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Sex Therapy: Session Three

"Lexi learns the benefits of flirting"

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Author's Notes

"Welcome to the third installment of the Sex Therapy series! If you haven't already, I strongly encourage you to start at chapter one. It's worth it! As always, thanks so much for the likes and feedback!"


As soon as the door to the therapy suite opened, Lexi jumped up on her feet. Dr. Ainsley Miller had barely clicked the door shut and turned back to face her before the woman’s arms had wrapped around him in a tight hug.

“Well, hello, Alexis.” Dr. Miller laughed as they hugged. “I take it you had a good week?”

“Just Lexi is fine,” she replied as their hug ended and she smiled into the doctor’s eyes. “And it was a GREAT week, thanks to you!”

“Oh really?” He asked as he gestured for her to have a seat before sitting down himself. “I can’t wait to hear all about it. I can tell that you took at least some of the assignment seriously,” he added, looking down briefly at her outfit, a neon pink camisole which obviously had no bra underneath it, and a pair of skin light jeggings designed to leave nothing to the imagination.

“Oh, I took it all very seriously,” she grinned. “It was so freeing just to be my true, sexy self, without worrying about what others thought.”

“That’s just wonderful, Lexi,” the doctor replied. “Good girl.”

Lexi felt a shiver of pleasure run down her spine as the doctor called her a good girl. She loved it when he called her a good girl. She beamed at him, glad that he was so pleased with her progress.

“So clearly, you’ve managed to find a wardrobe that suits the real you,” he continued. “We also discussed the importance of learning to think sexy, and to use sexier language. How are you doing with those areas?”

“I think I’m doing pretty good,” the woman confided. “I mean, at first it was a bit of a challenge. You know how sheltered a background I come from. During the week, I wanted to get work on my sexy vocabulary, so I got this idea to watch porn while I got myself off. At first I struggled with that thought, because I was raised to believe that porn was wrong. But I thought about what you said last week, how some of the things I was raised to believe were hurting my sexual well being, so I tried it anyway.”

“Did it help?” Dr. Miller asked.

“Fuck, yeah, it did!” Lexi exclaimed, eliciting a laugh from both her and the doctor. “Seriously, almost the first time I watched it, I found myself wondering why I hadn’t been doing this since forever. Besides making me more comfortable with naughty language and thinking of these as tits,” she said, while hovering her hands over her breasts, “it was also so great for getting off. I finger fucked myself probably a dozen times this week while watching porn, and it was amazing.”

The doctor smiled. “Wonderful work. Very good girl, Lexi. Tell me, did you run into any problems at all this week?”

“Yeah, a few,” she admitted. “After I told Aaron what you said about how it might take several weeks before I’m really ready to fuck him again, I could tell he was upset about it. He snuck off to the bathroom a lot this week. I know he was jerking off in there, and I can’t blame him. Still, I feel kind of bad. I mean, I just haven’t been in the mood around him, and I wish I was, but when he’s in the mood for sex, I’m just not.”

“That’s very understandable,” Dr. Miller soothed. “It’s also very common at this stage in treatment. You’re just beginning to wake up to your own sexuality. You may find that your desires for your husband suffer in these first few weeks. But as I said in our last session, your desire for sex will return. In the meantime, you need to do everything you can to embrace these new feelings of yours. Was that your only issue from the week?”

“I’m afraid not,” Lexi replied. “There is one other issue I’ve been having. It’s men.”

“What do you mean?” The therapist asked.

“Well, since I started working on seeing myself as sexy, it’s like every man on the planet has noticed too, and they’ve noticed hard. I totally get that I can’t control what men think. I should never have to hide my sexiness because of what other guys think. But it seems like a lot of guys do a lot more than thinking. I can’t tell you how many men have tried flirting with me, or even made suggestive comments to me this week.”

“I see,” Dr. Miller replied as he opened the end table drawer and removed his devices. “And how do you respond to these men who come on to you?”

“I tell them to knock it off and get lost, mostly.”

“That makes sense,” the doctor said, handing the therapy device to Lexi. “But let me ask you a purely rhetorical question. What would happen if you played along, and flirted back?”

“What?” Lexi asked. “I can’t do that. I’m a married woman. You can’t expect me to cheat on Aaron and go flirting up these guys behind his back, can you?”

“That’s a very fair question, Lexi,” he responded, tapping his own device a few times. “Let’s address that today.”

With another tap on his screen, the device in Lexi’s hands sprung to live, vibrating soothingly in her grasp. Almost immediately, the woman felt its effects as a wave of calmness and warmth wrapped all around her. She found herself sinking into her chair while her eyelids closed and a happy smile spread across her face.

“How are you feeling, Lexi?” the doctor asked his patient.

“Hmmmmm. So nice. Just like before,” the woman responded dreamily.

The doctor smiled, tapping his screen again. “That’s my good girl,” he said. “You like that, when I call you my good girl. You want to be my good girl, don’t you Lexi?”

“Mhhh hmmmm,” the woman confirmed.

"Very good. You’ve liked being sexy Lexi this last week, haven’t you?” Dr. Miller asked.

“I have,” Lexi nodded. “So much.”

“You’ve felt so alive, so good this last week. You loved feeling sexy. Say that for me Lexi. Tell me you loved feeling sexy.”

“I loved feeling sexy,” she replied dreamily.

“And you trust me completely,” he continued. “You know I would never, ever steer you in the wrong direction, don’t you Lexi?”

“I do,” Lexi replied blissfully.

“That’s my good girl,” the doctor responded. “It’s important for you to remember that, because this week we have more hard truths to learn. There are more beliefs you’re holding onto that are damaging your marriage. You do want your marriage to work, don’t you, Lexi?”

“I really do,” she stated.

“Then it is imperative that we address these beliefs and let them go, before they can do any more damage. Lexi, tell me that you want to let go of your harmful beliefs.”

“I want to let go of my harmful beliefs, doctor.”

“That’s my good girl,” the doctor stated, prior to tapping the screen of his device several times. “The belief we must address today is that flirting with men other than your husband is somehow bad or cheating. You must listen carefully, Lexi. There is nothing wrong with flirting. Flirting is harmless fun. Repeat that back to me.”

Evan as she rested there enjoying the warmth radiating from the device, Lexi found herself conflicted. On one hand, she felt that Dr. Miller was right. She could always trust him. The men who flirted with her last week were so cute. It would be so much fun to flirt back. At the same time, if Aaron ever found out that she was flirting with other men, he would undoubtedly be hurt. Lexi found herself thinking for a long time, bouncing back and forth between the truth her doctor was telling her, and the truth that it would hurt her husband.

“I believe you,” she finally said slowly, “but I can’t hurt Aaron.”

“Lexi, listen to me,” Dr. Miller stated assertively. “You won’t hurt Aaron. Have you kept secrets from him before?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

“Was he hurt while you were keeping those secrets?”

“No,” came her response.

“Then you have your answer, Lexi. There is no way you can possibly hurt Aaron if this stays a secret. You know this is true. If you ever worry about Aaron being upset, remind yourself that if he doesn’t find out, it can’t upset him. Now, let’s try this again. Lexi, I want to hear you say that there’s nothing wrong with flirting, and flirting is harmless fun.”

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“Lexi let out a gentle sigh as the doctor’s truth took root. Of course it couldn’t hurt Aaron. All she had to do was make sure she wasn’t telling him about it. The woman found a faint smile forming on her lips as she realized how much fun she could be having with these men.

“There’s nothing wrong with flirting,” the woman found herself saying. “Flirting is harmless fun.”

“That’s my good girl, Lexi. Very good girl,” the doctor said, causing another shiver of pleasure to run through her body. “Now, your homework assignment this week is to embrace your sexiness, Lexi. Last week you were just thinking sexy. This week you are going to really embrace it. That means that when you’re being sexy and men notice, don’t stop being sexy. Flirt back. Embrace the fact that you are a sexy woman. Do you understand?”

“Yes, doctor,” came her reply.

“Very good, Lexi. Remember, flirting with other men now will help you flirt with your husband later. You’re doing this for Aaron. Go ahead and say that for me.”

“I’m doing this for Aaron,” Lexi repeated.

“Wonderful,” Dr. Miller replied. “Now, before we wrap up this session, there are a few more things I want to reinforce.”

The doctor tapped his screen several more times, then resumed speaking. As he spoke, Lexi once again found it harder and harder to hold her focus. As her mind drifted, the woman worried that she might be missing something important that the doctor was saying, as his words seemed to float just out of reach. At the same time, she knew that if she missed something, he would tell her. It was alright, she decided. Her mind could wander. She could think of things like how sexy other men were. How sexy Dr. Miller was. How sexy she’d look flirting with other men. How wet she got when other men wanted her. How wet she’d get if she did more than just flirting.

Lexi was still fantasizing about everything she wanted to do with other men when she became aware that Dr. Miller was gently shaking her shoulder.

“Lexi,” the doctor said as he roused her. “Lexi, are you with me?”

Lexi yawned as she opened her eyes. Seeing Dr. Miller in front of her, she smiled warmly. “Mmmhhh. Hi doctor,” she purred as she handed him the device. “I must have zoned out again. That device of yours just feels so good.”

“That just means it’s working,” he laughed as he stowed it away. Returning to where she was seated, the doctor extended his hand. “M’lady?” He said with a grin. Lexi took his hand and the doctor helped her up onto her feet. “Tell me, how did your third session leave you feeling?”

“Honestly? Horny,” she replied with a sultry smile.

“Well, let’s hope you find a good outlet for those feelings,” the doctor smiled as they moved toward the door. Before opening the door for her, Dr. Miller opened his arms wide. “Need another hug before you leave?”

Lexi stepped into his embrace, enjoying the warmth of their bodies being pressed together. As their hug lingered, the woman felt Dr. Miller’s right hand sliding lower and lower, until It was cupping her ass. Lexi’s breath caught as he gave her a slight squeeze. Part of her worried that this was unprofessional behavior coming from her therapist. A much larger part of her wanted it to go further. In an instant she pictured the doctor ripping off her clothes and savagely fucking her, sending a full shiver of excitement through her body.

“You really are quite a catch,” Dr. Miller whispered into her ear. “It’s too bad you’re spoken for.”

The woman let out a little whimper. Why did her therapist have to be so damn sexy? All she wanted to do in that moment was to rip her clothes off and beg him to fuck her. Instead, she mustered up every ounce of willpower that she could, gently extracting herself from their hug. Smiling warmly as she looked him up and down, Lexi decided that a little fun wouldn’t hurt and leaned in, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"That was for saying those nice things about me,” she purred as he turned the knob, opening the door for her. She strutted past the doctor, looking over her shoulder and smiling as she headed toward the lobby.

By the time Lexi sat down in her car, her panties were beyond soaked, and all she wanted was to get fucked hard. Making it home in record time, she had barely made it in her front door before ripping off her clothes. She tumbled onto the living room sofa, groping her tits with one hand while the other expertly manipulated her pussy.

“Oh, fuck,” she moaned, remembering the feeling of Dr. Miller’s hand on her ass as she stroked herself. She closed her eyes, imagining that the doctor was there, grabbing her tits and plunging his cock deep inside her dripping snatch. “Yes, doctor! Fuck meeee!” Lexi shouted as she plunged her fingers deep inside her wetness. Moments later, she came hard, drenching the cushion beneath her with her juices as she screamed in ecstasy.

That night after Aaron got home, the couple exchanged stories from their day over dinner. Aaron told her about the latest fiasco at work involving their new machine, and how corporate might wind up sending everyone out of town for specialized training. When he was done, Lexi took over, sharing about her therapy appointment, the lunch date she had with her best friend, and her shopping trip afterwards. 

Of course, as she shared about her day, Lexi left out a couple details. Like kissing her doctor at the end of her session. Or how she spent every minute she could flirting with her waiter at lunch. Or how she gave her number out to that sexy black guy she met at the grocery store. Aaron didn’t need to know that stuff, after all.

“So, um, you didn’t go out dressed like that, did you, babe?” Aaron asked, eyeing his wife’s nipples through her bright pink top that she’d worn all day.

“Seriously?” She asked playfully, putting her hands on her hips. “What do you think? Do you really believe I’d want to show off for anyone but you?” Aaron laughed and shook his head, and they continued chatting. As they talked, Lexi made a note to watch her outfits around Aaron.

After dinner, Aaron had plans to go out and shoot darts with a couple of his friends. He invited Lexi to come along, but she told him she’d rather chill at home. As soon as he was out the door, she grabbed her phone and raced to the bedroom. Her new friend from the grocery store had texted her during dinner, and she couldn’t wait to shoot him a few flirty texts. Those flirty texts soon moved on to flirty pictures in her skimpy lingerie, followed by even flirtier pictures of her bare tits. That led to her new friend sending her pictures of his big black cock, which naturally led to Lexi moaning loudly in her bed as she finger fucked herself to the image, picturing his massive cock pounding her tight, wet pussy.

Lexi felt bad about having to shoot down her new friend’s invitation to come over to his place. He was super sexy, and the thought of seeing that monster cock in person was so tempting. Still, she was a good wife, and she knew that was a line she could never cross. A little flirting was perfectly harmless. Exchanging some sexy texts was just a little fun. Even a light touch here or there was totally fine. But anything more than that with anyone aside from Aaron, was simply out of the question. 

As her week went on, Lexi found more and more opportunities to practice her homework. She flirted with everyone who showed any interest in her. It was really helping her develop her flirting skills, and in the process she was learning all sorts of new things about the men in her life. For example, she discovered that her coworker, Alan, had harbored a little crush on her for years. She would have never learned that had she not started flirting with him. Then there was her next door neighbor, who confided in her that he, too, was living in a sexless marriage. Flirting was really helping her see the world from a new perspective.

Of course, as much as she was flirting with other men, Lexi was careful to avoid flirting with her husband. She wasn’t behaving coldly to him by any means, but she knew how sexually frustrated he was. It would be torture if she acted flirtatiously toward Aaron at a time when she just didn’t have any sexual feelings for him. For his sake, Lexi did her best to play it cool around him, reserving all her flirting, dirty talk, and lewd sexting for everyone else. It was just the right thing to do.

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Written by ThePenisMightier
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