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Santa Claus is Cumming to Town

"I'm a kids party Santa,..."

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I hate playing Santa. That said, I am a kid’s party Santa. Did I mention that I hate it? The outfit is hot and made out of cheap fabric which makes my skin break out if I wear it for more than a few hours. I go to parties where everyone else is having fun, and I can’t even have a drink (except of course the warm milk that comes with the cookies I have to eat), and the kids are usually brats. But I already have a beard, the money isn’t bad, and occasionally I even get a tip from the parents in addition to my $35 per hour fee.

So, this party promises to be the worst. It’s in this huge house on the top of a hill overlooking town; 4000 square feet of ‘let me show you how rich we are’ extravagance. The party starts at 3:00 pm on Saturday; I’ve been instructed to arrive promptly at 4:15 pm. I’m supposed to enter, “Ho, ho, ho!” for a couple of minutes as I greet everyone, sit and let the brats sit on my lap and present me with their list of demands, distribute a stack of gifts (gift cards to the local Burger Whiz, most likely), and get out of Dodge by 5:00 pm. They promised a full hour’s fee if I do a good job.

I parked near the house at 4:10, hefted my bag of goodies, the gift cards, which I’d picked up yesterday, and slowly made my way to the door. I rang the doorbell twenty seconds early and entered exactly on time. The lady of the house, Betsy, let me in, and called out, “Hey, everyone, look who’s here!”

I slowly worked my way around the room, shaking hands and greeting all the kids; fifteen or so ranging from about 6 to 14 years old. About that same number of parents, standing around, drinking. Half boys, half girls; exactly what I expected. When I finally got over to the Christmas tree, I found the ‘throne’ where I was to sit, put my bag down, and sat. One of the younger girls brought over a glass of milk; a boy who looked like he could be her twin brought a plate with two cookies. I ho, ho, ho’d a bit, drank the milk and ate one of the cookies; the little girl said she’d helped make them.

Betsy announced that it was time for talk to Santa and the kids lined up, more or less from youngest to oldest, and started presenting their lists. Again, exactly what I expected; the most expensive, most popular items of the year. The usual assortments of ponies and puppies, computer games, motorized vehicles, and, for the older kids, clothing from the snootiest labels. I said hmmmm and that I’d have to check supply levels with the elves when I got back to the North Pole (party Santas never make promises that parents have to keep) and then distributed the gift envelopes to each of the party guests.

I was done, and it was five minutes early. Rather than let me go early, Betsy announced that any of the parents who wanted to talk to Santa could get in line. I hadn’t planned on that, but it was early, and there was a potential tip involved. Several moms and one dad got in line.

“What’s your name, little girl?” I asked the first mom in line. She was short, curvy, and blonde.


“And how old are you, Susan?”

“I’m 34, Santa.”

“Have you been a good little girl, Susan?”

“Well, mostly, Santa.” Susan whispered, “except for the time the electrician was at the house to repair the wiring in the garage. But you won’t tell anyone about that, will you, Santa?”

“Ho, ho, ho, Susan. Of course not. Unless you were really naughty.”

“We were pretty naughty. Does that mean I won’t be getting any presents, Santa?” she pouted.

“Well, Susan, you know that I bring presents for good little girls and boys. If you’ve been naughty, then I’ll have to check my lists to see whether you qualify for naughty or nice.”

Susan wiggled her bottom on my lap. She leaned over, and whispered in my ear, “I can be very, very nice, Santa.” I could smell a bit of holiday cheer on her breath. She wiggled again.

“Susan,” I said quietly, “if you are very, very good, Santa may find a way to be sure you’re on his nice list.”

“Santa, I want to show you how nice I can be.” Her hand slipped between her hip and my pillow until it rested directly over my semi-erect cock. “A couple of guys have said I’m the best ever.”

“Susan, my dear, Santa would love to find out how good you can be. I’d love to see your name near the top of the good little girls list.”

“Nine tonight, 2731 Skytop Lane, Santa. I’m going to be very, very good!” She wiggled once more, extracted her hand, and got up.

The rest of the adults were a blur; normal requests from normal people. A couple of the moms noticed my erection as they sat; none of them seemed offended, and a one even asked if that present was for her. I told her I’d love to deliver it. She giggled but didn’t take me up on the offer. The dad didn’t sit on my lap; he wanted a Jaguar.

Eventually, I finished the parents. When I got up to leave, Betsy walked me to the door. “Here’s your check. Thank you for everything. You were wonderful with the kids, and Susan commented on what a great Santa you were. We’d love to have you back next year.”

I thanked her and took my check. When I got to the car, I looked at it. Two hours worth!

I thought about Susan’s offer all the way home.


At 9:00, I parked just down the street from 2731 Skytop Lane. It was about three blocks from the party, in a slightly less ostentatious neighborhood. I’d left the Santa suit on, but removed the pillow from my front. Tucked in the bottom of the bag was a ‘toy’ I’d picked up on the way, an eight-inch vibrating dildo, just in case Susan needed a little help. I’d wrapped it in holiday paper with a big, red bow.

Susan answered the door. She was wearing a bathrobe and slippers, and she had a wine glass in her hand. She smiled, “Santa! I was afraid you might not show up.” She pulled the door open, and I went in.

“Ho, ho, ho, Susan. How’s my good little girl tonight?”

“I’ve had a bit too much wine, Santa.” She closed and locked the front door, then took my hand, and led me down a few steps to a room with a TV, couch, and pool table. “Frank has the kids tonight. They went to a movie, and then they’re staying at his place.”

I put my bag down near the end of the couch and sat. Susan said, “Would Santa like a little drink? I’ve got milk and cookies.”

“Ho, ho, ho! Santa prefers Scotch if you have it.”

Susan walked over to a cabinet on the wall and opened it. She shuffled the bottles inside around a bit, then came out with a bottle. “Ice?”

“No thanks. Just a splash of water, please.”

Susan brought the drink over and sat next to me. She’d let the front of the robe come untied. I could see a black nightgown underneath. She tucked her feet up under her, pulled the bottom of the robe over her legs, and sipped on her wine.

“So, Susan, I suppose the first thing you’ll need to do is tell me all about the electrician. If you’ve been naughty, I’ll need to know exactly how naughty. That way, I’ll be able to tell exactly how good you’ll need to be to get back on my list.”

“Oh, Santa! I hope I can be good enough. The electrician was named Dave, and he came to fix the wiring in the garage. Squirrels had chewed through the wires and shorted things out. Dave had a truck full of wires and pipes and stuff, and he said he’d need to put everything in conduit.

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It was July, and quite hot in the garage. After an hour or so, I took a glass of lemonade out to him. He was on a ladder, and he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I had on a pair of shorts and a tank-top; as I said, it was hot.”

“Go on, Susan.”

“Well, I reached up with the lemonade to hand it to Dave. From where he was, he could look straight down the front of my shirt. He took the lemonade and kept staring down my shirt. Well, Santa, it was already hot in the garage, but it seemed to get hotter. I guess my nipples were sticking out a bit. Dave started down the ladder. His waist was about even with my face, and I could see that he was getting hard. In fact, the end of his cock was sticking out a little bit below the bottom of his shorts. He stopped there for a second, and I couldn’t resist. I reached out, and touched it.”

“Then what happened, Susan?”

“Well, it got bigger and harder almost immediately. I slid my hand up the leg of his shorts and took it in my hand, then I kissed the tip. Dave unbuttoned and unzipped, and pushed his shorts down. I let go for a minute, pushed his shorts down further, and kissed it again. Then I took part of it into my mouth, and began to suck and stroke and lick like all the boys seem to like.”

I could feel my erection pressing against my Santa suit. Susan reached over and put her hand on the bulge. “After a few minutes, Dave pulled his cock out of my mouth, shook his legs free of the shorts, and climbed down. He took off his shirt, and then he took the bottom of my tank top in his hands and pulled it up over my head. Then he started to play with my nipples. I took his cock in my hand and stroked it. Then he bent over, and kissed my nipple, then began to suck on it. Santa, my nipples are very sensitive. I nearly had an orgasm when he was sucking on my nipple.”

I reached my free hand over and placed it on Susan’s breast. I could feel her stiff nipple with my fingers. She was massaging my cock with her hand. “Oh, Santa, that’s when I got really naughty.”

“Dave pushed my shorts down off of my hips; they fell to my ankles, and I stepped out of them. I had on a pink thong under them, and he started to rub the front of the thong.”

“That’s naughty, Susan,” I said, “but not enough to put you on my coal list.”

“Oh, good. Thank you, Santa,” Susan said, continuing to stroke me. “Well, then Dave turned me around, pulled the thong to one side, pushed me up against his ladder, and shoved his cock into me. I was so hot at that point that all I could do was push back against him. He shoved his cock in and out of me for a few minutes. I know I had at least one orgasm while he was fucking me, and a second one when he came inside me.” She had a death-grip on my cock as she talked about her orgasm. She was breathing hard and her face was flushed. Her nipple between my fingers was hard as a rock.

“That’s pretty naughty, Susan. You’ll have to work at being good to get back on my nice list.”

“Oh, Santa, that wasn’t even the naughtiest part. That came after I licked off his cock, and then took his hand and led him into the back yard. I pulled the cushion off of the chase lounge and laid down on it. Dave was standing there, next to me with his cock sticking straight out. I grabbed it and pulled him to his knees between my legs. I pointed his cock at my pussy and pulled him into me again. We fucked and fucked and fucked. He lasted a lot longer before he came that time. I came again, too, when he did.”

“Finally Dave pulled out of me, stood up, and said, ‘Lady, maybe you’d better go shopping or something. I’ll never survive to finish your wiring at this rate.’ So, I got up, went back and got my clothes, kissed his cock one more time, then went and took a shower. Then I drove over to Betsy’s house, and we had a cup of tea while I told her what had just happened. As I did, I could see that Betsy was getting hot and bothered, and when I leaned over and kissed her lips, she put her arms around me, and kissed me back.”

By then, I had pushed Susan’s robe off her shoulders, and she had wiggled her arms out of it. The black nightie was sheer; I could see the color of her nipples through the fabric. She had undone the top of my pants, and her hand was inside, gripping my cock.

“Well, Santa, to make a long story short, Betsy and I went over to the couch, sat down, and continued kissing. I started rubbing her chest, and she rubbed mine. Then we both started pulling off our clothes, and kissing and licking and rubbing and pretty soon, we were both naked and had our faces on each other’s pussies. Susan tasted sooo yummy as I shoved my tongue into her. She said that Dave and I both tasted good as she licked me. Anyway, we both had orgasms and promised each other that we’d have to do that again. Well, we did, but that’s another story. When I got home, Dave had already finished and gone.”

I stood up, pulled off my Santa top, kicked off my Santa boots, and dropped and stepped out of my Santa pants. My seven-inch erection stood out proudly as I sat back down. Susan bent over and began to lick and suck. “That’s even bigger than Dave’s, Santa.”

As Susan sucked, I pulled her nightie up above her breasts. When she lifted her head, I pulled it over her head. She slid her arms out of it, and I put it on the back of the couch. She still had on a tiny black thong. She bent back over, and began to suck me again.

“Ho, ho, ho, Susan. You’re being a very, very good girl. I have a present for you already.” I reached for my bag and took out the wrapped box.

“Oh, goody. Should I save it until Christmas?”

“No, Susan, I think you’d better open it right now.”

She tore the paper off the box, then pried it open. The vibrator was eight inches long, black, and had a rotating knob on the base. Susan turned the knob, and it began to hum. I took it from her hand and put the tip on her left nipple. She got a surprised look on her face, which quickly turned into a smile. “Oh my, Santa. I knew my nipples were sensitive, but I never suspected.”

I moved it over to the other nipple. She cupped her breast with her hand and pressed the tip against the tip of the vibrator. “Oooooohhh!”

I put my hand on her cheek and pulled her face to mine. We kissed as I continued to vibrate her nipple. She shoved her tongue between my lips, and I pushed back with mine. When we came up for air, I said, “There are other places that this might go, Susan. Do you want to try?”

She laid back on the couch, spread her legs slightly, and pulled the thong aside. “Do you mean here, Santa?”

As I touched to tip of the vibrator to her, I said, “Exactly, Susan, exactly.” I slid the tip up and down her lips. As they opened, the moisture on them lubricated the vibrator, letting it slide easier. I stopped with the tip directly on her clit. She gasped.

“Oh, Santa, ooooh! Don’t. Oh, nooooo! Oh my god! NOOOOO!” Her hips began to buck against the vibrator. Her movements caused the tip to slip inside. I pressed it deeper.

“OH MY GOD, OH! OH! SHIT! OH! YESSSS!” Her hips were humping up and down, the vibrator deep inside her. Her stomach muscles started to spasm. “UGGGGHHH! UGGGGHHHHH!”

After fifteen or twenty seconds, her orgasm began to subside. She lay on the couch, gasping for air as I slid the vibrator out of her, and turned it off. I leaned over her and kissed her. After a few more seconds, as she started to catch her breath, she started to kiss me back. I positioned myself between her legs, rolled a condom over the tip of my cock, and placed it at the opening of her pussy. She grabbed my hips, pulled gently, and said, “Oh, yes, Santa, that’s exactly what I want for Christmas.”

Written by bowser23
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