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Thoughts Of Schooldays - Part 2

"Helen and Charles get together again and Helen gets reminded what a cane across the arse feels like"

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Helen Piper had said to the man that she had only just met, Charles Meadows, that they would get in contact when she got home from her stay at the guest house where they had met but she decided that she could not wait that long.

Sixty-three-year-old Helen was naked on the bed on which she and Charles, of similar age, had had sex the night before. It was Helen's last night at the guest house.

She rang the number that Charles had left with her. He had departed the guest house that morning.

"Charles, it is Helen. How are you? I am missing you," said Helen.

"Helen, good to hear from you; I am missing you too," replied Charles.

"I know that I said I would ring you when I got home but I am naked on my bed, thinking of you," said Helen.

"Oh Helen, I wish I was there with you," said Charles, his hand brushing his hardening penis through his trousers.

"I wish that too; I am longing to be with you again," continued Helen.

"We can be, soon. Shall I come to you or you to me? Or maybe we could have a night in a hotel?" said Charles, who was as impressed with the attractive Helen as she seemed to be with him.

"Perhaps a night in the hotel in the future, but maybe we should get to know each other in one of our houses first," replied Helen.

"Okay, yours or mine? And when?" said Charles.

"As soon as possible and mine is quite secluded, but whatever you want," said Helen, whose fingers were brushing her cunt.

"Shall I bring my cane?" asked Charles. Their conversations had included reminiscing about canings at school in their late teen years and Charles' experiences with the cane since.

"Yes, bring your cane and could you come tomorrow, Friday, and stay the night?" said Helen enthusiastically.

"Yes, I can stay tomorrow, and Saturday night too if you want," said Charles, who now had his cock out of his clothing and was slowly wanking it to full erection.

"Yes, yes. We can have so much fun in two nights and the daytime as well," said Helen, her fingers now working in her cunt.

"Helen, I am so pleased we met," said Charles, now wanking faster.

"Me too Charles. Spending time with you yesterday was lovely and last night was wonderful," said Helen, teasing her clit and squirming her big arse on the bed.

"Helen, I think that you should know that I have my stiff penis in my hand, thinking of you," said Charles, now wanking at full speed.

"Oh Charles, I am playing with myself thinking of you," replied Helen, getting a bit agitated as her orgasm approached.

"I am close to cumming, Helen. Can we see if we can cum together?" said a now slightly breathless Charles.

"Yes, I am almost there, nearly, oh fuck, yes...Charles, almost," said Helen, about to cum.

"Oh Helen, I can feel it building, I am about to ejaculate, oh...," panted Charles.

"Yes, yes, I am cumming, oh, oh, oh...cumming!" shouted Helen.

"Yes Helen, I am cumming too," announced Charles, as he wondered where his spunk was landing.

They both got their breath back and then giggled. "First time I have ever done that," said Charles.

"What? Wank?" teased Helen.

"No, wank while a woman was masturbating on the other end of a phone," explained Charles, laughing.

"Not something that I have done before, either," replied Helen.

They talked a bit more and Helen gave Charles her address for the next evening. "I think I need a shower now," said Helen.

"I have to try to get a cum stain out of the carpet," said Charles.

They looked forward to what they would be doing when they got together.

Helen left the guest house on Friday morning and got the train home. She had to prepare for the guest that would be arriving at her house that evening. She tried to get her head around how things had moved so fast because she had only first had a conversation with Charles Meadows two days ago, apart from a 'Good evening' the previous night, and now he was to spend the weekend at her house.

They had already had sex and, very probably, during the weekend Charles would be caning Helen's arse, an arse that has not been caned for forty-five years.

Charles packed a few things for his weekend away. He decided that he would probably not need any nightwear of any sort. Two things he did make sure that he took with him were his cane and his supply of Viagra. The cane had been in his possession for more than fifteen years. The previous one that he owned got broken across his backside when his late wife had been giving him a severe caning. His late wife had had her bottom caned many times, she had been caned at school and found it incredibly arousing, so the cane was a quite often used implement in their marriage.

Charles took a Viagra tablet just before leaving home, in case sexual activity occurred soon after his arrival.

Charles drove to Helen's house and Helen came out to greet him as he pulled up in her short driveway. Charles had just managed to undo his safety belt and open the driver's side door when Helen almost pounced on him.

She was wearing a white blouse and blue jeans.

"Oh, so good to see you; I have missed you," said Helen, putting her lips on Charles'.

"I have missed you too. We have not seen each other since, um...yesterday," teased Charles, when the kissing broke.

"Oh, I am behaving like a love-struck teen, aren't I?" said an embarrassed Helen, feeling sure that she must be blushing.

"Not at all, you are, um..." started Charles, trying to think of the right words.

"Behaving like a love-struck teen, as I said," said Helen, finishing the sentence for Charles.

"Perhaps a little bit," smiled Charles, now standing up.

With his eyes on Helen, Charles undid the boot of his car and took out his bag with weekend essentials, and his cane.

"God, I have not seen one of those since I was at school," said Helen, her eyes on the cane.

"No doubt we will discuss your schooldays and your headmistress during the weekend," said Charles.

"Will we?" smiled Helen.

"Yes, and when we do, I want you to describe that second caning that you got, the one that turned you on," said Charles.

"Oh, and are you going to wank whilst I tell you?" laughed Helen, feeling very happy and relaxed.

"I will no doubt get aroused but I want to know your thoughts and feelings as you remember them before the caning, during the caning and after the caning," said Charles.

"And what makes you think that I want to talk about the caning?" asked Helen, smiling.

"Because I think it will turn you on. My late wife used to love talking about the canings that she got at school as an eighteen-year-old," replied Charles.

They had gone into Helen's house whilst talking and Charles made a point of placing the cane on a coffee table.

Helen looked at the cane but said nothing on the subject.
"Sit down Charles, would you like a drink? Coffee perhaps or wine?" asked Helen, indicating the sofa.

"I will have whatever you want, dear lady," said Charles, sitting on the three-seat sofa in such a way that wherever Helen put her arse, she would be close to him.

Helen returned with two glasses of wine and squeezed in next to Charles on the sofa. They giggled and then kissed.

"Wasn't it wonderful, us meeting? It feels like we have known each other for ages," said Helen.

"It was wonderful; I thought how nice you looked that first evening that you arrived and I am so glad that I spoke to you the next morning," replied Charles, before they kissed again, this time for longer.

"Shall we leave the cane and talk of school canings until tomorrow?" asked Charles, who had had his trousers unzipped by Helen as they kissed.

"We could, but can you think of anything else that we could do to pass the time?" responded Helen, squeezing Charles' cock through his underpants.

"We could, perhaps, do some fucking," said Charles, massaging Helen's tits through her blouse.

"I suppose we could," replied Helen, undoing the belt on Charles' trousers.

Charles unbuttoned Helen's blouse and pulled it out of her jeans so that it could be removed.

"Shall we take our wine to the bedroom?" said Helen, feeling more alive than she had done in ages apart from when she was with Charles two nights before.

"Certainly, Mrs Piper," replied Charles.

They stood up from the sofa and Helen led the way. Charles gave her a friendly slap on her arse over her jeans. "Hey!" said Helen, laughing over her shoulder.

"Sorry, it was so tempting," said Charles.

They went upstairs, chatting and giggling as they went, Charles mentally congratulated himself on having the foresight to take a tablet before leaving home.

They each sipped their wine before putting the glasses down.

"This time we do not have people in the adjoining room," said Helen, referring to their previous fuck in the guest house.

"That might be good news when the cane is put to use tomorrow," said Charles.

"Oh yes, the cane," smiled Helen, rubbing her arse cheeks but not sure if she was really looking forward to her first caning since she was eighteen.

"Well, that is for tomorrow, let's get on with the here and now," said Charles, moving towards Helen and gently turning her around so that she had her back to him.

Charles cupped Helen's tits over her bra as he kissed her neck. Helen mewed as she pushed her arse against Charles' crotch, he was still clothed but his belt and zip on his trousers had been undone downstairs.

"This is heaven," breathed Helen, as Charles nibbled at her ear and her backside and his crotch remained in contact.

Charles undid and removed Helen's bra so now his hands and fingers were in contact with her bare tits and nipples as their arousals increased.

Helen was happy for Charles to lead; she was enjoying the seduction and she knew from two nights before that she would enjoy the fucking that it was heading for.

Charles slowly kissed his way down Helen's naked back and then caressed her jeans covered buttocks as he knelt behind her. He reached around and undid her jeans and then slowly pulled them down, revealing her large arse cheeks in green knickers.

Helen stepped out of the jeans at her feet when Charles indicated that she should and then she felt her backside becoming bare as Charles, very slowly, lowered her knickers. Charles gently kissed Helen's buttocks as she stepped out of her knickers; she was not far off cumming.

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Charles kissed Helen's backside some more before slowly turning her around again and kissing her thighs and looking at her hairy, wet cunt. "Oh Charles, oh Charles," Helen said, as her body tensed as Charles's head went into her groin.

Charles had his hands on Helen's arse as he kissed and licked her cunt lips. Helen could hold no more. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming," shouted Helen as she held Charles's head to her cunt and almost exploded in an orgasm.

Charles let Helen ride the waves of her orgasm before standing up and backing her to the bed. With his eyes on the attractive, leg-spread woman, he slowly undid and removed his shirt and then completed the undoing and removing of his trousers. He very slowly lowered his underpants and his rigid cock stood erect.

Helen squirmed on the bed in anticipation as Charles stepped out of his underpants and then got onto the bed in between Helen's legs.

Helen's right hand helped guide Charles' penis into her vagina and they both groaned in pleasure.

Charles made love to Helen very slowly and lovingly and gradually took her to another cum. They switched positions and Helen's backside was raised as Charles re-entered her cunt from behind. This time he fucked a bit faster and Helen very soon came again.

Charles was controlling his ejaculation very well and there was another change of position with Helen's knees being towards her tits but now the fucking was fast and vocal. "Shit, Charles, oh fuck, fuck, fuck," shouted Helen as she came and certainly anyone nearby would have heard.

Charles felt his spunk build and gave up trying to hold it and he groaned as he ejaculated hard and fast.

They lay happy and sated and laughed and chatted before finishing their wine. They went back downstairs, naked, and kissed and cuddled down there, although getting another look at the cane on the coffee table reminded Helen of what the next day was going to bring.

They went to bed for the night and made love in the morning before showering, getting dressed and having breakfast. They just enjoyed each other's company during the day, the cane remaining on the coffee table and the time for its use getting ever closer.

They ate in the early evening, leaving the rest of the evening and night for other things.

They were seated on the sofa, the cane where it had been since Charles had placed it there on his arrival the previous evening.

"I want you to tell me everything about that second caning that you got at school," said Charles.

"Well, I remember being very nervous, frightened even, because Miss Peterson had told me to report to her study and that I would be getting six strokes," said Helen, her mind going back forty-five years.

"How many strokes did you get in your first caning?" asked Charles. Helen had told him that she had also been caned when she was seventeen.

"Four, and they made me yell and cry so I was dreading getting six," answered Helen.

"Go on. Tell me everything that you remember and how you felt during and after," prompted Charles.

"I remember entering her study and the cane was on her desk. Fuck, seeing that cane on the coffee table...oh fuck," said Helen.

Charles let her compose her thoughts and did not interject.

"She picked up the cane and bent it and slashed it through the air, telling me that I was to be severely punished; I was nearly wetting my knickers in fear," recalled Helen.

"She told me to bend over her desk and grip the far end and not to dare to let go until she told me to," said Helen, finding herself starting to get aroused by the memory. Charles was getting stiff.

"She moved behind me and flipped up my skirt; I had knickers on but they were thin and would not offer any protection," continued Helen, amazed at how wet she was getting telling someone about her experience.

"She tapped the cane against my bum and then slashed the first stroke down. Fuck, it hurt and I yelled out, almost screamed," Helen went on.

"The bitch seemed to wait for ages before giving me the second stroke and that stung so much," said Helen.

"The third stroke was the same and after four I was crying and desperately trying to keep my grip on the desk," reminisced Helen, now very wet in her knickers from reliving the caning.

"The fifth stroke was right low down on my backside and seemed to hurt even more than the other four had. The cow was really laying it on," said Helen.

"The last stroke, shit, Miss Peterson really slashed that one down and I screamed and kept screaming," remembered Helen.

Charles' cock was hard in his trousers. His late wife had often described her school canings to him and Helen describing hers was having the same effect on him.

"I was crying so loudly that I hardly heard her tell me to get up, and in fact, she had to say it twice," said Helen, squirming a bit on the sofa as she remembered how much her arse hurt back then.

Charles said nothing so Helen went on. "I put my hands to my bum, trying to rub the stinging out of my cheeks. Tears were streaming down my face," continued Helen.

"Miss Peterson put the cane away and told me to get out; I remember bumping into another girl in the corridor because I could not see where I was going because of the tears," said Helen.

Charles was enthralled and wanted to wank but he knew that his stiff cock would be put to use later.

"I eventually got back to my room. I was a boarder, and crashed on my bed, howling and rubbing my arse," remembered Helen.

"Were you feeling turned on then, or was that a bit later?" asked Charles.

"A bit later but not much later; I remember my backside was stinging so much but then I felt my pussy start to tingle. It felt weird," answered Helen.

"I remember pulling my knickers down and looking at my caned arse in the mirror; seeing those red marks had my fingers going between my legs," said Helen, thinking that she should feel embarrassed by saying all this but not doing so.

"That was very much how my late wife used to describe it; although her canings hurt like hell, she almost looked forward to them because she knew how she would feel afterwards," said Charles.

"Well, my fingers worked fast and I started cumming and I did not think that I was ever going to stop," said Helen.

"And since then, do you masturbate sometimes thinking about that day?" asked Charles, although he already knew the answer.

"Yeah, sometimes," answered Helen.

"So, would you like to feel a cane again?" asked Charles, hoping and believing that the answer would be 'yes'.

"I think so," nodded Helen, looking at the cane on the coffee table.

"I think six strokes, but on the bare bottom," said Charles.

"Yes, Charles," Helen heard herself answer. Did she really want this? She thought to herself but her damp knickers told her that she did.

"I will cane you and then we will wait until you feel the excitement between your legs before we fuck, okay?" asked Charles.

"Okay," replied Helen.

"Shall I cane you down here or upstairs?" asked Charles.

"Um, down here. Maybe fuck down here too," replied Helen.

"Please take off your jeans and knickers, Helen," said Charles, standing up and taking the cane from the coffee table.

Helen did as instructed and then, on Charles's indication, bent over the back of the sofa.

Charles looked at the gorgeous arse on display. He was already erect so could not get any harder and lined the cane up across it.

CRACK - the cane lashed Helen's buttocks and after a split second, she yelled out.

Charles waited a while before putting a second stroke across his lover's behind and that produced another yell from Helen.

The third stroke had Helen squirming. It seemed to be hurting every bit as much as Miss Peterson's caning had.

Charles looked at the three lines across Helen's buttocks and added a fourth, Helen had trouble staying bent over.

A fifth and then a sixth stroke was added and Helen had her face screwed up and was fighting back tears.

"Maybe you would like to stand in the corner," Charles said softly.

Helen stood up, very red-faced, and put her hands to her buttocks; she did not speak but went to the corner of the room. Her hands rubbed her recently caned backside as she sobbed softly.

Charles awaited the request to put his erection to use; he was hoping that it would be soon. He had taken his Viagra late in the afternoon.

Helen was feeling the stinging in her arse cheeks producing tingling in her cunt. She was getting turned on just as she had all those years before.

Helen was getting hornier and hornier. "Charles?" she said, still facing the corner.

"Yes, Helen?" replied Charles, who had had frequent glances at Helen's cane marked arse.

"I am ready; I want to be fucked," said Helen, still facing the wall.

"Splendid, down here or upstairs?" replied Charles eagerly.

"Down here; I want to bend over the back of the sofa again," answered Helen.

As Charles removed his trousers and underpants, Helen bent over the back of the sofa.

Charles, erection at the ready, looked at her red-lined bottom before turning his attention to her cunt and sliding his cock in.

"Hard and fast, please," said bent-over Helen, which matched Charles' plans.

Charles shafted her hard and fast and Helen very soon loudly orgasmed. Charles kept going and she came again before Charles, who was not trying to hold back, spurted semen into her.

Helen Piper had had her first caning in forty-five years but she might well be having more in the future.

Later that night, Charles was bent over and Helen gave him six strokes of the cane. It was not like his old headmaster's canings or even like his late wife's but it still made his backside sting.

Charles and Helen had sex again on Sunday morning and it seemed likely that they would be seeing plenty of each other in the future. The cane was also likely to be put to use quite frequently.

Written by PJH
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