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The Tour Guide

"A female coach tour guide has had her sex life disrupted, but things turn out okay."

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Sharon Jefferson was not particularly happy at the moment.

She was a fifty-two-year-old divorcee, who worked as a tour guide for a coach company that mostly worked within the UK, with occasional tours to Europe.

It was not her job that she was unhappy about, as such, but more because she had been split from the coach driver that she normally travelled with. She had spent most nights in the various hotels that she stayed in in the last few weeks, getting fucked by the driver, forty-year-old Dave Trinder, but Dave's wife had now found out what most staff at the coach company already knew.

After a showdown with her husband, Lisa Trinder contacted the coach company's management and initially demanded that Sharon Jefferson be sacked. The company explained that they had no grounds to dismiss her, but did agree that Dave and Sharon would never be on the same tour again.

Almost as bad as being split from Dave was the fact that the new schedules had Sharon mostly working with Clare Murdoch as the driver, a woman that Sharon did not like. Clare had objected, because she liked Sharon about as much as Sharon liked her, but the company told Clare that this was how it would be. Clare, as did most of the employees, knew what had been going on between Sharon and Dave.

Before their first tour together, Clare decided to have a word with Sharon about their need to be professional for the sake of their passengers.

"Look, I don't suppose you are any happier about this than I am, but we must not let our feelings show to the passengers, okay?" said Clare.

"Yes, okay; you do your job and I will do mine," replied Sharon, wondering where her next fuck would come from.

The first trip was to Scotland and incorporated four nights in hotels. Sharon was good as a tour guide and Clare was good as a driver, so if they both kept their feelings under control, the holiday should go smoothly.

There were forty-five people booked on the trip with slightly more females than males. There was an age range going down from late sixties to early thirties and a quite high percentage of the passengers were married couples.

The trip north went well, Clare drove well and Sharon was informative on the microphone. They arrived at their hotel for the first night, luggage was unloaded and after freshening up, guests went down for their evening meal.

Sharon and Clare were at a table with a driver and courier from another coach company, a pair that Sharon had seen on the circuit before. Sharon wondered if they, Steve Pullman and Helen Fosker were fucking, as she and Dave used to, in fact, although both married, they were.

"No Dave this time then?" Helen asked Sharon, sort of semi-innocently because news of extramarital affairs or whatever soon became common knowledge between coach personnel who often came across each other.

"No, the company changed the rosters," replied Sharon, wondering if Helen was trying to be provocative.

"Still, I am sure that you and Clare make a great team," smiled Steve, thinking that he would like to give Sharon one if she was going short. Helen knew exactly what Steve was thinking, and kicked his ankle under the table.

Obviously, consumption of much alcohol was out of the question for the drivers and Clare went to her room very soon after the meal was finished, Sharon went to the bar area with Steve and Helen, now pretty convinced that the other two would have each other's clothes off as soon as they could reasonably leave Sharon.

Steve had one drink and then announced that he was leaving.

"Oh well, I am off to my room, see you at breakfast, ladies," said Steve, far from convincingly.

"Yeah, goodnight," said Sharon.

"Good night," said Helen, but neither she nor Steve had thrown Sharon off the scent.

"You go too, you know you want to," Sharon said to Helen after Steve had gone.

"In a little while," replied Helen, not that she had any reason to hide what she and Steve were doing from Sharon.

"I do understand, you know," smiled Sharon.

"Okay, if you are sure you don't mind," replied Helen.

"You could have gone when Steve went, have fun," smiled Sharon.

"Thanks, goodnight," said Helen, getting up and heading for a fucking.

"See you tomorrow," said Sharon, jealous of Helen. Not specifically jealous because of Steve, although she would not say no, but jealous that she was about to get cock.

Sharon went to the bar to get one more drink before she went to bed, alone.

"They left you on your own then," said the barman, probably aged in his late twenties. Sharon had not stayed at this hotel for a while, and he was not there then.

"Looks like it," said Sharon, thinking that the barman was quite hot.

"I don't think that I have seen you before, my name is Andrew," said the barman.

"I don't think you have seen me before either, I am Sharon," smiled the tour guide. Maybe the night might not be so bad after all.

"I was wondering if you might like some company later," smiled Andrew.

"You are not shy, are you?" grinned Sharon.

"Not when I see a sexy woman on her own," replied Andrew.

A cough from the other man working behind the bar got Andrew's attention, a couple was waiting to be served, so Andrew temporarily disappeared.

Andrew returned to Sharon who had now seated her quite large arse on a barstool.

"Now where were we?" said Andrew.

"I think that you were trying to get into my knickers," replied Sharon.

"I was, wasn't I? Was I being successful?" smirked Andrew.

"You were getting very close," answered Sharon.

"What room are you in?" asked Andrew.

"Three twelve," replied Sharon.

"I should be done here soon after eleven," said Andrew.

"I will be ready for you," smiled Sharon.

"I can hardly wait," said Andrew.

"Is your cock stiff?" smirked Sharon.

"Very," replied Andrew.

"Mmmm, that is how I want it when you are in my room," smiled the turned-on Sharon.

"Oh, it will be," said Andrew.

"Wonderful, see you later," said Sharon, finishing her drink and getting off the barstool.

Andrew's eyes were on Sharon's arse as she left the bar.

The bar was just about clear of customers by eleven o'clock, and Andrew and the other barman, Jamie, did the washing up and cashing up.

"Off you go then, you lucky bugger," said Jamie, who was about fifteen years older than Andrew, and married. It was not the first time that Jamie had become aware that his co-barman had successfully hit on a woman staying in the hotel.

Andrew actually lived in the hotel, with a room in the staff quarters which was close to the area where coach drivers and tour guides had their rooms.

Sharon had gone to her room, which was next door to Clare's, and had passed the room that Steve and Helen were noisily fucking in, making Sharon more wet than she already was.

Sharon had a shower and admired her naked body in the mirror, thinking that she looked quite hot for a fifty-two-year-old. Her tits sagged a bit but not much, and her arse was maybe too big but she had never had any complaints. Her hairy cunt was ready for action. She thought there was no point in getting dressed too much, but put her silk dressing gown over her fuck-anticipating body.

Sharon sat on her bed, watching the time. She had to fight to keep her fingers away from her tingling cunt. She was soon going to be fucked by a man not much more than half her age who she had not set eyes upon until about three hours earlier. The knock on the door that she had been longing for, arrived.

"Hey, come in," said Sharon, almost dragging Andrew into her room.

Andrew's mouth was on Sharon's and they had a probing tongue snog, the room door was not yet closed.

"Wow!" laughed Sharon, when the snogging broke.

Andrew pulled the cord on Sharon's gown, and parts of her naked body were exposed.

"Woah tiger, I had better close this door, don't you think?" chuckled Sharon, pushing her door shut. The bang woke Clare from her not-very-deep sleep that she had only just started.

The fucking in the room on the other side of Clare's had originally kept her awake. She thought that it was probably Steve and Helen, but was not sure. One person had recently left that room.

"Now let me at your stiff cock," said Sharon, undoing Andrew's barman's trousers.

"Stiff for you, Sharon," said Andrew, his first words since entering the room.

Sharon swiftly got Andrew's trousers and briefs lowered, and his erect penis in her hand.

"Oh yes, very stiff," said Sharon, wanking Andrew's cock.

"It is ready to give you a good fucking," said Andrew, fingering Sharon's cunt.

"Exactly what I need," said Sharon, removing Andrew's tie and undoing his shirt.

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They kissed again and Andrew's hands went inside Sharon's gown and onto her bare buttocks. Sharon slowly wanked Andrew's penis.

Sharon released Andrew's cock and pulled his trousers and briefs all of the way down. She helped him out of his shoes, socks and lower clothing. His erection was at her face level, and her lips soon encircled it.

"Oh fuck," breathed Andrew, his hand on Sharon's head as she sucked him.

Sharon licked and sucked Andrew's cock for a while, but it was time to fuck, so she took her mouth off his penis and got to her feet.

Andrew removed Sharon's gown and caressed her tits.

"Let's do it," said Sharon softly, taking Andrew's shirt off.

They moved to the bed, and Sharon was on her back and guiding Andrew's rigid cock into her wet cunt.

Andrew started thrusting hard and fast, he was giving Sharon a good fucking.

A couple of hours earlier, Clare Murdoch had a couple loudly fucking in the room to her right, now a couple, one of whom she knew must be Sharon Jefferson, were loudly fucking in the room to her left.

"Yes, yes, yes, cumming," yelled Sharon, not caring that she could probably be heard in the room next door.

Andrew kept fucking her and took her to two more climaxes before there was a shift of position and Sharon's large backside was raised. Sharon yelled through another orgasm, now accompanied by the bed loudly rocking. Clare covered her ears. She was no prude, but Sharon Jefferson was little better than a whore.

Andrew's penis slid rapidly in and out of Sharon's vagina as he fucked her from behind.

"Shit! Fucking shit!" screamed Sharon, as the younger man had her cumming again.

Andrew kept ramming her, but he was getting close to cumming. A few more thrusts and there was no stopping his spunk.

"Oh, fuckkkk," groaned Andrew, as he spurted into Sharon.

They slumped, the fucking completed.

Clare was aware that the sex had stopped, but did not know if it would resume. Facing Sharon in the morning would be difficult for her, although Sharon would probably not feel any embarrassment.

"That was so good," Sharon, lying on her front, said to Andrew, who had now withdrawn and was lying on his back.

"It was great," replied Andrew.

They both knew that it might be a one-time-only thing because Sharon's party were only at the hotel for one night and it might be some while before she returned to the hotel again.

"Baby, I don't want to rush you, but I had better get some sleep," said Sharon, after they had lay cuddling for a while.

"No, it is fine, thanks for the fuck," replied Andrew.

"No, I should thank you for the fuck," said Sharon.

"I will just clean myself a bit in the bathroom," said Andrew, looking at his cum coated cock and pubic hairs.

Andrew cleaned up and got dressed. They had a long kiss and then Andrew went to his room, which was not far away.

Sharon got into bed naked and well fucked, and soon fell asleep.

The atmosphere at the breakfast table was a bit strange with Clare feeling embarrassed when she was really the only one with no reason to.

"Did everyone sleep well?" asked Helen, happily.

"I did," said Steve, instantly.

"Me too," said Sharon.

"It took me a while to get settled," said Clare, which was true, mostly due to Helen and Steve fucking in the room to one side of her, and then Sharon and whoever fucking in the room to the other side.

The two drivers and two couriers said their goodbyes because their next destinations were different, although they would be in the same town as each other in two days, but not necessarily at the same time.

Clare and Sharon hardly spoke to each other away from the coach but the passengers would detect no fiction because once on the coach, they were fine with each other.

The weather was bright and sunny, the sort of day that made the spectacular scenery of The Highlands even more wonderful.

They pulled over for a photo stop in one of the many scenic glens and all the passengers were off the coach with cameras and phones snapping the views.

Although they have a list of the passengers along with the number of their coach seats that they have booked, drivers and tour guides rarely get to know any by name because of the rapid turnaround in tours.

Sharon was standing admiring the view when a passenger, one of the younger males on board, spoke to her.

"Wonderful isn't it?" said the man, who was probably in his mid-thirties.

"It is, I never get tired of seeing it," replied Sharon, who did like the Scottish trips.

"I have not been before, and this holiday was supposed to be with my fiancee, but she is not my fiancee anymore," said the man.

"Oh, sorry to hear that," said Sharon, thinking that the man was quite good-looking, but not thinking beyond that.

"Yeah, we had a big fallout and she cancelled her holiday, but I decided to come anyway," said the man.

"Not regretting it, are you?" asked Sharon, really looking at the man's face properly for the first time.

"A bit, especially at night," said the man, who had fancied Sharon since he first saw her the previous day.

"Oh, right," said Sharon, wondering if the man was thinking what she was now thinking.

"Can I buy you a drink at the hotel tonight, Sharon?" asked the man.

"That would be nice, um, I am sorry I don't...," said Sharon, realising that she had no idea of the man's name.

"Tony, it is Tony," replied the man.

"See ya later, Tony," smiled Sharon, thinking that maybe she had a fuck for the night and perhaps the next two after that.

"Oh yes," smiled Tony, whose holiday had just improved.

It was time to get back onto the coach and move on, but Sharon and Tony were both feeling particularly good about life.

The next stop was a lunch break in a small town, and they had two hours to kill Sharon knew that she could not be seen giving excessive attention to a passenger, unless the passenger needed help of some sort, but as the town was quite small, she knew that she would probably cross paths with Tony sometime within those two hours.

Sharon had a coffee and then wandered around the town, feeling more and more horny by the minute. She saw Tony enter a gift shop and went in there herself. She thought that he seemed to be up for more than a drink in the evening, and she decided to encourage him.

Tony was wandering around the shop but did not yet appear to have noticed Sharon, as he moved towards where she was, with her pretending not to know he was there, she decided to have some fun.

She could see his reflection and as he passed behind her she bent as if to look at something lower in the cabinet and thrust her arse against Tony's thigh.

"Oh, oh so sorry.., oh, it is you, Tony," said Sharon standing up and turning.

"Oh, hi Sharon, it is okay," replied Tony, who had actually been aware of her presence before he walked behind her.

"My arse is so big," said Sharon, getting damp between her legs.

"It felt fine to me," smiled Tony.

"Do you like feeling arses?" smirked Sharon.

"Arses like yours, I do," replied Tony.

There was little doubt that they were on course for a fuck, they would both like to fuck right there and then.

"Don't forget that you are buying me a drink later," said Sharon, with a sexy smile.

"I am thinking of little else," said Tony, aware that his penis was swelling in his underwear.

"Aren't you? I am," said Sharon, glancing down at the bulge in Tony's trousers.

Tony genuinely feared ejaculating into his boxers, he was so aroused. Tony said nothing.

"Back to work, I suppose," said Sharon, knowing that she had Tony hooked.

Tony was one of the first passengers back to the coach in the coach park, his erection had subsided a bit and he was grateful that he had not spunked, although he had leaked a bit of precum.

"Roll up for the mystery tour," said the smiling Sharon, as Tony boarded the coach.

"I wonder where it will end up," replied Tony.

"I have a pretty good idea," said Sharon. Anyone else who heard the conversation would have no idea of its meaning.

There was another stop for photographs, and then the coach arrived at the hotel that would be home for the next two nights.

Luggage was unloaded and passengers went to their rooms. Tony looked at the bed in his room on which or in which he expected to be fucking tour guide Sharon later.

Sharon went to her room, again next door to Clare's, looking forward to experiencing a different stiff cock later.

Sharon Jefferson had been split up from her married lover, Dave Trinder, but things were not so bad after all.

Written by PJH
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