Returning from the 2012 – 2013 holiday break to Lakeville High School was never easy for school guidance counselor Wendy Kay. She no longer enjoyed working with the entitled youth who wanted everything given to them. And to make matters worse her husband had been traveling every week for the past three months.
She would much rather enjoy the carefree life of several of her best friends. They enjoyed maids, cooks, tennis club memberships, and frequent “ladies’ lunches.” Why couldn’t she stop working she thought, after all, her husband was now making triple his income from five years ago thanks to the two-year-old engineering job that took him all over the world.
As Wendy entered the administrative building one of the Vice Principal’s told her she had two new students waiting to see her for class assignments and handed her two files. Never being one to be in a hurry, Wendy grabbed her customary coffee from the staff lounge, stopped by several desks to ask how everyone’s holiday break was, and finally returned to her office to check her email.
After twenty minutes she went out to the “bullpen,” where students were kept waiting, to find the two new students. She was hoping she could pawn off one of the students to another counselor until she rounded the corner and saw a set of twins. Not just any twins, but tall, muscular, and handsome young men.
Looking for the first time at the two files, Wendy read the names on the files, Spencer Collins and Grant Collins.
“Boys, welcome. I’m Mrs. Kay. Follow me please,” she said.
She quickly learned that the boys, men really as had they just turned eighteen, had just moved to town with their mother, joining their father who had moved a few months earlier. The boys and their mother had stayed behind in Austin so the boys could complete their senior football season.
As Wendy asked questions and quickly scanned their individual files, she noted that they were both top-notch students. She had also learned that both boys would be going to college on football scholarships, Spencer to Baylor and Grant to Texas Tech.
Being twins they were built identically. Six-foot-two, two hundred pounds, bulging biceps, dark brown eyes, Mediterranean skin, and short-cropped brown hair. They featured chiseled jawlines, broad shoulders, and had the looks of underwear models. Something that was not lost on Mrs. Kay.
“I’m really going to have to spend some time figuring out what classes you need and where we have room. I should have it done by the end of second period,” she told them. “Why don’t you go wait in the bullpen?”
“And just sit out there in the office?” asked Spencer.
“Mrs. Kay, can we walk around the campus to get an idea of the layout?” said Grant.
“Sure. Let me give you each a pass. Maybe you can go find Coach Whittaker in PE. He’s the football coach,” she told them. She handed them each a map of the school and a hall pass.
The boys hadn’t gotten ten feet from the admin building when Spencer noted, “That counselor is one hot MILF. Can you imagine her at our age?”
“Our age? Hell, I’d bang her now,” laughed Grant. “She’s maybe forty-five years old.”
Soon the boys entered the gym locker room in search of the football coach. They learned he was out on the track with his PE class but to come back after school and they could talk about joining the off-season weight program with the football team to stay in shape. They wandered around campus finding the quad, the cafeteria, and they even ducked into the library for a moment.
As Wendy went over each boy’s schedule and class load with them, she learned their father worked for car dealerships, specifically overhauling the service departments. She also learned the boys loved to work on old cars with their dad.
“Oh, you should see my 1966 Ford Mustang. My dad bought it new and gave it to me when I turned sixteen. She is my baby,” she told them.
“She?” asked Grant.
“Yes, she. I call her Trixie,” she said giving the boys a smile. Changing the subject, she asked, “What area of town are you living in?”
The boys looked at one another with puzzled looks.
“What subdivision do you live in?” Wendy said.
Again, puzzled looks.
“OK, what street do you live on?” she asked.
“I have no idea of the subdivision. But we live on Applewood, by the big park,” said Spencer.
“OK, that is known as Park West. We’re kind of neighbors. I live nearby on Rosewood Drive,” she said.
Mrs. Kay finished up with her school instructions and told them to have their parents call if they had any questions about their classes. “You’ll have no issue graduating with your high GPA. You just need to pass the Government class.”
The boys stood from their chairs and grabbed their backpacks. “Thank you Mrs. Kay. I was really dreading trying to get classes midterm like this, said Grant. “Boy, Mr. Kay is a lucky man.”
“Thanks,” said Spencer.
“Grant, what do you mean my husband is lucky?” she asked.
“Well, you’re really nice, and so helpful. And, excuse me ma’am, but you’re very attractive,” said Grant pretending to be shy and innocent.
“Oh, thank you, Grant. You’ve made my day,” she said. Wendy liked how Grant flirted with her
The twins headed out to search for their third-period class and Spencer couldn’t wait to give his brother a bad time. “You’re very attractive ma’am,” he mocked.
It was Saturday afternoon one March weekend and Wendy was just finishing washing and drying her Mustang in the driveway when she heard a car pull up and stop. She looked up to see the Collins twins. She then recalled that they live nearby. The boys were getting out of their pickup truck.

“Wow!” said Grant, “Your mustang is beautiful Mrs. Kay. Everything looks to be original.”
“Hello Grant, Spencer. Yes, everything is just like the day my dad bought it. I will admit that I did have it repainted a few years ago with the authentic Ford paint and color.”
“She’s almost as pretty as you, Mrs. Kay,” whispered Grant who was now standing within five feet of Wendy. Grant was definitely the more forward of the twins. A more accurate term would be “Ladies’ Man.”
Blushing, “Grant, I’m a married woman. But thank you.” Wendy was wearing short cut-off denim jeans, a tank top with no bra, and a pair of Nike running shoes.
“He’s right, Mrs. Kay. You are beautiful. You must have done pageants when you were younger, right? Every girl in Texas does pageants,” said Spencer.
“No, Spencer, I did not do pageants as a girl. Believe it or not, I was a tomboy as a young girl. I grew up on a ranch with two older brothers and we had a lot of chores. I wore a lot of jeans and boots. I finally got into girly clothes while in college,” she told the boys.
It was then that Wendy finally noticed the boys’ attire. They were in lycra workout shorts, like bike shorts, and tank tops.
“Have you two been working out at the gym?” she asked.
Spencer quickly replied, “Yes, and I out lifted my baby brother again.”
As the twins bantered back and forth about their workout Wendy noticed the bulge in Spencer’s shorts. And then Grant’s. They looked to be at least six inches in their soft state. Wendy licked her lips.
“Could I offer you two some lemonade or sweet tea?” she asked.
It was still mid-March, but the weather was uncharacteristically warm, easily eighty degrees on this day. The twins couldn’t say yes fast enough and followed Mrs. Kay through the garage and into her house.
“Is your husband home, Mrs. Kay?” asked Spencer
“No, he’s out of town on a golf trip in Dallas with his college buddies,” she said as she poured sweet tea for all three of them. “Please, sit at the kitchen table boys.”
Wendy passed out the drinks and took a seat between the boys at the table. After some chit-chat about her Mustang, her patience was running thin, and her panties were getting moist.
“Boys did you two stop here just to flirt with me?” she asked.
Spencer choked on his tea as he was taking a sip. “Uh, no,” he stammered as he coughed.
Grant, being himself, said, “Well, yes, we did. We think you’re hot.”
Blushing a bit, “Well thank you. You know, you two are very handsome young men. If I were your age I’d think about hooking up with you,” Wendy said.
Grant, never at a loss for words, “And what about at your current age? Would you hookup with us now if it remained a secret?”
“I would if I just met you at the store. You’re of legal age. But I work for the school, I’d lose my job if anyone found out,” she said.
“We can keep a secret,” said Grant.
Spencer jumped in, “We’ll never say a word. I promise.”
Mrs. Kay was conflicted. Cheat on her husband with two young studs or spend another afternoon watching porn while playing with her dildo and vibrator.
“OK, let’s do it,” she whispered.
Grant stood up, ready to get to business. “In the living room or your bedroom?” he asked.
“My bedroom,” she said. “Who wants to fuck me first? Or do you want to do it together?”
The look on Spencer’s face was priceless. “Like a threesome?”
“Something like that,” she laughed. “C’mon, follow me to the bedroom.”
The next ten minutes were a lot of kissing, touching and removing of clothes. Wendy would kiss one brother and then the next. She’d stroke their impressive eight-inch hard cocks while they fondled and sucked her perfect 34C tits.
Wendy was a very attractive woman. Easily five-foot-six barefoot, a thin size six dress, nice boobs, brown bedroom eyes, and short auburn hair. For a woman in her mid-forties, she looked damn good. She obviously did some sort of workout.
Not surprisingly, Grant took the initiative and started to go down on Wendy as she sat on the bed kissing his brother. He spread her legs wide and was down on his knees staring at her waxed pussy.
“Damn, look at how wet she is Spencer,” he said. But the brother was too busy shoving his tongue down Mrs. Kay’s mouth.
Over the next eighty minutes, the boys took turns fucking her in every position known to a promiscuous woman in her forties. They spit-roasted her several times and even had both dicks in her mouth at once. One would be boning her laying on the bed in cowgirl and the other would stand over them and fuck her mouth. At one point Grant took out his cell phone and took a few photos and two short videos, unknown to the hostess.
Wendy had too many orgasms to count, while both young men had two orgasms. Each unloaded their first load in her mouth, which she swallowed. Grant cummed in her pussy with his second load, while Spencer painted her tits, per her request.
As they were all dressing Wendy said, “I’d like to make this a regular thing. Maybe once or twice a month depending upon how much traveling my husband does.”
The twins smiled with the realization that they would be getting consistent pussy from their guidance counselor. All returned to the kitchen and finally finished their now room-temperature sweet tea.
As she walked the boys out through the garage, the next-door neighbor was standing outside. “Oh, I wondered whose truck this was,” said the older male.
Wendy quickly introduced the boys to her neighbor, Mr. Pearson. “Yes, I was showing the boys some of my old photos of my mustang. They’re big car buffs as their dad works at the Ford dealership,” Wendy bluffed.
“Thanks, Mrs. Kay. We’ll see you Monday at school,” said Grant.
End Chapter One.