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Sky High On The Orgasm Rollercoaster

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His gaze met mine with an intensity that I was certain would stop my heart if held long enough.

He stood, like an apparition of perfection, in the aisle. His beautiful green eyes did not dare break the invisible connection they had forged with mine.

I had long lost track of how long we stared at one another. In any other instance I would have felt uncomfortable… violated… creeped out by the invasiveness of such extended eye contact. This was different. I had been too busy drinking in his physicality.

I noticed everything about him - unwilling to miss even the smallest of details, like how his eyes refracted the fading light of the sunset as it filtered through the small airplane windows; or how, in the soft lighting, his bronzed skin looked smooth and velvety, apart from the small amount of dark, stubbly facial hair on his jawline. I didn't usually like facial hair but on him, I couldn't imagine him without it.

It felt like an eternity later when I was snapped out of my pervy trance by the pre-flight briefing as it crackled through the overhead speakers. I had to blink several times to lubricate my eyes, as they stung from post-stare dryness. A coy but sweet smile washed over his face as he turned – almost in slow motion – and lowered himself into his allocated seat at the front of the aircraft, only a couple rows from mine. My stomach fluttered and I blushed - my head instinctively dipped to hide behind my fringe of bright auburn hair.

The flight crew’s safety briefing was a blur. My mind was elsewhere... not on sipping cocktails as I lay on the beach (like it had been earlier). No, it was on seat 1C - more specifically, the inhabitant of seat 1C.

The plane took off without a hitch and the live flight map displayed on the screen in the headrest in front of me moved slow and steady to represent the progress of the long-haul flight. The screen also provided a cover to mask my frequent glances at seat 1C, when he looked over his shoulder toward me

Around two hours into the flight I really needed to use the bathroom, but when I got to the bathroom at the front of the plane’s cabin, I saw it was ‘occupied’. I stood patiently and waited for it to become free. The flight – which had previously been smooth, hit a large, unexpected patch of turbulence. I stumbled and landed squarely on the lap of 1C. His arms shot out to break my fall. They were warm and surprisingly strong.

“Gotcha!” he said with a smile.

I blushed. “Thanks.” The burn in my cheeks matched the burn I felt where his hands held my arm.

“Hi, I am Noah.” He shifted my body to one side of his lap and rest me on his knee against the armrest of the vacant seat beside him. His hand jolted out in front of me, a waft of his delicious cologne found its way to my nostrils as I accepted his hand.

“Clumsy.” I smirked, “… but my birth name is Esme.”

“Nice to meet you, Clumsy” he winked. I laughed and nudged my body against his torso. In that moment, it felt like we had known each other for a lifetime.

My brain caught up and I realized I was still seated on his lap.

How long had I been seated on him? And better question, was the hardening lump I felt in his pants a figment of my imagination? It had to be.

The bathroom became free, and I quickly fled to it. I no longer felt the urge to pee, but I did need to splash my flushed face and compose myself. I readied myself to walk back to my seat. As I passed Noah, his hand shot out once again. This time his fingers held a small, folded piece of paper. I grabbed it and continued to my seat.

My hands shook as I fumbled to open and read the note. The paper smelt like him, but it wasn’t the scent that made my breath catch in my throat – it was the message inside.

‘Esme, firstly I apologise if this is too forward, but I feel the need to tell you. I don’t even know if I can describe it, but as I held you just now, I physically felt the electricity, it tingled but strangely, it felt like the most comfortable, natural thing in the world – it felt like home. Is that crazy? Did you feel it too? I need to know.

– Noah’.

I looked up, his eyes were once again fixed on mine. A sense of urgency was written in his eyes.

I nodded. Relief washed over his face.

Moments later, I saw him deep in conversation with one of the flight attendants. A gorgeous blonde woman, tall and thin with the most beautiful glowing skin. Jealousy panged through my body as though it had been slung from a slingshot. She turned her head and looked at me. I looked down, embarrassed that I had been caught watching their conversation. Looking down did not work. She stood and glided down the aisle toward me. I tried not to panic, but internally, I was panicked! She bent down beside me.

“Excuse me, Mrs.…?” she looked at the iPad she was holding “…Walters.”

“Miss Walters… Esme,” I interjected, still frazzled.

In that moment, I swear I saw her thin, delicate thumb do a covert ‘thumbs up’ as her hand rested by her side. It was her bright red nail polish that gave it away. I flashed a glance at her name tag. ‘Jessica’ – she looked like a Jessica.

“Sorry, Miss Walters…” she emphasized the ‘miss’, “I have been asked to reallocate a couple seats. Would you mind following me?”

“Uh, sure?” I questioned, but my expression was quizzical.


“Thank you… right this way” she chirped and gestured for me to follow her. She seemed thankful that I didn’t put up a struggle.

Jessica escorted me to my new seat, which in a turn of irony, was the rested against while seated on Noah’s lap.

I sat down and secured my seatbelt. Jessica flashed me a warm smile and looked between myself and Noah. Out the corner of my eye, as she disappeared down the aisle behind us, I swear I saw her smirk and wink at Noah.

‘What is happening?’ I thought to myself.

I looked at Noah and let out an awkward laugh. He chuckled… “Hi.”

“Hi…again.” I searched for what else to say but fell in an uncomfortable silence.

“I hope it is okay that you changed seats?” Noah said.

“Yeah, it is fine…” I said, “I am just confused as to why… how… it happened…”

Noah looked down into his lap. In a small, sheepish voice he explained “I, uh, pulled some strings and asked Jess if there was any way she could ask you if you would move seats – she owed me a favor.”

‘Jess’ I thought to myself, ‘that sounded rather friendly, not ‘Jessica’ as her name tag said’. I realised I had zoned out and snapped myself back to the conversation. Noah’s face was staring at mine, his eyes seared a hole through me.

“Anyway, I couldn’t pass up the chance to get to know you.” Boldly, his hand reached over and rested on mine on top of my right thigh. Warmth spread through my hand and seeped into the skin of my thigh. It spread like wildfire. My heart fluttered, but I did not move my hand away.

We sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. With each minute that passed, I became more and more aware of the ache that ruminated deep between my thighs. I shifted and instantly felt wetness seep into the silk of my underwear. It provided a strange, slightly cooling sensation against my flushed skin.

It was as if he sensed my arousal, and he began to rub his hand up and down my thigh. With his hand on my smooth, milky white skin he ventured upwards until he slipped his hand under the leg of my shorts. He inched closer and closer to my dampened underwear, then I felt his thumb gently brush over my most intimate area. The bare skin beneath the silky material tingled at his touch; more blood rushed to my clitoris. I shuttered and involuntarily my thighs parted slightly. He smiled and moved his hands lower, for the briefest of moments, to trail his fingertips along the full length of my swollen lips, before he withdrew his hand completely.

With his hand removed, I became highly aware of the void left where I craved his touch. With each ache, my heartbeat thumped in my ears… I held off as long as I could…

“Bathroom?” It came out urgent and with a raspy gush of air. Noah’s response reflected a similar rush to my own, as he nodded frantically. In one swift motion, Noah stood and pulled me out of my seat. He grasped my hand firmly and pulled me back as I started to go towards the bathroom I had used earlier, at the front of the plane’s cabin.

“Follow me” he whispered and guided me down the aisle to the rear of the plane’s cabin. I kept my head down, unable to look at anyone we passed for fear they would read my flushed face like an erotica novel and decode what Noah and I were up to.

As we approached a small door, I saw the sign “Coming Soon”. Accidentally, I let out a snort of laughter. Noah side-eyed me. I waved my hand as if to say, ‘don’t worry’.

Noah reached for a set of keys hanging from his side. I hadn’t noticed them before. He scanned a card and the door beeped and clicked open.

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The room was dimmer than I had anticipated, with a small sink, a couch and a TV mounted on the wall above a small bench.

“Huh,” was all I could muster as I nodded slowly, my eyes scanning the room.

“Oh! This plane is amongst the first in the world to trial a separate room for people travelling with babies and young children who become unsettled during the longer flights…” Noah explained, “…it just isn’t quite ready yet, as you can see.”

I nodded again, still just as confused. “…but how… what… uhm, how did you get in? And how do you know all that?” I stumbled on my words.

“Uhm, I work here.” He blushed as he held up his ID card that had scanned us in.

‘Noah Phillips – Pilot (First Officer – Ridgeline Airways)’. He looked sheepish.

“Way to ruin the mood, hey?” Noah joked as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

“Not at all…I am impressed, actually…” I beamed “How about we sit?” – I gestured over to the couch.

No sooner had out bums touched the seat, had we picked up where we left off earlier in the cabin. Noah’s hands trailed up to the top of my thigh and under the leg of my shorts until it found the source of heat ruminating from my deepest core. His fingers made light work of my panties – one smooth movement and he had cast them aside. His fingers were soon slick with my satiny nectar, which allowed his fingers to glide over my hardened, tingly clit.

Over and over, his fingers hit the spot. The tingles grew stronger with each pass of his fingertips, until it was too much, and the pleasure consumed me. I writhed on the seat; my hands gripped the cushion so tightly that the colour drained from my knuckles. My rollercoaster of orgasmic bliss seemed to go on for minutes. It took my best efforts to keep my outcries of pleasure as quiet as possible.

When I finally regained my composure, Noah had a mischievous grin on his face.

“Good?” he questioned.

I nodded. “Great!”

“Mm… I think we can do better…I want to get you to scream as you surrender to complete, unadulterated pleasure.”

“Uh… Won’t everyone on the plane hear me?” I stuttered.

“Nope, this room is completely soundproof- the benefits of building it to ensure upset children or crying infants won’t trouble the other passengers.” He smirked.

It made sense… I thought to myself.

“Alrighty then, I’m in!” I said enthusiastically… “but first, let me return the favour to you.”

I didn’t wait for him to answer – I didn’t need to. He had already started to unbuckle his pants.

His rock-hard cock sprung free. It was thick and veiny. At the tip, a bead of translucent pre-cum sat proud like a cherry on top of a cupcake. It was waiting for me. I drank in the view – a little gobsmacked that he had managed to smuggle that weapon through airport security.

I gripped his shaft firmly with my right hand and took a long, tantalisingly slow lick up the entire length.

He moaned. I loved the sound of his moans instantly.

I ducked my head down again and my warm, wet mouth enveloped his head. I slowly slid further and further down, until my lips pressed against his silky-smooth base. I held there for a moment as I adjusted to the feeling of his cock expanding in my throat.

My lips formed a tight band around his shaft, as I rhythmically sucked and massaged his entire length. My tongue danced, flicked, and teased his most sensitive spots.

I coaxed Noah closer to release, allowing him to balance on the edge of ecstasy before easing off, only to do it again and again. His pre-cum flowed like a warm stream, as it bubbled out at his tip and lubricated the path for my lips.

After I felt I had teased him enough, I smiled up at him.


He moaned louder and with greater desperation, as his ache for release grew stronger. My mouth returned to his cock, as did my hand, which pumped at a firm and consistent speed, in tandem with my mouth.

His breathing quickened and his body stiffened. I knew what was to come next.

Noah grunted as he thrust his hips forward. His engorged cock pulsed as his warm seed coursed through its length and spilled out its tip, straight into my warm, waiting mouth. The taste was silky and slightly salty, as it poured out of him. On reflex, and in an attempt to prevent my mouth from overflowing, I gulped it down.

Despite my best efforts, I felt a small drop escape from the corner of my mouth and run down towards my chin. Noah noticed this too and reached down to scoop the drop up with his thumb. I watched intently, as, in one swift movement, he whisked his thumb up to his mouth and sucked his thumb clean. My jaw dropped… a guy that wasn’t afraid of his own taste? Had I found a unicorn?   

To my most pleasant surprise, Noah’s cock did not deflate at all, as it remained at full mast. I stood and allowed Noah to reposition himself into a comfortable position on the couch before I climbed on top.

I slowly lowered myself down onto him and savored the delicious resistance I felt as my almost dripping pussy stretched to accommodate his girth. He felt SO good – I couldn’t remember the last time I had something of his size inside me. No sooner had I adjusted to his girth, and instinct kicked in – I began to gyrate and slide myself up and down. I used the couch’s backrest behind his shoulders to steady myself.

I felt the burn ignite in my thighs as I repeatedly propelled myself up and down on Noah’s cock. I enjoyed feeling him go so deep that his smooth pubic mound and balls pressed against my bare skin. I held on for as long as I could until the burn in my legs became too much.

I shifted positions to kneel over him instead, and rock back and forth like I was on a mechanical bull. This new position opened a whole new world of bliss. Noah’s cock ground against my G-spot, tapped my cervix, then retreated to the very start of my tight tunnel, only to push back in – again and again. The internal pleasure, along with the friction between his pubic mound and my clitoris was indescribable. I felt in line for the Orgasm Rollercoaster once again. It was fast becoming my favourite ride. Somehow, I knew I wouldn’t be on the ride alone, no – Noah would be right there with me.

Our eye contact was as intense as our moans had become. We could see our mutual eruption on the horizon. Noah’s hips began to pump again. His body met mine at each forward thrust. His cock drove in deeper and harder than I thought was possible. I felt an unbelievable pressure build within me. I had never experienced it before, but I knew what it meant. I was going to cum hard, and it was going to be messy.

Before I could warn him, Noah hit just the right spot. It was like my pussy has an “ejector seat button”, and Noah had pressed it. Warm, clear liquid sprayed from within me, all over Noah. The internal spasms which accompanied the spray were intense – I cried out, completely overwhelmed, as I convulsed on top of Noah.

“FUUUUCKKKK!” Noah screamed as he lost his battle to hold out on his orgasm. He joined me in convulsions – his hips thrust up and down with absolutely no coordination.

It was a long and thrilling ride on the Orgasm Rollercoaster, and it took the energy out of both of us.

When the ride had come to a complete stop, so to speak, we remained seated – Noah on the couch, and me on Noah. We were still entwined – as we waited to regain the energy to move.

I was first to move. I carefully kneeled up high enough for Noah’s cock to slip out of me with a ‘splat!’. His cock was covered in a fusion of our juices.

I made my way over to the bench where I managed to find some tissues and passed them to Noah to clean himself up.

A knock at the door startled me. I had forgotten that anyone else existed, outside the room. I quickly slipped my clothes back on and ran to the door. I looked back to ensure Noah was decent before I cracked the door open.

Jessica stood before me, a smile on her face.

“I’m sorry to intrude, but I must let you know that we are about to switch the ‘Fasten your Seatbelt’ sign back on for landing, so you need to return to your seats.” Jessica’s tone was calm, but her eyes were knowing.

“Thanks, Jess, we will be out in a moment,” Noah cooed from behind me.

I closed the door.    

Noah and I made it out the door quickly. As I walked down the aisle back to my seat, I realised I had given Noah tissues to clean himself up, but I hadn’t cleaned up myself. I could still feel our slick goo, as it dribbled out of my pussy, between my pussy lips, and pooled in my panties.

Once seated and with our seatbelts securely fastened, I told Noah of my little, slippery issue. Rationally, I knew Noah could not do about the issue, at least for the time being, but in the least, it would explain the bright red embarrassment I felt as it burned through my face.

“Mm… if you can hold out just a few more minutes until we land, I’m sure I can find one way or another to clean you up…” Noah’s tongue darted out and slowly licked his lips.

Somehow, I knew what he meant… and I could not fucking wait for the plane to land!      

Written by LittleMissAus
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