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The Frustrated Muslim - Part 3

"Shazia responds to another reply to her advert, but this reply is not from a male"

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Fifty-five-year-old Pakistani Muslim Shazia Shah had recently placed an advertisement on a sex dating site seeking young males to cure her sexual frustration, and she had met and been well fucked by two young men, so far, as a result.

She had just got home from her fucking by the second of those young men, twenty-five-year-old Adam when she received a text from her first young lover, twenty-year-old Nathan.

The text was saying that Nathan would book a day off work if Shazia was up for a day of fucking, her sex life, which had been dormant apart from self-induced orgasms, was suddenly rampant. Shazia texted back to indicate that she was very much up for it, and for Nathan to let her know when.

She also had every intention of seeing Adam again for more sex with him.

Shazia was married and had been since she was twenty-one, but her sex life with her husband ended long ago and had never been pleasurable for Shazia anyway.

Shazia had had quite a few responses to her advert, although some were from men outside her stipulated age range of nineteen to twenty-nine. She did re-read the other responses, but none of them appealed to her.

She then saw that there was a new response, despite it being several days since the advertisement had been placed.

She opened it, but almost closed it straight away because it was from someone that was just about the complete opposite of what she had advertised for. She did, however, read it to the end, because she found it intriguing.

Dear Frustrated Muslim, I know that I am not what you are seeking but I would be grateful if you would read what I have to say because it might be to our mutual benefit. My name is Jayne and I am a sixty-year-old lesbian. I very much like the idea of bedding a mature Muslim woman, something that I have never done despite having had almost countless female lovers. I am also into corporal punishment and I own several canes, these have been put to use on my buttocks and/or on the buttocks of my lover of the time. If you have read this far, I thank you. Please contact me if you are interested in our meeting, I hope to hear from you. Xxx

Shazia was stunned by what she had just read, she had never had lesbian sex, and the idea had never occurred to her, but until a few days ago, the idea of sex with a male other than her husband had never occurred to her.

The woman that had messaged her was not only offering lesbian sex, but was also suggesting caning Shazia, and maybe Shazia caning her. Shazia had never been caned, although her mother had given her a severe spanking when she was eighteen. Adam had spanked her during their sexual encounter.

To her surprise, and also shame, Shazia found herself considering contacting the woman knowing that contacting her could lead to lesbian sex and maybe a caning.

As with considering replying to responses from males, Shazia gave this a lot of thought, but she certainly did not totally dismiss the idea of contacting the woman.

Nathan texted her to say that he had booked a day off work for six days from now, and several hours of great fucking were in prospect.

Shazia then found herself typing a reply to the woman.

Hello, I have given your message a lot of thought. I have no experience with lesbian sex and I have never been caned or administered a caning. I am, however, interested in discussing a meeting between us, although this is not a commitment to sex or corporal punishment. Shazia.

She got a response.

I understand my dear. Where would you like to meet? Would the local museum tomorrow morning be acceptable to you? We could chat and then you decide if you would like to come back to my house. Jayne.

That was fine with Shazia, somewhere neutral. She responded accordingly.

That would be fine, shall we say at ten in the morning? I think maybe we could meet just inside the main entrance. I will be wearing a burqa but I might well not be the only woman doing so, how will I identify you? Shazia.

Jayne replied.

Oh, a woman of mystery, I find that so exciting. I have quite long blonde but greying hair, rather large breasts and a big bottom. Shall we say that I will be wearing my red blouse and my tightest white trousers? Ten o'clock will be fine. See you then. Jayne. Xxx

Shazia got ready the next morning, she was even more nervous than she was before she met with Nathan and Adam, if she ended up having lesbian sex, that would be a brand new experience.

Although if pressed she would not be able to say why, Shazia put on a bra and panties under her burqa, unlike when she was naked underneath when meeting each of the two young men. She wore her niqab.

She went to the museum and stood just inside the main entrance, as with other meetings, she arrived early.

Her eyes fell on a mature woman standing not far away. The woman's hair was as Jayne had described her own and she wore a red blouse and white trousers, maybe Jayne had arrived early too.

Shazia decided to approach her, it seemed too much of a coincidence for her not to be Jayne.

"Excuse me, are you Jayne?" Shazia asked, nervously.

"I am indeed, and under that burqa, I assume that you are Shazia," smiled the woman.

"Yes, I am," answered Shazia, thinking that the woman was very attractive.

"Would you like to sit down to talk, or shall we wander around the museum?" asked Jayne.

"We could walk and talk, I think that I would be more comfortable doing that," replied Shazia.

They chatted generally for a few moments, as they walked, but then their reason for the meeting had to be discussed.

"Thank you for responding to my reply to your advert, I know that I am not what you were looking for," said Jayne.

"It took me a while to decide to respond to you, as you say, it was not what I was expecting," said Shazia.

"But my idea must have appealed to you, or you would not have replied," said Jayne.

"Not sure if it appealed to me, but I did find it intriguing," replied Shazia.

"So you have no experience of such things, no schoolgirl crush on a lady teacher or anything?" smiled Jayne.

"Ha, well, when I was seventeen there was one teacher... not sure it was a crush though," said Shazia, almost shyly.

"Did you imagine yourself in bed with her?" pressed Jayne.

"Well, I did wonder what she looked like naked," giggled Shazia.

"But nothing since...until now," said Jayne, confidently.

"What makes you think that I am thinking about you like that?" said Shazia.

"Although I can only see your eyes, they tell me that you are quite excited," said Jayne.

"Oh, is that so?" laughed Shazia, feeling relatively relaxed.

"I am right, aren't I?" asked Jayne, stopping her walking and looking right into Shazia's eyes.

"I am very nervous," said Shazia.

"But very tempted," said Jayne.

"Very," acknowledged Shazia.

"Would you like to go back to my house? still no commitment, I promise," said Jayne.

"Okay," replied Shazia.

Jayne led the way out of the museum, and for the first time, Shazia saw that she did indeed have a big bottom and that her white trousers were tight. Shazia felt ashamed and excited about looking at a female's backside, wondering what the next few hours held.

Shazia followed Jayne to her car, which was parked nearby.

"My house is a ten-minute drive away," said Jayne, aroused at the thought of finding out just what was under that burqa.

Shazia was silent as they drove, Jayne was anxious to try and relax her.

"So this teacher of yours that you wondered what she looked like naked, how old was she?" asked Jayne.

"I don't know, thirty-five maybe," answered Shazia.

"And obviously hot," said Jayne.

"I thought so, as did some of the other girls by what they said," replied Shazia, relaxing a bit.

"Was she gay?" asked Jayne, just wanting to keep Shazia talking about female-female sex.

"I don't know for sure, but that was what most of the girls seemed to think," said Shazia.

"I had sex with one of my teachers, one of my first lesbian experiences," announced Jayne.

"Wow, did you? wasn't that risky for and for you?" asked Shazia, finding herself strangely interested.

"Ha, well we had to make sure that we did not get caught, that is for sure" replied Jayne.

"How old were you, and she?" asked Shazia.

"I was eighteen, she was forty-something," answered Jayne, aroused by the memories, not that she was not aroused anyway.

"Naughty girl," teased Shazia, now very relaxed.

"I was naughty, I got three different canings from my headmistress, that was where my love of the cane came from," replied Jayne.

"But you did not get caned for lesbian sex with your teacher," said Shazia.

"No, we never got caught, but one of my canings was for being caught with my head between another girl's legs," answered Jayne.

"Shit, that must have been devastating getting caught," said Shazia.

"You could say that the other girl and I got nine strokes each on the bare bum," chuckled Jayne.

"But you enjoyed being caned," said Shazia.

"I think it was how I felt afterwards, rather than the caning that I enjoyed," said Jayne.

Jayne had managed to get Shazia thinking about and talking about lesbian sex and caning, they now arrived at Jayne's house.

"Welcome to my home, Shazia," said Jayne, as she opened the front door of her house.

"Thank you," said Shazia, back to being a bit nervous.

"Would you like a cup of tea or something?" asked Jayne, momentarily wondering how Shazia would drink anything whilst wearing her face covering.

"Um, yes please, tea please," replied Shazia, pleased that it looked like she had more time to make up her mind about going ahead with lesbian sex.

Shazia followed Jayne into her kitchen as the hostess put the kettle on. She had her back to Shazia, and the Pakistani woman was looking at Jayne's buttocks in her tight-fitting white trousers. Shazia knew that she had a big bottom, but Jayne's might even be bigger than hers.

Jayne left the kitchen with two cups of tea, milk and sugar on a tray, she gave Shazia a very sexy smile and Shazia felt her knees buckle a bit.

Jayne put the tray down on a coffee table, Shazia looked at Jayne's buttocks stretching her trousers as she bent forwards.

"Please sit on the sofa," said Jayne. Shazia sat, not knowing if she was to be there on her own or whether Jayne would join her.

"I will sit here unless you want me with you on the sofa," said Jayne, indicating an armchair, but giving Shazia the choice.

"Please join me," Shazia heard herself say, much to Jayne's delight.

Jayne sat her big arse down on the sofa, she was very close to Shazia, but not quite touching.

There was sexual tension in the air, Jayne was longing to make advances towards Shazia, and Shazia was fighting internally, part of her was longing for Jayne's advances, and part of her was apprehensive.

"Drink your tea, my dear," smiled Jayne, not sure if that would mean Shazia removing her face covering, but hoping that it did.

"I am going to remove my niqab, I do not have to but I will if you don't mind," said Shazia, after a moment of thought.

"I don't mind at all, whatever you are comfortable with," said Jayne, whose left hand was now on Shazia's right thigh.

Shazia, very conscious of the woman's hand resting on her thigh, removed her face covering.

"Oh, you are stunningly beautiful, my dear, your lips are so kissable," said Jayne.

A lovely smile spread over Shazia's face, "Are they?" she asked.

"Oh yes, may I?" asked Jayne, her eyes on Shazia's bright red lips.

"You may," replied Shazia.

Jayne took Shazia's head in her hands and softly kissed Shazia's lips. The kissing got much more passionate, and Jayne's tongue entered Shazia's mouth, one of Jayne's hands was now massaging Shazia's tits through her burqa.

The kissing stopped, and Jayne moved her head away from Shazia, both women smiled.

"Do you want to have sex with me, Shazia?" asked a highly excited Jayne.

"I have never...but yes," replied Shazia, equally turned on.

"Do you want to drink your tea first?" smirked Jayne.

"Only if you do," replied Shazia, her eyes now on Jayne's lips.

The women kissed again.

"Come with me," said Jayne, taking Shazia by the arm as they got off the sofa, the untouched cups of tea remained on the coffee table.

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Jayne released Shazia's arm but put her hand on the Muslim woman's arse, as she ushered her towards the stairs.

"I am so looking forward to seeing you naked," whispered Jayne, as they started to climb the stairs, her hand still on Shazia's backside.

"Jayne, you know that this is all new to me," said Shazia, heading towards her first-ever lesbian sex not long after she had had her first-ever extra-marital sex.

"You will be fine, Shazia, it will come naturally to you," reassured Jayne, as they reached the top of the stairs.

"I hope so, I would hate to disappoint you," said Shazia, again apprehensive.

"Shazia, you and I are going to give each other immense sexual pleasure, I don't doubt it," said Jayne, before kissing Shazia, and putting her hands on Shazia's arse. Shazia put her hands on Jayne's buttocks, as the women's tongues probed the other's mouth.

"Show me what you have hidden under there, Shazia," smiled Jayne delighted that she was about to take a mature woman's lesbian virginity.

Shazia nervously removed her burqa, leaving herself in just a bra and panties.

Shazia looked at Jayne's lustful eyes over her body, she put her hands behind her back as if to undo her bra.

"Allow me, I will take the rest off...slowly," said Jayne, her face showing sexual desire.

Jayne moved behind Shazia and unhooked her bra, Jayne slowly removed it and dropped it to the floor. Jayne put her hands around Shazia and cupped her tits, kissing Shazia's neck as she played with Shazia's rigid nipples.

"Oh," Shazia purred, her eyes closed as she savoured the feeling of having a woman play with her breasts.

Jayne softly kissed down Shazia's naked back, going from side to side, Shazia's body trembled. Her panties were getting increasingly wet.

Jayne kissed down to Shazia's lower back and then very slowly pulled her panties down, first revealing the top of Shazia's arse crack and then, eventually, a very shapely pair of buttocks.

Jayne kissed gently over both arse cheeks, Shazia's body trembled some more, as she got close to cumming.

"You have a truly wonderful bottom, Shazia," said Jayne, now caressing it.

"Thank you," Shazia croaked.

Shazia stepped out of her panties and was now naked.

"I will now pleasure you, my dear," said Jayne, standing and leading Shazia to the bed.

"Aren't you going to take your clothes off?" asked a disappointed-sounding Shazia.

"All in good time, my dear," said Jayne, laying Shazia on her back on the bed.

Jayne kissed her way up the insides of Shazia's legs, going from one leg to the other. By the time that Jayne was kissing her inner thighs, Shazia had her legs wide open almost begging for Jayne's mouth to ravage her cunt. Shazia was on the absolute edge of an orgasm.

Shazia's arse squirmed on the bed as Jayne's head moved between her legs. Jayne gently licked Shazia's cunt lips, and Shazia raised her arse, trying to force her cunt into Jayne's mouth.

Jayne could be cruel and tease her a bit, but she decided to let Shazia have the cum that she was longing for.

Jayne started tonguing in Shazia's cunt, and Shazia came with a shriek, "Oh yes! oh fuck!" she yelled, as she orgasmed.

Jayne kept licking, and also played with Shazia's clit, as Shazia bounced her arse on the bed as she rode out a series of orgasms.

"Welcome to lesbian sex, my dear," smiled Jayne when Shazia stopped cumming. Jayne's face was coated in Shazia's cum.

"Oh, that was wonderful," said Shazia.

"Yes, I thought that you were enjoying it; would you like me to take my clothes off now?" asked Jayne.

"Yes please," replied Shazia.

Jayne stood and slowly unbuttoned her blouse, her eyes on Shazia and loving the look of lust on Shazia's face.

Jayne removed her blouse and then teasingly turned her back on Shazia, as she undid her bra.

Jayne let her bra drop to the floor and then turned to let Shazia see her large pair of tits, Shazia licked her lips.

Jayne undid her trousers and then turned her back again as she slowly lowered them, showing Shazia her large arse in black knickers. Jayne bent over to step out of her trousers and then very, very slowly lowered her knickers to leave her arse bare. She stepped out of the knickers and joined Shazia on the bed.

The naked women kissed, and then their bodies writhed together. Jayne had told Shazia that things would come naturally to her, and she was right.

Shazia's fingers went to Jayne's wet cunt, a hairy cunt, unlike Shazia's.

Jayne manoeuvred them into a sixty-nine, and Shazia was tasting female sex juices for the first time, and loving it.

Both women came several times before they ended up face to face in a long loving kiss, tasting the cum that had entered each mouth.

"Are you glad that you decided to contact me?" smiled Jayne.

"Oh yes, this is so hot and sexy," replied Shazia.

"I would like you to cane me Shazia, will you please?" asked Jayne, who had not had a caning in almost a month.

"But I have never done such a thing," replied Shazia.

"Until a little while ago, you had never had lesbian sex, now look at you," laughed Jayne.

"Yes, that is true, and yes, I will cane you, Jayne," said Shazia, wondering if Jayne was going to suggest her feeling the cane and further wondering how she would react if the suggestion were made.

Jayne left the bedroom and returned with a whippy-looking cane, "As I told you, I have several canes but I want to feel this one across my buttocks today," said Jayne.

Jayne handed a slightly bemused Shazia the cane and put her elbows on the bed so that her large backside was raised, offered for the thrashing.

"I want you to give me twelve strokes, as hard as you can," said Jayne.

Shazia looked at the mature posterior, it was such a sexy sight, and Shazia was wet.

Shazia took a deep breath, raised the cane and CRACK she landed it on Jayne's arse.

"Hader than that, much harder," said Jayne, although Shazia had worried that she had done it too hard.

CRACK Shazia delivered a second stroke, this time with more force behind it.

"Harder, cane me harder," ordered Jayne.

Shazia took another deep breath, she noticed a couple of red lines appearing on Jayne's backside.

CRACK Shazia put almost all she could behind the third stroke, and it seemed to get Jayne's approval.

"Mmm, yes, much better," said Jayne, swaying her arse slightly.

Encouraged, Shazia slashed the cane down, each time producing a loud CRACK.

There were now several red lines on Jayne's behind, seven strokes had now been delivered, and Jayne was indicating that Shazia was doing well.

"Fuck, yes, just like that, oh fuck," said Jayne, her buttocks twitching.

Shazia landed three more strokes, and Jayne started to convulse.

"Jayne, Jayne, are you alright?" asked a concerned Shazia.

"Shit yes, I am fucking cumming," Jayne almost chuckled.

Shazia did not know if she was supposed to give the other two strokes or not, but Jayne gave her the answer.

"Two more, whip my arse," said the now breathless Jayne.

Shazia lashed Jayne's buttocks twice more, surprising herself with the power that she put behind the strokes.

"Fuck, oh fuck, yes, yes, thank you Shazia, thank you," said Jayne, still with her arse in the air. Now a very cane-marked arse.

Shazia put the cane down on the bed, she did not know what she had supposed to do with it.

Jayne slowly pushed herself up, her face was flushed but happy. She put her hands to her caned buttocks.

"That was wonderful once you got doing, thank you," said Jayne, taking her hands from her arse cheeks and taking Shazia's face in her hands and kissing her.

"Do you usually cum like that during a caning?" asked Shazia, still trying to absorb what had happened.

"I usually cum, but not always that violently," replied Jayne.

"Ha, I thought you were having a heart attack or something," laughed Shazia.

"I enjoy the canings, but I enjoy even more how I will feel in a little while with my arse stinging and my cunt tingling," said Jayne.

"Fascinating," said Shazia, because that seemed to be the right word.

"Do you want to find out what it feels like, Shazia?" asked Jayne.

"I could never take anything like you just have," replied Shazia, not dismissing the idea of receiving a caning.

"I could give you six, that would be enough for a first time," said Jayne, her hands again cupping her own caned buttocks.

"I don't know, I am not sure that I could even take six," said Shazia.

"Bend over like I did, please Shazia," said Jayne, picking up the cane, and with some authority in her voice.

Shazia hesitated for a moment, and then put her elbows on the bed, offering her arse for the cane.

Jayne thought that her guest might have needed a bit more persuading, but she was not going to let this opportunity pass.

CRACK the cane slashed across Shazia's bottom.

"Shit, fuck, oh fuck," yelled Shazia, jumping up and putting her hands on her buttocks.

"I did not say that it would not hurt, bend over," said Jayne, the cane quivering in her hand.

"It stings so much," said Shazia, still standing with her hands rubbing her arse cheeks.

"That is part of the enjoyment, bend over," said Jayne.

Shazia got in position but leapt up again clutching her backside after the second stroke lashed her.

Jayne did not speak but waited patiently for Shazia to rub her arse, moving her weight from one foot to the other, before again putting her elbows on the bed.

CRACK "Arghhh!" yelled Shazia, but to Jayne's surprise, she remained bent over.

The fourth stroke had Shazia sobbing, "Oh, oh, oh," she said softly, but still her arse was presented for the cane.

Jayne landed the fifth one across the tops of Shazia's thighs, Jayne knew that that one would sting particularly and she was not surprised when Shazia leapt up, her hands going to her rear.

"Oh fuck, it hurts so much, oh fuck," said Shazia, her face screwed in pain.

"One more to go," Jayne said softly.

After a short delay, Shazia got back down.

CRACK the final stroke whipped her buttocks, and Shazia jumped up.

She hobbled around the bedroom trying to massage the stinging out of her arse cheeks.

"Get face down on the bed, I will get some cooling cream for your poor bottom," said Jayne, not unkindly.

Shazia rubbed her cheeks some more, but by the time that Jayne returned she was face down on the bed, sobbing but feeling exhilarated.

"I am going to gently rub this cream on, okay?" said Jayne, kneeling on the bed next to Shazia's caned arse.

"Yes," said Shazia, weakly.

Jayne very gently rubbed some cream in, Shazia squirmed slightly, she was getting so turned on.

Jayne smiled to herself and then ran a finger slowly down Shazia's arse crack.

"Mmmm," murmured Shazia.

"I am now going to kiss your bottom," said Jayne, not waiting for any verbal response.

Jayne softly kissed Shazia's buttocks, and then took things a stage further.

She inserted her tongue in Shazia's arse crack, gently licking the length of it.

"Mmmm, oh, oh," mewed Shazia, swaying her arse.

"Those cane strokes are probably exciting your pussy now, mine certainly are," said Jayne, temporarily removing her face from Shazia's arse.

"Yes, yes, they are," agreed Shazia, as Jayne resumed the arse crack licking.

"Oh Jayne, oh Jayne, oh Jayne," Shazia suddenly said, humping the bed as she came with Jayne tonguing her arse.

A little while later, Jayne was cumming hard with a Muslim tongue teasing her arse crack.

The women made love again before it was time for Jayne to drop Shazia back in town.

Shazia Shah had experienced lesbian sex and a caned arse for the first time in her life, she fully expected to experience both again.

They got dressed and they both fidgeted in their car seats on the drive into town, their tingling arses exciting their cunts. Both Shazia and Jayne would masturbate as soon as they got a chance.

Shazia found herself wondering if her cane marks would still be visible when she met Nathan for their day of sex.

Her life had changed dramatically and was continuing to change dramatically.

Written by PJH
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