“Ok, sure!” … wait, did she just say ‘yes?!’
I was joking not-joking when I asked and wasn’t expecting her to agree to a ‘test’ date. What even is a test date - I just made it up!
I feel a bit sweaty, maybe she was joking too...
Maya was a sharp brunette, shaped like a coke bottle, had a sexy waddle like a supermodel (I borrowed that line from her …). She was a bit younger than me and when she smiled, the corner curl of her lips would make me melt, and I think she knew it.
Mmmmm her lips … and those… I have to calm down. Sitting on a high stool in a busy office lunch room pretending to eat is not the best place for me to get hard. I need to think about something else...
Oh no, how long have I been staring at her?
It all happened really quickly, but really slowly at the same time. Days warped into what only felt like moments and I had no idea what I was in for.
Never. Date. A colleague. Ever. I knew that much “professional advice”. It wasn’t until a slender, tan guy by the name Ra, with sparkly exotic hazel eyes, and definitely older than me, started to hit me up more and more. I would see his “typing” on Snapchat pop-up and anticipate what he was writing. Was he going to be funny? What was he going to say? Does he want to ask me out? Why does he message me so often? I’m not sure what his intentions are. How did he even get my number again? Oh, wait, it’s my work phone… at least we aren’t working in the same department.
I chatted and went on dates with others, killing my time with boring souls who couldn’t talk about anything other than money. I would mention to all my other colleagues how terrible they were and somehow the conversation led to me agreeing to a “test” date…with Ra… what the fuck is that even?
I guess I can totally be the person he tried out a date with, and if builds his confidence to go out on other dates then so be it, I am really good with feedback. He just broke up with a partner he’s had longer than I’ve been alive and also has three kids with her… why did I agree to this again? The pressure of saying no in front of others? Not really, I was also curious. He’s a fucking DAD though, fuck. If he really wanted to ask me out, I thought he would’ve done it by now, and also have been way smoother in asking me out, rather than it being done straight in front of other colleagues, but… I guess it’s nothing to take seriously. I’m leaving the country soon anyway.
I almost asked her out on a date once before, but she was healing from a serious relationship. At most, there was a moment that resulted in a high-five in the middle of the office and a glance into each other's eyes that lasted longer than we both expected.
The test date stemmed from an escalated conversation with colleagues about how I need to (so cheesy) “play the field” and I think we both awkwardly agreed to shut them up in the end.
The problem with Snapchat is that you need to have an active short-term memory and unfortunately, my long-term relationship with Mary J makes chatting through the app hell to keep up with. I’m tech savvy by trade and eight months ago found myself mesmerized when Maya was trying to introduce me to Snapchat. Following the shape of every word that left her lips, as she leaned in close to get in the frame, I could smell the warm scent of her neck, my mind flashing in and out of future daydreams. Judging by the smile behind the cute cat filter, she can tell but isn’t sure. But we both do peace signs, poke tongues, and pouts. She Snaps, she giggles, and sends it my way.
After an amicable break-up a couple years prior, I’m confident and have no problems around women, but something about Maya makes me quietly nervous. Is it because she's younger? Or is she just teasing me? OR BOTH!!
I saw her on a date at a bar outside my old apartment six months ago… Am I even her type?
If it’s just a “test”, there’s no pressure for either of us I guess. Our conversations are playful and slightly naughty so at least the hangs will be fun - I should follow up.
Snapchat: Ra is typing...
So umm, my housemates have gone away for the stat holiday if you’re still keen to help with a “test” date?? Hahaha.
The follow-up discussion about the test date made me a little nervous. He asked me over to his house? His roommates have gone away and he has the place to himself, which makes me think he just wants to fuck. He’s a pretty smooth talker, outgoing and engaging, so I have no doubt he’s equally as smooth with women.
He’s booked this test date in for a stat holiday, so at least I know I can call the night early, being a work night and all.
Stat day
I’m feeling pretty calm, but with an edge of nervousness. I do my usual day-off things, go to the gym, eat brunch with my roommate, and then jump in the shower to get ready. Blasting myself with steamy hot water, I think to myself “I wonder if he smokes weed?” That being my biggest vice, I hope he’s someone that’s cool about it. I spend time listening to music, my butt perched on my bed, looking towards a window for that good light for my make-up, and transform myself to be date-ready. I slip on a black off-the-shoulder maxi dress with the split through the middle and throw a light boho-style cardigan on top, some brown suede heels and most importantly, my weed kit. One quick look in the mirror and I think I look cute. My roommate comes to check and confirms, “You look beautiful!” in her awesome Brazilian accent.
I jump in the car, turn up some hype music and drive to his house. A wave of butterflies takeover my tummy as I walk up the long driveway to his front door. He answers the door in much more casual dress - shorts and shirt. Simple. As he’s showing me through his house, we settled in a beautiful, big kitchen, where he threw his apron on and started to make dinner. I took over the music, introducing him to some beats that I like, and I can see a few songs get him moving while he’s cooking. The final dish - fried vege-udon noodles with some crunchy sides. Not bad at all!
After a delicious meal, we kicked back on a comfy mattress and pillow set-up in front of the outdoor fireplace, just outside the kitchen. We talked, found out how big our age difference really is, asked questions, scattered with moments of nervous silence, and then I brought it up. “Do you do drugs?” He confirmed he smokes weed on a daily and we decide to roll-up. He rolled the first joint, and I went to roll the next, cause I know my rolls are way better.
With his music playing in the background once again, one song catches my attention. I stop him mid-sentence to ask what song it is and to start it again. He proceeds to invite me inside to have a dance to the song. I worried a little before the beat fully dropped because guys seem to like the way I dance… and want to touch… so I quickly say to him, “I don’t want to have sex with you,” before we started dancing. To my surprise, he never touched me, not even once while we danced.
As we relaxed a little more and the conversation continued back in front of the fireplace, the topic of tattoos came up, and I asked him to show me his. He slipped out of his t-shirt to reveal a large piece across his shoulders. An ode to his previous life. He asked whether I had any, and I confirmed but didn’t want to show him because of where it was and what I was wearing. With a little playful jab of, “It’s not fair! I showed you mine,” I decided it was unfair, so I undressed my top half, stopping low enough for a peek of my lacy black panties but not too far, to show my delicate hip piece. His smooth hands touched me ever so softly as he stared at my floral arrangement.
After another joint or two, I realized the time and had to leave or the next morning wouldn’t be any fun. I grabbed my things, and as he walked me out, he gave me a big “friend hug”.
After I got home, I wasn’t sure what I felt. I was confused to a point I didn’t know if I should see him again… did that go well? The worry of what work would be like the next day was daunting. Will everything still be normal? Will he act weird? Will I act weird?
He quickly followed up with a sweet message, saying he had a lot of fun.
I responded back...
Snapchat: Maya is typing….
Thanks for having me and I hope you have a good night :)
*Doorbell rings*
“Oh shit, she’s here - I’m not even finished getting ready!! … Gahdamn … I better open the door!”
Quickly lighting a candle to mask the smell and hide evidence of the joint I smoked half an hour ago, I realized my pants are still in the dryer and I’m wearing jean shorts, white tee, and a baby blue shirt buttoned half-way. Shaking my head at having no shoes on either, I take a slow deep breath, open the door and “WOW!!” I’m so underdressed. I paused for what seemed like five minutes before finishing the compliment, “You look amazing!!”
I lean in to greet her with a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek and guide her on a tour around the casa.
I’m known throughout the office for being a food nerd and ask if she can select tunes from her phone while I freestyle an udon dish, which I made up on the spot. Her bowl was empty, so she seemed to like it or was really hungry. Maya eagerly digs through her favorite playlist. I love her taste in music and wonder if she can dance.
I’m great at making cozy spots, some would say ‘talented’. Take a regular spot and make it as cozy as you can. Times that by three and that’s where my basic standard sits. There are a couple of spots in the lounge, a couple outside, one by the fireplace, even the bathroom has candles and flowers.
We get into a conversation about ‘drugs’ and find a mutual appreciation for weed. Which is great because by now I could really do with a post-dinner joint! We end up rolling a few and, to be honest, her rolls were far better than mine. I just didn’t want to admit it, but we both knew.
On a high (literally) and impressed by her abilities, I decided to play some of my fave tunes of late. One track, in particular, I had to play on repeat at her request but was almost knocked off the high when she said in a stern voice, “Ra, I don’t want to have sex with you.”
My oldest kid just became a teen and is closer in age than we are, so I’m much older than expected but by no means old-fashioned. Aside from the fact that she said those words clear and direct to my face without blinking her beautiful eyelashes, I tell myself the first date rule is totally a ‘thing’ and don’t feel offended (for long haha).
By this point, a few joints in, food and songs on repeat, we became more accustomed to each other and it turns out that Maya is a great dancer after all! She asked to see the tattoo that was peeking from behind my neck and I agreed, knowing she’d have to show me hers if she had any. And my gosh, did she! While trying and failing to keep herself fully covered, she bashfully adjusts her dress to reveal a delicate flower tattoo on her right hip. I’m drawn to the black straps and can see her nipples are hard through her bra and imagined cupping her tits and nibbling them softly between my teeth and tongue. In the haze of the moment, I couldn’t help but run my hand slowly over her tattoo. She flinches slightly and her breathing becomes deeper. Jokingly out loud, I give her a date rating of 8.5 and she agreed, even though she's a 9.5, but would never agree to that. Respecting that stern voice I strap my ego back into order and continue dancing, complimenting her movements until we called it a night with another hug and peck on the cheek.
Accepting it was a “test” AND a first date. I had spent the evening in the pleasant company of a beautiful strong wahine, danced to loud music in the lounge, smoked trees, and lit the rarely used fireplace. By those measurements, I’d count this date a success.
With work also being a common factor between us tomorrow, I didn’t want to come off pushy or appear to be preying on ‘a younger’ colleague. HR would have a field day with that one. I thanked her straight away via Snapchat, not realizing the universe had other plans for my innocent intentions.
Snapchat: Ra is typing….
Ra: I had a great time hanging out with you last night and would love to be smoking buddies!
Maya: I did too. I think we can be friends.
Ra: haha yay - the housemates are still away, what are you doing this weekend - movie, snacks and joints?
He’s invited me to his place this weekend and for some reason, I don’t feel the hesitant confusion I did before. Something has changed and I don’t know what. Was it his soft touch of my tattoo that first night? I’m excited, but also a little unsure, though I want to find out what this is.
The weekend rolls around and before I know it, there I was again, standing at his front door, but something is different this time. He mentioned his roommates were still away, but it also seems there are others in the house. And there are. To my surprise, his roommates, who introduced themselves as Rob and Christie are home and welcome me in.
We all chat in the kitchen as I’m sat down on a bar stool; his roommates ask about what I do, where I’m from, and the usual first-meet questions. They offer us to join them in watching a movie, so Ra set up some cozy spots, we smoked some joints and joined them for a movie. Not paying too much attention to what was on the screen, Ra started to caress my thighs with his soft hand under the blanket we shared. He then whispers to me, “I hope you don’t mind, but your skin is so smooth.”
To which I replied, “Touch as much as you want.” I was excited and it felt so good. I was feeling aroused leading up to seeing him, and him touching me only heightened it. I knew I was getting wet, I could feel it and was only a matter of time before Ra would find out too.
His hands crept higher and higher towards my hips with every stroke of my thigh, then slowly into my upper inner thighs. I’m sure his roommates could tell we were wriggling around under there. His delicate fingers inched closer and closer to my underwear, and with that, the wetter I got. With one last smooth stroke, his hand was underneath my panties, his fingers slipping and sliding around my pussy, discovering every fold and feeling my wetness. My hands stayed above the blankets, conscious of his roommates, but I didn’t want Ra to stop. My breathing was deepening, his teasing of my wet, swollen pussy gradually building.
The movie ended and his roommates promptly said goodnight and went to bed. Ra and I hung out in the living room for a few more moments caressing each other, until he swept me off my ass and into his arms, carrying me straight to his bedroom. He threw me down on his bed, slipped my underwear off while I pulled my tight mini-dress off and unclipped my bra. His lips touched my pussy, giving me a few kisses before licking up and down from my vag to clit, cleaning up all the drip I had been leaking since I’d arrived. He tasted me passionately, lightly stroking my clit and sucking my fat swollen lips, my knees were shaking in pleasure and small moans escaped my mouth. I never knew this is what it was like for something to feel so good that your knees shake. I helped undress his pants, needing to know what I’m working with and was surprised and slightly worried by how big and thick he was, especially for such a slender guy.
I slowly sucked his tip, making my way down his pulsing shaft all the way to his balls, where I let my tongue circle them and tug a little, each ball getting some time on its own for me to taste, nibble and play with. He clearly wanted to taste me again, and in a swift movement, Ra flipped me over to 69. My head at the edge of his bed and him on top eating me out, shivers of pleasure rippled down my whole body, and he got deeper and deeper into my mouth. I let my body relax and suddenly I was deepthroating his hard cock, balls deep and I loved it. I’ve never felt so comfortable with someone in such a vulnerable position. I’d also never let anyone that deep into my throat before. I’m not even sure how I did it. His hands gripping my hips, I played with my nipples with one hand, his balls with the other, exploring the tight skin just behind, while he edged me closer to coming.
As I lick the tips of my fingers, I can taste the subtle sweetness of Maya’s well-kept pussy.
How the fuck … rewind!
So the housemates were expected to be away for another day. Maya was on snack duty for movie night and I had just connected with a FAT sack of cheeba and was really happy to be sharing it with someone who appreciated quality as much as I did, aka weed nerds unite!
I’m excited and can’t wait for the snacks. She’s pretty reliable and diverse in the selection, so I know this is going to be good. It’s more casual too, way less pressure than before. It isn’t a ‘test’ or a date. It’s just a blazey Saturday night in because neither of us had any solid plans.
Ten minutes before she was due, Rob and Christie arrived home. They got rained out from a festival or something and came home a day early, which wasn’t really a problem because they were nerds too, but more in the hippy variety. And with Maya on her way, I thought it’d be fine to explain when she got here because, well - it wasn’t a date!

Of course, I want to show off my new ganja friend and because she’s confident, Maya offers to roll a few while I make spots and we figure out what to watch. She pulls out her grinder and gets to work. And with that corner curl grin presents two perfectly rolled cone-shaped joints (expert level) and one mini (beginner level) with the leftovers.
After meticulous concentration, she jumps to her feet like a chef done plating and nods. “Now we’re ready!”
We spark a cone and decide on a nature doco. There are a few cozy spots already set-up and go to sit on separate couches but smile and through eye contact agree it’s weird to sit so far apart.
The weather was nice and the couch outside facing the screen on the wall seemed the best choice, plus we could burn another and not have to move anywhere.
Being the nerd she is, Maya leaps onto the couch and lights the mini even though we’d just smoked a cone joint, which made me happy because I was thinking the exact same thing!
I move the blanket to sit next to her. She’s also wearing a mini and the back of my hand brushes past her leg - that was the first touch.
I’m not sure if it was conscious but the back of my hand would softly connect with her skin when fumbling around to fix the blanket or for ‘something chocolate, no savory, no …’
“I hope you don’t mind but your skin is so smooth!” Gasp - Did I just say that out loud!? I stare at her, still a bit unsure.
Not aware how much the touches had affected her, I was slightly surprised when she whispered, “Touch as much as you want!”
I’m not gonna lie I was already hard before she said that, but now my pants were becoming a problem. With that invitation, the front of my hand finally has consent and my fingertips calmly set-out in search for the smoothest spot starting with her silky tanned thigh. Like a kitten with each stroke gradually getting closer, still equally as smooth the higher I go, until I feel the line of her panties. I follow them as she slowly widens her legs underneath the blanket. Her breathing gets deeper. I can feel her heat and tease by not touching. Instead, my attention turns to her other leg. I mean, it’s only fair to compare, right?
Once again, the back of my hand, with the first touch, casually brushes over her soaked fabric. By the flinch in her hip, I can tell she wants this as much as I do!
After carefully inspecting the smoothness of her right leg, my fingertips slip past the elastic and slide straight into her pussy. I can’t believe how wet she is. It felt as if I had pumped her full of cum already. I can’t help but taste. Her pussy was as smooth as her thighs and tasted like a ripe summer melon. Is this really happening!?
With every twirl of her clit and long stroke to the bottom of her vagina and back, my dick dripped inside my boxer shorts, screaming to be released.
Losing track of time, the doco ended and the housemates, with gleeful smiles, retreated to their room, leaving us on the couch. Realizing the only issue now was clothing and the hallway to my room, I scooped her up, made a dash and threw her onto the bed. Her clothes basically melted from her body as I dove in, grabbing her hips to pull her in for a proper taste. My lips greeted her pussy with gentle welcoming kisses before licking both sides of her inner thighs. Her hips twitch and she lets out a moan and I taste the flavor of cum. My dick pulses and drips as I lick furiously trying to clean my plate before she cums again. Her knees shake and I don’t stop. I want all of her cum!
By now she’s cock hungry and rushes to help remove my boxer shorts. She’s pleasantly surprised with her present and is salivating as she wraps her lips around the tip, kissing and sucking until I’m balls deep in her throat.
I want Maya to feel pleasure too. I need her to cum again. So I flip her over to 69 with her head on the edge of the bed. I pull her cheeks apart as I lean forward and passionately dig my tongue in and out of her sweet pussy so as not to miss a drop of her juice. Lying naked on her back, she grabs my ass to pull me in harder, loving it, and getting deeper with every choke. I can feel my dick at the back of her throat and my balls tighten. OMG, I can’t hold back - I’m coming ahhhhhh!! I get even more turned on as I shoot my hot cum into her mouth, and she sucks harder and pumps deeper with more intent.
After she licks clean every trace of cum from my cock, she turns on all fours, with her ass in the air. Peering over her shoulder begging for my cock with her eyes. I deny her one last time as I show gentle appreciation for her clit. Slowly licking up, up and only up. Until one downward lick from the start of her ass to her saturated pussy breaks her pleasure seal again and her juices run down both of her legs, moaning with every exhale making my dick rock hard; now we’re ready!!
His massive pulsing cock is at the back of my throat, but I keep trying to get him deeper. As I pull his hips closer I feel his hot cum shooting down my throat, letting out moans of pleasure while licking up my juices, sending vibrations through my entire body. I suck up every bit of precious cum his cock can give me, and am dying to have him inside me. I want to feel Ra so deep with his huge cock and can’t wait any longer.
I turn around to ask him to give it to me and he can tell I want it bad. I’d come at least three times and was ready to be destroyed, but as I signaled for him to do me doggy, his tongue caressed my puffed up pussy once more, sending me into overdrive, knees completely weak as he makes me cum and drip all over myself. I feel my juices trickling down my thighs while my pussy longs to be beaten up.
On all fours, I feel the very tip of his hard cock gently sliding up and down my pussy, teasing my clit, not even reaching my vagina. Just the sensation of his dick against my pussy drives me wild. I want him to go straight in, and in me deep. Ra continues circling my pussy with his dick lightly, like the rim of a delicate wine glass, then slowly pushes the tip into my dripping pussy and I can already tell this is going to stretch me out. He teases just the tip inside me, thrusting ever so slightly, then a little deeper with his shaft, giving me a few more thrusts. I tried to push back to get him deeper, but he knowingly pulled back, letting me know he’s going in, but on his time, not mine. It seemed he was worried he would hurt me because I was so tight.
As the thrusting picks up pace, I feel him get deeper and deeper and my moans get longer, waves of pleasure rippling from my vagina to my head and all the way to my toes. “This isn’t even all of it,” Ra tells me. He’s not fully inside me yet, and I’m not sure he will fit at this point. With every thrust, I feel him get a little deeper, and me a little wetter. I’m dripping all over him and he loves it. Wanting to give Ra a little break, he lays on the bed and I get to take over. I climb over him slowly and maneuver myself into the perfect position to ride him cowgirl. I slide him slowly back inside me, my pussy already forgetting how big he was, we both groan in ecstasy as I get every single millimeter of his dick inside me. I start to ride him slowly and deep, and then fast and shallow with almost just the tip, then back down to take the whole dick inside me. I lean into him to steal a few kisses, and in the moment we embrace, him hugging my shoulders and me his, and we pull each other closer and even deeper. Deeper than I thought was even possible. Our bodies in sync and to perfect rhythm, I ride him deep, twerking my ass on his dick and massaging my clit against his groin, edging closer and closer to orgasm.
I perch myself above her arched back, my heavy cock casually swinging past her dripping pussy while she flinches and twitches, teasing on her sensitive clit. Maya gives a loud moan as I lube my dick by rubbing it all over her puddle of wet, making a mess all over both of us. She begs, “Give it to me!” and I do. Well, I try too. Her pussy is so tight I have to grip my dick and shake him at the entry of her vagina in hopes to loosen her up. As she eagerly pushes back on my dick and drips, I ease the tip in slowly and she tightens more. I don’t know if I can fit, so I ask, “Let me know if you want more.”
Her well-groomed eyebrows tidy like a Japanese garden. With a frown of pleasure, she nods, “Mmm hmm,” from her soft lips. With an overflowing fist full of dick hovering over her, I let my weight go. I’ve never felt anything like it.
So tight I still can’t fit, but so wet I have to check again, “Are you sure you want me to go deeper?”
She pleads, “Mmm-hmm!” I pull her in by the hips as I lean in, deeper and deeper. She tries to stay quiet as her pussy clenches on my penis. “Aaaahhh!” Maya covers her mouth.
Her whole body shakes uncontrollably and we’ve still got over an inch of dick before I’m fully inside her. I don’t know how, but she keeps getting wetter. I thrust faster and faster to make gains. He’s all the way deep now, balls slapping against her clit and she’s just getting started.
I’m instructed to lie on my back as this cowgirl is about to claim her buck. With a pout, her dark hair draped down the S curve of her back. She lowers her wet pussy on my dick slowly taking the whole thing and we both let out an exhale that was more of a groan. I could tell that squats is her favorite exercise at the gym. She bounces and owns that cock.
It’s true we hadn’t kissed until this point. I don’t know why we skipped the swapping of saliva. Something about this kiss, though, her soft lips had me locked like a magnet. Unable to break from the natural attraction, I found myself catching my breath as I stare into her eyes. We both grind to get maximum depth. All the while our stare intensifies, I see a vulnerable glimmer behind her gaze and I pull her in closer, full skin on skin. Our bodies tangle and tighten as I pump her full of cum. Maya doesn’t stop and keeps pumping. I ignore the fact that I just came and rock in time with her sloppily slapping inside. The feel of her cum-filled pussy was so good I couldn’t stop.
I notice her swollen clit wanting more attention and my dick needing a quick break, so I pull out from her cream pie and start massaging her clit with my tongue again. I can taste my cum and it makes me harder. He’s ready to go another round. Accepting this is going to be a long night, I start brainstorming all the positions we should try; standing, her riding me while holding onto the wall, standing with one leg over my shoulder, sideways and more … with all this raw energy my dick is acting like a champ and is ready for what’s ahead. Or is he … “Maya, I need you!”
I could feel Ra’s hot cum shoot deep inside me as I ride him, but I can’t stop. I know he’s getting sensitive now but my pussy wants more, being so close to orgasm. I continue to saddle his dick, which was softening a little inside me. Ra could see I wasn’t done and asked me to hop off to taste us together - what a sight. I run my fingers through his short, dark brown hair as I tense my stomach, both our cum flowing out in a thick creampie. I watch him suck, lick, and savor every drop. His moans of deliciousness shake my body, my knees twitch, butterflies flutter through my pussy, into my stomach, and out my head. My feet and knees tense up, hot waves take over my body and the sensation of almost peeing myself took me over the edge to orgasm. With his rhythmic sucking and licking, I reach the peak as I come all over his mouth, pussy pulsing, my whole body quivering, moaning, feeling powerless and tingly. I flinch as he gives my super sensitive pussy one last lick for the moment and slides his hard dick straight into me, pumping me slowly and deep, hitting my g-spot as I lay cushioned in a post-orgasm haze.
As I get my energy back, I slowly start thrusting to his rhythm, lightly running my fingers down his smooth back, then back up and along his shoulders, taking in all the contours of his tattooed body, back, arms, and neck. I mention to Ra I’m ready for another joint soon and he agrees, but neither of us can pull away from each other, not even for a second.
Our bodies in sync, we switch from missionary to spoon each other, both of us thrusting with perfect timing. My pussy grips his dick every few pumps, switching up the pressure and we both groan at the sensations we treat each other to. Spooning gives us the much-needed break, and we both start wanting more. Thrusts getting faster, breathing getting shallower, we decide to get into the plow. Without him leaving my pussy, we twirl in a smooth motion as I swing my legs over his shoulders, I feel him get a little deeper, hitting the front side of my pussy as he leans in and pushes my legs towards me. I scratch the insides of his thighs and fondle his balls, rubbing my clit with the other hand while he gives my pussy undivided attention. I feel the heat rising again and ask him to speed up the pace, I’m close to another orgasm and can’t control my legs, bringing one leg down into a split as he grips my other leg and pumps like a champ. I flick my clit up and down fast and ask him not to stop…. “Fuck, fuck, fuck arghhhhhhhh!” I orgasm again, tingles rippling through my body, beats of pleasure weakening every fiber in me, dripping all over his dick while he moans as he feels me throb inside. Both of us are wet all over, covered in each others cum, sweat, saliva, and everything in-between. I wonder, how many more times can I come...
I decide it’s his turn this time, and with the pace slowed down, I ask if we can change. I get him on his back again, but this time I saddle him reverse, so he can have front row seats watching his thick cock enter my pussy. I start slow, showing him just how much I’m taking, how wide he stretches me out, and how deep his dick is going. I lean forward and grip his calves, supporting myself as I ride him, circling my hips every few thrusts so he can feel all the angles inside me. I gradually speed up, feeling his foreskin roll back, each thrust giving me waves of pleasure and hearing his breathing deepening, his grip on my hips tightening, I lick my fingers to play with his balls and tease my nipples with the other. As I ride him deep, I can feel his dick getting ready to drop another load inside me and I get excited, steadily keeping the pace not to lose the sensation for Ra.
His moaning gets louder and his grip on my ass more urgent, he helps me get deeper with the last few thrusts before I feel the hot sensation drip inside me again. Both of us panting, I pump slowly until he finishes coming and then crawl next to him as I drip all over my thighs and his legs but not giving a fuck. The sheets were wet rounds ago so it doesn’t make a difference anyway. I tuck myself under his arms, nuzzling my face into the crevice of his neck, one hand on his bare chest, and take in all the pleasure bombs we just had. I feel myself drifting into a nap, his fingers running softly up and down my back, melting me into a dream state.
I’d like to think I’m pretty good at “sexing”. Like the old infomercial used to shout “IT’S TECHNIQUE!!”
But neither Maya or myself would’ve guessed that we were in for a ten-hour pure pleasure-fest when the documentary started. I had never tasted my own cum before and… I think a joint might actually compliment the cum flavor, haha.
With perfect timing, she suggests just what I was thinking (she has a habit of doing this).
So at this moment, I really can’t believe my eyes. The sexy young goddess, Maya, naked, moaning with every exhale and flicking a lighter, puffing on a colorful pipe as she inhales, watching her asshole press against my body as her pussy takes all my dick. Is this even happening?
We both came over and over. And over again some more. At most, I’ve only ever come twice, max, but by now I’ve lost count. We found ourselves waking up from a stoned, erotic coma in spoon position every so often. One instance, I woke in what I thought was a pool of sweat but turns out it was Maya’s wetness. She was passed out with a cute snore, much like a cat purr and she was dripping everywhere, which got the attention of my soldier.
Obviously aroused, standing to attention, without consciousness Maya started wiggling, teasing the end of my tip. She was totally still asleep, too. Now rocking to her own timing and taking my whole cock, she wakes to use me as a grip and starts to pump harder. Digging her nails in and leaving her mark, we both come hard and pass out again from exhaustion.
Acts like this would repeat into the early morning, in the shower, and one last time between the shower and her exiting because she was running late for a family lunch.
Later that afternoon, I lay on my friend's couch recalling the details of the last twenty hours. In my jet-lagged state, I couldn’t help but think about work tomorrow, as we hadn’t strategized that far ahead. If she’s as wrecked as I am, I hope she’s feeling okay. So I send a series of Snaps.
Ra is typing…
“Well, I’m on the couch unintentionally ignoring my friends. I feel like a zombie and it’s your fault!”
“It was unexpected and amazing. And after calculating the time - TEN FUCKING HOURS!! I hope you were conscious at lunch”
“I enjoyed the part where I woke up to find you grinding away. How did you stay so wet!”
We both knew better than to let the office know what was going on and it didn’t even have to be said. But I really look forward to seeing Maya, and even if it was a mistake on her part - I hope we can still be smoking buddies at the least.
Okay, what do I say now … maybe something funny … should I ask her out again … am I messaging too much … I can’t stop thinking about her. Hmmm, I know!
“Thanks for hanging out last night. See you at the office tomorrow. Try not to daydream about me too much! Heehee”
Maya is typing…