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Author's Notes

"James met Sara at the Banff Springs Hotel when he was preparing to spend a week hiking. The two of them found an immediate, but surprising, bond as Master and submissive. Sara, who had never been a submissive before, found James irresistible – in fact, she promised she would do anything he wanted, and meant it! Once they headed out on the trail, he stripped her naked, shredded her clothes, and now wants to extend his control further… *** This is a sexual fantasy, written for a friend of ours. She would rather her identity remained a secret, but she has asked us to use our names, “Sara” and “James,” for the principal characters. We hope you – and she – enjoy it."


Sara had just masturbated by rocking back and forth on a fallen tree trunk, rubbing her tits and clit against the rough bark, which made her cum, and cum hard. When she had recovered, she turned to me and said, “Master!” indicating how much she was enjoying being my submissive.


I smiled up at her, then suddenly had another idea. I find that it’s always a good idea to have a plan with a submissive, but you shouldn’t let that interfere with inspiration.

“Come down here, Little Slut, and lie with your head in my lap.”

I sat in the shade with my back against the trunk of the tree she had just used to bring herself off, and watched as her naked body moved gingerly off the log. God, she was pretty – and she was my fucktoy for the week!

She gently placed her head in my lap, and looked up at me with those gorgeous big eyes. “Master? What would you like me to do?”

I smiled down at her, leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Take a big breath in, then hold it.” She did, and I counted four.

“Now, let it out very slowly, to a count of five.”

She did, eventually finishing the exhale.

“Now, close your eyes, and take another slow, deep breath in, then hold it for five seconds.”

She did.

“And another long, slow exhale.”

And she did.

“Now keep going with long, slow, deep breaths. I’m going to talk to you, very softly, very gently, but I want you to listen to every word I say, and do everything that I tell you, okay?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very good, you’re doing wonderfully well.

“Now, I want you to keep your eyes closed, and think about how good your body feels, how tingly and warm and wonderful you feel. You feel wonderful, don’t you.”

She exhaled slowly, “Yes, Master.”

“Tell me you feel wonderful.”

She smiled and said, “I do feel wonderful.”

“Yes, you do. And you just had an amazing orgasm, didn’t you?”

Her smile broadened, “Yes, I did.”

“Answer my questions, Little Slut – you had had an amazing orgasm, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I had an amazing orgasm.”

“Tell me how your head felt when you came.”

She smiled. “My head felt like it was exploding, like I could see bright lights and stars, like I almost couldn’t breathe. It was wonderful.”

“And tell me how your tits felt when you came.”

“My tits tingled, and were so tight that they hurt, and it was so exciting. I almost felt as if they were fizzing, they were so tight.”

“And would you like them to feel like that again?”

“Yes, I would like them to feel like that again, Master. Please.”

“Very good. We will make sure your tits can feel like that again. Just keep listening to my voice, and make sure you do everything that I say. Will you listen to my voice and do everything I say, Sara?”

“Yes, Master, I will listen to your voice and do everything you say.”

“Very good. And tell me how your stomach felt when you came.”

“My stomach felt like I had butterflies, like I was so excited, like on Christmas morning, or when I was waiting to go into the Magic Kingdom the first time.”

“And how did your cunt feel when you came, Sara?”

“Oh, it was hot, and slippery and wet and I couldn’t keep still and…I don’t know how to describe it, but it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.”

“And would you like your cunt to feel that way again, Sara?”

“Yes, Master, it would be lovely if my cunt could feel that way again.”

“Very good. If you listen to my voice, and only to my voice, and do everything I tell you, I will let your cunt feel that way again. Would you like that?”

Her smile dimpled. “Yes, please, Master. I would like my cunt to feel that way again. Please.”

I stroked her hair, and said, “Very good. You are doing wonderfully well. Keep breathing long, slow breaths in and long slow breaths out, listen to my voice, and do everything I say. Will you do that, Sara?”

“Yes, Master, I will take long, slow breaths in, and long slow breaths out, listen to your voice, and do everything you say, Master.”

“And if you do that, what will I allow you to do?”

“You will allow my cunt to feel wonderful again.”

“Yes, Sara, I will.”

I paused, and let her breath in and out several times. Her breathing was deep and regular, and her face was smooth and calm.

“Now Sara, you are asleep. Do you know that?”

“Yes, Master, I am asleep, I know that.”

“Yes, Sara, you are asleep, and now you’re going to sink even more deeply into sleep. Each breath out will let you sink deeper into a warm, comfortable sleep. You feel so good, so wonderful, and you love hearing my voice. Say that.”

“I’m going to sink even more deeply into sleep. Each breath out will let me sink deeper into a warm, comfortable sleep. I feel so good, so wonderful, and I love hearing your voice, Master.”

“Yes, you love hearing my voice, and you want to do everything I tell you, don’t you.”

“Yes, Master, I love hearing your voice, and I want to do everything you tell me.”

“It makes you feel so warm and good and cared for, doesn’t it.”

“Yes, Master, it makes me feel so warm and good and cared for.”

“Thank me for making you feel so warm and good and cared for, Sara.”

“Thank you for making me feel so warm and good and cared for, Master.”

“You’re welcome.”

I carried on like this for some time. Her body gradually relaxed ever further, with small muscle movements indicating an ever-greater level of relaxation. Finally. I decided the time was right.

“Now Sara, you are deep asleep, aren’t you.”

“Yes, Master, I am deep asleep.”

“And my voice makes you feel warm and good and cared for, doesn’t it.”

“Yes, Master, your voice makes me feel warm and good and cared for.”

“And you want to do everything I tell you.”

“Yes, I want to do everything you tell me.”

“Now, Sara, listen very carefully. I want you to remember how you felt right after you came. I want you to remember how your head felt. I want you to remember how your tits felt. I want you to remember how your stomach felt. I want you to remember how your cunt felt. I want you to remember how your ass felt. I want you to remember how your legs and toes felt. Do that right now, Sara. Remember how each of those parts of your body felt.”

Her body tensed, and she moved ever so slightly.

“Very good. Now I want you to feel exactly the way you did right after you came, Sara.”

Her body tensed even more, and she started squirming slightly.

“Tell me how you feel, Sara.”

She started breathing more rapidly. “Oh my God, I feel tingly and alive. The world is so bright, and I’m glad that I was able to scream. My body feels like I’ve had an electric shock, but it felt so good, even though it hurt a bit. And my clit stings a little because I was rubbing it against the bark, but I love it. And my tits hurt because the bark is rough, and they were bouncing over the bark, but it feels so good! I love it, this is wonderful, so wonderful!”

“Very good. Would you like to be able to feel like this again, Sara?”

“Yes, please Master!”

“Is it very important to you to be able to feel like this again?”

“Yes, Master, it is very important to me to be able to feel like this again!”

“Very good, then Sara, we will make it possible for you to feel like this again. Now, Sara, I want you to remember how you felt while you were cumming. Do you remember that?”

Her body tensed further. “Yes, Master, I remember that. It was amazing!”

“I want you to put your body back into that place, and remember what you were feeling when you were rubbing your clit and your tits against the bark, and you came, but I want you to remain asleep while you do that. Do that for me right now, Sara, feel the same way you did when you came, but remain asleep while you do it. Do it now.”

She arched her back, and her mouth opened as if she was screaming, but her eyes remained shut. She was panting, her body trembled, and, when I placed my hand gently on her pussy, I could feel it was wet and pulsing. Then she squirted – not as much as before, but very definitely squirted.

“Very good, Sara. Now your orgasm is slowing down, your body is relaxing, and you are returning to a deep, comfortable sleep. You are taking deep, relaxing breaths, and drifting deeper and deeper into relaxation.

“You’re deeply asleep and totally relaxed again now, aren’t you, Sara.”

“Yes, Master, I’m deeply asleep and totally relaxed again.”

“And you feel wonderful, just as you did after your earlier climax, don’t you, Sara”

“Yes, I feel wonderful, just as I did after my earlier climax.”

“You are very grateful I let you cum again like that because it made you feel so wonderful, aren’t you, Sara.”

“Yes, I am very grateful to you for letting me cum like that again because it makes me feel so wonderful.”

“And when you do everything I tell you, I will let you feel wonderful like that again, won’t I, Sara.”

“Yes, Master, when I do everything you tell me, you will let me feel wonderful like that again.”

“So, what do you want to do, Sara?”

“I want to do everything you tell me, Master.”

“And why do you want to do everything I tell you, Sara?”

“Because when I do everything you tell me, I will feel wonderful, Master.”

“Now, Sara, remember how I let you feel everything you did when you came just now? You don’t have to feel it now, you can just remember that you did feel it.”

“Yes, Master, I remember how you let me feel everything I did when I came just now.”

“Sara, when I press my thumb against the back of your hand like this,” I took her right hand in my right hand, and pressed my thumb against the back of her hand as if I were pushing a button, “and say, ‘Come for me right now, Sara,’ your body will immediately orgasm again, and you will feel everything you just felt now, and everything you felt before. It will be wonderful. So, when I press my thumb against the back of your hand and say, ‘Come for me right now, Sara,’ your body will immediately orgasm again, won’t it, Sara.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Say it, Sara.”

“When you press your thumb against the back of my hand, and say ‘Cum for me right now, Sara,” my body will immediately orgasm again, and it will feel wonderful.”

“When I press my thumb against the back of your hand, and say ‘Cum for me now, Sara,’ your body will immediately orgasm, and it will be a very strong, wonderful feeling that sweeps through your body, it will feel wonderful, won’t it Sara.”

“Yes, Master, when you press your thumb against the back of my hand and say ‘Cum for me now, Sara,” my body will immediately orgasm, and it will be a very strong, wonderful feeling that sweeps through my body. It will be wonderful.”

“And you will be grateful to me for making you cum, and you will say, ‘Thank you, Master, for making me cum,’ won’t you Sara.”

“Yes, Master, I will be grateful to you for making me cum, and I will say ‘Thank you, Master, for making me cum.”

“And I let you cum because you do everything I say, isn’t that right, Sara.”

“Yes, Master, you let me cum because I do everything you say.”

“And you love doing everything I say, don’t you, Sara.”

“Yes, Master, I love doing everything you say.”

“Very good. Now relax again, Sara, and go back to taking long, slow breaths in and out. Let your body go back to being totally relaxed, and sinking deeper and deeper into this soft, wonderful sleep.” And I paused, and let her breathe, and her body to relax again.

“Now Sara, listen to my voice. You can hear me, can’t you?”

“Yes, Master, I can hear you.”

“And you want to do everything I tell you, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master, I want to do everything you tell me.”

“Now, Sara, tell me why your orgasm was so strong when you were rubbing yourself against the tree.”

There was a pause, and then she started speaking slowly, as if trying to find the words. “I…I felt like what I was doing was very naughty, and that excited me a lot. I felt that I must look like a slut to be doing it. And I liked that. I wanted to look like a slut. I found that very exciting, more exciting than almost anything I’ve ever done.”

“Was it exciting to think of yourself as a slut, Sara?”

“Yes, Master, it was very exciting to think of myself as a slut.”

“And would you like to think of yourself as a slut again, Sara?”

“Yes, Master, it is very exciting to think of myself as a slut.”

“Would you like me to help you think of yourself as a slut, Sara?”

“Yes, Master, please.”

“Very well, then listen to my voice. You want to do everything I tell you don’t you.”

“Yes, Master, I want to do everything you tell me.”

“When you hear me say, ‘Sara, you are a slut,’ you will feel like a slut, you will behave like a slut, you will want your body to be used for filthy things, and it will excite you very much, won’t it?”

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“Yes, Master, when you say ‘Sara, you are a slut,’ I will feel like a slut, I will behave like a slut, I will want my body to be used for filthy things and it will excite me very much.”

“And when I say ‘Sara you are a slut,’ you will immediately feel like a filthy slut, you will behave like a filthy slut, and you will say, ‘I am a filthy, fucking slut,” won’t you Sara.”

“Yes, Master, when you say ‘Sara, you are a slut,’ I will immediately feel like a filthy slut, I will behave like a filthy slut, and I will say, ‘I am a filthy, fucking slut.”

“And Sara, when you feel like a filthy slut, you will be eager to do any filthy thing I tell you to do because you know it will make you even more excited than you were when you rubbed yourself against the bark of that tree, won’t you?”

“Yes, Master, when I feel like a filthy slut, I will be eager to do any filthy thing you tell me to do because it will make me even more excited than I was when I rubbed myself against the bark of that tree.”

“Very good. You are doing wonderfully well. And when I tell you that you are a good girl, you will feel as if I’ve given you the greatest present you’ve ever had, and you will be enormously pleased and grateful to me won’t you?”

“Yes Master, I will.”

“And when I tell you you’re a good girl, you will feel enormously pleased and grateful to me, and it will make you want to do everything I tell you even more, won’t you Sara.”

“Yes, when you tell me I’m a good girl, I will feel enormously pleased and grateful to you, and it will make me want to do everything you tell me even more, Master.”

“Sara, you’re a good girl.

A big smile broke out on her face, her face flushed, and her body wriggled slightly.

“When I tell you that you’re a good girl, you will say ‘Thank you Master,’ won’t you Sara?”

“Yes, Master, I will.”

“You’re a good girl, Sara.”

Her smile broadened even further, she blushed again, and she said, “Thank you, Master!”

“One more thing, Sara. Think about how you feel right now, how deeply asleep you are, and how good it feels. How much you love to hear the sound of my voice, and how you want to do everything I tell you. Think about all of that. Are you thinking about that, Sara?”

“Yes, Master, I’m thinking about that.”

“When I say, ‘Go to sleep now, Sara,’ you will immediately return to being asleep just the way you are now. You will be deeply asleep, you will be able to speak to me, you will hear everything I say, and you will want to do everything I tell you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“And when I say, ‘Go to sleep now, Sara’ you will go to sleep, exactly as you are now, won’t you?”

“Yes, Master, I will go to sleep, exactly as I am now.”

“You’re a good girl, Sara.”

She shivered as she smiled, and said, “Thank you Master!”

“You’re welcome, Sara.  Now, it’s time for you to wake up. I’m going to count to ten, and when I reach ten you will be wide awake. You will feel happy, and very well. You will remember everything I’ve said, and you will be pleased that I’ve told you these things. And you will do everything I tell you, won’t you Sara?”

“Yes, Master, I will do everything you tell me.”

“Very good, now I’m going to start counting. One…Two. You’re starting very slowly to wake up, and you’re feeling really good. Three…Four. Your eyes are starting to flutter and your fingers and toes are starting to move slowly and luxuriously, you are feeling so good. Five…Six. You are getting very close to waking up, and you are starting to stretch as if you’ve been asleep for a long time, and you feel very refreshed and wonderful. Seven…Eight…Nine. You’re almost awake, and you feel great. And…Ten. You are completely awake, you feel refreshed and wonderful, and you are eager to do what I tell you.

“How do you feel, Sara?”

She stretched, and had a happy smile on her face, “I feel wonderful and refreshed, Master, and I’m eager to do what you tell me!”

“What do you want to do, Sara?”

“I want to do everything you tell me, Master!”


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Written by JamesLlewellyn
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