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Bedroom Desires

"Neighbors and friends begin a new relationship then become famous for their pursuits."

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"My God, Brooke, I'm so fucking horny I could fuck a bedpost, if I had one."

"I know what you mean, Arielle. After a couple of martinis, the gin goes straight to my pussy and my clit get as big as the olive. I'm running out of batteries for my toys at home."

"You need to get the rechargeable kind," Arielle said. They both laughed.

Arielle and Brooke are having their weekly afternoon luncheon at the local country club. Ever since Brooke moved into Arielle's neighborhood nine years ago, they've been the best of friends, which means, keeping no secrets.

"When was the last time you had sex, Brooke?" Arielle asked her friend.

"What do you mean, with a human or otherwise?"

"You know what I mean." Arielle pressed on, "Who was the last guy you fucked?"

"Some guy I met online last year. Shit, I'll never do that again. He came before I had an orgasm, then fell asleep. What's with guys that can't keep it up long enough for a lady to get some pleasure?"

"Tragic, isn't it?" Arielle agreed. "I haven't had good sex since Eddie left me last year. I'm still on the pill and have nothing to show for it. I couldn't stand Eddie twenty-three hours a day, but that twenty-fourth hour in bed was paradise. Did I ever tell you how great he was at eating me out? He loved it as much as I did."

"Well yeah. I think you did mention it. In fact, it made me jealous. Have you ever done that with a woman?" Brooke asked.

"No, have you?"

"No, but I always thought sex with a woman might be fun."

"Hmm," Arielle thought. "Maybe we're onto something here."

"Like what?"

"Like are you free tonight?"

"Not until eight. I have a meeting at the church until then."

"Why don't you join me when you get home. Wear something, well, something interesting."

"You mean sexy."

"I think you're catching on," Arielle said.

Brooke showed up a little past eight feeling a little flushed and edgy. Her body said she wanted it; her brain made her feel guilty. She whispered to herself, "I owe it to myself. Arielle is such a great friend. We get along so well and agree on everything. So why not be lovers?"

Arielle greeted her at the door with a deep mouth kiss saying how sexy Brooke looked. She had worn a simple but effective outfit of a deep V-cut blouse baring her tummy with a hint of her nipples poking at the flimsy material. The bottom half was cutoff jeans, tight to her pussy and exposing most of her perfectly shaped ass.

Arielle was ahead of her. She wore a pink lacy negligee that was as transparent as an ice cube.

"I'm all juiced up for this, Brooke, but I could use something to relax me. Let's have a drink," Arielle offered.

"Good idea," Brooke anxiously agreed. "I could use a double, if you don't mind."

"Look," Arielle said. "Why don't you change and put on the babydoll I laid out on the bed. It's your size and you'll look dazzling in it."

Arielle fixed the drinks while Brooke changed into a sheer lacy negligee that barely covered her hips and emphasized her sumptuous breasts. It fitted for the intended purpose but as for size, it might have been a better fit on a teenager, if she had breasts.

The women sat on the living room sofa nervously exchanging small talk and sipping their cocktails. After Arielle refreshed their drinks, Brooke said, "Oooh, this tastes so good. I'm really getting in the mood. Funny, you know how they say, 'wetting your whistle'? Well, for me, that's not all that gets wet."

Arielle smiled, putting a hand on her friend's thigh. She cooed, "You are beautiful, Brooke. If I was a guy, I would have fallen in love with your the moment I saw you."

"That's so sweet, Arielle," Brooke said in a hushed voice. "You know, Arielle, I always wanted a body like yours. You have the nicest ass and sexiest tits of anyone I know."

That was the spark igniting their passions. Arielle's hand rode up her friend's thigh feeling the moisture building in Brooke's martini induced orifice. Brooke cradled Arielle's voluptuous boobs in her hands pulling the negligee over her head so that she could kiss and suck each nipple.

"Let's go to the bedroom. I'll light a few candles," Arielle suggested.

The lighted candles gave off a sensuous aroma and a soft glow while the women laid naked together in bed. Neither knew exactly what was expected from the other beyond fingering each other and massaging their friend's clit. After all, that's what they did for themselves, so doing it for a friend seemed totally normal.

Their soft wet lips and tongues meet in mutual desire. It felt so right and so unlike the hurried aggressive kisses they remembered from men.

They took turns sucking at each other's nipples. They instinctively knew how to pleasure each other from then on.

Brooke was the first to slide between her neighbor's legs kissing along the sensitive inner thighs on up to a freshly shaved pussy. Arielle sighed with moans of pleasure when Brooke took her clit between her lips, twirling her tongue around it. As Arielle's pussy became engorged with wetness, Brooke pressed in two fingers, finger fucking her into an orgasm that brought about cries of ecstasy.

Turning on her back and wrapping her legs around Arielle's neck, Brooke was ready to climax as soon as Arielle embraced her clit and vagina. The feeling of a woman's mouth on her cunt was electric, and she came twice before Arielle could get a third finger inside her friend's pussy.

For a time they relaxed and giggled like schoolgirls about their first female on female encounter. They weren't finished.

Next was a sixty-nine session that seemed almost unreal. They both climaxed several times and finished in each others' arms.

Brooke asked, "Does this make us lesbians?"

"I don't think so, my dear. Liberated women for sure, maybe bi. You know, I still like the feel of a man's cock inside me. I need a good reaming, if you know what I mean."

"I guess you're right. The next time let's try a strap-on and see if that helps. I saw one in a porn flick that was just so perfect. It's almost like fucking a guy!"

Brooke's enthusiasm was contagious. "Great idea Brooke. How about a week from Tuesday?"

They met at Brooke's house on that Tuesday evening. Arielle brought her vibrating Nen-Wa Balls and Brooke bought her "perfect" strap-on that had been ordered from Prime with one-day delivery. It turned into an all-night session. Both girls tried the vibrating balls while her partner licked and sucked her clit. It was almost too much. Following a short rest, they plugged each other with the strap-on agreeing that it was good but not the same as real skin, balls and ejaculating cocks.

It was time to find a man, or several men, they decided. And they had another plan as well.


"Okay, Arielle, how are we going to go about this?" Brooke asked during the next lunch at the club.

"First, we need to set the guidelines. We are talking about a male between the ages of twenty-five and thirty. It doesn't matter if he is single or married. His erect penis needs to be seven or more inches. No sense settling for second best. Color doesn't matter although a black man would be a first for me," Arielle said.

"I agree but we can't meet him at either of our places. It has to be at a motel. Do you agree?"

"Of course. And I don't like hairy dudes that look like gorillas."

"How about if he has a beard?" Brooke asked.

"I like a nicely trimmed beard, so that would be fine."

"Speaking of trimmed, should he have his cock and balls trimmed?"

Arielle thought for a minute, then said, "Yeah, that would be great only we could shave him. I shaved my ex once. It drove him wild, and his cock seemed to have grown a couple of inches!"

They both giggled and agreed they would shave him if necessary.

Letting their imagination get away from them," Brooke asked, "Should we do a threesome? I kind of like the idea of us putting on a show for a guy, then having him fuck the two of us."

"Hey, I hadn't thought of that. Sounds good to me."

"There's one more thing I thought about Arielle. I'd love to have a guy handy with a video camera. I always wanted to know what I look like fucking a guy. If we did a threesome, it would be perfect. We could ask about a guy's hobbies. If he says photography, then he gets a closer look."

"So where are we going to find this photographer with a seven-inch cock?"

"Hey, we're in our early thirties and look like twenty-somethings. Let's do a little bar hopping and see what's out there."

"I haven't done that since college," Arielle objected.

"I'm not doing the Internet again, Arielle. It's mostly fake news just like the guys."

"Alright, so we've gotta do what we gotta do. Apparently, that means checkin' out the bars."

They dressed for the occasion and that meant plenty of cleavage and tight short skirts. The women had no trouble being noticed. Brooke attracted the younger guys like cats to mice. Her not so modest clothing displayed her abundant tits in the most seductive manner. It was like she wore a "Fuck me!" sign on her back

Arielle, on the other hand, attracted the more sophisticated intellectual types. The two woman returned home with email addresses of their favorites. The next day they spoke on the phone to compare notes.

"Did you find anyone that had a photographic fetish?" Brooke asked.

"No, did you?"

"Not likely among the horny guys buzzing around me. They only could talk about sports or sexual innuendos that they didn't try to conceal."

"Okay, Arielle, who was your best candidate?"

"It was a guy by the name of Perry. He was nice but a bit nerdy. I liked the way he dressed, and he was handsome with a well-kept beard. I think he might be married."

"Did he hit on you in a way that suggested more than polite conversation?"

"Yeah, but it was subtle. He said he would like to take me out for a night. That, of course, left it open to my interpretation. How about your choice?"

"I liked the tall black kid. He said he was twenty-six but I'm not so sure. He might be twenty. He came onto me pretty strong. His name is Gifford and wanted to take me to his apartment. Actually, I almost said yes."

"Wow, I think that's our man. We just need to get more info. Why don't you email him and start up an online relationship."

"I told you, I wasn't going to do the Internet thing."

"This is different. You've already met him. See what you can find out about him. He'll probably be pretty open about his body and his interests. Young guys are an open book."

It started with friendly text chats and a few e-mails, then turned to more personal exchanges followed by sexting, spicy at first that escalated quickly into hot salacious exchanges.

He wrote, "I want to squeeze your tits and devour your nipples."

She added, "What will you do with my pussy?"

"I'll suck your clit until you scream for me to fuck you. What will you do with my cock?"

"It depends on your size."

"I'm eight inches."

"I don't believe it."

"Do you want a pic?"

"Sure but I think you're bragging."

He sent the picture. Gifford was neither bragging nor exaggerating. He was well put together. He was hung!

"Are you shaved?" he tweeted.

"Of course. The bush went out of style with the Lindy Hop."

"What's the Lindy Hop? Oh, never mind. Nude is in style too. You're a stylish gal. Show me that style."

"I don't have any nudes of me. I don't have a way to do that either. I'm no photographer."

"Show me your tits with a selfie."

She sent the selfie.

Meanwhile, Arielle was flirting with her new friend exchanging several phone calls. His name was Perry. He asked her to dinner. They met at Violette's Bistro, an upscale French restaurant. The wine loosened her tongue, and she began talking about herself telling him she was divorced, and how difficult it had been to live with her ex.

"I guess I married Eddie because he was so great in bed," she told him.

Perry admitted that he was unhappily married with two young kids. "Ever since our second was born, my wife and I haven't had sex. That was seventeen months ago."

"I suppose that's why you were at the singles bar looking for a one night stand."

"I needed some fresh air, a woman to talk to. You were just what I needed. Arielle, you are so refreshing and beautiful. I love your smile and your cute petite body. You are so sexy, Arielle. I've never been with a delicate girl like you with such full and heavenly curves."

Of course, he was coming onto her but it was part of the plan. She wanted to take him home with her after dinner, but decided it wouldn't be fair to Brooke.

Arielle was curious, "How many times have you been to that bar, Perry?"

"Twice," he said.

"Did you get lucky? Did you pick up a girl?"

Perry looked into his wine glass for the answer. "Yeah, we hooked up, if that's what you're asking. She wasn't nearly as cute as you. She was an immature college kid that just wanted a one night stand. Maybe she was looking for a sugar daddy. Anyway, it was her idea."

"Okay, so at least you've gotten some pussy lately."

"That's kind of a crude way to put it, but to be honest, the answer is yes. She just wasn't my type."

"Am I your type, Perry?"


"Do you mind me asking what you like in a woman when you take her to bed?"

"That's kind of personal but an uninhibited woman helps me get out of my shell."

"Your shell? What do you mean?"

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"Although my physical attributes seem to please women, I haven't the self-confidence to be more adventurous."

"Your physical attributes, as you put it, meaning you're well hung?"

"That's what my wife says. She should know. She's a nurse."

Their conversation turned to art. He held a position as the curator of a small art museum in the city. Her interest peaked when he said part of his job was photographing the art collection to put them on their website.

"Do you do videos?" she asked.

"As a matter of fact, we just posted a video of our annual contributors gala. It's called Patrons of the Arts," and he wrote the website on the back of his business card.

Arielle said she was an art major in college, teaching art at a suburban junior high school for a few years until she was married. There was no doubt the two were on the same page. They agreed to meet again in the near future.

The women were back at the club discussing their progress. "This is a problem, Arielle," Brooke was saying. "We both like our men, and they both fit our profile. Do we choose one or both?"

"How about if we start with Gifford because he seems more spontaneous and see if he's a man of his word. Then we'll ask Perry for another night. This is getting better than either of us could have imagined," Arielle chuckled with a giddy grin.

"I know! Who would have thought we could find two great guys?" Brooke asked rhetorically. "We should have done this years ago."

Gifford was every bit the man the women expected after the friends put on a brief sex show demonstrating their fondness for each other. He followed their display of affection with a passion of his own. Although Gifford had a calm and quiet disposition, it wasn't the same tenderness the women had shown each other.

Brooke was first to experience the hardness of his long thick cock. She laid back with her eyes half closed and her legs over his broad shoulders as he energetically plowed into her. Arielle tended to her nipples sucking them hard while stroking herself to a near orgasm.

Gifford kept at it without a pause, grunting and growling the whole time. Brooke had her own verbal responses with cries of pleasure and moans of desire.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Keep going, don't stop. Ahhh, harder, faster. Ooh, that feels so good, good, good." A

climax had been building until she let out a screech loud enough to wake the manager sleeping in the motel office when a mammoth orgasm struck, making her whole body shake and tremble. Gifford's own orgasm followed when he erupted with a powerful ejaculation that shot straight to her cervix.

It was Gifford that gently placed Arielle's head between Brooke's legs and told her to be like a honey bee collecting the pollen that oozed from between Arielle's legs. It was something she hadn't done before, but found it less disgusting than she had imagined. Brooke loved the attention.

Arielle was still on her knees eating Brooke out with her ass in the air when Gifford plunged into her pussy from the rear. She was surprised that he was ready so soon, but took him all the way in one swift stroke.

He banged into her for much longer than he had fucked Brooke. He wasn't going to cum a second time until he had Arielle bouncing on top of him, enjoying several shattering, almost violent orgasms. She had never climaxed like that before, even with her ex.

When he had cum for a second time, Gifford just laid on the bed like a dead man. He was finished. The well was dry. Arielle wanted more.

It would be left to Brooke to calm her friend's sexual high. She straddled Brooke's face letting Gifford's cum drip onto her lips. Brooke slurped up the hot jizz sliding out of her friend's crease, then buried her face into her swollen cunt consuming every creamy drop. Brooke's hot breath onto Arielle's clit was enough to push her over the edge one more time.

Later in the week, the girls agreed that the night with Gifford went really well and even more than they had expected.

"Arielle, fucking Gifford was way better than I had imagined. Maybe it was because I hadn't had it for so long that made it so powerful and exciting. I'll tell you, Arielle, while he was banging me, having you suck my tits was a great turned-on!"

"Yeah, you know, Brooke, sucking your pussy while Gifford was pounding into me made me wonder why more people don't do threesomes. I had more orgasms in one night than fucking Eddie for a week. Eddie was good at oral, but a short hitter otherwise."

Neither could imagine how Perry could compete. So Arielle decided to see how he felt about bringing his camera to video a threesome. It took some encouragement but finally, Perry agreed.

He looked pale, like a zombie with all of his blood drained from his face when he walked into the motel. The girls were already nude and in bed making it clear to Perry that sex was more than for procreation.

"Relax, Perry," Arielle said. Just sit and watch for a while until you feel more comfortable. Maybe you can do some video work while we play."

He just sat for a few minutes, then unpacked the camera and lights. It was the blare of the lights that surprised the women although they didn't flinch or stop munching on each other's pussy. He seemed quite professional taking video at different angles and close-ups of the ladies' private parts. Perry even did some directing, asking the girls to smile at the camera or make pleasurable sounds.

Finally, he had enough and put down the camera leaving it on the desk on an angle so it pointed toward the bed. Perry got some help stripping off his clothes and the women were not disappointed with what they uncovered. He had Goliath's cock, hard and thick like a club.

Brooke immediately tried to take him down her throat, gagging then trying again. It was obvious that he wanted to do Arielle when he pushed Brooke's head away and joined Arielle in bed. She was ready with her legs spread making it clear she was as anxious as he was. Perry started slowly.

She was wet enough to accept his fat cock, but it would take time to get him all the way in. Perry worked his meat into her as gently as possible, cautiously slipping the bulbous head of his penis past her pussy lips, then out and in again like a swimmer testing the waters.

For the next few minutes, he pushed into her halfway, backing out, penetrating her methodically until he bottomed out, just as she hoped he would. At that, she let out a sigh of contentment. He had filled the hollow of her vagina like a hand in a glove.

They fucked like two newlyweds. It lasted a long time. Brooke watched and had to be patient, waiting for her turn. In the meantime, she held the camera recording the lengthy scene. Eventually, it was over. Arielle was glowing. Perry was all used up, at least temporarily.

After the "newlyweds" were finished, Perry suggested they dress and go for a drink at a nearby restaurant. They talked about the experience of having someone watch them having sex. Perry had never had sex with two women. To him, it was like an erotic wet dream that men fantasize about. Brooke said she really hoped she would be in the video too.

An hour and a half went by before they returned to the motel room. Perry showed Arielle the finer points on how to operate the camera. The video began with Brooke pulling off Perry's pants, and Perry enjoying the delights of Brooke robust breasts as she tit fucked him.

Arielle made sure to zoom into his "physical attributes," as he called them. He pulled Brooke to him with her pussy on his lips sucking and stroking her clit with his tongue. It was the first of several orgasms Brooke would enjoy with Perry.

Brook straddled him, taking hold of his club pushing it to the entrance of her cave of passion. She slowly pushed his club past her pussy lips, then lowered herself until the full length of him was in her. It wasn't long before she was riding him with all the energy of a rodeo rider. Brooke's tits flopped with every stroke of her exuberance.

Then he did her doggy, giving her an orgasm that struck without warning. He followed her climax with a blast of cum balls deep in her slippery twat.

There was more action video before the night ended. Brooke and Arielle re-enacted their lesbian love scene and Brooke, assisted by Arielle, gave Perry a blowjob with a blast of cum dripping off Arielle's cheeks and nose. Perry was drained but animated about what a great time he had with them.

All that was left would be to view the video. Perry said he would edit it, and send an attachment to their e-mail accounts.

"So what did you think of Perry?" Brooke asked over coffee the next morning.

"Brooke," Arielle answered, "I'm still trying to catch my breath. The feeling of his cock filling my insides made me dizzy. It's better than the strap-on especially the feeling of his balls slapping on my ass. I hope you got a close-up of his balls banging my rear end."

"I think so. He did have a big sac of nuts. I know what you mean about it being better than our toys. I love the smell and taste of a guy and Arielle, the guy came like a horse. I mean getting a good internal creaming is something our sex toys just can't duplicate. I can't wait to see the video."

"Me too," Brooke agreed.

"You know, Brooke, I've never told anyone about this but in my last year at high school, I'd blow a guy just to taste his cum. I'd take a guy in the supply room at school for a quickie. I did the janitor once and even the gym teacher. The janitor was the best. There's something about that salty warm fluid shooting into my mouth then sliding down my throat that I love."

"I get that, Arielle but it was an acquired taste for me. After my first time at sixteen, I began to adore making my boyfriend cum. There was a certain empowerment I felt. After I lost my virginity, I made him wear a condom. Later, I was on the pill and loved the feeling of his load pouring into me, I never went back to having him use a condom."

"How many boyfriends did you have?" Arielle asked.

"Funny, maybe 'boyfriend' is a euphemism. All of my dates were boyfriends, and I wasn't overly discriminating about who I fucked. Sometime I'll tell you about my best friend's dad. My God, how he could eat a girl out, even after spilling his seed into me. He just lapped it up like a dog at a water bowl. He called it 'cummilingus'."

They watched the video together one night over cocktails, and it was exactly as they hoped, erotic and steamy but not raunchy. And Brooke had gotten a good close-up of Perry's balls slamming into Arielle's ass while he reamed her just like she had wanted.

"I got to thinking last night," Arielle was saying to Brooke "there must be other women like us that are still interested in or want sex but haven't the nerve to realize their desires. I'll bet they would love to be in our place. Maybe we should post our video on the Internet."


This is how the women got the idea of producing porn for women. They would call it Bedroom Desires, targeted at liberating women's sexual desires. It was marketed as educational sex videos for passionate ladies.

Each video begins with an admission from one of the women that she had fantasies but was afraid to do something about them. She is dressed as an ordinary housewife with a wedding ring and explains that after watching Bedroom Desires, she overcame her own hesitation and began experiencing the freedom to explore sex in new ways.

The first video was an excerpt from Arielle's session with Perry. Using their iPhone, they easily added a storyline to it. The second video was Brooke with Gifford. Perry agreed to make a more professional video for them. Bedroom Desires went viral soon after the first two volumes were posted on the Internet. After the videos gained Internet attention, Arielle and Brooke achieved a level of Internet fame, and women came forward to tell their own stories, even agreeing to be in the video. Male actors who didn't mind fucking MILF's were never hard to find.

The videos were always educational, sometimes even instructional like on the right way to give a blow job. "Don't forget the balls," the video urged. Many times the women demonstrated how to properly put on a condom, and it's not with a banana. There were short sequences on masturbation, sequences showing group sex, lesbians, BDSM, DP and anal sex.

The video advised douching first and using plenty of lubrication for anal and caution when choosing multiple partners. They covered it all, but the primary goal is to show women having pleasure during sex and encouragement to play out their dreams. But then, the eroticism makes for great entertainment, and that's what viewers crave.

Each episode focuses on a woman in her bedroom with her eyes closed as if in a dream. From there the story fades to her fantasy with the UPS man, or the hair stylist, or a Jehovah's Witnesses messenger that she had seduced. She leisurely begins to masturbate with her fantasy. There is very little dialogue. It's her fantasy, not her soundtrack.

In her dream, she is in charge, showing her partner what she wants. The music in the background is soft and romantic that begins to swell as her orgasm builds. Just as she climaxes, a cymbal crashes and she cries out. The video abruptly returns to the bedroom where it was her screaming, not in her dreamy imagination.

At the end of each video, the Bedroom Desires' motto scrolls off the screen, "Fantasies don't have to be locked away in a girl's dream."




Written by xhardx13
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