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Stories From My Youth Chapter 1 - Harry and George

"My girlfriend Toni and I watch George and Julie."

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Harry was a force to be reckoned with. Harry wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination but everyone who knew him saw Harry as 'ruff and gruff'. His appearance was that of a man who had spent many hours working hard in the Queensland sunshine. He was brown all over. Even his hair and eyes were brown.

Harry’s loud voice dominated every conversation that he was involved in, while his more than confident manner caused most people to shrink away from him if there was ever a disagreement. Although no one had ever seen or heard of Harry getting into a fight, his manner, confidence and deportment left all that he came in contact with the view that he was a force to be reckoned with.

When it came to the female of the species, Harry could only be described as sexist. Harry not only expected that as a male he would be the boss but he dominated in such a way that women generally shied away from him, proving to him that as a man he was expected to dominate.

Whenever Harry spoke of women the terms that he used included things like “bitch”, “whore”, “chick” or “splitee”. Harry showed no respect for the ladies at all.  In fact, he showed little if any respect for anyone. Most thought Harry was. simply put, an ‘arsehole’.

Despite Harry’s sexist approach to women he had managed to become married to one of the most beautiful young ladies in the community. Julie had jet black hair. Her 36, 26, 36 hourglass figure attracted stares from every male in the area except for two men who often would be seen walking together at night time hand in hand.

It was not exceptional to hear someone say, “how did Harry ever win that one over?”

Julie was so attractive to the men that most of the ladies avoided her despite the fact that she was always polite and quite sociable.

George, on the other hand, was thought of as docile. He carried his six foot plus height slowly and leisurely. Although he never hurried his bright red hair rustled and moved as he walked. When you met George, the first thing that you noticed was his bright blue penetrating eyes. Nothing seemed to worry him. People always felt relaxed in his company.

If an argument ensured, George always listened intently to the opposing view without interrupting the speaker. If an agreement couldn’t be reached he often said things like, “we may have to agree to disagree on that,” or, “I can see what you mean but I do reserve the right to disagree.” People felt good in George’s presence.  

When it came to the ladies, George treated everyone the same. It was obvious to all that he despised anyone who used derogatory terms about any other person no matter what their situation be it male, female, rich, poor young or old. George was a gentleman and he had no enemies. Everyone loved George, especially the women. He could have the choice of any of the single ladies but he showed little interest. The only woman he ever engaged in conversation seemed to be Harry’s wife, Julie.  

The big surprise to everyone was that Harry and George were good mates. It didn’t seem likely that they could be because of their differences in their outlooks. Harry and his wife Julie regularly had George over for a meal. Harry had been heard to say that someone had to look after George because, for a single guy, George was a totally useless cook. It was probably true too because most knew that if George wasn’t at Harry’s place for dinner he was in one of the local restaurants. 

At that stage in my life, at eighteen years of age, I had fallen out with my most recent girlfriend, Toni. It was over nothing really. She wanted to go swimming in the river and I had to work. I was quite upset that she had taken a lift to the river with one of the lads that I didn’t get along with. Being young and inexperienced I had challenged her on it and had probably been a little heavy with her, not physically but verbally. She had got the sulks.

I knew that I should have trusted her but I didn’t trust the guy. As a result, I was feeling down and more than just a little guilty. I had apologized but she had said nothing and walked away. I really didn’t feel like celebrating the arrival of the New Year so I was sitting on a brick wall up a laneway away from everybody in a position where I could look down on all the people having a great time.   

The spot where I was sitting, I could look down into Harry’s yard. Harry, of course, was not there. As the loudest individual in my hometown he had the job of public announcer so was down in the midst of the celebrations. A little after ten o’clock I saw a movement near Harry’s house and recognized George. No surprise there. George was often at Harry’s place.

It was then that I saw Julie. She had been lying on one of the lounge chairs beside the swimming pool. As George approached, she sat up and they hugged and kissed. Yep, they were good friends and that is what good friends do. My attention shifted back to the celebrations.

After a short time, I looked back down to Harry’s and realized that they were both in the swimming pool. ‘Hhhmm,’ I thought, 'good night for it,’ as I wiped the sweat from my brow.

I then noticed something beside the pool. It was their swimmers. I looked back again and sure enough, they were in the nude. George and Harry’s wife, Julie were swimming together in the nude!

It was then that I looked up to see Toni walking up the hill towards me. Fuck, the last thing that I need right now is a dressing down from an angry girlfriend. I thought of jumping the fence and hightailing it but the sight in the swimming pool had me mesmerized. I was looking forward to seeing Julie, the most gorgeous lady in town, when she got out of the swimming pool. What eighteen-year-old male wouldn’t want that? Well, maybe not the guys who held hands on their walks at night.

“HI, honey. I was worried about you when I couldn’t find you downtown.” '

Shit,' I thought, 'she's no longer angry.'

“Hi, Toni, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Will you forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive. You were right, I shouldn’t have gone with him. He’s an arsehole.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You were right, he couldn’t be trusted. He tried it on with me and I had to get a lift home with Denise. I was angry because it felt like you were blaming me for his behaviour. I talked to my mum and she agreed with you and told me that I should come to find you. What are you looking at?”

While she was talking I looked back to the pool where George now had Julie backed up against the wall of the pool. This was starting to look like more than an innocent swim with a friend. I didn’t answer Toni but just kept watching.

“That’s George with Julie isn’t it?”  

“Yes, they have been having a swim together.”

“They have no clothes on. That’s their swimmers near the ladder, isn’t it? They are kissing.”


“Come on. I know a way to get down close to the pool where we should be able to see everything.”

“How do you know that?”

“Us girls used to perv on Harry with his little two-inch dick when I was in high school. He always swam in the raw. Julie used to swim as well with no top on. Those tits of hers are amazing. He used to try to cop a feel but she always slapped him.”

We made our way down the hill through the bushes arriving at their back fence. There was a gate to the vacant block with quite a large gap that we could see quite clearly through. I guess they had never worried about it because the block behind them was just bush.

From where we were we could only see the parts of their body that were above the water level. They were still kissing. After a few minutes, we heard Julie say, “Let’s get out, love. I want to feel that rod of yours inside me.” 

Toni whispered to me, “They are going to fuck.”

I was standing behind Toni while she crouched down to allow me to see above her. My cock was so hard that I felt that it would break out of its skin. I reached down to her crotch and slid my fingers through between her leg and her shorts to rub along her slit. “Take them off,” she whispered. “Take my shorts off, Goyse.”

I reached around her and unbuttoned her shorts. She straightened up a little to allow me to slide them off her. I took her panties with them. I then unbuttoned my shorts and dropped them as well. My seven-inch tool rested on the crack of her butt. I took hold of it and rubbed it up along her slit.

“No, not yet. Let’s watch first.”

By this time, George and Julie had alighted from the pool. Toni was right, those tits were near perfect. Mind you, I don’t think they came anywhere near Toni’s. George was following her so his cock was not visible. When he did turn and it came into sight I felt Toni gasp.

“Look at the size of that thing. It must be ten inches long.” She wasn’t exaggerating. I had never seen anything like it. At that time in my life, I didn’t think that they came in that size.   

Julie had sat down on the lounge chair. George was still standing and moved over to her. She reached out and took hold of him and bent forward to place the head in her mouth. Her eyes were fixed on to his. The thickness of it meant that she must have almost had to split her lips to make it fit. She dropped her head and her tongue went from his balls along the full length to its head. 

“Lie down,” he said as if handing down an order. She did as instructed. George knelt on his knees and she raised her knees to allow him access to her. We couldn’t see much but knew that he was working her over with his tongue. I saw Toni stand up and reach her hand through the gap between the gate and the fence.

“What are you doing?”

“We can go over behind the shed there. We will be able to see what they are doing.”

“You’ll get caught, Toni. It’s too big a risk.”

“We’ve done it before when we watched Harry. He had no idea that we were there. They won’t see us, they’re too involved in what they are doing.”

“They might not see us but they’ll hear us.”

“No, they won’t. There is too much noise from the celebrations. Come on.”

The gate opened and she quietly moved across behind the shed. Of course, I followed, carrying our clothes with me.

The shed had a door on the opposite side to the pool. This allowed us to enter the shed and watch through the window. It put us in a position not much more than three meters from where they were but above them so that we were looking slightly down on them. The view was of the rear end of George.

His butt was as white as a new sheet. A little repulsive to me actually but what took my interest was the huge ball sac hanging down between his legs. Each ball was clearly defined with the left one hanging low and the right slightly higher. They looked to be larger than a golf ball but slightly smaller than a tennis ball.

Toni noticed it too.

“Those balls of his must be big enough to fill a cup when he cums.”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. I saw Julie lift her head and she whispered something to George. George kept licking. I wish he would move aside because I wanted to see Julie’s pussy. As if I had ordered it George moved aside giving me a clear sight of her. He moved up to her and they started kissing. What worried me was that while they kissed she was looking directly at the window where Toni and I were.

“She’s seen us, I think,” I whispered to Toni.

“Yes, you laughed too loud. She knows someone is here. Keep dead still, she might just think it a mouse or a cat.”

I was standing behind Toni. My rock hard cock was pressing up against her. I could feel the heat from her body searing into my flesh. I reached down between her legs and slipped a finger into her tight little pussy. She was soaking wet. She let out a little moan and she pushed her backside harder against me. I was feeling about as horny as I ever had and then it happened.  

“If you want to watch then don’t hide. Come out and join us.” It was Julie.

I whispered to Toni. “She has asked us to join them.”

“Okay, why don’t we?”

“I’m not sure. He is so big. I’ll look like a boy beside him.”

“No one is going to be comparing sizes. They probably will get a kick out of it the same way as we are while watching them.”

“What if Harry comes home?”

“He can’t. He’s working at the festival.”

I pulled back from her and moved towards the door. When I reached it I stopped. I didn’t want to be seen with my little seven-inches beside that huge cock of George’s. Toni didn’t hesitate she opened the door and pushed me through it. It was too late to stop, then.

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“Come here, Goyse, you too Toni. You kids don’t have to hide. George and I don’t mind if you want to watch us but you have to promise that you’ll never tell anyone about us.”

I responded, “You don’t have to worry about us, Julie. We can keep a secret.”

“Okay, do you have any questions?”

“No, I don’t think so,” I replied.

“Aren’t you curious about Harry? Most people would ask that.”

Toni jumped in, “Seeing that monster hanging between George’s legs answers that for us, Julie.”

“Yes, it’s a big one isn’t it? Do you want to touch it, Toni?”

“Could I? Do you mind?”

“I don’t mind at all and I doubt that George would object. George, let Toni feel Zeus.”


“Yes, it’s like a God. It performs magic. It does things that normal humans could never understand.”

George moved over to Toni and she reached her hands out to hold it. Her fingers went only half way around it. From a distance, I had not realized how thick it was. Toni dropped down onto her knees to give her better access with her hands but what this did, was put her head directly near its enormous head.

“Goyse, you are missing out. That’s unfair. Why don’t you come over here to me?” I walked over to Julie. “Do you want to touch me, Goyse? It’s only fair that if she gets a feel then you should as well.”

She placed her hands under her magnificent tits and held them up to me. I didn’t want to touch them, I wanted to suck them. I lowered my head down and licked one nipple and then the other.

“Ooohhh,” she murmured. "That’s nice."

She placed her arm around my shoulders and pulled me into her chest. My mouth was filled by a nipple and part of a breast. I struggled to get my breath as her breast spread across my face. She let me go after about a minute and I had the opportunity to look across to Toni. She had the head of George’s cock in her mouth.

This didn’t worry me too much but what did worry me is that he had lifted her back to her feet and she was bent over. He was working her little pussy with his big hands. I immediately thought, ‘Christ I hope he doesn’t try to fuck her with that huge monster. He’ll split her open.’  

Julie broke my train of thought, “She looks to be taken by it, doesn’t she? George has big fingers and he can work magic with them as well. You’re not jealous are you?”

“No, not really. I hope he doesn’t hurt her that’s all.”

“Do you want to feel my pussy? If he can do it to Toni, it wouldn’t hurt for you to do it to me. It will show you what Toni will be like when George finishes with her.”

“Do you think he is going to fuck her?”

“He will if she lets him and I don’t think she wants to stop him, do you?”

“It’ll hurt her. She’s not stretched yet. We’ve only done it a few times.”

“He will probably cum in her first before he pushes inside her. He did that with me the first time. Do you want to go first to loosen her up for him?”

“Do you think he would let me do that?”

“She’s your girlfriend. Of course, he’ll let you. I should warn you though that after a man cums sometimes he can get jealous. If we do that you need to understand that you won’t be able to stop them.”

“If I don’t, then I’ll miss out. I’m going to need relief.”

“I’ve got the juiciest pussy that you’ve ever seen, Goyse. It’s yours if you want to leave them be.”

As we talked Gorge had pushed Toni over the back of a lounge chair. Her pussy was soaking wet so much so that her juices were running down her thighs. George was behind her rubbing his huge weapon up and down her slit. At the same time, he was rubbing one hand up and down his shaft.

He was masturbating with the head of his cock at her entrance. I saw him try to push it in but it just didn’t seem to want to go. Toni reached back and placed her hand against him to stop him pushing too hard into her. I guessed she did that because he was hurting her.

“I think he is hurting her.”

“Yes, but after he comes his cock will shrink slightly and with the lubrication, it will slip in without hurting. Then he’ll really work her over. She will love it. Just watch unless you want to mount me.”

“No, if I were to enter you I would cum immediately. I’m too close now from watching them.”

Just as I spoke, George let out a bellow like a bull and I saw his cock throbbing. His balls had lifted but they were working up and down in their sac. He was pumping his sperm into my unprotected girlfriend. As I watched his cock slowly slipped into her. I couldn’t tell when his orgasm finished because he just seemed to stay hard.

We watched for about another minute. He would pull back a little and then push forward and just a little more of his big shaft would disappear inside her. All the time I was on the edge of an orgasm. Soon he just kept stroking about six inches in and out of her. The sperm that he had deposited in her was being displaced from her vagina each time he pushed in. It was causing a mess.

Toni seemed to be in a continuous orgasm. She just kept groaning and moaning and I doubted if she knew anything other than what was happening to her.

As I watched, Julie moved around in front of me and backed her wet sticky pussy up to my crutch. She took hold of my cock and directed it into her loose wet orifice. There was nothing that I could do. I was about to cum anyway and that beautiful smoothness was too much. I grabbed her shoulders and rammed into her as hard as I could and ejaculated.

What did surprise me was that every time that I had ever cum previously, my cock had shrunk and I couldn’t get it up again for at least half an hour but while watching the sex show in front of me, I stayed hard. I didn’t stop, I just kept grinding inside that lovely slippery pussy of Julie’s.

All the time I was watching George. Where initially he only had about six inches inside Toni within ten or fifteen minutes, he was pushing eight inches inside.

Toni seemed to be still in a continuous orgasm. She just kept moaning and groaning. After about twenty minutes I had slowed my stroke in Julie.

“You’re going to cum again Goyse?”

“Yes, Julie. I’m getting close.”

“Gorge is getting close too. Look at his balls. There pulled right up hard. Have you ever had a woman’s rear hole, Goyse.”


“OK, Toni has had a first tonight. She has been fucked by a God. I want to be your first anal. Pull out and push into my rear.”

I pulled out of her. My cock was coated with sperm. I placed my head against her tight little bud and pushed. She was tight but it slipped slowly in, with a groan from Julie. I slowly worked in and out of her and moved my attention back to George. His balls were pulled up hard against the bottom of his cock now. While my attention was on Julie, he had got the remainder of his huge weapon inside her. Toni was still moaning continuously.

I started to cum as I saw him thrust his cock as hard as he could inside her and hold it there. Those balls started their little dance again working up and down inside their sac. His bellow was enough to wake the dead.

Toni threw her head back and yelled. “Oh fuck, Goyse he’s seeding me. I can feel his sperm shooting right up to my ovaries. You should have made him wear a condom. Why didn’t you stop him? I think he’s going to impregnate me. I wanted it to be you. Why did you let him do this to me?”

This shocked me. I had assumed that Toni would have been on the pill. I knew she had been a few months before. I didn’t once think there could be any risk. George had finished his orgasm but mine continued. The thought of his fertile seed meeting up with Toni’s fertile egg was too much for me.

Eventually, my knees gave out on me and my cock slipped out of Julie’s rear end. I looked over again at Toni and saw that George had not withdrawn from her. Toni was making no effort to get him to withdraw either. It was Julie who spoke first.

“Come on Goyse, let’s go inside and have a drink. Leave them to it. George obviously wants to hold his sperm in her for as long as possible to give it the best chance possible. Not that it matters anyway, if she is fertile she will be pregnant by now with two of his huge loads in her.”

I followed her inside like a puppy dog. I looked at her and said, “I’ve got a question for you, Julie.”

“Yes, what’s that?”

“Your husband, does he know about George?”

“No, he’s too busy telling everyone how good he is to work out what is going on. I care about him, of course, but do you think a little three-inch cock could satisfy me after that monster? I let him get his rocks off a couple of times a week but George and I try to make it together every day if we can. Harry drinks a lot, so we just feed the alcohol to him and about halfway through the night he passes out. That leaves us to get it on.”

“What do you think will happen with Toni? Do you think she will be like you and not be satisfied with me after this?”

“Probably. Even if you stay together she won’t be the same for you after this. She will be loose like me. A woman can’t handle something like that and recover to the way they were. How do you feel about the possibility that she might be pregnant now?”

“I don’t think I can raise someone else’s child. I’m only eighteen. I’m too young anyway and so is she.”

“Okay, come with me.”

She took me into the bedroom. From a drawer, she took out a small package which she handed to me. “Give this to her when you leave tonight if you leave tonight that is.”

“What is it?”

“It’s called the ‘morning after pill’. It’s an unprotected girl’s best friend. She needs to take it within the next twelve hours. My suggestion is to make sure she gets on the pill as soon as possible. We don’t want any redheads running around, do we?”

“You make it sounds as if he will be fucking her again.”

She looked at me seriously and grinned. “What do you think? When she wants to come back give me a call and I’ll organize for Harry to be away for the night so you and I can watch again.”

“What if I tell her she can’t?”

“She will just do it without you. She’s hooked, honey. Accept it. Once a girl has that monster, she can’t walk away. Look at them. They’re at it again out there.”

I looked out the window and sure enough, Toni was on her back on the lounge and George was working that thick ten-inch cock in and out of her. A surge of anger coursed through my body, “fuck her.”

“Yep, that’s what he’s doing, Goyse. If you want to leave her here, I’ll give her that pill. Otherwise, we could join them again.”

“I probably ought to go home. I’m not sure that I can handle watching any more of that besides Harry will be home shortly won’t he, it’s after two o’clock.”

“Harry will be too drunk to make it up the hill. He usually sleeps in the office when he gets drunk. He’s probably got his little bimbo with him as well.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s been happening a long time. When I heard about it, I decided to give in to George who had made it known that he was interested if I was willing.”

“Perhaps I might stay after all. I don’t want to go back out there though. Do you think we could move into your bedroom?”  

“I thought you would never ask. Come on, lover. Let’s go.”  

I spent the night with Julie. In fact, I spent a few nights with Julie after that. She took pity on me when Toni told me that she was no longer my girlfriend and that she was going steady with George. Later that year, I heard that she had given birth to a baby boy.

One day when walking down the street, I saw Toni pushing a pram towards me. I stopped and asked her how she was. She told me that she was okay then told me that she was sorry. I just answered, “That’s okay, I understand.”

As we talked I lifted the blanket off the baby to have a look at him and just about fainted. The baby didn’t have red hair. He didn’t have blue eyes even. It was as if I was looking at a photo of myself at that age. I thought, 'how?'

When I got home I sat in my room and thought through that night. There didn’t seem to be any possibility that I had seeded her then so I thought back. We had sex a month before. Was she already pregnant that night? She had to be. Is that why she came back to make up with me?

I knew Toni’s brother quite well so I called him and asked him when Toni’s baby had been born. He, of course, asked me why I needed to know. I told him that I keep everybody’s birthday in a book and I hadn’t written the baby's down.

“August, I think. Yes, it was the first or second week in August. The tenth if I remember right.”

“Thanks, mate. See you around.”

Fuck, I’m a dad, how about that. George might have a big cock but I scored, he missed out.

Written by goyse
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EXCELLENT story!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! ;)
Well, I've never read nothing more wonderfull. I am so wet rn
Great storytelling.
Excellent story. Very hot. I can empathize with the hero though.
Great story. George is exactly the kind of guy who deserves to raise another man’s kid.