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A Busy Week Of My Young Life Sexually

"Bryan continues me on my path as his whore.."

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Returning to my empty apartment and not knowing when I would see Bryan next was depressing. I was excited to deliver him the envelope of money from my visit to Dan and Alicia's, but I did not even look inside.

At this point, my whole life revolved around Bryan and his needs and desires. He had my time consumed and scheduled. There was work, working out, doing errands, and seeing to Bryan's desires. There was not much time left. I was busy all the time. There was no time for friends, even if he allowed them, which he did not.

Get the right idea about Bryan. He was giving me what I desired. I desired to please him, and I lived to do just that. My biggest worry was disappointing him and causing him to lose interest in me. When he praised me, that was my reward. All it took was a good girl and I was happy. Bryan was the center of my life; everything I did was to please him. That was what he demanded and what I desired.

He was a handsome, fit guy with plenty of disposable income. He exposed me to things I never dreamed of visiting or experiencing. I also knew what I was to him. I was a toy he used for his enjoyment and that of his friends. I was happy with that. Bryan was all I had after being cut off from my family and friends.

It was Tuesday before Bryan visited me after work. I was surprised when he showed up, but I was following his standing order and was nude in my apartment as he arrived.

The first thing he did was have me kneel at his feet and recite my Mantra. I did so, staring him in the eyes as I repeated my Mantra from memory. I felt Bryan's intensity as he looked down on me burned into my soul.

I am my owner's property.

My owner has complete dominion over me.

I freely give him control over me, and my owner makes all the decisions regarding my safety, training, and well-being.

I love to please my owner; he can train me as he sees fit.

I have read my mantra hundreds of times.

Bryan asked, "Now that you are my whore do you agree to continue as such."

"Yes, sir, whatever pleases you."

Bryan patted my head.

I told him I had arranged to meet Gabriel this afternoon. Not knowing Bryan was coming over, I made plans to see Gabriel.

Gabriel was the friend Bryan was okay with me seeing and approved of. I knew he liked Gabriel because I only saw Gabriel briefly each visit. I saw Gabriel for blow jobs. I'm sure Bryan felt Gabriel was using me for his pleasure, and I know that was true. However, Gabriel was the closest thing I had to a friend, male or female. Plus, I loved sucking his cock. He was always so excited to see me; it felt nice to be so desired.

Bryan told me he would drive me to see Gabriel. Bryan loved taking me to dates he arranged, so taking me to see Gabriel was no surprise. Bryan did it before dropping me off at a meeting location I arranged with Gabriel. He was sending a message to Gabriel by doing so. The message is that she is mine.

I had already given him the envelope from my visit to Dan and Alicia while at work. I put it in one of those internal office mailers delivered to his office. Bryan said he was delighted with my work at his friend's home.

Bryan told me Dan already desired to send me to visit him and Alicia again. Dan promised he could double what I had made for him the next time and that he would have more time to arrange dates for me in advance. Bryan asked if I would like that. I said that I enjoyed my time there with Dan and Alicia. I told him Alicia and I were developing a solid bond.

"I'd like to go if that pleases you, sir," I told Bryan.

"You like being a whore for me, don't you?"

"I'll do anything you ask of me, sir. I want to please you."

He touched my thigh and stated, "You are something special, girl."

I was full of pride hearing those words.

Bryan told me Scott was constantly ringing his phone to see me again. Bryan snickered he could keep me busy seven days a week if he chose to. At that moment, I did not think he was serious.

I told him, "Whatever is your pleasure, sir.

I added that Greg had been calling wanting to see me too.

I asked Bryan if I could dress to see Gabriel. He told me to put on a short summer dress. At Gabriel's insistence, I did as instructed and brushed my hair—no lipstick, makeup, or perfume to get on Gabriel's clothes. There was less chance that Gabriel's wife would suspect anything.

Soon, we both were out the door driving to meet Gabriel. We met in the Target store parking lot. The lot was full of parked cars and people. Bryan told me to remove my dress before getting out of the vehicle. I nervously exited Bryan's car as he stopped behind Gabriel's. I ran to Gabriel's car. Gabriel was surprised to see Bryan drive me and me being naked, standing at his car door. I opened the door quickly and jumped into Gabriel's car. He did not question it much, as it had happened a few times.

"Your man drove his little slut to suck cock," Gabriel said as I entered his car.

"Yeah, he likes to ensure I'm safe, Gabriel."

Gabriel drove me to a secluded location and parked under a tree. We both jumped in the back seat. He is always so hard and ready to cum when we get together. I have to be prepared for the quick blast of his first cum, and since Gabriel gives so much semen fluid, I have to be ready to swallow all that cum too.

After his first orgasm, he settles down, and the next one is easier and more relaxed. His first orgasm is always seconds after I take his cock in my mouth. He must work himself up to a frenzy waiting to see me. It always excited me that he was so excited to see me each time, plus it is a challenge to swallow all that cum. His hands caressed my body, relaxing me and taking away my nervousness about being seen naked in that busy parking lot.

I blew him twice that day because Bryan told me to be fast. He wanted me back at a set time. Gabriel drove me back, and we only had to wait a few minutes for Bryan. He stopped in front of Gabriel's car, and I changed cars. He was running naked from Gabriel's car to Bryan's. I feared being seen by people in the busy parking lot.

Bryan first said to show him my lips as he turned my face to him as I settled in the seat next to him. Bryan commented that my lips appeared swollen and that Gabriel must have made me work for it.

My lips were plump, and my stomach was a little uneasy from all Gabriel had given me and the nervousness of being nude in the parking lot.

I told Bryan that Gabriel was excited and made me work hard for my second taste, so we made it within Bryan's time limit.

I knew Bryan liked delivering me like that. I think Bryan got turned on more from than showing Gabriel who was in control. Once he started driving, he asked for all the details. I reached for my dress, but he wanted me naked. I kissed his cheek and let him smell my breath, fresh with the odor of Gabriel's cum.

I gave him all the details. I told him how Gabriel always fills my belly with his cum. I reminded him Gabriel was one of those exceptional guys that just can cum more than most guys. He could have been a porn star, I teased him.

Bryan's cock was hard, and he stopped in a busy restaurant parking lot on the way to my apartment. He had me blow him as he leaned back in his seat, and I bent over the center console. He must have been excited, too, because he came quicker than usual, giving me his cum to mix with Gabriel's in my belly.

Bryan drove me back to my apartment. We talked in his car for a while in the parking lot. I was still naked in the parking lot in broad daylight, not far from my apartment door. Bryan told me he set me up with Scott while I was seeing Gabriel. He had to, as Scott was calling him so much. The next evening, Scott would come to my apartment at 7 pm Bryan let me dress, and I returned to my apartment.

About an hour later, Bryan was at my door again. He told me to get dressed and come outside. What was going on? He walked up to a new red Honda Civic. He handed me the keys and told me it was mine. I told him I could not afford that new car, and he said it was all paid for. I was so excited by the unexpected news about my first new car.

Bryan told me some of the investments he made for me paid off well, so he used some to buy me this car. Bryan told me the car was supposed to have been delivered before we returned earlier, but they were late. I was so excited. I loved it.

We took it for a short ride, and he showed me how to operate all the extras my old car lacked.

The next day at work, I was excited thinking about the plans for the evening. I needed sex, not just blow jobs. Scott arrived right at 7 pm. I opened the door, and he seemed shocked that I was naked. I didn't even explain Bryan's order of keeping me that way. I told Scott I was excited to see him, and I was.

I dropped to my knees before him as soon as I shut the door. I took his cock out of his pants and put him in my mouth.

He wanted to sit down, but I directed him to my bedroom as I was begging him to fuck me. He was taking his clothes off as we went into the bedroom. I apologized for only having a single bed.

He kissed me, which still shocked me, but I responded, enjoying the intimacy. We got in the bed and under the blanket. He told me to drop the blanket because he wanted to see me. I pushed it off me and sat on his pelvis. His cock rubbed against my vagina. I started to grind against his hardness rubbing my pussy. It felt so good.

"Please, I want to be inside you."

I moved slightly and held his cock to my swollen, moist, and ready opening. I slowly lowered myself onto him. He filled me so nicely.

I rested, just enjoying him inside me. He rolled me onto my back, and he fucked me. He lasted a long time, and we both were enjoying it. Scott fucked me well.

It felt a little strange. It seemed that Scott was becoming emotionally attached to me. I liked him but worried he felt it was becoming more. I think he enjoyed the sex with someone other than his girlfriend. Maybe it was as simple as that.

When he was ready to leave, I told him that he knew where I lived, so I hoped to see him again to make sure Bryan gave his okay.

The next day at work, Bryan called me at my desk. He told me his friend Mike would stop by that evening for a blow job. Bryan told me to serve him well. Bryan mentioned how happy Scott was to enjoy me again. I told Bryan I also enjoyed my time with Scott. Bryan mentioned Scott might go broke from his desire for me. Apparently, Scott was already asking to see me again.

That evening, I nervously waited for the knock at my door. It came at about 7:30 pm. I opened the door, and Mike walked in. I did not know why I was nervous because I had already blown him.

"Wow" was all he had to say.

I invited him in. I offered him something to drink. He accepted. I retrieved it and served him before kneeling at his feet.

Mike told me he had looked forward to seeing me again since our first meeting. Mike said I was the talk of their circle of friends.

"I hope it is all good.”

"Oh baby girl, it sure is.”

"Everyone wants a piece of Bryan's latest girl."

I could see that Mike was excited. His cock was hard and pressing the limits of his pants.

I asked if I should get busy.

"Yes, please do.”

I helped him out of his pants. His cock just about poked my eye out. He was excited.

I started licking by his balls. I did not want him to orgasm too fast. I wanted to please him as Bryan told me to.

I tried to catch his stare with a smile as often as possible. I licked the shaft up to the tip. Then I licked the head of his cock like a lollipop. He was so turned on in anticipation of me taking him in my mouth. When I did, he let out a moan.

I continued doing what I love to do for a good fifteen minutes. I teased Mike whenever I thought he was getting close by backing off. Soon he could not stand it any longer, and when I started to pull away as he was close, he held my head on his cock and fired his orgasm. I swallowed as he pumped.

Once he settled down, I licked just the head of his cock, which was making it jump.

I smiled at Mike and thanked him for allowing me to blow him. I told him his cum was a delicious treat.

"Oh girl, where did Bryan find you?"

I repeated what I had heard Bryan tell others so many times.

I said, "He taught me my purpose is all."

As soon as he arrived, Mike said he had to go. He asked if he could see me again. I told him I would love to but he had to arrange it with Bryan.

Mike dressed and hugged me. Before leaving, he placed a $100.00 bill on the counter, which I put aside for Bryan.

An hour later, Bryan called me and asked how it went. I told him Mike seemed happy when he left.

"Good, I'm sending someone else over to see you."

"Yes sir, someone I know?”

"Yes, it is, but that doesn't matter, does it slut?"

"No sir, you know I will do as you tell me."

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I answered, and it was Steve. Steve is a friend of Bryan. He owns the house where I always lay by his pool to work on my tan. I was happy it was him.

I gave him a big hug and invited him in.

He squeezed my breasts between the fingers of each hand as he looked over my body.

"I've missed seeing you by the pool."

"It looks like you need a tan.”

“Are those tan lines?"

"Yes, I need to tan. It's just been cold lately, and I've been so busy.”

Bryan told Steve to take corrective action if he found tan lines. Steve took the whip hanging on the wall by my bedroom door. He grabbed my arm and pushed me down on the couch. I was face down, knees on the floor, my chest on the cushions.

"Your owner wanted you whipped for having tan lines. He sent me to handle it.”

“Yes sir,” I answered accepting my fate.

Before I could say anything, the whip cracked across my butt. I jumped from the shock first, then the searing pain. Steve swung the whip a total of ten times. All on my butt. My butt was on fire. I tried my best to stay still and take my punishment. I had to grip the cushion by my head not to reach back and feel my sore butt.

“Do you understand?”

“It does not matter if it is chilly. You work to avoid getting tan lines,” Steve barked.

"Yes, sir," I responded, holding back tears.

Steve told me to get up. I did as he hung the whip back on the wall. Steve grabbed my arm and walked me into the bedroom.

"I now gonna fuck that sore ass."

He pushed me face down on the bed.

He slapped my butt hard on both sides. The pain made me jump.

He stood by the bed and stripped his clothes off. He got between my legs, pushing them apart.

I felt his stiff cock against my butthole. He grabbed my sore butt cheeks and spread them aggressively. Suddenly he pushed inside my butt. He went slow for a few seconds as he moved inside me. Once he gained the depth, he was going for it, and he started fucking me.

Steve fucked my ass hard, and I sensed he liked it when he caused me pain. He finally orgasmed in my butt, flooding my bowels with his cum. Steve continued fucking. When he pulled out, he roughly grabbed my hair and pulled my face to his cock. I accepted it in my mouth, cleaning the mess from his cock.

He pushed me off his cock and stood up. I lay there on my bed. He retrieved the whip from the wall. He scolded me, telling me to lie face up. He told me to put my hands over my head. I did as he said tentatively. He whipped me across my hips just above my pussy. I badly wanted to move my arms to block him, but I knew better. He then whipped my breasts. Five times, they seemed to be more brutal strikes, with each landing of the whip across my tiny breasts.

He stopped. He told me to do as instructed from now on, or it would worsen next time. He dressed and left. I lay there, my chest welted and on fire, and his cum leaking from inside me.

I cleaned myself and inspected the red marks and slight welts on my chest and body.

Bryan called me later to check on me. I thanked him for having Steve correct me. I promised to do better.

Bryan said, "What am I gonna do with you.”

I replied between tears, "Keep training me so I please you and learn my purpose, sir.”

Bryan told me to respond to Greg's request and arrange a date. Greg was the guy who hid his business card in my pocket at a bachelor party he attended. I have seen him in his car or at his upscale apartment a few times.

The next day at work, Bryan called me at my desk.

I told Bryan I had set up a date on Saturday. Bryan asked me what that meant. I had to speak quietly so my coworker would not hear me. I told him quietly that Greg was paying to have me. Bryan continued along those lines, drawing responses from me that I had to whisper. I knew he was enjoying himself at my humiliation.

I was sure the girl beside me was trying to eavesdrop on the conversation. I suspected she was catching on. I feared that my days would be numbered if the word got out about Bryan and me.

Later, Bryan called my desk again and told me to expect company this evening.

"I've sold your pussy again tonight slut.”

"Yes, sir,” I said.

I did not dare ask any questions while my coworker listened.

That evening, the knock at my apartment door came earlier than expected. I opened the door, as always, nude. It was Chad. I had met him during my visit to Carmel, where Bryan gave me to his friends during a golfing trip.

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"Well, I see Bryan is still whoring you," were the first words out of his mouth.

Before I could respond, he said, "I forgot what a sexy body you have girl; let me see that ass.”

Chad turned me around and was feeling my butt.

"Has someone been a bad girl?”

“ I see some marks on your butt."

I answered, "Yes sir"

"Good, Let's go fuck whore,” Chad barked.

He took my hand and walked me to my bedroom.

In the bedroom, I helped him remove his clothes. He sat me on the bed and fed me his cock.

Chad called me every name he could think of, probing me to find something sensitive I suspected.

He hit it when he started in with his knowledge that Bryan would cast me aside at some point. He must have noticed that comment and found the reaction he wanted from me.

"You know he will just drop you like the girls before you,” Chad said. "You are just a whore to him, and just like the others before you, he will lose interest as soon as the next one comes along.”

Chad saw that upset me, and he kept touching that nerve. I was tearing up, not from his use of my mouth and throat.

Chad pushed me back into the bed. He moved me face down. He started to fuck me all the while talking into my ear about what Bryan had planned for me.

Chad was thrusting, bouncing off my butt. His words were working. My pillow below me was tear-soaked. I knew what Chad was saying was true. I tried not to think about it, always pushing it off my mind. Chad was right. I knew it. I knew it from the start with Bryan. I did not want it to be true but knew my eventual fate.

My head was no longer listening to Chad. He was still fucking me, but I was out of body.

Finally, I heard Chad groan and fire his cum deep inside me.

He pulled out and told me to clean his cock. I turned to take him in my mouth. Once I was done cleaning his cock.

Chad asked, "What are you?"

He waited for an answer as I licked his cock some more.

He repeated the question.

"I'm Bryan's whore,” I said softly.

"That's right, and when he is done with you, you will only be a whore.”

I did not understand why he was acting this way. Maybe he just wanted to upset me, and if that was his purpose, it worked.

He had me continue to suck his cock. It was not long, and he was hard again. He walked me into the front room and sat in a chair. He told me to give me a beer. I hurried to get him one. When I returned, he spread his legs and pointed to the floor. I knelt between his legs and continued sucking him.

He kept up the conversation, one-sided as it was. He told me Bryan had no long-term plans for me. He said I was a temporary plaything; a few girls had been before me. I tried my best to just concentrate on sucking his cock.

He lifted me off the floor and had me straddle him. He entered my wet pussy, still full of his earlier deposit. He had me ride him face to face against his chest. I was approaching an orgasm when he lifted off the seat and fired inside me again. I orgasmed moments later. I rested against his chest, breathing hard.

He told me to get up as I did, much of his cum escaped my pussy and rolled down his cock. No sooner had I stood up when he grabbed my arm, pulling me to his cock. I knew what he expected. I started to clean his cum from his cock. It was quite a mess. I did my best to clean him and swallow all the cum. It took some time, licking under his balls, to get everything.

When I was done, he pushed me away and stood up. I stayed there as he went to my bathroom to wash up.

He walked back into the living room.

Chad said, "You are a good little whore.” He then walked out.

I rested, kneeling by the chair for quite a while.

After twenty minutes or so, there was a knock at my door. I thought it was Bryan and hurried to answer. But before I realized that Bryan would have used his key, I opened the door. There was Chad again, with two other men.

Chad pushed his way past me, as did his friends. One was a guy Bryan had introduced me to named Dave and the other, I did not know, but his name was Tommy.

All the guys are about Bryan's age or there about. They all were close to twenty years my senior.

They all marched in, and Chad ordered me to get them a beer. I did as he asked. When I handed Tommy his beer, he pulled me onto the couch between him and Dave.

Chad told me that he paid Bryan for the evening without restrictions.

"I told the guys that you are a good little whore.”

Before I could answer him, Dave was pulling my head into his crotch. I could see the outline of his hard cock still in his pants. I used my hands to unzip and free his cock. I took him right into my mouth.

Tommy was on my other side and was playing with my pussy and ass. He was probing both holes with his fingers. I was sucking on Dave when I felt Tommy push his finger in my butt.

Chad tells the guys to move me to my bed. Dave pushes me off his cock. Tommy lifts me off the couch, and they walk me into my bedroom. I didn't know what to think. This all happened so fast and unexpectedly.

Chad lays me on my back and moves my head off the side of the bed.

He says to me, "You know what this means slut.”

Chad pushes his cock into my mouth as the other two guys watch. Chad is standing at my head, my head off the side of the bed between his legs. He starts to fuck my mouth and into my throat. Chad's balls are bouncing off my nose and eyes as he uses my throat for his pleasure. I thought even more so for my discomfort.

He steps aside, and immediately, Dave takes his place, pushing into my throat. Drool is rolling down my face. Dave gets in a rhythm and is fucking my face. Tommy says he wanted to try. Dave stepped aside, and Tommy stepped up as I wiped my face. I see that he is well-hung. His hard cock is pushing at my lips before I could object to his girth. His cock was fat and long. I panicked.

Dave and Chad held one of my arms as I tried to squirm away. There was no getting away now. The pressure was building on my throat as Tommy was pushing deeper into my esophagus. Lucky for me, he was going slow and easy as he stretched my throat to what seemed impossible. Finally, he stopped and pulled out, satisfied that he had gotten as far as possible. My throat constricted as he removed his cock, leaving only the pain and soreness.

They assisted me in sitting up as I caught my breath. I wiped my mess on my sheets. Chad tells me next they were all gonna fuck me in all my holes at the same time. I made one request to let me get used to the size of Tommy's cock before the others went after me.

They all laughed in response to my request.

Tommy laid on his back on the bed, and I mounted him. I was facing him on his chest. I slowly moved up and down until he was able to fuck me himself. Even like this, I felt so full with him inside me. Then Dave got behind me, and I felt him pressuring my butthole and pushing himself inside me slowly. It took some moving for them both to be in me. I felt like I was being split apart as Dave slowly started fucking my ass. Luckily for me, Tommy was just staying still with me on top of him. His fullness was stretching my pussy. Once, Dave was moving back and forth more easily. Chad stepped onto the bed and leaned against my headboard he was over Tommy standing over him. Chad told me to look up, and when I did, he was going into my mouth. Dave held my hips and was fucking my ass faster now. Tommy even tried to lift me up in coordination with Dave. Chad was just relaxing, but every time I slipped his cock out of my mouth, he pulled me back on him.

Dave was the first to orgasm as he blasted deep in my bowels, and he held my hips tight. When he completed, he slipped out. That was instant relief. Dave and Chad changed places. Chad went right to it, and he held my hips and was pounding into me. I could feel both those cocks inside me move as Chad thrust. I could hardly concentrate. Dave moved to where Chad had been and fed me, his cock still covered in his cum and my ass juices.

All three of them are using me. I have no say at this point. I'm out of my mind with these sensations of pleasure and pain. Chad orgasms again in my ass as Dave had. Dave steps off, leaving only Tommy still filling my pussy. Chad steps aside as well. I was out of it as Tommy started to move and lower me on his massive cock.

After some time, Tommy fires his cum inside me as he orgasms. I had a few orgasms myself as the guys all took their desires. Once Tommy was finished, I rolled off to his side. I was mentally out of it but felt relieved as my body adjusted to normal. The guys cleaned up in my bathroom and retreated to the living room to finish their beers.

When I recovered, I joined. Then they teased me, claiming I was walking funny. I told them they had worn me out and pointed at Tommy,

“That guy is too big."

They laughed. They all congratulated me for being such a good sport.

Dave and Chad both said that Bryan always has the best young sluts. I took that opportunity to ask Chad what happened to Brittany. He at first seemed surprised that I knew her name. It kind of shocked him or threw him off when I asked. He tried to act like he did not know her, but I could tell he was faking.

"Oh, was that her name."

I could tell he knew more but was holding back.

"Yeah, she was a beauty, I don't know, ask Bryan.”

I asked him why no one would tell me what happened to her. I must have hit a weak spot because he told me.

In the simplest terms, Brittany thought she was more important to Bryan than Bryan felt she was. She did not understand that she was just a plaything and nothing more. She caused embarrassment to Bryan with his father and family, which ended it. However, she still did not understand her role and tried to cause a problem. She made a big stink at the office and was fired. Everybody who worked there knew about it, but everyone who wanted to work there was told never to mention it.

Chad added that the last he heard, Brittany was committed for a time after having a mental breakdown.

Chad said, "You see why I remind you that you are nothing but Bryan's whore, don't for a second think it is more than that..”

“You are just his plaything that he shares with his friends.”

"I know what he made of me and I'm okay with it," I responded in a raspy voice from the earlier use of my throat.

“You sure do, girl."

They all laughed in unison.

That lightened the mood in the room, and they finished their beers.

Saturday morning, I went for a run. No sooner had I returned than Bryan walked in. Luckily, I had removed my workout clothes at the door without thinking. I did not want another beating for breaking the rules.

My heart beat with excitement when I saw him. I wanted to hug him, but I was sweaty from my run. I excused myself to rinse off in the shower. Bryan followed me into my bathroom to watch me shower.

He mentioned that Steve must not have done what he asked because he saw no evidence on my body. I assured him that Steve had whipped me well and that my marks just cleared fast.

Bryan told me that was good; he would hate having to make him do it again. I told him that I had learned my lesson and planned to work on my tan tomorrow.

He said the phrase I long to her, "Good girl.”

Once out of the shower, I followed him to his chair. I knelt at his feet. He asked how last night went. I told him it went well but that my throat was still sore from Tommy fucking it.

Bryan removed his cock from his slacks and told me to give him the details of the evening before as I slowly sucked him off. I knew Bryan loved hearing how I got used. I only got to the part of the guys all fucking me in my holes at the same time he was ready to cum himself.

He fired his cum into my mouth. Bryan orgasmed so easily from just hearing what the guys did with me. I swallowed his offering and thanked him.

Bryan praised me for being a good whore for him.

He asked about my plans; I was sure he was aware already. I reminded him that he had instructed me to offer myself to Greg and had arranged a date for that evening. Bryan said, good girl.

He then said he was leaving to go golfing and would stop by around 4 pm with one or two of the guys. He told me to make sure I had been ready for them.

I mentioned that Andrea, a girl from my complex, was stopping by at some point to buy my old car. I told him she was a cute twenty-year-old. I said you should see her; you would just love her. He did not say much, but I suspected that piqued his interest.

When he left I dressed and went to the store for his favorite beers. He left the money Mike had left the other night to pay for it.

When I returned, I made some tea to soothe my throat, still sore from taking Tommy's big cock.

A little before 4 pm, Bryan arrived with his three friends. I knew them all at this point. They were not shocked to see me nude when they arrived. I greeted them all with a hug and let the hands roam freely on my body. I gave each of them a beer.

Minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I went to answer, peeking around the corner of the door as I opened it. It was Andrea. She apologized for being late. She was dressed for her job. She worked as a waitress at a chain restaurant on the weekends.

I tried to tell her I was busy, but Bryan was having none of it. He stood up and approached the door, pulling it wide open. He invited Andrea inside. Before she and I knew it, she was inside the door. Bryan closed the door behind her. She was shocked to see me nude in a room with four clothed men. She acted embarrassed and tried to excuse herself to leave.

Bryan used his charm to calm her apprehension.

"We're just having a party, Andrea.”

I wondered what was going through her mind at this point. Here, I was nude in a room full of men nearly twice my age.

I grabbed my vehicle title from the kitchen to hurry her out. Bryan was attracted to her, and who could blame him? She was a beauty. She had a really hot body and cute hair and looked adorable in her outfit.

Bryan invited her to sit at the table and complete the paperwork for the sale. She hesitated, seemingly still trying to understand what she had walked into.

She sat down next to Bryan. She completed the paperwork and paid me money for the vehicle.

Bryan asked me if I had filled the tank with gas. I told him I had not.

He said, "Slut you never sell a car with an empty tank.”

I wasn't sure if he said that intentionally for Andrea to hear or it just came out as he so often called me a slut. Bryan took $100 from his wallet and handed it to Andrea, telling her it was for her first gas tank. She hesitated to take the money but did.

She prepared to leave, and he asked her if she knew how I could get my brand-new car. Andrea said she did not know, so he told her to make sure she asked me.

She was gone after hugging me and thanking me for the deal. I whispered to her that we would talk later.

No sooner had the door shut than Bryan told me to blow the first of his friends. Before long, I was sucking all of them one at a time. They had no shyness, each sitting there with me between their legs sucking their cocks, and the others chatted about everything from sports to their golfing. It seemed so strange but casual. Like something these men were pretty used to, sitting around while a girl services them. I did not doubt they had kids my age or close.

They had no problems with orgasming in front of each other, as I was able to finish each guy off. It seemed unusual to me, but who was I to say it seemed strange? They might have those thoughts about me.

The guys all left, leaving just Bryan. He told me he was pleased with me, which, as always, filled my heart with pride and satisfaction.

Bryan praised me for taking to becoming his little whore so well. He said he was very happy with my response to his training me. I told him I appreciated all he had done for me. He said he had never seen anyone accept becoming a sex slave as good as me. Without telling me there had been others, he was telling me that. I thanked him for all he had done for me. Bryan reminded me he knew the first time he saw me at work he knew I would make a great little whore and that was my purpose.

Bryan mentioned Andrea. He said she was adorable. I agreed, of course. He asked an assortment of questions about her. I told him I met her while working out. I had not spent much time with her, but I knew she was living with another girl as roommates in an apartment in my building. I knew where she worked and the basics. She had borrowed an outfit from me before, as we were the same size.

I knew Bryan liked what he saw. He asked me to get her to join me and him for dinner soon. I worried that I might have introduced Bryan to my replacement.

Bryan left, and I prepared to go see Greg. With Bryan's fresh words of encouragement, I looked forward to seeing Greg.

By now, if you include the times I blew him in his car, I have seen Greg a few times. I was comfortable being with him.

When I arrived at Greg's place, he was very excited to see me as if I were him.

He barely had me in the door, pulling my clothes off. We went right to his bedroom and got busy. He was screwing me within seconds of hitting the mattress.

The evening was a blur of sex as we enjoyed each other's bodies.

Written by Gifan24
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