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The Good Neighbor, Chapter 2

"Now that Christy is feeling better, it's time for her to return the favor!"

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Christy woke up the next morning feeling like her old self. Because of her fever, she had taken off her oversize t-shirt during the night and was only wearing her panties when she walked into the living room. Bill had already gotten up and was in the dining room enjoying a cup of coffee when Christy came around the corner.

"Uncle BILL!" she shrieked as she saw him and realized he had seen her. She quickly covered herself with her arms as best she could and ducked back around the corner. "W-what are you doing here?" she stammered from her hiding place around the corner.

"I'm sorry I surprised you, honey. I stayed here last night in case you needed help or got sick again. I figured it was just faster and easier than your having to call me," he said, just as embarrassed as she was about the situation.

"You slept on the couch... for me?" she asked.

"Yes, honey. I wanted to be sure you were all right. I wanted to be here in case you needed me again," he said.

Christy was touched by his sacrifice. Bill wasn't exactly a young man and sleeping on the couch had to be uncomfortable at best. Giving up his big soft bed to sleep on the couch with nothing but a thin blanket was very sweet of him. She came back around the corner into the dining room... and this time she wasn't covering herself!

"Uncle Bill, I want to thank you for helping me last night and for staying here with me all night until I felt better," she said.

"I'm happy to do it, sweetheart, are you feeling better now?" he asked, his eyes scanning the young beauty in front of him. He knew he shouldn't be looking at her like this, but he couldn't help himself.

"Mmm yes, much better," she said, walking slowly and provocatively towards him.

"Good. Now what do you want for breakfast, honey?" he asked, forcing himself to look down at the counter.

"You," she said with a naughty smirk.

Bill dropped the silverware he was carrying to the table. "WHAT?" he said, his mouth hanging open. 

By now she was standing right in front of him. She put her hands on either side of his cheeks. "I told you I want to thank you for helping me last night. It was so sweet and caring of you. You have been so good to us and now you made me feel much better. I want to make you feel good too," she said. 

She moved a bit closer and Bill put his hands on her waist just above her hips. He held her in place not letting her get closer but not pushing her away either. "W-what do you mean, Christy?" he stammered.

Christy giggled "Silly man! I mean I want to please you. I want to make you feel as good as you have made me feel. I know it's been a long time since you have felt a woman's touch and I want to help you remember what it's like."

"But we can't! What would your mother think?" he said, still stunned at this turn of events.

"Mom still thinks I'm a kid, she doesn't see me as the grown-up woman I am now. I think she doesn't want to admit it because that would mean she is older too. Mom doesn't need to know about this," Christy said.

"But, Christy..." he said trying to come up with another excuse.

"Bill, do you think I'm a woman?" she asked.

"Well, yes, but I'm like your father almost," he said.

"Yeah, you have been like a father to me, but the fact is you aren't my father. You aren't related to me in any way except a dear sweet friend. So it's perfectly fine for us to be together. Don't you think I'm pretty? Don't you want me?" she asked.

He looked into her soft green eyes and angelic face. He did want her. He hadn't admitted it to himself until then, but he did want her.

"Yes, Christy, I think you are very pretty," he said.

"I'm glad... you had me worried for a moment! And what about the second part? You didn't answer that question," she pressed him.

"The second part?" he stalled.

"Yes, I asked 'Do you want me'," she repeated.

Bill was painted into a corner. If he said no, it would crush this sweet young girl he had known for so long. If he said yes, it may lead to places he knew he shouldn't be going. And it was obvious she wasn't going to just let the question go.

He searched his brain for a way to get out of this dilemma until, finally, Christy got impatient and showed him.

She moved her hands down from his cheeks to take his wrists and move his hands up to her tits. She placed a hand on each of her womanly 34C tits and encouraged him to play with them.

She moved closer and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a deep passionate kiss. Bill was stiff, resisting for a moment, but at the first taste of her soft sweet lips, his willpower crumbled and he gave in to her female charms.

Bill took one hand from her tit and placed it at the small of her back, pulling her closer into his kiss. Christy moaned into his mouth as she felt him yield to her advances. Bill, now committed to some kind of action, broke their kiss after a few heated moments and began kissing her neck and working his way down to her collarbone.

"Ohhh, God, yes!" Christy moaned "Oh, I've wanted you for so long..."

Bill wanted her too if he was honest with himself. He had seen her grow from the pig-tailed little girl who always had her favorite teddy bear close at hand, to the cheerleading teenager who traded her teddy bear for boys, to the beautiful, desirable woman he held in his arms now.

And he felt that twinge of desire the moment Christy stepped off the plane. He hadn't realized until he saw here there at the airport how she had grown and blossomed into such an incredible woman.

This self-realization caused Bill to become lost in his own desire. He gave up trying to rationalize this and put away his moral compass. He was, after all, a man. A very lonely man in desperate need of female comfort. And Christy wanted to give him that comfort. She was offering herself to him without reservation wanting only to make him feel wanted again. 

He pulled his face from her and looked deep into those big green eyes. "Christy, honey, I do want you. I know it's wrong and that your mother trusted me to take care of you, but I can't help it. I want you," he said softly.

"Take me to bed Bill," she said. He swept her up into his arms and carried her to her bedroom. He lay her down on the bed and she moved to the center of it, waiting for him. She watched intently as he began to get undressed, her excitement building with each article of clothing he removed.

She groaned softly as he took off his shirt, seeing his well developed, muscular chest. She had seen him many times without a shirt, mowing the grass or doing some other outdoor work. But she never really paid much attention, it was just Uncle Bill working around the house. This time, however, he was in her bedroom about to take her... that changed her perspective immensely!

As he dropped his pants, Christy could see a very prominent bulge in his boxers and she bit her bottom lip in response. Bill saw her reaction and smiled inwardly then began to slowly lower his boxers, teasing her a little and building her suspense.

"Oh my God!" she gasped when he finally revealed the cause of the swelling. "Uncle Bill your cock is huge!" She crawled closer to the edge of the bed to take a better look. She reached out her hand to investigate but drew back when it twitched suddenly.

"It's okay honey, you can touch it," he said. She looked up at him for a moment then went ahead and wrapped her small hand around the meaty shaft. She began gently jacking him, marveling at his hardness as her hand moved up and down the thick cock. Bill moaned and closed his eyes, giving himself to the feeling of her gentle but erotic touch.

Christy heard his moan and it encouraged her further. She leaned forward and took his now hard cock in her mouth and began sucking him. Bill's eyes flew open as he felt her warm, wet mouth envelop him and his hand reached out to grab the back of her head, guiding her in her work. 

Christy gave her all to Bill's blowjob. She wasn't quite porn star quality, but she did her very best and he could tell she really wanted to please him. She sucked his cock like it was the breath of life itself, using her tongue to caress the sensitive underside of his shaft. 

Bill knew that in the heightened state he was in, he wouldn't last very long. He had to change things up or this would be over far too soon!

He stepped back from her and she looked up with a confused and almost hurt look on her face. "It's okay sweetheart, I just don't want this party to end too early!" he said. He moved her back to the center of the bed and crawled up between her spread legs. He knelt between her milky white thighs and stared down at the shaved bare pussy before him.

Christy had a beautiful peach, tight and neat with the meaty lips tucked inside and just the head of her clit peeking out a bit at the top. A few drops of moisture were all that hinted at the delights to be had inside. 

Bill wanted to get at those delights and using his fingers, he opened the young woman's labia. He deeply inhaled her feminine scent. His tongue flicked out and slid up her dripping slit. He let it flicker across her clit as he watched the moisture seep from between her lips.

The temptation was too great; he had to taste her. His tongue dove in deeper now, wriggling and burrowing in as deep as he could reach. Then it began squirming and writhing, searching out every fold and wrinkle where a drop of her sweet woman-honey might be hiding. He lapped up the flowing juices, drinking her in with relish, like a man who had been in the desert far too long.

He heard Christy moan and felt her ass rise to meet his face. Spreading her legs wider, he lay down between them continuing to lap at her drooling pussy like a thirsty puppy. 

Being more mature and experienced than Christy he sensed she was getting close to orgasm even before she knew it herself. In order to expedite her cumming, he slipped an index finger into her pussy palm up and curled the finger up to rub against the spongy pad of her g-spot.

Simultaneously, he sucked her clit into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. The combination proved too much for the young girl and screaming, she thrust her hips up towards his devouring mouth. 

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"Oh my God! Oh, Uncle Bill! oh... ohhhh FUUUCCKKK!" he ripped the scream from her lips as she came over and over again. Bill lapped and sucked her erupting cunt until she could take no more. She collapsed back on the bed moaning and rolling her head from side to side on her pillow. He knew to stop. 

"Are you okay, honey?" Bill asked in a worried tone. 

"Yes, Uncle Bill, I'm fine. In fact, I'm better than fine. You were amazing and I feel great! I want to make you feel great too Uncle Bill." 

"Oh, honey, you did. You made me feel wonderful" he told her. And he meant it–it had been some time since he had heard the sounds of absolute pleasure coming from a woman and knew he was the reason for the sounds.

"No, Uncle Bill, you know what I mean! I want to do that to you, too." 

"Yes honey, I know what you mean," he said, "But I don't think you realize how good you made me feel, then and now. Your Uncle Bill has been alone a very long time, sweetheart, and it's been ages since I have felt a woman's touch. I wasn't even sure I remembered how to please a woman.

"So when I heard your moans and whimpers it made me feel... well, like a man again. You have made me feel young and alive and not just something to use up more oxygen. You have given me back my manhood, sweetheart."

"Well, Uncle Bill, I want more. I want you to teach me the rest. Please teach me, Uncle Bill, teach me how to please you even better. Please?" she asked.

Bill, who had since moved up her body and was now hovering above her and level with her heaving tits, looked into the face of his dear young neighbor. He saw the need she had in her eyes, the pleading look on her face.

Playing around as they had and even the oral sex was one thing, but fucking would bring things to a whole new level. Lucy, Christy's mother, would be furious enough that he had taken advantage of her daughter when he was left it look out for her. If she found out they had actually fucked...

"I don't know honey, your mother would be livid if she found out we'd had sex... we've already crossed far too many lines!" he said.

"Oh please Uncle Bill! Please! I need you. I need to feel you inside me! Please, I won't tell anyone, I swear! Please, I need you to fuck me so bad!" she implored him. She reached up to pull at him, coaxing him to say yes, showing him how desperately she needed him.

 Bill needed her too. All this teasing and making out had gotten his cock painfully hard. He needed his release and soon.

"Okay, but this is just between you and I. If your mother ever found out about this..." he started to say.

"She won't! I promise, Uncle Bill!" Christy cut him off mid-sentence.

"If she did, I'm afraid I would have to move away and your mother would see to it we would never see each other again," he finished his sentence. He wanted her to understand the gravity of what they were about to do.

"Bill, I swear I will never tell a single soul about this. But we are both adults here and we are not related except as friends. We should be allowed to express how we feel about each other in whatever we want.

"I understand Mom left you 'in charge' and all that, but whether she wants to admit it or not, I am almost twenty years old and I am able to make my own decisions. And I decide I want to fuck!" she said boldly.

Bill grinned, "Well, in that case, never let it be said I refused a woman her desires!" he said. He moved up a bit until his raging cock was at the proper height and dropped his hips.

His cock, like a heat-seeking missile, knew just where to go and Christy gasped slightly as the tip slipped easily between her outer lips to rest right at the opening of her tunnel. He let it rest there momentarily and Christy looked up into his eyes.

"That's it, sweetheart, keep your eyes on mine. I want to watch you as I go inside," he said. She nodded her head and bit her bottom lip again in anticipation. He saw out of the corner of his eyes, Christy grab onto the headboard and get herself ready. She knew that he was a well-endowed man and she prepared herself to be stretched wide.

"Okay here we go," Bill said, and he began to push himself into her.

"Ohhh, Bill! Oh God, your cock feels so wonderful! Yes! Give it to me!" Christy moaned as she felt him opening her. His cock stretched her opening wide and she felt his cockhead splitting her in two. It wasn't a painful feeling, more like a stuffed to the limit feeling.

She loved feeling this way and had only experienced it a couple of times in the past with former boyfriends. But boyfriends come and go–Bill had been in her life for many years.

Bill pushed in deeper, amazed at how tight Christy's tunnel hugged him. It was like being wrapped in a warm, wet vise. He kept burrowing further into her and with every inch, the feeling got better and better.

Christy, too, was thoroughly enjoying this first entry, grinding her ass and arching her back to allow him easier access into her depths. She felt him go deeper than most of her past lovers and he still had more to give her.

Christy watched Bill's face, her eyes wide as he continued his journey. Now he was as deep as she had ever had before, only having experienced the awkward fumbling of high school boys trying to figure out how to fuck. She'd thought that they had big cocks until she saw Bill's weapon; now she was learning what a man's cock was like!

"Oh, God Bill! Oh, you're so deep... soo goood!" she moaned, She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled with her feet, wanting more of him. And he had more to give and he pushed harder and deeper into her. It was as if he was fucking her very soul now. He finally came to rest pushing on her cervix, as deep into her as he could safely go. 

"That's it, honey, I can't go any deeper without hurting you," he said. Christy reached her hand down and found he still had about a fingers-width left to go. She was a little disappointed that she hadn't taken all of him, but he assured her it was more than enough.

He let her get adjusted to his girth for a couple of moments, enjoying the tightness of her pussy walls himself. When he felt she was ready he said. "Okay honey, now I'm going to fuck you. I will start slow and easy but then I will speed up and fuck you faster," he said.

"Yes, Uncle Bill, I want you to fuck me hard! Don't worry, I won't break! I'm a big girl now, and I want a real big girl fucking!" she said.

Bill knew what she meant. He pulled slowly back until just the head of his cock remained inside her. Christy was surprised at how empty she felt as he pulled his cock back; it was not a good feeling and she missed the feeling of being full almost immediately.

"Uncle Bill!" she whimpered as the emptiness began to wash over her.

"It's all right honey, I'm here," he said, soothingly. He began to push back into her and she felt better. He expanded her walls once more and she relaxed a bit. He made another cycle of pulling out and pushing in, this time a bit faster, and she was slicked up enough to begin.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Mmmhmm" she responded, nodding her head.

"Okay, honey, I'm going to fuck you like a big girl now," he said. She held the headboard tighter, not exactly sure what to expect.

Bill pushed in fully this time at regular speed and without hesitation pulled back only to slam forward again. He began fucking her at regular speed and full depth, still watching her carefully in case she had troubles with his cock.

But she accepted him and seemed to be having the time of her life. He was fucking her now; not just poking at her, but really fucking her. Christy was taking everything he gave her, and wanting even more.

"Yes, Bill! Oh, God, this is amazing! Oh, fuck me! Fuck me harder! Ohhh, God!" she cried out.

Seeing that she was doing okay with what he was doing so far, he decided to try giving her more. He began fucking her hard, shoving into her with all he had now. He speared her deep and fast with his iron cock and he looked at her again.

Christy had gone, replaced by pure animal lust. Her eyes had glazed over her face contorted in a mask of raw sexual need, and her moans and whimpers had been reduced to incoherent babbling and grunts.

He fucked her as hard as he could plunging into her like he wanted to punch a hole in her. He wasn't holding anything back now and the sweat was dripping off him as he powered into her.

Christy was writhing and squirming under him in automatic responses to what he was doing. Her blonde hair was whipping around like a white tornado as she threw her head from side to side. She gripped the headboard until her knuckles were as white as her hair. 

Bill pounded into her over and over again relentless in his assault and Christy moaned and writhed and whimpered her encouragements. He kept pistoning in and out of her like some deranged oil drilling rig until at last, he struck oil.

"Oh, God, Bill! Oh, God, I'm cumming! I'm CUUUMMMINGGG!!" she shrieked. Just as quick as the sound came from her mouth, her pussy erupted in a fountain of pussy juice. She spewed her sweet nectar out, drenching him and herself and making a large wet stain on the bed below them.

She bucked and twisted under him, as much as she could, with his body covering her and restricting her movements. He wasn't actually laying on top of her, but his body was close enough to hers to hamper her and the restriction only served to heighten her experience.

As she went through the throes of her orgasm, her pussy clamped down on his cock milking him and urging him to join her in her ecstasy. Bill was close enough to his own release that he did; as she screamed out her passions he let fly with his addition to the melee. With a deep animalistic growl, his cock burst and he shot jet after hot steaming jet of white cum into her young pussy. 

After both had been completely drained, he fell on the bed next to her and put his arm around her. They lay there side by side, panting and sweat-drenched as they struggled to regain their composure.

After about twenty minutes, Christy turned to him "Thank you, Uncle Bill, thank you for taking such good care of me," she said. "I really like the way you babysit!"

Written by Master_Jonathan
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