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The Stepmother's Corruption Ch. 1 - A Plan Starts To Form

""Maria sees an unexpected sight and two twink lovers find they have more in common than they thought and a devious plan is thought of""

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Author's Notes

""This is a fictional story that will be multiple chapters. The story will contain straight sex, bisexual content (both male and female), multiple partner sex, male gay sex, lesbian sex, BDSM play, humiliation, and degradation. <p> [ADVERT] </p>All sex passages are 100% consensual.""

Marie sat in her car parked in the driveway nervously tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. She didn’t know what to do. All she was sure of was that she was not going back into her house just yet after what she had just seen.

The thirty-sex-year-old woman had just accidentally walked in on her seventeen-year-old son Trevor in his bedroom making out on the bed. He was making out with another boy!

Marie had come home from work early. She worked part-time as a realtor. She didn’t need to work at all since her ex-husband paid a great deal of alimony to her and child support for their son. She didn’t want as much alimony as he paid, but he insisted.

Marie went back to work when Trevor was sixteen. Her son was older and didn’t need her around like he used to. Marie had gone back to work more to keep herself busy than for finances.

She had an open house that day but it was a bust. The owners who were trying to sell the home didn’t do as she asked them to. They didn’t prepare the home to be shown. Marie found their kids' toys scattered around the living room, a few dirty dishes in the sink, and other messes in the house. Marie was their real estate agent, not their maid so she called off the open house.

When she got to her home, the music coming from Trevor’s bedroom was so loud that she could hear it from the driveway. She called out to the boy several times but apparently, he couldn’t hear her over the music. Maries hated the music he was into now; loud heavy rock music.

She was not opposed to rock music or heavy metal music; she had grown up as a big fan of bands like Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, and Metallica. She even listened to their music still on the classic rock radio channel. But this stuff Trevor listened to was beyond her. Loud, yelling into the microphone instead of singing, and you could barely understand the lyrics due to the screaming and overly loud background instrument playing.

She walked upstairs to ask the boy to turn down the music and also she wanted to talk to him about what kind of party he wanted for his eighteenth birthday in two weeks. Maria had once been very close to her son, but in the past year, they seemed to drift apart when he started hanging out with his new friends. Part of growing up she knew, but Marie did miss the quality time they used to spend together.

She didn’t barge into the boys’ bedroom. She respected his privacy so she knocked on the door. She knocked again when he didn’t answer after a third knock, she walked into the room.

She saw Trevor on the bed on his back and another boy on top of him. Both were shirtless but they still had their jeans on. She heard her son moan out as the other boy started kissing his neck. Maria quickly shut the door quietly and left the house and sat in her car.

Trevor was her stepson; Marie had married the boy’s father, who was eleven years older than Marie when Trevor was eight years old. The two quickly became close. Maria liked that. She could never have kids of her own because she couldn’t get pregnant, so having the boy take to her quickly and call her mother was wonderful for her.

Trevor’s mother had died when he was three. At first, Marie was not going to try and replace his mother out of respect but over time she did. Trevor called her mother and to him, Maria was his mother and for Maria, the boy was her son. When he was ten, Marie adopted him.

When Trevor was twelve she and his father got divorced. Irreconcilable differences the divorce papers read and that was mostly true. Her ex-husband was a good man they just had martial issues that could not be resolved. One was her husband’s job which required him to travel constantly and internationally.

He could have taken a job with the same company, albeit for a smaller lesser salary and less chance of promotion, but he was success driven and wanted to advance in the company. He was promoted, but that even required more travel.

Since he traveled so much and since Marie was legally the boy’s mother, both Trevor’s parents thought it best if she got custody. His father loved his son and spent as much time as he could with the boy so he was not a neglectful father at all. Trevor was close to his dad.

Marie’s ex-husband paid child support and alimony and never complained and the payments were always on time. If Marie needed extra money for Trevor for whatever reason, his father gave it without hesitation. Both Marie and her ex-husband still communicated when it came to their son and rarely argued. They argued more when they were married and seemed more civil and friendly to one another since they got divorced.

Maria knew as a mother she should be prepared for such a situation she had just witnessed and she would have been if she had seen Trevor with a girl and not a boy. The boy’s father had the sex talk with him when he was younger of course but no one mentioned anything about a same-sex situation.

That her son might be gay crossed her mind more than once. She had mentioned it to her ex-husband a few times, but the boy’s father would be adamant that his son was not gay. The boy’s father was not ashamed of his son and they had a great relationship, but he just refused to believe his son could be gay. Marie ended up just dropping the subject.

The boy was quite the opposite of his father who was a tall masculine man with a masculine body; Trevor was a slender boy with almost no muscle definition to his body. He had more of a girlish figure than a young man’s figure. He was a very nice-looking teenage boy that Marie thought was pretty like a girl and not handsome like his father. Of course, she never would say that to Trevor.

Trevor was not into sports like his father or an outdoorsy person at all. The year they sent him to summer camp, the boy came home and said he had a miserable time. His father never forced those things on his son but did take him fishing and camping at times. Trevor only went because it was nice one on one time with his dad.

All though he never said anything, Marie suspected the boy was bullied at school due to his feminine looks and even voice. He would come home sad or in a bad mood and not want to talk about his day. Then almost a year ago, her teenage son met a new group of friends and he seemed much happier.

Marie never met any of his new friends but she had seen them when she had picked up or dropped off the boy at the local skateboard park. They all seemed cut from the same cloth. Marie noticed two of the boys, she thought they were girls at first due to their hair and clothes, had the same body type as her son. Both the girls and boys wore tight, made for girl’s skinny jeans, skateboard shoes, and tee shirts with a skateboard or surfer logo on them, and most of the boys wore their hair long. Some had dyed their hair various colors.

Trevor had started to let his wheat blonde hair go longer also. It was now almost down to his shoulders and Marie thought it gave him an even more feminine look. She did worry about that, due to him possibly being bullied, but she never said anything about it.

While she never met his friends and just had seen them, they seemed like good kids. She had seen a few smoke cigarettes and heard some use foul language when she dropped off or picked up Trevor, but they never seemed to get into trouble. Trevor was always home by curfew, and never had a hint of cigarette smoke smell on him or the smell of beer or alcohol on his breath.

Being a mother, Maria was curious about the kids her son hung out with so one day she asked the owner of the skateboard park about them. He told her they were good kids and didn’t cause trouble like some others did and he made sure no drugs and no drinking of alcoholic beverages was done on his property. Those made Marie feel better about her sons’ new friends. She was hoping Trevor would want some type of party for his birthday so he would invite the kids over and she could meet them.

Trevor had two hobbies, skateboarding and playing Dungeons and Dragons. His new friends also seemed interested in the fantasy game Marie knew nothing about. He also went to a couple of comic book conventions with his friends and seemed interested in dressing up as strange people Maria knew nothing about.

She had helped Trevor with a costume for the last one he went to. He called it an elf rogue, she had no clue what an elf rogue was. But she thought he looked, well, pretty in the costume and the fake pointy ears he had on. She embarrassed the boy by taking a lot of photos.

Now Maria was in a situation she did not know how to handle. She sighed audibly, started her car, and drove away from the home.

“Stop, Steve, I think I heard someone in the house,” Trevor told the boy who was on top of him and kissing his neck. His voice was feminine and teenage girlish sounding. Even more so in his sexual arousal.

Steve lifted his head. “I didn’t hear anything. You’re just paranoid,” the other boy said. His voice was only slightly deeper than his friend's and lover's.

Steve then lowered his head again but instead of kissing Trevor’s neck, he put his mouth on one of the boy’s pink, erect nipples. Trevor made a moan of pleasure that started as a whimper. He quickly forgot about the noise he thought he had heard.

He put his hands on the back of Steve’s head and ran his hands through the other boy’s thick black hair.

“Uhh, bite them, Steve, like you did last time. I liked that,” Trevor asked.

Steve gently took Trevor’s nipple between his front teeth and started flicking his tongue over it. Trevor moaned louder as his back arched. Trevor allowed his eighteen-year-old friend to gently bite and suck his nipples for a while longer and then pulled the boy up so they could kiss again. He enjoyed kissing Steve immensely. The boy was rougher in his kisses than Trevor was in his, but his red, full lips were so soft.

Trevor started kissing Steve’s neck. “I want you to fuck me, Steve, like you did the other day,” he whispered in the other boy’s ear.

“Sure, baby, but I want to suck your cock first,” Steve told the other boy.

Trevor grinned. The two boys had been giving each other oral sex for a few months and four days prior Steve took Trevor’s anal virginity. Steve was surprised how it didn’t hurt like he thought it was and how great it felt.

“Will you put your tongue in my butt as you do?” Trevor asked timidly. “It liked that.”

“Sure, I like doing that,” Steve told his lover.

Trevor grinned and nodded and watched as Steve started to take off his jeans. Like Trevor, Steve was what some of the other kids at school called them, a twink or femboy, or even a sissy. Steve’s black hair was extremely thick but soft and shorter than Trevor’s. He had it styled and cut in an emo fashion that made it look messy. The long bangs swept across one side of his face over his eye and the other side swept forward to frame that side of the boy’s face. Many girls at school were envious of Steve’s hair.

Like the other boy, Steve’s chest was hairless as was the rest of his body including his armpits and genital area. It was Steve that convinced Trevor to do the same and gave him tips and suggestions on the best hair removal cream; warning the other boy not to use it on his crotch area.

Steve was thin and had a feminine-type body and was very pretty for a boy. More than a boy should be people would say of the eighteen-year-old. While Trevor had lovely blue eyes, Steve’s were black and mysterious looking.

Trevor had met Steve last year near the end of the school year when the boy came up and started talking to him as he was sitting alone in the cafeteria after some of the jocks were teasing him and calling him a sissy. Steve had been the new kid in school at the start of the year but quickly became well-liked and the leader of the clique he was friends with; the skater kids. Steve asked Trevor if he would like to hang out with him during lunch and then after school.

Trevor quickly understood how the new kid in school could quickly rise in the ranks and be the captain of his clique of friends. The dark-haired boy had something about him, something that he could seem to make people do whatever he wanted and to be his friend. He didn’t have to even say much or give a line of bull shit and make up fascinating stories about himself to fit in like a lot of new kids do to get people to like them. Steve just had a certain presence about him that not only drew people to him but made people want to follow him and do what he tells them to.

Trevor didn’t understand it until a small group of his new skater friends invited him to play Dungeons and Dragons, Steve was in that group. When he was reading up on the rules in the player’s manual the night before he was to play his first game, Trevor read about the character ability called charisma. That was what Steve had, thought Trevor; he has an eighteen charisma role.

Steve liked his new friends and he and Steve became best friends quickly. Trevor also developed a crush on the other boy. He knew Steve was bi-sexual based on what the boy told him. He had sex with one of the girls in their group previously, but per Steve, it was just a couple of times and just two friends hooking up. Steve was open about his attraction to boys and didn’t hide it. No one in their group seemed to even care if someone was gay, bi, or straight.

Steve didn’t know if he was gay or bi-sexual. He knew he found both girls and boys attractive and both would arouse him. The boy, of course, watched porn online and looked at naked pictures of both men and women and both made his cock hard and he would masturbate with fantasies of them.

Sometimes his masturbation fantasies were of other boys his age and who were like him, slender feminine type boys; and sometimes they are of women. Older women resembled his mother; stepmother Trevor had to remind himself so he wouldn’t feel like a pervert. His favorite porn to masturbate to was “twink porn”, either two twinks having sex or a masculine man having sex with a twink. The other was “MILF” porn, a younger man fucking an older woman who had a similar body type as Marie had.

Trevor had a crush on his stepmother before he had a crush on Steve; before he even knew Steve. When he tried on his cosplay costume she helped with that he was going to wear for the fantasy convention, Steve had been so turned on that he was glad the leather jerkin they had made was long enough to cover his crotch area. The boy had an erect penis the entire time and when Marie started taking his picture, he was embarrassed because he may have thought she would see his hard penis through the trouser of his costume. That night he masturbated to the fantasy of fucking his stepmother while being his D&D, elf rouge character.

Trevor knew he should be ashamed of his crush on Marie but he wasn’t. Having the feeling he had about the woman who was once married to his dad didn’t bother him at all. About two years prior, Maie was in a serious relationship with a man named Fran. Trevor’s penis would get erect when he was in bed at night and he could hear Frank fucking his stepmother. He would even jerk off thinking he was the one fucking her. It was not hard to hear them sometimes even though his room was down the hall from theirs. His mother’s moans and calling out to God were very loud when she got fucked and had an orgasm.

Trevor liked hearing when the woman would scream out she was cumming. It was a loud, strange almost screeching sound that Trevor imagines the D&D Monster a Banshee sounded like. One night Frank and his mom must have had sex several times because Trevor heard them on and off throughout the night and he counted the number of times his mother had an orgasm and counted seven times. Trevor jerked off four times that night as he listened.

He never knew why his mom and Frank broke up, but he was glad. He never liked the man and the man never liked him. However, he did miss hearing his mom getting fucked. She had not had another boyfriend since Frank and that was almost over two years ago. He wondered if his mom masturbated, he had heard girls do that also.

Trevor didn’t do well around girls, however, he was much too shy when he was alone with them and they made him nervous. When Ally, a very cute girl in their clique with pink dyed hair and a nose ring piercing, started flirting with him, Trevor go so nervous he could barely speak and when he did he said the wrong things. Ally was the girl Steve had previously had sex with. Ally flirted with Trevor often and still does.

He asked the girl why she and Steve was no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, which was one of the wrong things for him to say. Ally didn’t want to talk about Steve; she wanted the silly, shy, awkward Trevor to kiss her! Ally, thinking Trevor was avoiding kissing her or asking her on a date because of her past with the other boy, answered the question she didn’t want to answer.

She explained that she and Steve were never girlfriend and boyfriend but just hooked up a couple of times. Ally told Trevor she gave up on Trevor for two reasons.

One, the boy was more interested in other boys sexually than girls. The other reason Ally swore Trevor to secrecy about; Trevor agreed. Ally explained that Steve was mean when it came to sex with her. He did not hit her or abuse her but just liked to be rough with her and fucked her hard and not with intimacy and passion. He liked to call her names like bitch and whore and slut when they had sex.

“I realized that Steve was not a boy I wanted to date,” Ally told Trevor. She then giggled, “That’s more Natalie’s style, but don’t you dare tell anyone I said that.”

“I won’t,” Trevor told the girl.

Natalie was also a member of their clique and Ally’s best friend. Natalie was a very pretty girl, the prettiest girl in their group, and the only girl who played Dungeons and Dragons with them. Trevor thought she was a very sweet and quiet girl. One time he saw Ally and Natalie kissing, something they didn’t hide from their group of friends and Trevor soon realized the two girls were more than best friends.

“I will give Steve credit for one thing,” Ally continued. “He sure knows how to make a girl cum with his mouth and fingers.” Ally giggled again. “He knows just where all the right spots are.”

Ally’s openness about sex made Trevor more nervous and when the girl leaned her head close to his and it was clear she wanted Trevor to kiss her, the boy quickly got up, placed his hands over his crotch to hide his erection, and made a lame excuse that he had to leave.

The only female that Trevor felt comfortable around and who did not make him nervous was his mother. He and Marie were rather close and he liked being around her and liked the smell of her, the faint hint of the perfume she lightly applied that was not overpowering. He even stole a pair of her panties that were unwashed and would sometime smell the crotch area as he masturbated.

Trevor didn’t believe what Ally told him about Steve, and how he treated her during sex. Steve was always nice and respectful to the girls in the group and other girls and very polite and charming to older women. He was even nice and respectful to Ally and he would make her giggle and laugh. No, Trevor thought, Ally was not being honest. If he treated her badly like she said, she would not want to be so nice to Steve and hang around him as she does.

Trevor felt his suspicions about Ally not being honest were accurate when he and Steve started fooling around. They started by kissing each other, then oral sex, and then just recently Steve fucked Trevor.

Steve was always so patient and sweet and gentle. He showed Trevor how to give a blowjob, how to be able to swallow his cum without letting any escape his mouth, and when Steve fucked him the boy was very gentle. He never called Trevor a whore or slut.

When Trevor wanted Steve to go harder and faster, the other boy told him no not for his first time getting fucked.

“No, baby, just enjoy your first time,” Steve whispered in his ear and then started kissing his neck.

Steve then made love to Trevor passionately. He was caring and gentle with Trevor. Trevor loved it and wanted to do it again right after Steve orgasmed and ejaculated into his butt. They could not, however, because his mom was going to be home soon.

It was not long after they had been fooling around, something Trevor at first felt he was just experimenting with, he soon started to have emotional feelings for Steve, maybe even falling in love with the other boy.

Trevor found out Steve was what people called a top, a term Trevor was unfamiliar with. He liked to be the one who was in more control as they had sex. Oh, he liked sucking Trevor’s cock and swallowing his cum and rimming Trevor’s butthole but told Trevor he much preferred to be the one who fucked Trevor. Trevor didn’t mind at all, he liked being what Steve called, his bottom sexually.

Trevor asked Steve if he had even been fucked by another boy and Steve answered yes and he enjoys it a great deal, but he has a certain type of male he is attracted to that he bottoms for. Trevor asked what type but Steve just smiled and didn’t answer and told Trevor maybe one day he will know the answer to that question.

Trevor liked how open Steve was very about his sexuality and who he would like to have sex with, male or female, so when he refused to answer that question Trevor became very curious. It was odd that Trevor didn’t feel any jealousy when Steve would talk about sex with other people. It actually turned him on. He even fantasized when masturbating that he and Steve were fucking Ally or his mom together.

Trevor waited before he took off his pants and watched Steve pull off his jeans, socks, and then underwear and the boy’s hard dick sprang up. He liked watching Steve undress and he waited because he liked Steve watching him undress.

Trevor stared at Steve’s penis and he could feel his mouth start to water. He wanted the other boy to fuck him but he also wanted Steve’s cock in his mouth. He loved sucking Steve’s cock. Maybe they could do a sixty-nine before they fucked like they did last time, Trevor thought.

Steve’s penis was longer and thicker than his, but not by much. It was about seven inches long but looked bigger because, like Trevor, Steve had removed all his pubic hair. After Trevor shaved his pubic hair, he thought his six-and-a-half-inch penis looked larger also.

Another thing that made both boys appear more endowed was their body types. Both were slender with feminine-type bodies. Small chests, thin tapered waistlines, thin girlish thighs, and small butts. To Trevor that made it look like their cocks were larger also.

Trevor liked how Steve’s naked body looked. His alabaster skin and his penis and scrotum are a much darker shade than his pale skin. Steve knew that the dark part of the flesh ran down his taint and over the entrance to his butthole. Steve had seen it more than once when he used his tongue in the other’s boy’s tight dark hole.

When Steve was naked he looked at Trevor and smiled as the boy was looking at his penis. He ran his fingers over his hairless chest seductively and took his cock in his hand and stroked it slowly.

Trevor looked Steve in the eyes and smiled as the other boy nodded and smiled back. Trevor liked the look in Steve’s eyes. It was filled with lust and sexual desire for him but also something else. He looked at Trevor the way a person looks at someone they care about and have affection for.

Trevor started to unbutton his jeans and then suddenly stopped.

“I know I heard something that time,” Trevor told Steve. “Sounded like a car pulling into the driveway.”

Steve nodded, “I think I heard it also that time. You better go check.”

Trevor put on a tee shirt and walked downstairs calling his out “mom” as he did so. The boy walked around some of the houses, places he thought his mother would be, and even in her bedroom. He discovered they were alone and went back to his bedroom. Steve was still lying on the bed naked.

“No one here,” he told the other boy. “Thought it was my mom.”

Steve smiled at Trevor. “Good. Now take off your clothes.”

Trevor giggled, removed his tee shirt and then jeans, and turned around so Steve could see his butt. He knew his friend and lover liked his butt.

Like the rest of his body, it was small and feminine, much more like a girl's ass than a boy's ass. While it was small it was a little plump but not wide. It sat up above his thighs, curved out from his lower back, and then curved back under to the top of his thighs. Steve thought it was a great ass and so did others.

The feminine boy’s butt looked ever so sexy when he wore skinny jeans that were made for girls, the style that came low on the hips. Steve had seen how even the straight boys at school would glance at Trevor’s ass as he walked by and even heard a cheerleader tell her squad mates how unfair it was that a boy had a better ass than they did.

Steve watched as Trevor slowly pulled down the underwear as he bent over slightly. He couldn’t wait to fuck Trevor’s sexy asshole. Trevor turned around and his cock was also already erect and the hairless penis already had pre cum on the tip.

Trevor was grinning as he got in the bed with the other boy and they wasted no time and wrapped their arms around one another and started kissing.

“Your mom’s kind of sexy,” Steve said as Trevor was kissing his neck.

Trevor abruptly stopped kissing the other boy and pulled back and looked Steve in the eyes. “Where did that come from?” he asked.

Steve shrugged, “I don’t know. You mentioned she wasn’t home and I just started thinking about her.” He gave Trevor an embarrassed smile. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything like that about your mom.”

Trevor nodded and went back to kissing Steve’s neck. He reached down and took the boy's larger penis in his hand and started to stroke it slowly and liked the moan Steve made.

“I like her tits,” Trevor whispered in the other boy’s ear as he continued to slowly stroke his cock. “I think she has great tits. You should see them when she wears her swimsuit by the pool.”

This time Steve pulled away and looked at Trevor with shock. “Dude, that’s your mom,” he said.

Trevor giggled, “She’s my stepmom so it’s ok to say that.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that,” Trevor replied and grinned at Trevor. “In that case, yeah, it is ok.” Steve reached down and took Trevor’s hard cock in his hand and slowly stroked it like the other boy was stoking his. “I like her fat ass. Does she wear a bikini?”

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“Uhh, that feels good,” Trevor moaned. “No, she thinks her body is not thin enough for a bikini. I saw her nipples once when she bent over in her swimsuit and it slipped down. She has big brown nipples.”

“I bet her big ass would look good in a skimpy bikini bottom. Her ass cheeks hanging out,” Trevor replied as the boys kept stroking each other as they talked about Marie. “I thought you would get mad I said anything about your mom, but I think she’s sexy and she has a pretty face.”

Trevor nodded. “No, I’m not mad. I have a crush on her myself and would like to fuck her,” he admitted.

Steve let go of Trevor’s cock and pulled back and sat up in the bed. “I didn’t know you liked girls also,” he told his friend. “Ally has been going after you for the last few months and you don’t seem interested.”

Trevor placed his head on Steve’s chest and smiled when the other boy brushed his hair from his face. “I like Ally,” he admitted. “And think she is cute, not as pretty as Natalie but who is? Even though Anatlie is small and skinny and flat chested she is beautiful.”

“Yes she is,” Trevor agreed.

“Have you ever fucked her?” Trevor asked. He was not jealous just curious.

“No. Ally fucks her. They are into some kinky stuff from what Ally told me,” Trevor confided in his lover.

Trever looked up at Steve. “Ally said when you fucked her you were mean to her. Is that true? I didn’t believe her.”

Steve chuckled. “Yes, I was. I thought she was into it because she never told me to stop either time I fucked her.” He ran his hands through Trevor’s hair again. “Don’t let her fool you. She is a nice girl but she is not as innocent as she tries to act around you. Not that she fucks a lot of guys but what she does to Natalie when they have sex.”

“What do you mean?” Trevor asked. “you said they were into kinky stuff.”

“You can’t tell anyone. Ally told me and I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t say anything,” Trevor promised.

“Ally dominates Natalie. I don’t mean that she just tops Natalie but she makes Natalie her bitch sexually and does all kinds of freaky kinky stuff to her. Ties her up, uses sex toys on her, fucks her with a strap-on, and also fucked her in her skinny ass. She uses things like nipple clamps on her and stuff like that. She makes Natalie his her feet and lick her toes and other like, as Ally put it, worship her. Ally said she likes watching Natalie getting fucked by other girls and other boys sometimes. Ally even punishes her by using a belt or paddle or even a flogger on her when she, what Ally says, misbehaves.”

“And Natalie lets her?” Trevor asked, shocked.

“From what Ally says Natalie loves it and begs to be treated that way when they fuck. Not being punished though, Ally said Natalie does not like that but she submits to it because…now this is per Ally…Natalie accepts it because she knows she misbehaved and needs to be punished for it. Ally says she is Natalie’s Mistress.”

“Bull Shit,” Trevor said and giggled. “I don’t believe that. Natalie is so sweet and quiet and does not look the type to do anything like that.”

“I am just telling you what Ally told me, but watch them next time we all hang out. Natalie will do whatever Ally tells her to. Watch how Ally tells her to go get her something to drink and Natalie does not even question it and does it. Stuff like that.”

Trevor nodded. “That’s well…that’s kind of hot,” he admitted.

“You think so?” Steve asked. He was interested in Trevor’s reaction to what he told the other boy.

“Yeah.” Trevor kissed Steve’s dark nipple and then looked up at the boy and grinned. “So am I you bitch now that you took my ass last week?” He teased.

Steve smiled back. “No, baby, I don’t do that with boys, only girls, and I would never do anything like what Ally told me she and Natalie do to you. I would like to try though but only with a girl. I do like fucking girls hard and calling them a whore and bitch and stuff like that. Fucking their mouth and ass hard and pulling their hair, stuff like that.” Steve ran his fingers over Trevor’s cheek seductively. “I like you, baby, I like you a lot and I would never do that to you or treat you that way.”

Trevor smiled. “What about other boys you fucked? Did you treat them that way?”

Steve shook his head. “Trevor, you are the only boy I ever fucked.”

Trevor laughed. “I thought we were being honest. You know way too much to have been a virgin with boys and showed me how to do things.”

Steve smiled warmly. “I didn’t say I was a virgin with boys. I said you were the only boy I fucked. I have been fucked by other boys and I do enjoy being a bottom to certain types of boys. I like being a bottom to straight masculine boys and particularly straight masculine black boys. I like when they have me suck their cocks and then fuck me hard.” Steve giggled, “When they, as you put it, make me their bitch.”

“Like the jocks at school?” Trevor asked and Steve nodded. “I can’t see any of them doing that,” Trevor said.

“Well there is not a lot but you would be of some of the boys who want to fuck me,” Steve told him. “And you also, I bet. You are very pretty and feminine also and your ass is so fucking sexy. Of course, they always say they won’t do it again and call you a sissy cocksucker and stuff like that, and threaten to beat you up if you tell anyone, but they come back for more. I have three guys like that at school I hook up with sometimes.”

“Who are they?”

“James Thompson, the black James not the white one, Deshawn Jenkins, and Todd Wilson,” Steve said.

“Todd?” Trevor replied, shocked. “James and Deshawn are at least cute black boys, but Todd is such a brute and not very good-looking and he is dating Susan.”

Steve grinned, “Yeah, but he likes a little variety I guess and he said Susan won’t suck his cock and rarely gives up her pussy. He told me he would never cheat on her and didn’t see fucking me as cheating since I am a boy. He also likes to jerk me off. The other boys don’t even touch my cock. They sometimes watch me do it, but they never do it.”

“That’s sexy,” Trevor said. “Do they kiss you?”

“Sometimes when they are fucking me, guess they are turned on enough then, but not just making out. Now Todd likes to kiss and make out and he is a great kisser.”

“Cool,” Trevor smiled. Talking about Steve’s other sex life was turning him on more.

“You don’t mind?”

“No, it’s sexy,” Trevor admitted. “Have they ever both fucked you at the same time?”

Steve blushed. Trevor had never seen the other boy blush and thought I was cute. “A couple of times James and Deshawn have. Todd does not know I am I am getting fucked by anyone else. But you can’t tell anyone, Steve, they would be mad.”

“I won’t but that does sound like fun. Maybe one time I could join y’all.”

Steve laughed. “Aren’t you becoming a little slut after getting fucked one time? Maybe one day, but not now. I want you to myself for a while before another guy fucks you.”

Trevor liked what Steve said, “Ok, baby, but it does sound fun.”

“Yeah the thought of one or both of them fucking the two of us does sound hot. Maybe we can do that one day. I know they would fuck you,” Steve said. “Sometimes, though, they want me to dress up as a girl for them. Wear makeup and dresses and girl's underwear, but I am not into that and tell them no.”

Trevor wrinkled his nose in disgust. “No, I would not like that either.” He had no desire to dress or be a girl. The thought didn’t sit well with him. “How many girls have you been with?” Trevor asked. He was enjoying getting to know Steve this way and the conversation was turning him on even more.

“Only two. Ally and this girl before I moved here. Well, she was not a girl so to speak. She was older, not as old as your mom, but in her late twenties.” Steve confessed. “She taught me a lot about having sex with girls. What to do, how to eat their pussies, how to play with their clits, and even how to find her G-spot.”

“What’s a G-spot?” Trevor asked and blushed about being so naïve about sex.

“It’s a spot inside a girl’s pussy that when you stimulate it drives them crazy and can make them cum quickly. That woman also is the one who showed me how to dominate girls. She was into that. Not as extreme as Ally and Natalie are, if Ally is telling the truth, but she liked to be called a whore and bitch and slut when she was getting fucked and being tied up and other things.” Steve explained.

“And you liked that?”

“Yeah, I did. It was a lot of fun and turned me on also,” Steve smiled again. “I did like it.” He ran his hands through Trevor’s hair again. “You are not mad or jealous or anything are you?”

Trevor shook his head. “No, I like talking like this and I think it’s hot and I am not jealous at all.” Trevor kissed Steve’s nipple again and flicked his tongue over it and then looked back up at the other boy. “Would you want me to fuck you sometime?”

Steve shrugged. “I don’t know. I like getting fucked and I guess if you wanted to I would let you.”

“Would you be disappointed if I didn’t? I don’t want to fuck you. I don’t want to fuck any guy. I like being the bottom,” Trevor told his lover.

Steve smiled, “Baby, I would not be disappointed at all. I love fucking you. You are special to me, Trevor, and the only boy I want to fuck.” Trevor smiled at that and felt warm and fuzzy inside. “You are ok with me when I hook up with boys to fuck me though? I wouldn’t do it all the time but sometimes I have that desire.

Trevor shook his head, “No I would be ok with that and like I said one day maybe you would let me join you and they can fuck the both of us.” Trevor said and Steve could hear the hopefulness in his voice. “I would like to fuck a girl though, to see what it’s like and see if I am gay or bi,” Trevor admitted.

“What about Ally?”

Trevor shrugged, “Maybe, but I wish my first time could be my mom,” he confessed and giggled.

Steve laughed also. “That would be hot. Both of us fucking her.”

“I know right,” Trevor agreed. “Would you be mean to her like you were with Ally?”

“I would like to be, but if that bothered you I wouldn’t do it.”

Trevor giggled again, “I think that would be hot, to see that and even do it myself. I saw a porn video once of a young guy and an older woman and he tied her up and fucked her hard and fucked her mouth and ass also before he shot his load all over the woman’s face. I thought about fucking Mom like that.”

Steve grinned once more. “We are perfect for one another aren’t we?”

Trevor nodded. “A shame it will never happen but talking about it turns me on.”

“Me too,” Steve told him.

Trevor started kissing the boys’ chest again and sucking Steve’s nipples. Steve moaned out from the sensation.

“Fuck me, Steve, please,” Trevor asked. “I want you in me so bad.”

“I want to suck your cock and lick your ass and want you to cum in my mouth first.”

Trevor grinned this time. “Like I’m going to say no to that.”

The boys started kissing again and Steve rolled Trevor onto his back. He then proceeded to kiss his way down the other boy’s hairless body, pausing at Trevor’s nipples to suck them for a while. Steve kissed his way down Trevor’s stomach and then took the boy's cock into his mouth. Trevor moaned in pleasure and spread his legs apart so his lover will have access to his butthole.

Steve sucked the other boy’s cock for a while and then placed his hand on the back of Trevor’s upper thighs, just where they meet the curve of Trevor’s feminine, small bubble butt. Trevor spread his legs more and lifted them as Steve pushed them up.

“Uhhh, fuck, baby, uhh, God, I love when you do that,” Trevor moaned as Steve’s tongue entered his asshole.

As Steve tongued his butthole, Trevor reaches down and took his cock in his hand, and started to stroke it rapidly. He wanted to cum badly. He suddenly felt Steve move his hand off his penis.

“No, baby, not yet,” Steve looked up between Trevor’s spread legs, “I want to make you cum with my mouth.” Trevor smiled and placed his arms above his head as Steve went back to rimming his asshole.

“Please, Steve, please suck it again,” Trevor whined out after several more moments of having Steve’s tongue in his butt. “I can’t take it anymore. I need to cum.”

Steve again looked up and smiles at Trevor and then took the boy’s cock in his mouth once more. He placed a hand on the boy's cock and stroked the shaft as he gave Trevor a blowjob. Trevor moaned from pleasure and soon felt Steve’s finger pressed against the entrance of his tight hole.

“Uhhh, fuck!” Trevor cried out loudly when Trevor’s finger entered his ass. “I’m going to cum, baby, oh God, I’m going to cum.”

Trevor can no longer control himself, his arousal from talking about both boys fucking his mom and from Steve’s mouth on his cock and the boy’s finger up his butt makes him cum quickly. Just as he was about to cum the twink boy made another loud grunting moan as Steve put a second finger in his ass. Trevor’s hand push tight against the headboard and his cock explodes its fluid into Steve’s mouth.

Steve’s lips formed a tight seal over the tip of Trevor’s cock, his tongue firmly pressed into the tip of the penis and he made circling motions over the other boy's cock head. As Trevor’s cum shot into his mouth, Steve kept stoking the boy’s cock hard and rapidly and finger fucked his lover’s ass with two fingers.

Trevor’s cum shot into Steve’s mouth and Steve swallowed the warm, thick fluid as he made faint, muffled whimpers. He feels Trevor’s body tighten and jerk as his lover ejaculated and enjoyed the sound of the other boy’s grunts of blissful ecstasy. After Trevor’s climax ended, Steve still sucked and milked the boys’ cock for more of his sex fluid and only stopped when he could no longer coax anymore of it from Trevor.

“God that was amazing,” Trevor told his best friend and lover.

Steve smiled, sat up and kneeled between Trevor’s spread legs, and leaned down and kisses the boy. Trevor kissed him back and was disappointed that Steve had swallowed all his cum. He liked that sometimes after Steve sucked his cock, the other boy would keep some in his mouth and lean over him and let it spill out of his mouth into Trevor’s.

Trevor knew he was not sexually experienced, but he got the feeling he could be rather kinky and would like the more naughty side of sex. He got more aroused by watching the kinkier porn than the more normal type of porn. He also felt that he may share Steve’s fetish for treating girls and women meanly during sex.

Of course, he didn’t know, but he liked the porn where the younger man fucked an older woman and was mean to her, and verbally humiliated her.

Trevor did not hate or dislike girls or women and he knew Steve did not either. Trevor respected them and so did his friend. Steve was always kind and caring to the girls they hung around with and other girls and women.

Trevor remembered the time when Krystal, a girl in their group of friends, had come to the skateboard park and was crying. Steve asked her what was wrong and she told him that a group of pretty popular girls at school had bullied her worse than normal because of her looks. Krystal is an overweight girl and not pretty at all, but very nice.

Steve was so kind and caring to her, hugged her, and held her in his arms as he comforted her. He made her feel better and even had her soon laughing. Trevor thought it was so endearing to see Steve comfort the poor girl.

But based on what Steve said and what Ally told him, sexually Steve was different when he fucked a girl. Trevor felt maybe he was the same and would like to try it. Trevor wanted to experiment and explore a good many things sexually to find out if they turned him on or not. He did know he never wanted to top a guy, however, and enjoyed being the bottom.

Steve broke their kiss and reached over to the side of the bed, opened the drawer to the nightstand, and pulled out a small bottle of sexual lubricate. Trevor watched in anticipation as the other boy lubricated his cock. When Steve fucked him the first time, Trevor knew he loved being fucked. It felt amazing for him and when he was aroused he seemed to have a desire, a craving to get his asshole fucked.

Sometimes when masturbated and used his fingers in his butt, he enjoyed that more than having an orgasm. He thought it was weird why he would feel that way, but he did. He had decided he wanted an anal sex toy and recently ordered a vibrating six-and-a-half-inch dildo online that resembled a real penis. He just hoped when it arrived he could get to it before his mom got the package. Not that she would open it, but she would want to be present when he did.

Trevor waited with eagerness and hugged the back of his thighs and lifted his spread legs to give Steve access to his tight hole. Steve used one hand to guide his cock and pressed it against Trevor’s butthole. The boy made a grunting moan of pleasure when Steve entered him in one slow, gentle thrust.

“Uhhhgh, God, that feels so good, Steve,” Trevor told his lover when the boy was fully inside of him. “I love when you fuck me. I love being your bottom boy.” Trevor told his lover in an inexperienced attempt at dirty talk.

He wanted to say he loved being Steve’s bottom bitch, but he remembered that Steve had said that we didn’t see Trevor as his bitch boy.

Steve smiled down at the other boy and then lowered his upper body on top of Trevor’s and started kissing him as he made slow and short thrusts in and out of Trevor’s asshole.

“God, you feel so good,” Steve told his lover. “Your ass feels amazing.”

Trevor wrapped his arms around the other boy’s body and held him tight as Steve started to fuck him slightly harder while he kissed Trevor’s neck.

“Uhh, uhh…please, fuck me, Steve, uhh God, you feel so wonderful. Uhh God, please go harder,” Trevor pleaded between his moans.

He pushed his hips upwards in an attempt to have Steve’s cock go even further into him even though it was already as deep as it would go. Trevor wanted to feel an even deeper penetration into his ass.

Steve didn’t go harder, he knew if he started going harder he would cum too soon and he wanted to enjoy being inside Trevor’s tight butthole. He continued to go slow and ignore Trevor’s pleading as he kept kissing the boys’ neck.

“Imagine if your mom was watching me fuck you right now,” Steve whispered in Trevor’s ear.

“Uhh, yes, uhh, yes that would be so hot,” Trevor moaned out as Steve kept slowly fucking him. “Uhh, God, I want the whore to watch us and beg us to let her join in.”

“Fuck, that would be great,” Steve agreed. “Imagine her kneeling behind me and licking my ass and putting her tongue in my asshole as I fuck you.”

“Oh, God, Steve, that would be incredible,” Trevor said as Steve kept slowly fucking him; making love to him. “Make the slut lick your asshole, Steve,” Trevor said; playing along with their mutual fantasy. “Then after we can bend her over and take turns fucking her in her fat ass.”

Steve kissed Trevor passionately and encouraged and turned on by his lover’s similar thoughts about Maria, lifted himself and kneeled between the boy's legs, picked them up, and draped him over his thighs.

“Close your eyes, baby,” He told Trevor.

Trevor didn’t ask any questions and closed his eyes. Steve reached over and picked up the bottle of lubricant that was lying next to them on the bed and dribbled a large amount over Trevor’s once again erect cock. He then wrapped his hands over the boy’s penis causing Trevor to moan out.

“Imagine your mom sucking your cock as I fuck you,” he told Trevor. Trevor grinned and nodded.

Steve stroked Trevor’s cock as he fucked the other boy, starting slowly with both. All the time he was telling Trevor to imagine Marie sucking his cock.

“Ugh, ugh, oh, Steve, oh Steve, I’m going to cum again,” Trevor moaned.

The sensation of having Steve fuck him, stroking his penis, and imagining his mother giving him a blowjob was intensely arousing for Trevor and he soon orgasmed again.

“Ohh, baby, make her suck it faster,” Trevor said. “Make the old whore swallow my cum. I want to cum in her mouth.”

Steve started fucking Trevor harder and faster and jerked the boy’s penis at the same pace. Trevor grunted out again and ejaculated and his load exploded from his cock. The fluid landed on his chest, and stomach and some landed on his chin.

After Trevor’s orgasm ended, Steve placed the boy’s legs on his shoulders and used his body to push them up the side of his body, causing his cock to go deeper into Trevor’s butt. Steve licked the cum that had landed on Trevor’s chin.

“Did you like that, baby?” Steve whispered in his ear.

“Oh, God, yes, that was amazing,” Trevor panted. “Fuck me now, Steve; please fuck me hard, please.”

Steve grinned and obliged his lover and fucked him with rapid and hard thrusts into his butthole. Steve once again was talking to the other boy as he fucked him, but not about Trevor’s mother. Steve was telling Trevor how pretty he was, how sexy he was, and how good his ass felt. Trevor wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck and enjoyed the hard fucking and words from his more experienced lover.

“Ugh, fuck, I’m going to cum,” Steve grunted out as he fucked the other boy hard.

“Yes, baby, cum in me. Cum in my ass,” Trevor told his lover.

Making grunting moans of ecstasy and short powerful thrusts, Steve orgasmed into Trevor’s butt. Trevor moaned out as he felt the other boys’ penis throb and the warm, thick, sticky cum shoot into his butt.

“Fuck, that was great,” Steve said between pants as he lay on top of Trevor after his orgasm ended. He had let the other boy’s legs down. The two then kissed passionately for a while and Steve started to roll off Trevor.

Trevor grabbed Steve’s butt and pulled him into him, “No, not yet, please. I like how you feel inside me.”

Steve smiled and did not move off of Trevor. He propped himself on his elbows and looked down at Trevor. “Did you like that?” he asked.

Trevor giggled, “Of course. I liked when you fucked me hard. It felt so good.”

“No, not that but when I was talking about your mom,” Steve clarified. “I’m sorry if I said things that you didn’t like.”

Trevor grinned, lifted his head, and kissed Steve on the lips, which turned into a more passionate kiss. He then placed his head back on the pillow.

“I liked it, it turned me on,” he admitted, “It’s not like it would ever happen, but it was fun to pretend.”

Steve nodded, “It was fun wasn’t it?” Steve suddenly became more serious. “Trevor I like you, I have liked you for a long time and I was wondering if you would like to be my boyfriend? I…well…I never had a real boyfriend and I…it’s that I like you a lot and…I am trying to say that, well, I think, I think I love you.”

Trevor grinned and he didn’t know if he should cry or get the boy to fuck him again. Instead, he pulled Steve’s head down and kissed him passionately again.

“Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend and I think I love you also,” Trevor told him. “But, well, what about, just that I…I don’t know how to say this and you not get mad,” it was Trevor’s turn to stammer.

“You can tell me anything," Steve said and rolled off Trevor and lay on his back.

Trevor turned to his side and snuggled up to his new boyfriend and placed his head on Steve’s smooth chest.

“I still want to do things and experiment with things,” Trevor said, his voice almost a whisper from his nervousness. “I know I am at least gay because I love you and having you fuck me is the most amazing thing ever, but I still don’t know if am bi or not and there are other things I want to explore.”

Steve chuckled, “Baby, it's ok. I love you and want to be your boyfriend. I would have asked that and told you I loved you after the first time we had sex, but I was scared because didn’t want to give up being a bottom to the boys I hook up with on occasion, and even maybe if I wanted to fuck a girl again.”

Trevor smiled, “I would like to try that. Have one of the masculine jocks as school fuck me,” he giggled after he spoke. “And also try having sex with a girl one day.” Trevor looked up at Steve. “So we would have like an open type relationship or something? I would not mind that. I love you and I know you love me and I am not jealous of any of the guys who fuck you or a girl.” Trevor giggled again, “Now you fucking another sissy twink, we may have a problem.”

Steve laughed. “Deal,” he told Trevor. “Maybe we can explore things together also. It would be fun. I would like to see you get fucked by a masculine top; if that’s ok with you.”

Trevor nodded, “That would be fun.”

The two boys cuddled in silence for a while and just enjoyed laying in each other’s arms and the feel of each other’s smooth hairless bodies.

“We could try you know,” Steve suddenly said.

“Try what?” His boyfriend asked.

“Your mom. We could try and fuck her together.”

Trevor laughed at the other boy. “Yeah right, like that would ever happen.”

“No, listen and hear me out,” Steve said. He then told Trevor his plan.

“I don’t know. If it didn’t work, which I am sure it won’t, she will be so pissed at you and won’t let me ever see you again,” Trevor said.

“Yeah, but mad at me, not you because she wouldn’t know you were involved at first. There is a lot more to work out and stuff, but we could try,” Steve persisted.

Trevor sighed, “I am not saying I will go along with it, but what else do you think we could do to make it happen?”

Trevor knew it was a ridiculous plan but it was fun to talk about.

“Let me think about it some more,” Steve told him.

Ok,” Trevor agreed and looked at the clock on the nightstand, and sighed. “Damn, it’s getting late and we have to get dressed before Mom comes home. I wished we had more time so you could fuck me again.”

Steve nodded, “We have plenty of time for that later.”

Trevor nodded and reluctantly got out of bed and so did Steve and the boys started to get dressed.

“Stay for a while,” Trevor told the other boy. “I think it would be a great time for you to meet my mother.”

Steve smiled, “I would like that but let's not tell her we are boyfriends yet.”

Oh, I won’t,” Trevor said. “She does not even know I like boys yet and I want to tell her that when it’s just me and her.”

Steve nodded. Once the boys were dressed and the room clean, they went downstairs and sat in the living room to watch TV and wait for Marie to come home. Steve thought more about how to finalize his devious plan for them to fuck Trevor’s mom.

Written by Ladytwinkluver
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