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Community Involvement Ch. 13

"A new toy unleashes memories and new experiences"

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Somewhat annoyingly my mobile phone buzzed again; another text message from Michelle. That made four in the last hour and it was not even midday yet. As much as I loved being with her, the knowledge of her leaving for a holiday for three weeks and these continuous messages were staring to be more of a frustration than an enjoyment.

“Still waiting to board the plane. Another fifteen minutes should do it. My husband has gone for a walk…he hates waiting, lol. Ray, I have to confess, after last Friday and the unbelievable feeling of you filling my arse I have been wondering what it might be like to do the same to you? While I am away, and only if you are willing (I know you’re able, lol), could you investigate a way of me experiencing what it is like to be the penetrator rather than the penetrated? An unusual request but we have an unusual relationship. Best git…they are calling our flight. Love you, M.”

It took me a number of reads to properly comprehend what she was asking. I laughed and shook my head in disbelief at her request but I was more than willing to do it, especially with her and for her. I chuckled to myself again, as I sat in my office and thumbed a reply.

“Consider it done and can’t wait. Love U2, R.” I just wished I could have been a fly on the wall to see her expression when she read it.

The prospect of fulfilling her request was thrilling to say the least. Many years earlier I had embarked on a quest to explore myself anally but had only rarely had the guts to share the exploration with anyone else. But more on that soon.

To date, I have had good experiences with online shopping but I had to admit, this was the most outrageous. However, all things considered, the consequences of purchasing such an item far outweighed any reservations I may have had. As small as they were.

Good old Google provided the usual swamp of sex video results interspersed with relevant sex toy providers. I clicked on a few sites and browsed and made notes on a scrap of paper (old school never fails) of brands and designs and prices. The variety of options was quite illuminating to say the least but gradually I started to narrow down the alternatives. Initially I had thought of a strap on dildo that literally strapped on but as my research knowledge grew, I soon discovered there were a number of alternatives that dispensed with an actual harness. From the outset, I knew I wanted something that was going to fulfil Michelle’s request; to be able to penetrate my arse. However, I also desired a device that would stimulate her at the same time…mutual satisfaction seemed a good way to go in my eyes. I wanted to replicate the sex act with as much realism as possible, i.e. give her as complete a feeling of building toward orgasm as I would have fucking her.

Bingo! I found one that fitted Michelle’s brief (not briefs…well not yet) as well as my own. The product description read: ‘Experience the extraordinary closeness with this 7 inch strapless strap on. Suitable for vaginal and anal use, one partner inserts the contoured bulbed end into their body (Michelle), holding the realistic dildo in place and leaving it ready to penetrate their lover. The attached dildo has seven (7) inches of insertable length, with the silicone offering a flesh-like texture and a great feel during use. During play, both partners are stimulated with the toy's soft, flexible feel and realistic shape and it removes the need for a fussy harness or wires, allowing you and your partner to enjoy simultaneous stimulation.’

A win - win I think you could call it.

At $124.95 (AUD) for the dildo, plus another eight bucks for the water based lube (free delivery was part of the deal) the investment was a small price to pay for what I knew would be an amazing experience for and with Michelle during our up coming three days and two nights alone, together; but that was not until after she returned from being away on her trip. I quickly dismissed the thoughts of her being away and continued to the check out to finalise my purchase. It would take two to three work days to be delivered.

I was something like the proverbial cat on a hot tin roof following the order placement. On the day it arrived I could not get inside quick enough to have a look see. I tore off the postage wrapping, stripped off the plastic shrink-wrap and then slowed myself to carefully open the cardboard box it came in. As I did so, the lube dropped to the floor from the corner of the box. Thankfully the plastic bottle only bounced and did not break open. Finally I saw the new weapon of anal destruction and it was every bit as good to look at as it had on screen. In fact, I thought it looked better…slightly longer and thicker than I had expected for both insertable ends.

“That bodes well.” I said to myself as I took the ‘strapless strap on’ (those were the marketing words displayed on the side of the box) out and held it in my hand. It was lighter than I had envisaged which also meant Michelle would have greater control over the way she used the device rather than having to worry about a heavier object slipping. I was well pleased with my purchase but it still needed to pass one last hurdle; a private workout with the purchaser. Let’s face it, I could not give it to my lover without first trying it for myself, now could I?

I had no qualms about fucking myself anally with a dildo of this size as I was well acquainted with such, albeit not for a good many years. The personal exploration of my body really started when I was about seventeen. A few of us ‘guys’ from high school (we were in our last year) took a day off and we congregated at one guys places to pass the time of day playing cards and drinking beer. By mid afternoon, we were all as drunk as and a number of them had passed out. A few had gone off home and a close friend (at the time anyway) and I kind of got into some sort of deep and meaningful conversation. The booze took control and that was when I had my one and only gay experience. I tried to get his hard cock into my arse, without lube I might add (that would account for the lack of success) and it hurt. However, it did peak my curiosity as to what it would feel like to have something invade that part of my body.

At that time in my life I was a skinny, gangly sort of kid. I was extremely short on confidence, especially with girls, but even with male friends…I did not know who I was, what I was supposed to be; a typical lost sole as I now look back. At the time of that man to man episode, I deliberately let it happen, despite feeling unsure, solely because here was someone taking an interest in ME, actually wanting me sexually…I was still a virgin.

I started high school in the early seventies, and during the January summer holidays, before school started, I had met this wonderful girl at Brighton Baths in Sydney. We hung out for what was an amazing four weeks in January. We talked our heads off and laughed profusely, I was on cloud nine. But, there is always a but, I never kissed her or held her hand…nothing. Why I hear you ask? I was shit scared that if I made a move like that she would take off, run for the hills. I still labour similar feelings even today for time to time in a variety of circumstances but usually sexual. I lack the confidence to pounce, for want of a better way to put it. That fear of taking the first step haunted me through out my high school years but none more so than this first one. I can’t even remember her name but I vaguely remember she had long auburn hair, big brown eyes and seemed to enjoy my company. Suffice to say, once school started we lost touch and she moved away, literally, I think.

I never had a real girl friend during the next six years of high school but I did have a lot of fantasy targets. In particular Jenny. Not only was she the centre of my sexual fantasises but, as I look back, I did have a crush on her. She was about the same age as myself, somewhat buxom even allowing for her teenage years, long dirty blonde hair, deep blue eyes and full, sensual lips. I did get to kiss her passionately a number of times, usually after walking her home from the local watering hole…good old Dutch courage. She had a boyfriend and he was a real arsehole and treated her quite badly. Most of us who knew her could not believe she stuck with him for so long.

As I said, as a consequence of my gay sex one-off, it started me on a path to explore myself anally and fantasise about Jenny as I fucked my arse. I remember visualising that whatever I was using to my arse was actually my cock fucking its way up inside Jenny and she was continually building toward one huge orgasm after huge orgasm. During this period, a married guy in his late twenties (who was also our next door neighbour) showed me his collection of pornographic magazines. I would even sneak into their place while they were at work and steal one or two copies and add them to an ever increasing pile of material I kept hidden in the back shed.

At least once a week, I would get home around midday from school, go and collect my porno pile and spend the next couple of hours in the bathroom. Our shower was over the bath, so I would place a chair at one end where I would place my mags and squat in the bath and rest my arms over the back of the bath while I flicked through each magazine looking for images in all states of dress or undress and sexy positions, that reminded me of Jenny. I would fill an empty bottle (a large coke or shampoo etc) with lukewarm water, smear vaseline onto the opening and around and inside my anal opening, and slowly squeeze the water up inside my arse. The feel and adrenaline rush I got as I felt the water slowly fill my anus was amazing. All of a sudden I would feel a soft thump in my gut as I reached capacity which I then tried to hold for as long as possible until I just had to expel the fluid and all that came with it. I repeated these enemas numerous times until I was satisfied I was clean, only then would I start to fuck myself with whatever I had available; it varied from cut of broom handles, small Lebanese cucumbers, slender zucchinis and the like. But the rush of the water as it filled me was a highlight.

Once cleansed, I would start fucking myself by squatting over the phallic object and bouncing my hips to impale my arse as I stroked my cock in tandem. Balanced thus, I would start to flick through my hoard of porn mags and select Jenny-like images and place them on the floor. As I stroked my cock the pressure would increase along my back passage and on my internal glands to a point where it would sometimes reach an exquisite pain that I would only barely prevent from falling over into an all out orgasm. Time and time again I would build to the brink and stop myself, my breath deepening and rasping as I picked out more and more Jenny photos until I had found at least one per magazine. It was a simple task once I had completed my search to finally bring myself off and explode in a powerful burst of anal stimulated lust. There were times when I was so horny I would even curl myself up onto my back and would blast my load over my own face, fantasising I was coming all over Jenny or that she was coming all over me.

That was the start of my anal exploitive orgasms which lasted until I was in my mid thirties. After I left high school, the Jenny fixation waned and I turned my attention to any number of looks instead of limiting my fantasies to one particular person.

During a raid on the guy next door’s porn supply one day, I happened across a sex contact newspaper. Call it kismet, but I was drawn to one advertisement in particular, labelled ‘sophisticated lady’. I wrote a reply, this was before internet and email remember, and after about a week her answer arrived and we made arrangements to meet. She was tall, blonde and buxom, and into ‘most things these pages’ as the saying went. I saw her off and on over a period of a year, slowly building a rapport, as well as my personal confidence, in sexual matters. On one occasion, I asked her about enemas and she proudly showed me how she would go about administering it all all that went with it, all she required was for me to tell, in advance, when I desired her assistance. I was deeply curious and driven by personal desire to try so we arranged to meet the following week, when we would have a large chunk of time to fully explore this fantasy of mine, as she called it. Sharon also asked that I do some initial cleansing at home, if possible, just to clear the majority of any waste before landing on her door step.

When I arrived, Sharon was dressed in knee length black boots and a black dog collar and nothing else. She had pieced nipples that stood proudly out from her well rounded breasts. Her navel was also pierced with a small jewellery piece and her pussy was bare.

“All in the name of setting the scene.” She commented as I complimented her outfit, or lack of it.

She directed me to lie down on the massage type table she had set up in a darkened room. She had soft music playing, once again, as part of the mood building process and to help me relax.

“All the better for you to take more of this,” she teased as she showed me the bag full of a warm fluid…two (2) litres in all.

“Shit, is that all for me?” I gulped.

“No shit…well that is the hope after you expel this.” She laughed and helped me place my legs in the stirrups on either side of the bench.

“Can you hold this?” She asked as she walked up along the side of the massage table.

‘Sure.” I replied but unaware of what it was she was talking about.

She took my hand and placed a large black vibrator into my palm. I closed my hand around it firmly, as she instructed.

“Now before I can start I need your help.”

“Anything.” I said, a little warily.

Sharon smiled gently and climbed up onto the table. She swung her thigh up over my shoulder and took up a position with my face directly under her pussy and between her legs as she sat down on my face.

“I need to come.” She said sternly. “It will help me concentrate on fucking your arse. The thought of all this has had me as horny as all get out all morning.”

Her revelation, while surprising, and considering she had her dripping snatch centimetres from my mouth, had me in a position where I could not say no. Immediately I began to tongue her crotch and I loved her sweet taste as I dipped my tongue deep inside.

“Eat me Ray, lick my pussy. ohhh, fuck yes…there, right there,” she directed as I sucked on her massive clit. I took it into my mouth as if it was a small cock drawing deep and loud groans from Sharon as I looked up to see her twisting and pulling at her nipples.

“Oh fuck, that feels good,” she hissed as I probed her deeply with my tongue. I dipped the fingers of my free hand into her wet pussy, coating them with her own juices before I spread her cheeks and stuck them in her hot arse. That drew a loud groan from Sharon as she raised up and began pushing her arse back onto my fingers.

I had been sucking on her clit for several minutes, enjoying the taste of her succulent opening when she Maggie moaned heavily, “Oh fuck, I’m near cumming.”

Quickly Sharon jumped off the table and squatted over the vibrator I held in my hand. She clamped her hand around mine as she pushed the thick plastic rod deep inside herself and bounced feverishly. Within seconds her body literally bucked and jerked, like she was doing an imitation dance of Peter Garret. She plunged the vibrator hard into herself repeatedly until finally she dropped my hand and sagged against my chest. I caressed her back as she gradually gathered her senses. She kissed me warmly and thanked me for my help. I laughed a thank you as she made her way back to the foot of the table.

Sharon proceeded explain the process in detail as she gently rubbed another vibrator against my arse and scrotum. She showed me the enema nozzle she had chosen for me, a ribbed tan coloured one, and after she fitted it to the hose, she eased it into my arse. My cock laid twitching on my hip, still standing to attention after her orgasmic warm up.

“I’ll get to this later.” She whispered, patting my rod, as she inserted the hose and slowly opened the valve. The water trickled in, the warmth slowly built in my back passage. She closed it and told me to relax and let the water find its way. While we waited, she gently caressed my cock and softly blew streams of warm breath across my tightened flesh. She stopped just as my penis started to respond fully to her ministrations.

“Don’t want to soil the fun by going too far too soon.” She cooed.

She reopened the valve and gradually, over about half and hour, drained more of the water into me, interspersed with more cock play. I looked and saw, to my surprise, that almost three quarters of the liquid was no longer in the bag but inside me. I was beginning to feel a fullness that tantalised and excited without being overly sexual. As Sharon closed the valve I looked along my body and noticed my tummy was stating to rise as the level of water increased in my rectum and intestinal plumbing. After an hour, Sharon congratulated me; I had taken the bag in totality on my first attempt.

“Not many can achieve that. I am impressed.” She smiled. “Now, just relax and try to resist the urge of your body to expel the water. Try and hold it as long as you can. It will get harder to hold, but try to stop it.”

Her insistence was driven more by her not wanting to clean up a huge mess I assumed. As I laid on the bench, she gently massaged my chest with her rounded breasts and tenderly kissed my mouth. Every time I went to raise my hands to her, she pushed them down and told me to relax and let her be my guide. I closed my eyes, and felt her hard pierced nipples graze across my own, the pressure in my flooded back passage slowly built to a point where I was afraid I would not be able to walk. I felt bloated and heavy, like a blow up punching bag in the form of a penguin.

I lasted another ten minutes, I think but I could not sure. Sharon helped me to slowly roll sidewards off the bench and get to the bathroom which was only a few feet away. Man, what a relief when I finally sat over the bowl and expelled…the sudden rush of fluid leaving my body was one of the most wonderful feelings I had experienced in a long time. I felt heavy one minute then as light as a feather. I sighed deeply with relief that I had made it.

“Well done.” Sharon complimented. “Now, if you want to proceed, resume the position?”

I felt so dreamy at the relief of expelling the two litres of water that I robotically did as she suggested. Once my legs were back in the stirrups Sharon smeared a copious quantity of KY gel around and inside my anal cavity. I had not taken any notice of her as I walked out of the bathroom, I was too consumed with my own feeling of relief and the sudden feeling of weight lose.

“I am going to use this.” She told me, slapping a thick strap on cock against my thighs.

“Oh, okay.” I replied gingerly.

“Don’t worry. You are going to enjoy this, I know! Besides, I have a vibrator inside me and it is making me want to come badly.”

I nodded and mumbled some sort of reply which went unanswered. She stood at the end of the bench, the thick pink cock jutted out from the black harness around her hips. She grabbed the cock and pressed the thick head against my anus and used her hips to increase the pressure.

Resistance is futile.” Was all I could hear in my head accompanied by flashes of Vogons from the Hitchhikers Guide.

I felt her hand grasp the rubber shaft and reposition it slightly and then, pop, she entered me. I could feel the replica veins move past my sphincter as she slowly pushed the plastic cock fully inside.

“Good.” She muttered as she adjusted her stance. “Now for the fun part.”

I felt her body spasm slightly as she pushed forward and guessed her body was building toward climax as she started to fucked my body. Sharon grabbed my hips by wrapping her hands around my thighs from beneath. She levered her hips away from me and thrust in hard. Her pelvis slapped against my rump as she fucked me with her plastic cock, each inward thrust made me grunt with the force of her entry. For quite a few minutes she continued to fuck my butt, pounding me relentlessly. Her face was florid with her exertions and a small rivulet of sweat streamed down between her bouncing breasts. She seemed to be enjoying giving me the business for a change.

“Can you wiggle forward a bit please?” She asked, pulling her cock free of my gripping arse.

I edged lower and, in fact, inadvertently pushed my body back onto her phallus.

“Greedy, aren’t you?” Sharon queried, as she pulled free to get my hips placed just how she wanted them. Once satisfied she thrust forward again.

“Hmmm, it looks like someone has now got their arse full of a large pink cock.” She smiled up at me as she looked along my body from between my parted thighs.

“How about I do something about this fella?” She cooed and stroked my resting manhood.

“Ohhh, fuck…” she stammered, all of a sudden, as her body twitched noticeably.

Without waiting for an answer, and obviously starting to peak herself, Sharon covered my cock with gel and stroked it firmly in her free hand. She used her thumb and index finger together, which felt just like her lips; it was a pseudo blow job from where I was. It did not take long for the soft caress of her hand together with the slide of the gel to get me as hard as hard could be. She gently twisted her hand as she fucked my arse and firmly masturbated my penis.

“Oh god…fuck…Sharon….” I cried, gripping the edges of the bench. My arse muscles pulsed and tightened around her thrusting cock as she drove me closer to the brink and finally over the edge. My rigid cock erupted as she held it vertically, the first blast of come shot at least a foot into the air and fell with a quiet splat on my tummy. This was followed my many, many more, each one slightly less in volume than the previous. As I shot my lot, Sharon kept her cock imbedded in my arse which served to increase the pressure of the hidden vibe on her erogenous zone. She slowly stroked my cock as I blasted come left, right and centre. The intensity of my climax was off the scale, her arse fucking pressurised my prostate which magnified the intensity and increase the sensation to a level I had not previously experienced.

I closed my eyes, feeling my entire being pulsing and throbbing like it was still in the throws of orgasm. Sharon held still for ages and slowly started the withdrawal process long after I had fallen into a hiatus, a dreamy semi consciousness that had left me incapable of anything other than the basic human function of involuntary breathing.

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I gradually became aware of the decrease in pressure as she puled back from arse and I held my breath as she pulled clear and the sphincter muscle clamped shut as she removed clear.

That was years ago, but it still leaves me breathless reliving that day. Back then, that was all part of an era for me of self discovery and exploration which, over time, (like a lot of things) became less and less important to a point where the exploration ceased.

However, during a recent and rather delightful Thai massage, the sexy little masseuse dallied over my sphincter area which aroused, not only my physical self but my wonder about the dark mysteries of the past. I smiled to myself as I now found myself ready to rekindle some of those experiences by trialling my newly purchased cock on myself prior to giving it over to Michelle, all primed for her to unleash her desire to fuck my arse with it.

The afternoon sun shone warmly into the bathroom, despite the chilled wind blowing outside, as I turned on the shower. This test was going to be not only a re-ignition of my past but I had taken steps to bring a little of today’s technology into the mix by setting up my laptop to play a compilation video of some of the hottest female ejaculation videos the site had to offer. I laughed to myself as it started wondering what I would I would have done all those years ago with the wealth of sexually explicit material available in today’s world. Just for old-times sake, I had even purchased two (2) porn magazines. The cover girl of the first had amazing emerald coloured eyes which seemed to burn brighter as I stripped off. I was so excited that my cock was already standing to attention.

I as stood and admired myself in the mirror above the sink, I had all these wickedly delicious thoughts about what Michelle and I want to do right now. Her mouth would open and beg me to kiss it, but what I really would desire would be to place my hands on her naked body.

“Enough of that!” I said to myself. “I have work to do.”

I chuckled quietly as I entered the shower, empty plastic soft drink bottle in hand. I stood in the warm flow, delighting in soft feel of the caressing water as it ran over my shoulders, across my rising chest, down my stomach and thighs; every muscle very slowly relaxing under its intoxicating caress. My hands idly trailed across my skin and I dreamily felt that it is was Michelle.

My body felt so relaxed. I slowly filled the drink bottle and squatted over it. The hard rim nudged firmly against my anal opening as I squeezed the body of the bottle and felt the first gush of water enter my rectum. I sighed deeply as the liquid filled me, the instant rush of the water matched perfectly with the rush of excitement I felt in the pit of my stomach. I had rediscovered an old friend and it was good. I repeated the flushing process numerous times in order to do a proper ‘clean out’.

I stood briefly to adjust the fall of the water away from directly falling onto my back. I did not want to flood the floor outside. It was warm in the shower and comforting to feel my arse was ready for the test.

The laptop was displaying a woman in her mid thirties frantically fingering herself as she squirted violently toward the camera. She even deposited a gush onto the lens. As I watched I trailed my fingers back down my body with the lightest of touches. I quickly placed a large dollop of Sorbelen on my fingers and smeared it around the opening which I quickly followed with a deft plunge: one finger and then two, slid between and into my arse cheeks slowly until my hips thrust back begging for more.

With my fingers deeply inserted in my arse I opened the first of the magazines. I fucked my arse with languid strokes as I casually turn the pages and drink in the beautiful curves of the women displayed inside. My cock was so hard and I could see a small pearlescent drop on the tip. I turned more pages and met the girl with the emerald green eyes. I caught my breath and I drank in the images of her as she removed her shirt for the camera, my eyes fell to the tops of her breasts above her bra. My eyes roamed up and down her body as I press two fingers hard into my body. They enter with ease and that familiar feeing of having my arse stretched and filled delighted my senses. My cock twitched as I looked at her. The background to this wicked scene is filled with the constant sounds of women in the throes of incredibly intense orgasms.

“Oh Michelle.” I gasped as I finger fucked my arse and fantasised about her doing the same.

I knelt on the tiles and bent forward forcing myself to spread wider. I reached lower and caressed my balls, knowing how much Michelle loves the way they feel cradled in her hand. I could feel how tight my hole was and I shivered, out of pure excitement. I recalled what it felt like to fuck myself with my fingers and the feeling was still the same but I could not wait to do it with my new purchase. But I deliberately slowed down, wanting to build my own anticipation. My finger circled around my rear entrance again. I knew what I wanted but I had to still make myself wait. If I started to rush it would be over before I knew it.

I moaned Michelle’s name as I pushed my fingers back into my arse; I took three all at once. It was like I had never stopped all those years earlier. Without effort my fingers slide inside to the knuckle.

The strapless strap-on was close at hand and without missing a beat, I pulled my hand free and replaced the fingers with the phallic beast. It slipped in fully, beautifully filing my long neglected arse. I pulled it back and plunge it up deep and hard.

‘Ohhh, fuck..” I grunted as the intense feeling of fucking my arse filled my being with the desire to fuck and come.

Without delay I opened the second magazine and flicked through the pages. Each of the girls featured was attractive and seductive…fuckable beyond understanding especially in my current state. However, the last girl in the magazine was gorgeous. A withering beauty with a innocent look that belies her posing for such photographs.

With a heavy breath I decide hurriedly that these two girls will witness the final stages of my anal fucking test.

My palm grazed the wet tip of my throbbing cock. I take the come that's leaked out and spread it across the rest of my cock. With each caress I moan aloud, almost pleading to the wind, that it should be Michelle and not the magazines to witness what I was about to do. Faster and faster I start to slam my arse with the strap on. It fills my arse superbly and and puts exquisite pressure on the internal glands that feed my cock. I begin jacking off slowly, moving the cock in my arse in time. My body starts shaking. I am delighted as that is something I did not remember from my previous experiences. However, I can tell I can't take much more. As much as I love pushing myself to the edge the rush of the combined sensations is all too much. I took my hand off your cock momentarily and look at the laptop and back at the magazines.

‘Oh, God…Michelle…if only you were here!” I shouted to the walls.

My chest was heaving with each breath and my hips were still moving even though I was not touching my cock. I placed my hand back on my cock and began to slowly build the pace. My head hung forward as I gasped for breath. I closed my eyes, and can't stop moaning. My hand slides easily around my cock as I plunge the phallic rod in my arse… fucking myself with long hard strokes in the same rhythm. I want to come so hard.

My body started to shake and tremble. My arse twitched and the exquisite painful pleasure coming from deep within my rear passage was amazing.

”Ohhhh god, I'm going to come." I breathed hard and flopped onto my hands and knees.

My hand was stroking myself furiously. I dropped my hand away from the anal intruder leaving it wedged deep in my dark rear. I was stroking myself, wishing it was Michelle fucking me, masturbating me and driving me closer…making me come. I stroked my rod until I could feel my entire body tighten. My sphincter clamped and locked the strap on in place, the pressure from it in my arse is unbelievable. The build to that final zenith is almost unbearable. With a final solid stroke I exploded. My arse clenched and twitched as my load flies from my body, one long spirt after the other, each felt like it was ripped from my very being as it leaves my cock. The power is so intense I collapse onto the tiles, breathless and near delirious.

Long minutes passed as I struggled to regain composure. My stomach felt empty and my head was in a spin. I had never felt such a rush in my life but now I had to get myself together and the strap on out of my arse. It took some doing but I finally managed much to my relief. For some hours after I was still a bit sore but I knew it was for a good cause.

I have to admit, I did repeat the ‘trial’ a number of times in Michelle’s absence. But finally, the day arrived when we could have our long awaited time alone…a whole three days and two nights together. Well that was the plan, as originally concocted all those weeks before, as we literally put our heads together on the balcony of the Woolwich Pier Hotel. However, as the saying goes concerning the plans of mice and men, and women in this case, our first day did go as hoped and our time did not get started until late in the afternoon.

After much discussion and many apologies etc, we finally closed the door behind us to shut out the would and feel into each others arms. Fortunately we had had the opportunity to chat about her trip and generally catch up the weekend prior so that topic was almost fully exhausted much to my relief. No sooner had we enter Michelle’s hallway, she was on her knees and stuffing her face with my cock. Not wanting to miss out, I quickly disrobed her lower body and feasted greedily upon her dripping crotch which lead to an almighty fuck section there and then. As we untangles ourselves and collected our clothes we chatted as if we had not been apart at all. The conversation flowed readily and easily and the feeling of mutual love and respect seemed to add an addition glow to the evening light.

To make up for the missed day, Michelle strenuously insisted that she would cook a sumptuous meal. I provided the wine and set the table but generally kept out of her way.

“I don’t want you soiling my efforts.” She joked as she fussed and chopped.

The meal was superb. A french dish with all the trimmings and a delectable sauce which we washed down with two bottles of Margaret River Shiraz. We turned in early but the effects of the wine on the both of us meant we simply curled up in each others arms and drifted off in blissful sleep.

It was well past my usual rising time when my eyes finally focused on the bed side clock. I rolled over and propped my head on my arm as I watched my sleeping companion. The bed clothes were bunched about her waist and I gleefully watched the swell of her breast as it gently rose and fell with her breathing. It was slow and measured indicating she was still in dreamland but it was all I could do to refrain from reaching over and tracing the faint hump of her nipple showing through the thin fabric of her night dress.

‘Bugger,” I swore to myself, “I need to pee.”

I slowly rose from the bed and padded across the carpeted floor to the bathroom and quietly closed the door. Once refreshed and comfortable, I quietly opened the door. Michelle was still sound asleep so I went downstairs to make us both a cup of tea. As I reentered her room she stirred.

“Come over here you,” she said in a somewhat groggy morning voice.

“I have brought the lady of the house a morning cup of tea.” I responded.

“Thank you but I think need to get over here and give me a kiss.”

I walked over and placed the cup on her bedside table and bent down, placing a soft kiss on my lovers lips. Michelle pulled me down and rolled over on top of me, pulling the sheet away as her body lay on top of mine. She kissed me deeply and snaked her hand down to find my penis.

“You better not start something we can’t finish,” I warned.

“Who says we can’t finish?” she laughed. “We don’t have anyone to rush about for today. It is just you and me.”

“Good point.” I answered.

“Ray?” She asked with a shy little girl sort of voice, although the way her hand had made my cock rock hard, she was nothing like a little girl.

“Yes.” I answered warily.

‘Do you remember my text message?”

‘Which one? You have sent so many.” We both laughed. In fact we were both guilty of sending numerous suggestive messages to each other.

“The one from the airport. The one in which I asked you to buy a certain, um. apparatus?”

“Oh! That message.” I feigned nonchalance. She playfully slapped me.

“You know very well what I mean.”

“Yes, of course I remember.” Bracing myself for the next onslaught which never came. She laughed at my reaction.

“Well? Did you do it?”

“Yes. I bought it.” I was not going to give her information too easily.

“Well where is it?” She sat up excitedly, relinquishing her grip on my pole.

“It’s in my back pack down stairs. Shall I go get it?”

“Is the pope catholic?” She asked in a animated exasperated tone. “Go get it…and be quick about it.”

Michelle smacked my butt as I clambered out of a tangle of sheets and did as she had bade.

I returned to her as quickly as possible, and to my sheer delight, she was sitting in the middle of the bed fully naked. Her rounded breasts seemed to hover in the air begging me to fondle them.

“Oh no you don’t.” She snapped with a seductive smile. “I want to know what you bought for us, you are not allowed to play…not yet, anyway.”

Her voice was full of lustful tones.

I explained how I bought the item and she asked if I had tried it. Sheepishly I told her all about my ‘test flight’ and she was eager to hear all about it. As I spoke I could see her nipples fill and extend as I went into every sexy detail. As I spoke she filled her hands with the strapless strap on and looked it over intently. She asked me about my early years and as we sipped our tea as I told her all about it. She listened with deep empathy and understanding…I felt safe telling her every detail of my untold past. She even reassuringly took my hand when the emotional strain got too much. Finally, I finished and she sat there and looked lovingly into my eyes.

“That was quite something to share with me. I feel privileged that you were able to tell me. Thank you.” Her eyes brimmed with tears, as were mine.

The poignancy of the moment washed over us, blinded us closer than we had ever been before. Slowly, in slow motion, we slid into each others arms and kissed tenderly. After long moments though the fact that she was naked and the swell of her breasts pressed against my chest could not be ignored. I gently laid her back drew my her nipple into my mouth, sucking it hard before I switched and took the other in as well. I was consumed with a fire and scooted down and tongued her belly button before sliding further down, spreading her legs and diving into her pussy.

“Oh god yes,” she groaned, “nothing like having your pussy licked first thing in the morning,”

Michelle spread her pussy lips and urged me to start lapping between the folds. She held my head and guided me as I teased her clit with my tongue as I stuck two, then three fingers in her wetness.

“Damn, I love your pussy,” I moaned.

“And I love you licking it,” she sighed back as I buried my fingers deep inside her.

“I want to fuck you! I want to fuck your tight arse!” Michelle exclaimed as she jumped out of bed with our new toy in hand.

Without waiting for any input from me, Michelle licentiously spread her thighs and inserted one end deep inside her soaking crotch. She flicked the switch and giggled as the vibration tantalised her inner depths.

“This is going to awesome!” She exclaimed, pinching her nipples. “Flip over. Let me have a piece of that delectable butt of yours.” she commanded, waving the end meant for me in the air.

I looked back at Michelle. The rubber dong that she intended to fuck me with was hanging from her pussy, the look on her face told me she meant business. In fact, it was extremely exciting. I loved it when she played with my arse and today, I knew, would be no different. Who was I kidding, is was going to totally different…it was going to fucking fantastic.

I sighed and flipped over as I felt her slide between my legs. Her face pressed against my rump as I felt her licking my cheeks, placing little kisses, before her tongue moved to my anus. I felt her wet tongue probe my arse, pushing in as she started to fuck my arse with her tongue. It felt unbelievable and she knew she had me as I raised up on my knees and pushed my backside further into her face.

I heard her pop the cap on the lube and knew she was lubing up her cock as she rubbed a dab onto my opening and then guided the head to my winking hole.

“Here it comes baby. I’m going to fuck you now. I’m going to fuck that sweet backside of yours just like you fuck me.” She teased as I felt the cool rubber head of the dildo push at my rear entrance.

“You did good buying this.” She blurted, as I felt her thighs tremble. ‘The vibrating end inside me is sensational.”

She pulled my hips back and urged me to get closer to the side of bed. Once in position, she was ready for action. With a deft push the head popped in and Michelle eased the remainder in a little at the time. The cock was much bigger than her fingers but the anal play I had used during my testing phase made the dong easier to handle now that Michelle was in charge of its usage. Finally I felt her hips on my arse and I knew she had buried the whole thing in my rectum.

I had taken it all as she eased it back out and then back in. Slowly pushing forward to bury as much of her cock into me as she could get.

“That’s it my lover. Take my cock.” Michelle said as she held onto my hips and pulled them back to meet her thrust. “I’m impressed that you can take it all. You are one naughty slut, aren’t you?”

Both of us had had looked forward to this moment. I wanted her to fuck me, to fuck my arse, and she wasn’t disappointing me as she moved back and forth in a steady fuck rhythm. I found myself moving back into her to meet each thrust as she reached under me, holding onto my cock as she kissed my back and neck.

“Who’s fucking you now Ray, you dirty slut?” Michelle groaned through a mixture of exertion and sexual delight.

“You are!” I moaned back.

“And where am I fucking you?” she pressed.

“You’re fucking me in my slutty arse!” I shot back.

“And whose arse is it?” Michelle demanded.

“Yours! It’s your arse.” I uttered back, my hands bunching into the sheets beneath me.

“No one else's? It’s all mine!” she sounded triumphant.

“No. My arse belongs solely to you and nobody else. It’s yours to fuck any time you want,” I moaned as I rubbed my trembling hand over my throbbing cock.

Of all the sex I had ever had, nothing had ever felt like this. Not even my encounter with Sharon. Sharon was the first and only person, until now, to fuck my rear but I knew nothing could top the feeling I felt at that moment. I couldn’t believe anything could feel this way as she picked up her pace and slammed hard into my butt.

“You remember that. You can share that cock. You can go down on other women, but the arse is mine. All mine. Do you you understand?” Michelle said directly, with authority.

“I understand," I moaned back. “It’s all yours. I don’t want anyone else to have it.” I responded as I felt my legs shaking as I stroked my cock.

Michelle sensed my urgency and need. She pulled out and turned me over. I wiggled back down with my hips virtually hanging off the bed. Michelle hoisted my legs into the air and readied herself for the final assault.

“Oh my god, this is so good.” She sighed heavily as I helped her guide her cock back home. As she plunged deep I saw her entire body shake. “Let’s…see if… we can come…together?”

“I’d love that.” I replied, looking deeply into her beautiful face.

Away she went, banging my willing arse for all she worth. The vibrator lodged deep inside her vagina was working overtime as she steadily lost her rhythm. Her own climax was overtaking her control and was rushing toward an exhaustive conclusion. The familiar rush started along the full length of my body and overcame my senses as my own orgasm seized hold. I dropped my feet to the bed as Michelle started to peak with desperate grunts; she was trying for all she was worth to coordinate our timing. Her back arched forward as she slammed into me hard. She clutched hold of my legs to hold herself and her cock in me. My cock pulsed and with a blinding flash I ejaculated a multitude of thick ropey sperm all over my body and the sheets below. Michelle’s body was in full spasm as she watched, intrigued, as my penis erupted and spewed its thick creamy loads indiscriminately. Our breathing was beyond ragged. Michelle collapsed forward and laid across my chest, her cock still buried in my arse as she gently kissed my shoulder. With a soft kiss on the lips, sometime later, she struggled to hold her upper body on straightened arms.

“Phew, that was everything I dreamed it would be and more.” Michelle announced, flicking her hair away from her eyes. “My tummy muscles hurt though. That’s hard work.”

Slowly she started to disengage and gently withdraw her cock. I was exhausted but at peace as I looked out the window. I had not felt such a sense of inner calm in years and I did not want it to pass. As soon as she freed our new toy, I pulled her close.

We kissed gently and tenderly for a while before being rudely interrupted. My tummy gurgled very loudly and we both laughed hysterically. It was all part of the beautiful process of falling deeper and deeper for this amazing woman.

“I think I had better get you some breakfast.” She suggested, casually poking my limp dick. “This poor chat is out for the count so we had better do something about those noises in your tummy.”

I watched her wonderful form as she made her way across the floor to the bathroom.

What an amazing sight to behold when you wake up.” I thought to myself.

“Any thoughts on what to do today?” Her voice floated to me across the room. I must have drifted off to sleep while she was otherwise occupied.

“I do have one idea!” I offered and then quickly added, “And, no. It is not what you think it might be.”

“Oh good. How about you tell all about if over coffee. Could you go some bacon and eggs as well?”

Written by Phoenix181
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