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Louise Carver's Awakening - Part 5

"Louise decides to confess, and accept the consequences"

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On Sunday, forty-nine-year-old Louise Carver's mind was in even more turmoil. Her feelings of guilt had never disappeared, but now they were at the forefront again. She could not go on like this.

The sex with twenty-year-old Tyrone McMorris had been sensational, and even the very unexpected lesbian sex with fifty-three-year-old Sheila Towers had been wonderful in its own way, but Louise had decided that it had to stop.

Telling Tyrone that it had to be over was one thing, but still, the guilt about what she had done would be there. She had made up her mind that she would have to confess to her husband, Philip.

She would tell him that she had had sex with a male from work, but not name him, and be very apologetic and beg for forgiveness. She did not intend to mention the sex with Sheila, or the spanking that Louise had received, initially from Tyrone, but mostly from Sheila.

Louise had no idea how Philip might react, but whatever he said or did, she deserved.

Today, with Philip at home, was the obvious time to tell him, but Louise thought that she should talk to Tyrone first, just to explain to him what she was going to do, and why.

Sheila Towers, on the other hand, was feeling no guilt; she never felt guilty about having sex, whoever it was with. The fucking that she had got from Tyrone as part of the agreement that she made with Louise to keep quiet about Louise and Tyrone fucking, had been beyond her wildest dreams. She also enjoyed spanking Louise's arse, and the sex that she had with Louise, completely unplanned, was great too.

Tyronne felt good too; fucking Sheila had been very pleasurable, and he got to make love to Louise; the sex that he and Louise had had the week before was fucking, pure and simple.

Sheila's involvement had only come about by her 'intercepting' a look between Louise and Tyrone in the office a few days before, and becoming suspicious. She then witnessed Tyrone caressing Louise's backside in the office kitchen, and heard them arranging a meeting in the park, a meeting to which she promptly invited herself.

In that meeting, Sheila agreed to not tell Louise's husband what she had discovered if she got a fucking from Tyrone and Louise got a spanking. It was agreed that Tyrone would do the spanking, but when the time came, Sheila was less than impressed with Tyrone's efforts, and took over herself. She really tanned Louise's bare arse.

In the aftermath of the spanking, Sheila fingered Louise, and then the two women had sex. This was completely unplanned and unexpected.

Louise could not really phone Tyrone with her husband in the house, so she sent him a text. The text meant that she was postponing her confession to Philip.

Hi, we need to talk tomorrow, I think a lunchtime trip to the park if that is okay with you. x

Not surprisingly, Tyrone wondered what Louise had in mind for the talk. He texted back.

Okay, but is something wrong? Will Sheila be involved in the talk?

Two very reasonable questions, Louise thought, but she did not want to debate by text and could not phone, so it would have to be Monday.

Talk tomorrow. Doubt if Sheila will be involved. See you tomorrow. x

The response did nothing to ease Tyrone's concerns, but he realised that that was all he was going to get. He texted back to acknowledge, then started wondering what Louise was wanting to say. He concluded that in all probability, she was looking at ending things, but why? Had something happened?

Louise was subdued when she arrived in the office on Monday morning; Sheila was quite the opposite. Tyrone had not arrived yet.

"Good morning, Louise," Sheila said cheerfully, not looking to provoke, just being happy.

"Morning," replied Louise, without looking at Sheila.

"Oh, you sound like someone with a sore arse," laughed Sheila; they were the only two in the office so far.

"I don't want to talk about it," said Louise.

"The sore arse, sex or Tyrone?" continued Sheila. Two more people entered the office, so, to Louise's relief, the conversation ended, at least for now.

Tyrone arrived soon after, and looked towards Louise; he just got a weak smile in acknowledgement.

"Morning Tyrone," smiled Sheila, her eyes going to the young man's crotch.

"Hi Sheila," responded Tyrone, who now saw Sheila Towers in a very different way, but he did not want to upset Louise.

Tyrone looked back at Louise and got a reassuring smile in return. Louise was thinking that if she and Tyrone were finished, which she fully intended, he would not have far to go to find a woman wanting regular sex with him.

Work was going on as normal during the morning, but Tyrone was wondering what Louise was wanting to talk about, Louise was trying to work out how to word what she wanted to say, and Sheila was wondering if and when she would have sex again with Tyrone, and possibly with Louise.

Late in the morning, Sheila followed Louise into the kitchen.

"Don't you have anything to say?" asked Sheila.

"About what?" replied Louise, although she knew full well what Sheila was referring to.

"About last Saturday, of course," said Sheila.

"I am going to talk to Tyrone at lunchtime," responded Louise.

"I will come too," said Sheila.

"No you won't, it is between Tyrone and me," said Louise, looking Sheila in the face.

For a moment there was a definite flicker of sexual attraction between the women.

"I was there too, remember?" said Sheila.

"I know, but lunchtime has to be just him and me, please," said Louise.

"Will you tell me what is going on after, then?" asked Sheila, finding Louise Carver very attractive.

"Maybe," replied Louise.

"Don't I deserve more than a maybe?" said Sheila.

"Maybe," said Louise, but this time with a smile. The women were almost flirting with each other.

"Okay," smiled Sheila, and there was no doubting the mutual attraction, remarkable as the women had known each other for years, and had formed a dislike for each other.

Lunchtime arrived and Louise and Tyrone headed for the park, separately. Sheila thought of following but decided not to.

Louise and Tyrone again made a beeline for the pavilion, the scene of the first time that there was any intimacy between them, and the scene of Sheila's ultimatum.

"Tyrone, I have been doing a lot of thinking," started Louise, when they had sat down.

"Right," said Tyrone, dreading what was coming, although he had a pretty good idea what it was.

"I can't get the guilt out of my head," continued Louise.

"Are you saying that you don't want me anymore?" said Tyrone.

"I am not saying that, but we really do have to stop," said Louise.

"So you do want me," said Tyrone.

"Tyrone, I can't go on like this, I am going to tell my husband," responded Louise.

"About us?" asked Tyrone, thinking of the implications.

"Not us specifically, but I am going to tell him that I have had sex with a male from work," answered Louise.

"How will he react?" asked Tyrone.

"Ha, I have no idea, but I will beg for his forgiveness and tell him that it will never happen again," replied Louise.

"So you are saying that is over between you and me?" said an almost tearful Tyrone.

"Yes, baby; sorry, but it has to be," said Louise, wanting to cuddle Tyrone but knowing not to.

"Can we do it again in the future?" asked Tyrone, hopefully.

"No, when I promise my husband that I will not do it again, I need to mean it," responded Louise.

"Do you think that he will forgive you?" said Tyrone.

"I have no idea what he will do or say," answered Louise.

"I so wanted you," said Tyrone.

"You had me, and it was truly wonderful," replied Louise.

"If it was that wonderful, you would not want to stop," reasoned Tyrone.

"My guilt and my conscience are making me stop, please understand," said Louise, not far from crying.

"Can we still be friends?" asked Tyrone.

"Of course, but not in the way that we have been for the last week and a bit," replied Louise.

"Have you told Sheila?" asked Tyrone.

"Not yet? Why do you ask?" responded Louise.

"Just wondered what she said if you had," answered Tyrone.

"I imagine that her first thought would be that she could have you to herself," said Louise, smiling weakly.

"Maybe," said Tyrone, feeling guilty that the thought of more fucks with Sheila Towers excited him.

"You are sure about this? You are going to tell your husband?" said Tyrone, before accepting that he and Louise were over.

"I have to, it is the only way that I can lose some of the guilt," answered Louise.

"I understand," replied Tyrone, who not for the first time accepted things philosophically.

There was not really anything else to say. They wanted to kiss, but that might have negated a lot of what had been said. They made their separate ways back to the office.

"Tell me then," said Sheila, almost as soon as Louise was back in the office.

"Not now, after work," answered Louise.

Tyrone returned to the office soon after, and Sheila could tell from his face that the chat had probably been about a parting of the ways. As Louise had suspected, Sheila's first thought was of further sex with Tyrone McMorris.

Sheila hung around at the end of the day until only she and Louise were in the office. Tyrone had been one of the last to leave, and he waved to both women.

"What has Mrs Goody Goody decided?" said Sheila, but not in her usual sneering way.

"I have told Tyrone that he and I have to finish," replied Louise.

"Okay, what happened? Did Philip find out? If he did, it was not from me," said Sheila.

"Philip doesn't know, yet, but I am going to tell him," said Louise.

"Shit, is that a good idea?" responded Sheila.

"I don't know if it is a good idea, but I have to tell him for the sake of my conscience," answered Louise.

"How do you think he will take it?" asked Sheila, almost feeling sorry for Louise.

"I haven't a clue, but whatever reaction I get, I deserve," said Louise.

"You telling him tonight?" asked Sheila.

"Maybe, but he has football on TV and after that, it will be getting late," said Louise.

"Tomorrow then," said Sheila, smiling.

"Probably," smiled Louise; there was that attraction again.

"How did Tyrone take it?" asked Sheila.

"Quite well, he is a sensible young man," replied Louise.

"Yeah, that as well," laughed Sheila.

"I think he likes you," said Louise, feeling just a tinge of jealousy knowing that Sheila would probably get unlimited fucks from Tyrone.

"Do you reckon?" smiled Sheila.

"Yep," said Louise.

"Mmmm," responded Sheila.

"Shall I text your phone number to him?" grinned Louise.

"That would be nice of you," smiled Sheila, so Louise did.

So Louise went home, but her confession would probably not be for another twenty-four hours.

What was not going to wait another twenty-four hours was another fuck between Tyrone and Sheila.

Tyrone phoned Sheila almost as soon as Louise texted him Sheila's phone number, and about an hour later they were naked in Sheila's bed, fucking like rabbits.

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Tyrone was not in the office on Tuesday, but the smirk on Sheila's face that morning told Louise that Sheila and he had got together the previous evening.

"Did you tell Philip?" Sheila asked Louise at the first opportunity.

"No, I will tell him tonight; I see that Tyrone phoned you," smiled Louise.

"Phoning me was not all he did, shit, he is fucking amazing, isn't he?" said Sheila.

"Yeah," said Louise, knowing what she had given up but comfortable with her decision.

"Sorry, that was not meant to be as heartless as it sounded," said Sheila.

"It is the stuck-up bitch you are talking to, remember?" said Louise. There were more looks between the women that could only be construed one way. Nothing was said about it, but the thoughts were there.

Louise went home on Tuesday evening; she was going to tell Philip what she had done, or the male/female bit.

After they had eaten and washed up they were sitting down. The television was on but neither of them was really watching it. The remote was near Louise, and she turned the TV off.

"Philip, there is something that I have to tell you," said Louise. She usually called him Phil so calling him Philip suggested it was something serious.

"Been spending money again?" chucked Philip.

"No, this is serious; you might hate me after I tell you," said a now nervous Louise.

"Hate you? What are you talking about?" said Philip, no longer chuckling.

"Um, I, um, I have had sex with a man from work," blurted Louise.

"No, that is not funny," said Philip, not believing that his wife would ever do such a thing; it was not in her character.

"It is true; I have and I am so, so, sorry; it will not happen again, I promise," said Louise.

"Louise, I don't know why you are saying this but I don't believe you," said Philip, trying to work out if his wife really was saying that she had been unfaithful.

"Believe what? That it will not happen again?" responded Louise.

"No, that you did it... you, um..." Philip could not complete the sentence.

"Fucked a man at work? Well I did, twice," replied Louise. More than twice technically, but on two occasions.

"No, no, no, who was it? John? Trevor? Clive?" said a now agitated Philip, starting to reel off the names of men from Louise's work.

"It doesn't matter who, it will not happen again but I deserve whatever you want to do," said Louise.

"I can't get my head around this, no, no, no," said Philip.

"I will go in the spare bed tonight, you need time to think," said Louise.

"Think? Think about what?" said Philip, still in shock.

"What you are going to do, are you going to kick me out?" asked Louise.

"You are right, I need to think... I can't believe it," said Philip.

"If you let me stay, I must be punished," said Louise.

"Punished? How?" responded Philip.

"I deserve a good hiding, I deserve a good long and hard spanking," said Louise.

Spanking had not ever really been part of their marriage, and although Louise had sometimes wished that Phil would tan her arse, she never really asked him to.

"This is all too much, I am going to bed," said Philip, leaving the room.

They did sleep in separate beds, although neither slept much, and they hardly spoke at breakfast.

When Sheila, who had again fucked with Tyrone the previous night, asked Louise in the morning if she had told Philip and how it went, Louise could only reply that she had told him and she was not yet sure how it went.

Tyrone, who was out visiting customers and potential customers, sent Louise a text asking the same as Sheila had asked, and got a similar response. She had told her husband but it was not yet clear what was going to happen.

That evening, Wednesday, there was hardly anything said between Philip and Louise, and they again spent the night in separate beds. Although Philip had not been talking, he had been thinking, and he kept coming back to Louise's suggestion that he spank her. His concern was that he would not be able to spank her sufficiently well for it to be a meaningful punishment.

On Thursday evening, Philip spoke to Louise.

"I have thought of what you said and I believe you when you say that it will not happen again," said Philip.

"Good, because it won't, and I am so sorry," replied Louise.

"I also agree that you need to be punished," continued Philip.

"Yes, I do," replied Louise, squirming slightly in her seat.

"You are not at work Saturday morning, are you?" asked Philip.

"No," replied Louise.

"Okay, tomorrow evening you will go over my knee and I will spank your bare arse so fucking hard that you will be lucky if you can sit down on Monday," said Philip.

"That is exactly what I deserve," answered Louise.

"And it is what you will get," said Philip, coldly.

They had a third night in separate beds.

Louise was very quiet at work on Friday, and would not respond to Sheila's frequent attempts to find out if Philip and Louise had resolved their situation.

Louise went home to meet her fate. She was sort of looking forward to it, not because she wanted a spanking but because she wanted a severe punishment that would dispel her feelings of guilt.

Philip thought that the punishment should be as judicial as possible, even to the point of specifying a time.

"At nine o'clock this evening, you will go upstairs and you will remove your lower clothing, You will then come back down here and you will go over my knee for the hiding of your life," said Philip. This was not sexual; it was punishment for being unfaithful.

"Yes, Philip," said Louise, glancing at the clock. It was now just after eight thirty; she had almost half an hour to contemplate what was to come.

They both had their eyes on the clock, and the last ten minutes seemed to take forever. As the clock reached nine, Philip glanced at Louise and she got up and went upstairs. She returned, as instructed, naked from the waist down. Philip was sitting on a kitchen chair in the centre of the living room.

No words were spoken; there did not need to be any, and Louise placed herself over her husband's lap. Philip gazed at his wife's bare arse, raised his right hand, and brought it crashing down on her left buttock.

Almost before Louise knew what was happening she had received three very hard spanks on each arse cheek and Philip's hand continued to slap her rear.

Philip's hand made hard contact with Louise's buttocks and the backs of her thighs as she writhed and bucked. She was not expecting any mercy, and she was not getting any.

On and on the spanking went; Philip was spanking her with controlled anger, and Louise's arse was on fire. She was starting to think that the possibility of sitting down on Monday was being optimistic.

Still, Philip spanked her. His anger had diminished but he still thought she deserved more. Louise's buttocks were glowing.

At last, he stopped. They were both breathless.

"Get up, you have been punished, we will say no more about it," said Philip.

"Th-th-thank you," said Louise, struggling off his lap and gently putting her hands on her burning buttocks.

They almost simultaneously each realised how sexually aroused they were, but neither was going to say anything because they did not know how the other felt. If Louise had glanced at her husband's lap she might have got a good idea about his arousal though.

Louise made her way painfully towards the stairs; she just wanted to lie face down and nurse her arse.

"You can come back to our bed tonight," said Philip, not unkindly.

"Thank you," sobbed Louise, as she reached the stairs.

It took Louise a while to make her way up the stairs, and then she collapsed face down on the bed in her and Philip's room. She felt strangely happy. She also felt turned on, but feeling that way and not getting relief was a suitable added punishment.

It had been about fifteen minutes since the spanking had finished, and Philip was downstairs with a stiff penis. Sex had been far from his mind before and during the spanking but once it was done, the eroticism took over. He wanted a fuck, but he did not think it fair on Louise to expect her to want one, and he was certainly not going to force himself upon her.

After about another five minutes, Phil decided to go and see how Louise was. She had confessed, she had been punished, and now he forgave her. He could never forget what she had confessed to, but he could forgive.

Philip entered the bedroom and he was shocked to see Louise's bright red buttocks, and felt ashamed that he had caused that state.

"Are you alright? You must be so sore," said Phil, compassionately.

"Ha, I am a bit sore, but I got exactly what I deserved," replied Louise.

"Um, do you want some cream on it?" asked Phil, innocently.

"What sort of cream?" responded Louise, turning her head so that her flushed face was looking at her husband.

"What sort would you like?" asked Phil, undoing his trousers and hoping that he had not misread Louise's meaning.

"I think that you will find the cream I want inside those trousers of yours if you want to give it to me," replied Louise.

Philip removed his trousers and his underpants. Louise had never had any complaint with the size of his penis, and it was at its absolute best now.

"You have had the pain, now let's both have the pleasure," said Phil, getting onto the bed.

"Yes, please," said Louise, getting onto her knees and raising her spanked arse.

After some positional adjustment, Phil slid his erect cock into Louise's wet vagina, and he gave her a great fucking. He varied the speed of his thrusts, taking her close to orgasm twice before having her screaming as she came. She had faked her last orgasm with Phil; this was no fake.

Phil made Louise cum twice more before he groaned and spurted jets of spunk into her.

Louise Carver had been unfaithful to her husband, she had confessed and she had been severely punished. She had now been well-fucked, by her husband.

In the space of just over two weeks, forty-nine-year-old Louise Carver had had a twenty-year-old male tell her that he wanted to fuck her, and they had fucked. She had had a fifty-three-year-old woman at work suspect and discover what had happened, and Louise had been spanked by that woman, and had sex with her. The young man and the woman had also had sex.

Louise had confessed to her husband about having sex with a male colleague but did not identify him; she had not mentioned the lesbian sex.

After a lot of thought, Louise's husband had given her a very sound punishment spanking; they had then fucked.

It seemed that spanking might well become a part of Louise and Philip Carver's sex life, although not to the extent of the punishment arse tanning.

Louise and the fifty-three-year-old woman, Sheila Towers, may well have lesbian sex again, despite not really liking each other.

Sheila Towers was now having regular sex with the twenty-year-old male, and that was likely to continue.

Louise Carver's awakening seemed complete.

Written by PJH
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