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Ballsy P3

"Jamie Goldsmith has a unique knack of being able to convince people of things."

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Author's Notes

"Please feel free to comment on further ideas for Jamie; would love to know if this series has more legs and if anyone actually reads and likes it. Thanks again for your time...."

Laura Clarke

“Hi, Laura”

One of Laura's classmates shouted over just as she was pinning the details of the after-school debate meeting times and topics to the student notice board. She didn’t know the girl well but knew that her name was Kate.

“Hi Kate,” she said, before quickly going back to face the board.

Laura hoped the younger girl wouldn’t stop for a chat. Part of the problem with running after-school clubs was that people thought you should talk to them outside the clubs as well.

Laura managed the club with the foresight that it would enhance her college application.

Although she was still unsure whether she would follow her dad into politics (in his case, local politics) or her mother into journalism (covering local news), she knew she was determined to elevate her career beyond what her parents had achieved.

She grabbed her bag and jacket from the floor before turning to go to her first class after lunch break.

Laura jumped, startled because she wasn’t alone like she had thought.

“Hello,” she said out of pure reaction. He was too close for comfort.

Laura knew his name was Jamie. She couldn't recall having spoken to him before, at least not to her recollection. His presence always seemed to be lingering somewhere nearby, yet he managed to remain unnoticed by most people.

She hadn't really expected a response and had already begun to manoeuvre around him when he spoke up. He simply nodded his head, saying, "Ballsy, debating." He said while nodding towards the notice board.

She stopped even though he never made further conversation. Laura was fantastic at reading people. Body language, tone, choice of words, even at nineteen, she was gifted with the ability and it had served her well. He had her puzzled. She had thought of him before as short on confidence and lacking social skills. He seemed confident now, smug even.

Laura found herself re-evaluating him. It was the shortness of the response, either because he was nervous about talking and wanted to keep the conversation to a minimum or that he felt confident enough to speak to her.

He had said it so confidently, so she aired on the side that it was the latter and that interested her. She eyed him up and down with more appreciation before having it confirmed from the confidence in his posture that it had been the latter.

Barely above a whisper he said "I know, Ballsy to just approach you like this, so forward but it is rather attractive, I mean, you just simply appreciate it and of course, it’s so Ballsy, it’s the biggest turn-on, EVER".

He had approached her with such confidence that she couldn't help but be captivated by him. The intensity of his aura made her momentarily forget about her upcoming class.

Laura gradually felt her muscles relax, and her body language softened. Her initial tension seemed to dissipate as she became more comfortable in his presence. In an effort to further accentuate her femininity and allure, she gently ran her fingers through her golden tresses, brushing them away from her forehead and allowing them to cascade down her neck and shoulders. The sensation of her thick mane moving from one side of her body to another provided a sense of release and liberation. It was almost as if she were shedding some invisible burden that had been weighing on her mind and spirit.

He remained as he was, confident and still.

“All cool” She tried not to cringe at her choice of phrase, but the inquiry had served its purpose and given her an opportunity for further conversation and, more importantly, visual interaction. Since he had made the first approach she figured she owed him, but more than that, she needed to reward him for being so ballsy about it.

He looked into her eyes and then back to the board. “Yea, all cool.”

‘I’m an idiot,’ she thought. 'He wasn’t approaching me, he was looking at the notice board. I was just in the way.'

In an instant, she found herself overcome by a sudden wave of self-doubt and apprehension. It felt as if her usually steady composure had been shaken, leaving her feeling unsure and uneasy. This unexpected transformation within her took her aback, yet at the same time, it appeared to have a profound effect on her for a completely different reason. Jamie also seemed to have become increasingly more assertive and confident. To her surprise, these traits only served to enhance him, making him more attractive.

He stepped towards the board while reading the notices. Instead of taking her leave, she found herself wanting to engage more; she stepped beside him.

“Looking for anything in particular?” she said, her words far more measured this time.

He shrugged, dismissing the question.

‘God, this guy has balls to ignore me like this,’ she thought.

“How about this?” She purposely and impressively leaned against him before pointing to the notice she had just put up.

“Debate,” he said as he looked at her. Her pulse quickened. Then he looked back at the notice. “That’s your club, isn’t it? Not really my thing, to be honest”.

‘Ok, so he isn’t into debate, but at least I have him talking,’ she thought, feeling she had achieved something.

“Yes, I run it. What are you into, then?” she asked.

He smiled. “It’s more a question of who I would like to get into”.

No mistaking the innuendo. She shot back, “The question was, what are you into?” She admitted his bravado, during the school day, worryingly excited her, and she hoped he would press on.

“I know,” he chuckled, casting an amused glance at her. "But being so Ballsy like that really turns girls on. Really, really turns them on for that guy and him alone".

“You should come along with me, after school,” she said with a little bit more enthusiasm than she would have liked, the thought of how sexy he was running around her thoughts scattered brain.

"Just so your mouth can engage in an act of fellatio upon my penis?" His smile grew wider as he continued, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Attempting to sound offended, her demeanour betrayed her. "I have a boyfriend," she declared, trying her best to assert herself as uninterested. But deep down, she couldn't help but revel in his bold advances. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and her heart raced at the thought of what might transpire between them. She found herself unable to resist the allure of his confident mannerisms and undeniable charm.

“It wasn’t him I wanted to suck me off,” he joked. His ability to joke and shrug off her reprimand excited her more.

With confidence now showing through, he reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist with his hand settling on her hip.

She found herself wanting more, right in the hallway.

“Mr Goldsmith.”

They both spun around and found they were now sharing the hallway with Mr Brown, head of science.

“I’m sure Miss Clarke doesn’t appreciate your forwardness,” Mrs Brown scalded.

Laura wanted to disagree with the teacher, but Jamie’s hand had dropped from her hip. He seemed like he was taking this telling off seriously, so she decided to keep quiet even though she missed where his hand had been.

“Shouldn’t you both be getting to class?” the teacher said.

Jamie walked away without another word and left Laura rather frustrated in the hallway.

“You too, Laura,” Mrs Brown said, turning her attention the Laura.

She nodded and headed for her next class.

Laura sat all through Miss Adkins' class, not once paying attention to anything that went on, her thoughts replayed the hallway scene in her head over and over. 


She wondered what might have happened if they hadn’t been disturbed. Would she have let Jamie’s advances lead to anything? The question burned inside her; would she have cheated on her boyfriend? Would she have done it in school? She knew what reputations those types of girls had.

During her second class after the event, she sat in Mr Rasheed’s business class and, just as in the previous class, she sat thinking about Jamie and what could have happened. His touch on her hip was his signal he wanted her. Her hand slipped below the desk and under her skirt. She found her pants were soaked as she snaked past them and pressed into her pussy while thinking about him.


Her slender fingers moved gracefully downwards, following the gentle slope of her pleated skirt as she reached towards the hemline, slowly, the fabric that had been tucked beneath the hem of her skirt began to creep higher, gradually her fingers rose, tracing a direct path upwards along her inner thighs.

She felt an unmistakable wetness and warmth seeping through her cotton pants, slowly spreading her thighs as she navigated inside her soaked panties, snaking her fingers past them and slowly pressing into her pussy.

She couldn't help but feel that her desires were as clear as crystal. It seemed like a no-brainer to her that he must be aware of how much she desired his touch, his embrace, his lips upon hers. He had been so bold, so brazen, as he spoke to her. The fact that she hadn't outright confessed her feelings didn't mean they weren't evident. Despite all these thoughts running through her mind, she still found herself questioning whether she had indeed conveyed her longings effectively enough. She should have kissed him she thought.

Laura pushed her fingers deeper inside herself. She dared herself on, giving the odd nervous glance around her surroundings.

Laura found herself struggling with mobility, due to her seating position at her desk. The restricted area between her upper thigh and the bottom part of the desk presented an obstacle that hindered her attempts to achieve ease of motion. Despite these challenges, she persevered. She continued working diligently, focusing on completing tasks and overcoming the physical limitations imposed by her current situation but she was becoming frustrated by it.

Laura took her hand out from the desk and raised it. Her fingers glistened under the classroom light.

“Sir, I need to use the bathroom,” she said.

She gathered her stuff and left, not waiting for her teacher’s response.

She hastily crossed the hallway and into the girls' toilets. As assumed, the toilet was clear and all cubicles were vacant. She hurriedly stepped into the first one in the row and dropped her stuff on the floor; she cared little if it was clean or not. Her pants were at her ankles right after, and she sat on the edge of the pan and busied her hand between her legs. Her other hand held her skirt up, so she could massage her pussy unobstructed.

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Her body quivered with anticipation as she began to explore the pleasures awaiting her. The chill emanating from the hard surface beneath her only served to heighten her arousal. Every breath she inhaled making her excitement grow. In just moments, she began to experience the most powerful, earth-shattering climax she had ever encountered. It would have shaken even the strongest of legs.

She gave herself the sweet pleasure of a soft moan leaving her lips that filled the empty toilet; she worked on bringing about the most knee-trembling orgasm she had ever known within seconds of her bare skin touching the cold plastic seat.

Several seconds passed, and her breathing began to normalize before the bell rang, and she heard the scuffling of feet in the hallway.


She reached down between her legs, slowly pulling her pants back upwards until they once again pressed against her pussy. The sensation of the soft fabric pressing against her sensitive skin heightened her arousal even further. Her body responded by producing copious amounts of moisture, which seeped through to the cotton further, leaving it clinging tightly to her flesh. As she gathered her belongings together, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having experienced such intense pleasure; she headed into the hallway.

She saw a few of the less popular boys further down the hall; she remembered Jamie talking to them before and, although she hadn’t spoken to any of them before, she approached with a familiarity as if they had been friends a long time.

“Hi guys, how’s things?” she said.

They looked shell-shocked that she was speaking to them, but the trio never responded. She didn’t have time for this.

“Have any of you guys seen Jamie?” she said rather impatiently.

They looked at each other.


She looked at the fatter one who had answered her.


“What is happening? You’re the second chick today looking for him,” he told her.

She forced a smile at the oaf, half pissed that he was taking so long to tell her, but also half pissed because some other girl was possibly on the hunt for Jamie right now.

“Have you seen him or know where he is handsome?” Laura said, using as much flattery as she dared muster.

“Sure, he has chemistry with Mr Brown,” the tubby lad told her.

Before the big beast had finished his answer, she had given him a kiss on the cheek as a reward and was hurrying down the hallway to the science annex.

Opening the door to the science annex, Laura stepped in and through the second door. Sure enough, Mr Brown’s class was still waiting outside the classroom.


Jamie was leaning against the wall and, with a bit of luck, was closest to her.

She strode down the corridor and to her target. He saw her just before she got there and shot her a smile. 


Laura felt herself tremble, nearly succumbing to the intense heat emanating from his body. The very air around them seemed charged with desire as if the atmosphere itself were drenched in arousal. She knew without doubt that her pussy was moist for him, eagerly awaiting his exploration.

“Hey,” she chimed as she leaned on the wall next to him. Keeping her voice low, knowing a few classmates were watching on.

“Hey you” His own voice was hushed, and she appreciated it.

“Fancy giving this lesson a miss?” She posed the question seductively.


She nodded while biting her bottom lip.

“I could get into trouble. Tell you what? let’s debate the pros and cons, shall we? I recall you’re good at debating, so how about you convince me?”

She leaned in closer, so her breath was on him.

“Ok, how about you skip this class, I skip mine. I will treat you to the best blow job ever,” she whispered into his ear.

“Ok, I’m convinced,” she heard him say instantly.

She took his hand, and they made their way down the corridor. The only look she gave back was just before they rounded the corner, and she noticed a few of the lads from his class and a single girl were watching them, the rest were still chatting.

She stopped outside the toilets.

“Boys or girls?” she asked eagerly.

“Boys,” he answered.

“Good choice,” she said paying it only lip service.

She opened the door and led him through. The place was deserted. Her eyes wandered, taking note of the stark contrast between the current state of cleanliness compared to the girl's bathrooms.

As she set down her belongings on the bathroom sink, she couldn't help but feel an undeniable wave of passion surge through her body. Her lips yearned for his touch, her heart pounded with anticipation. With a gentle yet assertive movement, she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips against his, initiating a tender exchange that left both of them wanting more. As they continued to share intimate moments, her hands gently caressed his hips, drawing him closer. In sync with her rhythm, she began walking backward, effortlessly maintaining contact as he followed suit. Their connection was real; every step taken brought them even closer together, their love intensifying with each move. The atmosphere in the room grew increasingly charged, heightening the sensual tension between them as she pulled him into the cubical.
As James secured the door by locking it behind them, she swiftly moved towards him, her hands deftly undoing his zipper. Her nimble fingers worked fiercely, allowing her to release his erection from the confines of his clothing. She positioned herself strategically on the edge of the pan, taking advantage of the elevation provided the perfect vantage point to enable her to gain better access to his erect penis, which was angrily staring at her.

"I want to suck your cock," she told him while directly staring into the eye of his monster erection.

“What about that boyfriend of yours?” he asked her almost gleefully.

 Laura looked up at him with a sly smile. "It's not him I'm about to suck off in the boys' bathroom," she said before she flicked her tongue over the tip of his cock.

She giggled as his cock twitched.

Her lips kissed the end of his cock, and she seductively smiled up at him before opening her mouth to swallow him; her eyes never left his as she sucked hard on him. His hand found the walls of the cubicle as her own worked around behind him and onto either side of his ass cheeks, so he couldn’t escape.

She pulled him deeper and began to increase her rhythm pace. She tried to keep the noise down, but she was so excited; almost as if every pass over his cock with her lips was massaging her own clit.

She fucked him with her mouth, pushing herself beyond what she thought possible. Her body responded instinctively, adapting to his rhythm. As he moved within her, she felt an intense yearning growing stronger by the moment. It was as if something deep inside her was demanding fulfilment that only he could provide. This desire seemed insatiable, consuming her very being with every thrust, leaving her wanting still more, her body acting independently of her conscious mind.

The bathroom door opened, but she continued on in rampant pleasure, she was aware of more than one set of shoes in the next cubical. Still making eye contact with him, she dared to bob her head down further and felt him push the back of her throat which sent another wave of pleasure through her; she closed her eyes as another orgasm surged through her from toe to head.

When she opened...

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Written by Fiona69m
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