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Charlotte had never felt so alone since she’d arrived in Northern Ireland. It had been three days since the party and there had been no word from Emma. Charlotte had contemplated calling around but given how Emma had told her to fuck off, she wasn’t sure of the reception she might get.

Deirdre was still in Spain for another week and Fergal was helping his Dad for a few days and said he was too knackered in the evenings to do anything but sleep.

The only high note on the horizon was that she was going to Belfast to stay with Fiona. Fiona didn’t have a phone in her house in Belfast so Charlotte was forced to rely on Fiona phoning her. Last night, she’d finally called and everything was arranged. She was to get the bus to Belfast the next afternoon and she would hopefully be staying for a few days.

Packing took forever. She wanted to look good, make a good first impression and not make an idiot of herself. She removed the fluffy pyjamas her mum had packed and stuffed in a few old tee-shirts instead. She wasn’t really sure what to expect but she hoped against hope that she would be spending her nights in Fiona’s bed and wouldn’t be needing any nightwear at all.
Charlotte looked out the bus window and eagerly scanned the waiting crowd, searching for Fiona. She saw the spiked hair and, once alighted from the bus, she headed straight for her. Fiona stretched out her arms and swung her around in an excited hug before telling her she was going to take her on a cultural tour of some National Trust properties. 

Charlotte’s heart sank. She must be kidding. She followed Fiona out of the bus station and across the road. Fiona stopped and turned outside an ornate mosaic-tiled building.

“First stop on our cultural tour is the Crown Bar.” She took Charlotte by the arm and guided her inside. 

“In England, the National Trust might own stately homes, but here in Belfast, it owns a bar.”

Charlotte stared around the room. It was beautiful. The bar top was marble, there was a dark oak ceiling and the tiles, mirrors and brass work gleamed everywhere. Fiona opened the wooden door of an empty snug and the two of them slipped inside, with Fiona sliding the sign to Occupied. 

She took Charlotte’s face in her hands and kissed her deeply. Charlotte’s eyes closed as Fiona’s tongue explored her mouth. Her nostrils inhaled the scent of hairspray mixed with Fiona’s perfume. Finally, Fiona broke the kiss and giggled.

“So, what do you want to drink?”

As Fiona slipped out of the booth to order the drinks at the bar, Charlotte ran her fingers over the gouges and scratches on the wooden table. She couldn’t believe she was finally here. Away from Strabane, her parents, Emma, the band. All her troubles seemed a million miles away. 

A kick on the door signalled that Fiona was outside. Charlotte could just see her outline through the stained glass insert in the booth’s door as she went to open it. Once the drinks and packets of crips were safely deposited on the table, Fiona kissed her again.

“The great thing about these booths is that you can’t really see what’s going on so if someone peers in - they’ll see us sitting close together but won’t see me doing this.”

Charlotte gasped as she felt Fiona’s hand sliding up her leg and under her skirt. She squirmed in excitement as Fiona kissed her while rubbing her hand over Charlotte’s tights and knickers.

“I wish I hadn’t worn tights,” Charlotte thought before she had to stifle a yelp as Fiona’s fingers wormed their way inside her tights and stroked the damp cotton.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” Fiona whispered as she kissed her way along Charlotte’s jaw. Charlotte felt Fiona’s breath on her neck as she whispered in her ear exactly what she wanted to do to Charlotte.

“Fuck,” Charlotte groaned as Fiona pushed a finger inside her. She squeezed her muscles, trying to grip Fiona’s finger as it curled and stroked her insides.

And then, as quickly as it had started, Fiona withdrew her hand and sat back. She gazed at Charlotte, not breaking eye contact as she held her finger up in front of her face. Charlotte blushed bright red as she saw her juices glistening on Fiona’s middle finger.

Fiona slowly brought her hand to her mouth and ran her tongue along her finger before sucking it into her mouth and sighing with pleasure whilst staring straight at Charlotte.

“I just had to get a taste before we started drinking.” Fiona smiled and raised her glass. “Slainte!”

Charlotte blushed again and hurriedly grabbed her cider and knocked back a mouthful. Fiona and Charlotte kissed in between cigarettes, crisps and mouthfuls of cider. Finally, Fiona decided it was time to head to her house to drop off Charlotte’s bag and get ready before going out to meet some of Fiona’s friends.

They left the bar and walked through the streets of Belfast. Despite it being summer, the sky was grey and overcast and Charlotte hoped it wouldn’t rain before they got to Fiona’s. Soon they were walking through streets of red-brick terraced houses that wouldn’t have looked out of place back in Liverpool. Fiona told her that this was the Holy Land. The student area of south Belfast was so named because all the streets had been named after areas of the Middle East that had been part of the British Empire when the houses were built in Victorian times.

The sky went progressively darker and, with an ominous rumble of thunder, the heavens opened and large fat raindrops began to fall from the sky. Fiona let out a shriek and grabbed Charlotte’s hand and they started to run. It was no good, however, and in minutes they were soaked. Fiona’s spikey hair was plastered to her scalp and Charlotte could feel her own clothes sticking to her.

Fiona lived in number nineteen, Palestine Street and she swore several times as she fiddled with her key in the stubborn lock. Finally, it clicked open and after giving the warped door a shove to push it open, they hurried inside.

In her bedroom, Fiona handed a towel to Charlotte and the two girls attempted to dry themselves off. Fiona dropped the towel and peeled off her tee-shirt. She sat on the chair and unlaced her 12-hole DM boots. Charlotte watched, transfixed, as Fiona wriggled her hips and her skirt landed around her ankles. Wearing just a black bra and panties, Fiona slowly walked towards Charlotte. 

“You need to get out of your wet things,” Fiona whispered as she brushed Charlotte’s damp hair back from her face. Charlotte nodded in agreement and pulled her tee-shirt up. Fiona’s fingers gripped her waist and pulled her closer. She felt Fiona’s mouth kiss her left breast. Her tongue traced a line along the cup of the bra and up to her collar bone.

Charlotte signed with excitement as Fiona’s fingers reached behind and unclasped her bra. Fiona’s mouth latched onto Charlotte’s nipple. Her lips tugged and sucked at the rapidly hardening nub as Charlotte ran her fingers through Fiona’s damp tresses. Fiona’s tongue swirled and Charlotte was sure her nipples were hotwired to her clit as every tug and nibble sent signals direct to her core. She thought her nipples were going to explode as Fiona moved her mouth from one to the other and back again. Fiona’s fingers and mouth twisted and tugged, mauling her breasts as Charlotte stood in the bedroom.

Fiona placed her hand on Charlotte’s chest and gently pushed her. Charlotte took a step back and felt the edge of the bed against her calves. She sat down and watched transfixed as Fiona reached down and gripped the waistband of Charlotte’s skirt and tugged skirt and tights down in one go. Charlotte fell backwards and sprawled virtually naked on the bed, her tights dangling from one ankle. 

Fiona stood in front of her, licking her lips as she lowered her hand and ran her fingers slowly down Charlotte’s thigh towards her knee. Leaning forward slightly, she gave her a wonderful view of her cleavage, her firm breasts encased in their lacy bra. She put a hand on each knee and slowly spread Charlotte’s legs open.

Charlotte lay there and watched, propped up on her elbows, mesmerised as Fiona dipped her head between her legs. She could feel Fiona’s damp hair brushing against her inner thighs as fingers trailed slowly over her hip bones. As Fiona hooked her fingers in the elastic of the waistband, Charlotte lifted her ass off the bed, allowing Fiona to easily slide them down her thighs and off. They sailed through the air as Fiona threw them behind her before pushing her face back between Charlotte’s legs. 

Charlotte arched her back and moaned loudly as Fiona ran her tongue longingly up her slit, lapping at the juices now flooding out before curling round her clit and flicking it with the tip of her tongue. Charlotte felt fingers move through her pubic hair, spreading her lips and smearing her juices over her clit and lips as Fiona spread her open like a flower.

“Oh god oh god oh god,” she whimpered as Fiona slid two curled fingers deep inside her. She could hear as well as feel them squelch inside. As Fiona sucked and tongued her clit, she moved her fingers in and out, slowly building up a rhythm. Charlotte moved her hands up to her own breasts and massaged them, feeling the rock-hard nipples as she mashed them together, mimicking the assault happening between her legs.

Charlotte could feel the onrushing orgasm approaching, there was no point in even trying to hold back. With a low wail, she came, writhing on the bed like a banshee as her hips bucked and jerked under the influence of Fiona’s tongue and fingers.

Charlotte couldn’t even speak at this point. Wordless cries, whimpers, moans, squeaks and pleadings spewed out of her mouth as Fiona slowly slowly slowly eased off, bringing her down and letting her collapse onto the bed.

As she lay there with her eyes closed, shuddering with aftershocks, Fiona began to kiss her way up Charlotte’s body. She looked down at Charlotte lying beneath her. Charlotte could see her juices glistening on Fiona’s lips and chin before they kissed again, their bodies pressed tightly together as Charlotte tasted herself on Fiona’s lips. 

As they kissed, Charlotte moved her hands down Fiona’s back and unclasped the bra, helping her to slide first one arm and then the other out of the straps without ever breaking the kiss. The bra was dropped off the side of the bed and Charlotte ran her hand back along Fiona’s spine.

“You taste divine,” she whispered in Charlotte’s ear as she began kissing her way along her jawline and neck.

Charlotte lay there, wallowing in the sensations. Fiona knew exactly which buttons to press and Charlotte could feel her start to press them again as she bent her head and kissed her way down her neck, over her collarbone and down over her boobs, tongue swirling around the nipple that was so hard it seemed to tremble.

Charlotte felt her softly blowing her warm breath over the nipple, teasing it, not touching, but when her soft warm mouth covered the nipple, Charlotte’s body reacted with another back arch, and a whimper escaped her mouth.

Fiona kissed, sucked, teased and nibbled Charlotte’s tits for what seemed like forever and Charlotte thought she would never tire of the sensations Fiona produced. 

At last, Fiona broke contact and rolled off her and lay in the middle of the bed.  Charlotte got her first look at Fiona’s breasts, realising with a jolt that this was the first time she had seen Fiona naked. They were beautiful - small, firm and as pale as the rest of her with small bright pink nipples which looked as hard as Charlotte’s own. Running her eyes over Fiona, Charlotte could see a damp patch visible on her panties.

“Are you going to just sit there and watch or are you going to help me undress?” Fiona giggled, eyes smiling as she bit her bottom lip.

Charlotte rolled onto all fours and slowly began crawling across the bed towards her. Her head dipped as she ran her lips slowly up Fiona’s leg from ankle to knee, bending her head so she could maintain eye contact with her as her mouth slowly headed towards where she knew Fiona wanted her to go.

Charlotte let her hair brush against her inner thighs as Fiona spread her legs wider. The scent of her was heavy in the air. The aroma filled Charlotte’s nostrils as she ran her mouth over Fiona’s panties. Her tongue flickered at the material, then up, over her knicker line and up to her belly button. Charlotte pressed her stomach against Fiona’s mound, her mouth moving to greedily suckle first one nipple, then the other.

“Mmmmm, yes, that’s it,” Fiona encouraged as Charlotte sucked harder, letting her teeth graze the nipple. Fiona’s hand was snaking its way through Charlotte’s hair, massaging the scalp as she buried her face in her breasts. 

Fiona pressed down on Charlotte’s head, signalling she wanted her to head back down again and so, semi-reluctantly, Charlotte kissed her way down. Hooking two fingers into the waistband of her panties, she slowly peeled them over Fiona’s hips. 

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Fiona brought her legs together and pointed them up into the air, forcing Charlotte to kneel upright to pull her knickers off and drop them on the floor. Fiona dropped her legs, spreading them wide open as she did so, revealing a first sight of the most perfect pussy Charlotte had ever imagined. 

A small neatly trimmed triangle of soft downy blonde hair seemed to point to where she wanted Charlotte’s mouth to go. She hesitated. She knew the theory well enough and had, only minutes before, felt what Fiona had done but this was still a new experience for Charlotte.

Fiona seemed to sense this and lay there, silently watching, and it was only when Charlotte bent her head down and parted her lips with her thumbs that Fiona gave an audible sigh of satisfaction. Charlotte began by mimicking Fiona, running her tongue slowly along her slit from the perineum up to her clit. 

As her tongue circled her folds, she could hear Fiona’s moans of appreciation and was rewarded with a loud squeal of pleasure when she pushed a finger deep inside Fiona’s glistening hole. 

Charlotte moved her finger in and out as she lapped and flicked her clit with her tongue. Fiona’s hips squirmed as she pleasured her. Fiona was vocal. A steady chorus of “yes, yes, oh fuck yes” accompanied her actions.

“Turn around,” Fiona ordered. “Get into a 69.”

Charlotte didn’t hesitate to comply and shuffled around on the bed, crawling backwards until her feet were by Fiona’s head, and she felt Fiona grasp her hips with her hands and drag her pussy down to her mouth. Charlotte buried her face back in Fiona’s pussy, her chin rubbing on her pubis as she moved her lips over her throbbing clit. Two fingers were now plunging in and out of Fiona’s slick wet hole. 

Charlotte felt Fiona’s tongue push inside her, flicking at her entrance. Fiona’s hands moved over Charlotte’s ass, massaging the two cheeks, spreading them wide then pushing them together. As Fiona gripped her ass cheeks, her thumbs pulled her pussy lips wide open. Charlotte felt Fiona’s tongue moving all over, slurping at the juices that were pouring out of her. Her tongue seemed to be everywhere at once; on her clit, then poking at her pussy entrance, then flicking at the folds of her lips, then back to her clit.

Charlotte buried her face in Fiona. She found she could comfortably suck on her clit and push two fingers into her. As they slid easily inside, slick with her juices, Charlotte curled them around and pressed on her insides. She was rewarded with an increase in the volume of Fiona’s moans as she dragged the still curled fingers out of her before plunging them back in.

Charlotte was wriggling her hips with pleasure and excitement as Fiona continued the assault on her pussy. She let herself grind down onto Fiona’s face, rubbing her clit over her mouth, pressing her nose into her, whilst all the while Fiona had her thumb pushed into Charlotte’s pussy, her fingers now running up and down her ass crack.

Fiona writhed as Charlotte fingerfucked her and sucked and licked her clit. Her fingers were soaked and her thighs and ass were glistening with her juices. Suddenly Fiona went rigid and gave a long loud howl into Charlotte’s pussy. Fiona’s fingers dug deep into Charlotte’s ass and pulled her pussy down hard onto her face. This was too much for Charlotte and she felt her insides explode for a second time as the orgasm crashed over her. Her head was trapped in a headlock as Fiona squeezed her thighs and Charlotte could feel her body trying to buck and writhe as she was held tight. 

The orgasm never seemed to stop; wave after wave crashed over them until at last, as Charlotte felt Fiona drop her head back onto the bed and the pressure on her clit and pussy subsided, they slowly ebbed away. When Fiona parted her legs, Charlotte let her head slide away from Fiona’s clit, slowly sliding her fingers out of her before rolling off and lying on the bed beside her. 

Charlotte lay on her back, whimpering softly, letting her legs stop shaking and feeling the oxygen return to her lungs. Fiona recovered first and sat up and turned around so they lay face to face.

“Thank you,” Charlotte managed to say before Fiona leant in and kissed her. She could taste herself on Fiona’s lips and knew Fiona would be able to taste the same. Charlotte could see her juices smeared over Fiona’s face. There was a sheen of slick pussy juices on her nose, forehead and chin.

Fiona sighed, “I’ve wanted you to do that to me for such a long time.”
Charlotte woke to Fiona giving her butterfly kisses on her eyelids.

“Come on, sleepyhead. We need to get dressed to go out. I said I’d meet a couple of friends in Lavery’s.”

Charlotte sat up, momentarily confused as Fiona had been naked in the dream she’d been having and was now standing by the bed putting on a purple lace dress. Charlotte slid her legs out of bed and stood up, then blushed as she realised she was naked. Fiona noticed and stepped over and wrapped her arms around Charlotte and brushed her lips over Charlotte’s mouth.

“You are so adorable. Have you got an outfit or do you want to borrow some of mine?”

Charlotte blushed again and muttered that she’d find something in her bag and squatted down to rummage through it, giving her time to process everything that had happened since they’d got back to the bedroom a couple of hours earlier.

She pulled on clean underwear and her favourite black dress. She went to pull on a pair of tights but Fiona stopped her and handed her a pair of fishnet stockings, still in the plastic wrapper.

“I think you’d look really good in these,” Fiona whispered. “And I won’t have to fight so hard to get my hand in your knickers later.”

Charlotte blushed at Fiona’s giggle but opened the packet anyway and rolled the fishnets up her legs. After the makeup was applied and the hair styled, they headed downstairs to the living room where Charlotte met Fiona’s flatmates.

The two girls were introduced as Tara and Kelly. They were both alternative looking but Charlotte decided they were nowhere near as beautiful as Fiona. They had both been at art school with Fiona but were staying in Belfast whilst Fiona was heading off to London. 

“You can rent her room if you want,” Tara offered. “Save us searching for a new flatmate.”

They laughed and looked at Fiona when Charlotte confessed she was only seventeen and still at school. 

“Right, come on, Charlotte. It’s time I introduced you to the institution that is Lavery’s.”

On the short walk to Lavery’s, Fiona explained how it worked, how the three floors were divided up with the punks and goths in the back bar on the ground floor. They squeezed their way in; Charlotte was grateful the bouncers didn’t look twice at her.

Charlotte was soon surrounded by a mob of girls and boys in black: leather jackets, black combat trousers, black dresses and black leggings with an overriding smell of patchouli oil and hairspray filling the air. Charlotte was introduced to so many people she gave up trying to remember anyone’s name. She stood, clutching her pint of cider, as she watched Fiona laugh, joke and kiss various friends as they arrived or left.

“Are you ok?”

Charlotte turned to see a girl with snow-white make-up and long black hair standing beside her and looking concerned.

“You seem to be all on your own. I’m Chloe, by the way.”

Charlotte smiled then her face fell as she realised Fiona had disappeared about ten or fifteen minutes ago with someone, and Charlotte had been standing just people watching whilst she waited for her to come back.

“Hi, um, Yeah. I’m Charlotte. I was just waiting for my friend.”

Charlotte found it very easy to talk to Chloe. She ended up telling her how she’d been stuck in Strabane after Chloe had noticed her English accent. Chloe was studying psychology at the University in Belfast and was in the middle of giving Charlotte a rundown on all the best places to shop for goth clothes when Fiona came back.

She looked pissed off to see Chloe standing there and rudely snapped at Charlotte that they were going. Charlotte turned to say goodbye to Chloe and as they hugged, Chloe whispered, “Be careful with her. Look after yourself.”

Charlotte was just about to ask her what she meant when Fiona tugged Charlotte by the hand and pulled her away.

“Don’t trust that little bitch,” Fiona muttered at Charlotte once they were back outside. Charlotte merely nodded, figuring there was some serious history between the two of them.

Charlotte wrapped her arm through Fiona’s and laid her head on Fiona’s shoulder as they walked back through the Holy Land. She figured it best to forget about Chloe and not spoil what had been a perfect day.

Back in the kitchen of number nineteen, Fiona filled the kettle to make them both a cup of tea, then turned and hugged Charlotte. 

“I’m sorry for disappearing. I didn’t think I’d be gone so long.”

Charlotte gazed up at her. “That’s ok. I had a nice time.”

Fiona kissed her, her lips brushed Charlotte’s mouth and as Charlotte closed her eyes, she felt Fiona’s fingers brush her hair back from her neck.

“Come on, let’s go to bed.”
The next morning, Charlotte woke first and watched Fiona sleeping beside her. They had kissed and cuddled and fingered each other to orgasm the night before, and Charlotte felt she never wanted to leave Fiona’s bed.

Finally, Fiona woke and smiled at Charlotte, then rolled over and picked up her packet of cigarettes. She lit one and leant back against the pillows.

“So, what would you like to do today? You mentioned shopping last night?”

“Yeah, I heard Fresh Garbage was a good place to get some new clothes.”

Charlotte decided not to mention it was Chloe who suggested Fresh Garbage. She had the feeling Chloe’s name might not go down too well. She watched as Fiona finished her cigarette and climbed out of bed. She walked naked to the wardrobe and Charlotte lay there and watched until Fiona was dressed in a long black tee shirt and black denim skirt.

“I’ll go make us a cup of tea.”

Once Fiona had left, she got up and quickly slipped on a clean pair of panties before dressing in a tee-shirt and skirt as well. After breakfast, they headed out, relieved that last night’s rain had gone and the sun was already warming the streets.

Fresh Garbage was everything a teenage goth girl could want. The smell of incense sticks overwhelmed the senses as they entered. The lighting was dim but bright enough to discern the countless shades of black in the rows of garments hanging from the walls. Charlotte dived in and rummaged through the racks until she emerged half an hour later like a hunter returning from the kill.

Fiona stopped her conversation with the admittedly attractive sales assistant long enough to enquire if she was going to try them on. Charlotte grinned and nodded, and the assistant and Fiona watched and critiqued as Charlotte tried on several lace dresses, hippie skirts, embroidered tops and a couple of new Cure tee-shirts for good measure.

“Let’s go for a drink,” Fiona announced as they passed the warren-like maze of alleyways near the Cathedral. “Whyte’s tavern is just down here.”

Seated in a window seat, Charlotte decided she was never going to tire of looking at Fiona’s face, but she did need to get something off her chest. She reached her hand out and took Fiona’s fingers.

“I need to tell you something,” she began. “About Emma.”

Fiona raised one eyebrow as she gave Charlotte a quizzical look but nodded for her to continue. Charlotte took a deep breath and recounted the night of the party and Emma calling her a fucking queer.

“She knows about us.” Charlotte could feel the tears well up in her eyes and was shocked when Fiona laughed.

“Oh, don’t worry about Emma. She just said that because she’s jealous of me being friends with you. She doesn’t suspect anything.”

Charlotte tried to protest. She reminded her about the time at the exhibition, but Fiona just brushed it all aside.

“She only said that because she was upset. When you go back, call round to her.” Fiona squeezed Charlotte’s hand reassuringly. “She’ll act as if nothing has happened. Fuck, if she was as drunk as you said she was, she probably won’t even remember.”

Charlotte smiled, though inside she wondered if she was smiling to reassure Fiona or herself. 

The afternoon wound into the evening and a different crowd now filled the bar. Some of Fiona’s friends had come in and she was often up out of her seat saying hello to someone or other. Charlotte found herself spending more and more time sitting on her own watching Fiona as she talked to various girls and guys in the bar.

Finally, Fiona slid into the seat beside her and kissed her on the mouth.

“Cheer up, Charlotte. You were looking all miserable there.”

She leant in and lowered her head and gazed up seductively at Charlotte.

“Would you like to go home and fuck?”

Charlotte eagerly nodded in agreement. The two girls slipped out of the bar and, after dividing the shopping bags between them, headed back to Fiona’s bed.

Written by deviantsusie
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