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"A sixty-year-old divorced male meets a mature female acquaintance after a comedy show"

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Sixty-year-old divorcee Alan Storrie had been to watch a top comedian at his local theatre on his own, he did virtually everything on his own these days. He had become something of a recluse after his ex-wife Shirley left him about three years previously to set up home with a man from her work almost twenty years her junior.

Alan and Shirley used to go out quite regularly, to the pub or to dances, as part of a circle of six or seven couples but Shirley's leaving hit Alan very hard. Several of the group of couples tried to get Alan to still go out with them but he always refused so now they had just about stopped asking.

As Alan walked back to his parked car, he passed a taxi rank and he recognised a woman standing there as being one of that group of friends. "Hello Kim, how are you? Are you on your own?" asked Alan, who had always rather fancied fifty-eight-year-old Kim Bell.

"Hello Alan; I have not seen you for a while and yes, I am on my own," replied the very attractive and curvy mature woman.

"Can I give you a lift? I am parked in the car park up the road," offered Alan.

"Yes, yes, thank you," replied Kim, who always felt that Shirley had treated Alan appallingly.

Kim left the taxi queue and they walked towards Alan's car. "You have been to the show presumably?" asked Alan, pleased to be walking with an attractive woman.

"Yeah, I think he is brilliant," smiled Kim, speaking of the comedian.

"Me too. John did not come then, obviously?" asked Alan, about Kim's husband.

"No, he can't stand him; We argued about me going, he asked why I wanted to watch that crap," replied Kim.

"Oh, I have got DVDs of some of his shows," said Alan.

"I would love to have but John would not have them in the house," said Kim, as they continued walking.

"Here is my car, just over here," said Alan, as they reached the car park.

Alan unlocked his car and held the passenger door open for Kim, getting a lovely smile under the car park lights in return. "Thank you, kind sir, I am not used to having doors opened for me," chuckled a currently happy Kim.

"An attractive lady like you should always have doors opened for her," said Alan, as he got in the driver's side.

"Oh, a flatterer as well as a gentleman," laughed Kim.

"No, I mean it; I have always found you attractive. Even Shirley noticed it," said Alan, then wondered if he should have done.

"We all thought Shirley treated you like shit," said Kim, changing the subject but not because she did not like the fact that the quite handsome Alan fancied her.

"I assume you still live in the same place?" said Alan as he drove out of the car park, having rather lost touch with everyone.

"Yeah, everything is the same," replied Kim, sounding a bit down.

"Are you alright? You don't sound very happy," asked a concerned Alan.

"Yes I am okay; Maybe I should come and watch your DVDs to cheer me up," replied Kim, half-jokingly.

"Maybe you should," said Alan, thinking 'if only.'

It was only about three miles to Kim's house so it did not take long. "Thanks for the lift, Alan," said Kim, turning to face him when he pulled up outside her house.

"Anytime," smiled Alan, thinking how incredibly hot Kim looked right now.

Kim, having undone her seatbelt, leaned forward and kissed Alan, just a soft kiss. She pulled away and then moved back in and kissed him with much more passion, Alan reacted and they snogged.

When Kim pulled away this time her eyes were filled with lust. "Do you think that I could come and watch your DVDs?" Kim asked, slightly breathlessly.

"Yes, yes, when?" replied Alan, excitedly. Not necessarily expecting too much but the thought of spending time in his house with this woman thrilled him.

"It would have to be daytime because I would have all sorts of problems explaining to John where I was going in an evening," said Kim.

"Okay, I will take a day off work. When?" said Alan.

"Doesn't really matter; I will give you my mobile number but for fucks sake only text me during the day when John is at work," said Kim.

After giving Alan her mobile number, and another kiss, Kim was out of the car although she did turn, smile and wave when she got to her door.

Alan realised that his cock was stiff in his trousers, something that usually only happened with assistance from his right hand or if watching porn or maybe his spanking DVDs.

Alan went home elated, not just because he had enjoyed the show but, even more so, because of what had happened since. He kept thinking back over and over, thinking of Kim's kisses and her smiles, was she planning on coming to his house to do more than watch comedy DVDs?

Kim herself felt a bit strange. She very much liked the fact that a man obviously fancied her because it seemed that her husband had stopped doing that a long time ago. Kim was wondering if she had gone too far with the passion of her kisses but then she was wondering how much further she might be prepared to go. For the moment, she looked forward to receiving a text from Alan saying that he had booked a day off work and she would worry about what might happen next then.

Alan would have no trouble getting a day off work, he normally took his holiday entitlement in single days because he had no wish to go away anywhere for a break because he had nobody to go with. He was very keen to see Kim again so he booked the coming Friday off, in three days' time.

He sent Kim a text, making sure that he did it during the day. 'Hi Kim, I have booked Friday off and hope that is good for you,' read Alan's text.

Kim replied very promptly. 'Yeah that is great I will make my own way to you, assume you are still at the same place. What time?' Kim replied.

'As soon as you want but I could pick you up, yes I am at the same place,' replied Alan.

'No, don't want neighbours seeing me getting into your car. See you Friday xxx,' responded Kim.

'Yes see you then,' typed Alan.

Friday morning arrived and Kim was unsure how to dress. She did not know whether to dress as a woman that was visiting a friend to watch some DVDs or as a woman visiting that same friend to potentially fuck. Part of the indecision was because she was unsure exactly what she expected to happen and not entirely sure what she wanted to happen.

Kim put on black trousers and a red blouse with a black bra and knickers underneath, she put on some makeup but not too much, it was only just after nine in the morning after all. As she did not drive she went by bus to near where Alan lived.

Alan had got up that morning feeling excited and nervous. He did not know what was going to happen but the possibility of having sex with Kim Bell, if it was a possibility, had got him on edge. He had not been to bed with a woman for more than three months and that was only a slightly drunken fuck with a right slag after he had had a rare night in a pub.

Alan was already semi-erect and Kim had not arrived yet. He was hoping that he did not embarrass himself by getting a hardon if she was really only there to watch comedy DVDs.

Alan's heart leapt when he saw the attractive mature woman open his garden gate and walk up the short path to his door. He was at the door before she knocked.

"Hello Kim," said Alan, as he opened the door. He resisted the urge to add 'you look fucking gorgeous.'

"Hello Alan," replied Kim, thinking how handsome he looked.

"Come in, go through there; Would you like a coffee?" said Alan, taking the opportunity to look at Kim's arse in her quite tight trousers as she went past him.

"Yes, white, no sugar; Please," smiled Kim back over her shoulder, catching Alan looking at her backside as she both thought and hoped that he would.

"Sweet enough then," chuckled Alan, hoping that Kim had not realised that he was ogling her arse.

"Either that or fat enough," laughed Kim.

"You are curvy, not fat," said Alan, putting the kettle on.

"Okay, curvy I like," smiled Kim.

"Oh, please sit down," said Alan, now in the living room and indicating the settee. As Kim put her big arse down, Alan went back into the kitchen to make the coffees.

Alan came back in with the drinks and placed them on the coffee table in front of Kim. "Shall I put one of the DVDs on now?" asked Alan.

"Yeah, sure," replied Kim.

"I will just close these curtains if you don't mind because sometimes you can get the sun in your eyes sitting there looking at the TV," said Alan, pulling the curtains shut without waiting for a response.

"Oh this is cosy," smiled Kim, and her smile was so sexy that Alan felt his cock twitch.

Alan put a DVD in and moved, with the remote control, to sit in an armchair at an angle to the settee on which Kim was seated.

"Oh, aren't you going to sit here with me?" Kim almost pouted, she was flirting and she knew it.

"Um, do you want me to?" responded Alan, getting concerned about his stiffening cock causing embarrassment.

"Yes please," smiled Kim.

Alan sat on the settee next to Kim, at a non-touching distance, and pressed the remote to start the DVD.

Alan had seen it several times before and knew what was coming but still found it amusing but Kim was shrieking with laughter.

After a while, it was not clear who moved towards whom or maybe they both moved, their hips were touching, their knees were touching and their arms were touching as Kim remained in hysterics at the comedian on the DVD.

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Further into the DVD, although he did not remember doing it, Alan had his arm around Kim's shoulder and her head was on his chest as they both continued laughing, Kim louder than Alan.

The DVD eventually finished and Kim, her eyes sparkling with laughter, raised her head from Alan's chest and looked into his eyes. "All this laughing has made me so fucking horny," said Kim, before planting a kiss on Alan's lips.

She did not stop at that because she swung her right leg over him and was on his lap facing him as she almost devoured Alan's mouth with hers. Alan put his hands on her arse and his penis headed towards full erection as the snogging continued.

Kim raised herself higher so she was kissing down onto Alan's face and his hands got better access to her arse, giving an improved access that they took advantage of as they cupped her cheeks and fingers drifted into her arse crack.

Kim finally took her mouth off Alan's. "You have got to fuck me, Alan," Kim said breathlessly.

"Are you sure?" croaked Alan, concerned about Kim's marital status.

"Never been more sure," replied Kim, lowering herself to grind against Alan's bulge.

"Bedroom?" said Alan, his wish about to be fulfilled.

"Yep," replied Kim, getting off his lap. Her sparkling eyes now reflected lust.

Alan led the way upstairs, hoping that his performance would satisfy a woman that he had fancied for years.

Alan was still trying to get his self-doubt out of his head as the couple snogged in the bedroom as Kim undid Alan's belt and trousers.

"Oh Kim, you do not know how many times I have thought of being in a bedroom with you," sighed Alan, as Kim pulled his trousers down and fondled his erection through his underpants.

"Well now you are honey, and we are going to fuck," said Kim, as Alan, his fingers trembling a bit, undid her blouse.

Kim sensed Alan's nervousness. "Relax, honey," Kim whispered seductively, although as her hand was now inside Alan's underpants massaging his stiff cock relaxing was not too easy.

Alan did gain in confidence though, as he undid the zip on Kim's trousers and started to lower them. "This is so hot," Alan said, as much to himself as to Kim.

Kim had lowered Alan's underpants and had his erection in her hand as Alan fingered Kim's cunt through her knickers.

The foreplay was exciting but they both wanted to get on with the fucking. Kim stepped back from Alan, took off her trousers that were at her knees, then took off her blouse and then her bra. With her eyes on Alan's, she pulled down her knickers and stepped out of them, leaving herself naked.

Alan followed her lead, struggling out of his lowered trousers and underpants and then taking off his shirt.

Kim smiled and backed to the bed, spreading her legs and offering her hairy cunt. "Fuck me," she said, although the words were not necessary because the invitation was obvious.

Alan gave a silent prayer that he did not cum too soon and got on the bed in between the mature woman's legs. Kim guided his penis into her cunt and they both sighed as penetration was made.

Alan pushed deeper and then they started to fuck. It soon got up to quite a speed as Alan's rod moved in and out of Kim's wet cunt and they were both groaning with lust, excitement and effort.

Alan got his first wish about giving Kim some satisfaction as she announced her first orgasm. "Mmmm, yes, yes, oh fuck, cumminggg!" shrieked Kim, almost laughing.

A now elated Alan kept thrusting and although he could tell that he would not be able to hold back his ejaculation for long he was delighted when Kim came again.

Although he would have liked to have kept fucking for the next two hours, Alan was content that Kim had got pleasure so he was not unduly perturbed when his penis started spitting spunk into the woman's cunt. Kim shrieked with laughter again.

When Alan had stopped cumming, and after a kiss, he rolled off and the couple were side by side laughing like newlyweds or a teen couple after their first-ever sex.

"I needed that," said Kim.

"Me too, but aren't you getting any at home?" responded Alan.

"Nope, not for a long time," replied Kim.

"Well if you ever want..." started Alan.

"Alan, I think I will be watching your DVDs a lot," interrupted Kim, before bursting into laughter.

"I have got some spanking ones too," said Alan, matter-of-factly.

"Oh have you, you pervert? Are you into that?" chuckled Kim, propping herself up on her elbow and kissing Alan.

"Not done it much but I like watching DVDs of it. Are you into it?" asked Alan, sounding hopeful.

"Not done it much either but show me your DVDs," replied Kim, suspecting that despite living alone Alan probably kept them somewhere different to his comedy DVDs. She was right.

Kim looked at Alan's quite firm arse as he got off the bed and went to a wardrobe and came back with about a dozen DVDs.

Kim looked at them and there were some compilation ones and some that appeared to have a story to them. Mostly they were men spanking women but there was one showing women spanking men. Kim held that one up for Alan and smiled. "Maybe I will put you over my knee one day," the attractive woman said.

"And maybe you will go over mine," said Alan, thrilled at the thought.

Kim then came across one that featured a lot of caning. "Did you ever get the cane at school?" Kim asked.

"No, did you?" replied Alan.

"No, but I saw a sixth-form girl coming out of the headmistresses study once holding her arse and tears streaming down her face," said Kim.

"Will you really come back one day and watch these spanking DVDs?" asked Alan.

"Yes, looking forward to it already," said the ever-smiling Kim.

She had already been at Alan's house for more than two hours but she had plenty of time yet and was content to chat and laugh with Alan.

"We could watch one of them now," said Alan.

"No, save them for next time; Could watch another comedy one though," replied Kim, wanting the spanking DVDs to be combined with more fucking but she was not too sure if more fucking this day would be possible.

"Do you want a shower?" offered Alan.

"Not yet; I do not want to go on the bus smelling of sex but love the feeling and smell at the moment," replied Kim.

They both got partly dressed, Kim putting on her knickers and blouse and Alan his shirt and underpants but both blouse and shirt were left undone. They went downstairs and both laughed when they saw that the TV had been left on when they had gone upstairs to fuck.

They watched another comedy DVD but this time Kim had her bare legs draped over Alan's lap as he caressed them.

They laughed through the second DVD and, with it finished, they again snogged. Alan's cock stiffened a bit but he was doubtful about being able to perform again. "Um, not sure if I can fuck again," said Alan, apologetically.

"That is okay honey, there will be other times," replied an unsurprised Kim.

"If so, I had better start taking viagra," said Alan and they both burst into laughter.

"I would not mind licking you though If you would like me to," said Alan.

"I would like that very much; It is years since I have had my cunt tongued," replied Kim.

"Do you want to go back on the bed or me do it here?" asked an enthusiastic Alan.

"Down here is fine with me, honey," replied Kim, the curtains were still closed from earlier.

Alan moved the coffee table out of the way and Kim, on the settee, lifted her arse so that Alan could take her knickers off.

Kim shifted forward slightly and when Alan was down on his knees, she put her legs over his shoulders leaving her cunt ready for oral pleasuring.

Alan licked, kissed, sucked and played with Kim's wet cunt and was sending her wild. He tongued her to one orgasm, which she loudly announced. "Shit! Fuck, oh fucking hell," Kim shouted as Alan's tongue took her over the edge.

Alan kept licking and indulged in some clit playing and Kim writhed through a second noisy orgasm.

She was drained and Alan's face was coated in her cum. "Fuck, that was sensational," a panting Kim acknowledged.

"Maybe you want that shower now," said Alan, still looking at Kim's wet cunt and thighs.

"Yeah, I think I had better," agreed Kim, getting off the settee once Alan had moved.

Alan now got what he realised was his first look at Kim's bare arse and he vowed to himself to pay a lot of attention to that next time.

Kim had her shower and got fully dressed before they had another long kiss. "Let me know when you book your next day off," Kim instructed.

"I will but are weekends out of the question?" said Alan.

"Well they are difficult but I might be able to sort something; Not this weekend though," replied Kim.

"Looking forward to you watching my spanking DVDs," smiled Alan.

"Me too," said Kim, rubbing her buttocks and then bursting into laughter.

Their meeting in the taxi rank queue was linked to laughter and they had laughed a lot since.

They would hopefully get together again soon.

Written by PJH
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