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The Unexpected Spark III

"Gorgeous Korean cougar, Sun-hee, meets young, hot Latino at the gym."

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Author's Notes

"Read parts I & II first."

As Miguel eagerly planned their first date, he couldn't shake the excitement coursing through him. The prospect of spending time with Sun-hee, the gorgeous Asian woman who had captured his attention, fueled his desire. With a confident grin, he sent her a text message.

"Hey, Sun-hee, I hope you're having a great day! We could go to Capital Grille for dinner tonight. What do you think?"

As he waited for her reply, Miguel's mind raced with anticipation. He couldn't wait to see Sun-hee again and take their connection to the next level.

Meanwhile, Sun-hee received Miguel's message with excitement and hesitation. The idea of dinner at Capital Grille sounded enticing, but the memories of her encounters with Tony at the same restaurant lingered in her mind. She wanted to see Miguel and explore their undeniable chemistry but didn't want to risk running into Tony and stirring up old emotions.

After some contemplation, Sun-hee composed a response to Miguel's text.

 "Hi, Miguel! Dinner at Capital Grille sounds great. Looking forward to tonight!"

Her message hid her inner turmoil behind a facade of casual enthusiasm. Sun-hee hoped that by agreeing to the dinner, she could keep her past with Tony hidden while indulging in the thrill of a new romance with Miguel.

Miguel's phone buzzed with Sun-hee's reply, and a smile spread as he read her message. He couldn't wait to spend the evening with her, to charm her with his wit and charisma, and hopefully, to ignite a spark that would lead her to the bedroom.

"Great! I'll make a reservation for us at 7 pm. Can't wait to see you, Sun-hee."

His fingers danced over the screen as he sent the message, his anticipation growing with each passing moment. Miguel was determined to make their first date unforgettable, to sweep Sun-hee off her feet and into his bed.

Miguel couldn’t contain his enthusiasm as they exchanged final texts before heading to the restaurant.

"Can't wait to see you, Sun-hee. I’ll be with the most beautiful woman in the place tonight."

His message was filled with genuine admiration, his desire for her evident in every word. Miguel couldn't wait to finally have Sun-hee in his arms, to explore every inch of her body and leave her craving more.

Sun-hee smiled at Miguel's text, her heart fluttering with excitement and apprehension. She knew she was playing a dangerous game by keeping Tony a secret, but the allure of their budding romance was too strong to resist.

"Looking forward to it, Miguel.  See you soon."

 As Miguel stood in front of his closet, pondering what to wear for his date with Sun-hee, thoughts raced. He knew tonight was his chance to make a lasting impression on her, to show her that he was not just a young, inexperienced guy but a man who knew how to treat a woman right. And he was dying to fuck her.

 He glanced at himself in the mirror, adjusting his collar and smoothing his hair. Confidence was vital, he reminded himself. Sun-hee was undoubtedly attracted to him; he just needed to play his cards right and charm her into his arms.

 But how? Miguel pondered, running different scenarios through his mind. He needed to be suave and sophisticated yet maintain his youthful energy and charm. After all, Sun-hee was an older, sexy Korean woman whose flashy gestures or cheesy pickup lines wouldn't easily sway.

 As he rifled through his wardrobe, Miguel settled on a classic yet stylish ensemble: a crisp white button-down shirt paired with tailored black trousers and a sleek blazer. He wanted to exude confidence and sophistication, to show Sun-hee that he was a man of substance.

However, attire was only one part of the equation. Miguel knew his words and actions would be equally crucial in winning Sun-hee. He needed to be attentive, engaging, and, most importantly, genuine. No pretense or false bravado would do; Sun-hee was too smart and mature for that.

With a deep breath, Miguel made his way to the shower, letting the warm water cascade over his body as he allowed himself a moment of reflection. Tonight was going to be unique, he thought, his mind drifting to thoughts of Sun-hee and the possibilities ahead.

As he dressed in his carefully chosen outfit, Miguel couldn't help but feel excitement at the prospect of being alone with Sun-hee. Tonight was going to be unforgettable, he thought, a night filled with passion, desire, and hopefully fucking this Asian cougar.

Miguel felt excited as he arrived at Sun-hee's place to pick her up. Stepping out of his car, he couldn't help but admire how stunning she looked. Sun-hee stood before him, radiant and alluring, her golden tan accentuated by the setting sun.

Her dress was a masterpiece of seduction, clinging to her curves in all the right places. The fabric was a deep shade of crimson, the neckline plunging low to reveal a tantalizing hint of cleavage. The dress hugged her hourglass figure, emphasizing her slender waist and shapely hips. With every step she took, the hemline rode up slightly, offering glimpses of her tanned and toned legs and leaving little to the imagination.

Miguel felt a stirring in his groin as he admired Sun-hee's breathtaking beauty. He could feel his pulse quicken and his breath hitch in his throat. She was irresistible, a vision of sensuality that left him utterly captivated.

Sun-hee, for her part, couldn't help but notice the way Miguel's eyes roamed over her body, lingering on every curve and contour. She felt a rush of excitement at the thought of his desire, a heat pooling low in her belly as she met his gaze with a playful smile.

 "You clean up nicely, Miguel," she teased, her voice laced with a hint of mischief as she stepped closer to him.

Miguel's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and arousal at Sun-hee's compliment. "Thanks, Sun-hee. You look stunning," he replied, his voice husky with desire.

As they got into the car and Miguel started the engine, their tension crackled with unspoken desire. Sun-hee couldn't help but notice how Miguel's gaze kept flickering to her, his eyes dark with longing.

"You seem distracted, Miguel," she remarked, her tone playful as she leaned back in her seat.

Miguel swallowed hard, torn between the urge to confess his overwhelming attraction to Sun-hee and the fear of coming on too strong. "I just can't seem to take my eyes off you," he admitted.

Sun-hee's lips curved into a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Is that so?" she purred, her gaze locking with his in a silent challenge.

 "Yeah," he murmured, his heart pounding in his chest. "You're just so beautiful, Sun-hee."

 Sun-hee felt a rush of warmth spread through her at Miguel's confession, her desire for him intensifying with each passing moment. She could feel their undeniable chemistry, a magnetic pull that grew stronger with every mile they traveled.

As they neared the Capital Grille, Sun-hee couldn't help but notice the bulge pressing against the fabric of Miguel's pants, evidence of his desire for her. She bit her lip, a surge of arousal coursing through her as she imagined what awaited them after dinner.

"Looks like someone's eager to see me," she teased, her breath hot against his skin.

"Sorry about that," he mumbled, his voice thick with desire. "I just can't seem to help myself around you, Sun-hee." Miguel's cheeks flushed crimson as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his desire for Sun-hee reaching new heights.

"Don't apologize, Miguel," she replied, her tone filled with promise. "I quite like the effect I have on you."

With that, they pulled into the parking lot of the Capital Grille, their hearts racing with anticipation for the evening ahead. As they stepped out of the car and made their way inside, Miguel couldn't shake the feeling that tonight would be unforgettable, a night filled with passion, desire, and the promise of something more with the alluring Sun-hee by his side.

 As Miguel and Sun-hee settled into their table at the Capital Grille, the bartenders couldn't help but exchange knowing glances. Sun-hee was a regular here, and seeing her accompanied by such a handsome young man was undoubtedly a topic of intrigue among the staff.

"How about a nice bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to start the evening off right?" he suggested, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Sun-hee flashed him a playful smile, her gaze lingering on his lips. "Sounds perfect," she replied, her tone tinged with anticipation.

"So, Sun-hee, tell me a bit about yourself," Miguel began, his tone casual yet filled with genuine curiosity. "I mentioned earlier that I just graduated from NYU, studying business. What about you? What do you do?"

Sun-hee smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with amusement at Miguel's question. "Well, Miguel, I'm a woman of many talents," she replied, her voice smooth and alluring. "I work in finance. It's a fast-paced world, but I love every minute."

Miguel nodded, impressed by Sun-hee's career choice. "That sounds amazing," he remarked, genuine admiration coloring his tone.

"But enough about me. You mentioned you just graduated from college. Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment. How does it feel to be done with school?"

Miguel's chest swelled with pride at Sun-hee's praise. "Thank you," he replied, a hint of excitement. "It feels surreal, to be honest. College flew by quickly, but I'm excited to see where life takes me next."

Sun-hee nodded in understanding, her gaze lingering on Miguel thoughtfully. "You must be around twenty-one, then," she mused, her tone teasing yet curious.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Miguel's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Sun-hee's astute observation.

Sun-hee's lips curved into a playful smile as she leaned closer to Miguel. "Oh, I have my ways," she replied cryptically, her eyes dancing with mischief.

Sun-hee noticed Miguel's lingering gaze and couldn't resist teasing him. "Like what you see, Miguel?" she quipped, a playful glint in her eye.

"Uh, yeah, definitely," he admitted, his voice tinged with bashfulness.

“How old do you think I am?” Sun-hee's smile widened mischievously as she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, here's a little secret for you, Miguel," she said, her eyes dancing with amusement. "I'm a lot older than you think."

 "Really? How old are you?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Sun-hee leaned back in her chair, a mysterious smile on her lips. "I'll give you a hint: I'm not in my mid-thirties," she teased.

Miguel laughed, assuming Sun-hee was exaggerating. "Come on, Sun-hee, you’re in your early thirties," he said with a grin.

Sun-hee's laughter filled the air, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, Miguel, you're too kind," she teased, a mischievous smile on her lips. "But I'm a bit older than that."

Miguel's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his curiosity piqued. "Really? How old are you, then?" he asked, unable to hide his intrigue.

Sun-hee leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I'm fifty-one," she confessed.

Miguel's jaw practically hit the table as he struggled to process Sun-hee's revelation. Fifty-one? It was hard to believe. She looked incredibly youthful and vibrant, with a beauty that defied age.

"No way," he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "You're joking. You can't be fifty-one."

Sun-hee chuckled at Miguel's reaction, a warm glow of satisfaction washing over her. "I assure you, Miguel, I'm not joking," she replied, her tone tinged with amusement. "Age is just a number, after all."

Miguel couldn't deny the thrill that surged through him when he realized that Sun-hee was not only incredibly sexy but also over fifty. This realization added a sense of forbidden desire that only fueled his attraction to her even more.

"Well, in that case," Miguel said, his voice husky with desire, "you're the hottest fifty-one-year-old I've ever met."

Sun-hee grinned at Miguel's compliment, a sparkle of mischief dancing in her eyes. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Miguel," she teased, her voice laced with seduction.

Miguel could not resist the magnetic pull of desire that drew him to Sun-hee. With each passing moment, his longing for her grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge of her age and her undeniable allure.

As he poured another glass of wine for Sun-hee, Miguel couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of what the night might hold. He wanted to fuck her so bad.

"Another glass of wine, Sun-hee?" he offered, his voice laced with a hint of seduction.

Sun-hee smiled, her cheeks flushed with the alcohol’s effects. "Why not?" she replied, her tone playful as she accepted his glass.

As they sipped their wine, Miguel felt the warm buzz of alcohol coursing through his veins embolden him. He leaned closer to Sun-hee, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.

"You know, Sun-hee," he began, his gaze locking with hers, "I can't help but wonder if you always go for younger men like me."

"No, younger men always go for me," she teased, her voice dripping with allure.

Miguel felt a rush of heat flood his body at Sun-hee's confession, his desire for her reaching new heights. "Well, I can certainly see why," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "You're gorgeous, Sun-hee.”

Miguel felt excited at Sun-hee's flirtatious response, his desire for her burning hotter than ever.

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"Well, they say age is just a number, don't they?" she replied, her voice dripping with innuendo. "And I've found that younger men have a certain... vitality that's hard to resist."

Miguel's cheeks flushed crimson at Sun-hee's suggestive words, his heart pounding. He couldn't believe he was having this conversation with her, but he could not look away from her captivating gaze.

"Is that so?" he replied, his voice husky with desire.

"Oh, absolutely," she confirmed, her tone laced with seduction. "There's something about the energy and enthusiasm of a younger man that's incredibly intoxicating."

Miguel felt a surge of excitement course through him at Sun-hee's words, his desire for her reaching new heights. He couldn't deny the thrill of knowing Sun-hee had a history of dating younger men, and the thought of being with her aroused him.

Sun-hee's smile, fueled by the wine, widened into a knowing grin as she leaned closer to Miguel, her breath warm against his ear. "And what about you, Miguel?" she whispered, her voice dripping with seduction. "Do you always go for older women like me?"

Miguel couldn't suppress the excitement that raced down his spine at Sun-hee's provocative question. "I've never been with a woman as... experienced as you," he admitted, his voice thick with desire. "But I can't deny that it drives me wild. You know, Sun-hee," Miguel began, his voice low and husky, "you drive me wild."

Sun-hee's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned closer to Miguel, her breath warm against his ear. "Is that so, Miguel?" she teased, her voice dripping with seduction. "And what exactly do you mean by that?"

"I mean," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "I want to kiss you so badly."

Sun-hee's lips curved into a knowing smile as she traced her finger along the curve of Miguel's jaw. "Well, Miguel," she whispered, her voice low and sultry, "I must admit, the feeling is mutual."

Their eyes locked in a heated gaze, the air crackling with unspoken desire. Miguel knew Sun-hee was playing with fire, but he couldn't resist the irresistible pull of her seductive energy.

Suddenly, Sun-hee leaned back in her chair, her gaze lingering on Miguel with a playful glint in her eye. "You know what, Miguel?" she said, her voice filled with mischief. "I think we've had enough wine for one night, and I’m not hungry. Why don't we leave and continue this conversation somewhere more... private?"

Miguel's heart skipped a beat at Sun-hee's suggestion, his mind racing with the possibilities ahead. He met her gaze with a knowing grin, his desire for her burning hotter.

"I like the way you think, Sun-hee," he replied, his voice tinged with anticipation. "Let's get out of here."

With that, Miguel and Sun-hee rose from their seats, their bodies buzzing with excitement as they exited the restaurant and entered the cool night air. As they headed towards Miguel's car in the lot, their hearts pounded with anticipation.

The air between them crackled with anticipation as Miguel and Sun-hee slipped into Miguel's car. With a sense of urgency, Miguel leaned in close, his lips seeking Sun-hee's in a passionate kiss that ignited a fire within them both.

Their lips met with a hunger that had been building all evening, each kiss fierier than the last as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. Miguel's hands roamed eagerly over Sun-hee's body, tracing the contours of her curves and sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her.

Sun-hee's breath caught in her throat as she felt Miguel's touch, his fingers igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume her entirely. She moaned softly into his mouth, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, their bodies pressed tightly together in a fervent embrace.

With each passing moment, the intensity of their desire grew, fueled by the raw passion that surged between them. Miguel's arousal was evident, his cock pressing urgently against Sun-hee's thigh as he ground his hips against hers, his need for her palpable.

Sun-hee gasped as she felt the hardness of Miguel's massive erection pressing against her, the sensation sending a rush of heat straight to her core. She could feel herself soaking wet with desire, her body responding eagerly to Miguel's touch as they lost themselves in a whirlwind of passion and longing.

Miguel started the car without a word, his eyes never leaving Sun-hee's. The journey to his condo was filled with anticipation, the air thick with the promise of what awaited them behind closed doors. As they pulled into the parking lot, Miguel shot Sun-hee a smoldering glance before reaching for her hand, a silent invitation to join him in his realm of ecstasy.

The elevator ride to his floor felt like an eternity, the anticipation building with each passing second. Finally, they stood before his door, the key slipping effortlessly into the lock as Miguel ushered Sun-hee inside.

The moment the door closed behind them, all pretense was lost. They crashed together in a frenzy of need, clothes discarded in a trail leading to the bedroom. In each other's arms, they found ecstasy, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they surrendered to the primal urges that consumed them.

Miguel's hands roamed hungrily over Sun-hee's body, his touch igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume her whole. With trembling fingers, she began to undo the buttons of his shirt, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt the warmth of his skin beneath her touch.

Their clothes fell to the floor in a discarded fabric trail, forgotten in their passion's throes. Miguel scooped Sun-hee into his arms, carrying her toward the bedroom with a primal urgency that left them both breathless.

As they tumbled onto the bed, their bodies melded together in a frenzy of need and longing. Miguel's lips trailed feverishly along Sun-hee's neck, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her veins. She arched against him, her fingers tangling in his hair as she lost herself in the ecstasy of their union.

Sun-hee whimpered softly as Miguel's fingers grazed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, sending a jolt of pleasure shooting through her. She opened her thighs as Miguel slid his finger deep inside her. She was so wet that Miguel quickly put another finger inside, which caused Sun-hee to moan and buck back and forth on his hand.

With a sense of urgency and desire coursing through her veins, Sun-hee wasted no time in stroking Miguel’s cock. As she looked upon Miguel's impressive erection, she couldn't help but gasp in awe—it was the largest she had ever seen, a testament to his undeniable virility and masculinity.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Sun-hee leaned in closer, her breath hot against Miguel's skin, as she took him into her mouth with a hunger that bordered on desperation. She savored the taste of him, the sweet precum of his arousal mingling with her desire as she began to move her lips and tongue with a practiced skill that left Miguel gasping for air.

Miguel moaned as he felt Sun-hee's warm mouth enveloping him, her tongue swirling around his head and rubbing her lips up and down his shaft.  Sun-hee's movements grew more urgent, more frantic, as she took Miguel deeper into her mouth, her lips stretched taut around him as she sought to take him to the very brink of ecstasy. Miguel's breath came in ragged gasps, his body tensing with the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that coursed through him.

"Oh, Miguel," Sun-hee moaned, her voice a breathless plea as she felt him enter her, stretching her to her limits with his impressive size. "I’m so wet. Fuck me.”

Miguel's breath hitched at the sensation of Sun-hee enveloping him, her tightness threatening to drive him to the brink of madness. "You can do it, Sun-hee," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "Just relax and let me take care of you."

With each thrust, Miguel drove deeper into Sun-hee's depths, his movements slow and deliberate as he sought to pleasure her in ways she had never imagined. Sun-hee's moans grew louder with each stroke, her body trembling with the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that engulfed her.

"Oh, God," she cried out, her voice a symphony of ecstasy as Miguel's cock filled her to the hilt. "Don't stop... Please, don't stop." Sun-hee's nails dug into Miguel's back, her body arching towards him in a desperate plea for more.

Miguel's arousal surged at the sound of Sun-hee's impassioned cries, his movements growing more urgent as he drove her closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. With each thrust, he felt her walls clenching around him, her wetness slicking the way as they moved together in perfect harmony.

Sun-hee could feel the heat building within her, a primal need driving her toward the edge of release. "Yes, Miguel," she cried out, her voice filled with longing. "Make me cum... Please, make me fucking cum!"

Miguel started thrusting even faster and deeper. Sun-hee wrapped her legs and his back.

"Oh, Miguel!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the room as waves of pleasure washed over her. "Yes, yes, yes!" Sun-hee cried out as she felt Miguel's cock sliding deeper and deeper into her, the sensation bordering on overwhelming as she struggled to accommodate his size. "Oh, Miguel," she gasped, her voice trembling with desire. "You're so big..."

Her cries of pleasure filled the air, mingling with the sounds of their passionate lovemaking as Miguel continued to drive her to new heights of ecstasy. His cocks and balls were drenched from her juices. Sun-hee's body convulsed with the force of her orgasm, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the pleasure that consumed her.

"More, Miguel," she pleaded, her voice filled with longing. "I need you deeper... faster..."

Miguel complied by changing positions and taking her doggy style. Sun-hee's breath caught in her throat with anticipation.  With the first powerful thrust, she felt Miguel going deeper, filling her in a way that sent shivers of ecstasy coursing through her body. His movements grew more urgent and intense as he drove himself deeper into her with each thrust. Sun-hee's moans grew louder with each passing moment, her body trembling with the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that surged through her.

As Miguel's cock pushed against her cervix with each thrust, Sun-hee cried out in ecstasy, her body arching towards him as she silently begged for more. "Yes, Miguel," she gasped, her voice filled with need. "Just like that... harder... faster..."

"Oh, Miguel," Sun-hee cried out, her voice filled with longing as she surrendered herself to the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that consumed her. "Fuck, I'm... I'm gonna cum again..."

Miguel's eyes darkened with desire as he felt Sun-hee's climax approaching, his arousal reaching a fever pitch as he drove her to the brink of ecstasy. "Cum for me, Sun-hee," he urged, his voice thick with desire. "Let go and just let it happen."

"Miguel," she gasped, her voice filled with raw need. "I love your cock. It's driving me crazy." With a primal roar of ecstasy, Sun-hee surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure that washed over her, her body convulsing with the intensity of her release as she cried out in pure bliss. Her orgasm was like nothing she had ever experienced before, a tidal wave of pleasure that threatened to consume her entirely as she rode the wave of ecstasy.

Sun-hee's wetness coated Miguel's cock, a slick and slippery testament to their passion, as he moved inside her with an emotional urgency that left them both gasping for air. The sensation of her slick walls tightening around him only served to drive Miguel further toward the edge, his need for release growing more urgent with each passing moment.

"Sun-hee," Miguel gasped, his voice thick with desire as he felt himself teetering on the brink of ecstasy. "I can't... I can't hold back much longer..."

Sun-hee's eyes widened with anticipation as she felt Miguel's climax approaching, her desire mirroring his as she urged him on. "Cum for me, Miguel," she pleaded, her voice husky with desire. "Cum deep inside me. Fill me up with your hot cum!"

Miguel's desire surged in response to her plea, a primal need to claim her completely overtaking him. With a growl of lust, he grabbed her hips in a firm grip, his movements becoming more urgent, more frantic.

"Sun-hee... oh, fuck," Miguel groaned, his voice strained with the ecstasy of his release. "You feel so...good..."

With each powerful thrust, Miguel drove deeper into her, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they teetered on the brink of ecstasy. Sun-hee's cries of pleasure and the sex sounds filled the room as she surrendered to the overwhelming sensation of being consumed by him completely.

With a primal roar of ecstasy, Miguel surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure that washed over him, his body convulsing with the intensity of his release as he spilled himself deep inside Sun-hee. She cried out in pleasure as she felt Miguel's hot seed flooding her, her walls clenching around him in a delicious embrace as she milked him for all he was worth.

As they collapsed onto the bed in a tangled heap of limbs and sweat, neither could believe the intensity of their lovemaking. Their bodies still hummed with the echoes of their passion, craving more of the intoxicating bliss they had just experienced. His cock had brought her to heights of pleasure she had never imagined, and the thought of experiencing it again sent a thrill through her veins.

"I want more, Miguel," she whispered, her voice a seductive purr. "Do you think you can handle it?"

Written by tonyspill14
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