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The Cougar Lounge was not your typical bar or club as it was for women only. It was the brainchild of the owner, Ann, who figured that if men can have their own specialty clubs and stripper bars then women should be allowed to have their own clubs. Most of the women who patronized The Cougar Lounge were in their fifties and sixties, some married, some divorced, some widowed, some single.

No matter their relationship status, if the women wanted to see amazing eye candy, they came here. And if they wanted more, well, that could even be arranged. As a women-only club, the servers and bartenders were all males… and they worked in the nude. The only piece of clothing on their body was a strap around their waist to which was attached a small purse in which the women could put tips for great service. And the servers all had to be between the ages of thirty and fifty-five.

Ann stood a mere five-foot-six-inches tall and was a feisty Irish redhead with naturally curly hair that hung just below her shoulders. Her green eyes were flecked with gold that could sparkle with amusement or flash daggers when angered. They had just lost one of their servers to a rich widow who wanted him for her boy toy so she was going over resumes looking for a new server.

Ann was poring over the resumes, making two piles of call-ins and ones that went into File Thirteen, hoping to be able to find a replacement before Friday, which gave her just one day. One of her best friends, Beth, was helping her go over the resumes but so far the call-in pile was mighty thin.

“Where are all the hunks?” Beth wondered out loud as she threw another resume into File Thirteen. “There has got to be someone out there to replace Brad.”

Ann laughed and said, “No one can replace Brad but hopefully, we can find someone close.”

A few minutes later they heard the tinkle of the bell indicating that someone had opened the front door to the office. Beth got up and went into the outer room, surprised to see a stranger standing there. He was approximately five foot nine inches tall, dark hair pulled back in a short ponytail and chocolate brown eyes that seemed to be able to see into your soul.

He had a muscular chest that stretched the material of his tee shirt until it looked as if the material would rip. All Beth could do was stand there and stare, trying not to drool. ‘OMG,’ she thought to herself, ‘he is even better looking than Brad. Our prayers have been answered.’

“Ah... yes, how can I help you?” Beth finally managed to ask still staring at him.

“I noticed what appears to be a club next door but the door was locked so I was wondering if you know what time it opens.”

“I am sorry but that club is for women only and you are definitely not a woman,” she said as she eyed him up and down, disappointed that he was not looking for a job.

The smile disappeared from his face as he said, “Oh… guess that means they only hire women. Thanks for the information,” he said as he turned to leave

“Wait a minute,” Beth called out. “You are looking for work?”

“Yes, I worked my way through college tending bar and working as an occasional server, so that is why I was asking about what time it opened.”

“Wait right here,” Beth said as she turned to go back into Ann’s office, shutting the door behind her. “Our prayers have been answered. A man just walked in off the streets and he is looking for a job. I think we should give him a try.”

Ann got up from behind her desk, stretched; tugging down her shorts to make sure they covered her ass cheeks and went to see just who had Beth almost creaming her panties. She opened the door to her office and walked into the outer office.

Seeing him leaning against the door frame, Ann could see why Beth was all excited. Forcing herself to remain business-like she stuck out her hand introducing herself, “Hello, my name is Ann and I am the owner of the Cougar Club. Beth said that you are looking for a job. Can you tell me your name, age, width, and length?”

“My name is Will, I am forty-five, medium thick about three inches around, and almost seven inches when hard,” he told her, wondering what some of the information had to do with getting a job but he soon found out.

Ann and Beth looked at each other and then Ann said, “Can you work nude, letting women ogle your body, touch you, and maybe cater to their special needs if they request it?”

Will only needed a minute to think before he answered with a resounding yes. Ann motioned for Beth to lock the office and for Will to follow her through a door into the club.

Turning to Will, Ann said, “Back there are the employees' dressing rooms, so go strip off and then you can be our server. Consider this your interview.”

Will looked to where she pointed and headed in that direction. Although he was not ashamed of his body he had never been one to flaunt it, but he needed a job and this one sounded like a lot of fun… if those two women were being truthful and not pulling his leg. Stripping down he took a deep breath and headed out into the dimly lit club where Ann and Beth were sitting waiting on him.

“Good evening ladies, what can I get you two to drink?” he asked looking from one to the other.

Ann reached out to stroke his semi-erection as she said, “I want a scotch and coke light.”

Will just stood there letting her stroke him, not sure if that was allowed or not, waiting for Beth to place her order. “I will just have a light rum and pineapple juice.”

He turned and walked away to go behind the bar to make their drinks while they both watched him. Once he found all the ingredients, he quickly made their drinks and took them back to them. Taking small sips of their drinks, both women were quite pleased with them and gave him a thumb up. Not sure what he should do now, Will just stood there.

“Sit down,” Ann instructed pointing to a chair between her and Beth. Once he was seated Ann continued asking, “Does it bother you for a woman to stroke you, kiss your cock or have you stroke off if you are asked to do so?”

“No, it does not,” Will said after only a moment’s hesitation.

“Do you have a hair trigger?” Beth asked.

Having to think a minute what she was asking, Will finally said, “No, I don’t.”

Beth and Ann looked at each other and finally, Ann said, “You must work every Friday and Saturday and one or two nights during the week. We are closed on Sunday but our busiest times are the weekend, which you would work various times, anytime from four o’clock to three in the morning. I know this is short notice but we are in need of a server, so could you work tonight for training and then start working on your own the next night?”

“Yes, what time do you need me here?” he said hoping that he would be able to grasp everything in order to work on his own on Friday.

“Tonight you need to be here at three thirty and you will be trained by Diego. He will also be your mentor for this weekend if you have any questions or problems. You are not allowed to drink while on the clock but the women can buy you a soft drink. You will have three specific tables to take care of. If your services are requested for upstairs, you need to let the doorman know and he will show you how to sign in and out in the book he has. While you are gone, your tables will be taken care of.”

“Alright,” Will said, wondering what type of services he might be asked to perform if a woman asked for them.

“Get dressed and come into the office to fill out your paperwork,” Beth said.

That evening, Will pulled into the employee’s parking lot and climbed out of his truck, butterflies floating around in his stomach, not knowing exactly what was going to happen. He took the key card he was given and let himself into the employee’s entrance, letting his eyes adjust to the dimness.

“Hey, you Will, our newest server?” a deep voice asked behind him.

Will turned around and saw a man who was approximately six foot tall with a body that appeared to be chiseled from stone, his sun-bleached hair cut short.

“Yes, I am,” Will said extending his hand.

Diego shook his hand and told him, “Follow me.”

He took Will into the employees' dressing room, showed him his locker, and then gave him a thin grey strap with a pouch to put his tips in. Once Will was ready, Diego led him out into the club. He showed him the three tables that he was serving that night and told him that for the first hour he was to shadow him and then he would be responsible for one table.

The club was just opening its doors so it was not too busy. As they stood near the bar talking, a woman dressed in a dark blue suit, the pencil skirt hugging her ass while her white button-down blouse struggled to contain her breasts, strolled confidently into the club, presenting her ID to the doorman. Once that was done, she headed directly toward Diego. Reaching them she wrapped her arms around Diego’s neck, kissing him hard as she wiggled her body against his.

Diego untangled her arms from his neck, saying, “Hello, Kitty. You must have had a good day in court.”

“I sure did. I put two scumbags in prison for a long time.” Kitty replied as she noticed that Diego was not alone. “Who is this fine specimen? Might have to have a tripleheader tonight,” as she reached over and gave Will’s cock a little tug, making sure that she lightly stroked him with her nails. Feeling him getting a little hard, Kitty just giggled and walked away.

“She works for the DA’s office,” Diego said matter-of-factly ‘"She will drain your balls so fast your head will spin.”

Not sure what to say, Will just stood there watching her ass sway from side to side as she walked away. Turning and looking over her shoulder, she blew them a kiss. While Will was watching her, Diego nudged him with his shoulder.

“Follow me, here's the first customer,” as he walked toward his table, Will following behind him.

“Welcome to the Cougar Lounge. What is your drinking pleasure?” Diego asked smiling down at her.

“I will have a martini dry,” she told him.

Diego went to give the bartender her order and then took it back to her. “Tab or pay?”

‘Tab,” she said handing him her card.

After finishing with her, Diego turned to Will and said, “You can take care of the next customer, which happens to be now.”

Will took a deep breath and turned only to find Ann and Beth sitting at the table he was to serve. He looked first at Diego and then at Ann and Beth.

Walking up to the table Will said, “Good evening, ladies. Welcome to The Cougar Lounge. Would you like your usual?”

“Yes, we would,” Ann said as she reached out to squeeze his balls gently.

When he returned with their drinks, he placed them in front of them and asked, “Tab or pay?” even though he knew they did not pay.

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“We don’t pay; compliments of the owner,” Ann said smiling while holding a five dollar bill in her hand. “Turn around and bend over.”

Will started to ask why and then he remembered what Diego had told him about catering to the clients in order to get more tips. When he did as Ann requested, she leaned forward, nipped his ass lightly with her teeth and then stuck the folded up bill in his ass.

“You have five minutes to sneak to the bathroom, remove it, and get back on the floor,” Ann said, “but before you go, tell me if you have ever been fucked in the ass naturally or with Mr. Vibe?”

”Neither,” he said as he started off his face starting to turn red

“Well then we will have to change that,” Ann called after him.

“And make sure that you wash your hands before coming back to the floor,” Beth hollered

He ducked into the bathroom, removed the money from his ass, and splashed water on his face, trying to cool down. Putting the money in the pouch, he took a deep breath and went back out to the club.

“Are you ready to try another table?” Diego asked Will when he returned.

“Yeah, sure, so which one do you want me to take?” he asked

Diego pointed out a table where an older woman had just sat down. “Warning, she likes to touch.”

Will took a deep breath and strolled over to the table as the woman looked at his cock, thinking to herself, ‘Fresh cock. I cannot wait to taste him.’

“Good evening, what can I get you to drink?”

“Red wine with a fresh cock in it,” she told him smiling.

As Will walked toward Diego to ask him about her order, Diego whispered, “Yes, Ms. Jasmine Jameson wants what she says, so she can lick the wine from your cock. Hope you do not have a fast trigger, Will.”

“No, I don’t,” Will said, glad that he had jacked-off in the shower before he came to work.

When he got the glass of wine, he slowly put his cock in it, feeling a bit strange to be carrying a drink with his cock in it.

“Here you go,” Will said as he walked up to the table, not sure if he should remove his cock or allow her to do it.

Getting out of her chair she knelt down in front of Will, taking his cock straight from the glass of wine and into her mouth. The shock of going from a cold glass of red wine into a warm mouth caused Will to go from flaccid to semi-erect in seconds. Afraid he would drop the glass, he quickly set it on the table as her mouth began to work its magic.

Ms. Jameson used her tongue to lick the wine from his cock as her hand went to his balls, squeezing them. Suddenly he felt the tip of her tongue dart in and out of the little slit on the head of his cock, sending shivers up and down his spine. ‘Damn,’ Will thought to himself, ‘I hope she doesn’t make a liar out of me and cause me to have a hair trigger,’ as she continued to lick the wine from his cock while gently scratching it with her nails.

Finally, she stood up and pick up her wine glass, taking a sip. “Tell the doorman I am in need of your services and block out thirty minutes.”

Not sure what to do, he went over to Diego and relayed her message.

Diego took him up to the doorman, saying, “Special services book and card key.”

Doug handed him the book and Diego showed Will how to block out thirty minutes and where to put the name of the client he was servicing. He also showed him where to sign back in when finished. Once that was taken care of, Will went back to Ms. Jameson. She gulped her wine down and took the key card, taking his cock in her hand.

As Will let her lead him out of the club and up the stairs, he found himself wondering what she would look like underneath that short black mini skirt and gold camisole. Will figured that she was at least ten to fifteen years older than he was and he had never been with a woman that much older. Once in the room, all he saw was a huge king size bed that took up ninety percent of the room and a nightstand.

“My name is Jasmine and I want to be fucked hard and deep,” she said as she peeled off her clothes revealing a well-defined rack that appeared to be all natural with a toned stomach and legs that seemed to go on forever. Reaching into the drawer of the nightstand Jasmine grabbed a condom and pitched the foil packet to Will. She then flopped on the bed spreading her legs. “Supper,” as she pointed to her pussy.

Will took off the little pouch and laid it on the nightstand and crawled on the bed, his mouth fastening on her right nipple while his hand began to stroke her, causing her to moan in ecstasy. Will quickly switched to the other nipple, using his free hand to pinch and tweak her left one. Slowly he began to kiss and lick his way down her body until he got to her pussy.

He slowly ran his tongue up and down her slit while he finger fucked her deep, his thumb rubbing over her engorged clit. He began to lick and tongue her faster, finally settling on her clit, sucking it into his mouth. Taking her to the limit, Will backed off and then leaned close to her pussy blowing his hot breath against her pussy lips.

“Oh fuck,” Jasmine moaned as she tried to push her pussy against his lips but every time she got close Will pulled back.

“Why rush it?” he asked. “Lay back and enjoy,” His tongue lightly touched her wet slit, causing her to jump in surprise.

Reaching up he grabbed her by the wrists, pinning her arms above her head as he alternated between her nipples, sucking, licking, and nibbling on them as he brushed her clit with his hard cock until she was moaning and begging to cum. But Will ignored her pleas as he continued to bring her to the brink and back off at the last minute. Finally, he let go of her wrists and moved down to her pussy.

Jasmine’s body was so in need of being allowed to cum that it seemed like only seconds after his tongue touched her clit and he started to fuck her pussy with four fingers that she began to scream as an intense orgasm tore through her body, from her tits to her pussy. Her body began to convulse and thrash around on the bed as she began to squirt and fill his mouth with her juices. He began to lap up her juices as his thumb replaced his lips on her clit, rubbing it with enough force to make her orgasm seem like it was never going to stop.

Not giving her time to recuperate Will pulled back and tore open the foil packet, quickly rolling it down his cock. He placed her legs over his shoulders bending her almost in half as he pushed his cock deep inside, pumping in and out as fast and hard as he could. Jasmine’s mouth opened spewing out little mewing sounds as her hands clenched the sheet tightly in both hands, another orgasm building deep inside her body.

Within minutes, Will could feel his cock becoming harder, dripping pre-cum into the condom which was buried deep into her convulsing pussy. Jasmine soon found herself tumbling over the abyss into another orgasm that again rocked her entire body, causing her to scream out in sheer pleasure as wave after wave of pleasure flowed over her. As her pussy tightened around his cock, Will gave one final thrust and exploded deep inside her. Both were breathing hard as he slowly pulled out, removing the condom and disposing of it in a small trash can beside the bed.

Jasmine lay splayed out on the bed as her breathing slowly returned to normal. She had been fucked by many men but none had taken her on such an orgasmic journey as Will, leaving her body feeling like a limp dishrag. “There is a small shower you can use behind those doors before you go back to work,” she said softly pointing out to what looked like closet doors. ‘Ann is really going to be in for a wild ride at her party,’ she thought to herself smiling as she pulled his face down for a kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth as their tongues fucked each other.

Will reluctantly pulled back and climbed off the bed. Will disappeared into the small bathroom leaving Jasmine languishing on the bed. He took a quick shower, not sure just how much time he had left. As he came out of the small shower, he heard a loud buzzer in the background and then a voice calling out, “Time is up. You have five minutes to return to your station.”

Will quickly grabbed his pouch, putting it on as he headed for the door.

“Thanks for the great fuck,” Jasmine called out. “Check with Doug before you leave tonight to get your reward,”

Will hurried down the stairs and back into the club, heading to the doorman to sign back in and then he went to look for Diego.

Seeing his frazzled look, Diego said, “She is quite a tiger in the bed. Let me see your back.”

Puzzled, Will turned around, not sure what Diego was looking for, especially in the dimness of the club.

Diego playfully smacked his ass and said, “Glad to see she retracted her claws. Jasmine has a habit of clawing a man’s back when in the throes of an orgasm. That is how I got this scar on my shoulder. Now table six needs drink refills.”

Will quickly glanced at Diego, trying to figure out if the smack on the ass was a come-on or just playful banter. He finally decided to just wait and see if Diego would do anything else, as he went over to take care of the ladies at table six. As Will walked away, Diego chuckled softly to himself knowing just what was running through Will’s mind. He loved to play with a new server’s mind and make them wonder about him, but he was actually as straight as an arrow.

At three a.m. Will was ready to drop. He had been fondled, licked, sucked on, and touched so much that night, not to mention the sexual rendezvous with Jasmine, that he felt like his cock was about to fall off.

“You did great tonight, Will,” Diego told him as they took care of their tables, making sure that everything was clean. “Make sure that you check with Doug before you leave to get your reward from Ms. Jameson. And it is all yours and so are the tips. No sharing is expected unless you want to share with the one who watched your tables when you are upstairs.”

“What percentage or amount do you share?” Will asked

“Generally we give the one who took over forty dollars, but it is up to you.”

Reaching into his pouch he gave Diego the money saying, “Thanks for all your help tonight. I appreciate it.”

“You did great. I think you can handle it on your own tomorrow night but I will be your mentor if you need help. And if you get called upstairs, let me know and I will watch your tables.”

They shook hands and headed back to the locker room to get dressed. Before he left Will went up to Doug to get his reward from Jasmine. He took the envelope handed to him and folded it up, tucking it in his front jeans pocket, not bothering to see how much there was. When he got home, Will dragged his butt into his apartment and flopped on the couch after taking the envelope from his pocket. Opening it, his mouth dropped open as he counted out two thousand dollars.

Wow,’ he thought to himself, ‘I never knew my fucking skills were worth that much money.’

Will leaned back against the back of the couch and soon he dozed off in a deep sleep.


Written by freespirit13
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