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Shagging For Scotland

"A trip north of the border gets off to a tremendous start"

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Until I met Kirsty on a short flight up to Edinburgh, my experience of Scottish MILFS consisted of watching Georgie Lyall videos on PornHub.

The flight from London’s City Airport had already been delayed by nearly two hours; the passengers were getting restless and frustrated. When eventually we were allowed on board, we all assumed that being such a small airport we would be on our way soon.

As I strapped in, I began to wonder if the seat next to me was going to stay empty.

The last passenger to board was a striking blond woman in her mid-fifties dressed in quality city attire. Although older, she was not dissimilar to Georgie Lyall. I watched as she looked at the seat numbers below the luggage racks while scanning the boarding pass on her phone.

I was delighted to find out that she would be sitting next to me for the short flight. I offered to help stow her carry-on bag but she was obviously an old hand at travel and she swung her case into the overhead locker in one go. When she had her case stowed she removed her jacket and placed it on top of the case in the locker. While she was stretching, her blouse came untucked from her skirt and I caught the quickest glimpse of an obviously firm tummy. Before sitting down in her seat, she smoothed her skirt; she clearly had a nicely toned bum.

I’ve had far worse passengers sitting next to me on a flight.

Seasoned travellers learn to spot the signals earlier than most. When the cabin staff enter the flight deck just before take off, it is never a good sign. Less than a minute later the pilot came on to say that we were being held on the ground and that she would update us as soon as possible.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, what now? Does anything in this fucking country work anymore?” This was not the kind of language I expected of the lady sitting next to me.

“Rough day?” I inquired. “Could you use a drink?”

“Not a chance while we are on the ground,” said my neighbour.

“One of the advantages of sitting near the back is nobody can see you breaking the rules. May I offer you a whisky?” With that, I produced a hip flask I had wisely filled before heading to the airport. “I realise these are not crystal tumblers but in the circumstances, they will do.” I poured two measures into some small plastic cups I had pilfered from the terminal bar.

“You clever man, well done and yes, please,” my neighbour replied.

We touched cups formally and took a sip of the whisky.

“That is good stuff, you have excellent taste. I’m guessing a single malt and because it is so peaty it is from Islay?"

“You are spot on,” I replied, impressed with her knowledge and intuition.

“It is not Ardbeg, Lagavulin or Caol Isla, all of which I know and love. It’s heavier than Bowmore or Bunnahabhain and it is not a Laphroaig.” The names rolled off her tongue. As well as being a stunner, my new companion knew a thing or two about malt whisky.

My new companion took a second sip and I watched as she swirled it around her mouth before swallowing it.

“It’s mature, so I’m guessing it's at least ten years old.”

“Correct,” I replied.

“There is a delightful aftertaste of spice here, so perhaps a newer distillery. It has been matured in, I’m guessing a sherry barrel?"

“Spot on again,” I replied, impressed with her knowledge.

“I’m going to opt for a Kilchoman, I’ve heard good things about them but never tried one.”

“Absolutely right,” I said

“Well, I know what is going on my shopping list tomorrow, if we ever get home.”

“Do you live in Edinburgh?” I inquired

“I used to, post my divorce I’ve moved over the bridge to Dunfermline,” she replied.

I spotted one of the cabin crew heading down the aisle so we both quickly finished our drinks and hid our glasses from eagle eyes. Unintentionally my hand briefly touched my neighbour’s thigh. it was firm.

Finally, our aircraft made a turn onto the runway and accelerated for take-off. We soon rose above London bathed in a soft twilight.

As soon as we were in level flight and the Captain had switched off the seatbelt sign, I retrieved our glasses and without asking poured two more generous measures from my hip flask.

“Mark,” I introduced myself as we touched glasses.

“Kirsty,” my neighbour replied, “what are you doing in Edinburgh?”

“I’m thinking of moving here, I’ve started to negotiate an early retirement deal with work and one of the ways I could make it work is by moving out of London. I’ve always fancied Scotland so I thought I’d come up and have a look around,” I replied.

“Where are you staying?” Kirsty enquired.

“I’ve booked The Scotsman for the first two nights and then I will see where I get to.”

Kirsty’s reply caught me by surprise, “It is a very sexy hotel with nice big beds, you will be very comfortable there, I really like it.”

“You sound like you know it well?” I asked.

“Let’s just say that I was married to a really boring man for far too long, and now that I am not, I am free to explore a lot more, and in answer to your question, yes, I have enjoyed several delightful nights and afternoons in The Scotsman.”

I looked directly into Kirsty’s eyes and immediately detected a twinkle; neither of us broke eye contact. We both took another sip of whisky.

“Are you meeting anyone?” Kirsty asked.

“I’m hoping to, one of the reasons for thinking about Scotland is a fresh start. I’m tired of being on my own.”

“I never thought I would say this, ever, but I’m glad British Airways cancelled my flight, you are a kind man and not bad looking at all, and you know a thing or two about whisky. I like that.” Kirsty’s eyes never left mine.

We both took another sip of whisky.

“I could show you around if you would like,” Kirsty offered.

“Edinburgh?” I asked.

“Well, I was thinking of the hotel to start with, especially those beds.” As she said it, Kirsty ran her hand up my thigh in the right direction.

“I’d like that very much,” I replied instantly.

Kirsty leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, “I may be the wrong side of fifty, but if you are weighing up whether to invite me to your room, let me just say that I love to suck cock and that if Scotland had a national shagging squad, I would be the captain.”

Kirsty pulled away and after taking another sip of whisky, said, “Christ, after the last three days in London, I could do with being sorted out.”

It was my turn to be brave. I ran my hand along Kirsty’s thigh, leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I want to make you cum…many times.”

We were interrupted by a member of the cabin crew who asked if we would like a drink, but then noticed we had already got some. “Sensible precaution, " he observed.

Kirsty’s hand had reached my cock, which was swelling quickly. “Nice, I like the feel of you.” She then removed her hand as we were on a crowded plane.

“Ask me something,” said Kirsty with a mischievous tone.

“Do you shave, are you smooth? I like smooth.” It was the first thing I could think of in the unexpected conversation.

“You men are so predictable,” Kirsty replied. “But the answer is yes, sometimes, it depends on who I am with. I have a girlfriend in Italy who likes me clean-shaven, so I do when I am with her. I was in Sardinia two weeks ago, a blissful week of good food, wine, weather and endless sex. I’m getting wet just thinking about it.”

“I will have to take your word for that, for now,” I replied.

Just then the Captain announced that we were on final approach to Edinburgh Airport and asked us to make the usual preparations for landing.

As soon as we landed and taxied to the gate, the Captain announced it was fine to start disembarking.

I leaned over and kissed Kirsty on the lips while we waited for the passengers near us to get off. Her lips were moist and I could taste the whisky we had enjoyed.

When it was our turn to get off the plane, Kirsty stuck her bum in my face as she stood up to retrieve her jacket and bag from the overhead locker.

I made sure that Kirsty saw that I was sporting a hard-on through my chino trousers; she licked her lips before I hid it with my jumper.

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We were among the last to leave the aircraft and bade farewell to the cabin crew as we left.

As soon as we were in the terminal I grabbed Kirsty and kissed her full on the lips. “I’m going to fuck you senseless,” I promised.

“Do you want me to wank you off in the cab?” Kirsty asked.

“No, I want to cum in your mouth with my first load,” I replied confidently.

There were more cabs than passengers outside the terminal so we were in one in under a minute.

The journey through one of Europe’s most beautiful cities was quick; the cab driver recognised that neither of his passengers was interested in all talk.

The check-in at the hotel was as smooth and professional as you would expect at a five-star establishment.

I checked in at the main desk and asked if it would be possible to amend my booking to allow Kirsty to stay with me. The concierge had no problem and amended the booking with a couple of strokes of the keyboard.

As we were checking in, the duty manager arrived in the foyer and greeted Kirsty warmly.

“Ms McLeod, it is so nice to see you again, is everything to your satisfaction?”

With the rehearsed ease and effortless charm of a good hotelier, the manager went behind the counter and looked at the screen.

“Ms McLeod is a valuable and most welcome guest here, I’ve amended the original booking to a nicer room at no extra cost. I’ve also given you a complimentary late checkout. Please do enjoy your stay.”

As we approached the lift, Kirsty whispered in my ear, “He knows I like a morning shag, but he also recognises that my firm brings in ten of thousands of pounds in bookings every year. I sent all my clients here and he looks after me.”

“Consider your morning shag booked,” I replied as I placed my hand on Kirsty’s bum while we waited for the lift.

As soon as we got through the door of the room, we fell upon each other, kissing and groping one another. I undid my trousers and pulled my pants down, freeing my cock before I had even got my shoes off.

Kirsty reached for my cock and felt its length as she was kissing me.

“Get undressed completely and lay on the bed.” It was an instruction I was happy to comply with.

Kirsty stood at the foot of the bed and began to undress. Jacket and skirt first, which she placed carefully on the dresser. More theatrically, she removed her blouse, which she threw to the floor. Kirsty stood before me in classy bright blue lingerie and black hold-up stockings. She removed her bra and threw it to the floor, revealing a splendid pair of medium-sized, fully tanned breasts. Kirsty had been sunbathing topless.

Next, she turned around and slowly pulled down her knickers; her bum was magnificent, well-toned and completely tanned. Kirsty had been sunbathing naked.

She turned around and my eyes were drawn to a reddish blond stubble between her legs; Kirsty was a natural blonde.

“Would you like me to send out for a razor to tidy this up?” Kirsty asked as she lightly touched her pussy.

“Come here and suck my cock,” I replied.

“At last, a man who knows what he wants and can communicate it clearly. You have no idea what the last three days in London have been like.” Kirsty advanced toward the bed, kissed me on the lips and began moving down, planting gentle kisses as she went.

When she got to my cock she demonstrated that as she promised on the plane, she really knew what she was doing. Running her tongue around the head, she licked my length in both directions before taking my whole length into her mouth. The feeling was exquisite; I’d not had any sex for a couple of months and Kirsty was giving me one of the best blow-jobs I had ever had.

I asked if she would like to sit on my face so that I could lick her cunt while she sucked me off.

“There is no rush, you will be spending plenty of time down there later,” she replied before taking my cock back into her warm mouth.

I could tell I wasn’t going to last much longer and Kirsty picked up on this. “Don’t hold back, cum whenever you want. I’m sure the taste will contrast nicely with the whisky.”

My balls tightened, my cock head twitched and I released at least three loads of fresh cum into Kirsty’s mouth. She took every drop.

Kirsty moved back up the bed and kissed me on the lips; the taste of my own cum mingled with the whisky we had enjoyed on the plane was intoxicating.

“I need a shower and I need to cum more than once,” Kirsty announced. “When I got on the plane I was going to go home, run a hot bath and sort myself out with some toys. However, here I am with you and your impressive cock. Let’s see what else you can do, lick me out in the shower.”

Minutes later I was kneeling in front of Kirsty, licking her clit and along her slit as a powerful jet of water cascaded down on us. Kirsty stood under the jet with her legs spread apart so that I could get maximum access to her fanny.

As my tongue did its thing, I began to feel Kirsty respond to the attention I was giving her, so I started probing deeper with a finger and then two. Kirsty was wet and slick and my fingers slid in easily.

Kirsty’s breathing deepened and the mews of pleasure became more guttural as I fingered her and nibbled at her swollen clit. “Soap up a finger and push it into my bum and I will be there,” Kirsty instructed me.

They were simple enough instructions to follow so I did as requested. My finger was about halfway in when Kirsty collapsed with a massive loud orgasm. “God, I needed that,” Kirsty said when she had sufficiently recovered to speak.

I picked her up, wrapped a towel around her and carried her through to the bed where I lay her down. The shower had revived me and my cock and I was now ready to go again. I removed the towel, parted Kirsty’s thighs and mounted her missionary style. I was able to reach the back of her fanny in a single thrust.

Kirsty appreciated my vigour and wrapped her legs around my lower back as I fucked her. I’d not had any sex for a couple of months so my confidence soared as I got such a good response from my new partner.

I appeared to be doing everything right but thought that Kirsty might like to try a different position, so I asked.

“Just keep doing what you are doing, we’ve got all night and tomorrow morning,” Kirsty replied between grunts of satisfaction. Watching her breasts bounce all over the place as I thrust into her was equally arousing. I briefly withdrew my cock from her sopping fanny and placed a firm pillow from the bed under the small of her back. This raised her entrance slightly and allowed me to resume thrusting with more vigour.

My deeper thrusts did the trick, and Kirsty climaxed quickly and loudly. “Keep fucking me,” she instructed, “I’ve got more there.” She repositioned herself with the pillow still under her back. Her legs were spread and her knees were nearly at her shoulders. It was a really lewd position that offered me access to either of her holes. Having fingered her bum earlier, I was tempted to fuck it but I thought it polite if I asked first. I remounted her and resumed thrusting hard.

Kirsty experienced a series of quick orgasms in succession as I drove my cock into her. I was sweating profusely as I continued to ram her. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer and soon felt the telltale tightening of my balls.

“In you or on you?” I asked, but it was too late; I shot another load deep into her fanny. We both collapsed onto the huge bed and lay panting in each other's arms.

The raw energy and need we had both put into our shag meant that after a long day, we both quickly fell asleep in each other's arms, naked, sweaty and sated. All that talk about fucking all night was in fact just talk.

We both slept through the night, probably because of the whisky combined with our exertions. When we did wake, it was good. We kissed, we felt good about what we had done, and there was no regret from either of us.

Kirsty reminded me that we had complimentary late checkout so there was no need to rush. She said that she needed to be in her office for an online meeting at eleven, not before.

She suggested that I spend the day exploring Edinburgh and that by early evening I should join her at her house in Dunfermline. She said that she would sort the hotel out and that I wouldn’t be disappointed.

My trip to Scotland was exceeding every expectation.

Written by JamesMerton1960
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