As a teenager, I lived in a relatively small town. My parents ran a farm, so every Saturday I helped them out on the farm and in return, they paid me a few dollars. This helped me out quite a bit because the job that I had in those days didn’t pay well. Every Saturday night, my old school friend, Dave and I would drive the twenty-five miles to the adjoining town which was a good deal larger than my hometown.
Like most teenagers our interests were two-fold, we enjoyed a drink and we sought female companionship. Finding female company was seldom an issue for either of us on our Saturday night jaunts but keeping them was. Because we didn’t live there during the week, the local lads tended to tread on our turf a little. We would often meet girls. We would take them to a dance or to the movies after which we would take them home. Usually, we would set a date for the following weekend then find when we arrived to pick them up that they had gone out with someone else.
After this had happened several times, I decided that something needed to be done about it. I thought long and hard until I came up with a strategy. I decided that the best way to solve this problem was to find a girl who would be willing to move out close to where we lived. This meant I had to find somewhere for her to reside to start with.
It was unlikely in those days that any parent would allow their daughter to live with a boyfriend and certainly, my parents wouldn’t stand for it. I knew an older lad, Robert who lived in a house by himself. He was keen to get to know one of my female school friends, Carol but he didn’t know how to go about it. Bingo! I had a solution.
I started by talking to Carol. Although I had been out of school for a year or more I often saw her and she always stopped and had a chat. I made a point of being where I knew she would be. I told her that Robert was keen to get to know her. She asked me what he was like and of course, I made sure that the report card ticked all the boxes. She agreed to meet him.
I then went to see Robert and explained the problem that I had with keeping a girlfriend and he readily agreed that the next girl I met could rent one of his bedrooms if she wished. I then went to the local grocery store and asked about work. The owner said he did want someone but he would prefer a female. I assured him that I was asking on behalf of a female friend. We shook hands and I was away. My plan was coming together better than expected.
Being a bit of a fool, as most young lads are, I should have smelled a rat when Robert told me what the room would cost her. It was almost nothing. My mum had told me many, many times that ‘nothing comes for free’ and what Robert had asked for rent was so close to free that it didn’t matter.
When Saturday night came, Dave and I set off to town. We cruised the streets to see who was around and found two young attractive ladies walking into town. We stopped and offered them a lift and they climbed in the back. As we sped along, I asked why they were walking into town. The one that I had set my sights on, Dorothy, said that she had fallen out with her mum and her mum had told her to find somewhere else to live. They had been heading into town to look for a unit.
This just seemed too easy. I asked her did she have a job and she said no, but she was looking. I then told her that I knew of a shop that wanted a shop assistant and I could introduce her to the owner. Damn, this just seemed too easy. It was all falling in place for me. I told her that we planned to go to the movies and afterwards I would take her out to where the job was. I also told her that I had a friend who could rent her a room if she got the job. She was ecstatic. Of course, so was I.
She directed me to where her mother lived and she introduced me to her. They often say if you meet a girl take a good look at her mum because that is how she will look at that age. Man, she was a looker. Her tits were like heaven. Her shape was the things that dreams are made of. Every moment that passed things were looking better and better.
So off we went to the movies. We had a great time. Dave had gone to a dance with his partner leaving me with Dorothy. We kissed a few times but that was all. I didn’t want to push my luck and frighten her off so I was the perfect gentleman. After the movies I met with Dave who told me that he would stop the night and catch the train home the next afternoon. On the way home, Dorothy snuggled up to me. Life was looking up.
We spent that night together in my car kissing and hugging and talking about our lives. I made no sexual advances. This was our first date and it just didn’t seem right. In the back of my mind was this nagging concern that I could frighten her away.
In the morning I took her out to meet Robert. They got on very well. We then went to meet the shop owner. He took her aside and I watched at a distance as he asked her questions and she responded. When she came back she simply said, “I start tomorrow.”
We went back to town and told Dorothy’s mum, Janice. She was a bit worried so while Dorothy was packing her things I sat with Janice and answered her questions. Eventually, I told her that if she was concerned I was quite willing to take her out to visit where Dorothy was to work and where she was going to board. Janice immediately took me up on the offer but told me that she had commitments for the afternoon so it would need to be the next day, Monday. I told her that wouldn’t be a problem as I was not working that day, so I agreed to pick her up at eight o’clock.
As we were talking Janice would get up and attend to her cooking then return to her seat. Each time she sat down those magnificent breasts were totally visible as she bent forward to pull her seat in. Janice was a mature lady of the early sixties and many ladies from that era simply refused to wear bras. I have to admit, I was impressed by the landscape. Only one question remained in my mind. How could a woman as well-endowed as Janice have a daughter who was much less so?
Once Dorothy was packed she said goodbye to her mum and we loaded her gear into my car. Janice came out to see us off and before I could get into my car, Janice grabbed me and laid a kiss on me. While still holding onto me she looked at her daughter and said, “Be good, honey. If you can’t be good, be careful.”
“You’re disgusting, mum. Leave him alone.”
Blushing profusely I laughed, got into the car and we drove away.
When we arrived at Robert's place he came out to help us with the gear. I walked ahead with an armful followed by Dorothy and then Robert bought up the rear. Mentioning the rear, I heard Dorothy say, “Don’t do that, Robert!” and when I turned she was holding his wrist out to her side.
I didn’t see what happened but I assumed that he had patted her bum, something that I had seen him do to other women. I didn’t worry because Dorothy seemed to have it under control. Had I mentioned how nice her bottom was? It was a sight to behold for any young man. Well, perhaps not for those two lads who I had seen walking in the park holding hands.
I left Dorothy around nine o’clock and headed home. When I left, Robert and Dorothy were telling funny stories about things they had done. I had sat for the last hour or two not getting a word in. It seemed as if it didn’t matter to either of them that I was there so I left and went home to bed. The next morning I was out at daylight to help dad bring the cows in for milking, which is something that I had done every day since I was ten years of age.
When I pulled up in my car at seven o’clock, Dorothy was waiting for me outside with Robert by her side. They were still laughing and joking as if they had been friends for life. As Dorothy went to walk around to the passenger's door Robert put his arms around her and gave her a hug. As she went to walk away from him he patted her behind. Dorothy didn’t object. As we drove towards the shop Dorothy said, “Robert is great fun, isn’t he. I’m going to enjoy staying there with him.”
I just nodded. What else could I do?
I arrived to pick up Dorothy’s mum, Janice a half an hour later than I had told her. I knocked on the door and heard her yell out from inside the house, “Come on in, Goyse, the door is unlocked.”
I opened the door and made my way into the dining room and took a seat. Immediately afterwards, Janice appeared in a dressing gown that was gaping open at the top. Both of her tits were on show. My eyes couldn't be controlled enough to look her in the eye. Seeing where I was looking she smiled, looked down at them and said, “You like?”
I couldn’t remember feeling so embarrassed. This was my girlfriend’s mother and I was eyeing off her tits.
“I’m so sorry, Janice. I guess I haven’t seen such nice breasts before. I didn’t mean to embarrass you or anything.”
“No, that’s fine, Goyse. I take it as a compliment. I guess that I haven’t received too many compliments since Dorothy’s father took up with one of Dorothy’s friends and left me last year. Here let me show them to you. Now, you mustn’t touch because if Dorothy hears about it she will be pissed.” With that, she opened her dressing gown.
“I promise you that I’d never tell her, scouts honour.”
“Well, there is only you and me here, so if you promise then I guess you can touch them if you want to.”
“Want to, I’m dying to. I’ve never seen tits like that in my whole life. They are perfect.”
I reached out and placed the palms of my hand over them. They were so warm and soft that my cock was sticking straight out in front of me. I saw her eyes look down.
“Have you and Dorothy done it yet?” she asked.
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t do that to her. Not when I have only known her a few days.” I was lying as I had only known her a little over 24 hours.
“Well, you had better do it soon, honey, because if you don’t, someone else will beat you to it. Why do you think that we argue so much? Haven’t you heard the saying that the early bird gets the worm? Dorothy has.”
“Are you saying she is sexually active?”
“Sexually active, I’d say that is an understatement. I’m hoping you’ll be the lad who can tame her and slow her down some. She changes men like some people change their underpants. I guess she has taken after her father.”
I laughed and replied, “Or maybe she takes after her mother?”
“Honey, I haven’t had the pleasure since my old man pissed off on me. My life since then has been focused on my daughter.”
“Did you want to change that?”
“What, worrying about my daughter every minute of every day?”
“No, the other one. I think I’ve already changed your worries about Dorothy. ”
“You’re my daughter’s boyfriend.”
“Maybe I am or maybe I’m not. If what you say is right and the early bird gets the worm, then I may be too late.”
“I don’t follow.”
“Neither do I but I think I will find out about it when I get home this afternoon.”
“She’s taken up with someone else. Is that what you’re saying?”
“Maybe. It’s just a suspicion, that’s all.”
“You poor boy, come with me.”
Janice led me into her bedroom. She turned towards me and dropped the dressing gown to the floor. I’ve already told you how perfect her tits were, Well, they were nothing compared to her naked body. I just stood there and stared.
“Are you going to stand there all day with that stupid look on your face, Goyse? No wonder Dorothy went looking elsewhere if that’s all you did with her.”
“Sorry, missus, but I’ve never seen anyone as special as you. You’re absolutely beautiful.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere. Now, come over here and let me see what you’ve got.”
I walked over to her and went to kiss her but she held me away from her to allow her to get at my trousers. She unbuckled my belt then unbuttoned my shirt. My shirt fell to the floor as she unbuttoned my trousers. She still held my belt in her hand. She handed it to me. I didn’t understand why she had done that and as I was trying to work it out she laid down on her stomach on her bed.
“I’ve been a naughty girl. I’m trying to seduce my daughter’s boyfriend. I deserve a smack.”
“‘Wake up, kid. Why do you think I gave you the belt?” As she said it she lifted her but up off the bed and wriggled it. 'Fuck,' I thought, 'she wants me to use the belt on her arse.' I doubled the belt up and hit her lightly on the cheeks.
“Is that the best you can do? No wonder you can’t control your women. Women respect strong men, honey. They don’t like weaklings. You have to be firm with them. Dorothy will cheat on you if you don’t make sure she respects you.”
“I think it’s a bit late for Dorothy.”
“Okay but I’m trying to make you understand why you may have lost her. No women can respect you if you don’t take charge. Now, what are you going to do? Are you going to stand there all day?”
I swung the belt and it hit her with a crack. A red mark immediately appeared on her but. I swung again and again. She dropped her face into the pillow and her rump stuck up higher.
She looked around at my cock and said, "Are you going to use that thing or are you going to leave my wet pussy disappointed.”
I climbed onto the bed behind her. I wiped my cock up and down her wet slit a few times and then pushed into her. I was not very experienced at that time but to me, her velvety pussy felt like heaven. Her moaning as I worked in and out of her made the experience all that much more erotic for me.
I didn’t last long before I emptied my testicles inside her. I held inside for about half a minute. I wanted it to last. She didn’t move. As I started to move again she said, “You shouldn’t have cum inside me. I’m still capable of getting pregnant.”
I wasn’t fully hard but the thought of what she said affected me immediately. Within twenty seconds I was hard as a rock again. That was when she pulled away from me. She rolled over and lay on her back with her knees up. I looked down and my sperm was slowly running out of her. I watched it as a strand slowly dropped down to the sheets.

“Are you going to sit there looking at it? Either lick it clean or fuck it. It’s not there for sightseeing.”
“Lick it, what do you mean lick it.”
“Haven’t you ever eaten a woman’s pussy before?”
“No, it sounds revolting.”
“Maybe so, but it is the way that you can make yourself indispensable. There are not a lot of men who will eat a woman after sex so when a woman finds one she is not likely to let him get away. Come on, clean me up and then you can try again.”
I rolled over on top of her and I kissed her. She responded. I maneuvered my cock to align with her leaking hole but when I went to push into her she rolled her lower body to prevent it. I slipped up along her lower abdomen.
“No, not until I get cleaned up. You can get a washer from the ensuite or you can use your tongue, your choice.”
I felt that I had no option. I didn’t want to disappoint her, so I slowly slid down her body, giving those lovely tits a working over as I went. When I arrived at the objective I felt a little queasy but the desire to continue having sex with this beautiful thirty-eight-year-old woman was overpowering. I had to continue.
I spent a good ten minutes on her. Initially, it was repulsive but as time passed I found that I enjoyed it. I had never studied a vagina close up before. It allowed me to find her clit. I could look inside her as I pushed her pussy apart and her cervix was visible deep within her.
In my early teens, I had studied my mum’s medical book and had a picture in my brain of the parts that made up the female sexual organs but this was checking them out in the flesh. All the time that I licked her, Janice issued a stream of, “Oh’s," and, “Ah’s." At one stage her moaning became constant for a time and I could see her leaking pussy clenching then releasing.
She pulled me up to her after about ten minutes and kissed me while holding me tightly.
“Did you know that you made me cum?” She asked.
“No, I didn’t.”
“That’s the first time that I’ve cum with a man in about twenty years. I’m going to have difficulty letting you go. Do you know that?”
“Why let me go then?”
“I can’t keep you because my daughter has first claim to you.”
“What if Dorothy has found someone else?”
“If that happens, then you had better let me know.”
We made love two more times that day before I headed off home. I had told Dorothy that I would pick her up after work. On the way back to Robert's place she looked at me and said, “You don’t have to take me to work tomorrow.”
“Why’s that?”
“Robert said that he will take me to work and pick me up after today.”
“I’m sorry, Goyse. You didn’t seem to want me so when Robert showed he was interested, I, you know…”
“Yep, I think I know. You climbed into bed with him.”
“How did you know that?”
“I didn’t. You just told me. Don’t fret about it, Dorothy. I’ve found someone who is very, very special.”
“Now that would be telling secrets, wouldn’t it?” I pulled up in Robert’s driveway. “You’re home. I’ll see you around.”
She leant over, put her arms around me and she kissed me. The kiss went on and on. It was like she didn’t want to let me go.
“Dorothy, I’m here.” I looked up to see Robert.
She pulled away from me then turned back and said, “I wish you had cared enough to make love to me, Goyse. I really liked you.”
“That’s alright, Dorothy. You have Robert to fuck you now.”
“That’s a bit crude, isn’t it?”
“Nope, that’s just the truth. I hope it goes well for you.”
I never did introduce Robert to Carol. I spent many a night with Janice. We made love so often each time I called in that my legs were so weak that I sometimes had trouble walking after I left. Our affair continued for almost a year. Janice introduced me to several girls my own age. I took most of them out on her insistence but made sure that they understood that I was not ready to have a long-term relationship with anyone. During that time I had plenty of opportunities to perfect my pussy eating methods both with Janice and with the other girls.
By the time Janice had a potential partner of her own age, I was in love with her. It was difficult for me to let go but I always understood that the day would come. She helped me a lot because by then the word had got around with the local women that if you wanted a pussy-eater then you couldn’t go past Goyse.
It happened one day when I came in to visit her and a guy that she had recently met opened the door when I knocked. It was early in the morning so I knew that he must have stayed the night with her. He invited me in and offered me a coffee as if he owned the place. The writing was on the wall. I was being displaced by her new lover. It was not that I hadn’t expected it. I was nineteen years younger. In fact, at that time I was just over half her age so it was obvious that it couldn’t last.
A few moments later, Janice joined us. She walked into the room behind me. The first that I knew that she was there was when I felt her beautiful soft breasts pushing into my shoulders. I lifted my head and turned around towards her and her lips met mine. It was no peck this was a full blown lover’s kiss. It lasted some time. As we broke our kiss I looked across to the other side of the table and her new friend was smiling at me.
“I’m sorry, honey. You shouldn’t have to find out about Tom like this but I haven’t had the opportunity to talk to you. Tom, I’d like to spend the morning with Goyse to try to make up for how shocked he must be to find you here.”
“That’s okay, Janice,” Tom replied. He looked at me then continued, “Why don’t you take Janice to lunch, Goyse.” Then to Janice, “I’ll be here when you get home, love.”
There was no sense in Janice taking me to lunch because it was obvious what had happened. I had been pushed out again. I didn’t really mind. I was acutely aware of the fact that one day it was going to happen. It would have been nice to be told instead of finding out by accident though.
Janice and I had lunch at the only high-class restaurant in town. We were one of only three couples in for lunch that day. The staff fussed around making sure that we had the best of service. The manager obviously knew Janice which made it even better. She came over the moment we came in and during the greeting and introduction the manager said, “So this is the young lad that you were telling me about, Janice.”
Janice gave a simple answer of, “yes, this is Goyse.”
I wondered why Janice would ever be talking to someone about me. I would have thought that a lady having an affair with a younger man half her age would not be broadcasting to the nation. After we were seated I asked, “What was that about, Janice?”
“What was that?”
“She asked was I the lad that you told her about.”
“Oh, that. That was nothing I just told her what a great lover you were and how efficient you are with that tongue of yours.”
“For Christ's sake, why did you do that?”
“You want to be popular with the girls around town, don’t you?"
“Yes, that would be nice but she is at least ten years older than you are. I don’t want the ladies in the pensioner’s league trying to seduce me.”
“So you think I’m ten years off joining the pensioners league, is that it?”
“No, you know that’s not what I’m saying. I just don’t think it is right for you to be telling women my mother’s age, perhaps even her friends that I’m a pussy licker. How do you think my mum would feel if someone who didn’t know that she is my mum told her about me?”
“She would probably be very proud of you.”
“What! Are you joking?”
“Look, I’m a mother. I understand. Mums want their sons to be considered to be good lovers. Most will not admit it but your mum has nothing to be ashamed of. You have learned skills that many men would not want to know. Even Dorothy, who left you for Robert tells me what a great person you are. She has never said anything derogatory about you. In fact, she was complimentary of how well you handled your separation.”
“If she felt like that, why did she pick up with Robert then?”
“I don’t think I should tell you that. Perhaps we had better change the subject. How’s your work going?”
“My work is fine. Now, tell me why Dorothy left me for Robert. If you care as much as you say you do, then you will tell me so I can change whatever it is. It won’t help me with Dorothy but I’ve lost you as well now. If I know then I can change it.”
“You can’t change it, Goyse, because it’s not about you. Dorothy left you because Robert has something that you can’t give her. It wasn’t about you. It may not even have been about Robert. It was more about Dorothy.”
“What about her?”
“I told you that she has been sexually active for some time, right?” She continued before I could answer, “She has experienced something a couple of times which she found… what will I call it?... ah yes, special, very special. It just happens that you don’t have it. There is nothing wrong with you. Don’t get me wrong. There is something special about Robert. It has to do with his size.”
“Oh, I see. I didn’t know. Is that why you have got with Tom?”
“No, I don’t worry about such trivial matters. An extra two or three inches does nothing for me. I’m more the romantic type. I enjoy being with men like you who treat me well and like to hug and kiss and explore my body. I’m not a size queen. Dorothy didn’t get that from me. She must have got that from her dad.”
“So, isn’t it about time you told me why you have taken up with Tom?”
“Yes, I was getting to that. It has nothing to do with you, Goyse. Well, in one way it has but it is not something that you can change. I can’t change it either. First off, it’s about our age difference and then it is about security.”
“Age difference doesn’t matter to me.”
“Yes, I know that today it doesn’t matter but think about thirty years time when you are fifty. Your hair will show that little bit of grey that all women are attracted to. Women of thirty or forty years of age will be throwing themselves at you and I will be seventy. I will be in that pensioner league you spoke of earlier. My hair will be falling out. My tits will have lost their shape and will be hanging down somewhere near my belly button. You’ll take one look at me and say ‘fuck that, how the hell did I make love to her?’ You must understand that it is impossible.”
“Okay, I understand your concern with that part but you said security. What has security to do with it?”
“Well, I’ve got debts. I don’t own my home. I don’t own my car. I have a credit card with a number on it as long as your arm. I can’t pay for it all. You can’t afford me, Goyse. If I pull you in and make our relationship permanent then financially you sink with me. I won’t do that to you.”
“But you’ll let Tom sink with you?”
“No, I won’t. Tom knows what he is getting into. He has his own home and a car. He has no debts. More importantly, he doesn’t care about my debt issue. He can afford it. He has looked at the numbers and said, ‘yep, we can fix that.’ There are another two things that make Tom important to me. The first is that he and I were lovers when we were your age. I left him for my ex-husband. He didn’t cause a fuss. He told me that he loved me and simply accepted that I go my own way.”
“So Tom was a teenaged lover?”
“Yes, I made a big mistake. I left him. I don’t really understand why except that my ex was very popular and it was like a sense of pride that I could win him over. I knew within a month that I had made a big mistake because I missed Tom but you can’t change things like that. Fortunately, we have found each other again.”
“You said there were two reasons.”
“Yes, I know I love him because I’ve carried that since I was eighteen but that’s not the other reason.” She looked at me for a while before she continued, “When Tom knew you and I were lovers he insisted that I deal with it in a proper manner. We talked about it this morning and I asked him would he come with me to talk to you but he refused. He said that I should spend whatever time I needed to so that you could understand. He insisted that we minimize the pain for you.”
“Why would he do that?”
“I think he did that because I didn’t do it right with him and he didn’t want you to suffer the way he did. Tom probably thinks that you and I are making love now. Do you understand how he must feel? After all these years he has never married. He has waited for me and yet he is willing to let me spend a day with you to make sure that you understand. He is too good a man for me to walk away from Goyse. I can’t let him go again.”
“No, you can’t. I knew that sooner or later this day would come. I’m just grateful that it is someone like Tom. When I take you home to him tell him that I said, ‘thanks.’”
“I’ll do that. I think he will appreciate it.” We had finished lunch. As we got up to leave she turned to me and said, “Do you want to book into a motel for the afternoon, Goyse.”
“Yes, of course, I want to.” I looked at her and saw her eyes shift away from me. After a short delay I continued, “Will I? No, I won’t.”
“You want to but you won’t. I don’t follow?”
“This is not about what I want. It is not even about you. Tom made this about him by insisting that you spend time with me today. If I ignore him and do what I want, then you will feel guilty and that will affect your relationship with Tom. I care too much about you to do that to you.”
“Thanks, Goyse. Someday I’ll think about this and wonder if I have made another big mistake.”
“I think we had better take you home to Tom before we change our minds.”
She laughed with me as we departed. The manager gave me a smile and a wink as we left. I was tempted to come back later and ask her if she needed anything, but then that would be just starting the cycle off again. I needed to find someone my own age who wanted to be in a relationship but not someone who just wanted somewhere to live and a job.
I didn’t know it then but that was about to happen.