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My Cleaning Lady, Chapter Three

"My cleaner's daughter helps me get my manliness back again"

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Author's Notes

"The third part of the story of my cleaning lady's efforts to make me get confident again."

Life went on and I did not have Avril round for five weeks. As Mrs. A, she was still doing as thorough cleaning job for me as she had always done. On Monday she suggested it would be an idea to give the kitchen a thorough clean.

“You know Mr. Brutus, clear all the cupboards, and wash inside them and put everything back nice and clean. Would the budget run to a couple of hours for two of us if I brought my eldest, Amy, she is twenty-two now.”

“Of course, Mrs. A. if the job needs doing, let's get it done, you and I have known each other long enough to strike a fair price for your work.”

As a result, Mrs. A and her daughter Amy arrived on Thursday morning. They set about the kitchen with vigour, and I just had to keep out of the way. At coffee break, Amy brought me a mug of coffee and five biscuits on a plate.

“Might be a while before you can get anything to eat, we are about halfway through.”

“That’s fine, Amy, I am sure you are doing a grand job.”

“While I am here Mr. Brutus I wonder if I could help you like mum does?”

“You mean come on the cleaning team?”

“No not like that. I mean help you to find the man in you again. You know, do what mum does for you on special times.”

“I am twenty-two now Mr. Brutus, an adult woman who would like some experience with an older man. I have no one special in my life so no one will get hurt.”

“Yes, I see that, Amy. Do you mind if I talk to your mum about it?”

“That will be fine.”

Eventually, they allowed me back in the kitchen and the two ladies had done an amazing job. It was like a new pin.

“My goodness! You two have worked hard, thank you so much.”

Amy tidied up and took a bucket of rubbish out to the bin. I ceased the chance to talk to Mrs. A about what Amy had said.

“Amy wants to help me like you do. How do you feel about that, would it be alright for me to do that sort of thing with her?”

“Yes, she has spoken to me about it. She has few good friends and has only been with two boys, it never seems to work. Please give her a chance, Robert, she would like that. I know she will be good for you. She is such a kind and gentle girl and has a lovely body too.”

“Do I arrange with her or with you?”

“Make the arrangements with her, she will do what suits you both. Speak to her before she goes.”

I went back to the conservatory; I was still a bit doubtful.

Amy came back to the conservatory and informed. “We are all finished now, Mr Brutus, we’ll be off soon.”

“Okay, Amy thanks for what you have done, it looks so much cleaner and brighter now. But before you go may I take you up on the offer you made earlier?”

“Yes, that would be nice, Mr. Brutus. I am free on Saturday evening would that be all right?”

“Yes certainly, 8 o’clock.”

All of Friday and Saturday I worried if I had done the right thing in having this young woman come to entertain me sexually. On Thursday she had worked so hard helping her mother deep clean my kitchen. Her pay, I had included with her mum’s and entrusted her that she would pass it on.

But as Saturday wore on I became more concerned. I was worried if anyone should see her coming. Thankfully, we were into Autumn now so it would be dark when she arrived. I did my usual ablutions before she came and then sat in the lounge. It was not long before the doorbell went. I let Amy in.

She looked completely different from the young woman that left on Thursday afternoon clad in overalls. As I helped her off with her coat she stood before me looking so sophisticated.

She was wearing an uncomplicated dress, short in the skirt and with a low neckline. Her superbly shaped stockinged legs went down into medium-heeled shoes. She had used a small amount of facial make-up.

“Are we in the lounge?” she asked.

“Yes.” Was my reply, I was too anxious to reply with more words.

She had determined, or at least her mother had, that she would control how the evening went.

“Mum says I am to make us two coffees and sit in the lounge. I will just get that organized.”

She went to the kitchen. I was pleased that I had left it as tidy after lunch as she and her mum had left it on Thursday.

She came back with coffee and put it on the table in front of us. She sat on the couch beside me.

“Now what do I call you Mr. Brutus? Will it be Robert, Rob, Mr. Brutus, Pop, Dad, or Love?”

“Never given it a thought, why not just Brute?”

“That in no way describes you Mr. Brutus, let it be Rob shall we.”

She led the conversation, asking what I had done today. Had I been to the shops? Had I cleaned the car? Had I been in the garden?

My reply was a bit stilted, like a nervous young man at a job interview.

“Yes, I did a bit of shopping, took the car through the car wash, but a bit wet for gardening.”

She got up and went to the doorway and switched off the overhead lights. The room was lit only by a small lamp in the alcove.

She came beside me again and took my hand. It was sweaty with nervousness. I wanted to say, can we stop, Amy, but the words would not come out. This young woman was doing all she could to put me at ease and I was resisting her efforts. But she persevered.

She turned to me and kissed me gently. “Rob, I love you, you are so kind to me.”

“Thank you and I love you too Amy. That is the problem.”

“It isn’t a problem to me, lets us relax and be in love together.”

I had succumbed at last. I kissed her and she moved to sit on my lap. her shapely legs spreading over the rest of the couch. Her skirt was above her knees. She raised them and her skirt fell further up her thighs. Such beautiful thighs deserved a hand on them, and I obliged.

She kissed me again with more passion and her tongue parted my lips and forced entry. I had to slide down the couch a bit to give myself a bit more room in my underwear.

She knew that she was exciting me. I desperately wanted to push my hand further under her skirt. She just put her arms around my neck and cuddled me. Two more tender kisses on my lips.

I gave way to temptation and moved my hand further under her dress. She put a hand on it to stop me.

“Not just yet, Robert, the night is young.”


She wanted a bit of time to get over the relationship that we had enjoyed up to now. Her just being my cleaner’s daughter and nothing else. She was a lovely girl and her smile, and her nature made me feel so warm toward her. I kissed her neck and then let my hand wander to her waist. It was slim, taut, and so much part of her super figure. I imagined that her mother would have been like this at her age.

She got off my lap and then kneeled before me and I opened my legs to allow her to get between them as she knelt facing me. She placed both of her hands on the top of my hips. Her magic smile looked up at me. In one action both hands ran round my waistband and met in the middle above my belt buckle.

I quivered and braced myself. My belt she had unbuckled and in one swift movement, she took my zip down to its lowest. With the belt gone she unfastened my waistband and peeled the fly open as far as it would go. Another of her melting smiles followed.

My relaxation had now turned to excited anticipation.

She was the gentlest girl. She found my cock in my boxers and then gently brought it out into the open air.

My cock was not yet that hard and she gently kissed the tip, her tongue just caressing the end of my foreskin. I raised my hips, and she took down my trousers and boxers. They were around my ankles like shackles, there was no way I could run away now.

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With one hand under my balls supporting them, she placed the other on top of my penis and stroked it. I was now responding to the delicate touch of her wonderful young hands as they just fondled my private parts. She was giving me care and pleasure such that I had never experienced before. It was like a mother soothing a child to sleep, although a part of me had different ideas.

“Rob, I feel so privileged to be able to do this for you, I am a lucky girl.”

“I think I am the lucky one, Amy.”

With more stroking, I came up to a full erection. She peeled my foreskin back to expose the head of my penis. Her soft lips kissed it again and then they opened as she began to feed me into her mouth. She was so gentle with me; I felt no teeth. Her tongue ran along my length pulling my cock further into her mouth.

She began to work her magic on me. Swallowing me as far as she could and then drawing me out again. She worked so slowly that I seemed to grow inch by inch. I began to exude my precum, not a few drops, but a continuous stream as she sucked me so sensitively.

I felt sure that her mother, Avril, was guiding her in what pleased me. How good it was to have this lovely young woman to pleasure me. She was taking her time and her actions were as delicate as she was. She looked up at me, and smiling said,

“Shouldn’t you have some of the same sort of pleasure as me?”

With that, she dropped her dress to the floor and stepped out of it, deftly moving it aside.

What now stood before me was Amy clad in only a lacey white bra and snugly fitting white cotton panty. With one leg on either side of me, she kneeled on the couch and pushed her panty right into my face.

For one thing, I go mad at the sight of white panties, and secondly, to have them in my face was out of this world.

There was no hint of camel toe her pubis was covered discreetly by the white cotton. I took the gusset in my mouth and pulled on her panty. She shivered with pleasure and let herself fall on me so that her gusset was now in my mouth. It tasted so sweet; she had been flooding all the time she was working on my cock. She had soaked the gusset already and my saliva on it made it even wetter.

She let me have my fill and then drew herself back and pulled the panty down as far as it would go.

She had revealed a slit that looked as though it had never been sullied. Smooth, not a hair or a stubble, just smooth white skin marked with a crease that looked as though it had never been parted. There was just a hint of moisture on it.

“Let me get rid of these pants and then you can get at me properly.”

She stepped to the floor, flicked the panty away and then kneeled back in front of me.

She took the fingers of each hand and slowly opened herself. The soft skin around her small orifice confronted me. She was delicate, so beautifully formed. I raised her clitoris, small as it was, to meet my tongue.

“I think you ought to ease up now Rob, we must move on to the next stage. Please stand up. I did and she took me in the most glorious embrace, her young breasts pressing on my chest. We parted.

She took a couple of cushions from the couch and laid them on the floor.
“Lie down, Rob, and put your head on those.”

I did as she instructed; she straddled me. Her right hand took my cock and guided it into her sweet pussy.

It was better than anything I had ever experienced. She was as gentle sitting on me as she had been with her mouth. She was warm, moist, so smooth. This passage had not been roughened by years of sex or the passage of infants. She was so smooth that I entered her, inch by inch, without effort.

The movements of her hips as she rose and fell on me were as gentle and delicate as her sucking had been. She moved so slowly and purposefully, letting me get into her more. I was growing inches because she sat down on me further each time.

And then the slow rise, never losing me in the process. She changed delicately back to a downward thrust. I have never felt so welcome in a woman before.

But the up-and-down journeys were in the smoothest passage I had ever felt. It was tight, not just at the top, but all the way down. Often, she would sit right down on me, sitting still for a few moments. At these points, I was able to feel her tightness all along my shaft.

Each time she sat still she was aware that I was longing to finish, get rid of my load. Then she would start again, that slow pumping.

Then she started a more purposeful rhythm, up and down, up and down. Never rushing. She knew I was on the last leg and just kept this steady pace. She must have felt that the time was now.

She sat down on me, and her tunnel just engulfed me with wave after wave of excitement. She took me to the hilt and stayed there. I just pumped and pumped into her, so deep was I in her that I never expected it to come out again, it must have gone into her deepest depth to stay there forever.

Again, that smile for me. I felt so special.

She stood off me and took a tissue or two from her handbag and wiped me dry. She dressed again, and put on her underwear and dress.

“Time to get you to bed Robert,” she said, and she helped me up.

She helped me up from the floor and we went off to the bedroom.

She opened the bed up and put me in, undressed again, and got in beside me.

“Thank you, Amy, that was wonderful,” I said.

“We are not done yet. You must take me like a man.”

Amy was leading me into the final phase of this erotic evening. She was still in charge.

She turned onto her back and raised her knees and opened her legs. Her slim thighs were so inviting.

My hand found her wet entrance and I slipped in a finger, and then two. She reacted as I found her cervix, it felt so proud as if waiting for a delivery.

She took my hand away and pulled my now fully erect penis into her taking the place of my fingers.

“Be the he-man, Robert, make me a mum.”

I responded as if this was an instruction from a young wife wanting her first child.

I expended as much energy as if I was a twenty-two-year-old husband hoping to give his wife what she wanted. I gave no thought to the consequences of what we were about to do.

She deserved to be treated like a woman, a lover, and a wife. I pounded her for what seemed like ages.

I did not want it to end. I had already discharged myself earlier and so it was taking time for my physical resources to reach the point where they were ready to discharge another burst of fluid to give this young woman what she had asked.

Her grip on me was getting tighter and tighter and her smoothness was exciting me continuously.

At last, those two or three deep pushes. Holding myself at the opening of her womb I let go of all that was left in me.

I rolled beside her still gasping for breath.

She whispered, “Thank you, Robert, I hope that has done the trick.”

She turned her back to me and we spooned. She put the light out.

We slept till morning. She was still lying with my arm around her when I awoke.

She roused quite gently and took my hand and placed it on her abdomen. She was playing out her fantasy to the end. She turned to me.

“Don’t worry Rob, I am taking my pill as prescribed, we have not come to harm.”

“If ever you want a child of your own, without a husband, I would gladly oblige. I have no children of my own and I would like to have someone to leave all this to.”

We showered together and she towelled me dry. Amy dressed and went home without panties, so I had another to add to my collection. Hers were quite a bit smaller than her mother's.

Written by mistyoptic
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