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Executive Sweet: 5

"Giselle and Ted have a tiff."

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Author's Notes

"Giselle still doesn't know Ted Havlicek is her mystery man. He pretends to be Tom to make love to her."


Last night’s rebellion from Giselle was still fresh on Ted Havlicek’s mind as he exited his private elevator from the tenth-floor suites to the back hall that lead to his office at Havlicek IT Solutions. His secretary must have radar because his intercom buzzed as soon as he opened the door. He keyed the button.

“Mr. Havlicek, Mr. Michaels has called twice this morning. Do you want me to get him on the line?” Charlene asked.

“Actually, I think I’d like a minute to clear some things on my desk. Thank you, Charlene; and if you could manage it, I’d like coffee also,” he said putting his valise on the credenza and then taking his chair.

His hand immediately went to the computer mouse, and he scrolled to the Giselle cams. It was nine-forty and she wasn’t in the office yet. He scanned the other cams, garage, second-floor elevators, front entrance; there was no sign of his novice Executive Sweet siren. He had things ready for when she arrived. At the moment he needed to respond to Michaels who had great expectations and little patience for the work that needed to be done.

Charlene came in with a mug of coffee and set it on his desk. “Mr. Michaels is on comm Ted,” she said with a smile.

“Get ready for the explosion,” Havlicek quipped. He noticed his secretary had worn a familiar outfit; dressed like his new protege, she displayed her breasts in an unbuttoned suit vest and micro mini skirt. She had accessorized her apparel with tan stay-up stockings and red peep-toe pumps. "Did you alter your style a bit, Baby-cakes?"

“There're some new dress code changes being tested and I'm showing my support," the secretary nodded at the desktop computer. "Do you want me to stay?”

Ted shook his head no and motioned for her to go, then he clicked the mouse for the incoming call.

“Malcolm how are you?” he said.

“Havlicek! What the hell is going on with the girl?” Michaels yelled.

“First off, please keep a civil tone of voice. Second.”

“Did Turnbow quit last night? I saw the video, what the hell happened?”

Havlicek picked up his coffee and took a long drink, perfect Charlene, he thought. “One. She is not a girl, Michaels. You are getting an intelligent sophisticated concubine, not some junior intern crawling around on her knees. Two. It’s a normal reaction that I expected to happen. I coaxed her into our game with the promise of mind-blowing rewards, both sexually and monetarily.  To be honest, it's better it happened now than a week from today.” 

“Are you saying you saw this coming? Why didn’t you do anything?” Michaels complained.

“I did do something; I tested her. I pushed Giselle to a limit. I think I've reached her, unlocked a secret door. She has willingly and eagerly let me in.” Ted took another long drink of his coffee. "If I've succeeded, she'll be back on the program this morning. If I’ve failed, I’ll recruit the blonde secretary." Or maybe my own, he thought.

An icon flashed on the Giselle cams and Ted clicked to open the app. Giselle was walking in from the garage. The facial recognition program had picked up her image as soon as she got out of her car. “Michaels, if you click your mouse on the garage cam, you’ll see for yourself.”

Ted sat and enjoyed his coffee while Michaels cued his computer. When the wealthy CEO finally spoke again, it was just what Ted needed to hear.

"Keep her on the program, whatever it takes. I will personally guarantee another $10,000, but I want her signed by next Thursday, latest."

"Give me until next Friday. I'll give her the signing bonus numbers first thing this morning," Havlicek said. She'll get a different bonus later this afternoon, Ted thought, his cock responding at the idea of today's task and Giselle alone with him in the supply room.


Too much awaited on Giselle's desk that morning, still, she was in no rush to get to work after her little night of rebellion and debauchery. Louie had been a very satisfying reward for two days of sexual tension; the last time she'd seen her one-chance lover, he was with another girl who'd come to the bar looking for him. Lucky Louie.

Of course, there had been an e-mail from Tom. Part pleading, part demanding, he tried to flatter her; rationalize his actions, and bring her back to the program. She had a task that afternoon, and he wanted to talk when she got to the office. He’d either be pissed or send her flowers, she should probably prepare for the former.

The only instruction he gave her on dress code today was to wear high-heeled sandals. There was still one of her vested suits left that she had altered; it must have been the last that she worked on Monday night. Instead of the vest, she selected a strapless demi-cup bra from her drawer. After a liberal application of glitter gel, she put the lacy lingerie on.

The closet yielded the last sheer blouse she owned; she had already snipped the buttons from it. It slipped on easily, hung loose and open, her nipples visible over the top of the demi bra. When Giselle pulled on the skirt it was at least an inch shorter than her others; even riding as low on her hips as possible, her pussy peeked conspicuously from underneath. She topped it with the suit jacket, unbuttoned, of course; its length just managed to cover her in the front. Micromesh fishnet stockings complimented her black strapped sandals.

The morning e-mail had mentioned one surprising thing, Tom had gotten her a reserved parking spot right across from the entrance to the bridge over to her building. As Giselle bent over into the driver's side door to retrieve her valise and portfolio of manuscripts, she noticed the security cam pointed directly at her naked ass, which was another reason for dressing the way she had.

How many in the building were watching her on their desktops this morning?  She had begun the week by walking bottomless to her car, she ended it by carrying her jacket and walking into the Havlicek building flashing her breasts to all the people arriving for work that day.


“Giselle,” his voice came over the intercom still distorted by the audio filter.

“Tom,” she answered then waited. There was a moment of awkward silence before he broke it.

"I like the stockings, they're really hot."

"Now Tom! Don't get personal."

"You are trouble, you know that? You didn't respond when I needed to come with you last night.”  

“I wasn't really in the mood; my day started out crazy and then got even more so,” Giselle said frustrated with this man and his maddening games.

“Communication is important, we're at a critical stage and things are only going to get harder from here,” Tom tried to remind her.

“Listen to yourself,” she scolded him. She kicked her chair back from her desk, let the ceiling light illuminate her naked upskirt for his under-desk cam, “Communicating is important, but you refuse to drop the audio filter. Then, you played remote control sex toy with my pussy all day Wednesday and left me wanting. I waited in the office for an hour and a half and there was no word from you.” 

“I'm not in the habit of explaining myself. I was occupied elsewhere after work," Tom's voice said.

“Too bad Tom. I would've done anybody last night horny as I was," she shot a look of steamy anger at her screen. "You know what? I don't feel like explaining myself today either. And you’re starting to sound like my ex-boyfriend.”

“Stop trying to get personal. Have you read your e-mail this morning?"

"No, I don't even have my coffee yet," she answered.

"Alright. I have two things to tell you. One: you earned two demerits.”

“Two? Why two?” Giselle was a little miffed.

“One for refusing to com and the other for not sending me your panty at the end of business. You didn't wear one apparently.”

“I did wear one. Something happened; the elastic broke and it came off.”  

“It just came off. And you didn't think to pick it up?”

“There was a rush off the elevator, and I got caught in it. I didn't react quick enough.”

“Is that how it happened?” why was she lying? he thought.

“Yes, that’s what happened. Why would you ask that?” Giselle wondered what Tom was getting at. He couldn't know how her panty got ripped away in the crush of the elevator. Could he? “How many demerits do I have?” she asked as a distraction.

“Three now. You can do extra credit today and get rid of one.”

“I’m not sure I can do anything today. You know I still run a department, Tom. I have an employee resigning, we have to reassign all her work, her authors are going to freak,” Giselle asked. “I have two meetings before one o’clock today.”

 “This won’t interfere. Anytime you want to lose one demerit you can go topless for that day. That would include if you needed to leave the office.” 

“That will give the staff something to look at,” she stripped out of the sheer blouse, leaving her breasts exposed in the demi-cup bra. "Is this good?"

"Uhm, yes it's very nice. The other thing is Michaels instructed me to offer you a signing bonus if you start next Friday. Carter and Mortenson are in on it also.”

“A signing bonus for what? Agreeing to the contract now?” Giselle sounded interested. She crossed her leg over her other knee, allowing a more open display of her pussy.

“Friday, the end of next week. It’s executive pay grade money.”

“Dollars and cents please?”

“The number on the contract is six figures, the signing bonus is thirty-five K; all on deposit in the account you draw your salary from. I get fifteen thousand if you sign,” Tom’s voice informed.
“That sounds nice. I can get a new condo,” Giselle said, fantasizing. “And a new car.

"The money is all there; I can show you the number and password for the account. You'd have a debit card and a huge expense account."

"I guess I could take a few demerits for that. What about the other two points?”
“I have a homework task for you to do on the weekend. You’ll have fun with it, I’m sure.”


Her secretary walked into the room and stopped short in front of the desk. “So, topless day is a thing now?”

“It's entirely voluntary,” Giselle said, “I need to talk to Hannah later this morning, I want you in the room also.”

“Hannah will like that.”

“I will also need Jennifer’s resignation paperwork, the request for a new hire form, and I’m promoting Hannah to assistant manager.”

“Hannah will like that also,” Denise responded.

“And check my contacts list to see if you can find Ed Sommers at Midsummer Woods Publishers in Metairie, Louisiana”

“Is that near New Orleans?”

“Yes, their company used to be a subsidiary with ours, then their owner Captain Pocket took the company solo. Oh, and I'll want to Skype with him when you get the number.”

“He'll probably like that.”

The meeting with Hannah went as well as it could. Hannah took her t-shirt off, and the mood changed. Denise and Giselle outlined what Hannah would be doing with Jennifer’s assignments. After a while, they broke up and went back to work. It took her secretary some time to get the info on the other publishing house, then Giselle's desktop chimed.

“Ed? Hello how's New Orleans?” she said and folded her arms under her half-naked breasts to push them up more prominently.

“Sorry, your voice is familiar, but my screen hasn't opened yet.”

“It's Giselle Turnbow, from Bookings and Reeder.”

“Giselle! Wow, how are you? It’s been what four years?”

“I can’t believe you remember. I was such a ditz, trying to do everything that summer and getting nothing right.”

“Actually, you were a ray of sunshine. Cap still talks about you. You called on a really crazy day.”

“Ok. It’s been crazy for me lately too. What’s your crazy?”

“We just landed our first sale to a movie production. It’s a new author, Danny Blackthorn and guess who falls in love with his book?”

“Uh, I don’t know?”

“Sasha Scarlett.”

“The red-haired bombshell of the Cosmic Comic Galaxy? That Sasha Scarlett?"

“The one and only Sasha Scarlett; she's bonkers for the sappy romance genre. We’re teleconferencing right now. I had to leave the meeting to take your call.”

“Well, let me make this worth your while then. Did you push the video icon yet?” 

“Ok, here we are. Giselle! Oh my god. Are you at work today?” Ed said, amazed at the appearance of this bare-breasted beauty on his computer.

“Yes, I'm in my office here in Atlanta. Why, something wrong?”

“It's just your tits are. Whoa. Let me start over,” he blurted out blundering. “I can't tell you what it's like to see you. I'm intoxicated by your beauty.” 

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“That's so lovely Ed, hearing you say it," she admitted, her nipples hardened at the compliment and the chill of the air conditioning in the office. 

"So, what can I do for you? You have an author who's not happy?”

“No Ed. I don't think you need to steal any of my romance writers. I'm actually losing an editor and I wondered if you could help her.”

“Your editor? How would I help?” Does she go topless in the office, like you? Ed thought lustfully.

“Her husband has been reassigned to New Orleans, and you're the only guys I know there.”

“For you Giselle, anything. Send me her name or send her my info.”    


Finished with her Skype call, Giselle pulled up Tom's current e-mail. The first line mentioned a package; she looked around the office and saw it on her reading chair. The rest of the message was direct: You need to report to the supply room next to the mailroom department on the second floor by four pm. Be mindful of the Expectations and Requirements when you change from your office attire to your new gift.

Giselle opened her gift. Any clothes or shoes received as gifts must be changed into at work. It was a lace-trimmed sheer knit camisole dress in a light red color. You should strip down naked before putting on any of the gifts, this should occur somewhere very open and public. Considering she was going to be topless for the rest of the day, changing into the sheer short dress would go fairly quickly. The elevator then.

“Denise?” she called on the intercom.


“Later this afternoon I need to take an elevator ride. Can you go with?”

“Partners in crime, boss.”


She stood outside the door of the supply room, the blindfold in her hand. Her instructions had been to cooperate with whatever she was asked to do by whoever came through the door.  Of course, the door was unlocked; she walked in. The usual racks of cleaning supplies, water casks, and copier ink stood around. She blindfolded herself and waited for a man to come. Then she heard the door open and a moment later, close. 

The light flared briefly, and a voice said, "Uhm, hello? Whoa! Oh my god, it's you! I didn't expect.” 

“Who were you expecting? If you recognize me, should I leave on the blindfold?" Giselle asked.

"Uhm. I'm going to say yes. Hold your hands out, I have to do this before we, uh."

His voice seemed vaguely familiar, "Before you make love to me?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

She heard his footsteps, then he took one of her hands and clipped a soft firm handcuff around the wrist. "Ooh. How did you know about that? Yeah, that's making me hotter.” She tested them for him by pulling them apart. There was at least a foot of chain, and the padding on the cuff made it more dangerously erotic. 

She was bit unsteady on her heeled sandals; she reached out and pulled up against him to catch herself. He took her by the chain with one hand and lifted her face up with the other. Then he leaned in to kiss her; his lips on hers immediately ignited a fire in her loins, and she flung her leg around his knee, wobbling a bit, leaning into him harder. He let the kiss linger half a minute then broke away from her.

“You're tall, about six foot one?” she said.

“Yeah, you're pretty good,” he answered. 

“Nice biceps,” her hand drifted south. “Mm, and abs.  You work out?” her hands-on exam revealed he was built lean but well-muscled. He had a mustache that tickled her lip and her lusty urges.  

“It's kind of expected for my job.” He extricated her leg from around his and moved away, again taking the chain to lead her. The blindfold had her completely in the dark, she followed closely hoping nothing tripped her up although she would not mind falling into her partner again.

“What do you do? Maintenance? Security?”

“He said you'd try to do that,” the man said. 

“Who said I'd try what?”

"He did. You call him Tom. He said you'd try to get personal.”

“What else did he tell you?” Giselle had gotten a serious feeling of Deja vu, of having heard this mystery lover talk. She had heard his voice somewhere else.

“I'm supposed to make love to you, pretend like it’s our first time," He brought her to a stop beside what felt like a bed behind her. He came closer to her, her skin prickled with sexual tension in the scanty see-through chemise. He bent down to kiss her again.

"It is our first time," Giselle cooed in his ear. “Why did he ask you?”

“He called in a big favor that I owed.”

“And this is how you're repaying him. What did he do for you?”

“Got me a job in the building. Lucky me, right?”

"Hmm, lucky me too."

 He had her bound and blindfolded, her body entirely in his hands; he descended on the deep vee cutout of her skimpy dress. His lips kissed a burning path across her naked cleavage then he was at the swell of her breasts. Giselle thrilled, her heart flew up into her throat and her breathing slowed. This man knew his women, this guy had the key. This was happening a bit too much lately she thought absently.

 His hands were all over her, caressing the curves of her torso in the thin dress, hauling it up to bare her cooch; then he moved his hand down into her love nest.  Stroking softly into an already damp slit, he moved unerringly to his goal. When he eased two fingers inside, she moaned and shoved into his hips.

“You want to get me on the bed, so you can restrain me?” Giselle purred.


Even though he had set it all up, Ted was still amazed by the sight of Giselle waiting for him in the supply room. A naughty history surrounded this large utility closet; it was the place for office romance, where couples could go to get busy with each other. Ted had even brought Annabelle there as a present for his wife to celebrate the fifth-year anniversary of buying the building.

He was hot as fuck for her. The dress he’d given her had almost disappeared in the dim light of the room, she looked as naked as when they first met on Monday night. She was in his arms now, and he could feel her desire flowing through her soft curvy body. Even her voice was thrilling him, making him want her. He was on dangerous ground with Giselle, and everything he did today could have explosive consequences.

Her questions were turning in a distinct direction; she wanted to know who he was. It was a big risk coming to this room, instead of sending someone like his security man Connor, or the hunky mailroom guy. Now she’d heard his voice, now she knew how he was built. She still had questions, but he knew what to do if she got too inquisitive.

"You want me to get on the bed, so you can restrain me?" she asked finally.

“Do you feel the bed behind you?”


“Sit down for a moment and hold out your hands,” Ted told her, then placed a foil packet in her hand. “Open that up and hold it.”

He took his cock out of his fly, it had been engorged since he entered the room.  She had the condom open and held it in her hand.

“Thank you for thinking of this, I didn’t,” she said.

“Can you feel this?” he said and put her other hand on his swollen penis.

“Nice thing to greet a lady with. You want me to put the condom on?”


She pumped him for a few minutes until he was fully hard, then unrolled the rubber and fit it to his shaft.

“You’re good.”

“It was part of rush week initiation, you had to be able to do it in complete darkness,” she admitted proudly. “Now do you want to restrain me?”

"No, stand up beside the bed, turn around and bend over, then strip your panties down to just past your hips. Do not let them fall." He watched amazed as she did just what he'd asked.

Her hands trembled with excitement as she reached for the elastic band of the lacy garment. She pressed her legs outward and slid the panty down past her hips. Then she gasped as she felt his hands clamp over hers; he started kissing the back of her thighs. A jolt of sensual energy charged through her; she could feel her hot box seeping with her desires.

Ted had dropped to his knees behind her, now he turned her toward him, his face bare inches from her altar of Venus. It had been about two months since he'd come across the footage of her in her office. Part of a larger search for the perfect woman: just enough brains, bust, and bravado to be a perfect courtesan for the executive elite. Giselle was the perfect candidate. Now the object of his desire awaited him, naked and vulnerable to whatever he wished to do with her.

She could feel his breath on her cooch, his lips just moments away from hers. His hand had done its work, and her folds opened for him. Suddenly his tongue was thrust between her labia, and she jerked up and gasped for breath as her already scorching hot pussy erupted. "Oh, god, Tom. Yes."

How is he doing that? "Ooh," That is so good, yes. Giselle could no longer control her hips which pumped into the face wreaking pleasure on her pussy. "Oh, Tom. Oh."
Her legs were shaking, and the panty started to drop. She thrust her legs apart to keep it from falling; his tongue drove deeper into her sexy sheath. The fire was building in her crotch, she needed that cock inside her. Her lover gripped her thighs and worked his magic tongue on her hotbox. "Yes, oh yes."

The waves of pleasure roaring through her made her writhe and her head dropped down over him. Suddenly another of her senses was aroused, but differently this time. Giselle caught a whiff of something familiar. Paco Rabanne! Like her old lover Andre, this man wore Paco Rabanne cologne. That was what she had smelled yesterday in the elevator when she had her panty stolen.

"Your cologne, it's Paco Rabanne, isn't it?"

"I'm kind of busy right now," her lover gasped between licks of her labia. "You should concentrate on counting orgasms now."

"Did he tell you to say that?"

"No. He told me to gag you with your panty if you wouldn't be quiet," he said and stripped the panty down to her feet. He lifted her feet one at a time to remove it, then wrapped it around his arm.

Now that was a thing: she was already handcuffed and restrained, if he gagged her, oh wow. That got her heart beating a little faster. "Ooh, Tom. Just say the magic word." Her hips rolled forward into his face, willing him to get busy on her pussy. A thought nagged at her. I need that panty back to give to Tom. "Help me on the bed. My pussy is hot and wet, and you have what it needs. Ready to make it our first time?"

"What the lady wants the lady gets."

He pulled her legs on the bed and took her by the shoulders. She was propped up on pillows, then he raised her handcuffed wrists above her head and affixed them to the brass headboard. Then she felt his weight on the bed where he sat for a moment; she heard a belt buckle hit the floor. Say something else to make him give you the panty, she thought.

"I know that cologne, my ex-boyfriend loved it. Somebody else in this building wears it too," she said to make him act on his threat.

"Ok, enough. Don't say you weren't warned."

A moment later he moved closer up on the bed, then he stretched an elastic band around her head. Of course, it was her panty, she guessed when it was pulled over her face and stuffed between her lips.

Now his mouth burned kisses across her cheeks and lips, as he climbed up on top of her. Oh, does this guy know his stuff, she thought as she spread herself open for him, there was nothing in the way of his cock as he laid into her. He slid up and down her slit, covering the condom with her juices, then drew himself down to push inside her.

She could feel his body and his passion but couldn't see him. She could be kissed but she couldn't pull him to her for a kiss. It was enough to drive a woman crazy. The worst part was that she couldn't tell him how good it was. Her words muffled by the panty, her eyes hidden under the mask, she was just a living doll, a fuck toy in his hands.

He started slowly, pulling all the way out then slowly re-entering her slick slit. They got into synch and soon they were rocking together. The skimpy dress was now pushed up to her neck, he moved his face down to lick and suck at her breasts, causing jolts of erotic pleasure to burst in her head. With her hands restrained she couldn't pull him into her, so she wrapped her legs around him and squeezed. "Ca mon," she said muffled Come on!

Now encouraged Ted picked up his pace on her pussy, pumping her hot pocket with steady sure strokes. Her body started to heave up on the bed; so many erotic sensations coursed through her body, all of them rushing toward her love canal. They caught a rhythm and worked at each other like teenagers in the back seat of dad's sedan.

She wanted to voice her passion, had to stifle the urge to chew through the precious panty in her mouth. Oh fuck. Oh. Oh. Yes. Oh. Tom oh God, her mind screamed. She bucked upward wanting him deeper inside her. Her hips rocked into his thrusts, lightning flashed in her brain and her orgasm exploded inside her, firing all her pleasure centers. Her body slumped under him. "Un, tha za goo un," she mumbled through her panty.

He took his hand away from her other breast and started to pull the panty from her mouth.

"You may count, moan, pant, and call me a god but no more questions, got it?" he told her.

"Yes. Except one question."

He snorted a laugh, "Of course."

"How many orgasms can I have?"

Ted kissed her lightly on her lips. "How many can you handle?"

Written by daddyo46
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