching her, I can feel the heat radiating off her being.

As I reach her hands, I start tracing my way across her hips with my fingers, brushing over the tuft of shortly shaved hairs above her womanhood. Her body trembles with anticipation, and I can feel the onset of goosebumps as I slowly start moving my fingers up her flat stomach, circling the roundness of her ample breasts.

Her nipples were rock-hard, matching my cock. She drew her breath in sharply as I took one of them between my fingers and ever so gently pinched it.

Without hesitation, I turn her to face me, her eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and longing. In the hushed silence, we stand close, our bodies yearning for more. In a voice barely more than a whisper I ask, "Tonight, we embark on a journey of pleasure, free from inhibitions and constraints. Are you ready to explore the depths of our desires?"

A slow but definite nod, her voice momentarily lost in the intensity of the moment. She leans in for a kiss, but I am not ready to release my hold on her just yet, and gently place a finger on her lips, “All in good time.”

I can see the desperate plea in her eyes, but also the anticipation of what is to come. I keep my eyes locked on hers as I take a few steps back. I take off my tuxedo jacket and throw it on the chair beside me, followed by my bowtie. Keeping my eyes fixed on hers I take off my shirt.

The room is dimly lit but I could swear I saw a faint flare of her nostrils and heightened breathing as my shirt falls off my shoulders and I toss it to the same chair that has now become a makeshift dresser. My shoes follow suit without much ado. When I start to unbuckle my belt there is another short breath.

Through the dim light, I can see the struggle to keep her eyes locked on mine. The struggle to not let them roam over my half-naked body. I am by no means vain, but I do take pride in my body and work hard to keep it in shape.

My belt is followed by my zipper, and the struggle intensifies.  As I start to slide my pants down over my knees, I see a heavy swallow, followed by more rapid breathing.

As I step out of my pants, fully naked, she breaks our gaze and steals a look at my rock-hard cock. There is no mistaking the sharp breath and slight gasp this time, and I cannot help but smile at the thought of her delight. Her gaze has shifted to the floor as if she is ashamed of being caught out taking in my nudity.

I move closer to her, slowly but purposefully. As I pass her, I let my fingers play across her abdomen. I move in behind her, the tip of my cock, now dripping with pre-cum, pressing firmly against the top of her ass. As my hands cup both her tits, I place a soft kiss on her shoulder.

A soft sigh…

Instinctively she bares her neck, like a wild animal opening their most vulnerable spots to an assailant, an apex predator. Taking in her aroma sends shivers down my spine and I can feel the blood rush to my already painfully erect cock. I plant another kiss, this time on her neck, lingering my lips on her soft flesh.

A deep, sharp breath…

As I plant the next kiss on her neck, her body tightens beneath my grip and her breathing becomes more rapid and shallow. I pinch both her nipples between my fingers and gently pull on them, and a soft squeak escapes from her mouth. Giving in to my primal desires I gently bite into her neck while keeping the pressure on her nipples.

A deep, trembling sigh…

The spark that brought us together now ignites a flame within us, burning with an unquenchable hunger. I spin her around, drawing her closer to the bed, and our connection deepens with every shared breath. As we come together, our lips meet in a passionate embrace.

The world outside fades into insignificance as we surrender to the intoxicating dance of tongues and the mingling of desire. Our hands roam, exploring each other's bodies, tracing the contours that have tantalized our imagination for far too long.

Her hands found my back, fingers clawing into my muscles as if to mark me hers. I should probably know better than to indulge in this – but god, that small moan she gave when I slid my fingers around the back of her head and drew her even closer…

She was so soft under my touch, so innocent and yet so shamelessly inviting. Her lips were so lusciously sweet. The pressure of her body was so infinitely tempting against the bulge of my erection. I wanted nothing more than to devour her, to make her tremble with pleasure under my body.

Reaching the bed, I lift her up and place her softly on it. Using the drapes, I tie her wrists to the top posts, ensuring they don’t hurt her but restrict her movement, and make my way to the foot end. The soft glow of moonlight shows the fine curves on her small but supple body. Her femininity is highlighted by the warm glow from the fireplace.

Slowly I climb onto the bed and start placing soft kisses on her legs. As I work my way up toward her secrets, I become acutely aware of her sweet, intoxicating aroma filling my every being. I take care not to touch her lips but simply place soft kisses around them while breathing in her invitation. Even in the dimness of the room, I can clearly see her glistening with anticipation. Slowly I dive into her cunt, gently licking her from bottom to top, savoring the delicious taste of her.

An arched back. A silent gasp. Bound hands battling their restraints…

Her hips start buckling as I incessantly lap up her juices, now almost flowing freely. I turn my attention to her swollen clit, gently protruding from under its hood.  As I flick my tongue over the engorged knob, she starts moaning. A soft, almost pleading song of moans and whimpers fills the air.

Then, without warning, she wraps her legs around my neck, not much unlike a wrestler trying to submit his opponent, pulling my face into her wetness. Her hips start to buck wildly, and I know that she is on the brink of release. Her grip on my head is forceful, and I am shocked at the sheer power in her thighs. As I look up, expecting a face contorted in ecstasy, I am instead greeted by the stare of a wild animal. A caged beast that has nowhere to run and has instead given over to its most primal instinct, to fight.

As our eyes lock, I become acutely aware of the fact that I am no longer the apex predator, the hunter has become the hunted. With our eyes not breaking the gaze, she intently grinds her clit on my tongue, faster and faster until her body starts trembling with the convolutions of a powerful climax. Her back arches violently and she lets out a guttural gasp as if releasing her soul from her being.

The writhing must have loosened the silk knots on her wrists, because before I realize exactly what’s happening, she digs her fingers into the back of my skull, pulling me into her in a fierce, passionate kiss. Just as I am about to fall over on top of her, she skillfully spins me onto my back sitting on my chest. Still dazed by the nimbleness of her actions, I don’t realize her fondling my wrist. By the time I regather my thoughts, she is already working on the second wrist, the first now skillfully bound by the silk drapes…

Written by Zingara
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