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Uber Adventures Part 1

"A dissatisfied young Uber driver finds a way to satisfy a personal fetish with one of his passengers."

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Author's Notes

"This and all works in this series are fictional works not inspired by actual events."

Connor had been an Uber driver for several years. It was a great way of making ends meet whenever the day job slowed down or if he needed some extra cash, and occasionally made for some interesting stories too. Ever since Connor had given up drugs and alcohol, his life had become rather mundane. Which was admittedly what he had hoped for when he decided to start living a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol and drugs had only ever created problems, drama, and helped put him in dangerous situations; giving those things up had, more than anything else, helped Connor take back control of his life. A mundane life was a peaceful one, which was all he really wanted.

However being an Uber allowed Connor to dip his toes back into that world that he left behind, without having to dive back in. He never knew who he would meet working a late shift. He lived in a fairly large town in one of the more rural areas in Colorado, and would describe it to his passengers from out of town as a “big town, small city.” It had enough to keep most tourists entertained for a few days but would get boring rather quickly once you had visited the five busiest bars and two nightclubs worth seeing. Occasionally there would be a well-known band or other large event happening in town that would have people out late and keep the nightlife going into the early morning hours, but most days the whole town was asleep by 10 pm.

Connor lived in a small, two-bedroom apartment on the “bad” side of town with his wife. The neighborhood wasn't actually “bad,” although it certainly had a reputation from years gone by which it was still outgrowing. It used to be the area where you could always find someone selling weed or harder drugs, and there were stories of shootings that happened in the area back in the '80s. Now however it was just the best place to get a cheap apartment and was home to many low-income families and elderly folks.

Connor and his wife Sydney had been married for nearly five years, and got along quite well, despite their differences. In his younger years, Connor had been quite the promiscuous one and had lost count of the number of partners he had been with by the time the number reached the mid-forties. He figured that it wasn't worth keeping track of past that point. He had the bragging rights, so what did the number matter?

Sydney had met Connor six years prior when Connor had come to her town on a work trip and had been instantly enamored with him. Connor had always been a social butterfly and was easy to talk to. He had a way of making people feel comfortable around him, and could easily make a connection with anyone that he decided was worth the time. This was part of what made him so successful in his sexual escapades over the years. Sydney had been engaged to be married at the time that she and Connor met, but after befriending him, the only things she could see in her fiance were his flaws. She moved in with Connor less than two months after they met, leaving behind the life that she thought would be her future, and not regretting it for a second.

During the honeymoon phase of their first year together, Connor and Sydney couldn't get enough of each other. Connor had long since grown tired of the dating game and was finding more and more frequently that most single women in his age group were single for a reason, be that a stuck-up attitude, hold-outs still waiting for Prince Charming, or single moms looking for someone to be a father figure for their kids. What irritated Connor the most was when he would be talking to a girl who presented herself as single, only for him to find out that she was fooling around behind her boyfriend or husband’s back. This made his relationship with Sydney more than a little ironic, but he had been lonely, bored, and never really expected it to last.

Connor didn't have anything against swingers, having multiple partners, or open relationships, as long as there was honest communication involved. Pleasure is pleasure, and pussy is pussy, ninety percent of the time anyway. This was the mentality that made it easy for Connor to never even consider cheating. Why go somewhere else for basically the same thing that he could get from his girlfriend whenever he wanted? Loyalty was worth more than the bragging rights of another notch on his belt. God knows he had already lost count of those.

But as time passed and the honeymoon phase of his relationship with Sydney ended, Connor started to rethink his previous positions on those things. Sydney had never been able to keep up with his sexual appetites; Connor had always had above-average stamina in the bedroom, and needed at least twenty minutes to get to climax, which didn't include foreplay. He loved using his mouth and had always taken great pride in his ability to make a woman cum with his tongue. Sydney had tolerated this for the first few months of their relationship but had eventually put a stop to it. Connor had been confused and quite disappointed, and Sydney never gave a real reason besides saying that she didn't like it. This confused Connor even more because he had been told by multiple women, multiple times, that he was very good at what he did. Both with his mouth and with his member.

Eventually, he stopped trying to eat Sydney's pussy. Occasionally, when she would ask him to do something, he would jokingly respond with, “Alright, but you've got to let me eat you out,” but was only ever met with the exasperated look that a child might give their dad after an exceptionally bland joke. Connor suspected that Sydney didn't like getting eaten out because of how much it made her at his mercy. She wasn't a dom by any means, but she did like having some bit of control.

Slowly, Sydney and Connor had less and less sex. The intimacy was still there, and they still got along, however, Sydney was frequently tired because of her overnight work schedule, and Connor was slowly losing interest in the same, “vanilla” sex over and over. Sydney only liked having sex at night and was very picky about what she would allow. Connor had always been a boob guy and secretly harbored a lactation fetish. There were a few occasions when Sydney had allowed him to suck on her nipples and play with her admittedly large breasts, and even fewer occasions when she actually enjoyed it and would help by lifting her breast up so that he could take her nipple into his mouth while he penetrated her. Connor cherished those few memories and would have been hard-pressed to come up with a bigger turn-on if asked. Sadly, those experiences were rare and fleeting.

“Is there anything that you want to try in the bedroom?” Connor would ask.

“I don't know,” Sydney would answer. It was always like this.

“We could watch some porn together, it doesn't even have to be hardcore stuff. There is stuff out there designed to be educational for couples. Or we could even look up new stuff on forums if you like.” Connor was just trying to get Sydney to come out of her shell a little bit, trying to get her sexual fire burning in the hopes that it might come close to the inferno constantly raging inside of him. It never worked, and Sydney would usually respond with a disgusted look before saying,

“No, I don't want to do that. And you had better never watch that stuff either” was always her reply.

Connor would then drop the issue. Sydney hadn't been raised in a religious household, but she certainly held some very conservative views on sex. It was for these reasons that Connor started fantasizing about all of the things that he felt that he was missing out on, and tried to find what comfort he could in online porn, chat rooms, and his own imagination.

Driving for Uber provided an excellent source of fuel for Connor's imagination. He would regularly end up with very attractive, and sometimes very drunk, passengers. They would usually be quite happy to see that they had been assigned him as their driver, as most of the Uber drivers in town were retirees. Connor was not only close to their age but also good-looking. He wouldn't have called himself a knockout by any means, but he knew that he was a handsome guy. He was tall at 6'3” with medium build, not overly muscled but with good bulk on his frame, gray-blue eyes, light brown hair, a strong but not overly pronounced chin and jawline with smooth contours, and a smooth, rich voice. Approaching 30 years old, Connor was determined to combine what youthful vitality and boyish looks he still had with the maturity he had gained, and he did so with elegance.

There were many times when his female passengers would ask if he wanted to “party” with them, which Connor would always turn down. After leaving behind the lifestyle of drugs and alcohol, Connor had a fear of the chaos that getting back into that world would create. Even if he did make it through a night of partying, he didn't want to risk having to explain himself to Sydney; that was drama he simply didn't want to invite into his life. Not that he didn't wish with everything in him that he could say yes, just once. He wanted to cut loose and feel the freedom of the single life again, if only for a few hours. He wanted to meet someone new and use her body to satisfy both of them.

Little did he know that opportunity would come sooner than he realized.


It was a warm Friday night in mid-July. The sun had just set, and the sky still had pink and purple hues fading to dark blue as the day faded. Connor had been driving around for two hours picking up passengers and was thinking to himself how he hoped that it would be a busy night. Bills were coming due, and the check he had just received from his day job had been smaller than he hoped for. His phone buzzed, and Connor accepted a ten-minute ride for his next passenger; Jasmine, his screen read.

“Alright Jasmine, I'm on my way,” Connor said to his empty car.

As he drove to the pickup location, he began daydreaming about what he wished Sydney would let him do to her. She had been asleep in bed last night, naked, with her large, exposed breasts pointing up as she slept on her back. Connor had woken up and seen this, and, knowing that she would never allow it, rolled over and took one of her nipples into his mouth.

He wished that this could be the start of something, that Sydney would wake up and moan with pleasure, or look down at him with lust in her eyes and say, “Yes baby, please give me more.” But that didn't happen.

Just as Connor expected, all Sydney did was mutter, “No, stop it,” before gently pushing him away and rolling over to face away from him. Connor disappointedly got up, went to the bathroom, and relieved himself by jacking off into the bathroom sink before washing up and going back to bed. This was becoming a regular occurrence for him lately. He wasn't sure why, but his sex drive had been through the roof recently. He found himself jacking off three or more times a day, as much as he had been while he was in high school.

Connor pulled up in front of a small, run-down-looking house, and waited for his passenger to come outside. It wasn't long before a petite, Hispanic girl in a pink tracksuit came outside. Her top was unzipped, showing a white sleeveless tee shirt underneath. She was carrying a blanket under one arm, a pillow under the other, and a backpack slung over her shoulder. Connor was mildly surprised to see that she was heavily pregnant.

He quickly surmised that she must be close to her due date. Her belly was the size of a medium beach ball, which on her tiny frame looked quite large. Connor guessed that she couldn't have been taller than 5'4. He reached behind the front passenger seat and across to open the back door for her as she came.

“Evening!” Connor called as she walked up to the car and dropped her items into the back seat ahead of her.

“Hi, evening,” she responded, lowering herself into the car and closing the door behind her.

“How's your night going?” Connor asked.

“Not bad. Just going home after spending the night at my friend's house.” She replied.

“Nice nice. You have a sleepover?” Connor asked as he put the car in gear and eased away from the curb and back on the road. He was testing the waters, seeing how much she actually wanted to talk, but trying not to be overtly nosy. The last thing that he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable and give him a bad rating, but he had never had an issue with that in the past. Communication, and reading a person’s mood had always been something that Connor was exceptional at.

“Yeah. I needed some emotional support and she gave me the encouragement that I needed to cut things off with my baby daddy.”

Interesting, Connor thought to himself. Clearly, she not only wants to talk but is okay with opening up a little bit too. She probably still wants encouragement about the decision that she just made.

“Well hey, congratulations. Stay positive and don't look back, you've got this,” Connor said. Sometimes a few kind words from a stranger can go a long way, he thought to himself, turning around to make brief eye contact with Jasmine.

As he looked at her, he tried to see as much of her as possible without overtly and obviously checking her out. She seemed to be about his age, possibly a little closer to thirty, had black hair reaching a little way past her shoulders, tan skin, dark eyes, and was quite pretty overall. She had clearly put on a few extra pounds from the pregnancy, but her small and petite frame wore them well. Not that it would have bothered Connor if she had been bigger, as bigger girls usually had bigger boobs.

Connor also noticed that Jasmine was wearing a black bra underneath her white tee shirt, which seemed to be too small for her. Her breasts were bulging upwards, another sign that the baby was almost due. Connor felt his mouth go dry as an image of Jasmine taking her top off flashed through his imagination. Control yourself, boy, he mentally chided himself.

“Thank you,” Jasmine said, sounding pleased. “He was a deadbeat anyway. He's been in prison ever since he knocked me up.”

“Damn,” Connor said, “kind of hard to be there for your baby mama if you're in prison.” But why am I not surprised, he thought with a mental eye-roll.

“Yeah. And he was constantly accusing me of cheating and fucking his friends anyway. I tried to tell him that I'm not about that, but he would just come back a week later with the same shit saying that I was fucking around on him.”

“Well that's fucked up. What's even the point of being loyal if you're just going to get accused of cheating anyway?” Connor agreed, “sounds like you can do a lot better than him.”

“Yeah I can,” Jasmine also agreed, “but for now I think I'm going to focus on me. Work on getting my life together.”

“That's a great plan,” Connor said encouragingly, “I bet that once you've got your life in order that good things will just fall into your lap one after another. Who knows? One of them might be a decent guy,” he finished with a touch of humor in his voice before adding, “when is the baby due?”

“In a couple of weeks, but it could be any day now,” Jasmine answered with what sounded to Connor like a touch or apprehension mixed with relief.

“Wow, well congratulations again. Are you excited?”

“As excited as I can be, I’m just looking forward to getting this thing out of me,” Connor had known girls who were pregnant in the past and had even fooled around with a couple, so he knew that this was usually a common sentiment among women in the later stages of pregnancy. Still, the emotionless way she referred to her baby as a “thing” struck him as a little amusing.

“You've got this, just in the home stretch now,” Connor said, trying to be as encouraging as he could. He genuinely did hope the best for her and hoped that at the very least she would finish their ride together with a bit more confidence than she started it with.

“Thank you, I appreciate that,” Jasmine responded warmly. “You're very nice, you know that?”

“I just try to be positive, it seems to help life go along a little easier,” Connor said honestly, feeling himself heat up at the compliment. Stay calm, he coached himself, knowing that if she could see his face he would probably look like a ripe cherry.

“That's a good point,” Jasmine said.

Determined not to let the conversation go cold, Connor asked, “Got any fun plans for the night? I'd say you should go out and celebrate your new freedom, but with a baby on the way I know that's probably not an option.”

“No, nothing planned. Just going to go home and be single and bored,” she sounded depressed as she said it.

Connor decided it was time to take a risk, taking a breath and hoping that some of the color had gone from his cheeks; then peeked over his shoulder as he said, “Well, a cute girl like you shouldn't have any problem with finding a way not to be single for very long, unless you want to be.” He reminded himself to breathe as he turned around and focused back on the road, peeking up in the rearview to see her reaction, and trying to release some of the aroused tension building in his gut.

He was rewarded with a warm smile that lit up her face and eyes as she said, “Well thank you, but no one is interested in me, I'm too pregnant,” she looked at him with a questioning expression. To Connor, it almost looked like she was daring him to say more. He decided to take another risk.

“Don't doubt yourself. Take it from me, you're really attractive. I'd say more but I don't want to risk making you feel awkward while you're stuck in my car,” Connor said with a clear joke in his voice. He also noticed on his phone’s GPS that they were just about to pull into her apartment complex, and felt the all too familiar disappointment of sexual tension that can't be released inside of him.

“Please, say more,” Jasmine said from right next to Connor's ear, almost making him jump. She had slid across the back seat into the middle and leaned right up next to him without Connor even realizing. As Connor processed this, he realized that her voice had been husky, sensual, seductive even, as she challenged him to keep going. Connor suddenly felt cold, a chill ran down his back, and his cock started to wake up in his blue jeans.

He rose to the occasion of the challenge, loving the game that they were playing. Him, trying to remain somewhat polite and professional, and her, loving the attention and daring him to go on, to show her how he really felt. Even if it ended as soon as she got out of the car, Connor was having too much fun not to keep going.

“Oh yeah?” Connor looked over his shoulder and into her dark brown eyes, “okay.” He said. “You're beautiful. More than that, you're sexy. Pregnant or not. Take it from me as a straight guy. You've got it going on sweetheart.” He stared deep into her eyes for as long as he dared with the car still moving, their faces inches apart for the few seconds that he did. The air seemed electrified with their barely disguised lust.

“You don't think I look too big or fat?” Jasmine asked with a feigned innocence that Connor knew could only come from someone fishing for compliments.

“Absolutely not,” Connor scoffed. “You're really hot. I mean I have a thing for pregnant women so I'm biased.”

“Really?” Jasmine asked, clearly pleased. “What is it about pregnant women that you like?”

“What is there not to like?” Connor asked jokingly, turning again to survey Jasmine, a little more obviously this time. He noticed that she seemed to be breathing heavily, and couldn't take her eyes off of him. Before turning away, Connor locked eyes with her and bit his lower lip in what could have been either a goofy or sexual answer to her question. Let her decide how she wants to take that. After turning back around, he slowly sat up straighter, tensing his arms and puffing his chest out slightly to show that he was actually more fit than most guys his age, despite not being a gym buff. Gotta make a good impression, he thought to himself, determined not to be the only one daydreaming about this short trip once it was finished.

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“But I'm curious though,” Jasmine asked again, clearly not ready to simply let the question lie “What is it about pregnant women that turns you on?”

What turns me on, huh? Connor thought, We've gone past just what I like and on to what makes me horny, and she took it there. Interesting again.

“Well for starters, it seems like pregnant women are horny all the time. Or just more horny than usual,” Connor knew that he was making a silly assumption there, but this was more of a mind game than anything. He wanted Jasmine thinking about sex as much as she seemed to want him thinking about it. “And there's the lactation too.”

“What about the lactation?” Jasmine asked, her voice getting thicker with obvious horniness. Connor wished that he could turn back around and see how turned-on she must be getting.

“Well, what can I say but it's a bit of a fetish of mine. I'm a boobs guy, and lactation just gives me even more of a reason to play with them. It's more fun, and I’ve heard that it makes for good lube,” Connor pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex and rolled up to the walkway, sad that this was going to come to an end. He put the car in park at the walkway and turned back to face Jasmine, wanting to burn the image of her into his brain for later, not expecting any miracles to happen for him tonight.

“Really? I guess I could see that. I've never had a guy suck on mine, but it sounds hot though.” Jasmine said with more than a little of a hint in her voice. Connor felt dumbstruck, he wanted desperately to suggest what he wanted to do, but couldn't out of fear and professional courtesy. Jasmine must have sensed this, and provided the perfect opportunity by asking, “I'm sorry to have to ask, but is there any chance you could help me carry my things up to my apartment? I'm on the third floor and its so hard to do anything like this,” she gestured to her protruding belly.

Connor felt the chill run down his back again, a familiar feeling of excitement, nervousness, and sexual energy. “Not at all,” he replied. “Just let me find a parking spot real quick.” Wouldn't want to get towed for leaving my car here, in case I get invited in, Connor thought with a boyish giddiness. He thought that he had seen what looked like wet spots developing on Jasmine’s chest, but it had been hard to tell with the white shirt on her black bra, with the sun having gone down not too long before.

After parking, Connor played the perfect gentleman, hopping out of the car and jogging over to Jasmine's door to opening it for her before she had a chance to orient her large belly to get out. He helped her out of the car, then reached in and scooped up her things.

“I can take some stuff,” Jasmine insisted.

“Nope, nope, I've got it. Really, it's not a problem. You lead the way.” Jasmine happily turned and began walking toward the building. Connor noticed that the pink tracksuit pants she wore perfectly outlined her petite and round ass. God just slid all the dials to “sexy as hell” when he made Latinas. Connor silently mused to himself. Again not wanting things to slide into an awkward silence, he asked, “How long have you lived in this building?”

“About a year. It was the only place I could afford,” Jasmine said, a little embarrassed. The apartments were known for being a sketchy place that the cops regularly got called out to.

“I can relate to that. I live across town in a crappy little two-bedroom. Not great, but not bad,” Connor replied, hoping to show that he wasn’t in any way judging her for doing what she needed to in order to get by.

“Something is better than nothing,” Jasmine finished.

“You've got that right,” Connor agreed.

They walked up the six flights of stairs to the third floor, and down a hallway. Jasmine stopped and unlocked her door, before turning and asking, “Would you like to come in for a drink?”

Connor almost couldn't hold back the excitement in his voice when he said, “Sure, I'd appreciate that,” and followed her inside. He couldn't get over how her ass swayed when she walked, it was intoxicating.

The apartment was small, but clean. Clearly a girl's place. I bet the bathroom's a mess though, Connor thought humorously.

“If you want to you can take a seat in the living room,” Jasmine said as she headed to what Connor thought would be the bedroom with her pillow and blanket, which she had taken from him.

“Okay, thank you,” Connor said, almost choking from how dry his throat had become. He wasn't thirsty, he was simply completely and utterly horny. He hoped that his jeans were at least partially hiding his raging hard-on now that he was standing. Jasmine gave him a smile that said she knew exactly what she was doing to him as she walked towards the bedroom.

As Connor sat down on the couch Jasmine called from the other room, “So have you ever tried breast milk?”

He tried to sound casual as he answered, “No, I did try to have some, once. It was with a pregnant girl that I was fooling around with. But I think her breasts were too sensitive, she wouldn't let me suck hard enough to get anything.” This was partially true. He had tasted a small amount of this girl's milk, but it had been bitter and he hadn't wanted more. He had chalked it up to a poor diet and didn't let the one experience kill his fascination or fetish with lactation.

“Well that's a shame,” Jasmine said as she walked around the corner. Connor's breath caught in his chest. She had changed out of her tracksuit, and was wearing nothing but a pair of boy shorts and a sports bra. “Like what you see?” She asked mischievously as Connor realized that he was staring with an obvious expression of stupid wonder on his face.

Oh well, time to own it and see exactly how far I can take this, Connor thought, throwing caution to the wind. “Absolutely. I can confirm that everything I said earlier was right. You're sexy as hell. I just wish...” He trailed off.

“You just wish what?” Jasmine dared him, turning to give him a better view of her body. The boyshort panties she was wearing left the bottom half of her ass cheeks exposed, showing their perfect shape, as well as her mound in front. Connor could tell that she had shaved recently, which was even more impressive with how pregnant she was. Her breasts stretched the sports bra, and her nipples were hard under the material, and there were definitely wet spots forming where the hard bumps of her nipples stood up under the material.

Connor stood up and walked to her, saying “I just wish,” right as he came up to her. He placed one hand on her hip and took her face with his other. You can stop me if you want, he thought as his face moved towards hers.

Please don't stop, she seemed to say to him, as their lips met. Jasmine's short frame fit well underneath Connor's tall one, even with her enormous baby bump. Connor pulled her close and slid his hand down her side to her firm ass. Jasmine quietly moaned into his mouth as their tongues met and wrestled with each other.

I'm going to take you. Every bit of you, Connor swore to himself and to Jasmine. As they kissed, Connor started to turn towards the couch. Jasmine pulled away, for a second making Connor think that somehow he had taken things too far, until she said, “Let's go to my bedroom.”

Connor didn't say anything, couldn't say anything. But he did give her butt a squeeze as she turned around, took his other hand, and led him to the room.

Connor didn't notice anything about the room besides where the bed was, and even that was more of an unconscious awareness of that being the destination he was heading to. All he could think about was the gorgeous woman holding his hand. As soon as they reached the edge of the bed, Connor gently turned Jasmine around and pulled her to himself again, pressing his mouth to hers. They kissed for a few seconds before he slid his hand up her back, for a moment forgetting that she was wearing a sports bra and expecting to feel latches. When his fingers slipped under the strap, he smoothly changed tactics and brought his hand around the side of her body, under her armpit, to her right breast. He felt her nipple harden under his palm, as he gently squeezed. He felt wet on his fingers, and a dampness on the back of his hand where her bra had been pressing against her nipple.

Her breast was soft and large in his hand, with a firmness that spoke of a pregnant mother's milk. Connor was so turned on he thought that he would cum in his pants, absolutely not. He reigned himself in, using all of the experience that had gone unused since he had met Sydney. Slowly, still kissing Jasmine, he lifted her sports bra over her breast, exposing it. Their kiss broke, and she looked up into his eyes, lust, desire, and fear evident in her expression. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle, Connor tried to tell her with his mind and body as he took his other hand and freed her left breast from its cloth prison, before finally lifting the bra over her head.

As Jasmine's arms dropped back to her sides, Connor took both of her breasts in his hands, quietly saying, “Wow,” as he smiled down at her, eating her with his eyes.

“Do you like them?” Jasmine asked, smiling back at him.

“That would be an understatement,” Connor said as he moved back in to kiss her.

Pacing himself, Connor slid both hands down to Jasmine's shapely ass, grabbing both cheeks as he leaned up against her, forcing her to fall back onto the bed. With a smooth and practiced motion, he reached behind his head and pulled his shirt off before he moved to the side of her body. Connor kissed his way down her face and cheek to her neck. He gently nibbled, kissed and sucked on her neck as he moved still downward, careful not to leave any marks. His heart raced as he neared her chest and her enormous breasts, his thoughts running wild with expectations of what was to come.

He reached the top of Jasmine's huge tits, and changing tactics, Connor moved his head to the bottom, then ran his tongue up the underside of her boob to her nipple. Jasmine shuddered, whispering, “That's so fucking hot.”

Encouraged, Connor then kissed his way down from her chest to her nipple, at the same time placing a hand on her belly, and slowly sliding it down towards her crotch.

He was still too far away from her pussy to be sure, but he thought that he could smell the horniness coming off of her. Even the thought of this made him wild with lust, and his already rock-hard erection even harder. As his hand reached the top of her panties, his mouth reached her nipple. He ran his tongue around its base, then gently put his mouth over it as he slid his fingers under her waistband. Jasmine gasped, reaching up with one hand to run her fingers through Connor's hair, she then put her other hand under the breast Connor was attached to, and lifted it up to make the nipple easier to access from his position. She started running her thumb down the side of her engorged breast, massaging herself to help with the release. Drops of opaque white liquid quickly formed on the tip of her nipple.

At this point, everything was making Connor exponentially hornier by the second. Being one of the rare guys that enjoyed being a “giver,” seeing a girl feeling good was as if not more enjoyable to him as sex was. He started sucking Jasmine's breast, and felt her nipple grow still harder and larger in his mouth. He slid his fingers down and felt her open her legs wider, making her pussy easier to access, begging him to continue with her body. Connor felt her wetness, surprised at how wet her panties were on the back of his hand. This too sent another thrill of pleasure through him, she wants this just as bad as I do, he excitedly realized. He found her clit, which had itself grown slightly hard as his hand slid under her panties, and began making gentle circles around it.

As he did, he tasted a new flavor in his mouth, which he recognized immediately. Jasmine's milk had started to flow, and was coming faster by the second. Connor swallowed, thinking about how much better the taste was than the last breast milk he had tried. Jasmine's was smooth and pleasant, not creamy, but not thin or watery, not sweet, but not bitter or in any way bad. Connor loved it and wanted more. He gently increased how hard he was sucking, and Jasmine moaned in clear pleasure and enjoyment. Egged on by her increasing moans, Connor slid his finger inside her waiting pussy.

“Oh fuck, why are you so good at this?” Jasmine breathed heavily.

“Baby, I'm just getting started,” Connor said, briefly breaking away from her wet nipple. As he did, he noticed that her other breast had a stream steadily leaking down its side, seeming to pulse with her heart rate, breath, and his finger sliding in and out of her. Connor took his hand out of Jasmine's panties and moved to the other side of her body as she lay on the bed, then assumed a mirrored position of the one he had been in, with the other hand playing with her pussy, and sucking on the other breast.

“This is so much better than I would have thought,” Jasmine said.

Connor didn't stop to reply this time, but sucked her breast harder as he said, “Mmmhmmm,” and continued to finger her pussy. Connor had thought that he might need more than one finger when he started playing with her but was surprised at how tight she was. Everything but her belly and tits seemed to be petite, he thought with horny satisfaction.

He wanted all of her, all at once. He didn't want to stop sucking on her tits, but he also wanted to taste her pussy, so he decided to migrate south for the moment. He kissed his way down her body, removing his finger from her sopping vagina. As he neared her waist, he grasped both sides of her panties and pulled them down as he moved lower. Her crotch was recently shaven, with some slight prickles from the hair growing back in. Connor continued kissing around her pussy, smelling her, kissing her thighs, licking around her labia, but not quite touching where she wanted him to. He wanted to drive her crazy with lust.

“Please,” Connor heard her whisper, “please.” He finished pulling her panties free of her legs, dropping them to the floor, and decided to reward her for asking so nicely. Connor slipped his arms under each of her legs, pulled her to the edge of the bed, and kissed her wet slit for the first time. He had been right. It was this he had been smelling. Her horny pussy was begging for his attention, and he wouldn't disappoint.

Connor licked from the base of her slit up to her clit, then back down again. This was one thing that he loved doing. Jasmine moaned, and Connor couldn't take it anymore, she had been teased enough. Time to show her what he was capable of. His tongue struck out, circling her clit before he sucked it into his mouth. Up, down, left, right, circles, then stop. He released her little bean and ran his tongue down, finding her vagina and pushing it inside.

“Oh god yes,” she gasped, as Connor fucked her with his tongue, trying to reach her G spot. He noticed that she had started playing with her tits, and saw streams of milk shooting above her tummy when he looked up.

“God you are so fucking hot I hope that you know that,” he paused to tell her, before going back to running his tongue all over her pussy, sucking and kissing and licking her in all of the right places.

“YOU are so fucking hot baby,” she said through a moan of pleasure.

Connor had been getting his pants off as he had been eating her pussy, and was now naked from the waist down. He stopped and stood, now fully exposed then leaned over Jasmine’s full belly and kissing her on the mouth again, letting her taste herself. His rock-hard cock rubbed against her thigh as he held himself over her. He grabbed her breast, feeling how slick it was with her milk, and squeezed, feeling a stream of warm milk hit his chest before becoming cold.

Then Jasmine did something that Connor would never forget; he felt her reach across her body with one hand and start squeezing her breast. He looked down and saw that she was catching the milk, though not all of it, in her other hand. Once she had a decent-sized puddle in her palm, she reached down and grasped Connor's diamond-hard cock, rubbing her milk up and down it, getting him wet with her tit juice. Connor nearly shot his load right then, and had to use every ounce of his determination to hold back. He closed his eyes and groaned as he held his load for dear life.

“Oh my fucking god that is so fucking hot,” he said through clenched teeth. They had been saying that to each other a lot.

“You know what would be hotter?” Jasmine asked breathlessly, “if you put that inside me right now.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Connor said through a huge grin. He moved off of the edge of the bed and positioned himself between her legs, taking her all in as he looked down at her. This woman is gorgeous, he thought to himself. Her huge breasts were still leaking, her toned legs held wide open by her strong thighs, her arms above her head as she looked at him with those large brown eyes. Connor positioned himself at her wet entrance, his cock slick with her milk, and took his erection in his hand, sliding the tip of himself up and down her wet slit. He felt her clit slide past the tip of his dick, then back again as he slid back down, stopping at her dripping entrance. He pushed the tip of himself inside her.

Instantly, he felt Jasmine tighten around the head of his penis. Jasmine gasped and leaned her head back as she moaned loudly. Her pussy pulsed, and Connor realized that she had just had an orgasm from him putting the tip of himself in. Again, he almost lost control and came right then.

“I'm sorry,” Jasmine said, breathing heavily and looking embarrassed.

“Don’t be” Connor asked, still smiling. “That was so sexy. You just keep getting hotter and hotter,” as he said this, he slid himself in more and more. She was so tight he was astonished, and for half a second wondered how she was ever going to get a baby through there, but that thought didn't last long as his hilt and balls came into contact with her. Okay, here we go, Connor braced himself, and began pumping Jasmine's pussy.

She moaned with every thrust, which Connor made slowly at first. He was not huge by any means, but also not small, so he made sure that she felt every inch of him as he slid in and our of her. In and out, reveling in her body, watching her breasts as they pulsed with milk at every thrust now. Connor reached out and grabbed a breast with each hand, squeezing up to the nipples, causing streams of milk to spray out. Connor thought that he had mostly emptied Jasmine's tits when he was nursing from them, but apparently he had simply been warming them up for her let-down which was coming stronger and stronger. The streams seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, to the point that even when Connor wasn't squeezing her breasts, there was still a steady fountain coming from each nipple.

“Oh god, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to cum again,” Jasmine gasped, “please, cum with me.”

“Anything for you,” Connor leaned over and whispered to her, before hunching over and taking one of her spraying nipples into his mouth and sucking as hard as he could while still pumping her pussy. The angle that he was at only allowed him to halfway penetrate her, but he felt himself hitting her G-spot with the tip of his cock now. Jasmine threw her head back and screamed with pleasure. Her pussy gripped Connor's cock like a fist, pulsing as her whole body shook.

Connor was shocked to feel her squirting around his cock as he was still inside of her, drenching his cock and balls with her orgasm. With that, Connor exploded into her. He felt himself shooting streams up inside of her amazingly tight pussy, which seemed to be milking every last drop out of him now. He panted to catch his breath, partly laying on top of Jasmine, but being careful not to put too much pressure on her tummy.

“That,” he breathed, ”was amazing.”

“I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so,” Jasmine looked over at him.

“I don't want to be done with you though,” Connor said, and he picked up one of her breasts, latching on to her nipple as he lay next to her in the bed. He sucked and was rewarded with a strong stream of thick milk. It tasted even better than before.

“Who said that we're done?” Jasmine asked with a devious expression on her face.

Written by TornadoAftermath
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