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The Tour Guide - Part 5

"Tony and Sharon arrange to meet again one month after the Scotland trip, for two days and nights of sex."

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Three weeks had passed since thirty-something Tony Fuller had had a four-night/five-day coach holiday in Scotland. Tony had never visited Scotland before, and he fell in love with the scenery.

Something else that Tony fell in love with was having sex with fifty-two-year-old Sharon Jefferson, who was the tour guide on the coach. They had sex on the evenings of nights two, three and four.

Tony and Sharon were both single, Tony's recent engagement had been ended by his fiancee after a huge row, and Sharon was divorced.

Their homes were about eighty miles apart, and Sharon was usually away from home on coach tours, mostly in the UK but occasionally in Europe. She did sometimes get a day or more off at home in between tours, or she might get a day off whilst on a tour, another tour guide standing in for her.

Tony and Sharon had had a lot of text contact, and occasional phone conversations, since the Scottish trip, and both were keen to meet again. Neither expected the other to be celibate when not together, and neither of them had been. Sharon had not fucked any more coach passengers, but she had been to bed with a few of the male staff at hotels at which she had stayed. Tony had fucked three women since he was last with Sharon, one of them older than Sharon.

Sharon had two days off at home coming up in a week, and they had tentatively arranged to meet. The question was whether it was to be at Sharon's home, at Tony's, or maybe somewhere in between. It would also necessitate Tony taking a couple of days off work.

Where and when needed to be sorted, Sharon sent Tony a text.

Hey, we need to sort out where we are going to fuck. I will phone you at 8 tonight, okay?

Tony was very much in favour of some fucking with Sharon getting arranged, and he texted back.

Yeah, longing to have your knickers off again, talk later.

Sharon phoned at the specified time.

"Hey, where do you have in mind for our next fuck?" said Sharon.

"Wherever you want, you could come here or I could come to you or we could go for a hotel somewhere in between," replied Tony.

"A hotel fuck sounds good, but if we met at one of our houses we need not worry too much about clothes between fucks," said Sharon.

"True; I will take Thursday and Friday off work, so your house or mine?" responded Tony.

"I don't mind, but I do have to be up early on the Saturday for another tour so if I came to you I would have to leave quite early Friday evening," said Sharon.

"Fine, I will come to you then; shall I arrive Wednesday night?" said Tony.

"I will not be home from work until maybe ten o'clock that night, but yeah do that, we can have an extra fuck," laughed Sharon.

Tony got Sharon's address and details of how to find it, and it was agreed that he would time his arrival for ten at night.

They had more contact over the next week, text and verbal, and were very much looking forward to meeting again. They both had sex once during the days in between, but were both ready to resume where they left off in Scotland.

Tony left his home at just after seven on Wednesday evening for what should be about a two-hour drive, but he wanted to make sure that he arrived at Sharon's house with time to spare because he did not want to miss out on a second with the sexy woman.

He actually arrived in Sharon's town at about nine o'clock and knew that she was not likely to be home yet. He parked up a couple of streets away from Sharon's house, and sent her a text to say that he was in town.

A little later, he got a text reply.

Fuck, you are eager. I am about to leave the depot and I will be home in ten minutes X

Tony waited almost ten minutes and drove the short distance to Sharon's house, getting there just in time to see Sharon arrive. Tony got out of his car with his holdall containing what he needed for the next two nights and days, Sharon got out of her car.

"Hey baby, I need a shower, but I need a fuck more," said Sharon, throwing her arms around the man that had been her sex partner for three evenings a month ago. They were still outside.

"What? Out here?" laughed Tony, after they had snogged.

"Nope, I will just unload my car and then we go to my bed," replied the laughing Sharon.

She unloaded her car and opened her house door. Her bags and Tony's holdall were dropped on the floor, and they kissed again, this time Tony had a feel of Sharon's arse over her uniform skirt.

"Fuck time; bring your holdall," said Sharon, caressing Tony's bulge in his trousers before leading him upstairs.

Sharon discarded her uniform jacket on entering her bedroom, and they snogged, Tony putting his holdall on the floor.

Tony undid Sharon's blouse, as she undid his trousers.

Sharon got Tony's trousers and underwear down, and his erection in her hand, as Tony undid Sharon's skirt and sent it dropping to her feet. Tony fingered Sharon's cunt through her knickers, and they kissed again.

"Mmmm, that is enough foreplay, let's fuck," laughed Sharon, removing her blouse and bra as Tony got out of his trousers, underwear, socks and T-shirt. Sharon removed her knickers and they moved to the bed.

Tony's rigid penis entered Sharon's wet cunt once again, and the fucking started. They had two full days together plus this night and the next, so this was just a lust fuck, no finesse, just animal passion.

"Yes, yes, cumming, fucking cumming," Sharon was soon panting, as Tony's penis slid rapidly in and out.

Sharon came a second time before Tony groaned and ejaculated in her. They kissed and cuddled for a while, as their bodies calmed.

"Well that was a great start, I am going to have that shower," smiled Sharon, as Tony rolled off her.

Tony admired Sharon's large arse as she left the room to head for the bathroom.

"This is going to be the first night we have spent together," pointed out Sharon on her return from her shower. Sharon had gone to her own room after their three sex sessions in hotels in Scotland.

"Yeah, it is going to be great waking up with you," said Tony.

"I had better go and sort my things out downstairs; do you want a drink of some sort?" said Sharon.

"I want whatever you want," replied Tony.

"Well, I want plenty of sex during our time together," chuckled Sharon.

"That is what I am here for," responded Tony.

"Let's have a glass of wine," said Sharon, and they went downstairs.

Sharon sorted out her baggage, clothes to be washed etcetera, but it took longer than it should have done because Tony fingered her arse crack as she bent over. There were also occasional stops for snogging and groping.

Eventually, Sharon had done what she needed to do, and they went into the lounge to have a glass of wine. The time was getting towards midnight.

Sharon sat on Tony's lap as they drank their wine, grinding her bare arse on his rapidly stiffening cock.

"Do you remember me telling you in Scotland that one day I want to wank you until you cum?" asked Sharon, before kissing Tony.

"Yeah, I remember that," answered Tony.

"When we go back upstairs, I am going to do it," said Sharon.

"Okay, how would you like me to pleasure you?" responded Tony.

"No need, I will probably cum when you cum," answered Sharon.

"Okay, but sometime while I am here I will lick you and make you cum and cum and cum," said Tony.

"Sounds good; shall we finish our wine upstairs?" said Sharon, raising her arse off Tony's lap and looking at his again erect penis.

Tony's eyes were on Sharon's backside as she led the way upstairs.

"Something else that I will do is tan your arse again," said Tony.

"Okay, after I have tanned yours," responded Sharon.

"Sounds good," said Tony, liking the idea of getting a spanking from the older woman.

"Okay, on your back, I am going to toss you off, nice and slowly," smiled Sharon, as they put their wine glasses down.

Tony got on the bed on his back and Sharon knelt beside him, taking his stiff penis in her right hand.

Sharon very slowly moved her hand up and down Tony's erection, Tony squirmed a bit on the bed.

"When you cum I want your spunk shooting in the air," said Sharon, still slowly wanking.

"I think that is very likely," replied Tony, his voice cracking a bit.

Sharon continued wanking slowly, and Tony continued squirming.

"You getting close?" smiled Sharon.

"Not far off," croaked Tony, in response.

"I will stop then," smirked Sharon, her hand near the head of Tony's penis.

"Don't be cruel," said Tony.

"You want me to start again?" smiled Sharon.

"Yes, yes please," Tony almost begged.

"Do you want me to wank you fast?" asked Sharon, her hand still motionless on Tony's erection.

"Yes, wank me fast," replied Tony.

"Do you want me to make you cum?" asked Sharon, very wet between her legs, aroused by what was happening.

"Yes, make me cum," said Tony, raising his backside off the bed to try to get Sharon's hand moving on his cock.

"Say please Sharon wank me until I cum," smirked Sharon.

"Please Sharon wank me until I cum," blurted Tony.

"Okay," said Sharon, her hand now moving rapidly up and down Tony's length.

"Oh, oh, oh," said Tony, squirming on the bed as the mature woman's hand wanked his cock.

"Let it go big boy, shoot your spunk in the air," said Sharon, now wanking at full speed.

"Oh fuck!" shouted Tony, raising his arse off the bed as jet after jet of semen shot into the air.

Sharon squealed in delight, and came.

Sharon kept wanking until Tony stopped cumming, his cream landing on his stomach, on his pubic hair and on Sharon's hand.

"Thank you," breathed Tony, as his body started to relax.

"That was fun," smiled Sharon, licking spunk off her hand and then off the sides of Tony's penis.

"Sensational, best handjob I have ever had," said Tony.

"Would you like a shower before we get some sleep?" asked Sharon.

"Yes please," replied Tony.

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Tony had a shower and then finished their wine before he and Sharon brushed their teeth before climbing naked into bed. They soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

They slept well, with Tony waking first. Sharon had her back to him and he reached around and fondled her breasts as his hardening penis pressed against her arse.

"Mmmm, Good morning, feels like you are ready for more," said Sharon, pushing her arse back into Tony.

"Morning, yeah, are you?" replied Tony.

"Always," said Sharon, turning her head so that they could kiss,

Sharon reached behind and grabbed Tony's cock, Tony's hand moved down to Sharon's vagina and he started fingering her.

Soon Sharon rolled onto her back and Tony mounted her, Sharon's hand feeding his erect cock into her wet cunt.

This time it was slow and sensual lovemaking, as their bodies worked in unison.

"Yes Tony, I am going to cum," breathed Sharon, tightening her legs behind Tony's back.

"First of many, you sexy, hot woman," said Tony, giving a series of short and fast thrusts.

"Shit! Yes, yes," wailed Sharon, as she orgasmed.

The sex went on and on, Sharon in a state of either cumming or being about to cum, until Tony spunked in her.

"What a wonderful start to a Thursday," said Sharon, kissing her lover.

"Waking up with you is even better than I imagined," said Tony.

They stayed in bed for a while before getting up and showering, and then having some breakfast, still naked.

Sharon's neighbours were aware that she often entertained men when she was home from work, so they were not surprised to see a strange car outside her house in the morning. Sharon got on okay with her neighbours, even if they did not entirely approve of her obvious promiscuity.

As they were both naked, Sharon had to be careful which curtains she opened, she had closed them when they came downstairs after their first fuck the previous night. The alternative was to put some clothes on, but Sharon rather liked seeing Tony's cock swinging free, even if he was not erect, and Tony certainly liked Sharon's tits and arse.

There was a lot of kissing and caressing during the day, and they were both in a state of semi-arousal. They both knew that there would be more sex soon, but they did not want to overdo it as they still had about thirty hours together.

They ate in mid-afternoon, wanting to leave the evening and night clear for sex.

"Shall we go upstairs for our spanking party?" asked Sharon, early in the evening.

"Certainly," replied Tony, enthusiastically.

They went upstairs with Tony's eyes on the buttocks that he would soon be spanking, although the plan was for his to be warmed first.

Sharon moved a chair into the centre of her bedroom and sat her arse on it.

"Okay, Mister, over my knee you go," said Sharon. Those words were enough for Tony's cock to go from almost fully erect to full erection. Tony placed himself over Sharon's knee, his rigid penis brushing her thigh as they got him into a comfortable position.

"You are such a naughty boy, Tony, seducing this poor, innocent lady.

"Fuck off, you are not innocent, and you did the seducing if anyone did," replied Tony.

"You might be right," said Sharon, caressing Tony's buttocks and having him worrying about ejaculating at any moment.

Sharon then commenced the spanking, slapping Tony's arse as hard as she could. She spanked on and on, and Tony was bucking on her lap. The friction that his penis was getting from sliding against Sharon's thighs as his bottom got hotter and hotter had him again fearing cumming.

Sharon spanked him until his arse cheeks glowed, knowing that hers would look like that soon. The fuck that followed would be sensational.

"That will teach you, you naughty boy," said a slightly breathless Sharon.

"Your turn now," said Tony, getting off Sharon's lap with his cock rock hard and his face flushed.

Sharon stood up, and Tony gently put his just-spanked arse on the chair.

Sharon lay over Tony's lap, and he had to force his erect cock between his thighs. Tony took a moment to admire Sharon's behind, before going into her arse tanning.

He spanked hard and fast and Sharon writhed on his lap as her buttocks stung more and more. The spanking was not a long one, but it was a hard one. Tony stopped spanking, now they wanted to fuck.

They were soon on the bed fucking hard and fast, both so turned on by spanking and being spanked.

Tony knew that he would not last long, but he wanted Sharon cumming at least once before he did. His penis slid in and out, and Sharon came.

"Fuck, fuck, oh fuck," yelled Sharon.

Tony kept going knowing that his ejaculation was close, but he had Sharon cumming again before he filled her cunt with semen.

After some kissing, cuddling and resting, they returned downstairs, both sporting a pair of red buttocks.

They drank some wine, both preferring to stand. They had been together well under twenty-four hours and already Tony had cum in Sharon three times and been tossed off once.

"How many more fucks do you think that you can give me before you have to go?" smiled Sharon.

"Well, I reckon one more tonight, one in the morning and another before I leave," replied Tony, confidently.

"Wonderful," said Sharon.

The night-time fucking started from behind with Sharon gripping the bed headboard.

Tony shafted her hard and fast, and Sharon loved it.

"Shitting hell, oh fuck," shouted Sharon as she came, and the bed rattled.

Tony was feeling good about life and had Sharon cumming twice more in two different positions before he creamed in her. They showered and then slept.

They were both horny in the morning, and Tony remembered that he had said that he was going to tongue Sharon. He kissed her inner thighs before burying his head between her legs as his tongue drove her wild. Sharon squirmed and writhed and came three times as Tony's tongue played her clit and lapped at her cunt.

Tony moved up Sharon's body with his penis rigid ready for the morning fuck, but Sharon had other ideas.

"No, I am going to ride you," Sharon announced, so Tony rolled onto his back, his cock standing proud.

Sharon decided that not only was she going to ride him, but she was going to display her arse as she did so, as she twisted around and lowered herself onto Tony's penis with her large arse pointing towards his face.

Sharon slowly took all of Tony's cock into her before equally slowly moving up and down its length. She gradually increased her speed as Tony watched Sharon's arse rise and fall, and his erection appear and disappear.

Sharon shrieked in orgasm before the wanking that the walls of her cunt had given Tony's penis had her lover spurting his cum upwards into her.

It was then get up, shower and have breakfast. It was now about nine hours until Tony had to leave because Sharon needed an early night because she had another coach tour starting early the next morning. There was time for at least one more fuck, perhaps two if Tony could manage it.

They decided to forego eating and instead returned to bed in the early afternoon. This time it was loving and tender lovemaking, quite long-lasting too. Tony had now cum inside Sharon six times, plus the wank. They were certainly making the most of their time together. They did eat, but only a snack rather than a full meal.

It was now early evening, and Tony would have to leave soon.

"Do you think that my mouth could get you hard enough to give me one more fucking?" asked Sharon. looking at Tony's quite flaccid cock.

"You could try," replied Tony, so try Sharon did.

After her head had bobbed up and down several times with Tony's cock in her mouth, with the help of her right hand, he was once again stiff enough for action.

"Take me over the back of this settee," said Sharon, bending over the furniture.

Tony got behind her and caressed her arse, he then fingered her arse crack and her cunt. Next, he dragged his cock down her arse crack before holding it against her cunt lips and easing in.

Tony put his hands on Sharon's hips as he thrust hard, with deep strokes.

"Yes, yes big boy, fuck me," encouraged Sharon, swaying her arse.

Tony did as instructed, now thrusting harder and faster.

"Fuck, fuck, fucking hell, oh fuck," screamed Sharon as one more orgasm was added to her tally over the last forty-four hours or so.

Tony wanted a big finish to his fucking, and he had Sharon cumming one more time before he ejaculated yet again.

They remained in position, Sharon bent over and Tony's cock still in her, before Tony withdrew and wiped his sticky penis across Sharon's arse cheeks. They then went and showered, and then put some clothes on for the first time since clothes came off on Wednesday night.

"Do you think that we will ever do this again?" asked Tony, elated but sad at the same time.

"I don't know, but it has been truly wonderful," replied Sharon.

They promised to stay in touch, both knowing that the other would have other sex partners in the future, before they had a long loving kiss, and Tony departed.

Sharon slumped in a chair, she had been well-fucked. Tony drove home, he had just had two days and two nights of what seemed like almost continuous sex.

None of this would have happened if Tony's fiancee had not broken off their engagement or had accompanied him on the Scottish coach tour just over a month before. It would not have happened if Sharon was still working with and getting fucked by her married lover, but his wife discovering the affair and getting the coach company management to agree that they would not work together again, made Sharon sexually available.

Whether Tony and Sharon ever got together again was uncertain, but the sex had been great for both of them. It was sex, they were not falling in love with each other although sometimes the sex was loving.

Written by PJH
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