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The Tour Guide - Part 3

"Day three of the coach tour in Scotland, with another evening of sex between the tour guide and a younger male passenger in prospect."

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Coach tour guide Sharon Jefferson, aged fifty-two, was on a five-day/four-night trip to Scotland and with two nights still to go, it had been sexually pleasing for her.

She had not been very happy going into the trip because an affair that she had been having with a coach driver from the company, Dave Trinder, had been halted by the company changing working schedules so that she and Dave no longer travelled together.

Although the affair had been common knowledge within the company, it was when Dave's wife, Lisa, found out about it that it became a major issue. Lisa had contacted the company management and had initially demanded Sharon be sacked, but when it was explained to her that there were no grounds for doing that, she accepted the guarantee that her husband and his lover would not work together again.

Sharon had now been paired with a female driver, Clare Murdoch, and neither woman liked the other, but they were both professional enough not to let their mutual dislike become obvious to the coach passengers.

Sharon, who very much liked sex, went on the trip assuming that she would not get any, but she had been pleasantly surprised.

On her first night in Scotland, she had been fucked by a barman from the hotel in which they were staying, a twenty-something named Andrew, and the second evening, after some heavy flirting, she had had sex with a passenger from the coach, thirty-something Tony Fuller.

More fucking with Tony was planned for the third evening, with maybe more again on the fourth one.

Sharon had occasionally had sex with passengers before, but whilst she was getting almost nightly fucking by Dave whilst away on trips, she was well catered for. It was not approved of for tour personnel to become too friendly with passengers, certainly not in the way that Sharon did, but it was not prohibited as such.

Before the next sex, there was a day out in the wonderful landscape to be had; the weather was again good. Weather conditions in Scotland were changeable, but everything looked so much more spectacular with the sun shining.

Tony had given Sharon a good spanking in between the two fucks that they had had the previous evening, and Sharon was reminded of the spanking when she sat her sizeable arse down to have breakfast with Clare.

Tony was seated for his breakfast with other coach passengers, two of whom had teased him about the way he was dressed the previous evening. Tony had come down for his evening meal with his black shirt mostly unbuttoned and a gold medallion on display. One of the passengers, Peter, had dubbed him John Travolta.

Peter's wife Jane had asked Tony if he was going to do a demonstration of disco dancing.

Peter had asked Tony if he was going to the bar for a pint after the meal, and Tony had indicated that he might, although all that was on his mind was the visit of Sharon Jefferson to his hotel room. Tony did not go down to the bar after his sex with Sharon, but he expected to be quizzed about his non-appearance when he sat down for breakfast.

"You decided against coming down for a pint last night, then?" said Peter, not unexpectedly.

"Busy disco dancing in your room, were you?" laughed Jane.

"Ha, no, I did think of coming down but decided not to," said Tony, not mentioning his sex session with the tour guide.

Sharon and Tony had not yet set eyes upon each other this morning, but both had the sense to know that they would have to play things cool whilst with everyone, despite both wishing that they could get down to more fucking.

The first time they saw each other was when Tony boarded the coach, along with the other passengers.

"Morning," smiled Sharon to each passenger as they got onboard, but her eyes really flashed when Tony got on.

"Morning, Sharon," said Tony, wishing that he could kiss the tour guide. He would do that plenty of times later.

Clare drove off from the hotel. They would be back for an evening meal and one more night, and headed out into the wilds of the Scottish countryside. Sharon spoke on the microphone about local history and named the various lochs and glens. After about one hour of driving, Clare pulled over for a photo stop. Tony thought that he might get the chance to speak to Sharon.

They had spoken for just about the first time at a photo stop the previous day, and that had led to flirting and fucking.

Sharon was standing a little bit away from the coach, looking at the mountains, and Tony walked up beside her. He had to fight the urge to caress her arse, his hand very tempted to stroke the curves.

"How are you today?" Tony asked Sharon.

"Very, very good; how about you?" replied Sharon, looking at Tony's face and wishing that they could kiss.

"Yeah, great, yesterday evening was amazing," said Tony.

"It was, and I am looking forward to more this evening," said Sharon.

"Me too," said Tony.

Just then, another passenger called to Sharon because she wanted to ask her something about the mountain that was being photographed, so Sharon had to move away from Tony.

"See ya later," smiled Sharon, as she left him.

"Oh, yeah," replied Tony, his cock stiffening as he looked at her arse in a tight uniform skirt, an arse that he had spanked, and wanted to spend more time studying later.

After a while, everyone got back onto the coach, Tony and Sharon smiling at each other. The next stop was due to be a lunch stop in a village.

After travelling through more spectacular scenery, they reached their lunch stop. Again, Sharon and Tony could not give each other the attention that they would like to.

There was an hour to be spent in the village, and most passengers headed for one of the two cafes for a coffee and something to eat. Tony decided to have a wander around.

"Not going for a coffee then," said a female voice next to him, as Tony gazed into a gift shop window.

"No, just having a look around," replied Tony, longing to put his lips on Sharon's.

"There is a little river just down the side. Do you fancy having a look?" said Sharon, knowing that Clare and almost all of the coach party were elsewhere.

"Anywhere with you," said Tony, and he followed Sharon down a side street.

They reached the river, and a few people were wandering around, but a quick check indicated that there was nobody from the coach there. Sharon dragged Tony behind a tree, and they had a snog, Tony's hands going automatically to Sharon's arse as his penis hardened.

"Mmmm, such a pity that we have to stop there," said Sharon, her eyes ablaze.

"Yeah, I am longing to fuck you again," replied Tony.

"I am gagging for it, too," said Sharon.

"You are so hot," said Tony.

"We had better split up; are you going to have that erection all afternoon?" chuckled Sharon, feeling the bulge in Tony's trousers.

"Quite likely," answered Tony.

"Another walk in the hotel grounds after dinner?" asked Sharon.

"That would be good," replied Tony.

Sharon gave him another quick kiss and then went back up the side street and into the village. Tony followed shortly afterwards.

A special look was exchanged between Sharon and Tony when he boarded the coach at the end of the visit. His penis had softened, but thoughts of what was to come had it hardening again.

There was another photo stop in the afternoon but no direct contact between Sharon and Tony. It was then back to the hotel, and some packing had to be done because they would leave that hotel after breakfast the next morning.

Tony dressed more conservatively for dinner that evening, Jane asked him where John Travolta was.

The original plan the previous day was for Tony to buy Sharon a drink, but he had not actually done that yet.

Sharon, now in a T-shirt and jeans, was in the hotel foyer when Tony came out of the restaurant area after the meal. When she knew that Tony had seen her, she walked out of the hotel and into the grounds; Tony hung about in the foyer for a while before following.

Tony was not surprised to see Sharon standing at the edge of the wooded area, and she entered the woods as Tony walked in that direction. They were both getting very sexually aroused.

Tony caught up with Sharon a little way into the woods, and the inevitable snogging and groping ensued.

It briefly crossed Sharon's mind to get Tony's cock out of his trousers right there and wank him to ejaculation, but there was a chance of getting caught, and also it would be a waste of spunk.

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They walked deeper into the woods, with Tony keeping his hand on Sharon's backside as they walked.

There were further stops for kissing, but the bed in Tony's room was awaiting them.

"Shall we go get naked?" asked Sharon, already knowing the answer.

"Ready when you are," replied Tony.

There was a brief moment of concern when voices were heard approaching, but the approaching couple took a different path. As with the previous evening, Tony and Sharon split up before they left the woods, with Tony reentering the hotel to go to his room to await Sharon.

He decided to save her the trouble of taking his clothes off, so he got himself naked. His penis was stiff in anticipation.

A few minutes later, there was a tap on Tony's door. He opened it slightly and stood back; it would have been a bit embarrassing if it had not been Sharon.

Sharon walked in and was surprised and delighted to see Tony naked and with an almost fully erect cock. A cock that her hand went to as soon as she had closed the door.

"I see that you are dressed appropriately," said Sharon, before putting her lips on Tony's.

Tony undid Sharon's jeans as they kissed, and by the time the kissing stopped, he had lowered her jeans and also her knickers. Tony's fingers entered Sharon's vagina, as she wanked his cock.

"I think you have too many clothes on, Sharon," said Tony, removing the older woman's T-shirt and then bra.

"Might as well go all the way," said Sharon, taking off her already lowered jeans and knickers and joining Tony in being naked.

They snogged, each pawing the other's backside as their bodies pressed together.

They made their way to the bed, but Sharon took charge, laying Tony on his back. She then lowered her cunt onto his face as she took his erection in her right hand and fed it into her mouth. Tony immediately started licking Sharon's wet cunt as she wanked and sucked his cock.

Sharon ground herself on Tony's face as his tongue drove her wild, her head bobbing up and down as she sucked his erection. The sixty-nine went on and on.

Tony's ex-fiancee had been quite good at cock sucking, but this woman was better, her right hand adding to Tony's arousal. Tony was lapping at Sharon and having her very close to cumming. He knew that if Sharon did what she was doing to him for much longer, he would ejaculate, but any thoughts of him trying to warn her were stifled by Sharon cumming on his face.

Sharon sensed that Tony was close, and the speed of her sucking and wanking increased. Sharon was still cumming on Tony's face when she took spurt after spurt of Tony's spunk in her mouth. Sharon kept sucking until Tony was drained.

Sharon rolled off and flipped her body around so that they were face to face.

"That was fun," smiled Sharon, a trickle of Tony's semen running out of the corner of her mouth.

"It was," replied Tony, his face sticky with Sharon's cum.

Sharon got on top of Tony again, but this time face to face, and they kissed as Tony's hands caressed Sharon's buttocks.

"A different hotel tomorrow night," said Sharon, with the next day being the last full day of the holiday.

"Yeah, same arrangement in the evening, though, I hope," said Tony.

"Not fed up with me yet, then?" smiled Sharon.

"Fuck no, meeting you has been amazing," replied Tony.

"It has been quite good for me, too," giggled Sharon.

"We are not done for tonight yet, are we?" said Tony.

"Nope, we are going to fuck, but there is no hurry unless there is somewhere else that you would like to be," replied Sharon.

"There is nowhere that I would rather be than on a bed with you," said Tony, still running his hands over Sharon's large arse.

"Then this is where we will be for the next hour or so," said Sharon.

They remained in that position for a while before Sharon rolled off. Tony then handled Sharon's tits and then licked her nipples. He kissed her stomach and then moved lower and kissed her thighs. Tony's cock was stiffening, but not rigid yet.

Tony then rolled Sharon onto her front and kissed all over her buttocks. Sharon squirmed as her sexual excitement built. Tony then slid one finger, and then two up and down Sharon's arse crack, as Sharon swayed her hips.

"I hope that you are going to be able to fuck me because you are turning me on so much," said Sharon.

"What do you think," said Tony, moving so that his now fully erect penis prodded Sharon's buttocks.

"Mmmm, I think that you are going to fuck me good," said Sharon.

"That is the plan," said Tony, moving again so that his face was back at Sharon's arse, and his tongue entering her arse crack.

"Oh fuck, yes," breathed Sharon, as Tony's tongue teased her arsehole.

Having established that Sharon seemed to like having her anus tongued, Tony continued.

Sharon raised her arse in the air, offering it to Tony's mouth. Tony had had a lot of experience of rimming his ex-fiancee, sex was never their problem, and he was now driving Sharon crazy.

"Don't stop. don't stop, going to cum, oh fuck," panted Sharon into the bedclothes. Tony kept tonguing until she stopped cumming, he usually followed the licking of his ex-fiancee's arse with a fucking from behind, and that seemed very appropriate now.

That was fine with Sharon, and she stayed with her arse in the air as Tony put his penis to her vagina entrance and slid in.

Tony put his hands on Sharon's hips as he thrust hard and fast. His penis moved rapidly in and out of Sharon's cunt, and they were both breathing heavily and grunting.

"Shit, fuck, so good," said Sharon, as she got fucked towards another orgasm.

Having already ejaculated in Sharon's mouth, Tony was not sure how long he would last, but he was not showing any signs of spunking yet as his cock slid in and out of Sharon's hot cunt.

"Oh, oh, oh!" wailed Sharon, as she came again, and Tony was feeling great because he was currently thinking that he could go on forever.

"Get on your back," said Tony breathlessly, as he withdrew, and Sharon was not going to argue, as it meant more fucking.

Sharon got on her back, legs raised, and Tony slid back in, and the fucking recommenced.

Sharon locked her legs behind Tony's back as the shafting continued.

"Mmmm, shit!" shouted Sharon as she came again, but Tony was now realising that he would not be able to go on forever.

When his ejaculation arrived, it did so so suddenly that it took him by surprise.

Tony groaned as he spurted spunk into Sharon, making her cum again.

They had a long kiss as their bodies slowly came down from their exertions.

"Memorable," said Sharon, softly.

"This holiday always will be for me," said Tony.

"Yeah, wonderful scenery," smiled Sharon, as Tony's penis started to soften inside her.

"Certainly is," said Tony, looking at Sharon's sweaty and attractive face.

"Can I have a shower before I go to my room?" asked Sharon.

"Can I watch?" responded Tony.

"Of course," laughed Sharon.

Tony got off her, and they went into the bathroom. Tony watched Sharon shower and insisted on drying her, paying particular attention to her tits and buttocks.

Tony was actually aroused again, but more sex was not really possible, not least because of the time because breakfast was quite early, and Sharon and Clare had to get the luggage on the coach before then.

They had another long kiss before Sharon got dressed. She was about to open the door to leave when she heard voices in the corridor. She waited until a nearby door opened and then closed before slowly opening Tony's door and looking both ways up and down the corridor. Tony felt her arse as she did that.

With nobody in sight, she left and headed for her room. She did see Peter and Jane from the coach on the stairs, and they acknowledged each other, but the couple gave no thought as to where Sharon was coming from.

There was one more day and night of the trip still to come, with the journey South and home the day after that.

With the weather being good, everyone on the trip was having a good time, but for one passenger and the tour guide, it was better than good.

Written by PJH
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