Forty-seven-year-old Cheryl Busby was standing watching the sun setting over the sea; it was particularly beautiful this evening. Cheryl's house was only two roads back from the sea, and she could watch the sunset from her bedroom window, but on a nice evening like this one, she liked to be outside watching the sun slowly disappear out to sea.
In some ways, it was sad for Cheryl, because it meant that she was coming to the end of another day unfulfilled. She could and probably would make herself cum later with one of her toys, but what she really craved was a good fucking.
She did not miss her ex-husband; he had left her for a young slut twenty-five years younger than himself, although Cheryl found it amusing when she heard that the slut had now dumped him. Cheryl was divorced, and glad to be rid of her ex.
Almost all of Cheryl's female friends were married, some more happily than others, and she had dated a bit, but not with too much success. She had gone to bed with one bloke a couple of times; it was sex but there was no magic, and it was nothing special.
One of her friends had fixed her up with a blind date, but that did not work out. It was not a disaster, but Cheryl and the male just did not click.
There was a man at the pub where Cheryl occasionally helped out in the bar that always hit on her; he was quite good-looking and might well be good in bed, but he was married and Cheryl did not want to mess about with married men, not yet anyway.
Cheryl was an attractive woman, probably very attractive; she was maybe a touch overweight, but having a big arse and large tits should not be a hindrance.
So Cheryl was watching the sun setting on another day.
The first thing that he noticed about her as he walked up the incline to the crest of the hill, was her arse. She was wearing white trousers, and from the slight angle that he was approaching, he could see both buttocks. The trousers were tight, and as she was standing with her feet crossed, it further enhanced the curve of her arse cheeks.
Nineteen-year-old Connor Sutch did not live in the town; he was staying at the holiday camp a few hundred yards further down the road, with a couple of mates. His two mates had pulled a couple of girls, so Connor had gone for a walk on his own.
He could probably have found a girl himself, but although he had fucked two or three girls of his age, he had a taste for the more mature female.
As he got closer to the pair of buttocks, the rest of the woman looked quite good too.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" said the young man, as he almost got alongside the woman.
"Um, yes, yes, it is," replied the woman, a bit startled to be taken from her thoughts.
The mature woman and the young man looked at each other for a moment.
"I am surprised that someone of your age notices things like nice sunsets," smiled the woman, thinking that this was one sexy hunk.
"Oh yeah, some of us notice all sorts of things," smiled the youth, thinking that the woman was hot.
"Do you live in town? If you do, you would have seen lots of these sunsets," said the woman.
"No, I am staying at the holiday camp with two mates," replied the young man.
"Do your mates not like sunsets?" smiled the woman; she was starting to feel strange in her stomach and a bit lower.
"Right now they are probably each fucking the chick that they picked up," answered the youth, bluntly.
"Oh, don't you like fucking chicks?" smirked the woman.
"I don't mind them, but I prefer fucking mature women," said the youth, really fancying the woman that he was chatting up.
"Oh, do you, now?" smiled the woman, turning slightly from the railing that she was leaning on to be more face-to-face with the youth. The youth got his first impression of the size of the woman's tits.
"Yeah, my first fuck was my mum's best friend," said the youth, both proudly and matter-of-factly.
"Does your mum know?" asked the woman.
"I don't think so, but I fancied her, and she fancied me, so we fucked," answered the youth.
"Just like that?" smiled the woman.
"Yeah, why not?" replied the youth, his cock stiff in his boxers.
"Why not, indeed. Have you fucked her since?" responded the woman.
"Yeah, a few times. Does your husband like sunsets?" asked the youth, surprising the woman with the change of tack.
"Ex-husband, but no, I don't think he noticed them; he noticed the little slut that he went off with though," said the woman, bitterly.
"He was a fool for leaving you," said the youth.
"Oh, thank you. Do you have a name, or should I call you Hunk?" said the woman, liking everything about the young man.
"You can call me Hunk if you want, but my name is Connor," replied the young man.
"Pleased to meet you, Connor, my name is Cheryl," responded the woman.
"Cheryl, that sounds so hot and sexy, it suits you," smiled Connor, and what a smile he had; Cheryl was hooked, if he wanted her.
"Thank you again, you are quite the charmer," smiled Cheryl.
There was a brief silence; they were both thinking the same thing, and both hoped that the other was on the same line of thought.
"The sun has almost gone down now," said Cheryl, glancing out over the sea, just for something to say.
"Yeah, but the light, the way it is throwing on your face right now is incredible," said Connor, longing to kiss the woman.
"Um, I don't know if you are interested, but I live close by," said Cheryl, also wanting to kiss the youth.
"I am very interested, Cheryl," said Connor, touching her hand, their first physical contact.
"Should you phone or text your mates in case they wonder where you are?" asked Cheryl, taking Connor's hand in hers.
"I will text them, they might be a bit too busy to answer the phone," replied Connor, gripping Chery's hand a bit tighter.
"Maybe tell them that you will be out all night, okay?" said Cheryl, longing to have this hunk in between her legs.
"Only one night? We go home the day after tomorrow," smiled Connor.
"Ha, well, tell them that you will be back in time to go home," replied Cheryl.
"Why does a gorgeous woman like you not have a boyfriend?" asked Connor.
"I have just got myself one for the next two nights, haven't I?" laughed Cheryl.
"Do you often pick lovers up at sunset?" asked Connor, semi-seriously.
"I think you picked me up, but no, I have not had a good fucking in a long time. I need one," replied Cheryl.
"I will give you more than one fucking," said Connor, and their lips met.
They snogged and caressed, oblivious to anyone passing by.
"Maybe stop at the pub on the way to my house, and get some condoms," said Cheryl, not wanting to risk pregnancy at her age.
"No need," said Connor, putting a hand in his pocket and pulling out a fistful of several packets of condoms.
"There should be enough there," laughed a very happy Cheryl, a Cheryl that was about to get the fucking that she craved.
They went hand in hand back towards Cheryl's house, twice stopping for long snogs and gropes. Cheryl loved the feeling of Connor's bulge pressing against her.
"You had better text your mates before we get too busy, and you forget," said Cheryl, just before they reached her house.
Connor typed a message and showed Cheryl before he sent it.
I have pulled this gorgeous mature woman and I am going to fuck her brains out. Don't expect to see me until it is time to go home.
Cheryl burst out laughing.
"Send it, then fuck my brains out," Cheryl giggled.
"Welcome to my home, Hunk," said Cheryl, as she unlocked her front door.
The door was hardly closed before they snogged again. Connor's hands were kneading Cheryl's buttocks as she ground herself against the lump in his jeans.
Cheryl fumbled with Connor's jeans; it had been a while since she had attempted to get a male's trousers down, and a very long time since she had been this desperate to see what was inside. She got Connor's jeans undone and lowered, and she lightly gripped the huge lump in his boxers.
"Oh fuck, you are huge," said Cheryl, trying to mentally compare the size of what she was fondling with her biggest toy.
Connor did not reply; he undid Cheryl's blouse and massaged her tits over her bra.
"Nice tits," said Connor.
"I have got to see it," said Cheryl, pulling down Connor's boxers and taking his erection in her hand.
"Shit!" breathed Cheryl, when she actually saw the size of the youth's weapon.
"It is for you, Cheryl," said Connor, before he took her head in his hands and put his lips on hers. This kiss started as tender but became more passionate, and their tongues probed.
"Mmmm, get those jeans and boxers off, grab some condoms, and follow me upstairs," said Cheryl, wanting to get on with the fucking.
Connor did as he was instructed; he rapidly removed his jeans and boxers and took a packet of rubbers from his jeans pocket, and went up the stairs as Cheryl's arse in her tight white trousers reached the top.
Cheryl was waiting for him at her bedroom door; she had such a sexy smile on her face. Cheryl gently took Connor's erection in her hand, and turned and led him into the room. Connor put a hand on Cheryl's backside.
Cheryl let go of Connor's cock and turned to face him again; she discarded her undone blouse and then undid her bra and tossed that aside. Connor put a hand on each tit, dropping his packet of condoms, before kissing Cheryl's breasts and tonguing her nipples. Cheryl's hand was back on Connor's penis.
Connor wanted Cheryl's trousers down, so he undid them, Cheryl again released Connor's cock, and she turned her back on him as Connor lowered her trousers. Cheryl's large arse in black knickers came into view. Connor was on his knees behind her, and he slowly pulled her knickers down, baring her gorgeous arse.
"A wonderful arse," said Connor, kissing and caressing Cheryl's buttocks.
"Thank you. Mmmm," responded Cheryl, her body tensing as the youth gently touched her arse cheeks.
Cheryl stepped out of the knickers that Connor had pulled down to her feet; she was now naked.
Cheryl turned, and her cunt was now at Connor's face. She had hair, and Connor liked that on a mature woman.
Connor put his hands on Cheryl's arse and kissed her groin, before gently licking her cunt lips.

"Oh fuck," breathed Cheryl, putting her hands on the youth's head. She wanted to fuck, but she was loving the foreplay.
Connor kissed and licked Cheryl's cunt lips some more; he did not attempt to lick inside.
Cheryl was shaking in arousal and anticipation of the fuck, but she was happy to let Connor take charge.
Connor stood, and Cheryl stripped him of his T-shirt before they kissed gently.
"Are you ready to fuck?" Connor asked, softly.
"Yes, please," replied Cheryl, who placed herself on the bed, legs spread.
Connor located the packet of condoms that he had dropped when he played with Cheryl's breasts, and he opened it.
Cheryl's eyes were on Connor's erection as the youth expertly pulled a rubber onto it; he had obviously done that before, thought Cheryl. Connor got onto the bed and his cock was at Cheryl's cunt, before he eased in.
"Oh yes, yes, fuck me, baby," Cheryl whispered.
Connor's condom-covered penis went deeper.
"Mmmm," purred Cheryl; she wiggled her arse a bit on the bed.
"Fuuuck!" said Cheryl, legs in the air, as she took Connor's full length.
Connor started fucking, slowly at first, for Cheryl to get accustomed to his size, before he increased the speed, with Cheryl moving in response.
This was so much better than her toy, Cheryl thought, as her first orgasm approached. When it arrived, it hit hard.
"Oh, oh, fuck, fucking hell, fuck," yelled Cheryl, a reaction not unlike Connor's mother's friend when she came.
Connor settled down to an even pace, not quite top speed but not far short, as they writhed together on the bed.
"Shit, cumming again, fuck," shouted Cheryl.
Connor made Cheryl cum loudly again before they had a position change. Connor withdrew, and Cheryl got onto her knees before Connor slid back in and commenced a from-behind fucking.
Cheryl was panting and sweating, as was Connor, and frequently cumming, as the shafting from behind went on and on.
This was an epic fucking; the youth was very good at pleasuring women.
On and on the fuck went, until Connor reached the point of no return and his spunk filled his condom.
"Shit, that was what I call a fucking," laughed Cheryl, slumped on her front on the bed, once she could talk.
"There are plenty of condoms left," said Connor, careful not to drip blobs of semen as he removed his rubber.
Cheryl licked his penis clean.
Cheryl squinted at the clock; it was almost on the dot of midnight.
"Well, if we fuck all night, all through tomorrow, and then through tomorrow night, how many condoms will be left then?" chuckled Cheryl.
"Good question, shall we try to find out?" grinned Connor, his cock stiffening again. He got off the bed and put another condom on the bedside cabinet, ready for use.
"Maybe you should go get all those condoms from downstairs," laughed Cheryl, half-jokingly.
"I might as well," said Connor, leaving the bedroom with Cheryl admiring his arse. Connor returned with a handful of packets of rubbers and placed them on the cabinet. Cheryl looked at the stack of packets and wondered how many times she would cum if all those got used; she decided that she would probably collapse through exhaustion first.
Cheryl decided to do some cock sucking, so she took Connor's now almost fully erect penis into her mouth. She soon changed position so that they were in a sixty-nine, and Connor was lapping at her cunt.
After some time spent orally exciting each other, Connor donned another condom and mounted Cheryl.
They had another long fuck, with Cheryl cumming frequently before Connor ejaculated into another rubber.
Cheryl got the just-filled condom after Connor had removed it, and fed the contents into her mouth. She did not do the same with the one that he spunked in earlier.
A third condom was put to use at about four in the morning, and it collected semen after another fucking session.
The couple fell asleep, and Connor opened his eyes at about nine in the morning to see the beautiful and sexy face of Cheryl smiling at him.
"Good morning, Hunk," said Cheryl.
"Good morning, you hot and sexy woman," replied Connor.
They moved their heads together and kissed tenderly, Cheryl's hand went to Connor's penis and Connor's fingers went to Cheryl's vagina.
Cheryl soon wanked Connor to erection, and his fingers got Cheryl wet. Connor twisted around to get another condom.
"No, let's do it without," said Cheryl.
"Are you sure?" asked Connor.
"Yes, unless you do not want to do it without," replied Cheryl.
"It is fine with me," said Connor, shifting, ready to enter Cheryl again.
Cheryl put her legs on Connor's shoulders, and the young man slid his cock into her cunt.
Connor did not attempt to go all the way in; instead, he started fucking Cheryl with short strokes, with only about half of his penis length in use. Doing this for a while was driving Cheryl crazy, partly because of the stimulation that it was giving her, but also because she wanted his full length.
Connor suddenly started fucking using his full length, and Cheryl came almost immediately.
"Fuck, you bastard, oh fuck, fuck," she shouted; she put her arms out at full length to her sides and she clawed at the bedclothes.
Connor had her cumming repeatedly, and then he was getting close. He thought that he had better make sure.
"I am going to cum, Cheryl, are you sure about this?" he asked, but his spunk was rising and she might not have time to answer.
"Yes, yes, cum in...holy fuck!" wailed Cheryl, as blasts of Connor's spunk splattered her cunt. It was a good job that she had not changed her mind.
Connor's ejaculation had Cheryl cumming again.
Their bodies eventually relaxed, and they decided to clean up a bit and have something to eat.
They showered, and then Cheryl put on a short dressing gown, and Connor put on his T-shirt. They went downstairs and had some breakfast.
"It is a nice day, it should be another nice sunset tonight," said Cheryl.
"Shall we go and watch it together, at the spot where we met?" asked Connor.
"Oh, you romantic," teased Cheryl.
"Yeah, and then we come back here and fuck," laughed Connor.
"Right on," giggled Cheryl.
It was now about noon, so it was only something like fifteen hours since they first met, but they had already had several fucks. There would be more fucking to come, but the next morning, Connor would be gone, probably forever.
Connor got a text from one of his mates.
How is your mature woman? Is she a good fuck?
Connor showed Cheryl the text, and she giggled. She watched Connor type his reply.
She is fine, and she is a great fuck.
Cheryl smiled at that. Another text came straight back.
Well, don't forget to get out of bed tomorrow morning, we leave at 09:30 and if you are not here, we go without you.
"They wouldn't go without you, would they?" asked Cheryl.
"I don't think so, but I had better be there by then," replied Connor.
"I will drop you off at the holiday camp," said Cheryl.
A bit later in the afternoon, Connor fucked Cheryl from behind with her bent over the back of the sofa with her short dressing gown pushed up her back.
Later still, they had something else to eat.
"Shall we go to the pub and have a quick drink, before watching the sunset?" asked Cheryl.
"Yeah, sounds good," replied Connor.
They had another shower and got dressed, Cheryl in the same white trousers as the previous evening, but a different blouse. She did not put any knickers on but did wear a bra.
As they walked to the pub, not the one that Cheryl sometimes worked in, Connor had his hand on Cheryl's arse.
"I am going to give you such a fucking later on," said Connor.
"You have already given me such a fucking, I don't know how many times I have cum, or you," said Cheryl.
"Um, let me see, um, I have cum three times in condoms, and twice without," said Connor.
"And it is not twenty-four hours yet, since we first met," marvelled Cheryl.
They had one drink in the pub and, as daylight was fading, went to the point where they had met and watched the sun setting over the sea. They kissed a lot, and Connor caressed Cheryl's arse a lot; they did not care what any passers-by thought.
Once the sun had gone down, they went back to Cheryl's house; they did not keep stopping to snog like the previous night.
They were soon in Cheryl's bedroom and naked, and Cheryl was on her front with Connor kissing and caressing her buttocks. They were then ready to fuck.
This fuck started from behind with Cheryl on her hands and knees; she came twice in that position.
Cheryl was then on her back, and Connor was fucking her hard and fast.
"Fucking hell, fucking hell," yelled Cheryl, as she had a further orgasm.
The mature woman had more cums, before Connor's penis discharged semen into her.
It was important that they did not oversleep, so Cheryl set her alarm clock.
They both slept a bit, and the alarm woke them.
Connor mounted Cheryl and gave her another satisfying fucking.
"Don't cum yet, pull out," Cheryl suddenly said, making Connor wonder what was wrong.
"I want you to cum in one of these. I want to keep some of your spunk as a souvenir," giggled Cheryl, getting a condom.
Connor fitted the condom, and Cheryl wanked him hard and fast; she shrieked with laughter as his semen spat into the rubber.
Cheryl tied the end of the condom; she had her souvenir spunk.
They both had a shower and then they got dressed and had some breakfast.
Cheryl drove Connor to the holiday camp.
"Thank you for some amazing fucking," said Cheryl.
"Thank you, you are so hot," replied Connor.
"Maybe one evening another young stud that likes sunsets will come along," smiled Cheryl.
"He will be very lucky if he does," said Connor.
They exchanged phone numbers, but never expected to meet again.
They had one last long kiss, and then Connor got out of the car.
It started with a mature woman, deep in thought, watching the sun setting over the sea, and then this young man came along. Several hours of great sex followed.