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Author's Notes

"As Jimmy Chen and Clayton Radcliffe visit one of their connections at a local casino, Julie Koop enjoys a day of pure, blissful sex."

Jimmy Chen and Clayton Radcliffe pulled into the parking lot of Cascades Casino.  Jimmy was behind the wheel of his favourite vehicle, a Hummer.  It was a huge vehicle which offered him a sense of safety and power that he craved and it barely fit into the parking space.  They were here to talk to one of their connections at the casino, a crooked manager who was known to help the criminal underworld launder money.

This wasn’t the first hit job for either of these two men, but they were always overly cautious about the details, neither one wanted to kill an innocent victim; in this case a woman.   Riddick had given them several pictures of Julie Koop, and they wanted confirmation about the identity.

They made their way into the casino through the main entrance and past security.  They both looked sinister and the kind of men you wouldn’t want to mess with.  Jimmy had acne scars on both cheeks and cold dark eyes although he had no problem attracting pretty women.  Clayton on the other hand wasn’t the kind of guy that caught the eye of most women but he didn’t care, he was married and that was enough for him.  His wife loved his money, as all women do.

They made their way toward the back of the casino past endless rows of ringing machines and people leaning over blackjack tables looking miserable.  They were here for one reason and one reason only: to find out all they could about Julie Koop.

When they got to the back of the casino they were met by a short fat man in his late fifties.  Mike Sampson, who went by Mikey,  was well aware of who Jimmy and Clayton were since casinos are hotbeds of criminal activity and money laundering; and he had worked with both of them before.

As the three men got close enough to talk, Jimmy took off his dark black sunglasses.

“How ya doing Mikey?” he said.

“Busy as hell,” Mikey responded.

The three men said nothing else and made their way into a back office behind the cash cage.  They entered a small, rather empty room and closed the door behind them.  Mikey had had all the security cameras from this particular room removed so he could conduct his business with local cocaine dealers.  Over the years, Bronson Riddick and his associates had laundered over ten million dollars at this one location alone.

“What’s up, fellas?” Mikey asked slightly nervously.

Mikey wasn’t fond of working with these kinds of men but had gotten himself in way too deep.  Even though Mikey received a small percentage of the money laundered through the casino, it was more than enough to buy himself a house on a lake and put his two daughters through college.  It was blood money and he knew it, but any guilt that he felt, he had learned to numb himself off to; he pushed the guilt down and went on with his life.

Mikey was as average a human being as you could ever hope to meet, and he hated his dull suburban lifestyle.  He had a wife he didn’t like, and whom he hadn’t made love to in decades.  His life consisted of a drab, dull routine, and in a small way these dealings with the criminal underworld made him feel like maybe, just maybe he was somebody.  It was a tiny injection of excitement in an otherwise boring life.

Jimmy was carrying the brown manila envelope with the pictures of Julie Koop that Riddick had given him the day before, and he handed them to Mikey.

“Do you know this woman?” he asked.

Mikey slid the pictures out of the envelope and studied them for just a few moments.  He recognized Julie Koop instantly.

“Yeah, I do.  That’s Julie Koop.  Used to be quite the regular around here. Had herself a little bit of a gambling addiction for a while there, and used to love sitting at the high roller tables, blackjack mostly.  There are always men all over her.  She was rarely alone.  Sexy. “

As Jimmy and Clayton listened intently to Mikey he went back to studying the pictures of Julie.

“She self-excluded herself last year. She cleaned herself up pretty well. Doesn’t gamble anymore, but God knows what kind of debts she ran up.  300 grand I heard.”

Mikey handed the pictures back to the two men standing in front of him.

“Do you know who she was borrowing her money from?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah.  Jason Leather.  Low-level coke dealer that got shot to death last year in a turf war.”

At that moment, Jimmy and Clayton knew why Bronson Riddick wanted Julie Koop dead.  Jason Leather was borrowing his money from Riddick, and then lending it to gamblers at the casino.  Now that Leather was dead, Bronson Riddick was picking up the responsibility of collecting from anyone who had outstanding debts to Jason Leather.  It was Riddick's money, and that’s why Julie Koop was now on his hit list.  It made sense.

“So they were bridge loans,” Clayton said.

Even though Mikey knew better than to ask for any kind of details, in his gut, he knew why Jimmy and Clayton were inquiring about Julie.  The two men standing in front of him were putting off a very cold vibe, and Mikey knew damn well that Julie’s days were numbered; he knew she’d soon be dead.  He had a cold sick feeling in his stomach.  It was moments like these that he realized just what kind of company he was keeping and the risk that he was taking working with Bronson Riddick‘s crew.  Men like Jimmy and Clayton were cold blooded killers.

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“You know, she’s good shit that woman.  Doesn’t matter if you’re an ass man or a boob man, she had it all… I mean has it all.  Has it all,” Mikey said as he laughed nervously.

“I… I don’t know why I’m talking about her in the past tense,” Mikey said with another nervous laugh.

Suddenly, Mikey‘s throat was a little bit dry and his forehead was sweaty.

“Anyway, I got a meeting I got to get to fellas, so….”

Jimmy and Clayton looked at him disapprovingly but said nothing. They turned around and made their way out of the office and back towards the parking lot.

Little did Mikey know that he would never see Jimmy Chen or Clayton Radcliffe again.


Julie left Jay’s apartment and got into her car, a red convertible Mustang with the top down.  Across the street she could see the ocean. It was crystal blue with the early afternoon sun shining off it.  Jay’s apartment was in a beautiful location, directly across from the beach in a cute little seaside town. The rent was high but it was worth it. They both loved the ocean so much and their late-night romantic walks by the sea. It was great the way they could just walk across the street and be on the beach in thirty seconds.

Julie got into her car and paused for a moment before turning the key, her whole body was ringing in the glory of post-orgasmic bliss.  She lived for this feeling, a feeling of complete and utter relaxation.  This was when Julie loved being a woman more than ever.

With each of her wonderful G-spot orgasms her brain would flood with feel-good endorphins.  Each successive orgasm would bring another release of oxytocin and dopamine taking her even higher than she was before.  After a good ten orgasms, she would feel so high that it felt like she would never come down.

Julie turned the key and fired up the engine on her powerful vehicle and the roar of her Mustangs V8 engine sent a vibration through her seat and straight to her already sensitive clit which triggered a small orgasm.  She felt her hands tightening up and gripping the steering wheel, and she closed her eyes as her face turned flush.  She enjoyed the bliss for a couple of minutes until the orgasm started to subside.

“Oh fuck,” she said silently to herself.  Her car had just given her an orgasm.

The inside of her thighs were wet, and the hot pink thong she was wearing was completely soaked.  It was only 1 PM and she had just had her eleventh orgasm of the day.  She was horny as hell with no relief in sight.

Once her senses returned, she moved the gear selector into reverse and backed out of Jay’s driveway onto the road and made her way home.

“I am going to see Brad tonight,” she thought to herself, “I need to fuck again.”

It was a twenty-minute drive to Brad‘s house, but she didn’t rush at all. She drove the speed limit and took her time still relishing her blissed-out state.  The flowy feeling of a good fuck that left her on cloud nine could often last for hours, if not the rest of the day.  Sometimes her uterus would even start gently contracting just at the thought of a recent fuck.  She was so horny that she could trigger a hands-free orgasm just from relishing a memory of sex.  This was what Julie loved about being a woman more than ever.

“Thank God women can have multiple orgasms,” she thought.

She reached down between the seats to grab her aviator sunglasses and she put them on. As she drove down the highway, her beautiful, long dark hair was gently blowing in the wind.  Julie Koop was a damn sexy woman.  She was young, and absolutely beautiful.

It wasn’t too long until she arrived at Brad’s house, a big mansion of a place with a large imposing black gate.  She pulled up and reached over to the keypad and punched in a four-digit code, and the big iron gates slowly swung open.

Brad lived alone in a house fit for a king. He had done well for himself in the construction industry.  He had it all: a tennis court, a swimming pool with a waterfall.  Everything.  His lawn was perfectly landscaped, and there was a fountain with a concrete sculpture of a Greek god in the main entranceway. There was a five-car garage and enough parking for about 10 vehicles.

Julie had a key to the front door which was a present Brad had given her for her last birthday. She let herself in and walked across the massive sprawling foyer, the house was worth ten million dollars.  She walked across the marble floor into the kitchen and tossed her keys down on the counter.  She opened the sliding glass door that led from the kitchen onto a big sprawling backyard patio and stood next to the pool for a few minutes and contemplated taking a swim before sitting down on the lounge chair, overlooking the back garden.

She knew Brad would be home from work around 5 o’clock, so she decided to spend the afternoon working on her tan until he got home.   She stripped naked, except for her hot pink thong since both Jay and Brad had a thing for tan lines.

The warmth of the afternoon sun put her into a relaxed state of mind, and before long she dozed off.

Written by Jade_Pillow
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