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Stacy’s Dad

"A young woman seduces her best friend’s father."

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Bella’s heart pounded as she rang the doorbell at her best friend Stacy’s house. This was it. It was finally going to happen! She’d expected to be nervous, but more than anything, she felt anticipation. As Stacy’s dad approached, she quickly adjusted her skirt.

He answered the door barefoot, wearing jeans and a concert T-shirt from ten years before she was born. As usual, she was struck by his good looks. He had a strong jaw, peppered with stubble. There was more gray than black in his hair, but he still had broad shoulders and a healthy physique.

“Hi, Mr. Johnson!” She smiled brightly, bouncing on her heels when he opened the door. He clearly struggled not to notice the way it made her boobs move under her shirt. She never wore a bra to Stacy’s house.

“Bella?” He looked confused. “Stacy’s not here. She and Flora are at their mom’s this week.”

“Oh.” She frowned, pretending to be disappointed, despite knowing perfectly well where Stacy was.

“What happened?” He sighed. “Did she get her dates mixed up again?”

“I guess so.” It was a lie, but a plausible one. Stacy was notorious for double-booking or forgetting about previous plans.

He looked sympathetic. Before he could say anything, she kept talking.

“I tried texting, but she didn’t answer. I figured her phone died again.” Another lie, also believable. Stacy lived life in the red zone of her battery.

“Yeah, that tracks.” He looked awkward. “Well, I’m sorry you had to come all this way…”

“Can I stay?” She blurted the question too loud and fast, and forced herself to take a breath. “It’s just, my mom’s new boyfriend is over. They were drinking when I left, and I kinda don’t want to be there right now.” This was a carefully calculated request. He’d never said anything, but the few times she’d talked about her mom, she’d gotten the distinct impression he didn’t think much of the way she behaved.

He hesitated, and she could almost see his thought process. She did spend the night here all the time, practically sleeping here more than at home. But this would be the first time Stacy wasn’t here, and he looked vaguely uncomfortable. He glanced over his shoulder into the living room, where she could see he’d just been sitting down in front of the TV with his dinner. He grimaced, looked back at her, and ran his hand through his hair.

“Please?” She bounced again, beaming at him. “I promise I won’t be any trouble. I’ll sleep in Stacy’s room, and I’ll leave in the morning. You’ll barely know I’m here.”

“Alright,” he sighed, opening the door for her. “Come on in.”

“Yay! Thanks, Mr. Johnson!” He stiffened as she threw her arms around his neck and pressed herself against his firm chest, withdrawing before he could react.

“Uh, yeah, don’t worry about it.” He cleared his throat and closed the door behind her. “And please, I’ve told you, call me Rich.”

“Okay, Rich,” she giggled, skipping up the stairs.

“Hey Bella?” He called after her, and she peeked back down the stairwell. “Do you need dinner?”

“No, thanks, I already ate.”

“Okay, make yourself at home. I’m starting a movie if you get bored.”

He turned away, and she forced herself to walk calmly down the hall, past the doors to Flora’s room, the bathroom, and Rich’s room. Stacy’s was at the end of the hall. She let herself in, shut the door, dropped her bag, and collapsed on the bed.

It worked! She pulled a pillow over her face to muffle a squeal, and laughed giddily. She was finally here alone with her best friend’s dad! He had no idea that she’d come here purposely while Stacy was away. Or that she’d been harboring a secret crush on him for years.

She’d always thought he was vaguely handsome, but her awareness of him as a man really blossomed one summer night, two years ago. She’d stayed over, and had trouble sleeping in the heat. After dozing fitfully, tossing and turning the whole time, she’d woken up tangled in the sheets, with a head full of fading and confusingly erotic dreams.

After visiting the bathroom, she’d noticed that his door wasn’t closed all the way. A dim light spilled into the hall, and she could barely hear a woman’s voice. Curious, she crept closer, and blushed when she realized the woman’s voice was crying out in pleasure. Peeking through the gap in the doorway, she saw the light was coming from a laptop on the bed playing pornography. Stacy’s dad—Rich, she corrected herself—had kicked all the covers off and was lying on his back, completely nude. He had his hand wrapped around his erect cock, slowly and firmly stroking the full length of it.

Bella’s breath had caught in her throat. She’d fooled around with a few guys at school, without much enthusiasm. They had no chill. Inevitably, they would rush to fondle her boobs, then try to push her head down to their twitching erections. If she let them go all the way, after only a few frantic thrusts, they would pull out and splatter sticky cum across her back or chest or face.

By contrast, Rich seemed to be in no hurry. His cock was much thicker than any of the boys from school, glistening slightly in the light from the laptop screen. Every few minutes he would groan, just on the edge of her hearing. His thighs and stomach muscles would tense, and he would lift his hips, as if thrusting into an imaginary woman riding him like a cowgirl.

Bella had watched in awe, and something awakened inside her. Her chest flushed, and a sudden heat bloomed between her legs. She watched his hand work the length of his shaft and imagined following it with her tongue. Every time he lifted his hips, she shivered, wishing she was sitting on top of him. Quietly, she reached into her shirt to pull on her nipples, hardly daring to breathe for fear he would notice her.

After what seemed like a very long time, his cock started pumping thick white spunk. She squeezed her thighs together and stared at it dripping over his fingers. A few minutes later, he closed the laptop and walked into his bathroom to clean up.

Bella returned to Stacy’s room and fell asleep with a hand down her shorts.

After that night, she’d studied him like a scientist discovering a new species. What did he like? How did he spend his time? One evening, while he was making dinner, she worked up the nerve to ever-so-casually ask him why he wasn’t dating anybody.

“That sounds exhausting!” He laughed. “Dating is a young man’s game. I wasn’t much good at it back when Jo and I were together, and I damn sure don’t have the patience for it now. Plus, I like being able to do my own thing.”

Stacy teased him, calling him a curmudgeon. They all laughed, but the thought of him puttering around an empty house when his kids weren’t there made her feel sad.

She became mildly obsessed. Whenever she stayed over, she was painfully aware of his presence. If they were in the same room, she was distracted. She never saw his door open again, though she regularly got up in the middle of the night to check.

When she thought about some of the things she’d done, she felt a bit ashamed. If given a chance, she would sneak into his room and go through his laundry basket, inhaling the musky smell of his clothes. She even stole one of his gym shirts. His scent faded, but for a time, it was her most treasured possession.

Once, when he took Stacy and Flora on vacation, they left her the keys and asked her to bring in the mail. She visited every day, and masturbated in his bed. She fantasized about him coming home and smelling her on the sheets, but on the last day she panicked and washed them.

For some time, she’d harbored a fantasy about being alone with him. She’d confess her feelings, and, overcome with desire, he would carry her straight to the bedroom. This daydream constantly filled her idle moments. It was a bad idea for so many reasons. It would never happen.

But what if it did? The more she thought about it, the harder it was to ignore.

She wasn’t in love or anything like that. No fantasies of marriage. Only a growing certainty that they should sleep together. That he could teach her things boys her age had no clue about. That she could rekindle something inside him. One magic night to soothe the sadness she was convinced he was hiding.

After her eighteenth birthday, she resolved to make it happen. He had grown to epic stature in her mind, the platonic ideal of a man. She yearned for him. Soon, she’d be heading off to college, starting the next chapter of her life. But she couldn’t move on without experiencing this. Experiencing him.

Now she was here, lying on Stacy’s bed, finally alone in the house with him! She bit her lip with excitement. All she had to do was get him to stop thinking of her as his daughter’s friend, and start thinking of her as a woman. Soft, warm, and eager for his touch.

Quickly, she peeled off her clothes and changed into a pair of sleep shorts and a lace-topped cami. Inspecting her reflection in the mirror, she tried to imagine how she would look through his eyes. Still too young. She undid her ponytail. Better. She rubbed her thumbs over her nipples until they stiffened, protruding through the thin fabric. Perfect.

Nearly bursting with excitement, she made herself walk slowly down the stairs. Rich looked up as she wandered into the living room. She kept her attention on her phone, carefully not looking to see if his eyes were on her chest.

“Whatcha watching?” She forced her voice to sound casual, even a bit bored.

“A vampire movie from the 90s. It’s just getting started if you want to watch.”

“Yeah, okay.” She dropped onto the couch, across from him. For several minutes, she scrolled her socials. If she acted too eager, he’d suspect something.

He finished his food, set his plate aside, and leaned back with a beer in his hand. She studied his body language from the corner of her eye. With his feet up on the coffee table, he looked relaxed, but she could sense his secret tension. Her presence without the usual intermediary of Stacy had left him unsettled.

Good. She flipped her hair back over her shoulder and set her phone aside. He sipped his beer. To all outward appearances, he was focused on the movie, but she could feel his attention on her.

“So, like, what’s her deal?” She gestured at the main character, giving him a chance to break the ice a bit.

“She’s the reincarnation of the vampire’s wife, who died tragically hundreds of years ago.”

She nodded, and pretended to pay attention. Slowly, she shifted from sitting up to leaning on the arm of the couch, with her legs tucked up beside her. After a bit, she made a show of yawning. Languidly, she stretched, reaching her legs out and “accidentally” touching him.

“Oops, sorry,” she giggled, pulling her legs back.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said stiffly.

Although her heart was pounding, she forced herself to wait patiently. Every time she moved, he glanced at her. She crossed her legs, and his eyes flicked in her direction. Uncrossed them a minute later, and he looked again. Time to escalate. 

She lay on her side, legs pulled up, head resting on the arm of the couch. She felt his gaze follow the curve of her ass, and quickly look away. It was working!

On the TV, the main character stirred in her sleep, as if aware of the vampire’s attention. Her restless movement tugged the thin sheet down, exposing the plunging neckline of her nightgown. She was clearly having erotic dreams, and the vampire struggled to control himself as she panted and arched her back.

With deliberate carelessness, Bella draped a leg over the back of the couch. He glanced her way, stiffened in surprise, and fixed his gaze on the TV. She bit her lip to keep from reacting. Her sleep shorts were a bit loose, and she wasn’t wearing any panties. With her legs spread like this, she’d just given him a glimpse of her bare pussy.

She risked a quick look in his direction. He had a white-knuckled grip on the beer bottle, reminding her of the way he held his cock that night. A surge of excitement flooded her system.

Several times over the next few minutes, he sneaked another peek, each time lingering just a little longer. She wished she could get away with reaching down to spread her lips for him, but that would be too much. If she pushed him too fast, he’d overreact and put a stop to things. At this point, everything she did had to remain deniable. Carelessly sultry, not seductive.

At last, he shifted his weight in a way that told her he was about to do something. Her heart pounded. What would he do? Was he going to adjust his position to get a better look at her? Maybe he needed to adjust his rapidly swelling cock? Or perhaps he couldn’t handle the temptation anymore and was about to lose control and climb on top of her? She shivered with anticipation.

“You, er, seem cold, Bella.” He set aside his beer, grabbed a blanket, and draped it over her legs, being careful not to actually touch her. A cold wave of disappointment crashed over her as he sat back down and fixed his attention on the TV.

Had she been imagining his lingering gaze? Perhaps he didn’t even see anything. Or he did, but he couldn’t stop seeing her as a young girl, awkwardly crashing his movie night. She felt foolish. This was a dumb idea. Why did she think this would work?

He’s a grown man, she reminded herself. No doubt he’s been with plenty of women. He wouldn’t be seduced by a simple glimpse of pussy. She’d behaved like a cat in heat and expected him to fall over with lust. Her cheeks burned. She wanted to run back to Stacy’s bed, cry herself to sleep, and sneak out in the morning before he woke up.

She was about to leave when she noticed him casually grab a pillow and put it on his lap. His movement was calm, relaxed even. But there was a noticeable tension in his posture. Almost as if he were trying to keep her from noticing something. The more she looked, the more convinced she became that if she reached under that pillow, she’d wrap her hand around a throbbing erection.

Oh! He didn’t cover her up because she was an awkward girl, he’d done it because she was having an effect on him. A primal, undeniable response to the sight of her body. She imagined swatting the pillow aside, climbing onto his lap, and rubbing against the bulge in his jeans. The plan was working! She had to keep going.

“You know, I am a little cold,” she said, sitting up and scooting closer to him. “Thanks, Rich.”

“Oh, um, sure,” he stammered as she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. “No problem.”

She was so excited, it was difficult to control her breathing. Rich was noticeably tense. She could practically feel his heartbeat pounding. He kept one hand pressed onto the pillow in his lap, carefully holding it in place. She wondered if the pressure from the pillow was making it harder.

In the movie, the main character had finally given into the vampire’s sensual advances. She walked into the moonlit garden, wearing only a thin nightgown. His lips met her neck, and she gasped in shock. Her bosom heaved as he eagerly sucked. When he finally released her, she moaned, with blood trickling from two perfect puncture wounds.

Rich shifted awkwardly, reaching under the pillow to adjust himself. Bella did the same, pulling the blanket up so he couldn’t see her sliding a hand into her shorts. She traced her fingers over her lips, sending a wave of sensation through her body.

“Sorry,” Rich mumbled, “I don’t remember this being quite so… explicit.”

“It’s okay,” Bella purred, “I don’t mind.”

They watched as the vampire mounted the young woman. He appeared bestial, snarling and growling as he rutted between her thighs. She moaned and writhed below him. It was astonishingly explicit. Had this really come out in theaters?

Unconsciously, Rich was pushing the pillow into his lap. Bella stared, imagining his cock straining against the soft padding. His eyes were locked on the screen, but she could tell he was alert to her every movement. She squirmed, rubbing the palm of her hand over her clit.

She felt his legs tense as he tried to resist thrusting into the pillow. Was he imagining the soft pressure was her ass? She stifled a gasp at the thought of him pulling her urgently into his lap and grinding against her. His breathing was becoming labored. His arm was stiff and unmoving as she leaned into him, inhaling his scent with her head on his shoulder.

The woman in the movie cried out with pleasure, and Bella released a soft moan. Her insides clenched, and without really intending to, she parted her lips, allowing her middle finger to slip between. She was already slick with excitement.

My god, was this really happening? She shivered as she slowly pushed inward. Rich was practically vibrating with tension. Did he know she was touching herself? Was his cock throbbing painfully because she was so close?

The vampire’s back arched as he thrust one final time into the young woman writhing beneath him. He shouted triumphantly at the moon, and fell upon her, burying his face in her neck. She cried out as he fed on her again.

Bella squeezed her thighs around her hand, struggling to control herself. It was all she could do not to throw the stupid pillow away and drop her head onto his lap. She imagined the sound he would make when she wrapped her lips around his cock. He would groan and throb on her tongue as she took him as deep as she could.

She struggled to slow her breathing, as the heat grew inside her. As discreetly as she could, she rocked her hips, thrusting against her palm and letting her finger curl deeper.

Although the movie had moved on from the explicit scene, Rich’s tension seemed to be growing. Some characters she didn’t recognize were having an intense conversation, but she couldn’t follow it. She knew he was hard, and it was becoming difficult to restrain herself. Was he also struggling for control? Did he know she was masturbating next to him?

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She imagined him jumping to his feet and tearing the blanket away. She would be completely exposed. He’d see her hand moving urgently inside her shorts. See her nipples poking through her top, tightly contracted and eager for his touch. Recognize the lust in her eyes, the undeniable hunger she felt for him. How would he react?

As badly as she wanted to find out, she realized she needed to stop. Letting him notice she was aroused during a sex scene in the movie was fine, but losing control wasn’t the plan. She intended to tease him all evening and see how he responded. Slowly work up to some perfect moment when she would confess her feelings, and he could admit he felt the same desire.

With great difficulty, she forced herself to sit up. Her breathing was shaky as she withdrew her finger, trying not to shiver. She licked her lips and blankly stared at the screen, trying to calm herself down and take things slowly.

Before she could decide her next move, Rich abruptly stood up, still holding the pillow, and faked an awkward stretch with one arm.

“You know, I’m really tired, and I’ve seen this movie before, so I’m gonna head to bed, but you go ahead and finish watching it, good night Bella,” he said all in a rush.

She watched as he awkwardly moved up the stairs, taking the pillow with him. A conflicting set of emotions struggled in her mind. On the one hand, triumph! He was clearly overwhelming aroused and fleeing the scene before he did something he thought he shouldn’t. She’d done that to him!

On the other hand, dismay. What could she do now? If she followed him to his room, he’d panic. How could she let him know it was okay to act on his desire? Could she somehow draw him back out? Maybe she should take a shower, and leave the door open? Would he peek? No, he wasn’t some horny teenage boy.

Frustrated, and distractingly aroused, she turned off the TV and went upstairs. Rich’s door was closed. She crept closer, hoping to hear something that might indicate he secretly wanted her to follow, but it was silent.

Annoyed, she returned to Stacy’s room and flopped on the bed. She was crackling with sexual energy. For a moment, she considered masturbating, but knew it would be disappointing. She didn’t want to touch herself, she wanted to touch Rich! She longed to walk in on him stroking his cock like before. To watch the expression on his face as she straddled him. To feel his girth fill her, until she came on top of him.

She jumped as a sudden clap of thunder shook the house and rain splattered against the window. A summer thunderstorm, relieving pent-up energy in the atmosphere. It must feel good, she sighed, to be able to release tension like that. She wondered if Rich was lying in his bed, just as frustrated as her, resisting the urge to masturbate to his daughter’s best friend.

The thunder boomed and rumbled overhead, as brief flashes of lightning illuminated the room. She huddled under Stacy’s blanket, feeling miserable. She’d always hated storms. As a child, she’d been terrified of thunder, and would run crying to her mom’s bed. It was the only place that felt safe.

When the idea came, it felt too silly to act on. There was no way it would work. The whole point of coming here was to get Rich to see her as a woman, with womanly needs. If she went and told him she was afraid of the thunder, she’d be leaning into his perception of her as a child. He’d never fuck her after that.

Ridiculous. But the more she thought about it, the harder it was to ignore. How else was she going to get past his closed door? Clearly, her attempts on the couch had failed. Whether too subtle or too overt, he’d been unable to move past thinking of her as a girl. Why not use it to her advantage? Once she was in his bed, anything could happen.

Quickly, before she could second-guess herself, she walked to his door. After the next peal of thunder, she knocked timidly on his door. Then, a moment later, knocked a bit more insistently.

“Rich?” She asked, allowing her voice to shake a bit.

“Bella?” He sounded confused. He walked to the door, opening it a crack. In the dim light, she could see he was only wearing a pair of boxers, and no shirt. “What’s going on?”

“I, um, I was just wondering if—Ah!” She squealed as another crack of thunder sounded. “I’m sorry, it’s just, I get really freaked out by thunder!” She let her eyes tear up.

“Oh,” he said, trying to keep his pelvis behind the door as he opened it a bit wider, clearly unsure how to respond. “Um, how can I…”

“I know it’s dumb, but can I sleep in here with you? I hate being alone during a storm.”

“Uh, I don’t know if that’s…”

Before he could finish, with the next rumble of thunder, she stepped forward and buried her face in his shoulder. He jumped, but instinctively wrapped his arms around her.

“Please,” she whispered, feeling his erection twitch against her hip.

“Um.” He hesitated, but she already knew he wouldn’t say no. “I guess so.”

“Thanks, Rich,” she said, holding the embrace just a moment longer than necessary, before pulling away and quickly climbing under his blankets.

He ran his hand through his hair, exhaled heavily, and got into bed beside her. He lay stiffly on his back, staring at the ceiling.

She faced away from him, mostly so he couldn’t see the excitement in her eyes. Despite there being plenty of room, she scooted close. Not touching, but so near that she imagined she could feel the heat from his skin on hers.

This was it! She was finally here, in bed with him. Her heart pounded with anticipation. He was still hard. She was lying next to the man she’d fantasized about so many times, and he was hard for her!

But he wasn’t moving. In fact, he seemed unnaturally still. Despite his arousal, he was afraid to move, afraid to touch her. How could she show him that she was here for him? That he didn’t need to be afraid? That she was soft and warm and so, so ready for him?

She wanted so badly to roll over and find him calmly and slowly stroking his cock again. It was all she’d ever wanted. But he would never do that, she knew. He would never take advantage of her. It was sweet, and safe, and part of the reason she adored him, but part of her wished he would do it anyway.

Just the idea sent a thrill down her back. She squeezed her breast, and tried not to moan as she imagined it was his large hand on her chest. Slowly, slowly, she slid her palm down her stomach, picturing his body behind hers, his chest pressed against her back as he reached under her waistband.

Her breath caught as she touched herself the way she imagined he would, tentatively, but with increasing firmness as she leaned into it. She wanted badly to spread her legs, to let him go further and feel the heat, the wetness waiting for him. A shiver rolled down her spine, so intense she wondered if he could feel it through the mattress.

She imagined him rolling her over and laying her head on his chest, to stare in awe as he stroked himself for her. She wanted to wrap her hand around the base, feeling his heartbeat in her grasp. He would make that quiet groan again, and lift his hips, thrusting into the air, desperate for her touch.

She exhaled softly, and brought her fingers to her mouth. Imagining it was him, she touched her tongue to her fingertips, tentatively exploring. In her mind, he moaned as she kissed the tip, flicking her tongue against the slit. Slowly, she pushed two fingers over her tongue, wishing it was him. She took him deeper, shivering at the thought of him filling her mouth.

“Bella, are you okay?”

“Um,” she swallowed, quickly pulling her fingers from her mouth. “Yeah!”

“It’s just,” he said softly. “I thought I heard you crying.”

“No,” she breathed guiltily. “I’m not.”

“Good, good,” he said hesitantly. Now that he knew she wasn’t crying, would he wonder about the wet sounds he’d heard?

“You’re sweet, Rich.” Quickly, she rolled over to face him. In the dim light, his eyes met hers. Could he see the arousal there? She placed a hand on his shoulder, surprised by her own boldness. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

“Of course,” he murmured, still unsure of the situation.

The thunder rolled again, louder than ever. She startled involuntarily, and seeing something encouraging in his eyes, moved closer. She laid her head on his shoulder, and draped her arm across his bare chest.

He didn’t stop her.

Together, they listened to the sound of heavy rain on the roof. He breathed deeply, slowly, and stared up at the ceiling. She could feel his heart pounding. He was hot to the touch. His arm was stuck awkwardly between them, and she could feel his hand under her hip. She inhaled his scent, dizzy with his closeness.

Her body was alive, every nerve ending screaming its awareness of his body. She felt his chest hair under her arm, and his stubble against her forehead. Her nipples were so tight, she was sure he could feel them poking his arm. His chest rose and fell with each steady breath. The heat between her thighs grew with each passing second.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly, she ran her hand down his torso. With every inch, he grew more tense. She held her breath, the spark of arousal now a blazing fire in her core. She wanted him. Craved him with every fiber of her being. There was no going back.

“Bella,” he gasped as she approached his waist.

“Rich,” she echoed, reaching lower.

“We can’t…”

“We can,” she purred, teasing her fingers over his straining shaft. “We really can.”

“Oh god!” He exhaled shakily as she pressed more firmly. “But… You’re…”

“A grown woman,” she answered, nuzzling his neck.

“I mean, I’m…” His cock throbbed under her hand, despite his protestations.

“A man I’ve wanted for a long time,” she moaned.

“That—oh!—doesn’t make it better!”

“This will,” she said, reaching into his boxers and wrapping her hand around him.

“Fuck,” he groaned, as she started stroking his cock the way she’d watched him do it.

She kissed his neck as he lifted his hips to thrust into her grasp. He took the hint, and finally rolled onto his side to face her, meeting her mouth with hunger. She wrapped both hands around his shaft, squeezing and pulling as he moved with her. His tongue darted into her mouth, and she gasped as he sucked on her bottom lip.

He reached one arm under her head, wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her closer. His other hand roughly grasped her chest, palm covering her nipple, which sent sparks of electricity shooting through her system. She moaned happily in his grasp, still amazed by the feel of his thick cock in her hands.

“Take off your boxers,” she gasped.

Quickly, he obeyed, rolling onto his back and peeling them off. He stared with naked lust as she removed her clothes. His cock twitched eagerly, but before she could lower her head to taste him, he grabbed her and pulled her chest to his face. She moaned, and braced herself on the headboard as he wrapped his lips around her nipples.

His tongue lashed in tight circles, and she cried out at the nearly overwhelming sensation. He pulled more and more of her breast into the heat of his mouth, and she felt a clenching in her core. She moaned and ran her fingers through his hair. Just when it was becoming too much, he switched to the other side, cupping the abandoned breast in the palm of his hand.

“Rich,” she moaned, “I want to taste you…”

“I want to taste you too,” he growled. Before she could say anything, he spun her around until she was lying on top of him, with his head between her thighs and her face over his cock. It throbbed and strained, reaching for her mouth.

A bit of creamy precum was already leaking out, and she eagerly licked it up, savoring the strongly masculine taste. She barely had time to part her lips around his head before she felt him begin exploring her.

His hands grabbed her ass, spreading her open in a way that felt shocking. She moaned around his cock as his lips met hers, and his tongue began excitedly tracing her folds. He licked up and down the length of her, parting her and pushing inside. She squirmed, bucking her hips, but he held her firmly in place, fingers digging into her cheeks.

She tried to focus on him, one hand braced on the mattress, and the other wrapped firmly around the base of his cock. He twitched against her tongue, and she swirled around his head, amazed at how excited she was to go down on him.

But a moment later, he reached deeper with his tongue, making her moan in surprise. His cock popped out of her mouth, slapping wetly against her cheek. She could only pant in astonishment as he licked and sucked and kissed her. When his tongue flicked her clit, she cried out, and desperately pulled his cock back in her mouth.

He groaned and lifted his hips to meet her. She gagged, pulled back, and tried to do it again. He pushed his tongue further, spreading her open, licking deeper and deeper. She felt his cock against the back of her throat, and tried to let him in, but he was too big.

Choking, she pulled him out, and lay her head on his hip, gasping as he sucked hard on her clit, his tongue moving in tiny circles. His hands held her locked in place, grinding her against his face. She felt a growing pressure and cried his name, which seemed to only encourage him.

Distractedly, she stroked his cock, licking the base and moaning with each pass of his tongue. He twitched and throbbed in her grasp, but never relented in his enthusiastic devouring of her pussy. Deep inside, a rhythmic contraction began, radiating outward, clenching again and again around his tongue, until she cried out with an astonishing flood of relief.

She went limp, releasing every muscle that she hadn’t realized she’d been tensing. Waves of pleasure washed over her, and he held her tightly through it, until she rolled onto her back, shivering with release.

“Oh! Oh, wow. Oh, Rich!” she panted.

She raised her head, and saw with a rush that he was urgently stroking his cock. His face was glistening with her wetness, and he stared at her with naked hunger in his eyes. Unlike the calm, firm strokes she’d seen him use before, he was now fucking his hand. Slick with her saliva, he lifted his hips with each stroke, staring at her, clearly imagining that he was burying himself in her.

“Can I get on top of you?” she whispered.

“Fuck yes,” he said, straining.

Shakily, she got to her knees and moved to straddle him. Their eyes locked as she wrapped her hand around him and positioned him at her entrance.

“Ohhh shit,” she breathed as she slowly lowered herself onto him.

“Fuck!” He grunted, trying to let her go at her own pace.

“Rich, you’re so big,” she moaned in astonishment.

He squeezed her thighs, unable to speak.

“Oh!” When she finally took him all the way, she paused, hand on her belly, savoring the way he filled her. “Oh wow.” He twitched inside, triggering a cascade of sensations. “Oh wow.”

Slowly, she started to lift herself up, then let herself drop. It was nearly overwhelming. Her clit felt like it was being rubbed from the inside. She ran her hands restlessly up and down her body, gasping in wonder. Gradually, she increased the pace.

Rich stared at her in awe as she bounced. He reached for her breasts, and she fell forward onto his hands, grabbing the headboard and rolling her hips against him. He trapped her nipples between his fingers and grunted as he started lifting his hips to meet her.

Each time he thrust into her, she cried out. All this time, she’d wanted this. From the first time she saw him touching himself, she’d imagined being the woman he was thrusting up into. Now it was happening, and her body was singing. It felt like they were made for each other, his cock perfectly crafted to fill her.

“Rich,” she gasped, feeling the pressure building again.

“Bella,” he groaned. “I’m gonna cum!”

“Oh yes! Do it!”

“Where?” he said through strained teeth.

“Inside!” Her pussy clenched.

“Can I?” He hesitated.

“Yeah, it’s safe,” she gasped, then moaned as his cock immediately started throbbing. “Oh!”

His body went rigid below her, and she felt a rhythmic pulsing deep inside. She moaned and laid her head on his chest, savoring the sensation she’d dreamed about for so long. Her insides fluttered, squeezing his girth as a warm feeling radiated through her entire body.

When he could breathe again, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a warm kiss. They held each other like that until he softened and slipped out. She rolled onto her back, giggling at the sensation of his cum spilling from her lips.

When she returned from the bathroom, and snuggled up against him, he pulled the blankets up. The storm had passed on, and the room was bathed in silver moonlight. She sighed happily.

“Bella, are you really scared of thunder?”

“I used to be,” she nodded. “When I was a little kid.”

“Heh.” He chuckled. “You played me.”

“Sorry.” She shrugged and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“And did you really, um…”

“Have a crush on you? Yeah, that part was true.”

“Hmm.” He seemed thoughtful.

“Don’t worry, I’m not in love with you or anything. I’m off to college soon.”

“Okay.” He managed to avoid sounding relieved, which she was grateful for. “So, this was a one-time thing?”

“I didn’t have any plans beyond tonight, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I’m not sure what I’m asking,” he laughed.

“Yes, you are,” she teased. “You’re wondering if I’m going to come back and fuck you again.”

“Alright, yes,” he grinned. “I just couldn’t think of a tactful way to ask. Now, mind, I’m grateful for tonight, and if you’ve satisfied your curiosity about older men, that’s fair. But, you know, if you wanted to stop by again before you leave town…”

“Well,” she smiled. “I guess you’ll have to watch the weather report.”

Written by pinkysurprise
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