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Jingle Jangle - Part 1 of 2

"College boy pursues a hot mom from down the street"

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Zach was on the interstate, making his six-hour drive home from college for the summer. He had just finished his junior year and although he was glad that his classes and finals were behind him, he wasn’t looking forward to living under his parents’ roof again for the summer. At college he could do as he pleased--party, stay out all night, raise hell, get drunk, whatever he wanted at any time. At home, he had to toe the line or he’d get a load of grief from Mom and Dad.

Zach was a good-looking kid, tall, blond, athletic and popular at school. He was majoring in journalism, had a good grade point average, contributed to the campus newspaper and radio station and was the starting third baseman for the baseball team. Coming home only cramped his style.

He was now looking forward to three months of the same things he’d done the previous two summers: working nights in a busy warehouse and helping to coach his little brother’s baseball team. His brother Jeff was fourteen years old and played in the county Senior League.

The team was managed by Dan, father of Danny Jr., who was Jeff’s best friend and lived three doors down. Dan was an easy-going guy in his mid-thirties who worked for the State Roads Commission and had coached both boys since they were in the Midget League. His wife was Barb, the perpetual team mother and a hairdresser by trade. Zach could remember times when all the neighborhood kids lined up at her kitchen door for free haircuts when she would hold occasional ‘Haircut Saturdays’.

Zach had always liked Dan and Barb. They were kind, down-to-Earth working people, although a bit of an odd couple; they were total opposites. Dan was a laid-back, soft-spoken pipe smoker, kind of rough-edged with a plain face and a pot belly. He never said much unless he drank too much. Barb, on the other hand, was an attractive frizzy-haired blonde with a perky, likeable personality and a quick wit, plus a killer body she’d kept in great physical shape. Zach had always thought she was pretty hot. Hell, everybody did.

Zach pulled his car into the driveway. No one was home. It was early afternoon so Jeff would still be in school and his parents at work. His mother, Meg worked as a nurse practitioner and his father, Joe was a civil engineer. He let himself into the house and unpacked his filled-to-the-max car and moved all of his stuff into his old bedroom. He threw a load of dirty laundry into the washing machine and then went out back and dove into the pool. He swam a few laps before climbing out and lying on a lounge chair.

He was proud of the backyard. His parents had done a great job designing it, he thought, from the large lanai to the outdoor kitchen and bar, screened pool and Jacuzzi, even a gazebo. They loved to entertain and often held parties and get-togethers for their friends and family.

Jeff got home from school and came in the front door yelling for Zach because he’d seen his car out front. Zach was in the laundry room downstairs. He was moving his clean clothes into the dryer and throwing another dirty load into the washer.

They greeted each other and then went out in the side yard and played a game of catch. They talked about the baseball team and how they were doing so far. The season had started a couple weeks before. Jeff said they looked pretty good, had won three and lost one so far, and the one they’d lost was in extra innings.

“We should have won,” Jeff said. “But our right fielder missed a routine pop fly and by the time he caught up to the ball the hitter was rounding third and headed home. Lost 3-2.”

“Ooh, that’s a tough one,” Zach said. “It’s easier to forget the blowouts than tough losses like that.”

“We need you coachin’,” Jeff said. “Mr. Dan just sits there most of the time, and doesn’t say much. We need you coachin’ third and pumpin’ us up.”

“I’ll call Mr. Dan tonight and let him know that I’m back. If he still wants me, I’ll be there.”

“Oh, he wants you, alright. Danny told me he’s mentioned it a bunch of times.”

Their mother came out of the house.

“There’s my baby!” she hollered as she hustled over to give Zach a hug.

Meg squeezed her older son tightly and kissed his cheeks.

“Oh, it’s so nice to see you, Honey. Welcome home,” she said. “How was the drive?”

“Smooth sailing,” Zach said.

“Good. I’m cooking lasagna tonight, so I hope you’re hungry.”

“I’ll eat it, don’t you worry.”

Meg stepped back and looked at him.

“My, do you ever need a haircut!” she said looking at him. “You need to go see Barb.”

Zach knew she was right. He hadn’t had it cut since before Christmas.

“Ma!” Jeff whined from sixty feet away. “We’re trying to play catch!”

“Yeah, I know,” Zach said. “I’ll call and make an appointment.”

“Glad you’re home, Zach,” she said.

Meg went into the kitchen to start dinner. The boys finished playing catch.


Zach called Dan after supper. 

“I was hoping you’d get home before the weekend,” Dan said. “I need ya. We look okay so far but we need a practice on some of the fundamentals. It’s set for Saturday morning. That’s where you come in.”

“Oh, what fundamentals are those?” Zach asked. “Right fielders shagging flies?”

“Oh, Jeff told you how we lost, huh? Maybe that too. But mostly bunting, base running, rundowns, cutoffs. All the fun stuff. And the kids seem to focus better when they know a real college player is talking and not the same ole dad they’ve been listening to for six-seven years.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan. I’m anxious to get started again. Oh, and is Miss Barb around? Tell her I need a haircut bad, and I’ll be making an appointment.”

“I’ll tell her. See you Saturday,” Dan said.

Zach hung up and called the salon. The gal who answered the phone said Barb worked the next day. He scheduled an appointment for mid-afternoon.


First thing the next morning Zach called his employer. He’d worked there for three straight summers and they were always glad to have him back. They told him to come in and sign everything and he would start the following Monday.

Zach took a shower and shampooed his golden locks. He dressed casual but neat and went to fill out the paperwork for his job. He grabbed some lunch and went to a bookstore and bought a couple paperbacks. He did some reading and browsed until it was time for his hair appointment.

He got to the salon a little early and checked in. He took a seat with a good view of Barb. She had worked at this place for years so she had a choice workspace near the back and had an old guy in her chair. She looked good as usual, her slim body dressed in a black zippered smock with sleeves to her elbows, black tights on her legs and black flats on her feet. Her blond curls danced on her shoulders as she moved to and fro, snipping away.

He always liked going to Barb for haircuts. She looked good, smelled good and took her time, fussing over every little edge, evening it here and there, making sure it looked just so.

One thing about Barb, she always wore a lot of jewelry: head-to-toe necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, you name it. Even as he looked at her from his chair in the waiting area at the front he could see gold chains dangling from her earlobes, bracelets and bangles on both her wrists, rings on most of her fingers and ankle bracelets. He wondered how much more he couldn’t see.

Finally, Barb pulled the sheet off of the old man and he rose out of his chair. He preened in front of the mirror for a moment before they walked up front to the cash register. He paid, said thanks and walked past Zach and out the door.

“Okay, who’s next?” Barb called out loudly, pretending to look at the appointment schedule on the counter. “Do we have a Zach?” She looked at him and grinned.

Zach stood up and walked toward her and Barb came around the counter and gave him a hug.

“Hi, Zach, welcome home,” she said. “You look great! How are you doing?”

“I’m good, how are you?”

“Good, come on back,” she said.

Zach took his seat and Barb covered him and wrapped the paper strip around his collar. Barb smelled good, just like he remembered, like fresh flowers. As she readied her tools they made small talk: How’s school, how’s the family, all that jazz. Then Barb turned to him and was ready to get started.

She cocked her head and looked at him for a moment, and lifted his hair and let it flop back down.

“Zach, I have to say, you’ve certainly grown into a handsome young man,” she said. “But damn boy, do you ever need a haircut!”

“I know, I know,” he said sheepishly. “That’s why I’m here. Do your magic.”

“Magic? I might need a weed whacker for this mess!” She ran her fingers through his hair on both sides of his head. “How do you want it cut?”

“The usual. If you can remember.”

“How could I forget a head like yours?” she said.

Barb started with electric clippers on the sides, muttering ‘God, you need a haircut!’ several times.

“So how’s your mom? I haven’t talked to her lately.”

“She’s fine, said to say Hi,” he said. “Are you coming to her ladies' party again this summer? It’s three weeks away.”

“Oh sure, that’s always fun. All the girls look forward to it.”

Every year on the Saturday after Memorial Day Meg threw her Ladies First Pool Party. She invited all of her women friends, coworkers and neighbors. It started mid-afternoon and none of their men were allowed to show up until dusk, by which time most of the ladies were half in the bag. Then an almost-anything-goes party ensued.

“Oh good,” Zach said. “I’ll be sure to show up and check out the scenery. I hope you’re going to wear that skimpy bikini you had on last year.”

“Oh no, I don’t think so. But I have another one you might like.”

“That’s good. You gotta let that hot body out! Not hide it behind that black cloak you have on. Makes it hard to visualize what’s underneath.”

“I’m working, Zach. Besides you’re not supposed to be visualizing what I have underneath. You should be looking at the mirror, not the hairstylist’s butt!”

He looked up at the mirror in front of him. Barb had stopped work for a second and was looking right into his eyes via the mirror with a playful smile on her face. She went back to work.

They didn’t say much for a while. Zach closed his eyes as Barb’s scissors pranced around his forehead. In his mind he held the image of her tanned, toned, nearly-naked body in her scanty swimsuit, and how it plastered itself like shrink wrap to her tits and crotch and ass when she’d get out of the water. He thought about the party last year, when after everyone was pretty lit, he had caught her in the hallway returning from the bathroom and tried to kiss her but she backed off and laughed, saying it was tempting but Dan wouldn’t be too keen on the idea.

He opened his eyes and in the mirror watched her skilled hands, with rings on seven fingers, flitting this way and that as she scissored away, accompanied by the tinny rattling of the multiple bracelets and bangles on both her wrists.

In the mirror, Zach watched the hair on his head slowly take shape. He wanted it to last; he loved the sensation of Barb so close, doting on him, the feel of her fingers against his scalp, the gentle pressure of her palms on his neck when she applied a hot towel. But eventually, she pulled the cover off of him.

“There,” she said, “All done, another masterpiece.”

“That looks good, Barb. You are an expert weed whacker!” 

“See you again in a year or two,” she laughed.

“No, I’ll be back before that,” he said as he got up. “I’ll come to see you whether I need it or not.”

They walked to the register to check out. Zach handed her some bills which included a large tip and said he didn’t want any change.

“Oh Zach, wait, this is way too much,” Barb said.

“No it isn’t,” he said. “Weed whacking pays good.” He leaned closer and added softly, “Put the extra money toward buying the skimpiest bikini you can find.”

Barb’s lips twisted into a flirty smile.

“Well, thank you, Zach. Maybe I will,” she said, and winked at him.


The next morning was Saturday so Zach went to baseball practice and tried to whip the boys into shape. He was glad to see that they weren’t bad at all, just rusty on some of the mundane finer points. The practice was boring for the kids but by the end, they were all hustling and working together and whipping the ball around pretty good. 

Monday night he started his job. He knew the drill pretty well, having done it in past summers. He liked the night shift because of the pay differential and it was much more laid-back and less hectic than day or evening shifts. There were no trucks coming and going, loading and unloading. He just had to fill, pack and stack orders for the day workers to ship out.

Tuesday evening they had a ballgame. He was hoping Barb would be in the stands like she often was, but she wasn’t. He knew she worked a couple evenings each week so he guessed she was at work. That helped Zach concentrate on the game, which they won 6-5 when Jeff drove in the winning run with a line-drive single to center in the bottom of the seventh.

The next game was Thursday, and Barb was there. She sat on the top row of the temporary bleachers behind the third-base dugout. He spotted her and waved to her from the coach’s box and she waved back at him. He took off his cap and ran his hand through his hair a few times, pointed at his head and gave her a thumbs-up. She grinned and gave him the A-OK with her thumb and forefinger.

She looked sexy as hell in blue denim cutoffs and a flowery halter top. Her hair was pulled back and she looked much younger than mid-thirties. They were both wearing dark sunglasses so it was hard to know if she could tell he was checking her out constantly throughout the game. She smiled at him a few times when he looked at her, so Zach figured she had him pegged. Then again, maybe she’s checking me out too, he thought. Then at the end of the sixth inning, he looked up and she was gone.

Over the next four games, Barb made it to a couple but she usually came after the game had started and left before it was over, so they never got a chance to talk and Zach had to settle for espying her from afar. 

Then they had a game against the team they were battling for first place, which happened to be the same team they had lost to before when their right fielder had blown the fly ball. Barb showed up in the second inning and she didn’t leave early this time. The game was a real nail-biter, a pitcher’s duel and a scoreless tie going into the bottom of the seventh, the last inning of regulation. Danny Jr. led off the inning with a bloop single and took second base on a wild throw. Then Zach gave the bunt sign to the next batter and Danny got to third base on the sacrifice. Now with one out, a flyout could win the game. Jeff came to the plate.

“On the second pitch, take off for home as soon as the pitcher releases the ball,” Zach whispered to Danny. Danny smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

This was a drill Zach and Jeff had practiced before. Zach gave his little brother the sign to not swing at the first pitch. A curve for strike one. Then he gave him the bunt sign: The Suicide Squeeze. The pitcher rocked on the rubber and went into his windup.

“GO!” Zach said sharply, as the pitcher threw the ball, and Danny took off.

Jeff held back a split second before squaring to bunt and caught the fielders off guard. Danny was running home. It was an outside fastball and Jeff laid down a perfect bunt to the right side between first base and the mound. The pitcher and first baseman both scrambled to the ball and got there at the same time, each getting in the way of the other. The first baseman had the better angle and picked it up, bobbled it, and threw late to home. Danny slid in and scored without a tag being attempted. Game over, a 1-0 win.

The bench and bleachers exploded in cheers. The team ran onto the field and surrounded Jeff and Danny, and the spectators flowed out of the stands. Dan came over and shook Zach’s hand. The various parents and family members congratulated their boys. Barb hugged Danny Jr.

A few minutes later after things had settled down a bit and the players were gathering up all the gear into duffel bags, Zach was standing off to the side by himself when Barb walked up to him. Yellow shorts, tan body, red tube top with her nipples perked. God, she looks hot, he thought to himself. She smiled at him and he almost got a hard-on.

“Good call, Coach,” she said. “Pretty ballsy, but it worked.”

“Yeah, I knew they wouldn’t be looking for another bunt with a good hitter at the plate. And Danny got it started. Teamwork pays off.”

“And good coaching.”

“Must be the haircut,” he said. “Less hair to interfere with my brain waves.”

“Well, you’re modest, anyway. That’s an admirable trait. You like to take risks, don’t you?”

“Depends on the reward, I guess.”

They looked at each other for a moment, silent. Zach looked directly into her sparkling eyes.

“So, Barb,” he said, surprising himself by using her first name. “Are you ready for the Ladies First Pool Party? It’s only three days away.”

“Oh, yes, I’m ready. It’s always fun.”

“Tell me. Have you been bikini-shopping lately?”

“As a matter of fact I have,” she said coyly.

“That’s good. I’m looking forward to it. I hope the weather is good.”

“So do I,” she said. “It would be such a waste if it wasn’t.”

She gave him that wink again. He watched her behind as she walked away. With her hot yellow shorts hugging her cute little ass and her tight red tube top covering her tasty tits she looked like a fresh piece of strawberry cheesecake all ready for him to take a bite. The jewelry on her wrists and ankles glistened in the setting sunlight as she walked to her car. Zach felt a tingle in his loins and knew the time had come to take a risk that could bring him a reward like he’d never had before.


Saturday came and the weather was good, sunny and warm with a few scattered clouds. Zach helped his mother set up for the party: moving furniture, setting up tables, stocking the bar, getting everything ready. He ran out to get a few bags of ice. Meg handled the food. Dad was off playing golf and Jeff was staying with a friend.

The usual plan was that Zach would help get the party started as the women arrived, fetching drinks and towels, tending bar, setting up the music and whatever else he could do to assist. Then once the party was rolling he could make himself scarce and just make sure the music didn’t stop. In keeping with the pool party vibe, Zach wore a pair of long, baggy swim trunks and nothing else.

The first guests arrived at about two-thirty. The ladies seemed to show up in packs of three or four at a time. Zach had seen most of them before, although he didn’t remember many names except for the moms from the neighborhood. He popped the top on a can of beer and took a healthy swig.

He kept watching for Barb and he spotted her as soon as she entered the lanai. She was with a couple other gals from down the street and they all said hello to Meg and a few of the others nearby. Most of the ladies were already staked out in chairs around the pool. After a couple minutes the newcomers moseyed over to the bar.

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Zach poured Mimosas and Planter’s Punch into tall plastic cups. He served the first several pretty quick. He served Barb last and took his time as the others moved off toward the pool.

She looked fabulous. She wore a baseball cap and sunglasses and a shy smile. She had a lacy cover-up draped around her and he could see the outline of her bikini underneath. There was a beach towel in her hand, chains around her neck and bracelets on her wrists. Zach handed her a Mimosa and as she took the cup he saw that her fingernails were painted black, and thought it was a sexy contrast to all of the glitzy rings on her fingers.

“Thank you, Zach,” Barb said. “So, your mom got you to tend the bar again.”

“Yes, and I’ll be here until I get you drunk.”

“Then I guess I better pace myself, right?” she laughed.

“Naw, drink up,” he said. “When do I get to see what you have on underneath that wrap?”

“Oh, it won’t be long. And it won’t disappoint.”

He watched her walk away. She had flip flops on her feet and her toenails were also painted black.


Zach continued serving drinks as the stragglers arrived. He watched Barb as she mingled a bit around the pool before finding a chair by a couple of neighbors. She uncovered and put the wrap on the back of her chair. She was right. He wasn’t disappointed.

He already knew how good her body was but the swimsuit gave added accent to her strengths. It was colored and tapered to complement her thin, tanned shape. It was a creamy, tawny yellow with black spots and other markings. It looked like leopard skin. Up top, the bra was stuffed with her firm, round tits and the bottom was a V-shape pointing into her crotch. The sun was reflecting off her jewelry until she dove into the pool. Zach went inside to get more punch.


“What does a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?”

Zach was bent over behind the bar when he heard Barb’s voice. He stood up and looked at her. She was alone. Her bikini was soaked and clung to her tits and stiff nipples like a wet coat of paint. 

“Take her clothes off,” Zach said.

Barb laughed. “The bartenders are very forward around here,” she said. “Where do I complain?”

“No sense complaining, it doesn’t do any good.”

He poured the drink and walked around the bar and stood next to her.

“Here you go, jungle woman,” he said, handing her the drink. “I love your suit, it’s a knockout. What is that, a leopard?”

“No, actually it’s an ocelot.”

“Oh, Well. Either way, it’s a wild pussy,” he said.

Barb cracked up and almost spit her drink. Her body quivered with spasms of laughter. Zach sipped his beer with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“I can’t believe I laughed at that,” she said, still laughing. “It was crude and corny. But funny.”

“Bad jokes are my specialty. I’ll be here all week.”

They stood there for a moment sipping drinks and looking at each other. Neither looked away.

“Damn, you look good,” Zach said. “Why don’t we run away together?”

“Sorry, I can’t. I have to work Monday. And I couldn’t live with myself if I stole the boys’ coach away.”

Zach suddenly felt very close to Barb, he knew he wanted her. She was playful and flirty, he liked that. But was she just teasing him?

“I never get tired of looking at you. You have an incredible body,” he said.

“Thank You. Your body is pretty nice too, Zach.” She started to reach for his bare chest but stopped herself.

“Maybe we should get these bodies together,” he said, leaning his body against hers. He felt the wetness of her breast against his arm.

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” she said. “I may be a little old for you. And I don’t think my husband would care for that idea. And your mother wouldn’t appreciate me corrupting her little boy and ruining her party.”

“Well, you’re not too old for me, I just told you I can’t take my eyes off of you. And Dan’s not here, and I’m not going to tell him, that’s for sure. And as for my mother, she’s a little preoccupied today. We could have sex three different times, in three different ways, in three different rooms in her house this afternoon and she wouldn’t have a clue.”

“I doubt that,” she said.

Barb shook her head and sipped her drink. Zach took her half-filled cup and topped it off and handed it back to her.

“Listen,” Zach said softly, leaning closer to her. “Go back out to the pool, socialize, finish your drink. In thirty minutes meet me upstairs, last door on the right.”

“You’re crazy, Zach, you know that?”

Zach scurried into the house for more ice. Barb walked back to the pool with a dazed look on her face.


It was Zach’s old bedroom but all the rock and roll posters had been replaced with tasteful framed prints. It was now a seldom-used guest room. It was about twelve feet square with a double bed, a nightstand, dresser and small desk and chair. Zach stood, waiting. Thirty-one minutes, thirty-two minutes, thirty-three… Was she coming or not?

Then he heard soft footsteps, bare feet on the wooden hallway. The door was ajar and he watched it open the rest of the way and then there she was, this bikini-clad hot wife from down the street. He shut the door behind her and locked it and turned to face her. He gently touched her shoulders and traced the fingers of both hands slowly down her arms. He felt her shiver slightly.

“This is insane,” Barb whispered. “I must be crazy.”

Zach interlaced his fingers into hers.

“I want to kiss you,” he said softly. “And no laughing this time.”

He squeezed her hands and put his lips to hers. Barb didn’t hesitate for long. Within a few seconds, his tongue was in her mouth and he felt her hands clenching his tightly in return. She sucked on his tongue and moaned soft pleasures as they kissed. Zach’s cock was already a heated steel rod.

He broke the kiss for a second, unlatched his hands and put his arms around her. With one hand on her upper back and the other on her ass, their mouths collided again and opened hungrily. He pulled her body close to his. He could feel her damp tits pressed against his body and he made sure she could feel his hard meat against hers.

Zach kissed her face, her ears, her neck and shoulders. He licked his way down to her breasts and pulled the damp fabric aside and sucked on her rubbery nipples. Barb moaned softly and ran her fingers through his hair, pulled his head to her bosom and shoved her tits into his mouth. He sucked her nipple deep into his mouth and nibbled her flesh with his teeth.

Barb loved having her tits sucked and cooed as Zach slurped away, alternating tit for tit. She dug her black nails into his scalp and kissed the top of his head. She felt detached from the activity, as if she were watching from above, disbelieving that she could be doing what she was doing, in this bedroom with the handsome boy up the street, willingly giving herself to him.

Zach eased Barb backward a few feet and sat her on the edge of the bed. He spread her legs and knelt before her. There was a silver stud in her navel so he sucked it into his mouth. He slid his hands under her bottom and positioned her for optimum access. He could see the outline of her pussy lips behind the clammy ocelot fabric. She gasped when he kissed her there and he sucked on the fabric, tasting chlorine. He sprinkled multiple kisses over her crotch.

He grabbed her legs one at a time and looped them over his shoulders. He looked into her eyes as he slipped his fingers inside her bikini bottom and pushed it aside. Then he dove in head-first.

Barb let out a loud, wheezy moan when his mouth joined her open lips and his strong tongue entered her. She held his head in her hands and mashed her cunt into his face. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but it wasn’t this. She’d surprised herself even walking up the stairs, trance-like, to this room because it was such a crazy, risky idea, even though she had more or less accepted the fact that she would probably cross the line with Zach at some point. But she figured it would be some awkward, clumsy fuck with a good-looking college kid, but here she was, after only a few minutes with her legs wrapped around his head and his tongue in her twat.

Zach was no ladies’ man by any stretch but he knew that he couldn’t go wrong if he could make the lady come. That was his singular goal on this first encounter, and he decided he would keep his face buried in her pussy until he made that happen.

He pressed his face against her sex as she ground it into him, and craned his tongue inside her succulent cunt like he was trying to lick her asshole from the inside out. Her pubic hair was short and trimmed into a neat triangular patch. He slithered his hands under her butt cheeks and squeezed them hard with each tongue-dive. Soon Barb was emitting a groaning hiss with each stroke, and her mashing and his gashing were in perfect unison.

His jaws became achy and Barb’s cunt was dripping wet so he backed off for a moment and sucked up the swill and swallowed it. Then he put his lips around her clit and sucked it into his mouth.

“Oh God!” Barb barked. “Oh Zach!”

He closed his eyes and sucked with firm, even pressure in the same rhythm as before and Barb fell right in, moaning with each push. Her clit was a pulsing, swelled organ in his mouth and Barb was fucking him with it, and Zach could hear the jewelry on her wrists rattling close to his ears as she yanked his head to and fro. On and on, over and over they went, and her groans became louder as she came closer to spilling her beans.

“Oh Jesus Fucking Shit,” Barb blurted. Her torso crumpled and her legs cut like scissors around Zach’s neck.

She came in a torrent. Zach was amazed, he’d never seen a gush like this. Her cum flew out of her like a ruptured water main. Her body shook for a time as she released and even after Zach removed his face from her crotch and sat on the bed beside her, her body continued having little aftershocks.

Zach kissed her gently but Barb grabbed him behind the head and savagely jammed her tongue between his lips. Her tongue was feral inside his mouth so his quickly joined the fray.

“God, Zach,” she said. “Wow.”

“You taste good,” he said.

He stood up and pulled Barb up with him. He bent his head down and kissed her nipples and tucked her tits back inside her bikini bra. He straightened her up down below. Then he took her hand and pressed it against the front of his shorts so she could feel his cock, long and hard.

“This is what you do to me,” he said. “Thirty minutes, in Jeff’s room across the hall.”

He didn’t wait for an answer. He kissed her and was out the door. 

Zach went to the bar and drank a beer. Barb went for a swim. They hadn’t even been missed, at least nobody said anything.


Jeff’s room was the same size as the guest room but it looked like a teenager’s room: music and sports posters on the walls, computer on the desk, shoes scattered around on the floor. The single bed was unmade so Zach straightened it up as best he could.

Barb tiptoed up the stairs and down the hall and entered Jeff’s bedroom. She locked the door behind her. She walked up to Zach with a scared look on her face.

Zach took her into his arms and kissed her. Her lips parted immediately and sucked him in. Her hair was wet and smelled clean, like the pool. He felt her hand on his hardening member.

“I want to suck your cock,” she whispered. She could barely believe she was saying it.

“You’re reading my mind,” Zach said.

She didn’t hold back. She sat on the bed and he stood in front of her. She put her hands on the waistband of his trunks and pulled them down to the floor.

It’s a nice cock, she thought. Long and straight and good and hard. Bigger than Dan’s, longer and fatter. She inched Zach a little closer and kissed the tip and then licked the shaft up and down. She sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time and Zach sighed with pleasure.

He sighed again much louder when she took his cock into her mouth. She licked and sucked on his purple helmet for a minute before she began taking more cock into her mouth, two inches, three inches, four. With half his cock in her mouth, she started sucking him with a fervent, sloppy force. She was fondling his scrotum in one hand and his ass in the other as she sucked, and widened her mouth and throat to inch her way further down. She wanted to kiss her fingers that were wrapped around his balls.

Zach held her wet head in his hands and slowly began swinging his cock into her mouth, hoping to go deeper. Barb cooperated, taking it in a smidgen at a time, trying to get lips to nuts. 

Zach was hypnotized watching his cock slowly dissipate into Barb’s mouth. He swung his groin harder into her face and she grunted and he felt her teeth on the side of his cock. She backed off, took a breath and then covered it again with one quick jolt and took it in, then again. She settled back with a mouthful of three or four inches and sucked with a quick pace like her life depended on it.

Zach started swinging his dick like batting practice. In, back, in, back, in, back, over and over. He could feel the cool imprint of the metal rings on her fingers surrounding his boiled nuts. Barb kept sucking, and it wasn’t long until it was his turn to come.

He roared like a hungry hippo when he ejaculated. Spasm after spasm, cords of cum left the head of his cock, and Barb’s sexy mouth held on, taking it. Finally, all his spunk was spent. It was all over in twelve minutes.

“Damn, that’s a lot of cum!” Barb said as she stood up. “Not bad, though.”

“That was so fucking hot!” Zach said, and tongue-kissed her, tasting himself. He pulled up his trunks.

“Thirty minutes,” Barb said. “Where?”

“Downstairs,” Zach said. “The office.”


His father’s office was right off the dining room but the door was always closed so Zach knew it would be safe. And there was a small sofa in there as well and he planned to make good use of it. 

He entered the room and left the door slightly open for Barb. The office was on the east side of the house and away from the late afternoon sun so it was fairly dim. He went to the window and while he was closing the blinds he felt two arms go around him and hug him from behind. She was already there and he hadn’t seen her. Barb buried her face into his neck and kissed him. He turned to face her and she held her index finger up to his lips. 

“Ssssh,” she said very softly.

She turned and tiptoed to the door and closed it and locked it. She came back to him and looked up into his face and raised her arm to run her hand through his hair. He took her hand and guided it to his mouth and he kissed each of her fingers and sucked one into his mouth.

“The black nail polish,” Zach said. “I never saw you wear that before.”

“Yeah, well, I thought I’d try something new. It’s a statement, I guess.”

“A statement? What does it say?”

“It says I want you to fuck me,” Barb said.

“You’re reading my mind again,” Zach said.

He pulled her tight and their mouths smashed together. His hands roamed her back and one slipped under her cover-up to her butt and fingered its way into the crack of her ass. She groped for his dick as her tongue eeled around his.

Zach loosened the tie on the front of her wrap and tossed it back off of her shoulders. Barb wiggled her arms and it fell to the floor. One hook unhooked and the bra was on the floor, too.

Barb was already pushing his trunks down when Zach’s fingers slipped inside her. With one hand in her pussy, he pushed her ocelot cunt cover down her legs. They were then standing face to face, his fingers in her cunt, her hand clutching his hard, swollen penis, and their clothing in a heap at their feet.

“I want to feel your big fucking cock inside me,” she whispered into his ear.

She didn’t have to say it twice.

Zach eased her back until she was sitting on the overstuffed arm of the sofa. He wanted to eat a little more pussy before he fucked her. He knelt and licked her inside and out before surrounding her clit with his lips. Barb’s body buzzed when he sucked it in and tongued it and he felt it plump in his mouth.

Zach stood up in front of her. Barb took his cock in her hand and lay back against the back of the sofa. It was comfortable and the angles worked. 

“Fuck me,” she whispered. 

He zeroed in. She drew his cock to her cunt and put it into her. He pushed it all the way in and mounted her. She wrapped her arms around his back and her legs around his. She moaned so he kissed her to muzzle her.

Zach started slowly in an effort to be quiet but figured out pretty quickly that would not work. He wanted to fuck the shit out of this woman. Barb’s fingernails were digging into his back, her tongue was fucking his mouth and her cunt was squeezing his cock. They soon had a hard, rocking rhythm going and they grunted into each others’ mouths.

The legs of the sofa were squeaking with each of their thrusts. The back of the sofa was tapping the wall a split second after each squeak. Their low moans played bass. And Barb’s bracelets and bangles rattled, adding percussion like a tambourine.

Zach fucked her hard, slammed his dick deep inside her and clenched her ass in his hands like a vise. Barb sucked his tongue and bit his shoulder and stabbed his back with her nails and slung her crotch into him, and sucked his cock with the walls of her pussy.

“I’m gonna fuck you till you come, Barb,” Zach said with half-breath.

He felt her arms, legs and cunt clasp even tighter around him. They kept fucking with an increased manic euphoria.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come,” Zach said finally when he felt his rising surge.

“Give it to me,” Barb said. “Give it to me.”

Zach pounded her faster and rammed his fingers into the crack of her ass and made sure one made it into her asshole. 

“Ugh,” she muttered.

With each quick plunge of his cock into her pussy, his finger lodged deeper up her ass. Barb wasn’t used to this but it soon brought her close to her edge.

Zach emitted a low grumble when he came. His semen seared its way up through his cock, out of him and into Barb, twitch after twitch. As if on cue, Barb started to shudder and shake.

“Oh God, here I come!” Barb yelped, a little too loud.

“Sssh,” Zach said softly. 

Barb’s head darted side-to-side and her groin squirmed like a caged cat. 

“Yes, oh fuck,” she sibilated, breathless. “I love your fucking cock!”

She came in a cascade much like her first one upstairs. Zach kept prodding his emptied dick into her and felt her released liquid flood her vagina and seep out around him.

When her quavers at last abated Zach unsaddled her and Barb jumped right up and started dressing. Zach pulled on his trunks. He took her in her arms and kissed her.

“That was fucking incredible,” he said. “You fuck like a goddess. I want us to do some more of this.”

“You better,” Barb said, as she tied her wrap in front. “Is the coast clear?”

Zach cracked the door and took a look.

“Yes,” he said. “All clear.”


She power-kissed him with her tongue tickling his throat and her fingers tickling his crotch. Then she put her mouth up to his ear.

“You’re a hell of a fuck yourself,” she said softly. 

She sucked and nibbled his earlobe briefly and stepped through the door. Zach watched her walk across the family room and down the hall, headed for the bathroom.

They hadn’t been caught. Everybody was outside and the music was still playing. The sun was getting low and all of the husbands and boyfriends would be showing up soon. Zach went upstairs to take a shower.

Zach didn’t hang around. He left the party because he didn’t want to say or do anything stupid around Barb to give them away. And he didn’t think he could bear to see her with Dan right then. He went to an old hangout to drink a few beers and shoot some pool. He ran into a girl he knew and they hung out for a while. He knew he could have gone home with her but he didn’t even try. He didn’t want her. 

He wanted Barb.


Written by jackrussell
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