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Author's Notes

"Sara has begged to be James' submissive. He has accepted her and stripped her naked save for her slave collar. Now, on their first night on the trail, he has hypnotized her, and is about to take her through a long-time fantasy: Being gangbanged in the boys' locker room at her school!"

I had put Sara first into a light trance, then into a much deeper one, and was about to go exploring.

“Sara, I want you to think about the things that make you feel sexy, the things that excite you.”

There was a pause, then, “Yes, Master, I am thinking about them.”

“Tell me some of the things you are thinking about, Sara.”

She paused as if to gather her thoughts. “Well, one time in my senior year of high school, when my girlfriends and I had a sleepover, we started talking about sexy fantasies, and there was one that I still think about.”

I waited for a bit, then asked, “Do you play with yourself while thinking about it?”

She nodded slightly, “Yes, all the time. It’s my favorite.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Well…early in my junior year, a friend of mine and I were goofing around after school, and happened to wind up by the boy’s locker room, because it was near where the late buses loaded.

“We kidded each other about peeking in to see if we could see any naked boys, and finally, Lainey…my girlfriend…pulled my hand and we took a look around the corner. It was a zig-zag open entry, just like the girl’s locker room, and there was no one in sight. I wanted to back out, but she pulled me further in. I tried to tell her to stop but she just shushed me and pulled harder.

“Well, we did tiptoe to the next bend, leaned down and peeked around the corner…and there were naked boys going to and from the shower! It was football season, and these were the players, finishing practice.

“It was the first time I’d seen a naked boy, and we just stood there gawking. Then one of the boys noticed us, and shouted.”

“We turned and ran, burst out of the school building, and ran across the parking lot, hiding behind one of the late buses, laughing! I don’t think any of the players knew who we were, and nobody chased us…but Lainey and I talked about it a lot for days, giggling each time.”

Sara stopped, so I prompted, “And what was the fantasy that came from that?”

Sara was slow to reply, then said, “I played that scene over and over in my head at night, and it kinda grew. I finally wondered what would have happened if we had been dragged into the locker room.”

“And what did you want to happen?”

She paused again, then said, “I…I kept thinking that…that I wanted them to screw me.”

“Wanted who to screw you, Sara?”

“All of them. But…but it was…more than that. I wanted them to do anything they wanted to me. That I would be helpless to resist, that I had to say yes to anything they wanted to do to me.

“I guess that was the first time I ever thought about being a…what you’ve called me. A fucktoy. And I used to fantasize about that in bed at night, then put my hand between my legs…and…do me…until I came.”

“And were there any specific boys you wanted to do you that way?”

She paused again, and there were frown lines on her face.

“It’s okay, Sara. No one is listening other than me, and the boys will never know what you thought, okay?”

“Don’t tell Lainey, okay?”

“I promise I won’t tell Lainey.”

Finally, she took a deep breath, exhaled, and started again slowly. “I don’t want it to be Jace Monette. He’s on the football team, you know.”

“Yes, I know, Sara.” I pulled out a pad and pen I use to make notes on the trail, and started jotting ideas down. “Suppose we make up our own team of boys, and you get to pick them. Would you like that?”

“Could I have Laurence on the team?”

“Yes, Sara, you can have Laurence.”

“And Richie Havers?”

I jotted down the two names, “Of course we’ll have Richie Havers. Who else do we want on your team?” She haltingly went through a list of the names of eight boys she wanted on her team, and I duly noted them all down. They were all at her grade level or higher, juniors or seniors.

“But not all these boys are on the football team,” she said sadly.

“No, they’re not. Does your school have a lacrosse team?”

She thought for a moment, then said, “No.”

“Then we’re going to put these boys on the new lacrosse team that your school just created, okay?”

She thought for a moment, and said, “All these boys are on the new lacrosse team?”

“Yes, Sara, all of your boys are on the new lacrosse team. Do you like that?”

She thought for a moment, then said, “It will be exciting to have a lacrosse team! And all my boys are going to be on it!” She wriggled, and a smile lit up her face.

We talked for a while longer, and I probed to see who and what she wanted, and how she wanted it so I could spin a convincing fantasy.

Finally, I ended by saying, “Sara, you and I have helped Coach Hinch put together this amazing, new lacrosse team. And you’re going to let them do anything they want to you, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am! This is so exciting!”

“And afterwards, when you come back to the tent where we’ll stay tonight, how are you going to feel?”

“I’m going to feel really excited and really, really sexy!”

 “Okay, then, would you like to get started?”

“Yes! Let’s get started!”

“Okay, Sara. I’m going to be talking to you, and I’m going to lead you through the day. You're going to let your team do whatever they want to you.

“But instead of just hearing my voice, you will see yourself in their locker room, you will see, and smell, and touch their bodies, their faces, their hands, their cocks, and you will hear their voices. When they touch you, you will feel them. Do you understand so far?”

“Yes, Master. You will tell me what they are doing, and I will see and smell and feel them do it to me. Is that right?”

“Yes, Sara, very good, that’s correct. Is there anything you don’t want them to do to you? I can tell them not to if you like.”

She thought for a moment. “But I want them to do anything they want to me. I want to feel helpless to say no to anything!”

“So, it’s the feeling of helplessness that you like.”

“Yes, Master.”

“And when I tell you to do things, you like feeling helpless to say no, is that right?”

She smiled, and wriggled again, obviously excited. “Yes, Master!”

“That’s good to know. How about if they want to fuck your ass, Sara?”

She froze, then said slowly, “I…I think if…if they are gentle, and want to, I…I would want them to…let them…fuck…my ass.”

“Are you sure, Sara? Because I can tell them not to.”

She thought for a moment, “If they’re gentle, it’s okay. I want them to make me do things I don’t want to do.”

It was my turn to think, “How about this, Sara. If someone is doing something to you, and you don’t want it, you can just tell me and they won’t hear you. Then I will tell them to stop, and because they’re all friends of mine, they’ll stop. Would that be okay?”

She smiled, “Yes! That would be great! Thank you, Master.”

“Okay, now Sara, you’re alone after school near the boys’ locker room…”


Sara tiptoed into the first leg of the entrance to the boys’ locker room, her heart pounding with excitement. There was no one there, so she tiptoed further in to the second bend in the dog leg, and peeked around the corner.

And there they were! The new lacrosse team! They were getting undressed to get into their practice uniforms, and most of them were naked. None of them saw her and she watched, entranced, for what seemed like a long time.

Just as she was about to turn to leave, she felt a hand on her shoulder. “What are you doing here, Sara?”

Her heart pounding, she jumped, and whirled around, coming face to face with Richie Havers. “Richie! Uh…well, I…”

“You were just having a look. Why don’t you go in closer so you can get a real look?”

“But…I…girls aren’t supposed to…” and she tried to turn away and leave.

Richie’s hand tightened on her shoulder. “Oh, no. You wanted to see naked boys, so you are going see them up close…and they’re going to see you, too. Now, come along. I’ll bet the boys will be thrilled to see you.” And he smiled that big, warm smile that Sara so loved. It made her feel warm inside – and a little wet, too. Yet, there was an extra glint in his eye that wasn’t normally there.

He kept his hand on her shoulder and pushed her ahead of him into the locker room, and although she knew she shouldn’t be there, she found she liked being forced to go ahead.

“Hey guys, we’ve got someone who wants to look at us! What do you think? Should we let her look?”

The boys were all undressed now, and standing around, naked.

Almost against her will, Sara looked around at the different penises in front of her. She had never seen so many before, although she would later on, and she was really interested – and getting really wet. Especially as most of the penises seemed to be getting hard and starting to jerk upwards.

“Now, Sara, what were you hoping to see?”

She stood mute, unable to speak.

“Tell us Sara, what did you want to see?”

Against her will she said, “I…I wanted to s…see…your penises.”

“And did you want to see them soft or hard, Sara?”

She swallowed and said, “H…ha…hard. If that’s okay?”

“Oh, yes, that’s fine, Sara. We’d like to show you our hard penises. And what did you want us to do with our hard penises after you’d looked at them?”

She gulped, “What…whatever you wanted?”

Richie looked at her, and smiled, “Well, I’ll tell you what, Sara. We’re going to go out and practice now. We’ll be gone for about an hour. When we get back, if you’re still here, we’ll do things to you with our hard penises, all right?”

She just nodded.

Richie nodded to all the other boys to put on their uniforms, then they picked up their equipment, and went out to the field.

Sara stood there for a long time, trying to decide what to do. She got up to leave several times, but each time she got to the entrance to the boys’ locker room, she stopped, and thought about their hard penises.

Finally, she slowly returned to the last row of lockers before the shower room, and removed her clothing, one piece at a time, folding it and putting it down on one of the benches.

When she was naked, she walked into the shower room as if in a trance, stood under a shower head, facing into the room. She reached up and grabbed the pipe attaching the shower head to the wall with both hands, then spread her legs as far as she could. She had often done this at home, imagining herself tied up with her feet spread, helpless to stop boys from…doing things to her. Now she was going to find out what it was really like.

It felt like forever, but finally she heard the team come through the door from the field, laughing, their cleats clattering on the tile floors, and talking to each other. When they walked past the entry to the shower room, the first two guys went by without noticing, but the third glanced over, saw her, and did a double-take.

“Hey Richie, she’s still here!”

Sara closed her eyes, breathing hard, and gripped the pipe even harder.

She heard cleats clopping over the tiles to her, then stop. She heard someone breathing hard, then felt fingers grasping her left breast, cupping it.

“Open your eyes, Sara.”

When she did, she saw Richie, his hand out, holding her breast. He started working it in his hand, and her heart started beating even faster.

“What do you really want, Sara? We thought sure you’d be gone.”

“I…I,” she tried, then stopped and swallowed, “I…want you to gangbang me.” And she looked down at the floor.

Richie let go of her breast, and moved his hand down to her cunt, running his hand over her cunt lips, then slipping one muddy finger between them. “Well, you certainly feel like you want to fuck, so…maybe you really mean it.”

He stepped back, and pushed down his shorts and jock strap, revealing a mostly erect cock, as well as mud-stained clothes. She could smell a strong, animal aroma coming off his sweating body. “Show me that you’re serious. Suck my cock, here, where everyone can watch you.” He put his hands on his hips and waited.

When he had pushed his shorts and jock down, her eyes had gone to his cock, jerking upwards towards her. She couldn’t tear her eyes off it. Slowly, she released her hands, moved over to Richie, and sank down to her knees, then reverently lifted his sweaty cock and started to lick it. She closed her eyes, and felt a strange peacefulness come over her, as if she didn’t have to make any decisions, but could just float, and let everyone else make the decisions. She opened her mouth, and gradually slid as much of him into her mouth as she could.

“OK, now fuck me with your mouth. Make me cum down your throat, you little slut.”

Eyes still closed, Sara started to bob up and down on his cock, starting slowly, then going faster and faster.

While she was doing it Les moved forward, and started feeling her tits, cupping them, the rolling them in his hands, and finally squeezing them. Then Kenny squatted down behind her, and started probing her soaking cunt with his finger, eliciting a moan from her. Kenny said, “Lift your ass, so I can finger fuck you, cunt.”

Without thinking about whether she wanted to, Sara lifted her ass. The changed angle meant that she was going further down onto Richie’s cock, but she kept going. Kenny put two fingers, then three in her cunt, and reached around, starting to rub her clit.

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Sara started making deep moaning sounds, which vibrated through Richie’s cock, causing him to close his eyes and tilt his head back. “Faster, slut!” he ordered. She complied, going now as quickly as she could.

By now Les was twisting and pulling her tits hard, then he stopped and slapped the right tit, the one closest to him, twice before grabbing them both again.

Kenny had three fingers in her, and was grinding in and out of her cunt. It hurt a little, and she thought about asking him to stop…but then realized she wanted it to hurt. And besides, her mouth was full of Richie’s cock.

By now Richie was on the verge of cumming, so grabbed her hair and pulled her hard onto him, forcing his cock down her throat, and making her gag as he came. “Swallow it, slut, just swallow it!” And started pulsing cum into her mouth and throat.

He grunted hard five or six times, bent over her head, resting his forehead on her back, then straightened up, pulled his cock out of her mouth, and wiped it back and forth across her face. “Slut.” He said.

“Yes,” was all she said, “I’m a slut.”

Richie looked around, then said, “Les, Kenny, back off a minute. Guys, put some towels on that bench. We’re going to take turns spit-roasting this little whore.”

He grabbed Sara by the back of her neck and pushed her towards one of the benches in the changing area, where the lockers were. Each bench was one, long, solid plank, supported by single-post, thick pipes underneath in the middle, set between two banks of lockers. The benches were completely solid, and quite wide.

“Get up here on your hands and knees here, cunt.”

As if in a dream, Sara got up on her hands and knees, with her back parallel to the floor and her tits hanging down.

“Move so that your head is over the end of the bench. We want a clear shot at your face, slut.” She shuffled forward so that her hands were on the bench, but her head was clear.

“Okay, guys, let’s fuck this slut! Give it to her hard. We’re going to make sure she remembers this for the rest of her fucking, slutty life.”

The boys started clustering around her, until Richie got a train established. After that, there was a steady stream of boys rotating around her. First, a boy would fuck her mouth, sometimes cumming down her throat, while others would pull out and spray cum on her face and hair. Then they would move down, and while they were waiting to fuck her cunt, they would jerk-off over the hair, back, and ass.

And when it was their turn at her cunt, they would straddle the bench, and then plunge, hard, into her reddening vagina, with its puffy lips, now drooling cum onto the towels and the floor.

As the action unfolded, Sara became nothing more than a receptacle for a steady stream of cum. Her eyes closed, she choked and gagged on the cocks in her mouth that were shoved deep into her throat, with cum running out of the corners of her mouth, and sometimes even dripping from her nose. Her ass was rapidly turning red from being smacked and spanked, either by those waiting their turn in her cunt, or those porking away at her. Her tits were swollen from being abused, squeezed, pulled, and twisted.

Through it all, the only sounds coming from her were grunts, moans, choking sounds, and the squelching sounds of pricks being forced into holes that were already overflowing with sperm.

Seven of the eight boys were cycling through her as fast as they could re-load.

Sara opened her eyes, then surprised them. She held up one hand, making a stop symbol. “Okay, guys, hold back a second,” Richie said. “Our slut has something she wants to say. What’s up, cunt?” Richie smirked.

Sara was breathing hard, swallowed, took a moment to collect herself, then said, “Why hasn’t Laurence done me?”

Richie looked up, surprised. “That’s a very good question.” He looked around, and saw Laurence sitting quietly across the locker room, looking at the floor.

Laurence was a tall, somewhat gangly, but athletic Black kid who wore glasses. Having heard what Sara said, he stood up and slowly walked over, then squatted down next to her. He looked at the smeared, reddened face of the girl and said, “Sara, is this really what you want?”

She looked down, then back at him, “Laurence, I always had a crush on you, and wanted you to ask me out, but you never did. But I specifically asked Master to include you, so, yes, I want you to do me.”

She looked down again, then up at him, “Laurence, how come you never asked me out? You’re smart, and funny, and kind…and cute.”

Now it was his turn to look down at the floor. “I didn’t ask you out because I was afraid you’d say no.”

Sara reached out and touched his cheek. “Well, Laurence, this is your lucky day because you not only get to ask me out, but fuck me on the first date…if you wanna, that is…”

Laurence looked up, then smiled and stood up. “You have no idea how many times I’ve jerked off wishing I could do this. How would you like me?”

Sara looked at him, with cum smeared on her face and hair, and trailing down her back and ass. “However you want me, Laurence. But…” and she bit her lip, “…maybe…you could…fuck me up the ass? But please, be gentle, okay?”

Laurence smiled, “How about I do the full tour? Mouth, cunt, then ass. Would you like that, Sara?”

She looked down, and just nodded, then opened her mouth, and looked up at him.

“Okay, guys, stand back and give our big man a chance. Go get her, Laurence! She’s all yours!”

Laurence dropped his uniform shorts and jock and stepped out of them, stripped off his jersey, standing naked for a moment, then took a deep breath and stepped forward. His cock was already hard, and swayed back and forth as he moved into position, then held the tip to Sara’s mouth.

She moved forward to slip it deep within her, and the two of them were soon moving smoothly back and forth, with Laurence shafting her throat, and looking both excited…and guilty…about it.

Sweat started to appear on his brow, then he stopped. “I’m going to change positions here, girl. I want some of that sweet pussy of yours – I’ve been wanting it since I first met you!”

He moved around behind her, and straddled the bench, while she repositioned herself so she could open herself up even wider to accommodate him. “Don’t be gentle, Laurence. I’ve been wanting you, too, and I’ve been… doing myself while thinking of you, too!”

He took a moment to get the tip of his cock lined up, then pushed forward into her with one smooth, hard move. She squealed, then moaned, and said, “Oh, God, I’ve wanted this for so long! Do me hard!”

Laurence needed no more urging, and was soon pushing hard, fast, and deep into her.

Sara dropped her head to look between her legs, and saw his balls swinging back and forth, slapping her clit each time he sunk his shaft into her. When he withdrew, she could see part of his now-glistening cock slipping out of her well-lubricated cunt, and, before long, she started to moan more and more deeply in her throat.

“Oh, God. Oh GOD, Oh GOD Laurence…harder, please harder! Fuck me now…Ohh OHH! OOOHHH!” Her whole body flushed, and her whole body started to tremble.

Laurence stopped briefly, leaned forward and kissed her back, then stood up tall, arched his back, and started to fuck with a vengeance, ramming himself into her as hard as he could. Then, as he felt her cunt grip and spasm around him, he started to moan, a deep animal growl that seemed to start from his toes, and he felt through his entire body, and he came, shoving himself deep inside her.

Sara felt his cum, coursing into her already full cunt, but somehow this time was different. She felt light-headed, as if her senses were being overloaded, and her shoulders collapsed forward on the towel-padded bench.

After a few moments of awe-inspired silence, the rest of the lacrosse team started to clap, slowly at first, then faster and faster, adding cheers and catcalls.

Sara turned her head to look at them, then blushed, and turned her head away again.

Laurence lifted up, then slowly slid his cock out of her pussy. But instead of relinquishing his position, he instead repositioned his cock at the entry to her ass. “You sure about this, Sara?”

She lifted up and look back under her torso at his legs. “I…I think so. But please…”

He patted her ass. “I got you, girl. Just relax, okay? We’re gonna be fine, you and me.”

With that he pushed his glistening, still hard meat slowly into her puckered star. She groaned, and tensed, then made a conscious effort to relax. And he found that all of a sudden, he started to make some…well, headway until finally his cockhead slipped past her anal sphincter, and he found it gripping him, much more tightly than her cunt had. “Oh, my God!” Sara moaned…and pushed her body backwards. “You…you feel so good!”

Laurence pushed his slick cock gently forward until he had forced his full length into her, then started to pull slowly out again. When the crown of his cockhead reached her sphincter, he stopped and started pushing in again. That set the pattern, and soon he was banging away…and she was matching her motions to his, eventually smashing him deep into her, and moaning as she did so.

It didn’t take long before she came again, and he matched her, and she felt his second load of cum bursting into her. The sensations were unlike anything she had experienced before, and in turn, she exploded into the most violent orgasm she had ever experienced.

This time, both of them collapsed, though Laurence held his hands lightly against her back to keep from crushing the much smaller woman beneath him.

After a time, as the team crowded around watching respected in silence, Laurence withdrew. Sara sat up on her burning butt, still breathing hard.

She looked up at Laurence, “Why did we waste all that time, Laurence?”

He shook his head, a crooked smile on his face. “Beats me!”


“Sara, take some deep breaths, now. Say good-bye to Laurence and the rest of your lacrosse team, okay?”

Sara was flushed and breathing hard. She shook herself, then said, “Yes, Master. Good-bye guys! Thanks for doin’ me! And…good-bye Laurence…I’m sorry we waited so long.” Her head and face moved slightly, and her lips made a kissing sound. “Okay, Master, I’m back.”

“Yes, you are, Sara. They used you pretty hard, didn’t they?”

She frowned slightly, “Yes, they did. And some of them weren’t very nice to me!” She appeared to be pouting, even though her eyes were closed.

 “Sara, I want you to remember everything you felt, saw, heard, and tasted. I want you to feel how your mouth is sore from having all those cocks shoved into it, how your cunt feels raw from being fucked so hard, and how your ass burns from Laurence fucking you there. Do you feel all those things?”

She shifted uncomfortably on her mat. “Yes, Master, I can feel all of those things.” Her face clouded and she looked uncertain.

“Sara, I want you to remember exactly how you feel now, because we are going to return to your school a little later, and I want to start from where you are right now, okay? When I say, ‘Sara, return to the gangbang,’ you will feel exactly as you do right now, understand?”

“Yes, Master, when you say, ‘Sara, return to the gangbang,’ I will remember exactly how I feel right now and I will feel that way again.”

“Very good. Now, do you remember feeling sexy as boy after boy used your mouth and your cunt?”

She nodded, “Yes, I do. It was really…sexy…and really…embarrassing.” She blushed.

“I want you to be able to remember it whenever you want, but I want these to be good memories only. You can remember the parts you liked, and you can remember everything you experienced, but the memories won’t bother you, they’ll make you feel sexy and good, all right? Tell me how you will feel when you decide to remember this.”

Her face lit up in a warm smile, “Whenever I decide to remember this, I will feel sexy and good about all those boys wanting me and using my body.”

“And you can remember this any time you want, right, Sara?”

“Yes, Master. I can think about this any time I want. May I use it to play with myself when I’m at home, Master?”

“Yes, Sara, you can use it any time you want when you masturbate.

“Now, Sara, you’re going to wake up in a little bit, and when you do, you will feel all of the good things that being gangbanged made you feel, but you won’t hurt. You will feel warm and sexy, and safe and good, won’t you?”

She nodded again, “Yes, I will feel warm and good and safe and sexy. Thank you Master.”

“And you will remember what happened to you very vividly whenever you want to, but you will also remember that it did not really happen, and that none of those boys ever actually touched you, right Sara?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Sara, I’m going to wake you up now, but you will remember everything that happened, everything I said, and everything I told you, all right?”

She nodded again. “Yes, Master, I will remember everything you said, everything you told me, and everything that happened.”

I counted to ten, then snapped my fingers to wake her.

I was holding her head in my lap, so when she opened her eyes, she was looking right up at me. She smiled, “Oh, Master! That was…incredible! I’ve always secretly wanted to be gangbanged, but was always afraid to do it…and now you’ve done it to me!”

Her smile brightened further, and she sat up suddenly “Now, let me do you!”

She pushed me over, and began pulling at my clothes. I started laughing at her enthusiasm, then tried to help her get me undressed.

She overwhelmed me. Her cunt was molten hot, and when we started to fuck, she wanted to be on top, riding me like a cowgirl, then breaking off every once in a while to whip ’round and suck my cock clean before mounting me again.

And when the two of us came together, shouting, I doubted whether there was a wild animal in ten kilometers that would have risked coming near our tent, and I finally learned how to do a real, rebel yell!

It felt…goooodd!



Written by JamesLlewellyn
Contributing Authors
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