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Emily And Her Boss

"Shy but passionate Emily harbors a secret attraction for her enigmatic boss. Follow along as they slowly start obsessing over each other in their own strange, kinky ways."

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Author's Notes

"This chapter of the series introduces Emily and Mr. Harrington and their hidden attraction to each other. I enjoyed writing about the slow-paced growing obsession between the two, passionate but not creepy. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope it came across the way I intended."

Emily Turner, a shy but passionate woman, felt ordinary about everything that she was and did. A soft-spoken and 'ordinary' soul, she found herself immersed in the routines of her mundane job as an administrative assistant at Crestwood Dynamics Ltd. Her days were filled with clattering keyboard keys and the occasional hum of the office printer.

Despite the unremarkable nature of her work, Emily approached each task with the same unwavering dedication that she devoted to all the things that stoked her passions. The words of her father often echoed in her mind, "Little Angel, do everything, even the smallest and the most insignificant of the tasks with all your heart." Her cubicle, adorned with family photos and a few potted plants, was a testament to the personal touch she brought to her seemingly routine responsibilities.

There was another significant reason for her devotion at work, her boss, Mr. Alexander G Harrington, a man known for his sharp wit and astute leadership. Emily admired him every second of every day at work. Her admiration, however, extended beyond the professional realm; she harbored a quiet infatuation for him. A secret that she kept close to her heart and which manifested only as an endearing shyness in his presence.

Whenever Mr. Harrington entered the room, Emily's heart quickened, and her normally composed demeanor gave way to subtle nervousness. She couldn't help but steal glances at him from behind her computer screen, her cheeks flushing slightly whenever their eyes met. To her, he was more than just a boss – she couldn't stop her heart from swooning and holding on to his every word. He was always polite to her and his rare words of appreciation made her weak at the knees.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Alexander Harrington had a commanding presence within the sleek walls of Crestwood Dynamics Ltd. He possessed an enigmatic allure that demanded respect and made the best of the best fumble in his presence. Tall and impeccably groomed, he carried himself with an air of confidence that matched the tailored power suits he preferred – charcoal grays, navy blues, and occasionally a daring pinstripe, each accentuating his authoritative demeanor. His dark brown hair, peppered with distinguished streaks of silver, added a touch of sophistication to his rugged features. He was aware of his effect on women, and their advances often annoyed him. Even though he was always a gentleman and responded to them with astute politeness, he despised when women threw themselves at him.

Alex Harrington had a strong team of professionals and was immensely proud of the work that his team did for the company. He had a keen eye, and despite her meek exterior, Emily's commitment to her job did not go unnoticed by Alex. He valued her diligence and attention to detail, often relying on her for crucial tasks.

Their interactions were limited to professional exchanges, yet Emily found solace in being part of his orbit, even if it meant grappling with her internal butterflies. Her mind knew better, but her foolish heart often wished for these ordinary moments to blossom into an extraordinary connection.

Emily was envious of the other striking women who worked more closely with her boss. From her point of view, Mr. Harrington seemingly appreciated their bold personalities and forward nature, politely responding to their compliments. She secretly wished to be more like them, to charm Mr. Harrington, like those women could in her eyes.

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One casual Friday morning, Emily found herself at the office printer, sorting through a stack of reports. Alex Harrington strolled in, his usual confident self, and leaned against the wall. He took a moment, observing Emily's slender fingers handling the papers delicately. He smiled, watching Emily's eyebrows furrow cutely as she carefully checked off items from her notepad.

"Morning, Emily, how are you today?"

Emily looked up from her task and blushed slightly.

"Oh, Mr. Harrington, just making sure these reports behave themselves."

Alex flashed a charming smile, observing the shades of pink on her cheeks.

"You know, Emily, you handle this office like a pro. You've got a knack for turning the mundane into something extraordinary."

Emily modestly replied, "Oh, it's just part of the job." Trying to hide how her heart was racing by his mere proximity.

Alex tilted his head, surprised by how a woman like her could be so oblivious of her worth. "No, no, you're selling yourself short. You've got so much potential, more than you give yourself credit for."

Emily was a bit taken aback, and the surprise in her eyes was endearing to Alex, "Really? I mean, thank you, Mr. Harrington."

She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear looking down at her feet, practically glowing under his praise. She could swear that she heard Mr. Harrington sigh briefly before returning to his professional tone.

"I just call it like I see it, Emily. Ever thought about reaching for more than just the reports?"

Emily blushed even more, fiddling with her fingers and stealing a quick look at her revered boss before responding. "Well, not really. I'm just happy to be here, doing my part."

Alex caught himself admiring Emily's long lashes and the way they fluttered when she stole glances at him. He gave her a meaningful look, "You should aim higher, Emily. I see potential in you that goes beyond the copier and reports. I would like to chat more about it over a cup of coffee sometime."

Emily was caught off guard but was beaming. Mr. Harrington's words of praise sent shivers down her body and she took a long composing breath before responding, "Coffee sounds nice, Mr. Harrington. I'd like that."

And with that, the printer continued its rhythmic hum as Emily's heart raced. She was elated but at the same time biting her tongue with nervousness.

Alex couldn't resist a quick peek at Emily before returning to his cabin. Something about her was intriguing to Alex, she amused him. Her nervous jitters were endearing, and she wasn't like the rest of the annoying lot.

Alex had big plans for Emily, and even though that was purely based on merit, he couldn't deny he would enjoy observing her lithe figure on the other side of the coffee table next week.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

A few days later, Emily found herself anxiously sipping coffee across from Mr. Harrington at the cozy corner café down the street. The aroma of freshly ground beans filled the air as she felt his gaze on her. He observed her every move with a stern expression on his face. She nervously swirled her fingers around the rim of the cup, squirming in her seat.

Alex silently observed her like he had all the time in the world. He held his breath while watching Emily's plump lips curve into a cute O as she blew slowly at her coffee. The way those pink lips met the cup, taking cautious sips, was mesmerizing to him. Her pretty eyes darted between the coffee and his smoldering gaze, showing those cute jitters he adored. He could admire the sight for hours, but he also wanted to spare the woman from her misery.

Alex leaned back slowly with a small smile, "Emily, I've been thinking. Your dedication to your work hasn't gone unnoticed, and I believe there's a role here that suits your potential perfectly."

Emily lifted her gaze from the coffee cup, looking at him with curiosity, "Oh? What role is that?"

Alex took a moment before revealing his plan. "How about becoming our new Project Coordinator? It's a position that involves overseeing major projects, working closely with different departments, and being my right hand in the process."

Emily's eyes widened, "Project Coordinator? Me?"

Alex was awestruck admiring her beautiful amber eyes, it was especially captivating how they widened with surprise and looked at him. Emily rarely did that, often trying to find ways to avoid his gaze.

"Emily. I've seen your organizational skills and your attention to detail – you'd excel in this role. Plus, there's a substantial salary increase that comes with it, a recognition of your value to the team."

"I... I didn't expect this. It's a big step."

"Take your time to think things over."

Emily felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as she swirled the stirrer unnecessarily in her now cold coffee, deliberating whether she had it in her. Absentmindedly playing with a strand of hair, she assessed the possibility of being something more than just an ordinary worker for Mr. Harrington. The thought was scary, for sure, but being mentored by the striking and talented man immensely excited her.

On the other side of the table, Alex was starting to accept that he loved observing Emily. These tiny moments were often the favorite part of his days. Her dark, long tresses danced slightly as she continued to wrap that stray strand around her index finger. From her beautiful hair, he noticed his gaze dancing over the thin beige fabric that clung to her curves. The top few buttons of the shirt were gaping slightly, strained from her heavy breasts, as opposed to the rest of them lying flat on her belly. He was drawn to her undeniably and had to work harder, so she took this offer.

Alex added reassuringly, "I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think you could handle it. You're capable, Emily, and I believe you can rise to the challenge." What he didn't add was that he would enjoy having several extra minutes observing her while she worked more closely with him.

Emily processed the offer, "Thank you, Mr. Harrington. I appreciate the vote of confidence."

She was overwhelmed, but Mr. Harrington's words made her feel warm and fuzzy and something else that she couldn't comprehend. She discovered a strange need in her to please him and make him proud. "Alright, Mr. Harrington. I'll give it my best shot. Thank you for seeing something in me."

And so, over coffee and a conversation that changed the course of her career, Emily embarked on a new chapter as the Project Coordinator at Crestwood Dynamics Ltd, working side by side with her once-admired boss, now mentor, and partner in corporate endeavors.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

As expected, Alex kept silently observing Emily, enjoying her soft expressions and sincere eyes when he mentored her for the new role.

As weeks passed, he found his gaze slipping down to observe more of her tempting body. His imagination strayed away, and he was no longer just a harmless observer. Emily habitually crossed and uncrossed her legs, the pencil skirt lifting to show her soft, creamy thighs. He wanted to grab them, feel whether her legs were as soft as they seemed to him.

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On days when Emily wore stockings, Alex would enjoy catching a glimpse of the lacy trim wrapped around her supple thighs. His dirty mind wanted to strip her down to nothing but those stockings and have her parade around the cabin in her sexy, strappy heels while he admired her sensual, long legs.

On the occasional late nights when Emily put in the extra hours, she would meekly shiver when a whiff of chilly air landed on her from the a/c unit, her shirt showing subtle indents, tantalizing him. He wanted nothing more than to run his thumb over her breasts in achingly slow circles until her nipples poked long and hard beneath the cotton.

These thoughts were distracting, and Alex was not used to being this diverted at work. Yes, he did spend a good part of his day appreciating this woman's beauty, but things were slowly moving out of his control. The more time they spent in that corner office, collaborating on strategies and late-night brainstorming sessions, the more explicit Alex's thoughts became. The thought of her gorgeous body consumed his mind. Emily was slowly becoming his obsession. He wanted to pin her to the wall and undress her slowly, observing every inch of that curvy figure. He wanted to explore her skin and leave his mark on her pristine body.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Emily embraced her new role as Project Coordinator with gusto, oblivious to Mr. Harrington's growing fixation on her. Her first major project unfolded seamlessly, earning accolades from both clients and colleagues. The corner office had become a familiar space as she spent hours and hours with Mr. Harrington listening to her wise suggestions. Her favorite part was the celebratory toasts after each successful milestone. She felt an unfamiliar but strong excitement every time Mr. Harrington praised her.

One evening, after a particularly triumphant presentation, Mr. Harrington openly commended Emily's efforts.

With a proud smile, he said, "Emily, that was outstanding. You've proven yourself beyond doubt."

Emily was glowing with pride, and there was that unfamiliar feeling again. They weren't the usual fluttering butterflies but a tingle that hit her slightly lower than her belly.

"Thank you, Mr. Harrington. It means a lot coming from you." she beamed.

Alex craved that glow radiating off of Emily. It made her irresistible to him, and his arousal peaked to an indescribable level. His palm twitched; he was aching to touch her and examine her body intimately. Alex imagined those innocent amber eyes looking at him as he hooked his finger in Emily's pussy. He wondered whether she would roll her eyes and let her head fall back in pleasure or would hold his gaze as his fingers deftly explored her folds. She was slowly becoming a captivating mystery to him.

The more time they spent together, the more their dynamic evolved, and Emily was not spared from similar longings. She found herself wound up increasingly after every celebratory event. She was practically panting in the women's room, confused and unable to stop that tingly feeling from spreading from her core to her legs until she couldn't stand without leaning on the basin for support. Emily was well aware that these feelings were wrong in every way but she found herself wet and dripping every time Mr. Harrington praised her. She looked up at herself, her cheeks flushed and eyes dark with desire staring back and taunting her to explore this kink further.

Emily lifted her pencil skirt slowly and slipped her right hand inside her panties. Oh fuck, she was dripping wet, her panties soaked in her slick fluids. She could no longer pretend to ignore what her body was openly confessing. There was no doubt in her mind that she craved Mr. Harrington's approval and longed to make him proud.

And, so, within a short time of working closely, Emily and Alex were hooked on each other in a twisted fashion and were completely oblivious to their effect on each other. Emily wouldn't, in her wildest imagination, believe that a man like Mr. Harrington would want an ordinary woman like her. And Alex thought Emily was too shy and innocent to understand what he wanted from her.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

One day, as they wrapped up a late-night strategy session, Alex lingered, watching Emily powering down her laptop and getting ready to head out.

With a subtle change in his tone, he said, "Emily, I appreciate your dedication. You make this job enjoyable."

Emily was genuinely touched, and there it was again, that tingle in her pussy. "It's my pleasure, Mr. Harrington. I admire your leadership, and working with you is a privilege."

Alex felt warm, and his gaze lingered, "You know, Emily, it's not just about the job. I value our connection. I trust you more than anyone."

Emily felt a surge of emotion, "I trust you too, Mr. Harrington. You've guided me so well." Their eyes locked, and the air seemed to thicken. Her panties were soaked again, and the stupid laptop was taking forever to power down. She couldn't afford to give her feelings away. Imagine the horror if Mr. Harrington found out about her awful kink. He would hate her, and she could risk losing her job. The former felt more painful to her than the latter. Getting some distance between them was vital, and she was dying to rush out of the confined space.

Alex had sensed a shift in Emily's reactions. Lately, she was always nervous around him, but this.. this was something else. Alex looked at her again. Her face was flushed red, and she couldn't meet his gaze even fleetingly anymore. He wanted her to feel good. Was he making her uncomfortable, this uncomfortable? He had to ask.

"Emily, is something bothering you? I want to make sure you're okay."

Inside, Emily was shaking, her entire body catching on sexual fire. However, her shyness made any words that could voice her tumultuous passions catch in her throat, and she lied unconvincingly, "I... I am okay, Mr. Harrington."

Alex nodded uncertainly while they exchanged hurried good nights, and she was out of the cabin. She rushed to the women's room again, panting, breathless. She needed to touch her aching pussy, replay Mr. Harrington's words and bask in the glory of his praises.

Emily studied her reflection in the women's room mirror; her body was radiating a heat that made her body glow with arousal. Her heart was beating fast and loud. Her mind was inundated with Mr. Harrington's thoughts. She could almost breathe in his fragrance, that musky scent driving her insane with desire.

She hastily stripped out of her work clothes and discarded them on the floor. It was too late for anyone to be around, and she needed this badly. She turned around and leaned on the cool stone, her legs spread wide and her fingers smearing her wetness, swirling in the sweet nectar. Within mere seconds, her middle finger was soaked with her juices, drawing sloppy circles.

With her eyes welded shut, she allowed the rush to consume her. An image of Mr. Harrington's fiery eyes flashed before her, instantly replaced by his sexy mouth eager to lick her slick folds. She imagined him grabbing her hips, his fingers digging into her supple flesh. She yearned for his touch, and, in that moment, would give anything to feel it on her skin. Emily's fingers caught momentum, rubbing her pussy and tugging at her engorged clit. She felt her orgasm building when her mind visualized Mr. Harrington pumping two fingers into her pussy aggressively, possessing her senses. She screamed again, this time confessing her forbidden longings.

"Make me yours, Mr. Harrington," she begged to the empty stalls, her passion consuming her.

When she visualized his fingers hooked deep inside her pussy, his sexy, commanding voice echoed in her thoughts, "You are mine," it said. With that, an overwhelming orgasm exploded in her core. Spasms of rapture cascaded over her body. Emily was satisfied, at last, and a sense of calm enveloped her mind.

However, the very next second, embarrassment washed over her as she stood naked in the middle of the women's room. She collected the scattered pile of clothes from the floor and put them on swiftly. Her hair was a mess, her makeup smudged, and she looked unprofessional.

Sheepishly glancing around to ensure she was alone, she planned to dart out the main door, thinking the late hour would spare her from any awkward encounters. However, to her mortification, as she tiptoed out, she spotted the dim glow of Mr. Harrington's office. Panic set in, realizing her meticulously planned escape might not go unnoticed, especially by the enigmatic figure whose opinion mattered more than she dared to admit. A horrifying possibility crept into her mind, and she stood frozen in place. What if Mr. Harrington heard her embarrassingly loud cries?

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

When Emily rushed out of the corner office after her unconvincing act, Alex was worried. He needed Emily to feel good in his presence. He understood the nervousness that a lot of them felt, but what he observed with Emily was more than just that. He was convinced that this needed a deeper discussion.

Contemplating ways to ease Emily in his presence, Alex made his way through the quiet corridors of the office. His sharp instincts picked up on a subtle sound echoing from the vicinity of the restrooms. Puzzled by the late-night disturbance and convinced that the office should be deserted at this hour, he moved cautiously, his silhouette casting elongated shadows along the dimly lit hallway. Intrigued, he approached the source of the noise, carefully, until he was close enough to be certain that it was Emily's voice.

Did she just call out my name? Oh, dear God! She wants this too.

Alex was awestruck as faint sounds of her pleasure escaped into the otherwise silent night. Emily's impassionate cries were doing things to him, his body reacting more than he was prepared to handle. His cock was uncomfortably hard and lodged in his trousers.

Eventually, it started to make sense: the jitters, the nervousness, the flushed cheeks, and stolen glances. The best part was that he knew exactly how to make Emily feel good; she practically asked for it behind the closed door. He stealthily walked back to his cabin to think things over. Lost in his wild thoughts, he couldn't hold back anymore. He needed to have her. An impossibly strong desire filled his being, and he decided he had to take the first step, and it had to be tonight.

To be continued...

Written by xclusive
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