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Watching Her Arse

"A young man recently split from his girlfriend visits a pub that he has not been in before and his eyes fall on the arse of the woman behind the bar"

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It had all started with him watching her arse, and now he was edging his throbbing erection into her arsehole with her on her knees, arse raised, on the bed.

He was twenty-year-old Chris O'Brien, and the arse and arsehole owner was fifty-eight-year-old Debbie Hammond.

When Chris first watched her arse, he neither knew the age nor the name of the owner, he was sitting on a barstool in a pub and she was working behind the bar. But that had been about three hours ago.

Chris was in a pub that he had not visited before, he had just gone out to have a quiet pint or maybe to drown his sorrows, he had recently split up with his long-term girlfriend.

He had not noticed the woman behind the bar at first, a man had served him, but now Chris's eyes were on a quite large arse in a tight black skirt as the woman bent over to get a packet of crisps.

Although his girlfriend was of a similar age to himself, Chris had often thought of fucking a mature well-built woman, he had just never done it. He had not yet noted the woman's face, she might be an ugly bitch, but she certainly seemed to have a great arse.

The woman stood up and turned to give the crisps to the person that had ordered them, she was far from unattractive. She had blonde hair, a lot of makeup and big tits, a typical barmaid perhaps. Chris could not guess her age, but she had to be over fifty.

"Another one, love?" said the woman, and Chris realised that she must have been talking to him, she was certainly looking at him.

"Um, yeah, a pint of bitter please," replied Chris, realising that he must have emptied his glass whilst studying the woman's arse.

"I have not seen you in here before," said the woman, her hand working the pump and drawing off the pint, causing Chris's penis to stiffen in his jeans imagining that hand on his erection.

"Um, no. I have not been in here before," replied Chris, as he paid for his pint.

"That would probably explain why I have not seen you here before," teased the woman, with a very sexy smile.

"Yeah, quite likely," smiled Chris in return. He was not usually shy in the company of females but this woman's build and smile were getting to him.

The pub was quite busy but not overly so, as Chris drank his pint. He was still torn between throwing several pints down his neck and just having a quiet drink, but he was wondering if it might be worth keeping control of all of his senses for later.

The woman, whose name he did not know, smiled at him from time to time, and she also seemed to stay bent over longer than necessary if she was getting something with her arse pointing in Chris's direction.

Chris finished his second pint, which had been drunk very slowly, and he looked up to see the woman's eyes on him.

"Want another one? I am not trying to get you pissed, honest," laughed the woman.

"Yes please, maybe one more," responded Chris.

"Then home to the wife or girlfriend," said the woman, her fingers deliberately brushing Chris's hand as she took his glass.

"No, not got either of those," replied Chris, feeling bad about the break-up with his girlfriend.

"Oh, that surprises me," said the woman.

"Does it? I had a girlfriend but we split up last week," said Chris.

"You might think this is a ridiculous idea, but you don't want to hang around at closing time do you?" said the woman, handing Chris his pint.

"For what?" said Chris, not sure what was on offer.

"My husband is away for the next three nights; if you are interested, I could do with a good fucking," replied the woman.

"Shit, yes," said Chris, hardly believing his luck.

"We had better not make it too obvious, so you had better leave when we close and wait until you see the barman leave and then come around the back and I will let you in," said the woman.

"Yes, yes, okay," replied Chris.

"What is your name, love?" asked the woman.

"Chris, it is Chris," he replied.

"I am Debbie, you and I are going to have some fun, Chris," said Debbie, before going to serve someone at the other end of the bar, Chris watched her arse.

There was still about an hour to go until closing time, but Chris resolved to make this his last pint.

His and Debbie's eyes met several times, once she smirked as she ran her hand up and down the pump in a slow wanking motion as she pulled off a pint for another customer, knowing that Chris was watching.

Eventually, Debbie called last orders and looked at Chris and moved her head towards the door, suggesting that he finish his pint and leave the pub to await the barman leaving.

Chris finished his pint and left the barstool, "Goodnight," he said.

"Goodnight, love, maybe see you again," said Debbie.

"Yes, maybe," said Chris, still not fully believing that he should be fucking that woman in maybe thirty minutes or so.

It was a pleasant evening weatherwise, so standing around near the pub for a while was not a problem in that respect.

It suddenly occurred to Chris that he had no rubbers and he wondered if he should go back into the gents in the pub and get some, but he then thought that if he needed them, he could acquire them when he was back inside with Debbie.

It next occurred to Chris that he did not know the geography behind the pub, but there obviously must be a back way in. He could go and survey it now, but he might then miss seeing the barman leave.

Various customers left, then so too did the barman.

"Goodnight, John," said Debbie, as he left.

"Goodnight, Debbie," replied John, as Chris wondered if he had ever fucked her.

Chris thought that now he should go round to the back of the pub. The pub was almost at the end of a road, so he went down the road that led off the road that it was on and then turned left into an alleyway that ran behind the buildings.

The pub had two buildings between it and the side road so Chris opened the gate to the third building, the back door was open and a light was on. An as-yet unidentified person was standing in the doorway.

Chris walked down the pathway toward the light and figure, "Come here you," said the person, now clearly Debbie standing with arms wide open.

Chris got to her and she threw her arms around him and they kissed, developing into a tongue-wrestling snog.

"Come in, young man," said Debbie, dragging Chris indoors and locking the door.

"Um, I don't have any rubbers," said Chris.

"Don't worry, baby, we are going to fuck bareback," said Debbie, caressing the lump in Chris's jeans.

"Do you often fuck when your husband is away?" asked Chris, who then thought that it was none of his business.

"Are you suggesting that I am a slag?" asked Debbie, pouting in mock offence.

"No, no, sorry," said Chris, thinking that he might just have blown his chances of fucking this sexy woman.

"Don't worry, honey, I am teasing; Let's say the answer is sometimes," replied Debbie.

"You look fucking gorgeous," said Chris, now with his confidence regained.

"Don't know about that, but let's stop talking and go and do some fucking, okay?" said Debbie.

"Yes, okay," said Chris, putting his hand on Debbie's arse as she turned toward the stairs.

"I would like your cock up my arse later, but first my cunt needs a good fucking," said Debbie, as she led the way up the stairs, Chris's hand still in contact with her backside.

"I have never had an older woman," said Chris, as they reached the top of the stairs.

"Well you are going to have one now, baby," said Debbie, dragging him into the bedroom.

"Yeah, it is so fucking exciting," said Chris, his hands caressing Debbie's tits through her blouse.

"Let's get your cock out of here," said Debbie, undoing Chris's belt and jeans and lowering his jeans and boxers enough to get her hand on his erection.

"That is a fucking big cock you have there, Chris," complimented Debbie, slowly wanking it.

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"Thanks, let me at your tits," said Chris, undoing Debbie's blouse and dragging her bra below her large breasts.

"Feel my nipples, they are like bullets because of you," said Debbie, and Chris fingered her nipples as she stroked his cock.

"This is amazing, I never dreamt that I would be in a bedroom with a married woman when I came out," said Chris.

"So glad that you chose my pub to come to," said Debbie, undoing Chris's shirt.

"Fuck, I want to see your arse," announced Chris.

"You want to see my big, round, mature arse, do you baby?" said Debbie, turning her back on Chris and massaging her buttocks.

"Yes, I want to see your big, round, mature arse," confirmed Chris.

"The one that you are going to stick your cock in?" said Debbie, still massaging her backside.

"Yeah, the one that I am going to stick my cock in," replied Chris, enjoying being teased.

"Okay," said Debbie, undoing and dropping her skirt and then, very slowly, pulling her knickers down.

With her knickers down to her knees, she bent over to take them the rest of the way down, and she stepped out of them.

"Kiss my arse, baby," said Debbie, still bent over.

"Fuck, yes," said Chris, dropping to his knees and kissing Debbie's buttocks.

"God, Chris, I need you to fuck me now," said a very turned-on Debbie.

"Gladly," said Chris, getting out of his jeans and boxers as Debbie got on her back on the bed and spread her legs.

"Give my cunt a good fucking and then fuck my arse," said Debbie, squirming as Chris got on the bed between her legs, and moved to get the head of his penis to her cunt.

"Going to fuck you good," said Chris, as his cockhead touched Debbie's cunt lips and he pushed forward as Debbie's hand guided his cock in.

Chris's penis went deeper and deeper, and he then started thrusting, "Yeah, fuck me good," encouraged Debbie.

They were both grunting as Chris thrusted and Debbie moved in response. Sometimes their lips met in a kiss, sometimes their tongues touched.

The speed increased and so did the verbals, as the twenty-year-old shafted the fifty-eight-year-old, "Shit, yes, fuck me hard," panted Debbie.

"I want you cumming, you horny bitch," responded Chris, fucking at top speed.

"Shit, shit, shit, oh shit, fucking cumming," wailed Debbie.

"Cum you old slag," said Chris, enjoying making his first mature woman cum.

The fucking went on and on, and Debbie kept cumming, "Now, in my arse, fuck my arse," panted the sweating Debbie, after another orgasm.

Chris withdrew and Debbie scrambled onto her knees, thrusting her large arse towards her young lover, "Grease my arsehole with my cum," instructed Debbie, and Chris put fingers to her cunt and smeared Debbie's sticky juices around her anus. He had never fucked in the arse before.

Chris got his cum-coated penis to Debbie's arse hole and eased forward, as Debbie pushed her arse back.

"Yes, yes, stick your cock in my arse," said Debbie.

Debbie's arsehole opened up as Chris eased forward, and he went deeper and deeper. Chris started rocking backwards and forwards, gripping Debbie's hips. His penis was getting fabulous stimulation from Debbie's back passage.

Chris kept fucking Debbie's arse, but he could feel his spunk rising.

"Fuck, I am going to cum," warned Chris.

"Yes, spunk in my arse, fill my arse with your cum," replied Debbie, about to have another orgasm.

"Fuck!" shouted Chris, as he creamed in Debbie's arse.

"Fuck!" responded Debbie, as she came again.

Eventually, they both stopped cumming, and Debbie collapsed on her front with Chris's cock still in her arse.

They both still had their upper clothing on, undone but now soaked in sweat.

"I have never fucked in the arse before," confessed Chris.

"Two firsts for you then, first mature woman and first anal," replied Debbie.

"Yeah, and I loved both," said Chris, withdrawing his cock from Debbie's arsehole and bringing some cum out with it.

"You gave me a great fucking, young man," said Debbie.

"You said your husband was away for three nights," said Chris.

"Yes I did; do you fancy giving me more fucking on those nights?" replied Debbie.

"I would love to if you want me to," said Chris.

"Yes, I want you to," answered Debbie.

"Great," responded Chris.

"What about tonight? Fancy giving me more shafting or do you need to get home in a hurry?" said Debbie.

"I have no reason to go home in a hurry," said Chris.

"In that case, we will fuck some more, I will need some sleep though," said Debbie, rolling onto her back.

"Does your barman fuck you?" asked Chris.

"Ha, sometimes, but not as often as he would like," chuckled Debbie.

"Did he expect to fuck you tonight?" continued Chris.

"I think that he thought he might, but I said that I needed a good night's sleep," replied Debbie.

"So he will fancy his chances the next two nights?" said Chris.

"He is not working the first night, I have a barmaid in, but I will have to think of a reason to give him the last night," said Debbie.

"Does your husband know that you fuck others while he is away?" asked Chris.

"Lots of questions; I don't think that he knows but he might suspect, but he is probably fucking some slapper right now," replied Debbie.

"Would it bother you if he was?" asked Chris.

"Nope, I get more sex when he is not here than I do when he is so it would be the same situation for him," answered Debbie.

"Yes, I suppose so," said Chris.

"Oh, questions all done? Shall we get your cock hard again and have another fuck?" said Debbie, not waiting for an answer and moving to take Chris's penis into her mouth. His sticky cock had been in her cunt and was not long out of her arse, but Debbie sucked and licked it back to full erection.

"I think that I will ride you," said Debbie, taking off her blouse and her bra which had been below her tits since early in the session.

"Sounds good," replied Chris.

"My arse feels as though your cock is still in it," announced Debbie, as she swung her right leg over Chris, took hold of his penis, and fed it into her cunt.

Debbie moved up and down slowly at first, enjoying fucking herself on Chris's rigid pole. She gradually sped up and was then bouncing fast towards orgasm.

"Cumming, cumming, oh, oh cumming," panted Debbie.

She kept bouncing and was cumming again when Chris's body tensed, and he shot spunk into Debbie's hot cunt.

Debbie leaned forward and they had a long kiss, "Mmm, we had better clean up a bit, then maybe you had better go because I have to get some sleep," said Debbie.

"Okay, what time shall I come back tomorrow, um today I mean?" said Chris.

"Shit, it is nearly two in the morning, um well you can come into the pub if you want or come around the back after closing," replied Debbie.

"I will come around the back again," said Chris.

"Okay, give me your mobile number and I can text you when the coast is clear, I could let you know if there is any change of plan too," said Debbie.

Chris wrote down his mobile number and had a quick wash. His shirt was soaked in sweat.

"You will get a chill going home in that, I will lend you a shirt or T-shirt of my husband's, bring it back tomorrow," said Debbie.

"Today," corrected Chris.

"Yeah, today," acknowledged Debbie.

"I will get completely naked before the next fuck," said Chris.

"So will I," replied Debbie.

Chris got dressed, including a T-shirt belonging to Debbie's husband, and they went downstairs, with Debbie still naked.

They had one more long, long kiss, before Debbie let Chris out of the back door, "Later," said Debbie.

"Yeah, later," replied Chris.

It had started with him watching her arse.

Written by PJH
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