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The Sex Therapist Part1 - The Interview

"My voyage from prim business woman to being a slut."

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Ten a.m., and I was already in a foul mood. So far, my morning had been devoted to kicking various and sundry butts for incompetence, inefficiency, and wasting my time. Finally, punching the intercom, I snarled at Jolene, my executive assistant, to get me a coffee.

I was the Executive Vice President of a large advertising agency located in New York. My world consisted of stress, deadlines, and irate clients. I lived on Zantac to ease my ulcers. At forty-five years old, I was one of the few women to attain this level in a male-oriented environment. My husband and I had been married since we graduated from university. He was the president of an investment-banking house. We had no children due to the demands of my career. We had all the benefits, a penthouse suite on Fifth Ave, a summer house in the Hamptons, luxury cars, etc. The rub was that we had no time to enjoy them.

Many considered me very good looking for my age and maybe beautiful. In this milieu, you never know; flattery is rampant from the sycophants that surround you. Blessed with a good figure, I had never seen the need to diet or do the gym routine. I stood five foot seven barefoot, had long curly blond hair, long legs, full tits, a slim waist, a taut belly, and a nice rounded ass. I had no complaints. However, nothing was perfect in life.

I found that my relationship with my husband had gone downhill. He was a very handsome man who I loved. Over the past years, however, our sex life had been very dull. We still indulged in the weekend fuck; however, it was more of a ritual than lust. The sex, play, and fun we used to enjoy were gone. This left me very frustrated. Coupled with work frustrations, I had become a Grade A bitch. 

Jolene, my executive assistant, walked in with my coffee.

"Bad day, boss?" she asked. Handing me my coffee and another pile of reports to read.

"Jolene, you wouldn't believe how bad it is. Hand me my ulcer medication, please."

"Why are you so stressed? I can see that it is making you sick and bitchy."

"Well, dear, between my home life being the pits and the shit going on here, I am going crazy."

"Marge, I am surprised. Your husband Bob is a handsome man. What's wrong?"

"Well, let us just say the sparks are gone. All that is left is a dull fizzle."

"That's so sad. Have you considered getting some professional advice?"

"I would not even know where to go."

"Well, when my sex life hit rock bottom, I consulted with Dr. Roberts. He is a sex therapist. With his help, I regained my sexual sanity and freedom. Marge, I beg you to  consult with him. I respect and admire you. I appreciate how you have mentored me, but you are getting worse. You snap at me, which never used to happen. Twice this week, you brought me to tears."

"Oh, Jolene, I am so sorry. You are my only safety net here. Your work is faultless, and your cheerful attitude and smile keep me going most days. Do you think this Dr. Roberts could help?"

"Well, what could you lose? It will either help or won't. Of course, I can make an appointment for you if you wish. But even in the worst case, should he not be able to help, you will at least get to see one of the most charming and sexiest men I've ever met," she said with a smile.”

"Go ahead and make an appointment. As you said, what have I got to lose?"

An hour later, she came back to tell me that the appointment was set for tomorrow at noon and that she had cleared my schedule for the rest of tomorrow afternoon.

That night at supper, I debated telling Bob that I was going to consult the next day but finally decided to see what tomorrow would bring.

The following morning, my turmoil of thoughts about the step I was taking made me distracted and distant during breakfast. Finally, Bob asked me, "Are you OK?" 

I mumbled, "Yes," and left the table to get dressed. Since I was not going to the office this morning, I opted for something other than my regular power clothes. A simple blouse, skirt and a pair of sandals. I looked at myself in the mirror and liked what I saw. However, I wondered if my skirt was too short. It reached about four inches above my knees; however, the weather had been hot, and I also decided not to wear stockings. I finally decided that I looked fine. After all, this was not a date or a business meeting.

I watched the minutes ticking by slowly. I was apprehensive about the step I had taken.

‘Can this Dr., this so-called therapist help me? Is the lackluster sex life my fault, or is it Bob's?’

Question after question raced through my mind, unresolved painful ones that tormented me. The change from the carefree, joyful girl I was in my youth was apparent. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. But, thank God, Bob had gone to work. I would not want him to see me like this. I loved Bob. Why couldn't he see that I needed passion? Where had my passion gone? 

Finally, the time came when I had to go to meet this doctor. More questions kept popping up.

‘What was he like? Why did Jolene call him sexy?’

When I got to the address, I was surprised that his offices were in a very elegant building off Fifth Avenue. The elevator carried me to the sixth and top floor. A small brass plaque on the wall read 'Dr. J Roberts MD. PsyD.'

 As I entered an elegant waiting room, a young woman stood up and walked up to me. "Good day, you must be Marge?" she said, extending her hand. "My name is Kali. I am Dr. Roberts' assistant. Why don't you take a seat, and I will have you fill in some paperwork to start. Once that is done, the doctor will receive you."

She handed me a clipboard with several forms attached. I scanned the forms, which were the usual forms most doctors used. Health conditions, medications, past medical history, and career history were vanilla until the final form. This one was entitled Sexual History. It was prefaced by a statement saying that all answers would be confidential as per doctor-patient privilege. As I went through the questions, I felt myself blush. When did I lose my virginity, did I masturbate, and how often was I attracted to women? What are my preferred sexual positions ranked in order of preference? After answering the first dozen, I got up to see Kali.

"Kali, are all these questions necessary?"

'Yes, absolutely, the doctor needs as much information as possible to help you. But, don't worry, only he gets to see them."

I went back, sat down, and filled in the rest of the questionnaire. I figured I had come this far; it was not the time to back off.

I suddenly saw a man standing in front of me. "Marge? I am Jim Roberts. Why don't we step into my office?"

I followed him to the office, where he showed me to a chaise lounge and asked me to get comfortable.

"Why don't you take off your sandals and relax. I can see that you are tense."

Looking at him, I realized why Jolene's description was dead on. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and had the look of an athlete. Blond, clean-shaven with a radiant smile and piercing blue eyes, he radiated assurance and masculinity. He brought his chair next to the chaise lounge and sat facing my legs and slightly to the side. He perused the forms with a pensive air as I blushed, knowing that I had bared many very private things in the questionnaire.

Finally, he put them to the side, looked at me, and said, "Marge, let me tell you how I proceed. First, you and I will have a long talk to tell me what you think your problem is. The one thing I ask of you is total honesty. If you are going to play games with yourself and with me, I cannot help you. I will then give you a full medical exam to see if there are any physiological problems we have to deal with. Finally, I will make a diagnosis and recommendations for dealing with your situation. Anything you say or do stays within these walls. No one will know what we discuss. Understand?"

"Yes, doctor."

"Please call me Jim. By the time we are done, I will know more about you than anybody else."

"Now, to start off, tell me what leads you to me?"

I started to tell him my story about my feelings of anger and frustration, the stress, and the overall sense of being powerful over others and powerless over my own fate. When I looked at him as I spoke, it struck me that his concentration on what I was saying was total. His eyes were riveted on me. He surprisingly did not seem to be judgmental. Finally, I got to the end of my tale of miseries.

"Well, thank you for sharing those details. Let us go to the next step. I want you to close your eyes and relax, breathe deeply, and release any accumulated stress with each breath you take. Take your time. We're not in any rush. Take ten to twenty breaths. Once you are relaxed, I want your mind to visualize what you would like your life to be, specifically your sexual life. You do not need to tell me, but you need to have a firm mental picture of what you want and where you want to go. Is that clear?"


Closing my eyes, I followed his instructions. He had put on some sounds that surrounded me softly and at the limit of what I could discern. I felt myself going almost into a trance. I visualized the sexual me. Naked and spread out on a bed. Ravished by… by who? Pictures of Bob came into my mind, followed by visions of other men. None of them defined just a succession of cocks, penetrating me after the other. Me succumbing to one orgasm after another. One of the men came into focus. In shock, I realized that it was the doctor, Jim. 

Peripherally, I sense my feet and calves touched and massaged. That touch brought me back to the reality of the present. I opened my eyes, and Jim had his hand on my calf. 

I looked in shock at him. "What are you doing?"

"I had to bring you back from your visualization," he declared. "What I did was intrude on your subconscious. Do you want to talk about what just happened?"

I blushed, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, "I don't know whether I am comfortable speaking about it."

He smiled, "Well, that must have been a powerful experience."

"How do you know?"

"Marge, look at your chest."

Looking down, I noticed my nipples were standing straight out and making very well-defined bumps through my blouse. I also realized that my panties were sopping wet, and my thighs were sticky.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Don't worry, these things happen. You sure you don't want to talk about it."

"Jim, I never had these types of thoughts in my life. I have no idea where they came from. I saw myself as completely depraved. I wanted sex with multiple partners, penetrating me in different positions."

"Well, I saw in your questionnaire that you had only indulged in very plain sex. For example, you have never done oral or anal sex or sucked a man. Is that the truth?"

"Yes, everything in there is the truth."

"Why? Subconsciously it seems to me that you want more than that. So what's holding you back?"

"I honestly don't know. It might be my desire to be in control or my image of myself."

"I think that is a problem, Marge. If you wish, I can help you overcome those blocks. But, to do that, you will have to trust me. To let me assume control for a while. Are you willing to try?"

"Jim, I have not had an orgasm like the one I had during my trance in years. So if you can get that to happen again for me, I would be the happiest of women."

"OK first things first. You will go through that door into the examination room, and Kali will get you ready for the physical exam."

He led me through a door, and I entered a medical examination room. As he left, Kali walked in and told me to strip down so she could prep me for the exam. I asked her whether I should keep on my bra and panties. She looked at my panties, which were sopping wet, and suggested, with a smirk, that I would be more comfortable without them. So, taking off my clothes, I hung them in the locker she indicated.

Turning, I saw her eying me from head to foot with a smile on her face. I blushed and asked her why she was smiling.

"You are such a beautiful woman. I just cannot imagine you with sexual problems." She was almost licking her lips as she said that. I noticed for the first time that she was gorgeous. I felt my pussy getting wet again.

'What is happening to me here? First, I imagine multiple partners fucking me. Now this young blonde has my pussy dripping.' 

"OK," Kali said, "Up into the chair."

She motioned me to a chair like the ones found at my gynecologist's office. I climbed up and positioned myself. I realized that I was fully exposed. My pussy and ass were on full display. I felt the heat rise in my face as I blushed and tried to cover myself with my hands. Kali came over, moved my hands to my sides, and secured them to the arms of the chair with leather cuffs.

"Why are you restricting my hands?"

"Don't worry. It's to ensure that you don't get hurt. Some of the procedures are quite intensive. So relax I am sure you will feel much better shortly."

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She then secured my ankles in the same manner to the leg pieces and spread me even wider. Next, she took a washcloth and wiped my pussy clean of the results of my last orgasm. As she applied a warm cloth across my pussy it felt nice and warm, plus it offered me a measure of protection. However, it did not last for long. She returned, removed the cloth, and started lathering my crotch with a brush. 

"What are you doing?"

"I will shave you so the doctor can examine you thoroughly."

'What have I consented to? Is this really happening to me?'

Before I could protest, I felt the brush tickling my pussy. I decided that since I was enjoying the attention and the fact that I was helpless, I would see where this was going. After lathering me, she skillfully ran the razor over my labia, shaving it down until there was no trace of hair left on them. Then she pulled my pussy lips apart and removed any hair on the inside. She did the same to the few strands around my asshole. She then rinsed me thoroughly, cleaning my pussy and ass.

"There we go smooth as a baby's bottom. I left you this adorable tuft of hair just above." Then, taking a mirror, she showed me the results. "Like it?"

What I saw was very erotic. Yes, I liked it; it was prettier than the tangle of curls I had sported before. She then took some lotion and rubbed it into the shaved areas. I felt her rubbing it in and become instantly wet from her touch. Next, her fingers massaged the cream into my pussy lips, relieving the razor burn and making me extremely horny.

She went to the door to tell the doctor I was ready. Jim came into the room and looked at me. I could feel his eyes examine my nakedness. My embarrassment was complete, multiplied tenfold by my helplessness.

He stepped up to my shoulder level. I was thankful, as my nudity was not as apparent to him from that angle.

"Marge, he said, "I have made a preliminary diagnosis. We will conduct a series of examinations and tests to determine if I am correct. Is that OK with you?"

I smiled at the thought, "Jim, I am not in much of a position to object, am I?"

"That is not the question. If you were in a position to do so, would you object?"

"I honestly don't know. It is comforting to know that I can't. Yet it scares me."

"OK, let us proceed with the examination. I am going to start by testing your reactions to various stimuli."

Taking hold of my breast, he caressed it. His hands were hot on my skin, and I was instantly aroused. My nipples grew hard under his touch as he grasped the nipple between his fingers. He pinched and pulled on them. I feel myself gushing and incredibly horny. Here I was having my tits played with by a man I hardly met with a strange woman watching as he mauled me.

"Very good. Your reactions are those of a normal woman. What are you feeling as I do this?"

"Uh… well, you are getting me excited and horny."

"That's great. Are you ready to go to stage two?"

"I suppose so," I mumbled.

"Kali, hand me the clamps."

'The clamps. What does that mean?'

Kali handed him a chain ending in clips at each end. He attached one clip to the base of each nipple. They gripped me firmly but were not overly tight. I felt my nipples harden even more as they restricted the blood flow. 

Turning to Kali, he said, "Start at level one."

I felt as if my nipple had received a sharp bite. It hurt as I sensed that they were running a mild electrical current through my nubs. The current seems to run right through me, and I felt it down to my pussy. My pussy and my clit tingled and throbbed. He then asked for level two, and the pain got more intense. The sensations I was feeling down there also intensified. I couldn't believe how good it felt. He finally ordered Kali to stop. 

He removed the clamps, and as the circulation returned to my nipples, I felt my whole body tingle. He took my nipples in his fingers and gently massaged them. So far, he had been very clinical and somewhat distant. However, I loved the feel of his hands on me. My mind questioned how far this would go. 

He stepped back, and I looked at him as he smiled at me. I noticed that his cock was tenting his trousers. Following my gaze, his smile widened.

"Marge, I am only human, and you are a gorgeous desirable woman. What do you expect?"

"Jim, I don't know what to expect. I am in your hands, and what you are doing to me are things I would not have conceived of before today. Here, spread open and tied down, I feel very aroused. I did not expect that. I did not expect the clamps would have the effect they had on me. I have already had more orgasms than I usually have in a month."

He came over and, leaning over me, brushed my lips with his. My tongue darted out, and he sucked it into his mouth as I closed my eyes and gave myself over to his kiss. My, that man could kiss. I didn't think I had been kissed like that in my life.

He slowly backed off and looked deep into my eyes. I felt I was drowning in his gaze.

"Thank you, you are a great kisser," he said. "Ready for more tests?"

I blushed and nodded my agreement. He then moved down and sat on a stool between my parted thighs. My clit was poking out of its hood. His finger rubbed it, and a wave of pleasure washed through my body. He pulled and tugged at it, sending my hips bucking at his every move. He then examined my labia by massaging those sensitive lips between his fingers. I was ready to scream as my juices were welling in my pussy. 

His fingers parted my lips, and he slid a finger deep into my hot cunt. His touch was firm as he massaged my inner tissues, driving me crazy. Then, curling his fingers, he found my g-spot and rubbed it until I started to moan. Just before I reached my orgasm, he withdrew. I felt a sense of abandonment.

He stood up, looked at me, and told me I had a lovely pussy. I blushed and almost wanted to ask him to fuck me. But, I controlled myself and restrained that urge.

"Kali, hand me the rectal speculum. Marge, I am now going to give you a rectal exam. I just want to make sure everything is working the way it should be."

'What, no one has ever touched me there. What is he doing?'

His fingers rubbed against my anus. He was spreading some kind of lubrication around the rim. Then he slid a finger into me and lubricated my asshole. I felt shame, and at the same time, it was making me hornier than ever. The metal touched my anal pucker. I was penetrated. Slowly he spread my anus wide. It hurt, and tears ran down my cheeks. I cried out for him to stop, but the stretching continued. "Breathe deeply and relax," he ordered. As I tried to obey, the pain went away. Finally, he removed the speculum, slid his finger into me, and stimulated my soft inner tissues. Again, to my surprise, I felt myself getting horny. This man was pushing buttons I did not even know I had.

He withdrew his fingers, leaving me with an aching void. 

"Well, Marge, everything seems to be working fine. Your parts are all in good working order and healthy."

"Jim, please fuck me." The words escaped me before I realized what I was asking for.

"Are you sure, Marge?"

'Am I sure? Me, the faithful wife. What has happened?'

"Yes, I am sure I want to feel you in me. Please."

He stood back, looking at me, seemingly deep in thought. Then, he lowered his trousers and underwear and took off his shirt. His cock was stiff and stood out a good eight inches. I noticed that it was dripping pre-cum.

"Where do you want to be fucked?"

"What do you mean where?"

"Do you want it in your pussy or in your ass?"

"Jim, you can take me anywhere you wish. I am open to you and very helpless."

He smiled and leaned over to kiss me. I felt his cock against my hand. Holding it, I marveled at how stiff and substantial it felt. The kiss left me breathless and hornier than ever. The thought of him penetrating me had my pussy drooling for his cock. 

Stepping between my parted thighs, his cock slid into me. It filled my cunt, and my hips thrust against his. Each thrust rubbed the sides of my wet hot hole and drove down to my cervix. My moans rose, and I begged him to make me cum. His pulse vibrated along the walls of my cunt as he drove me crazy with lust. I had not felt that frenzied for countless years. What had overtaken me?

Unable to hold back, I let my body give in to the orgasm in me. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. I seemed to cum forever.

He drew out, and I was about to tell him not to stop when I felt his cock pushing at my anus. It spread me wide, and he slid right into me with a thrust. I was filled to the brim. It was a different sensation, which I found highly erotic. His warmth and thrusts rubbed every inch of my asshole. His cock throbbed in me. He brought his hand to my clit, and immediately I felt my asshole grip him even more tightly. Rubbing my hard clit got me going again. I thrust back at him, wanting to milk his juicy cock of every ounce of sperm. He let out a moan, and jets of his hot cum flooded my bowels. I immediately had another orgasm. At last, he withdrew, leaving me empty but fulfilled.

"Thank you very much, Jim. That was the best sex I have had in years."

He smiled and kissed me, whispering, "I thank you. You are such a luscious piece of tail. Shall we continue?"

"What there is more?"

"Yes, my dear, one more step for me to finalize my diagnosis."

"What is that?"


Just that single word reminded me that she had been present and watching the whole time. I felt humiliated and ashamed. What did he expect of me? I was not a lesbian. Then I recalled how aroused I got when she shaved me.

I looked around, and she was there beside me. She had removed her clothes. She joined me. Placing herself so that her pussy was above my face, she lowered herself on me, and her tongue started lapping at my gaping cunt. Her velvety smooth tongue slid into my waiting pussy. My body began to quake with delight.

Looking up, I saw her tight slit and little-puckered asshole. I realized my hands were now free; I reached up and pulled her towards my face. My tongue started a voyage of exploration, licking her gently at first. Then, I grew bolder and parted her cunt lips, thrusting deeper with each lick. I could taste the sweetness of her juices as they coated my tongue. Her clit was right there for me to tease with my fingers. My cunt felt loved and wet from her tongue play. Finally, she brought a finger to my asshole and started a deep massage of my ass.

Hips heaving up at her, I let loose with another incredible orgasm as we came together. She slowly sat up. Presenting her ass to me, she said, "Lick me." She spread her ass cheeks, and my tongue rimed her opening. I amazed myself with my actions. Who could have expected these events this morning?

Sated, Kali climbed down and detached my leg cuffs. Jim was standing there smiling at me.

"Get dressed, Marge, and join me in my office."

Kali came to me as I put my clothes back on and gave me a full body hug and a deep passionate kiss, which I returned.

"You did good, Marge. You should be proud of yourself."

'Proud of myself? Well maybe. I have not felt this good in a long time.'

Joining Jim in the office, he had me sit in an armchair.

"Marge, I have my diagnosis ready do you want me to give it to you now?"

"Why not?"

“Well, I do not want to shock you, but you are a complex case. At the office, you are under stress trying to control the business. You carry that attitude home and attempt to control events there. In essence, you act as a dominant figure in both environments. That serves to emasculate your husband. He finds it impossible to assume the male role in your relationship. Do you see that?"

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks. "Yes, I see. How stupid of me."

"The other factors here are that you are not a dominant sexual person but a submissive one. Second, you want conquest by a strong, assertive male. I might even say, males. Third, I think that you are a slut. Not in the base sense of the word but rather in that you desire multiple partners and sexual experiences. Lastly, you are bisexual. Now don’t be shocked. What you are is what you are. All of this, we can deal with. I want to have you and Bob come in and see me tomorrow morning so we can discuss the situation."

"Are you sure, Jim?"

"Positive. This is going to change you for sure. However, you will be a happier and better person in the end. That will also transfer to your behavior at work and make you even more efficient. I am not saying it will eliminate all stresses in your life, but a good part of them will disappear."

"What time should we be here?"

"I need to see Bob here at nine-thirty and you at ten."

"Not together?"

"No, I need to speak to him first to make sure he is ready to accept the new you."

Written by ChrisM
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