This is a story written jointly by myself and my pal, Mazza. We’ve had a forum thread, Curlygirly and Mazza’s Big Sandwich, running for quite a while now on Lush and we thought that it might be fun to write about how things might go, if we could actually make it happen. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it!
Curligirly picked up her ridiculous bubble-gum flavoured coffee from the kitchen counter and took a long swig, almost dropping the phone, which was cradled in the crook of her neck. She glanced at the TV, not paying much attention, as she beat some eggs in a stoneware bowl, to glaze the apple pies she was making. The aroma of apple and bubblegum was a most pleasing combination, as it filled her nostrils. She pressed a number and adjusted the phone at her ear, with floury hands.
“God, if cooking has become the new sex, then it sure as hell is just as messy,” she thought, wiping flour from her nose with her sleeve, as she waited for the call to be answered.
“Oh you dirty Scottish bitch!” The deep voice growled into Maz’s ear.
“Yes, you know I am and you fucking love it!” She sighed, pressing the phone closer to her face, all the while furiously rubbing her clit.
“I’m going to fill you so full of my cum,” he promised. “You’ll be walking with a limp for a week!”
“Oh, oh, I’m sooo close...” Maz gasped, as she suddenly became aware of an insistent beeping noise in her ear. “Aw, fuck, hold on, I have a call trying to get through, shit!”
“You’re kidding me, right? I’m just about to cum!” He yelled. “Ignore it, ignore it!”
“Nah, it could be important. Sorry, give me a second,” she apologised as she pressed a button. “Hello?” she breathlessly gasped into the mouthpiece.
“Maz, it’s me, Curly! Listen, what time are you gonna get here? Hey, you sound out of breath, did I interrupt something?” She giggled, “Have you decided what you are going to wear yet? Are you going for classy or tarty?”
“Oh hi, CG! Sorry, I was kind of in the middle of erm, something... Hey, I can do classy AND tarty, as you well know - You’re a great teacher, I’ve learned from the best!” Maz brayed, slapping her thigh as she laughed.
“In the middle of what ? Or should I say, whom ? Anyway, you know that I am simply classy as shit, the tart bit is all your own doing. You should definitely show some cleavage though. I think that little black number with the plunging neckline is the way to go,” Curlygirly advised.
“Hold on, give me a second to finish off here, will ya?” She pressed the button to switch calls. “Hello, gorgeous, listen, I’m sorry about this, but I have to go. Can we finish later?”
Her male friend laughed, “Don’t worry, I actually finished while I was waiting for you, looking at a pic of your glorious pussy. Just wiping up my sticky mess now. You owe me one, you sexy little cock tease!!”
“Ha ha, thanks! Dammit, I wish I’d heard that, I love hearing you come and I’m all super horny now! I’ll make it up to you soon. Gotta go, bye!” Maz switched calls back to her friend, “Hey, CG, I’m back, sorry about that. You were saying?”
“I was thinking, why don’t you just come over here and get ready? I’m baking an apple pie, if that’s any incentive?”
“Ha, ha! You domestic goddess, you! You’re always trying to tempt me with your puddings!” Maz laughed, but Curlygirly never heard her, something else had caught her interest and her attention was now focussed on the television.
They were announcing the lottery results, and she’d just registered that they had called out two of her numbers.
“Maz, hold on a sec, I’ve just had two numbers come up on the lottery,” she said, letting go of the whisk, her full attention on the television set.
“Forty seven,” said the glamorous presenter. “Seventeen and finally... Twenty five.”
“Holy fuck!!! Maz, MAZ? Did you hear that??? Oh my fucking god, oh my god, oh my god!” CG brought her hands up to her face, simultaneously putting a powdery handprint on either cheek and dropping both the phone and the bowl of beaten eggs. Her cell landed briefly in the sticky liquid as it fell to the tiled floor, where both bowl and gadget broke into pieces in a yellow, sticky, eggy puddle.
“CG? What’s going on? Are you okay? Talk to me, Curly! Shit, do I need to call an ambulance? Have you fallen and broken a hip or something?” Maz’s cries were barely audible to CG through the viscous layer of egg which was now coating her cellphone, like some bizarre, yellow, phone case.
Curlygirly simply stood, trance-like, frozen in shock at what had just happened.
Suddenly she spotted her purse sitting on a chair and leapt forward to get it, so that she could check her ticket, to see if it was really true. She didn’t notice the sticky pool on the floor and her high heel slipped in it. She flew into the air and landed in a heap, beside both the broken bowl and Maz’s whiny buzzing from the phone. She could feel cold egg soaking through her skirt, into her thong and pussy, as she picked up the phone.
“Maz, Maz! I did just fall on my ass, but I think my hips are okay. I’ve got fucking egg in my pussy!” CG began to snigger, then giggle and then she began to laugh uproariously, runny egg mix on her face now, oozing down her arm and squelching between her legs.
She could barely speak, she was laughing so hysterically, and she could hear Maz going crazy on the other end of the phone.
“Listen, you, get your Scottish ass over here NOW! I think we’ve just won the lottery!”
Curlygirly lay back on the kitchen floor and laughed and laughed so hard that she almost peed her pants.
Maz pulled her mobile phone away from her ear and looked at it, confused. The line had just gone dead and she had no idea what CG had just said to her. It sounded as though she were talking underwater. She didn’t know what was up, but she sure as hell sounded hysterical, something about her pussy, her ass and the lottery? God, she knew Curly had always been after her arse, but getting her hands on it would hardly compare to a lottery win. Or would it?
She hoped CG was okay as she hurriedly gathered up the things she would need for their evening together. The original plan had been for her to get ready at home and then go over to her friend’s house, but given that most of her stuff was already sitting out ready to wear, she could just take it with her and grab a shower over there. She swept up the pile of makeup, lotions, potions and paraphernalia that it would take to get her looking good, into a bag. She took a quick look around to make sure she had everything and left her house.
She arrived at Curlygirly’s apartment shortly after, knocked on the door and went inside, still worried about her friend, not knowing what had happened when they’d been talking on the phone.
The TV was blaring as she dumped her bags on the kitchen table and called out to announce her arrival. There was no response and she frowned as she walked towards the living room, almost slipping on a pool of congealing yellow liquid which had the pieces of a broken bowl in it.
More than a little worried now, she called out again, “CG? Curly? Where are you?”
Mazza moved quickly through to the living room, but there was no sign of her friend and she called out yet again as she made her way upstairs to her room. As she got closer, she could hear CG’s voice. It sounded as though she was being attacked or something! Fuck!!
Mazza sprinted up the stairs and burst into her room. She wasn’t there but her voice could clearly be heard, “Waaaaaa!”
She almost ran into the ensuite bathroom and spotted CG immediately. She was in the shower, singing her heart out, completely unaware that Mazza had come into the room. She sang as she washed her body. Maz recognised the song, but couldn’t quite place it...
Mazza stood and watched.
"God, she's got a great figure," thought Maz, as she watched her friend rubbing shampoo into her curly locks.
Although the shower door was steamed up, it was clear enough to see as CG's hands began to move over her taut body. She stuttered in her singing, pausing as she washed each breast, perfect shiny globes with erect pink nipples, as the bubbly water coursed over them.
Maz was entranced and looked down and noticed that her own nipples were firm and poking jauntily through her top. Her hands absentmindedly began to cup her own breasts, almost mirroring her friend’s movements.
Curlygirly caterwauled the final lyrics, and Maz finally recognized one of their favorite QOTSA songs. “I wanna make it, I wanna make it wit chu, again and again and again.”
As she finished up the song, CG grabbed a razor from the shelf and put her shapely leg up on the built-in shower bench. She lathered some more soap between her legs preparing to shave.
Maz continued to watch her friend in the shower, by now, more than a little fixated. Despite the steam, Maz got a perfect look at her friend’s pussy when she placed her foot on the bench and she was shocked when she felt a tingling between her own legs.
As CG quickly and efficiently shaved her pussy lips, Maz’s hand slipped inside her shirt, firmly squeezing her own breasts. She felt goosebumps rise on her flesh as she saw her friend spread her lips open, attempting to get a closer shave. As she bent over slightly to get a few final swipes with the razor, Curly noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. She wasn’t surprised to see Maz in her bathroom, since she had told her to rush right over; however, she was surprised to see that Maz’s hand was inside her blouse and quite blatantly fondling her tits! Although there had never been anything physical between them, there had always been a sexual undercurrent in their friendship. Maz was so busy tweaking her own nipples, that she didn’t see CG surreptitiously glancing her way.
Curlygirly realized she was getting very turned on, knowing that her friend was watching her and also that she was so very obviously enjoying what she was seeing. Since Maz seemed to be appreciating her performance so much, CG figured that she might as well make it a triple X-rated show. She placed the razor back on the shelf and then squeezed out some raspberry-scented body wash on her shower puff. She slowly caressed her skin with the puff, being sure to pay special attention to her breasts. She circled them several times and teased her nipples into hard points, then she closed her eyes as her body began to respond to the sensual stimulation. Slowly, very slowly she moved the puff down her tummy until it was between her legs, with one foot still positioned on the bench, it afforded Maz the perfect view as CG gently rubbed the puff over her mound and her other hand moved up to pinch her nipples.
As CG rubbed harder, Maz couldn’t help but slip her own hand down inside her jeans and into her now-damp panties. Maz began to feel a bit light headed, but she wasn’t sure if it was because of the raspberry-scented steam in the room or just from her own excitement. She teased open her pussy lips and began to flick her stiff little nub.
As her own breath quickened, CG dropped the puff to the floor of the shower. Her hand spread her slippery lips as her middle finger plunged deep into her pussy and a soft moan escaped her mouth. She peeked at Maz from under her long eyelashes, as she continued to finger her cleft. She could see that Maz was furiously finger-fucking her own cunt as she stared open-mouthed at her friend’s pussy. CG was already very close to cumming and she wondered if it was because her friend was watching her that she had gotten to this point so quickly. Pulling her middle finger out of her pussy, while still keeping her swollen lips spread, Curlygirly started to frig her clit furiously while pinching her nipple hard.
“God, it feels so fucking good!” She thought to herself.
Noticing her friend’s increased pace, Maz rubbed her own clit faster and faster, matching her movements. She could not believe that she was here, standing in this steam-filled bathroom, masturbating, whilst watching one of her closest female friends do exactly the same. She’d never done anything like this before, but she didn’t care. It was so fucking hot and she had never been quite so fucking turned on as she watched her friend pleasure herself.
CG leaned her head back and slid down the shower wall, as the hot water beat a tattoo on her wet skin. She rubbed faster and faster as she felt her orgasm approaching.
A soft ‘Mmmmmmmm’ escaped her lips as her pussy started to pulse, then she cried out, “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!! I’m cumming, Maz! I’m cumming!!!!”
Working her own clit faster, Maz felt her orgasm building, but hearing her name snapped Maz back to attention.
“Did my pal really just call out my name while she was cumming?” Maz dragged her eyes away from the delicious sight of her friend’s glistening pussy and looked into CG’s face, only to see her looking directly into her eyes.
“Oh no!” She thought. “She’s seen me!” And her hand faltered.
“Don’t you dare stop, Maz! I came for you, so the least you can do is cum for me!” CG commanded.
Hearing those words was all the encouragement that Maz needed. She renewed her efforts and stroked her clit even faster and harder, while her friend watched, continuing to stroke her own swollen pussy lips. Maz’s cunt tingled like it hadn’t in a long, long time, as she felt an extremely powerful orgasm surge through her core.
“Shite, fuck, I’m coming!“ She grunted in her Scottish brogue, as the final spasms went through her body.
Maz slumped on the toilet seat and slowly pulled her hand out of her pants.
Rinsing all the soap off, CG stepped out of the shower with water dripping off her naked body on to the bathmat.
“Well, don’t just sit there, Maz! The least you can do is hand me a towel, you dirty, little, peeping slut,” CG scolded with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
Maz grabbed a heated towel off the rack and handed it to CG, her face was flushed with embarrassment. Her pal grabbed the towel from her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hi, Maz! I always knew you had the hots for me, you filthy perv!” CG giggled.
“Stop it! I did not! I do not!” Mumbled maz, totally flustered and not knowing quite where to look.
CG started vigorously drying off with the warm, fluffy towel. Bending over, she admonished her once more, “Maz, I can feel you staring at my ass again. Stop it!”
Totally humiliated now, Maz looked quickly away from her friend’s shapely butt.
CG had a niggling thought at the back of her sex-fogged brain that she had forgotten to tell Maz something. What had she forgotten to tell her? Why was Maz even here...
“Oh! My! Fucking! God!” CG suddenly screamed, startling Maz, as she remembered the exciting events from earlier that morning.
“Maz, Maz, Maz! You’ll never guess what happened!?! My numbers came up! I won the fucking lottery!!!”
“Get out!” Maz yelled, pushing her friend. “You did not win the lottery!”
“Yes, yes I did!” CG said excitedly, jumping up and down, which Maz noticed made her breasts jiggle in a most pleasing way.
Curligirly picked up her ridiculous bubble-gum flavoured coffee from the kitchen counter and took a long swig, almost dropping the phone, which was cradled in the crook of her neck. She glanced at the TV, not paying much attention, as she beat some eggs in a stoneware bowl, to glaze the apple pies she was making. The aroma of apple and bubblegum was a most pleasing combination, as it filled her nostrils. She pressed a number and adjusted the phone at her ear, with floury hands.
“God, if cooking has become the new sex, then it sure as hell is just as messy,” she thought, wiping flour from her nose with her sleeve, as she waited for the call to be answered.
“Oh you dirty Scottish bitch!” The deep voice growled into Maz’s ear.
“Yes, you know I am and you fucking love it!” She sighed, pressing the phone closer to her face, all the while furiously rubbing her clit.
“I’m going to fill you so full of my cum,” he promised. “You’ll be walking with a limp for a week!”
“Oh, oh, I’m sooo close...” Maz gasped, as she suddenly became aware of an insistent beeping noise in her ear. “Aw, fuck, hold on, I have a call trying to get through, shit!”
“You’re kidding me, right? I’m just about to cum!” He yelled. “Ignore it, ignore it!”
“Nah, it could be important. Sorry, give me a second,” she apologised as she pressed a button. “Hello?” she breathlessly gasped into the mouthpiece.
“Maz, it’s me, Curly! Listen, what time are you gonna get here? Hey, you sound out of breath, did I interrupt something?” She giggled, “Have you decided what you are going to wear yet? Are you going for classy or tarty?”
“Oh hi, CG! Sorry, I was kind of in the middle of erm, something... Hey, I can do classy AND tarty, as you well know - You’re a great teacher, I’ve learned from the best!” Maz brayed, slapping her thigh as she laughed.
“In the middle of what ? Or should I say, whom ? Anyway, you know that I am simply classy as shit, the tart bit is all your own doing. You should definitely show some cleavage though. I think that little black number with the plunging neckline is the way to go,” Curlygirly advised.
“Hold on, give me a second to finish off here, will ya?” She pressed the button to switch calls. “Hello, gorgeous, listen, I’m sorry about this, but I have to go. Can we finish later?”
Her male friend laughed, “Don’t worry, I actually finished while I was waiting for you, looking at a pic of your glorious pussy. Just wiping up my sticky mess now. You owe me one, you sexy little cock tease!!”
“Ha ha, thanks! Dammit, I wish I’d heard that, I love hearing you come and I’m all super horny now! I’ll make it up to you soon. Gotta go, bye!” Maz switched calls back to her friend, “Hey, CG, I’m back, sorry about that. You were saying?”
“I was thinking, why don’t you just come over here and get ready? I’m baking an apple pie, if that’s any incentive?”
“Ha, ha! You domestic goddess, you! You’re always trying to tempt me with your puddings!” Maz laughed, but Curlygirly never heard her, something else had caught her interest and her attention was now focussed on the television.
They were announcing the lottery results, and she’d just registered that they had called out two of her numbers.
“Maz, hold on a sec, I’ve just had two numbers come up on the lottery,” she said, letting go of the whisk, her full attention on the television set.
“Forty seven,” said the glamorous presenter. “Seventeen and finally... Twenty five.”
“Holy fuck!!! Maz, MAZ? Did you hear that??? Oh my fucking god, oh my god, oh my god!” CG brought her hands up to her face, simultaneously putting a powdery handprint on either cheek and dropping both the phone and the bowl of beaten eggs. Her cell landed briefly in the sticky liquid as it fell to the tiled floor, where both bowl and gadget broke into pieces in a yellow, sticky, eggy puddle.
“CG? What’s going on? Are you okay? Talk to me, Curly! Shit, do I need to call an ambulance? Have you fallen and broken a hip or something?” Maz’s cries were barely audible to CG through the viscous layer of egg which was now coating her cellphone, like some bizarre, yellow, phone case.
Curlygirly simply stood, trance-like, frozen in shock at what had just happened.
Suddenly she spotted her purse sitting on a chair and leapt forward to get it, so that she could check her ticket, to see if it was really true. She didn’t notice the sticky pool on the floor and her high heel slipped in it. She flew into the air and landed in a heap, beside both the broken bowl and Maz’s whiny buzzing from the phone. She could feel cold egg soaking through her skirt, into her thong and pussy, as she picked up the phone.
“Maz, Maz! I did just fall on my ass, but I think my hips are okay. I’ve got fucking egg in my pussy!” CG began to snigger, then giggle and then she began to laugh uproariously, runny egg mix on her face now, oozing down her arm and squelching between her legs.
She could barely speak, she was laughing so hysterically, and she could hear Maz going crazy on the other end of the phone.
“Listen, you, get your Scottish ass over here NOW! I think we’ve just won the lottery!”
Curlygirly lay back on the kitchen floor and laughed and laughed so hard that she almost peed her pants.
Maz pulled her mobile phone away from her ear and looked at it, confused. The line had just gone dead and she had no idea what CG had just said to her. It sounded as though she were talking underwater. She didn’t know what was up, but she sure as hell sounded hysterical, something about her pussy, her ass and the lottery? God, she knew Curly had always been after her arse, but getting her hands on it would hardly compare to a lottery win. Or would it?
She hoped CG was okay as she hurriedly gathered up the things she would need for their evening together. The original plan had been for her to get ready at home and then go over to her friend’s house, but given that most of her stuff was already sitting out ready to wear, she could just take it with her and grab a shower over there. She swept up the pile of makeup, lotions, potions and paraphernalia that it would take to get her looking good, into a bag. She took a quick look around to make sure she had everything and left her house.
She arrived at Curlygirly’s apartment shortly after, knocked on the door and went inside, still worried about her friend, not knowing what had happened when they’d been talking on the phone.
The TV was blaring as she dumped her bags on the kitchen table and called out to announce her arrival. There was no response and she frowned as she walked towards the living room, almost slipping on a pool of congealing yellow liquid which had the pieces of a broken bowl in it.
More than a little worried now, she called out again, “CG? Curly? Where are you?”
Mazza moved quickly through to the living room, but there was no sign of her friend and she called out yet again as she made her way upstairs to her room. As she got closer, she could hear CG’s voice. It sounded as though she was being attacked or something! Fuck!!
Mazza sprinted up the stairs and burst into her room. She wasn’t there but her voice could clearly be heard, “Waaaaaa!”
She almost ran into the ensuite bathroom and spotted CG immediately. She was in the shower, singing her heart out, completely unaware that Mazza had come into the room. She sang as she washed her body. Maz recognised the song, but couldn’t quite place it...
Mazza stood and watched.
"God, she's got a great figure," thought Maz, as she watched her friend rubbing shampoo into her curly locks.
Although the shower door was steamed up, it was clear enough to see as CG's hands began to move over her taut body. She stuttered in her singing, pausing as she washed each breast, perfect shiny globes with erect pink nipples, as the bubbly water coursed over them.
Maz was entranced and looked down and noticed that her own nipples were firm and poking jauntily through her top. Her hands absentmindedly began to cup her own breasts, almost mirroring her friend’s movements.
Curlygirly caterwauled the final lyrics, and Maz finally recognized one of their favorite QOTSA songs. “I wanna make it, I wanna make it wit chu, again and again and again.”
As she finished up the song, CG grabbed a razor from the shelf and put her shapely leg up on the built-in shower bench. She lathered some more soap between her legs preparing to shave.
Maz continued to watch her friend in the shower, by now, more than a little fixated. Despite the steam, Maz got a perfect look at her friend’s pussy when she placed her foot on the bench and she was shocked when she felt a tingling between her own legs.
As CG quickly and efficiently shaved her pussy lips, Maz’s hand slipped inside her shirt, firmly squeezing her own breasts. She felt goosebumps rise on her flesh as she saw her friend spread her lips open, attempting to get a closer shave. As she bent over slightly to get a few final swipes with the razor, Curly noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. She wasn’t surprised to see Maz in her bathroom, since she had told her to rush right over; however, she was surprised to see that Maz’s hand was inside her blouse and quite blatantly fondling her tits! Although there had never been anything physical between them, there had always been a sexual undercurrent in their friendship. Maz was so busy tweaking her own nipples, that she didn’t see CG surreptitiously glancing her way.
Curlygirly realized she was getting very turned on, knowing that her friend was watching her and also that she was so very obviously enjoying what she was seeing. Since Maz seemed to be appreciating her performance so much, CG figured that she might as well make it a triple X-rated show. She placed the razor back on the shelf and then squeezed out some raspberry-scented body wash on her shower puff. She slowly caressed her skin with the puff, being sure to pay special attention to her breasts. She circled them several times and teased her nipples into hard points, then she closed her eyes as her body began to respond to the sensual stimulation. Slowly, very slowly she moved the puff down her tummy until it was between her legs, with one foot still positioned on the bench, it afforded Maz the perfect view as CG gently rubbed the puff over her mound and her other hand moved up to pinch her nipples.
As CG rubbed harder, Maz couldn’t help but slip her own hand down inside her jeans and into her now-damp panties. Maz began to feel a bit light headed, but she wasn’t sure if it was because of the raspberry-scented steam in the room or just from her own excitement. She teased open her pussy lips and began to flick her stiff little nub.
As her own breath quickened, CG dropped the puff to the floor of the shower. Her hand spread her slippery lips as her middle finger plunged deep into her pussy and a soft moan escaped her mouth. She peeked at Maz from under her long eyelashes, as she continued to finger her cleft. She could see that Maz was furiously finger-fucking her own cunt as she stared open-mouthed at her friend’s pussy. CG was already very close to cumming and she wondered if it was because her friend was watching her that she had gotten to this point so quickly. Pulling her middle finger out of her pussy, while still keeping her swollen lips spread, Curlygirly started to frig her clit furiously while pinching her nipple hard.
“God, it feels so fucking good!” She thought to herself.
Noticing her friend’s increased pace, Maz rubbed her own clit faster and faster, matching her movements. She could not believe that she was here, standing in this steam-filled bathroom, masturbating, whilst watching one of her closest female friends do exactly the same. She’d never done anything like this before, but she didn’t care. It was so fucking hot and she had never been quite so fucking turned on as she watched her friend pleasure herself.
CG leaned her head back and slid down the shower wall, as the hot water beat a tattoo on her wet skin. She rubbed faster and faster as she felt her orgasm approaching.
A soft ‘Mmmmmmmm’ escaped her lips as her pussy started to pulse, then she cried out, “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!! I’m cumming, Maz! I’m cumming!!!!”
Working her own clit faster, Maz felt her orgasm building, but hearing her name snapped Maz back to attention.
“Did my pal really just call out my name while she was cumming?” Maz dragged her eyes away from the delicious sight of her friend’s glistening pussy and looked into CG’s face, only to see her looking directly into her eyes.
“Oh no!” She thought. “She’s seen me!” And her hand faltered.
“Don’t you dare stop, Maz! I came for you, so the least you can do is cum for me!” CG commanded.
Hearing those words was all the encouragement that Maz needed. She renewed her efforts and stroked her clit even faster and harder, while her friend watched, continuing to stroke her own swollen pussy lips. Maz’s cunt tingled like it hadn’t in a long, long time, as she felt an extremely powerful orgasm surge through her core.
“Shite, fuck, I’m coming!“ She grunted in her Scottish brogue, as the final spasms went through her body.
Maz slumped on the toilet seat and slowly pulled her hand out of her pants.
Rinsing all the soap off, CG stepped out of the shower with water dripping off her naked body on to the bathmat.
“Well, don’t just sit there, Maz! The least you can do is hand me a towel, you dirty, little, peeping slut,” CG scolded with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
Maz grabbed a heated towel off the rack and handed it to CG, her face was flushed with embarrassment. Her pal grabbed the towel from her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hi, Maz! I always knew you had the hots for me, you filthy perv!” CG giggled.
“Stop it! I did not! I do not!” Mumbled maz, totally flustered and not knowing quite where to look.
CG started vigorously drying off with the warm, fluffy towel. Bending over, she admonished her once more, “Maz, I can feel you staring at my ass again. Stop it!”
Totally humiliated now, Maz looked quickly away from her friend’s shapely butt.
CG had a niggling thought at the back of her sex-fogged brain that she had forgotten to tell Maz something. What had she forgotten to tell her? Why was Maz even here...
“Oh! My! Fucking! God!” CG suddenly screamed, startling Maz, as she remembered the exciting events from earlier that morning.
“Maz, Maz, Maz! You’ll never guess what happened!?! My numbers came up! I won the fucking lottery!!!”
“Get out!” Maz yelled, pushing her friend. “You did not win the lottery!”
“Yes, yes I did!” CG said excitedly, jumping up and down, which Maz noticed made her breasts jiggle in a most pleasing way.

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“That’s what I was trying to tell you on the phone earlier. Wait, let me go get the ticket and we can check it online.”
Maz bounced along excitedly, following her pal into the bedroom. CG grabbed the ticket from an open dresser drawer and handed it to Maz. “See for yourself! Go! Look!”
Maz walked over to the open laptop on her desk, unsurprisingly, her laptop was open to the Lush homepage, as usual.
“Hey, you’ve got like, a gazillions PMs, Curls,” Maz shook her head and with a wry smile, opening a new tab to check the numbers.
“Okay, read them out to me,” she said, looking over at her friend, whose hands were shaking as she unfolded the ticket...
She heard a “pdling-ling” as a Lush IM appeared, but she ignored it.
“Ummm, twelve... thirty one,” CG quickly sputtered.
“Slow the fuck down, please!” Maz said impatiently, getting more and more excited as each number matched the ones she saw on screen...
“Sorry! Forty seven... seventeen...” She said, nervously pausing between each number.
By now, Maz was wiggling excitedly in her seat, “Yes, yes? Come on...”
“And twenty-five!” CG burst out.
“Oh... My... God!” Maz’s mouth was agape. “Read them again, CG! Read them again! Just to make sure.”
“I’ve already checked it like ten times, Maz,” CG exclaimed, as she started to read the numbers aloud once more.
Maz dropped down in CG’s chair and continued to stare at the screen, stunned that the numbers were a perfect match.
“You’ve just won 69 million fucking dollars!” Maz breathed out.
“Me? Me? I didn’t just win 69 million dollars, Maz. If you remember correctly, you loaned me that extra dollar, so I could buy the ticket.”
“You’re right! I did! We’ve won 69 million dollars!” Maz squealed, jumping up from the chair and hugging her friend. As she pulled her into a hug, CG’s towel slipped unnoticed onto the floor.
CG’s skin was still moist from her shower and Maz stroked her smooth back, pulling her in close.
CG shivered as she felt Maz’s fingers on her damp skin. She wasn’t sure if it was a chill from being naked and still damp, the excitement of the lottery win, or the little performance they’d shared in the bathroom. That had been quite an unexpected surprise...
Maz pushed CG back to arms’ length, “Curly, do you realize that we are now as rich as fuck!”
CG nodded, eyes glistening, “I know!”
“What are we going to do with all that money?” Maz asked.
Just then, CG’s laptop announced a Lush IM, with a loud PING
The two women looked at each other, “The Big Sandwich!” They said, simultaneously and began to jump up and down, hugging excitedly, like silly schoolgirls.
They had joked in the past about throwing a Big Sandwich party if they ever won the lottery and sure as fuck they were going to do it now!
“Go and look, someone keeps IMing you on Lush,” Maz encouraged. “Who is it? Is it Jason?”
“Let me look,” CG said bending down to look at the screen.
Maz leaned over her shoulder, suddenly becoming aware that CG was no longer wearing a towel. Damn, that would never happen back in Scotland, too damned cold, she shuddered at the thought, realising that her own nipples were poking through her top, again. She didn’t know if it was lottery excitement or the proximity of her sexy pal.
“By the way, are we still going to go out tonight?” Asked Maz, “We need to celebrate, don’t we? We need champagne! I have to go shower.”
“You go shower,” CG looked up from the screen. “But hurry up because I’m going to open a chat room and start seeing which of our friends are going to come to the party. We need to find a venue and a way to make this work, Maz. It’s going to be a logistical nightmare! Hey, I think LafayetteMister just came in his pants from the excitement of this. Hahahaha!”
“Don’t tell them how much we won,” grinned Maz. “Let’s make this the biggest and best surprise ever!”
“Hey, do you remember that we both thought LM was such a ‘Gash Hound’ when we first joined Lush? Now he’s one of our closest friends. Funny how things change, isn’t it?”
“Gash Hound?” Maz burst out laughing. “Is that another one of your quaint Americanisms?” asked Maz, as she headed upstairs to take a shower. “Just wait ‘til I speak to him about cumming in his pants! You told him we were naked again didn’t you? God, he’s such a sweetie, most warped one I’ve ever encountered!”
CG called after her, “You know he always wanted to be the meat in a big sandwich with us! Hahahah!”
Maz was laughing as she went into the bedroom and threw down her bag. She started going through her stuff, laying it out for when she came out of the shower. Damn, where were her panties? She rummaged through her stuff again, but there were none.
“CG?” She yelled. “Can I borrow your panties? I seem to have forgotten mine.”
“Damn! You’ll do whatever you can to get in my panties, huh?” CG joked. “Sure, Maz, just take what you want from my drawer. You certainly can’t wear the ones you have on or you’ll smell like a bitch in heat. I have a bottle of champers, I’ll put it in the cooler.”
“Cheeky bitch!” Laughed Maz.
“What was that, Scottish Tart?”
“Ha, I said I wonder which to choose,” she giggled. “God that woman must have superhuman hearing!”
She pulled open the top drawer and began to look through. “Thongs thongs thongs... I hate fucking thongs,” Maz sighed, picking up a Lelo which was stuffed at the back of the drawer. Instinctively she raised to her nose and sniffed it, realised what she was doing and dropped it like it was hot.
“What the fuck am I doing?” She shook her head.
Continuing to rummage through the drawer Maz recognized a few of the thongs from CG’s image gallery on Lush and gave a small chuckle.
“CG? Do you not have any proper knickers? I can only find bloody thongs in here,” she yelled. “Hey, you never said you got a Lelo? Finally replaced the one that broke, huh?”
“Maz, you’ve seen my Lush pics, have you not? You know I don’t wear just any ordinary lingerie. I am very particular. Now, I suggest you man up and just choose a pair!” She called back. “Haven’t you even gotten into the shower yet? Hurry up woman! We’re getting quite a crowd in the chat room and I told them you wouldn’t be long. Shift your ass, I want us both to make the announcement!”
Quickly selecting a plain black thong, Maz headed for the shower. She quickly stripped off her clothes and slid down her still damp panties. Maz turned the shower on hot and stepped in. Her cheeks flushed as she picked the shower puff off the floor and her pulse quickened as she remembered that the last place the puff had washed was between CG’s thighs. Shaking her head, she focused on the task in hand to take a quick shower and get into the chat room.
With Maz in the shower, CG decided to contact Jason and tell him the great news. Seeing that her phone was an eggy mess, she decided to see if he was online instead. She realised that she was still nude, so she quickly nipped upstairs, plucked her robe off the bed and put it on. Then she went back to the table, sat back down and checked which of her friends were online, she saw that Wolverine15 was listed as ‘away’, so she gave him a poke and sent a quick online message:
“ Are you around? I’ve got exciting news!”
He didn’t reply immediately, so she left the laptop and decided to clean the congealed eggy puddle from the floor, until Jason pinged her back and Maz got her slowpoke ass out of the shower.
“What a damned mess. And I broke my favorite bowl,” she thought to herself. Wiping up the congealing mess from the floor, CG smiled when she heard the all too familiar wolf whistle from her computer. She smiled when she saw that the poke was from Wolverine15.
“Hey, Handsome,” she typed.
“Hey, Baby, what’s the exciting news?” Jason replied.
“You’re not going to flipping believe it! We WON the lottery! Maz and I won the lottery!!” CG responded. .
“WTF? Are you kidding me?” Jason typed.
“Yes, yes, yes! We won 69 million dollars,” was CG’s reply.
Stunned, Wolverine15 sent “I only have one question for you.”
“What’s that, Love?” CG typed.
“Are you gonna be my Sugar Momma?” Jason typed with a wink.
CG responded with a smiling icon, “Of course, you know you’re my man meat.”
Reddening, CG realized she needed to tell Jason about the events that had happened earlier in the day with Maz.
“Baby, do you have a minute? There’s something else I need to tell you,” CG nervously typed.
“Sure, what’s up?” Jason inquired.
Taking the plunge, CG quickly explained to Jason what had happened in the bathroom between her and Maz and anxiously waited for his reply. She was getting rather worried as she waited several moments until he responded with a terse, “I guess that answers that question.
Worried, CG typed “??????”
“Maz wasn’t hot for me. I guess she was always after your sweet ass!” he replied followed by a rofl icon.
“You are such a Fucker!” CG slammed out on the keyboard. “Glad I amuse you so much.”
“Baby, as long as she didn’t lick your slit, everything’s good,” Jason replied.
“WTF?? Why do I even bother with you?” CG typed.
“It’s because you love me,” was Jason’s quick retort.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway, do you remember how Maz and I joked about having a Big Sandwich party if we ever won the lottery? Well, we’re going to do it! We’re going to throw a Big Sandwich party with part of the lottery money,” CG excitedly typed.
“Seriously? I thought that was just a joke. You’re really going to throw a party with the money?” Jason asked.
“Yes, we really are. Listen, I’ve got to go. We’re going to open a chat room and tell everyone in a bit. You can join us in the room if you want, in a few minutes,” said CG.
“Sorry, Baby, I can’t. I’ve got to finish projections and I have a meeting in about 30 minutes. I’ll call you later though,” he promised.
“Sounds good. Oh wait, you’d better call the house phone. There was an erm, cooking mishap with my cell phone and it’s not working now,” typed CG.
“I’m not even going to ask. *kiss*” Jason replied before he signed off.
While Curly chatted to her fella, Maz washed her body, paying particular attention to all of her intimate spots and using the razor she had brought with her to make sure that she was perfectly smooth in all the right places for their night out, although, it looked like it might be mostly spent on Lush now! She was singing the Beatles’ song, Money, as she washed and scrubbed and although she still felt rather aroused from before, she found that she was planning ahead for the Big Sandwich! Wow, this was a chance to have a get-together with all of their favourite Lushies! What an exciting thought!
“The best things in life are freeeee...” She sang as she stepped out of the shower and looked around for a towel.
There weren’t any.
“CG?” She called out. “There aren’t any towels up here. Just a small hand towel.” She pulled the tiny piece of cloth around her body, but it really covered nothing!
CG didn’t respond, too busy chatting with J no doubt, so Maz sighed and awkwardly went downstairs, mostly naked and dripping water.
CG logged off of Lush and turned around just as Maz walked into the kitchen. Maz stood with a small towel covering her mound and droplets of water dripping off her nipples. CG couldn’t help but stare at Maz’s big, round firm breasts and pert nips.
“Maz, aren’t you cold? Why didn’t you grab a towel when you came out of the shower?” CG asked flustered.
“Didn’t you hear me calling you? I couldn’t find any towels in the bathroom,” Maz said trying to strategically place her small towel.
“Sorry about that, let me get one for you,” CG said.
She walked past her friend and her arm accidentally brushed against Maz’s breast, which caused an electric shock for both of them.
“Ooops, sorry about that,” CG muttered as she went up the stairs. Maz followed her. Her eyes were drawn to the bottom of CG’s ass cheeks as they peeked out from the bottom of the robe as she climbed the stairs.
“Damn, CG really does have a nice assend,” she thought to herself, barely suppressing the urge to pinch it.
“I know I have more towels in the linen closet. Sorry you had to walk around naked in search of one,” CG said disturbing Maz’s ass reverie, as she handed her a towel.
“Oh, I... that’s fine,” Maz stuttered, quickly wrapping the towel around herself.
“You’d better hurry up and get dressed, so we can get in the chat room. I’m sure the natives are getting restless. Heck, knowing them, they’ve probably already started an orgy,” CG snickered.
Without warning, CG slapped Maz firmly on the ass causing her to gasp. CG left her hand to linger a moment on Maz’s ass and felt the warmth from her handprint. Maz’s spine straightened a bit and her legs spread imperceptibly as CG lightly caressed the curve of her ass cheek.
Abruptly and without saying another word, CG left the room.
Maz slowly exhaled and toweled off. She slipped on CG’s thong and felt a familiar twinge in her pussy at thought of wearing her friend’s panties.
“What the hell is going on with the two of us?” she thought. “Why am I suddenly so turned on by my friend?”
“Fuck, I need to get some proper cock soon,” Maz muttered out loud. She put on a bra and pulled the black dress over her head and raked her fingers through her hair. She took a quick look in the mirror, decided that would have to do for now and went downstairs.
Walking into the kitchen, Maz saw CG’s fingers flying over the keyboard. “Have you told them anything,” she asked?
“Nope, I wanted to wait until you were here, so we can tell them together. What should we say?”
Maz bent over CG’s shoulder to see who was in the Big Sandwich chat room and smiled when she saw that Ginger86, Kinkygirl, Scooter, Te11tale, Bluepiglet, adele, Nikki703, Underthehood, Lafayettemister, plus a few others had all made it for the big announcement.
“Do you want me to type it?” Maz asked.
CG replied, “That works for me,” as she slid the laptop toward Maz.
“Hi Lushies, this is Maz. Thanks for coming. As we said in the message, CG and I have a big announcement. We are lovers!! Nah, I’m just kidding, we won the lottery!!” she quickly typed.
It took a second for it to sink in, but then the chat room immediately flooded with messages from the fellow Lushies.
“Is this a joke?” Adele asked.
“How much?” BP and Te11 typed in unison.
“So, drinks are on the Big Sandwich forever?” Inquired Scooter.
“Are you two still naked?” one-track LM typed.
“Do you need my mailing address?” asked Underthehood.
“I need some new boots,” Nikki stated, with a wink.
“Can I roll naked in the money with you two?” asked Ginger.
“Do we get a cut?” said KG with a smiley face.
Maz and CG giggled as they read the messages and were not at all surprised by the responses.
The two friends looked at each other as they pulled one another close into a deep hug.
“Looks like we have a party to plan,” said CG.
“Oh yes, we fucking do!” Laughed Maz.
Thank you for reading the first part of our story. We hope that you can join us for the next part and see what happens when Curlygirly and Mazza’s Big Sandwich gets properly underway!
Maz bounced along excitedly, following her pal into the bedroom. CG grabbed the ticket from an open dresser drawer and handed it to Maz. “See for yourself! Go! Look!”
Maz walked over to the open laptop on her desk, unsurprisingly, her laptop was open to the Lush homepage, as usual.
“Hey, you’ve got like, a gazillions PMs, Curls,” Maz shook her head and with a wry smile, opening a new tab to check the numbers.
“Okay, read them out to me,” she said, looking over at her friend, whose hands were shaking as she unfolded the ticket...
She heard a “pdling-ling” as a Lush IM appeared, but she ignored it.
“Ummm, twelve... thirty one,” CG quickly sputtered.
“Slow the fuck down, please!” Maz said impatiently, getting more and more excited as each number matched the ones she saw on screen...
“Sorry! Forty seven... seventeen...” She said, nervously pausing between each number.
By now, Maz was wiggling excitedly in her seat, “Yes, yes? Come on...”
“And twenty-five!” CG burst out.
“Oh... My... God!” Maz’s mouth was agape. “Read them again, CG! Read them again! Just to make sure.”
“I’ve already checked it like ten times, Maz,” CG exclaimed, as she started to read the numbers aloud once more.
Maz dropped down in CG’s chair and continued to stare at the screen, stunned that the numbers were a perfect match.
“You’ve just won 69 million fucking dollars!” Maz breathed out.
“Me? Me? I didn’t just win 69 million dollars, Maz. If you remember correctly, you loaned me that extra dollar, so I could buy the ticket.”
“You’re right! I did! We’ve won 69 million dollars!” Maz squealed, jumping up from the chair and hugging her friend. As she pulled her into a hug, CG’s towel slipped unnoticed onto the floor.
CG’s skin was still moist from her shower and Maz stroked her smooth back, pulling her in close.
CG shivered as she felt Maz’s fingers on her damp skin. She wasn’t sure if it was a chill from being naked and still damp, the excitement of the lottery win, or the little performance they’d shared in the bathroom. That had been quite an unexpected surprise...
Maz pushed CG back to arms’ length, “Curly, do you realize that we are now as rich as fuck!”
CG nodded, eyes glistening, “I know!”
“What are we going to do with all that money?” Maz asked.
Just then, CG’s laptop announced a Lush IM, with a loud PING
The two women looked at each other, “The Big Sandwich!” They said, simultaneously and began to jump up and down, hugging excitedly, like silly schoolgirls.
They had joked in the past about throwing a Big Sandwich party if they ever won the lottery and sure as fuck they were going to do it now!
“Go and look, someone keeps IMing you on Lush,” Maz encouraged. “Who is it? Is it Jason?”
“Let me look,” CG said bending down to look at the screen.
Maz leaned over her shoulder, suddenly becoming aware that CG was no longer wearing a towel. Damn, that would never happen back in Scotland, too damned cold, she shuddered at the thought, realising that her own nipples were poking through her top, again. She didn’t know if it was lottery excitement or the proximity of her sexy pal.
“By the way, are we still going to go out tonight?” Asked Maz, “We need to celebrate, don’t we? We need champagne! I have to go shower.”
“You go shower,” CG looked up from the screen. “But hurry up because I’m going to open a chat room and start seeing which of our friends are going to come to the party. We need to find a venue and a way to make this work, Maz. It’s going to be a logistical nightmare! Hey, I think LafayetteMister just came in his pants from the excitement of this. Hahahaha!”
“Don’t tell them how much we won,” grinned Maz. “Let’s make this the biggest and best surprise ever!”
“Hey, do you remember that we both thought LM was such a ‘Gash Hound’ when we first joined Lush? Now he’s one of our closest friends. Funny how things change, isn’t it?”
“Gash Hound?” Maz burst out laughing. “Is that another one of your quaint Americanisms?” asked Maz, as she headed upstairs to take a shower. “Just wait ‘til I speak to him about cumming in his pants! You told him we were naked again didn’t you? God, he’s such a sweetie, most warped one I’ve ever encountered!”
CG called after her, “You know he always wanted to be the meat in a big sandwich with us! Hahahah!”
Maz was laughing as she went into the bedroom and threw down her bag. She started going through her stuff, laying it out for when she came out of the shower. Damn, where were her panties? She rummaged through her stuff again, but there were none.
“CG?” She yelled. “Can I borrow your panties? I seem to have forgotten mine.”
“Damn! You’ll do whatever you can to get in my panties, huh?” CG joked. “Sure, Maz, just take what you want from my drawer. You certainly can’t wear the ones you have on or you’ll smell like a bitch in heat. I have a bottle of champers, I’ll put it in the cooler.”
“Cheeky bitch!” Laughed Maz.
“What was that, Scottish Tart?”
“Ha, I said I wonder which to choose,” she giggled. “God that woman must have superhuman hearing!”
She pulled open the top drawer and began to look through. “Thongs thongs thongs... I hate fucking thongs,” Maz sighed, picking up a Lelo which was stuffed at the back of the drawer. Instinctively she raised to her nose and sniffed it, realised what she was doing and dropped it like it was hot.
“What the fuck am I doing?” She shook her head.
Continuing to rummage through the drawer Maz recognized a few of the thongs from CG’s image gallery on Lush and gave a small chuckle.
“CG? Do you not have any proper knickers? I can only find bloody thongs in here,” she yelled. “Hey, you never said you got a Lelo? Finally replaced the one that broke, huh?”
“Maz, you’ve seen my Lush pics, have you not? You know I don’t wear just any ordinary lingerie. I am very particular. Now, I suggest you man up and just choose a pair!” She called back. “Haven’t you even gotten into the shower yet? Hurry up woman! We’re getting quite a crowd in the chat room and I told them you wouldn’t be long. Shift your ass, I want us both to make the announcement!”
Quickly selecting a plain black thong, Maz headed for the shower. She quickly stripped off her clothes and slid down her still damp panties. Maz turned the shower on hot and stepped in. Her cheeks flushed as she picked the shower puff off the floor and her pulse quickened as she remembered that the last place the puff had washed was between CG’s thighs. Shaking her head, she focused on the task in hand to take a quick shower and get into the chat room.
With Maz in the shower, CG decided to contact Jason and tell him the great news. Seeing that her phone was an eggy mess, she decided to see if he was online instead. She realised that she was still nude, so she quickly nipped upstairs, plucked her robe off the bed and put it on. Then she went back to the table, sat back down and checked which of her friends were online, she saw that Wolverine15 was listed as ‘away’, so she gave him a poke and sent a quick online message:
“ Are you around? I’ve got exciting news!”
He didn’t reply immediately, so she left the laptop and decided to clean the congealed eggy puddle from the floor, until Jason pinged her back and Maz got her slowpoke ass out of the shower.
“What a damned mess. And I broke my favorite bowl,” she thought to herself. Wiping up the congealing mess from the floor, CG smiled when she heard the all too familiar wolf whistle from her computer. She smiled when she saw that the poke was from Wolverine15.
“Hey, Handsome,” she typed.
“Hey, Baby, what’s the exciting news?” Jason replied.
“You’re not going to flipping believe it! We WON the lottery! Maz and I won the lottery!!” CG responded. .
“WTF? Are you kidding me?” Jason typed.
“Yes, yes, yes! We won 69 million dollars,” was CG’s reply.
Stunned, Wolverine15 sent “I only have one question for you.”
“What’s that, Love?” CG typed.
“Are you gonna be my Sugar Momma?” Jason typed with a wink.
CG responded with a smiling icon, “Of course, you know you’re my man meat.”
Reddening, CG realized she needed to tell Jason about the events that had happened earlier in the day with Maz.
“Baby, do you have a minute? There’s something else I need to tell you,” CG nervously typed.
“Sure, what’s up?” Jason inquired.
Taking the plunge, CG quickly explained to Jason what had happened in the bathroom between her and Maz and anxiously waited for his reply. She was getting rather worried as she waited several moments until he responded with a terse, “I guess that answers that question.
Worried, CG typed “??????”
“Maz wasn’t hot for me. I guess she was always after your sweet ass!” he replied followed by a rofl icon.
“You are such a Fucker!” CG slammed out on the keyboard. “Glad I amuse you so much.”
“Baby, as long as she didn’t lick your slit, everything’s good,” Jason replied.
“WTF?? Why do I even bother with you?” CG typed.
“It’s because you love me,” was Jason’s quick retort.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway, do you remember how Maz and I joked about having a Big Sandwich party if we ever won the lottery? Well, we’re going to do it! We’re going to throw a Big Sandwich party with part of the lottery money,” CG excitedly typed.
“Seriously? I thought that was just a joke. You’re really going to throw a party with the money?” Jason asked.
“Yes, we really are. Listen, I’ve got to go. We’re going to open a chat room and tell everyone in a bit. You can join us in the room if you want, in a few minutes,” said CG.
“Sorry, Baby, I can’t. I’ve got to finish projections and I have a meeting in about 30 minutes. I’ll call you later though,” he promised.
“Sounds good. Oh wait, you’d better call the house phone. There was an erm, cooking mishap with my cell phone and it’s not working now,” typed CG.
“I’m not even going to ask. *kiss*” Jason replied before he signed off.
While Curly chatted to her fella, Maz washed her body, paying particular attention to all of her intimate spots and using the razor she had brought with her to make sure that she was perfectly smooth in all the right places for their night out, although, it looked like it might be mostly spent on Lush now! She was singing the Beatles’ song, Money, as she washed and scrubbed and although she still felt rather aroused from before, she found that she was planning ahead for the Big Sandwich! Wow, this was a chance to have a get-together with all of their favourite Lushies! What an exciting thought!
“The best things in life are freeeee...” She sang as she stepped out of the shower and looked around for a towel.
There weren’t any.
“CG?” She called out. “There aren’t any towels up here. Just a small hand towel.” She pulled the tiny piece of cloth around her body, but it really covered nothing!
CG didn’t respond, too busy chatting with J no doubt, so Maz sighed and awkwardly went downstairs, mostly naked and dripping water.
CG logged off of Lush and turned around just as Maz walked into the kitchen. Maz stood with a small towel covering her mound and droplets of water dripping off her nipples. CG couldn’t help but stare at Maz’s big, round firm breasts and pert nips.
“Maz, aren’t you cold? Why didn’t you grab a towel when you came out of the shower?” CG asked flustered.
“Didn’t you hear me calling you? I couldn’t find any towels in the bathroom,” Maz said trying to strategically place her small towel.
“Sorry about that, let me get one for you,” CG said.
She walked past her friend and her arm accidentally brushed against Maz’s breast, which caused an electric shock for both of them.
“Ooops, sorry about that,” CG muttered as she went up the stairs. Maz followed her. Her eyes were drawn to the bottom of CG’s ass cheeks as they peeked out from the bottom of the robe as she climbed the stairs.
“Damn, CG really does have a nice assend,” she thought to herself, barely suppressing the urge to pinch it.
“I know I have more towels in the linen closet. Sorry you had to walk around naked in search of one,” CG said disturbing Maz’s ass reverie, as she handed her a towel.
“Oh, I... that’s fine,” Maz stuttered, quickly wrapping the towel around herself.
“You’d better hurry up and get dressed, so we can get in the chat room. I’m sure the natives are getting restless. Heck, knowing them, they’ve probably already started an orgy,” CG snickered.
Without warning, CG slapped Maz firmly on the ass causing her to gasp. CG left her hand to linger a moment on Maz’s ass and felt the warmth from her handprint. Maz’s spine straightened a bit and her legs spread imperceptibly as CG lightly caressed the curve of her ass cheek.
Abruptly and without saying another word, CG left the room.
Maz slowly exhaled and toweled off. She slipped on CG’s thong and felt a familiar twinge in her pussy at thought of wearing her friend’s panties.
“What the hell is going on with the two of us?” she thought. “Why am I suddenly so turned on by my friend?”
“Fuck, I need to get some proper cock soon,” Maz muttered out loud. She put on a bra and pulled the black dress over her head and raked her fingers through her hair. She took a quick look in the mirror, decided that would have to do for now and went downstairs.
Walking into the kitchen, Maz saw CG’s fingers flying over the keyboard. “Have you told them anything,” she asked?
“Nope, I wanted to wait until you were here, so we can tell them together. What should we say?”
Maz bent over CG’s shoulder to see who was in the Big Sandwich chat room and smiled when she saw that Ginger86, Kinkygirl, Scooter, Te11tale, Bluepiglet, adele, Nikki703, Underthehood, Lafayettemister, plus a few others had all made it for the big announcement.
“Do you want me to type it?” Maz asked.
CG replied, “That works for me,” as she slid the laptop toward Maz.
“Hi Lushies, this is Maz. Thanks for coming. As we said in the message, CG and I have a big announcement. We are lovers!! Nah, I’m just kidding, we won the lottery!!” she quickly typed.
It took a second for it to sink in, but then the chat room immediately flooded with messages from the fellow Lushies.
“Is this a joke?” Adele asked.
“How much?” BP and Te11 typed in unison.
“So, drinks are on the Big Sandwich forever?” Inquired Scooter.
“Are you two still naked?” one-track LM typed.
“Do you need my mailing address?” asked Underthehood.
“I need some new boots,” Nikki stated, with a wink.
“Can I roll naked in the money with you two?” asked Ginger.
“Do we get a cut?” said KG with a smiley face.
Maz and CG giggled as they read the messages and were not at all surprised by the responses.
The two friends looked at each other as they pulled one another close into a deep hug.
“Looks like we have a party to plan,” said CG.
“Oh yes, we fucking do!” Laughed Maz.
Thank you for reading the first part of our story. We hope that you can join us for the next part and see what happens when Curlygirly and Mazza’s Big Sandwich gets properly underway!