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Author's Notes

"Aroused and horny to the point of losing control, Mary Anne created the picture-perfect barbecue. With drinks and conversation flowing, conversation flows above the dinner table, but sexy action is going on underneath."

When I made it back outside, Ginger was on the professor’s lap, wiggling her too-perfect bottom all over his groin. Her husband, Ben, was copping a feel of her full, round breasts through the bikini top. At that moment, I realized that despite my mental justifications, blaming the edibles and copious amounts of alcohol, I’d let Ben finger me the night we met because I was strongly attracted to him. My lusty desire didn’t stop at just that friend; quite a few of my masturbatory fantasies revolved around Ginger and me being more than friends and business associates.

I simply stared, licking my lower lip in horny envy. My mind was racing toward a torrid fantasy of being hunched down on all fours, with Ben pounding me doggie style while I licked Allison to multiple orgasms. Just then, manly arms wrapped around my torso, and I felt hard man flesh pressing into my buttocks. Being a good wife and even more turned-on than I had been, I ground my ass back against the erection with vigor, sighing and softly moaning.

“Look who finally made it,” Ben chuckled. “Good to see you, Gilligan.”

His comment elicited a playful slap from Ginger, and a preemptive look of warning from me, directed at both him and Mike.

“Go fire up the grill, boys,” I said. “We’ll just sit here and talk girl talk.”

“Oh, really?” Mike intoned. “About what?”

“Your sexy ass and how much we want to spank it,” Allison interjected before I could respond. “Hurry up, I’m starving.”

With the now-gleaming grill fired up, the smells of barbecuing food wafted to our nostrils. With growling, rumbling stomachs, Allison and I nibbled on my perfectly-prepared appetizers and talked business. Of course, since Allison kept her online adult activities a secret, we spoke in code. 

”How are the ‘orders’ for my ‘new dress’ going with your marketing campaign?” I knew what she was talking about.

“Oh, great. We have a little over one hundred ‘pre-orders,’ thus far.”

"Awesome!" Ginger erupted.

“What?” the guys said in unison. We just laughed.

Finally, the food was prepared. Burgers and bratwurst, lots of side dishes, and alcohol flowed. The camaraderie we shared made the entire evening one of those times that you know is something special as it unfolds, but is far too precious to mention, lest you ruin the moment by drawing attention to it. The evening darkened to dusk, with a brilliant, full moon entering the panorama. As I’d hoped, the precise placement of the table let us continue our revelry without anyone being blinded by the setting sun.

As the mountains of food dwindled to molehills, we talked about everything and nothing. I was seated beside my husband, with Ginger across from me. All through dinner, my husband and I held hands. As we spoke, when I’d gesture with my arms, his hand would pop up over the table along with mine.

Allison eventually reached for the plastic-covered container they had brought. ”I made pot brownies,” she declared as she opened the plastic lid. Some semblance of brownies, slicked with brown icing, was revealed. Her presentation was not stellar, but it’s the thought that counts.

“Yummy,” Ben said, enthusiastically reaching for one. He turned to Mike, “Your home. With your permission, sir.”

My husband nodded. 

”We indulge,” Ginger said to my husband, shaking out her shiny, red hair. “Since we’re getting to be such good friends, I figured, why bother to hide it? Plus, it’s legal.”

Hoping my husband wouldn’t mind, I reached into the plastic container and grabbed a nice, big brownie. Mike’s expression immediately soured when he saw me. He frowned upon me partaking of green herb for some reason. Although the attitude toward it had changed over the past few years, he still held it as taboo. 

”Mary Anne, do you really think that you should...”

Knowing that he was going to chastise me, I’d already sprung into action. I pulled his hand, still clasped within mine, under my dress and pressed his fingers against my still-very-wet pussy. That made his words catch in his throat. I just looked at him and smiled broadly.

“Come on, tiger. You know how horny, dirty, and insatiable I get when I’m stoned.”

Ginger applauded, and Ben guffawed, robustly, saying, “Good show, Mary.”

“As I was saying,” Mike continued. “Do you really think that you should only have one?” My husband stood, dramatically, scooped up a second, smaller one, and plopped it on my plate.

Then he turned to Ginger. “Do these actually make you horny?”

She smiled seductively, nodding her head. “And so damn kinky, too.”

“Come on, Gilligan,” Ben chimed in. “Live a little with the peasantry. You know how the world is, now. Go green!”

My husband shrugged and grabbed one for himself. “When in Rome.”

Our conversation continued, with all of us having a fantastic time. We snacked, enjoying each other’s company, and, before I knew it, the horny arousal I’d been feeling all day had grown into a tingling, vibrating need that turned my entire body into an erogenous zone. Each touch of Mike’s hand elicited soft, cooing sighs, and everything that was said suddenly had erotic, sensual overtones. As the conversation drifted toward sex, the mental arousal matched then exceeded the horniness of my tingling body.

Somehow, we’d begun talking about movies and how sexuality seems to permeate them these days.

“Well,” Ben said, his tone both enthusiastic and professorially. “That’s nothing new. Most movies, and especially what we consider classic literature, are rife with sexual innuendo. In fact, one can almost always find a direct, albeit sometimes hidden, sexual message and theme woven through any story.”

“Oh, do tell, Professor,” I chided.

“No!” Ginger lamented. She turned to Ben, “Promise me you won’t go into lecture mode.”

“I don’t know,” my very stoned and giddy husband giggled. “I, for one, could use a good lecture on sex in literature.”

“Sure,” my redheaded friend conceded. “I’m horny as fuck. Let’s talk sex.”

Ben divided up the remaining pot brownie, quartering it, and offered us each a portion. “Pick a classic story or modern movie, and I’ll reveal the sometimes-hidden, but usually obvious, sexual theme.”

“Dracula!” Allison burst out, “Vampires make me wet.”

“Too easy.”

"Umm… Starship Troopers. The movie.”

Ben gave me an appreciative nod and a sly, lusty smile. “A grand challenge.” He grew pensive for a moment, then smiled.

He took a long draught of his wine, then began. “On the surface, it’s merely a science fiction story, part a story celebrating a unified stratocracy and the peace that it could bring to civilization, and partially a coming-of-age story—the privileged youth growing into a heroic man.”

His tone became authoritative without being pretentious, and his words flowed with confidence and the zeal that only someone passionate about the subject could adopt. It was quite sexy. Apparently, Ginger also felt that way. As he spoke, her hand descended, disappearing beneath the table. From the angle and the slow but steady movement of her arm, it appeared that she was caressing his cock.

Wide-eyed, I gave her a quizzical look, the bond between us asking the question, “Are you stroking him?” for me. Her response was an impish wink and a slight inclining of her head. We giggled, sharing the moment.

Ben continued. “However, if you look at how society is structured, from the onset of the film to its conclusion, you’ll see that sex and sexuality permeate every aspect. The men and women shower together, always just barely on the conservative side of being orgiastic to keep the rating at R-rated…”

Ben droned on, mesmerizing and entertaining, as well as opening my mind to aspects I hadn’t thought of. Not to be outdone by Allison, I grabbed Mike's hand and gently extended two of his fingers, the middle, and index. Then I shoved them into my drenched pussy, positioning his thumb over my clit. Our under-table play went unnoticed by Ben, but Ginger opened her mouth in fake dismay. She pursed her lips at me, then licked her lips, hungrily.

When my husband’s fingers found my sweet spots, I almost moaned out loud. Instead, I covered my noisy whimpers by chugging some wine.

“And.. now…we, ah, come to the love scenes,” Ben was saying. It was obvious to me that Ginger’s stroking had him worked up. “Where the hero beds the one that loves him. Even then, you see that sex is open and accepted as their commanding officer merely smirks.”

I was desperately trying to keep my moans and panting from revealing the sexual play under the table. My nipples hardened into steel, poking through the top of my dress, and it was all I could do to keep myself from screaming in bliss and thrusting my hips into my husband’s fingers as they fucked me.

His lines of logic re-wove the entire movie into an allegory of unrequited love and sexual desire. He even managed to draw a parallel between the bug-like aliens being symbolic of one’s guilt over their sexual desires, the entire plot suddenly clearly becoming symbolism for sex.

Ben’s voice grew more deliberate, somewhat strained. As he painted the contrast between the protagonist’s two love interests in a sexual light, his breathing became labored, and his chest heaved as he spoke. Still, he retained his composure.

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“The first love interest,” he said, pausing to pant and sigh a little. The look on Allison’s face as she rubbed his cock was delightfully sexy, lustily devilish. “Is pure sexual desire, edified by her shallowness and willingness to flaunt her body for attention.”

My chest was sharply rising and falling, my breasts rocking up and down in cadence to my quickly drawn breaths. I was trying not to moan or scream. I was worried that I’d lose control; somehow, trying to act like I wasn’t getting my dripping cunt fingered under the table made it so much hotter.

Then my sadistic friend cheated. Ben was stuttering and sighing his way through how the second love interest was true love, physically realized through the act of sex, and Ginger had taken her foot out of her shoe and began lightly stroking her toes up and down my shin. 

”Oh, fucking fuck, aaah,” I cried out.

“Yes!” Ben shouted. “Hot, isn’t it? Sexual allegory is always present in entertainment. Always has been.”

He went on talking, growing more and more visibly aroused by his wife’s horny attention. Meanwhile, my husband redoubled his efforts on my clit and cunt, pushing me over the edge. Ben finished right at the moment my husband coaxed an orgasm out of me.

Luckily, Allison spoke, covering my whimpers as an intense orgasm ripped through me. I kept my outward composure as much as I could. Mike knew, and Allison was definitely aware of the waves of passion washing through me. She loudly said, “Now, time for our big surprise.”

“Yes! Oh…fuck, yes, yes, yes,” I screamed, unable to hold in my pleasure.

“Excited about surprising us?” Ben asked. Everyone giggled, and Allison laughed knowingly.

“You’re just so sexy when you talk about sex, honey,” Allison said, covering for me. She then made a dramatic show of reaching down to caress his cock. “Keep that thing hard for me, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

We all laughed.

“What did you girls do?” Mike asked me, withdrawing his fingers from my hot cunt. His fingers were saturated with my dew. “What surprise?”

“Well, you know how you guys were talking, last week, about going up north to fish? We rented you a cabin for the weekend, on the lake, with my Influencer money!”

“Amazing!” Ben slapped his hand on the table. “What do you say, Mike? Let’s go terrorize some bass, tomorrow. Then, we can get stupid drunk and get into trouble.”

“Sure! I have the weekend clear. Will you girls be okay without us?”

“Women! We’ll be fine. Besides, we have some marketing stuff to go over. We’ll have a girls’ weekend while you have boys’ time.”


The evening drew to a close, and our guests rose to leave. I tried not to stare at the impressive hard-on poking through Ben’s shorts. However, when he hugged me goodnight, his manhood pressed into my body, sending erotic tingles up my spine. I squeezed him into me, my hips thrusting into his erection of their own accord. His hands traveled down my back, just barely touching my ass before our embrace ended. When Allison and I hugged goodbye, my libido had risen to a frenetic need. I almost tongue-kissed her, the feel of her heated, feminine flesh against me arousing me, anew.

Mike walked them through the house while I stayed in the backyard. As soon as I knew they’d left, I stripped off my dress and grabbed a beer bottle out of the tub. Positioning myself, so my spread legs would be the first thing Mike saw when he walked back outside, I climbed onto the table and ran the cold, wet bottle over my overheated cunt. With our friends gone, I moaned out my passion, masturbating my still-dripping sex with the cold bottle.

“Well, Mary Anne,” I heard him casually saying as he approached. He was still out of sight. “I enjoy their company, and those brownies were... wow!” When he caught sight of me splayed out on the table, a huge smile broke out on his face.

“Thirsty for a beer?” I said, mischievously.

I popped the cap off the beer, then poured it over my exposed tits, letting the sudsy alcohol pour down my torso. I left just enough in the bottle to saturate my already-sodden cunt, staring him in the eyes, moaning while the cold beer shocked my overheated flesh back to life.

“Drink up.”

The libidinous effects of our not-so-discrete playing and the sexual mood of the evening had my husband ready to pounce. Wordless, he stripped, his nice, long cock sticking up straight, and hurried over to my waiting pussy. As soon as he drew near, my legs clamped around his back, pulling his eager mouth into my beer-soaked cunt.

“That’s it; that’s it,” I chanted. “Lick my horny slit. Suck on my clit. Stick a finger up my ass. I’m so fucking horny.”

Mike’s tongue swirled over my swollen pleasure nub, groaning in passionate fury. I felt his finger thrust inside my wet hole, eliciting screams of orgasmic delight. With his finger covered in my juices, it slipped into my asshole smoothly. All I felt was pleasure.

“More, harder. Treat me like your personal whore. Make me cum.”

My husband was lost in lust, fingering my holes and lapping at my clit. I neared orgasm, my entire body quaking.

“You dirty fucker, fingering me in front of our guests. Do you know how fucking horny I am? Make me cum.”

Another orgasm ambushed my flesh, coming on strong and violent. I lost control of my body, and my limbs flailed wildly. All I could do was wail at the full moon as my body quaked with rapture.

“Now, fuck your slutty wife, you stud. Own me. Fuck me hard with your cock, tiger.”

Growling in lust, my impassioned husband, crazed in his horny desire, slammed his meat into my cunt with a single thrust. Pounding into me like a madman, he fucked me so hard that I had a momentary fear that our exertion would break the glass tabletop. But, my trepidation was gone in an instant as the feeling of his hard cock filling my aching twat consumed my soul.

On my back, howling at the moon in horny lust, I begged him to ravage me, fill my aching cunt, and treat me like a toy. To make him even more aroused, I cupped my breasts and tugged on my hard nipples as he hammered his hardness into me.

“Take that pussy! It’s yours, your pussy. Fuck me. Treat me like trash.”

Our grunts and moans synchronized as he plowed into my dripping hole faster and harder until no words could be formed. Then, as the warmth of his physical desire overran my senses, my body erupted in another orgasm. My cunt clenched, tightening like a vise, and my hand left my swollen nipple to assault my clit, intensifying my orgasm.

As my orgasm peaked, my husband wailed and thrust inside my quivering fuck hole so hard that the table moved, a metallic squawk ringing out. Moaning, “Oh, aah, oh,” I felt the hot, liquid jets of his seed shooting into me. He spurted several times, his voluminous cum running out of me as he continued to thrust, piston-like, in and out of me.

As soon as he withdrew, I ran my fingers through the mess he’d made of my pussy, bringing my fingers up to my lips and sucking on them. “Now, lick it out of me, tiger.”

Still lost in a sexual haze, his head lowered back to my dripping snatch, and he began licking his cum out of me.

"You're such a dirty boy, Mike. Making me all horny again. Make me cum, again. Make your slut wife cum, please.”

Within a few minutes, my husband’s fingers and tongue got me off. The naughtiness of my husband licking his own cum out of me made my lust boil over, and I came again, so intensely that all I could do was moan and grunt, holding his head firmly against my spasming cunt.

When it was all over, I pulled my sexy husband on top of me. We lay together on the table, beneath the stars, locked in a loving embrace as we passionately kissed. I could taste both of our fluids on his lips, which sent more shivers down my spine. I sent Mike off to shower while I cleaned up the yard, still naked. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d cum that much.

Oddly, even though I got fucked hard and long, when I got into the shower, my mind relived my entire day. I’d flashed people my taut nipples and bare pussy, masturbated and teased, gotten fingered to orgasm in front of my friends, and been licked, sucked, and fucked into oblivion. Still, the level of my arousal remained overpoweringly high.

I turned the shower massage on full blast, moaning at the hot water pounding against my clit in a staccato rhythm. A leg-shaking orgasm did little to quench my insatiable, horny need. When I finally got out of the hot shower and went to bed, I fully intended to have another round with my husband.

“While you were fingering me, Allison was caressing my leg with her foot,” I told his prone figure, using my sexy, husky voice as soon as I’d entered our boudoir.

My husband’s snores were the only response. At least I had my fingers, and I spent nearly another hour playing with my still-aroused clit and fingering my drenched hole before I was sated enough to sleep.

Tomorrow would be a busy day. With the husbands away, Ginger and I could concentrate on the final marketing push, then her big cam show. Mary Jane, the horny housewife, was about to become a well-known brand in the webcam world, produced by Mary Anne, the traditional housewife. Allison was quite nervous, but this wasn't the first time I'd launched a brand in real-time.

To be continued…

Written by krystalg
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